CH Amaz मmar Regeneración No. 245 KNRIQUE IT. ORES MAGON.
Still Our President Wil Not Speak Out.
that was dipleasing to him and anarchy march side by side, the prico of being loyal to their especially in Mexico, will realite began to fill the jails with all of Tlie novement has also spread class.
this, and that the principle inEdited by WM. OWEN those who not understanding or in the northern armies, and its Warren Billings, accused of volved makes it as important that realizing the abrupt change per progress is alarming and danger causing the explosion that killed 10 one man be saved as a number sisted in their work which they ous, for anarchy will not aid the persons and injured many more in of men.
Published by voluntary Send money payable to considered perfectly legitimate as cause of peace in Mexico. the preparedness parade in San Tlie release of Velasco would Subscription.
lad been guaranteed to them by Last Labor day, celebrated in Francisco on July 22nd, has been leave Carranza in a sorry disconSingle copy 6cs. Saturday Sep 30, 1916 Box 1236. Los Angeles, cel. the very same word of their Mexico on May 1, stood on a found guilty and convicted on fiture, as he would be pretty well Chief.
street corner in Veracruz and that charge. Life sentence is ex stripped of his bull. and his way ahead of you. To him the tants and would say it again toHowever, these malcontents watched the obreros parade. In pected.
arrogance suffer a bad smash, issue is perfectly clear, and has day, if she could get tle power.
were given to uuderstand that tlie procession. was a new flag So many similar outrages Kave As to the crime of Velasco, a become so within a short five That is precisely what the big they had someone to obey and that attracted my attention. No been perpatrated by the ruling good idea may be had from the With you no prominent monopolist says to the little mothat they either had to do so or ticing an inscription on it pres. class that they have ccased to be following paragraph of the deciman lias had the courage and nopolist, and tlie little monopohonesty, as yet, to speak the list to the victims whom he in his take the consequences, which sed closer to read the words. The unusual, but this latest one certain sion, taken froin El Pueblo. At last the President of the truth, and you are groping help turn preys. It is also what the meant death, imprisonment or ex crimson banner contained a me ly seems to be without paralel. In leading Carraanza organ of Mex: reign of terror was in morial tribute to the anarchists all such cases the mercenary press ico City: Ernesto II. Velasco is nited States has found tliat it lessly amid the darkuess unscru big labor organization says to augurated and those refusing to who were hanged in Chicago for has always convicted its victims found guilty of the crime of comorgrnization, squares with his interests to let pulous politicians envelope you, the little labor Do wrong President Wilson? and what all labor organization submit were punished according complicity in the Ilay Market long before the trial was ended, but plicity in rebellion and for the out a portion of the truth respecto ly, while others who were too pro riot!
in this instance the evidence of said crime, lie is condemned to ing Mexico. He is wise in his Do calumniate him? Let him says the unorganized mass tiat, minent to be handled roughly The above demostrates that the the persecution was so miscrably suffer the death penalty.
generation. Truth telling is to speak før himself. In the care necessarily, has to stand outside were won to Carranza cause by Mexicans are not so ignorant bungling and fallucious that even the Guilty of tlie crime of compliday the most dangerous of occupa. Tully studied address in which he its ranks. wolf pliilosophy, tlie promise of good positions and after all, in the matter of organi. ire of the prostituted press was the city in rebellion and sentenced tions, but to have your mouth full ascepted tlie presidential nomina that slays its lambs in cold blood money, thereby becoming mouth zation, as genearlly supposed. It best proof of the absolute innocence to death for daring to go on of sympatlıy for the down trodden tion he defended his own Mexican and cries hipocritically to heaven: pieces and apologizers for Carran shows that they knew enough to of the accused, and in the face of strike in demand of a few more we feare they would attack 115.
masses, is to travel the high road policy and the Mexican revolution za and his machine.
crumbs of bread!
celebrate Labor day the 1st of that he is convicted.
in terms wlich inust have inade Lack of space renders it imposto political preferment, An idea of the sort of agitation May instead ol the master chosen The thing is inconceivable, but a Can a better illustration be given millions of voters rub their eyes sible for me to criticize liere the President Wilson has had to deand doubt whether we, or our polished phrases in which Presi going on at that time in Mexico, date for that occasion; it shows few facts will save speculation: San of government at its best? Tor fend his Mexican policy; has been compelled to furnish some explatroops, liave any right whatever dent Wilson contented that under and which caused Carranza to that they organize and strike in Francisco is perfectly terrorized just it must be renicinbered that Ca.
government to be in Mexico. IIe pleaded for his administration American take that step, may be had by dustrially instead of by piecemeal now and ruled by the Law and Or rranza and his nation that will save his face Mexico right to make her own business and life and industry reading the following excerpts and that the red flag is not strange der gang. Opposition means in lave repeatedly been paraded as with the plutocrats whose contriquisition. Had it not been for an example of what a good mat revolution, just as this country have been set free to move as they from an article by Chas. to them.
butions are necessary to his cam made its own a plea that is a ways popular never moved before. It is not Starrett that appeared at that (To be continued. few bold and bravc spirits that dur and a good government can do od raise their voices for the accused, when given a cliance. And this paign; has been forced to speak because it appeals to a general so. Monopoly grip grows strong, time in the Chicago Daily News. COX, in tones that will ring well in the sentiment which the patriotic er all the time, and what has been One of the most dangerous and against tremendous odds, the noose is the Carranza that has used the ears of the common people, whose of the Chamber of Commerce would terin, yours for tlie Social Revreally done for Labor is to fasten unruly elements now tolerated school house has exaltext into votes fie must liave.
And eve11 in Mexico is the Casa del Obrero have done short work of them. It olution above his name as one religion. And thien lie touched on its back an army of oficial parunder that enormous pressure, was as ever, the insignificant minor of his scliemes in catching sucke on the true issue in these words: asites, and develop a spy and de Mundial (Workers of the World ity, that saved the day, while the ers. This is the Carranza that and even under the whip of this the people of Mexico have not tective system which the Govern Jlome) said to be a branch of the tremendous sell interest (I label To this date we have been un prominent labor leaders with their cried, Today begins the Social been suffered to own their own ment of Russia, in her most cor. I, and, at any rate, introit tremendous because it well country or direct their own insti rupt days, might well have envied, duced originally by agents from able to learn any more about the sheep like following made the usu Revolution. upon reacling Ve.
may make us tremble) only a pertutions. Outsiders. men out of Let have a Big America. the United States. Its combina death of our comrade Eugenio al criminal and cowardly display of racruz after being chased out of Alzalde, who was recently mur their apathy and utter selfishness. Mexico City in 1914.
socialisın, verted portion of thic truthi escapes other nations and with interests says President Wilson. That tion of uninteligent May this his prudent lips.
dered by a prison guard in a TexThe crass impotence and purpose serve to put a quietus on the too often alien to their own, have was the one sentiment which ap tropical temperament and ner.
Carranza boosters, summon every reader of this dictated what their privileges and pealed to IIearst, and he spread vous trigger finger is likely to he as penal camp where comrades of the persccution is glaringly dig hosts section to witness that through opportunities should be and who it in big type all over his papers, a growing menace.
Rangel and Cline and their fellow played in the following paragraph of paid and otherwise, wito have out President Wilson term of of should control their land, their as giving the true leart of the recent episode is typical.
workers are serving their sen the dispatches: The District At made it a practice to hail him as tences.
fice have hammered at him in lives and their resources some of address. Yes; that is what every Not long ago an old church was torney promised to obtain a pardon a Messialı. This practice has not cessantly, hoping against hope them Americans, pressing for Governinent yearns to be; the big turned over to the members of the information of this nature when lings if he would tell what he knows press and writers alone. but unIt is extremely difficult to get or commutation of sentence of Bil been confined to the capitalist that might find in him the one things they never could have got am. the one that shall liave Casa del Obrero, as a place of politician whose conscience would in their own country. The Mex the power to annex and own; to convention: Trouble arose upon and particularly a Texas peniten Perfectly consistent and proper of many radicals and even so called such things happen in a priso11. of an alleged dynamite conspiracy, fortunately has been taken up by goad him into throwing away the ican people are entitled to at rule the lives of more and more an effort being made to have the tiary, so we only know what ap. Law and Order and Authority. anarchists who seem to reason padlock of experiency and free tempt their liberts from such in millions; to run all competitors patriotic members of the organi peared in the last issue of rece Theie plan of a Judas, a McManig that a wolf is very good if he on ing his tongue to speak the simple fluences, and so long as have out of business. Increase of pow zation become soldiers, and the Alzalde assassinatruth. Time and again have anything todo with the action ofour er is the end and ruin; the sole church was taken from them. Inal, a Meserve is becoming hellishly ly lias a shecp skin on.
tion is only an incident and a popular and virtuous. What they It has been a sickening proposaid, with every ounce of earnest great government shall do ev moralitv, tlie sole religion; and cidentally, a troop of cavalry was ness could command. You are erything in my power to prevent lie whose activities tend to mate stabled within the sacred walls. sample of Texas prison brutali. want is Mooney and Nolan and sition to put up with the chant of ty; and he is gone. But Rangel, anything that will get them is fair. the socialist press, and even some the nation head adviser. The anyone standing in their way. rialize that fatal ambition is the In retaliation the angry labo Cline and the other comrades masses have to look to you for ex Brave words, when you read good citizen and spotless saint, rites called a strike. Chicago remain, and who can say who Quite a few other reasons but anarchist papers, in their praise act information as to exact facts.
while he who seeks to thwart it inost hardened walking delegate will be next.
them casually; words that space will not allow; among these, of Carranza and his work, espe.
Do not mislead them. Do not de haps tlie Mexican revolutionists is the criminal outcast, for wloin never dreamnt of the sort of walkThis makes two of our comthe open shop cheap slaves and cially in reference to his land lude them with the pretense that should welcome, since they may no punishment is bad enough, out that followed. Construction rades murdered in cold blood there the 21. 000 reward to the hounds laws, which seem to be regarded as the Mexicans are making a polit serve to open eyes that have been Ilaving the battlefields of Europe and destruction work stopped as if Eleven for the conviction of these rebels a marvel. This, in the face of the remain. And ical revolution and will be satisin view let us pray that tlie spoke at the flourish of a sorcerer what splendid and rare types erwho are a thorn on the hides of the fact that while the people have blinded hitherto. But they are fied when they obtain some niodel leisurely indian paint eryone of them are.
blood suckers.
taken up arms for free land, Ca.
not brave words when you consid thrust by Mexico into the wheel wand.
None of politician as President. Tell the er the care with which the lan of our own plutocracy anibitions ing a balcony packed up his pot tlieni have wavered a bit in their will soon go to trial and their fate it so for them that they have to Mooney, Nolan and Mrs. Mooney rranza, with liis laws, las fixer!
people straight that Mexico is in guage of this address must have may prove effective. At any rate and brush, mentioning casually ideals and love for the cause, in desperate, stick at nothing revolt been selected and the attendant the Mexicans are speaking out as he left that he was in sympa spite of their dogged existence, depends on the solidarity and sup pay the landlords for it, in spite because Mexicans find themselves circumnstances. Ifor the moment, and dowering a thought bemud with some one or other over in The letters from them are an in: port of the workers, those who re of what he has said thru his falandless because they have and at one of the most critical died world with one clear issue the next bolck; a cochero (coach spiration and show a wonderful cognize and appreciate a good fight. mous governor of Yucatan, Alawakened to the appalling fact moments conceivable, the man the confiscation of unearned pro man) calmly refused a fare and spirit. To quote from a recent Send all money for their defense to varaslo, that land should be as that their country has passed into had the ears of the whole world perty.
for the stables; a milkman letter of comrade Luz Mendoza: Robert Minor, 210 Russ Bldg. 235 free as the light of day and the the hands of foreign speculatores; strained to catch his every utterReality alone counts. Secreta, interrupted his round and sped We are cheerful and firm as the Montgomery St. San Francisco, air. because they recognize, at last, good sample of Carranza agiCal.
It was his chance to reveal ry Lansing is now in daily con homeward.
All over town eye first day, all hopeful of being free that a people which has to exist himself as really big. It was his ference with Carranza commis brows went up and implements once more some time. We are COX.
tation in this country can be seen by the gracious permission of the chance to speak out boldly and sioners, and their main efforts are went down. By noon the coaches confident of you all, whom we rein an article by Edmund Marti.
nez, in The Musses for Septemabsentee landrod is a people that, strike a really staggering blow for being directed, if one is to credit had disappeared fron the streets gard as our most true brothers, ber. In this article the writer inposes, has passed out of existe linself in ambiguous double ing Mexicans from slaughtering one the noon day siesta (nap) that and worthy cause, even if we dulges in such phrases as this: The Carranza is determined to have Carranza Revolution. our own meanings, and contented liimself another, or even to securing peace were not taken down at the usual knew that you were going to forhis blood proletarian blood. Venustiano Carranza. our First This is what, in these columns with shooting near the mark. along tlie boriler, but to insuring hour.
get us, but we know good and With his plans for a wholesale Cheif etc. But in marked conand elsewliere, liave been urg. What would not the indicted edi the safety of American invest Then toward evening the most well you never will, or that you slaughter of striking ing President Wilson to say, and tors of this hunible sheet have ments, What the monopolist has workers trast with Carranza attitude to severe blow fell. With a sympa will cease working in our favor, frustrated by the solidarity and ward the workers of Mexico City, have adiled always that it was given for that opportunity of legally acquired, no matter how thy no one dreamed they possess. 13 men, all told, after years in prompt action of the latter, his take a look at these remarks of Marimperative on liiin, as chief guard scoring a deadly bull eye?
immorally, the nionopolist must ed, the cooks stroke and deserted a Texas prison; and this is their royal pride was badly ruffled tinez in The Masses: Under Caian of the nation welfare. to Consider! When President Wil. keep.
the hotels and restaurants as rats spirit, point out unflinchingly that the son complained tliat outsiders WM, OWEN.
and must bee assuaged. For this rranza the workers are not only enleave a sinking ship. But this Alzalde was exceptional; a gen purpose a rebellious worker has couraged to organize, but their orvery identical processes that have dictated what privileges and affected the authorities and the ius as an organizer. pioneer been picked out for the rifle ganization is a part of his plan for forced Mexico into bloody revolu opportunities Mexicans should enhand of the law intervened send of the Liberal party, he did tell squad. Only one, since more the new state which he is trying to tion are working, day and night, joy and who should control ing a flying squadron of gendar ing work in Mexico and in this would probably be too big a risk, create. Speaking of land distribuin these United States, and with their land, he KNEW that ninemes who went after the recalci country in the time of Diaz, He and the benevolent First Chief is tion he says. but we are willan energy unprecedented in the teen twentieths of his auditors (Continued from last issue)
trant chefs and put then back to was a living and walking dynamo not particularly anxious to part ing to liave these estates appraised history of any otlier country, and readers would understand him work. Even the chinese laun and never ceased. Continually with his precious, Constitutional and bought by the government, as The most monstrous of all imagi as opposing interference in MexSo, the workers liad seen their dries were shut dowri, much to on the move. he no sooner was ist hide.
nable crimes that of barring hu ican politics; would say to them dreams and aspérations yanislı the disconfiture of the celestials, heard from in a place when he we do not wish to have anybody man beings from the use of this selves: Yes, we have no business into thin air once more and again who in vain protested that they was far away in his tireless mis ican press, we had reported in the land from the landgrabbers who According to news in the Mex say that we arc robbers. Buying earth, onand from which they have to dictate to the mexicans (a thing paid the price for their simplicity, were not Mexicans.
sion. Such are our Texas pris the last issue of RIGINIRACION have stolen it, while the people are.
to live is international, but now by the way, tliat President Wil. or ratlier their crime, of follow The strike had many amusing oners. No yellow there, tliat the striking workers in Mex blecding for it! Such is the Cawhere has its practice been more son hiinself is doing all the time) ing a POLITICIAN, fraud, a features but its serious aspect Could you and would you do ico City had been found not rranza work praised by the social.
relentless than in these United whom they shall elect as Presi. quack; a thing lower than which could not be overlooked. It indi. anything for them?
guilty of treason to the govern ist and radical press of the country.
States, and nowhere are the inevitable dent, or what form of constitution has yet to be found.
cated the strength of the organi An agitation has been started in ment by a courtmartial, and turn Fino education for those who scek consequences coming more swift tliey shall adopt. And tliat is They found themselves in the ly into evidence. Within the last NOT tlie position, either in Mex sorry predicament of having all zation and what its members could the Spanish section of REGENE ed over to the civil authorities. their emuncipation.
do in the way of paralysis of in RACION for a twentyfour hour However, latest and more authentic few months have had heart to ico or in tliis country. It is not the efforts and power tliey liad cannot last every walk of life. Always absolute ownership; of the few turned against them, and this per of the body is not good and tal treatment meted out to our say that all the prisoners were and may this serve to convince the its leaders are avowed anarchists Texas comrades, and at the same unconditionally, released by the skeptics.
have found them profoundly dis being able to say, and saying to dignitary began his work by chas.
of the red flag type.
time for their liberation. All inte court martial but one, Etnesto contented and filled with vague the many: This is ours. Get ing the danned cattle out of the COX alarm as to the future, Generally out.
Labor Temples and restoring either anarchy or an auction sale, this office. In the states the red flag means rested please communicate with Velasco, who was sentenced to suffer the death penalty, whiclı they have asked me where, in niy That is precisely whiat tlie them to his class, the parasites, but in Veracruz it is much in evisilows that Velasco must be exR. COX.
All money for REGENERA.
opinion, the real trouble lies, and stronger Governments say to the The deal was too raw and dis dence when the troops parade or always return the same answer. weaker Governments, as Germany content broke loose again, but when tlie obreros(workers)march.
ceptionally obnoxious to the au CION should precisely be sent to It is this: You Americans do not said it to Belgium, and as the by tliis time Carranza was strong For be it known that a vast numgust First Chieſ, Enrique Flores Magon, Box Velasco is 110w awaiting exeunderstand your own country. As nited States said it to the Indians. enough to impose himself and ber of tlie soldiers are miembers of 1236, Los Angeles, Calif.
cution and the only thing that yet you do not recognize that it That is precisely what the strong managed to clieck it, for the time the organization. Side by side will save him is a demonstration has fallen completely into thc er church Government the Ro being at least, with his military niarch the standard bearers with The master clas hass again scor as portentous as the one that peononte Freedom and its relation to Labore grip of the land and money mou Catholics. said to the weaker ring. He proceeded to stop all the red flag and the national em ed, and once more a worker, or ra saved all the other strikers.
opolist. Tiere the Mexican is church Governments the Protes, agitation, written and spoken, blem. Thus do patriotism and ther a number of workers must pay Let us hope that the workers, war Dopies, TC. Der canza permore start аnсе.
GARRANZA STILL AT IT. ber. In this article the writer in21 eiice. The Frisco Case.
DAND for World Wide Struggle. Selected from writloge of Ricardo Florea Bagon, Antonio de Araut und Wm. Owen, 106 copy. La orden