
Regeneracion Wm. Owen Editor.
English Section Can You Sneer At Such Struggle?
Mexican Notes when we acquired the right of owning, possos. truth havo wilfully evadod it, that Or are visions about?
sing and profiting by virgin lands. they mighe win popularity, boom cir.
is our foderal soldier a failuro, with all the deathless patieace of the Orient. Let the United States look far from monopolizing thosc lands for culation, Ewell box offico roceipts.
And are the militin played out?
With apologies to the memory of to its own defenses and keep it bands the gain of a single individual, underclomber into potty office and gorge Bret Hart, awakened by the fact that off Mexico stood from the first how to cstablish themselves on the cheap oftal of the martial Los Angeles Daily Villa murder of Benton for doubtless it was murder has been small properties, creating the home notoriety. For such whited sepul Times can editorialize as follows: the signal for this joint intervention for the family and devoting the fields chers no punishment is too acvere, States should decide spon armed in What shall we do? If the United cry, and once again we are deluged in their entirety for the benefit of all and of all the lessons to be taught tervention alone, It would be equiva life must be protected, even if we with thc Pharisaic cant that human the people.
the most needed assuredly is that lent to a declaration of war against have to turn Mexico into a shambles.
Mr. Viereck, editor of The InterIt is true that there were privileged revolutionary movements, on which Mexico. It would probably consoli The sanctity of human lifcl. Tell that national, having informed the world castes, princes and priests; but how hang the lives and happiness of mil date the warring factions and bring tale to the outcast hugging the shel that Zapata is a brutal barbarian, who different were guch relations from lions, are not playthings with which ready to bury past differences and ter of a friendly arch in Chicago, with smothers his body with jewelry and those of the Spanish and French kings to wilc away an Idle hour or whet unite in a bloody defense against the the temperature below zero, or sleep ing in London parks, soaked to the cores only for lust and loot, we think with their vassals! Here, in America. a jaded appetite.
hated Gringo. If we should enter skin by driving min. Tell that tale to it timely to translate the following the princes mingled with the humble, WM. OWEN.
Mexico with an armed force we would the men shivering in the brcad lines, article from his organ, Emiliano Za they knew no pride and the differhave to stay there, in all probability, or to the desperate unemployed whose cight or ten years, with an appalling pata, published at Dallas, Texas, un cnces between the social classes were protest mectings are ridden down by sacrifice of life and treasure. This na inounted police. Tell that tale to the der date of Jan. 31. We ourselves! due solcly to privileges obtained as tion is not called upon to do it. The Inen who have to pack their blankets have never been so fortunate as to the reward of valor, talent or knowltemper of our people does not incline all along this coast, and think them meet Zapata, and Mr. Viereck doubt. edge, and never by divine inheritance. la British subject, by order, as it is posed to the intervention of the UnitThe killing of William Benton, to it. The Times is unalterably op selves lucky if they strike a job tinder less shares that misfortune; but Ransuch conditions as those exposed so To destroy the agrarian system oi claimed, of. Villa; has raised a storm ed States, single handed and unsup recently at Wheatands, Cal. Tell that gel, who made a special journey to the Aztecs was to do away with the that may have important conse ported, in the affairs of Mexico. tale to the thousands you straightvisit hin, more than a year ago, gave happiness of the people nd cast it quences.
The first receipt of the That was Feb. 27. Next day it ed jacket and paddic and torture, with all thus: There news resulted in the calling of a masei itorialized is very different description small No one into slavery and misfortune.
thc rcfincmients of thic Inquisition upwlio knows Rangel now on trial for meeting in El Paso which denounced choice between the blunder that would 10 tlaic, in your jails and pcnitcntiarLet us establish 011ce again an the act, declared itself as convinced cause the heads of our administration ics. Tell that tale to the children his hie at San Anton10 dreams of agrarian system such as that, wherein that the government at Washington to further ignore the frightful destruc whose lives you crush, by the mildoubting his sincerity, and he is a each family may have its house and was suppressing facts respecting the tion and butchery in Mexico, and that lions, in your factorics; and to the man of decided intelligence. His as loc; wherein the towns may have their on both branches of Congress to tervene, single handed, by force.
true conditions in Mexico, and called blunder which would cause us to in man who take their lives into their In surance to the editor of this section fields for common pasture, wood and adopt a resolution to compel the the latter event the factions of Mexhands that they may pile your sky:scrapers to the sky, for social vaniwas that Zapata yearned ardently for water; wherein public instruction may State Department to transmit io Con ico. would, in all probability, unite pires to inhabit, or that they may dis the equality of all men, and insisted, have its support secured by the gress its records pertaining to the against us as a common enemy, and ont thc gold which pocs to swcil forabove all, that the usc of land must be, Grange schools, and the State in its cans and foreigners in Mexico, and to silla warfare, attended by uncalled for outrages committed against Ameri we would face an indeterminable guer alines that are the scandal of the ages.
Tell that walcbut why waste further free to all Correspondents of repu turn may have its budget covered by take such action as will give our peo loss of life and money.
spacc? These things are known to all!
tation have returned from his camps the utilizing of the waters, the sale to ple the protection guaranteed them Since then the Times has pursued ti is recognized that those who live astonished at the agrarian fervor that newcomers of surplus lands and the under their constitutional rights and the subject daily, urging joint inter in a house built of glass so fragile animates his followers, and the ar exploitation of forests and mines. our country In the eyes of the world. France; Itály and even Japán. Why maintain the honos and prestige of vention by Great Britain, Germany throwing stones; that the Belchazuur cannot afford to amuse themselves by: tičle that follows will explain to the Then we Mexicans, all of us, shall The resolutions specially denounced has this swashbuckling Boanerges, rioters had best liced thc warning reader why this is so.
find once more that happiness we lost Villa, Salazar and Maximo Castillo. who for years past has been roaring blazing out on their own walls, and attend to their own morals.
were conquered by the Benton had the reputation of being about this country duty as trustee of To him who studies the civilization Europeans.
IVe should add that thic Times is an irascible and most outspoken man, the sacred Monroe Doctrine why of the various races it is a positive He had insisted on seeing Villa, with does he now coo as gently as a turtle now pleading for joini intervention pleasure to run through a complaint that the fences to his dove? Is this the heroic spirit? Is it becausc conditions in Mexico ars cal the pages The crime committed by Mr. Vie property had been torn down by reb thus the great Otis answers the sumculated to spread lcgions of troublcs written by the Spanish historians on reck and similar critics is the ignor els, and Villa story is that words en mons to the field? To what base uses throughout the United States of the subject of the life, government, ing of the fact that the Mexicans once if to draw a gun, that he was taken counting cents like a peddler and hag pirates and Rets, now breeding like sued, that Benton made a motion as do we come at last! The man falls to America, so accessible to the brigands, customs and advanced condition of art had a civilization in which no man into custody and condemned to death gling like a fish wife as to who shall ou Socic and science, as they existed in what was excluded from the land, which for attempted murder. At present the pay the bill.
ty in the United States, rotten to the they christened New Spain. was regarded as nature racial gift, matter is under investigation by the The answer to the riddle is to be core. has good cause to bę alarmed; When Herman Cortez and his fol. The Mexicans never have forgotten British embassy has announced that of February 26, which is heads with United States government, and the found in the Times own despatches for the Mexican Revolution is turning on the light.
lowing of adventurers first tood the that gigantic, central fact, and it is its consuľ at Galveston, Tex. has been the lines. Wilson is afraid!
shores of the great Aztec Empire, for a restoration of those conditions, ordered to El Paso, to assist in the dict of Germany, Military inferiority TORTURED FOULLY.
that empire consisted of a vast terri ás nearly as possible, that they are enquiry: The case was brought upkeeps us out of Mexico, army experts Onc sickens more and more at the tory which extended from Aztlan, the struggling. Thereby they are fighting in the British House of Commons and declare. The head appears over the monotonous, never coding story or ile seat of the seven Nahuntlaca tribes the battle not only of their own race excited much interest.
statement that, despite all his re crucitics inílicted by the rich Through who had settled in the Valley of Mex but of att humanity, and especially of stated that the Senate Foreign Rela fective force of artillery than that at Washington despatches of Feb. 23 verses, Huerta today has a more of their lçgal machinery on the victims clicy bavc reduced 10. bclplessness ico, to the present location of the our United States and European civil tions Committee had decided that the the disposal of the entire War De Colorado and West Virginia; Calu, Central American Republics. There ization, wigh its hideous and unendur Senate, would be discussed behind probably a much larger force of armed fornia. San Antonio, TexasLos aos mci. Jichigan, and Whcalland, Calia were then two great nations in the able contrasts of appalling wealth and closed doors. The committee is re troops than America could put in the New World; and they, with their civil. still more appalling poverty. Its basis ported as having had under discus field.
which will suggest themselves it is izations and their conquering tenden is the grabbing by the few of those sion the whole subject of protecting The same causes which, in Mexico, always the same story.
Bul 110w and cies, were on the point of merging; natural resources to which human and foreigners in Mexico.
keep Huerta forces busy are giving again some casc juns into spacial the Aztecs moving Southward from all other life must have access, if ex intending to land marines in Mexico, attend to. Righteous discontent is Japan and France are reported as our own Tommy Atkins all they can prominence by rcason of its unspeak ablc barbarity, and for thic noment the North, and the Incas advancing istence is to continue; and that over to act as legation guards in the City rendering it impossible for Huerta to the so called Pazz riolers, of Los AnNorthward from the South, whelming crime against our race is of Mexico; as have Great Britain and keep down the lid. Still more right gelcs. may well be given the center Christopher Columbus discovery of THE crime we must extirpate root Germany.
eous discontent, which may break at of the stac.
the New World prevented the fusion and branch, if civilization is to escape changed his mind as to awaiting the the hands of United States plutocracy Meanwhile Villa is said to have any moment into conflagration, ties Bcing cntirely within their rights as has been admitted by the judge who of these two great American races, the falling into a gulf of unspeakable arrival of Carranza, and it is stated and forces it to postpone indefinitely scntcnccd theni, our Mexicans rcliised and in conquering these new realms degeneracy, from which it will take that he is now en route to Torreon, the single handed invasion on which to work on the chain gang. For this he added territory so large, in com eons of the most painful effort to Federals. Villa unexplained delay in swoops the vulture when he sights the which is still in the possession of the it would embark as joyously as they have been tortured; torturcd tcr parison with those of Europe, that emerge.
ribly: tortured by one of the favorite Because the Mexicans are, moving to the attack of that city has wounded lamb.
Charles the Fifth vassals were in at least, making an earnest effort to been the subject of much criticism, proved too dangerous.
Intervention methods of thc Spanish Inquisition most infamong days. First they were the habit of declaring that on their slay this modern dragon, it is shame and has led to assertions that, despite Revolutions, where we pass from handsulied, and then wc quotc from The Los Angeles Record report: monarch dominions. the sun never ful to belittle that effort and a CRIME their declarations that they will be words to deeds whave a9a their chief of unutterable baseness to calumniate satisfied with nothing less than the function the exposure of the sham. rope was fastened to the gyvcs and And those two great American peo it.
overthrow of Huerta, the real inten They strip off remorselessly the mask thrown over a limb, and cycry time tion of the Constitutionalists is to which skilled language twisters weave they rciuscd 10 work tlic hands were ples, despite their backwardness in Mr. Viereck is a protege of William establish an independent Republic in so cunningly, and show us men and jcrked a little higerier uintil, to keep navigation and the science of war, and Marion Reedy, who presided at the the Northern States, leaving Mexico things not as they pretend to be but ihc armis from being broken, thc cnlirc weight of the body was borne by amid their frequent struggles to im Single Tax banquet held recently in City and the South to work out their as they are. Thereby humanity ad.
pose the rule of one people and one Washington, in day the manacled wrists.
It is hard for remind readers of our often repeated ble in a century of vapid talk, being That special torture of raising mer civilization on the others, lived hap me to believe that Viereck can be ig suggestion that annexation to the brought down from the clouds of tenand letting them down with a jerk is pily; for they were strangers to the norant of these things, and if he United States would begin with the uous theory to the substantial ground designed specially to produce the misery and evil passion which, owing knows them and yet writes as he has tier of Northern States, aided by Car of facts. Already the Mexican Revopains of dislocation. Our Mexicans ranza influences.
lution has shown us how hollow were are indians, Stoics, capable of standto that misery, were developing among written, his guilt is great. But how Maximo Castillo, charged with re the claims of many who posed before ing punishment to a degree far be the European nations.
comes it that Mr. Reedy himself, who sponsibility for the blowing up of the the American public as eager to throw yond the power oi the ordinary white The happiness of the Aztecs was wrote me some two years ago, send Cumbre tunnel. in which ten Ameri plutocracy into the gutter at the earli mian. Wall: three of them stood it for based on their system of land posses ing me his photograph and wishing lives, was captured, Feb. 17, by Amer er sham, viz. that the United States cans and forty one others lost their est chance. It is now exposing anothsix hours, onc for sesco hours, onc for an cntirc day and one for three sion and cultivation, more power to my elbow, since was ican troops, thirty eight miles south is. or can ever hope to be, a military and one ball days! During the time In the Aztec Empire real estate was doing the greatest work of my life of Hachita, In his anxiety to power; inasmuch as its own soldiers or this punishment for standing on divided into four parts. One part be how comes it, say, that he, making avoid a range of mountains he ven are in constant revolt and its own dotheir legal rights, since their cages longed to the State, and its products the pretensions he makes and posing formation had been conveyed to the the point at which repression by force tured on United States soil, and in mestic discontent is reaching rapidly have been appealed their food was Iwo slices of dry bread and a cup of served exclusively for the sustenance as he poses, maintains on this great army authorities by the American will be no longer possible.
cold watcr, three times a day.
of the Emperor, the twelve electoral struggle in Mexico a stubborn silence manager of the Las Palomas ranch, The day in which the United States What do you think of it? Docs it princes and other public functionaries. which no appeals can break?
situate across the line. Whether he could afford to start a war has passed, Sukgest to your enind that the author The second part was set aside for the If we get our Land and Liberty be an open question, and it is said that social revolution are gathering within can be exported to Mexico seems to and passed forever, The forces of itics in this country are sowing broad.
maintenance of religion and public in weekly started we expect to wage he has committed no offense for which its borders, and their name is Legion.
a one of the worst hurricanes that cver struction. The third was for the al against land monopoly and economic he can be punished by the United The day in which the wealth of the blew? And what do you think of the lotment of gardens and homes for slavery in these United States a wara Times printed a large and attractive terly hostile classes, and ruled by trad oi thc 1, 05 Angeles Record, all the States authorities. The Los Angeles United States inhabited by two bit further fact that, with the exception families. The remainder was for the fare fully as bitter and relentless, as picture of Castillo, and described him ers whose courage lies only in their papers, of what most profound me como common use of all inhabitants of that conducted by Regeneracion in as the Attila of the Mexican Revolu tongues will invite irresistibly the rupt community maintained the vila towns, that they might have pasture, the matter of Mexico. We shall name tion.
attack of really martial nations, is ap lence of the grave? Not because the wood and water.
he sinners and crucify them to their See the simple manner in which the lsın, Above all, we shall go for the Do we sleep, do we dream, an already, scents the prey. and the not know a good story when they see Do we wonder and doubt?
first inhabitants of Mexico who had alleged leaders who, knowing the Orient at large has a grudge of deep. it but because plutocracy kept press Are things what they seem, ly wounded pride which it will nurse dare not let in the light.