CapitalismDemocracyFranceSocialismSpainWorking Class

English Section Regeneracion.
The Army of. Discontent.
Americans, Awake!
18 Races Put You Madero! Pooh!
Madero will Sell out for 20, 000, 000 or CONtag woman by the not 中南 are pooplo wanky Tho oxlotanou of the and it is what the Moxtonn Liberal Army of Tilboration, to contront Tatt Do not ohirk, orthor Individually or Ivo millonero Mindoro fruternity, the tarty yeurns to extend to all its pole and la Army of Morgan xod Ilonginun. collaotlvaly, Cramp tho oftuation; Dilshod avory Huturday at 6184 Inud monopoldat, into whouo etiomu our low Herukklore. We ANO Internation QC nu bogin to protout in tho namo inako up, your mindo to oxort your 4th Bt. Lou Angolos, Onl.
Amorican plutooray long to top oth in the fulloxt, thu atralashtust of the worklus, olnub. and tho, Amori nolvos, ahd a dooro of ways in whick Telop lono: Home 1960. Dinx Is TA. but lot 18 not for and the most unfulturlig morning of Pra Nuova. Italian woolly od station or an oilgarchy an gruphing to con pnoploi, you chui va usotul will suggot thom.
tubuaription ratos: gut llut, whillo offonhos always com, the word, attorson, N, dovolup two thirds the people. that, oxtatine today Every Soonlist local, gyory Inbor sályas, For oxilinplo, hundrotu for annum 00the ullinato blamo in to no lullil on of its front page to The Ravolution under the rule of Dinx. It calls upy. uuluu, yyory ruuluu uud liberal club Spoulok and Italian papors in this der Wix month 41. 10 cose Lirauio whom thay como.
In Moxloo, HIVING It rentora enro Cal attoncion to tho nincrity with han now a duty. In loun than plxty country and Juropa Invo publlulod for three month 00 fully condemned Account of the pros which Qubu bas roupondod, to the ap ayu wo may have the conflagratiou our manifosto. It has trapolatod Aladero, writon a rollabla corren.
ress made in the varioulo statoa and voal. on behalf of the Moxlenn ruvulu. of indlgnation rouring and tho work into ingllah and Gormon. Soo to It BUNDLN ORDANA.
pondeut. 1x tha Krantuon of it rich torritorlor. Tho articlo londod, Lion, and Dublados a long lint of thoso Ink class of tho Unitou Sinton soothing that your paporu roprodąco it in full 100 copies 00 citlaan Northorn Moxico, and one The bamor of the Liberal arts who have lluioribul munay for tho will result. Misuro Dobu la tho und onllghton thelr yöndors on this all.
o ouple 119. 80 or facully owning approximately marche front victory to victory. Appoal to Roon, purpong of mupporting tho struksio.
important qubjoot.
1900 ponton The following, which in the trans 220. 00 000. 000 ncros of land, of wluleh not It lo noodloss to any that in our more than vis per cent pays inny tnx lation of ocent artlolos by Ricardo Nothing could be nor than tlio nc Freedom (London, long. dovotou struggio ngainot plutocracy wo nood ditor and Propriotor, Ampolino tu te dutrlet, stato, Or Buttonal (I VALAFlor Moon, nppetu to uu luuly 11 (1011 lakon by The Agitator, of itu entiro oditorial pago to an artiolo all tho monoy that can bo raisod, and riguoron.
vlv at the stdlculu 11:11 041 o to Ho ury Tu rumalungs 4, 760, 000 acres aro Ilomo, Wasli. The Inat fasuo to hand outllied Social Rovolution in Moxico, enlled moalb11atrs luy cortalu ormany Spaniel panoro long ago oponod hold urclunvely from tho your citizonu contains on the front page an appeal bagod largoly on Magon u oxposition lu subscription late. Buroly their oxumEm thnt, Having rovolution wityu Notorod booond class mattor for whom ho oxprono 10 tisch un.
to the Workorn of Amorlon, donlod Rogonornolon of thy diforont popla plo ghould bo followed.
Un thoni pa, aru miring thumnolvou Haplombor 12, 1910, at cho pogt of dying love lint ronta nro charfod for Shull Amorica lurottlo doo at Los Angeles, California, undor uno o mud 101Bes on theso unusuod 111 to buss Moxlcantlong couplo by tho Moxionu Liborul Holp the propaganda in ovory posprotondod Do not Let Latin refortuu, Troodom Wo quoto follows: Party and Madero, the sot of March 9, 1870.
Tho articla in Blblo way, romomboring always that acros; Indian women are charged for sindrik Il to be the highway to po American dollars and American solo question luyo special stroge on the ro.
In doing so you help yoursolvos and No. 33.
titleni ottico mall bundlos of fagols or Aticle of dlore aro bolne od to onunve tho pontod ovortures for ponco modo by cloar trio road for tho omancipation of Saturday, April 20, 1011, od that would servo 18 fuol for the Moxican people Tho pooplo of Mux. Madero, quoting papora duting back nu your clnas and tho attainmont of a lio cookius of their inonls; and not one 1121 ponudo! Thiu les the cry of the To Shame. wortli llviug for yoursolvos nnd thoso 119. 920 fout oľ 13118 lave lins woon of impietonloo. thu hwl of the renctionn. Ico havo rlsøn 111 rovolt asuinst for sin fobruary 27.
byutom of oppression worso by far rion, thy Vaculation of tho bourdopondont on you. It is for our wivos ferol ng a return or given to tlio Pub than that of Nusula They are on tho The latest nuubor of Tho Agita AMERICANS AWAKT and childron as woll as for ourgolvos lic Domain out of which homos couil oolu inca lo laco with thio picturo ot ovo of victory, and tho noldlord of frootor, rocolvod altor the first part of Tho Junta of tho Moxican Liboral that wo must struggio.
bo offorod by tho govorumont, to the Cho Soclacy of the Futuro. ImpossiAmorica aro going to ouppress them! those notes had boon sot in typo, ngain Party his ordorod the following cir.
Innlogg clasg 11ponible! Imposiblol Thls is the depth to which Americndovotes almost all ontlro pago to the cular sont to Socialist locals through Hero ly a fnct pregnant with subToll thom that no one line. right has closcondol unor the rulo or cap Moxican Novolution, roproducing the out the United Statos: Gostion. From ouo buod utono alona, Wo lavo criticised Tho ooplo to inko to laimsolt a portion of the Itallein.
corrospondonco botwcon Emma Gold.
In tho Spanish quarter of Los Angeles, Paper for keeping sllent when all the would thu fullor produces; loll thom letter from the editor states that man and Migon. It also calls there were sold, the evening of Satuf world was talking of tho Mexican Rov. that the eartla 13 tlo natural possub 5000 oxtra coples of tho paparyhich attoution to the fact that tho Seattlo Comrados! For, whatovor hair splitday, Aprll li, and Sunday moruids, olutlon. Last week, howevor, it gavo blon of all humanity; toll them that ting pedants may say, you 2re our April 18, up lo ll o clock in, 850 comrades, a stick to what it properly described the police, the soldlers, the office hold lasmost oxcellent set up savo boon Times ropriated verbatim its provlous publlahod as its contribution to the article on the quarrel between Madero capitalism for years, declaring You have been attacking copies of Roganoracion, 200 copies of as the glorious battle of Mexicali, ors, aro but lovolius who livo hout untask of oducating thio public. Cultura Proletaria and 50 copies or in which it statod that tho falled producing anything useful and tho Moxican Liboral Party, though considering it beneath its digalty as a nomic system is rotten from top to compromisingly that our entiro eco Tierra, besides much other radical icador of tho rovolntionists of Lowor tributing to life pleasuro; loll thony customary literature Meanwhilo newsboys In contrast to cortain alleged reva great dally to give the The following dispatch appears in diw. Callforala is succeeded in office by that thousands uod thousands of butoo and must be rooted out, at all and the Los Angeles Record Just 19 posod of between 2000 and 3000 coples Comrade Price. Then follows a dis man waluss at present ahut up in lutionary Journals, The Chicago Dally credit.
every cost.
we are going to prog: of Regeneracion, the regular odition course on what it calls the double prisons are merely the victims of a Socialist shows a koon sonso of the Mexican prisons are full of men and Dl Internacional. Tampa, Fla. MEXICO CITY, April 28. Auof which soon exhausted. The revolution, which concludes thus: bad social system, tell thom all this Importance of the Mexican Rovoluunder death sentences for thoritative information. 08 to the Latin racoa, at least, are keenly alive The cooler heads will use to bost and thoy call you blaspliomer, ovi tion. The last four isgues to hand reproduces in its English section the to the vital issues of the Mexican advantage the constitutional guaran doer, criminal, every other name to contain two columns dovoted to it, all manifesto on the Mexican revolution teaching what they learned from you. torms on which Francisco Madero, comrades in Mexican soil today is red with the revolution. 1! is not Madero who tees to be offered by the now rogimo which thoy can lay their tongues.
Jr. will consent to forogo the Mexifront page stuff with display head recently issued Tampe, Fla. It calls loudly for soll blood of those, many of them American, royolution was obtained here aroused them.
in order to educate and organize these Yet, beyond all question, we are toll. Inge.
darity, is a most stirring appeal and cans, who are battling to bring to liriday. Madero has submitted his tolling masses; the other (sic. over. ing the truth; and, being convinced of reality the dream with which you inAt last Madoro has spoken out.
demands to the Diaz government as confident, will fight, seeing a that, we are directing all our blowe Political Action (Milwaukee, Wis has a long string of signatures.
spired them. If this does not consti preliminary to the peace conference Through his friend, William Randolph (chance for success.
resolution at the heart of the old social system. cousin. reproduces the From the exchanges received wetute true comradeship the comrade.
urtesies proto come at JuarezThe rebel leader Hearst, to whom he foundly as a defender of Democratic with the emphasis it lays on conhe superficial; we are going to the ative Victor Berger, which recites could add many more quotations and ship of the heart and not of the mere demands that he be allowed to name in the writer of that paragraph, We are not wasting our time attacking submitted to Congress by Representprinciples and the liberties of the peo stitutional guarantees God save the bottom of the question.
summaries, but lack of space and a 1lpg what does?
that the contest in Mexico is between During long years of talk disson states he designates; that the rebel the governors of any Ave Mexican distaste for monotony forbid it. From ple to say nothing of his appetite for mark! whlle the people are exiled That which would seem to be really a rich and powerful oligarchy and a this department, however, the readers slons necessarily arise; but when ac army chlets get corresponding rank Mexican concessions Madero makes bis confession of faith. It is well. not in secret sympathy with Madero ors have lived so long without under people. It demands the withdrawal can obtain some conception of the in tion takes the place of talk; when at in the federal army; that Vasquez from the land and starving if he is impossible is the fact that the work liberty loving, oppressed and despoiled the Henceforth the Mexican Liberal Party and purely political revolution, what standing that they are slaves.
That of the United States army from the tornational interest the Mexican revo. last the proletariat riges to throw off Gomez, head of Washington lution has aroused. For the time be its chalos; these differences should junta, be appointed secretary of the cannot be accused of slandering him.
is he?
which would seem to be really impos. frontier; that of the navy from the It need only point to his own state sible is that the workers have not coast of Mexico, and the adoption of ing the bitter conflict between capital vanish, and every honest soul should interior, and that Madero himself be and labor precipitated by the arrests feel that it is treason to stand, aside.
made assistant foreign secretary: ment in black and white.
Editorially The People Paper acted on the proposal that they should ja policy of strict neutrality, Do not be misled into supposing that there shall be held a fair elecin connection with the destruction of Naturally the public at first inclined insists that the men who know Mex. throw of the yoke.
the Los Angeles Timeg may monopo that the quarrel between Madero and tion for the presidency, and that the ico needs best the Les Temps Mexicans. But the workers are not to blame. Paris, Nouveaux, to Madero for the public worships With this we thoroughly agree, but we for, at least, not wholly to blame, The France. is noted for the excellence plize public attention, but the Mexican ourselves is a quarrel between Mexi. Diaz government contract to pay Cover Revolution represents a national strug cans, which Mexicans should be left dero himself 20, 000, 000 to power and understood he had money of its international notes, Fully one.
and a following. It worships power be point out that the members of the real culprits are the politicians, who cause it longs for action; but Madero Mexican Liberal Party are all Mexi have lulled the proletariat to sleep half of those in the last issue are de Ble involving fundamental economic is. to settle for themselves. It is not. It the cost of the revolution.
Beyond all doubt it is of deep is the old, inextinguishable quarrel It is understood that the Diaz only talked. If the Revolution were to cans, and that the party is anxious, with the dream of a smiling future voted to the Revolution in Mexico, and permanent significance, which will between bourgeoisle and proletartat; government is willing to pay the go up in the air tomorrow which it above all things, that its cause should won by the simple expedient of cast, which it conšlders a fact of most ser with the passing of between monopolists and disinherited; rebel chlef a 15, 000, 000 indemnlty, become clearer Time has demonstrated lous import. It quotes. approvingly every mouth.
be considered international, having ing a vote.
between those who wish to live peace but that the Dlazites are sticking out will not the public would say: emphasized that standpoint in every hat if there is one thing truly in the declaratidhs of the New York fully under the existing system and against the other 5, 000, 000. The Those Mexican Liberal Party fellows manifesto it has 18sued. However, possible it is the achieveemat of eco World that the American army is The Los Angeles Record has re those who know that under the press other terms asked are being considat least fought like tigers, whereas The People Paper ls of the opin nomio liberty by the ballot.
protecting tyranný against liberty and Madero Thus he wasted day by ion that the part that Americans can Run over the 11st of nations in defending the threatened interests and ally endeavored to enlighten the pub ent system there is no peace. Apart ered.
Madero day to the mere shadow of a revoluuc as to the true gist of the Mexican from personality. apart Ordinarily we mueh distrust the tionist, and now he has committed sui play is to give publicity to the people which the people have the right to privileges of Morgan, the Gugand the Revolution. It was through the United from the fact that he is an enormous Mexican news siven in the dailles, cide. Who cares whether Madero and of the United States as to the labor vote and investigate the conditions in genheims, Ryan, Aldrich his friends get into office or do not?
conditions in that enslaved Southern der which their inhabitants live. At Standard Oil Company. stirring Press, with which it is afiliated, that ly rich man, owning approximatelybut the Los Angeles Record has Republic. Money can also be given once it will be seen that the vote has extract from Magon first de we obtained publication of the corres Ave million acres of land and having shown itself largely an exception to pondence still unfinished with Sam proved himself in the past most the general rule and for a long time The man is out of date; a hundred for the aiding of the revolution as had no influence in bettering condi nunciation of Madero is reproduced.
uel Gompers, after finding the Asso tyrannical employer; apart from that past events have pointed steadily in has been done.
years behind the times both On the contrary; year by year as to clated Press impossible; and it has most significant personal fact, this is the direction indicated. We postpone misery grows everywhere more acute. The Public (Chicago) editorialmethods and ideals. The world the struck many telling blows. We clip a guarrel between the superficial te comment for the present.
real world, the working world has Are those last words a hint that year by year thousands and thousandsizes on the battle of Agua Prieta, emformer and the radical revolutionist.
the following from a recent issue: American Socialists have done lost all patience with the ceremonious their of workers are without employment; phasizing the fact that bullets flew This administration, supported by This quarrel, therefore, is yours.
duty already in the matter of finan year by year the garrison populations over the boundary line and heading Big Business, Interviews of high officials, instinctivegeneraled by the Without playing the traitor to the ly scenting danger to its pocket. Ma.
cial aid? What does the whole para in crease at a rate truly frightful; 1ts article, Mexican Revolution in dero passion for negotiations, pour. Fraph we have quoted mean except year by year a larger perecentage of fringes on United States territory. Guggenheims, Otises, Standard 011 and great international cause of the emanaffiliated Highwaymien of Commerce, cipation of labor you cannot ignore it.
Our good friend, Joe Moore, writes that should maintain a women takes to prostitution; year by Apparently the editor considers this That you do not intentionally lgparlers and wordy conferences killed purposes in its heart to protest its own us that Milimen Union, No. 422, of policy of masterly inactivity. We year the number of suicides grows; fact more important than any con.
But it is San Francisco, pledged itself at its last him with the public, and such papers and good; they are masters of their rear by year the struggle for existence sideration of the heart of the Mexiin Mexico, by armed intervention if nore it we know full well.
often hard to see clearly, above all regular meeting to a weekly donation as the Los Angeles Times and its necessary.
That Mr. Taft is now hesi.
own affairs. All that we insist on is becomes more hard and full of trag can revolution; the impulse that has side partner, the Los Angeles Herwhen a movement is being conducted tating means only that he is scared of for the Mexican Revolution, and in a tongue with which most. are un addš that this was the limit allowed by ald, gave the finishing touch. For that people must not blow both ho edy, and humanity finds, itself more giyen birth to these and other. de at the storm he has aroused.
and cold; that they must not declare and more unhappy, in spite of the talls. Yet that impulse happens to acquainted.
Weeks past the former has been pat The people of this country are not its by laws. much further, and themselves international revolutionist electoral vote, in spite of represent. be the one that made Henry George From the very first nine years ago larger, contribution, he writes, may be ronizing Madero as a well meaning en and in the same breath counsel stand ative governments, in spite of the immortal and has given The Pub.
property destroyers. They still have the Mexican Liberal Party has stood expected in the near future. He also thusiast, while the latter has declared a good deal of respect for roperty ing aside when their brothers are progress claimed by what calls itself, lic its reason for existence. The before the public with a clear and sim inform us that Barbarous Mexico.
in screaming capitals that he alone is rights, but the Plain People are coming striking for economic emancipation. democracy.
Mexicans are fighting for the land, and to have an increasing respect for Au ple program from which it has not has been excluded from the public the Simon pure Mexican revolutionist, The Mexican Liberal Party is fully it is The Public, of all other papers Swerved one hair, those who disagreed with him being nan Rights and a continuously deFrom the first it Library. How aggressive are the inAs we have said before the criti. convinced of the fallacy of makeshifts in the United States, that should italhas said that it means to get the terests!
creasing regard at this point the dictionary exhausts for the interests When will labor, as a whole, Inasmuch cism to which we subject The Peor political reforms, Itself. One understands.
asteize and capitalize and play up that When the which Big Business has stolen from LAND, Now monopolized by plutocra learn that it too should abandon once interests decide that any particular ple Paper is forced on us by the pur party is not composed of politi central fact.
the Plain People of our sister nation cy, back to the people. It says so for all the weak position of the defenfact that Los Angeles is the home of ians or place hunters but of proleindividual is safe that ends it: to the south, still. From the first it has said that sive and move solidly to the attack?
the Junta of the Mexican Liberal arians whose sole ambition is to re Solidarity. New Castle, Pa. gives The facts are that the people of it wages war for complete economic Party; the very center of its activities. ieem themselves from wage slavery, it first place to the Manifesto recently this country are just about in the emancipation. It says 80 still, From What does Madero want, according to his own statement to the public, For the local Socialist organ to throw uses the opportunity now presenting issued by the Junta of the Mexican mood to suggest to Messrs. Guggen the first its motto has been Land FOR SALE.
cold water on this genuine struggle tself and goes straight to its goal Liberal Party, reproducing it in full with Hearst as the megaphone?
Beneath that it still and Liberty.
heim, et al. that if they are worried for economic freedom is, therefore, a he economic emancipation of the despite the demand made on its space over their Mexican properties, they fights and will continue to fight.
Twelve acres at Colton, on main political revolution, pure and simple; erious matter, since it is likely to af working class, accomplished by the ex by matters pertaining more immedbis one cry being that Diaz sticks to can go down there and protect them Such a cause claims your adhesion; road to Riverside. Ton acres are in fect Socialist opinion throughout the propriation of the soil and the ma lately to the organization of which it power. To quote claims it by absolute right. For the oranges, two in alfalfa. Trees all in his as best they may.
words: they want war, world. The Mexican Liberal Party chinery.
is the mouthpiece. The editor is loyal let em fight!
moment Mexico is to the front as an good bearing. Excellent water right. The well to do and the capitalists, own opinion of this proposed policy Were this not the final aim of the to the title of his paper, understandactive warrior in the world wide bat Price 9000. This is a genuine bar people generally egotistical and selfof non intervention can be seen by the Mexican Liberal Party it would be a ing that such an upheaval as tbat. In tle for the overthrow of human sla gain. Address Alfred Paul, Box 53, satisfied, approve of the revolution appeal to Socialist locals published in party of clowns and impostors. Mexico is incomparably more vital very. She should not be allowed to Colton.
and indulge in the hope that it will another column.
to the future of labor than the 80stand alone.
BOOn restore to them their political RICARDO FLORES MAGON. called practical detalls in which his Throughout the world the Latin rights. Yes, indeed.
For the time being the recent devel.
colleagues of the labor press too gen The peonage of the Mexican work races are sparing neither time nor erally lose themselves.
ng class means the slavery of the money to assist what they recognized Has it ever struck you as possible opments in connection with the de American working class, and what the immediately as the common cause.
that in the long, long ago Dlaz, who struction of the Los Angeles Times last October will crowd all other sub Do not fail to hear Tierra came originally into power as y Libertad (Land and American troops are now actually en. We are satisfied that the great angloLiberty, the slogan of the Mexican gaged in by order of Taft, at the Saxon and Teutonic branches of the former, may bave been sincere, and jects to the wall, and this much is wiberal Party. which is one of the command of Morgan, his master and army of labor will not lag behind; we By John Kenneth Turner that he gave up the task as hopeless certain. Whichever way the case may oldest papers in Barcelona, Spain, owner, is to fasten the chains of slav are satisfied Ignorance, due to lan.
in face of the opposition of the Ma. go plutocracy will be the loser; for comments forcibly on the evolution ery upon the working classes of both guage dificulties, alone is causing a deros and their kin? We have heard plutocracy could not exist but for the. AT. the statement vigorously defended by apathy of the masses, and that apathy brough which the Spanish nation, on countries.
temporary delay.
well Informed Mexican radicals, both sides of the Atlantic, is passing.
is being dispelled as It never was be That is the paked issue. Let us reand We do not appeal to you to help us.
It dates the precipitation of pro alize it and prepare for the contest. Our appeal is that you leave no stone oundly radical thought, long in fer We can make them call of the dogs unturned to help. YOURSELVES by support. When and where has the reare being drawn; dally the grim con.
former lived who has not found him. test between the House of Have all and Sunday afternoon and evening, and nentation, from the execution of of war and we are going to do it. utilizing the magnificent opportunity that of Have Dothing assumes Francisco Ferrer. We compelled them to let 80 of of forwarding the self confronted instantly by Yested incommon Cause a Monday and Tuesday evening.
Mogor, Haywood and Pettibone; we which the Mezican Revolution at This Famous Book Retails 50 terests; especlally, in such a country blacker aspect. In thie contest it fe as Mexico, where landed magnates the duty of all the dislnherited, of all Her lectures deal with the entire Tierra (The Land; how much this compelled them to let go of Fred Wartords, title is title in favor with Spanish rad ran and we are now going to demand Our success means your BUCC858. Our have lorded it with the highest hand? those who find themselves excluded from the table of lite, to stand to Social question from the most un.
ical papers. makes excellent fun of that Morgan and Talt call of thelr talloro means long years of additional For a Short Timo.
Diaz, you say, has been bad. Yes, sether and exhibit that solidarity of finchingly radical standpoint, and Madero negotiations with Dlaz, point dogs of war, and make them do it. agopy, and struggle for you. For the ONE DOLLAR but what gave bim the opportunity of which thels mastors Bet them mor Let us get all the machinery under moment the tide is setting in your ta T DERACOT are well worth the admission price ing to them sub substantiating its orig.
doing harm? The woakness of the excellent example. It is what we ask inal prophesy that tho trlumph of our control la operation at once. Let vor, If you sit idle It will turn against Addrwg, Roguernetow, 5191 Somst people, you reply. But what the for the Mexican economic revolation, of 15 and 25 cents, Maderlem would mean the ligplaa us call out our Army of Agitation, the mou Lo Ampli, come USA to the Millmen Understand. OWD Barbarous Mexico a reEMMA GOLDMAN Explaining the The Cause of the Mexican Revolution their arguments have ample historical fore. More and more closely the lines Mammoth Hali, 517 So. Broadway