AnarchismGermanyGuerrillaSocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

REGENERACION Anglish Section Behind The Puppets Lurks The Power los aste Pedro Ro.
tahon explained the pais, Villa es Valdez: adquición Segura. 1; Beltran un Tez, It González 15 or contendientes the certain contra tad Get ras de bandidos dies hay que han and ignorancave spoken the lax, cetsels were in you ask Administracion car may feel Torrozhy and navy men are chosen, no no Tumb Such is the chief military news of Debesa, susolely with importernational an the own to If you look at affairs and we know it The Unemployed as it is. Strength lies there and Wence to that judgment are the careless, easy going Mexicans. United States, is the same conspiracy 29, and pleaded not guilty, Jab Har unemployed themselves are thinking. NO SE DOMINA LA ANARQYIA PARA CUCA TONO RIVERA Nada menos que uno de los princi Helena, 2; Kahn, 1; Golder, 50e; forced to fight, we shall do so with of the world, and it has only one ob was set for January 21, and bail fixed sullenly. It is growing more and pales periódicos burgueses de los Es Lerner. boc Total. Entragados, much greater bitterness. The police. ject. We may temporize; we may at 500 in cach case save five, regard more restless under the burden of tados Unidos, pinta la tuación de. en Caja, that well. For that reason, in the at half measures, but in the end it is demanded their names are Peter course, it will kick the riders oil, and que no dice que son ftvoluciona PRO PRESOS DE TEXAS.
Cliristmas Day riot they attacked only has one object, and that is for Casterano, Ojeda, Juan San the only question is When? Prese rios de Tierra y Libertad, los expro Suna anterior, 250. 82.
as the workers of the world to take chcz, Coria and Cesario ent events unquestionably are hasten piadores, los campesinos dil Sur, 105 Morales, 1; Rodriguez, 1, Srta. Hernández, 50c; um informed by eye witnesses on back the earth that has been taken wio Luti, an Italian, is also under ing the date. los The police did their duty, said whom can rely.
were cmi from que se han venido sosteniendo en el Jesús Dodarte, 25c; Méndez, Suc; President Mellahon of the Central niently sensible. If they had clubbed Take it back, and have all the pro arrest, charged with having made an terreno de los hechos porque quieren Amalia Lcal, 15c; Lucrecia Salazat, Labor Council, speaking at the unem and killed an American there would ducts of their toil. not part of it. but incendiary speech at the Plaza the Mexican Notes acabar con el sistema capitalista que Hloyed mass inecting, held at Labor have been hell to pay.
y esclavizaba Temple, Surday evening, Dec. 28. He is a universal, world wide conspiracy set for January 21, los qui, sus He 5; 11. Gutiérrez, 50; was alluding to the Plaza riot of Mexicalls are idealists, and Amer. by the intelligent working people and Labor Council Duvious, e. Gutiérrez, fore sun up today with as much vigor un estado de anarquia. ondiciones sa, 93; Gamboa, Soc; Pereira, 50 Christmas Day. Instantly the house icans usually are not. Mexicaas huve by their friends the world over to get was in un a great belief in the power of fine back the earth that has been stolen At this writing, Dec. 30, the alter as though they had not been on se, sem salvajismo ha existido Juanita Kincón, sue; Blagdaleno. Ortega men began their fight be tres años has paleta Durante Avala, Grupo Verdad mi noon papers, including the Record, forced march across the Mexican des allá. La situación ha sidoglorificada 25c. CUBA Pozo, i; New done what they are said to do, and Americans have not. Mexicans will that the police had words and high sounding sentiments by direct action.
what everyone henboran ceudischarge believing in the constitutional right and we have a demacracy. Every: sents. Butler, secretary of the We have been voting a long time, ing a parade. The Express repre.
opinion as to the advisability of bold plains, meeting hardship after hard es, sexoluciones pillaje, motin OKLAHOMA, Gutiérrez, sóc; der dishonorable discharge.
which all in cooler moments under rubbish. Then, cascied away with en. ty one. If we are not doing well We have had nothing to do with tack on Ojinaga, where the Federals, espiritu mueve esta anaquia, no Tres, Ros2. 50; Valdez, 50c; that. Lucatero, 25c.
speech and all that sort Bo read the despatches of Dec. 31, of Bandas de bandidos rcorren el body can. as. asesinando pillado.
y El Fraternidad Torges 50c; ToTEXAS Por el Grupo Libertad y stand. What we do not understand, thusiasm, they will reseat interfer: enough we are going to let the women Reyes, 50; Carrión, as and Orozco. this more coment, and I, for one, am not headed by Salazar 50c; Rodriguez, 25c; monopolists, who are tlie employers of most desperately, as they did on we will let the children vote, and then mortal foe, are done what appears LDS federales bao estado sa con 2ác Ortega Licona The descrip tral del este esado de Sta. Valdez, 50c; hieno prodire is meant teruthley Jussiousheto Coristomas Day, alebo pen they have we will get somewhere. It we are Lahost Title mors meeting at the toho confirmed cour video por ter producenten en het nie ricas poche or she writing have that the of the We believe opene hot or the aqueduct farm Nexican els did his home theater haben einen de desemboca normalement to see yoted to support the tion confirms our repeated statement anarquia ha continuado. Los constitucionalistas banestado de García, 250; P?
50c; at constant sacrifice of life and limb If they consider trouble inevitable had better have an election every day, while they themselves lie back lux they will arm themselves beforehand, because it hawe file that wayyidays lands; to give work to the unemployed.
Rosales, Yes Ramirez. the scantiest of ratione, than any man nada dominada por uric 1os poderes del gobierno tion of the working class to defent pectedly, they firshemselves 41 lave been working at it a long time the Calumet disaster and the other will not go up against and are in all From all reports at this writing.
the products unrighteously annexed. the police with naked hands. Person time.
srupo de constitucionalistas, fede lez, 50c; Lojica Condemning the action of the police Ojinaga, boasted of as impregnable, rales, o por los representantes e las mon, 50c; Gonaise; Si at the Plaza.
necessity of monopolist in some formning for the ally admire that attitude. It may The net result of this will be, un diately, by assault. The guerrilla tacis Finalmente, la proposición la por 100; Ss The 21ez, 50c; Colecta more like actual war.
drives snity Home of us escapes wbich the United States. You could change will set number of men to work appear to have proved invincible, de instalar una otra de las faccines Martinez Bernal, 50c; Ibarsa, 25. Morales Mt. Hood, but it would take a pile of the police force, where tileyes roads, etc. to improve still spite the natural advantages given to con. Ber: en del as their masters bid them do it now appears that in speaking at sllovels. You could change Mic. Hood further the properties of the real the defense by the lie of the land.
the Plaza we had broken an ordinance, a good deal easier. It could be done. estate monopolists and speculators by ofrece prospectosde por. 1753: and brutal imprisonments which one of the dubbings and and that the police were technicaily The law provides that if you pass who are responsible for all this troil the Federals has been deganded. Zas ciudadazas de 205 Date 3, 25. ms sex. 90 large a part of the actual battle tangle of ordin. lices in this law and law through congress and the Senate ble. It is a most ungesirable con refused the town will be attacked imwithin their rights. There is such a law Cualquiera facción instalada en sos 150 Gallegos, 10cSuma, in which we find 297. 84; Telegrama, 75c; En caja, bc anti governinent discourse; but that lice kilows when he is and when mit it to the people and if three that drowning men will clutch at any ported as figliting among themselves, catas otras facciones seríaal Heveda text for an anti military and innopoly ridden village that no one change tlle constitution, you may sub. Sumination, but somehow starving mediately, and its spcedy fall seems poder encontraria inmediatamente. 297. 09.
be. proverbial oposición de todas las otras faccion is not acting. the the país, y las discourse must be based on the neces. liad gone to the meeting ple. Viene de la la plana)
present sitesine yathrowing the ENTIRE cause it had been widely advertised conse ryo site pour os achampes et not sufficiently educated to under and descriptions are said to be contin con peculiar viru NOTAS DE LA REVOLUCION.
regime of nanopoly, from which, and in the daily papers asked me, and ju through congress and the senate, ap only innke the discase far worse. That lieved to be imminent, Do you suppose there is any power stand that the remedies proposed, like yous. The siege has taken much time los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos situada en la línea de San Luis Potosi al1 charity and they are charity but the final capitulation is now be en México con motivo de la accióni Tampico, hubo un combate que duro crementaicel masures spring and nona such this emblement ask other way can we be logical or, con had not the slightest idea that wRS three fourts of the individual states crying necessity for bocad, we at poor retrievably, and in the Eastern coast otsas facciones y oponerse las federales la dispersión. En las never refuses proved by the president, and then set public ignorance, coupled with Huerta, in a word, appears to have de sopartar una facción en la compli cie la estación encontró la muerte y resbecome by this time impatient of well. am You avere aliate other taciones de Salinas y Morales tinkering with efíects.
the audience itself we what your children and your children throw. But the number of those who his fortunes seem to be facing little partidas If children would die while you are do understand quite clearly, the hollow better. Dec 31 a federal troop train Semado varios puentes y levantado Of course the police, at the Christ should had known into best proof of that is the fact sess and cruelly ironical injustice vi reported, from Vera Cruzame haya Imos de la via. Entre México large, Crnavaca continúa sa base de leite e most hontalya iliatikly that ringing traINGRESOS.
the fiel cor Luna salid de have talked, they behaved like bone have the very slightest atom of re ing. It needs something worse: It ve for the present shall have to be communication has been interrupted Vázquez, t; Hernández, 15 trefonterrey y Saltillo, mientras los stantly used by those with whom should have refused. Not hes? y that we have had a constitution for and it is becoming larger with great miles soutleast of Mexico City, on With that growth of revo the main line which connects one liidsed and twenty five years, aviotary knowledge not sentiment, ital with the coast.
Materrey the.
Telegraphic aprehender a cabecilla vas, 1; Mata, 50c, Durán, 2; Fracisco Coss que había acampado heads.
de enBut why should we be ever spect for these foolish and arbitrary needs abolişhing worse than anything content. Not because we like to, bue once again by the destruction of lastingly surp genexpected of because we have to. Ours is or to show our individual and social life; but be If anybody does want to tinker with as is a long rebeles that intelligence should have anticipated a row, voting the first thing ilecessary is to that many of these preliminary skir. Spaccording to a Mexico City de. ši io: Leal, 56c; Isidra de.
We 31. Leal. Mar y San Jose, haciendo prisianephilosophers? The as are pausc all the time, and continually adding BUENOR AIRES, Segundo Alonso na sno tenía miedoel telégrafo.
para alcanzarlos.
os. Por an eye to that The dipInto their hands are placed the most Los Angeles has been a sleepy the past week, boiled CALIFORNIA Grupo Verdad mi creerse en connivencia con los Southern village. It is feing weided lomatic struggle, which now plays so con Signorete ventas de Resina tasa atas co masendado Female deadly weapons modern ingenuity has them on this caastat the action or been able to devise, They are t1 the San Diego vigilantes, at into a red hot, revolutionary center.
vuena. Ocho españoles que habian question, has geces. Freal, 25c; Isidoro Solorzano, 10; tored familiarity with those Wheatland tragedy, at our Way to curb red mouths. Speakweapons, and a policeman lcaros to Christmas Day murder of Rafael ing permits to citizens and no others.
marilah key feat leone the Christer Artes em han sių reaprebeadidos acusandose In Portland Also has holidays, but the press is calling Rosas, J. Rodriguez, 1, 54 Bines, estio de Nuevo León, fue diga les de Cerca Ramoan attention to an alleged treaty of peace Martinez, 3; Rajnisez, unge Familio Elli, que reside en Monterrei wire that it may cut deep, as it hard to discover in the evolution of to the people. New ordinance outThe Portland, Ore. League of the which have been dawn Tosy with lined to stop crime. To curb Anbetween Great Britain and Germany, Rantador, I; at one answing a baseball bat, Instinctively, the rays of peace. If you cast your archite del comerciante Unemployed lras issued a circular, other for many years past with angry Fernández, ndez, 60; itch to the tensive review of the Un Compañero, 10cp Samboa, Congrescie la Unión, fué puñaleado to use it. That is precisely what his and contemplate the kidnanistance, of by The foregoing are the headlines on entitled The Hungry Men. It opens ion last month showed Boitier Panth 1; Denis, por and mortalmee. El heridor declara que situation given in Current de 55; five days after the trouble which masters do not know what they are likely to be confirmed. Here do not the Piazioni delle ore and that city, that demand for labor never and German official organs as singu Ariaga, şi. Miranda, durante esempidoue trabajo en su. es about when they pay out their good discuss at all the muralities of re: saws us from burdening of readers was so scarce in Portland as it is at farly in accord an this one point oc; 11. Pereira, el heves and lire their for war. They hire excellent reason that, as see it. sent. It is sufficient to say the present, and that thousands of men that Mexican affairs cannot be taken Juanita Rincen, Sue; Ramírez, estado de ichoacán, trafó muy durs EST of the. Venta Reg them to defend possessions which moralities cut no sigure in is would be wrenched from them in fivc The The pieveloping as it must restricted to CUDA Pozo, 5c.
against indiscrim. It confortland have been laid off. States alone.
mendesá supeones y él (el agtesor)
situation IDAIIO Titus, and le robó algnas cantidades de by the rich inale street speaking and this stateThe of Portland has taken I, W, SPEAK OUT, 10c.
pio trabajo. El agente del Tirobre ea not taken the lation of attack and ment is an acknowledgment that the steps to provide work for approxi, ways, Mexicans were right when they de mately 1000 men. That is a good Francisco, has seat us the following and 50; a Reg. 56.
Local 173, of the in San ILLINOIST. Pavia, Antes de la of to protect them.
who size up the far more interecht accept and the Plaza always had been the peo There are more than 10, 000 idle resolutions, passed at a recent sweets eses, sus amilias MONTANA Ferris, 50c.
de dominance have taken time by ple Open Forum in Portland alone. What is to intervention and sense of solidarity MICHIGAN Curthis, 10c.
para el saquéo is proposed further to issue free become of the other 9, 000?
MISSOURISÉ. Browder, importate hacienda denominada Caleras en el estado de Guanawith its sobs and tears and pitiful don know how long the poor will permits to speak at specified places, Where will these secare employ which, we believe, the Mexican string OKLAHOMA Gutiérrez, 80c; guientras inil; de familias están fué totalmente saqueada.
deplorings, there is nothing but weak be in follow tually will do so have responsible citizens of Los Angeles ment? Portland simply proposes to ally wring that they the proletariat sit the. Domes 25.
at the first attack.
slightest doubt. Sooner or PENNSYLVANIA Gillard, reciendo de umbre en Choix, distrito later the main army always treads tion hopes to have some fun out of then? Portland has rid itself of their ſutions are as follows: and 25; para gobierno carracista, permite pasar al MR. Morales, 50c; Recently Haywood was inveighing the road the van has taken. So it will this. dopisemsich proposallif it should presence, but they are still broke, still against the brutalities of the police be here. The best we can hope for be adopted when he returns from his hungry, still out of work. And in pathizes with our brothers the Maxi Garcia, 6c; well known and exceedingly practical haw formidable the mass has made credentials promptly as a responsable and desperate, they are coming their brutal capitalistic masters, both tue; Valdez. Gilbert, 50; condujo los stados Unidos bás, de a Patterson, and Bernard Shaw, a is that when the class understands Northern trip. He will present bis that condition, cold, hungry, miser can peons in their brave fight against sc; The concert american grandes cantidades de Coleman 2; El terratennte Francisco Tapia Durán, 5Dc; el. Briton, asked the one all important itselt, it may throw up its bands. sible citizen, whom Geo. Otis arm themselves against the police? to look for so fairy like pessimistic has not disdained to employ, and will starving and shiveriog, in your streets. foa be to That we applaud the Peons direct at remice to your property and per action inte expropriating the one stolen bere Hubes paard momo es huerta, todo está bien en and 10c; Rosa the public streets to teach, WM. OWEN he said. Haywood reply was rethe elimination ong hops to your very life.
by the most 10c; Pérez. This is not a threat. It is a state action. kimi. Dr. Mesctlieck asegura que diathe shooting. Lct Mr. Shaw do and, for my, part, that the United States, with all its rez, 850, Ramirez, 50c; Perez. carentes Monopoly and special in land, camente, muere veintena. En finná think it was the most foolish of re Darrow Arrows the permit is ik will be the plasters himself that he yourself would steal before you would hands out struggled and cautions Conzález, 50c, Dávila 28c; Her bærbase come el laberini caritans plies. The case in question had not can make an issue by which his pen starve. The solution offered by Ponto the peons at least the opportunity been aw quarrel, and no man has But there are real industrial con will reach od times farther cista Pablo a call to poke his nose into a quarrel spiracies. They began long ages ago, than could big Gezález se encrentran is no solution whatever. That to settle their own national affairs, lamply San a and they began by Make holder of permit responsible to you, leaving you witle your limited preferring a counter revolution at Resolved, that we go on record as PRO PRESOS DE gested that it people go into a fight knocked the brains out of somebody voke the permit promptly upon proof protection to deal with the problem vasion of Mexico by the United States Suma anterior, 76. 20; Ortega, sor, MCNEIL ISLAND as, en la línea livisoria Jono, inforban in which the other side is sure to use who wanted a part of it for himself. of traitorous, blasphemous or other which they failed to solve.
gun, they should see to it that they That is direct action. They got the ous or objectionable! What rubbisal men? Pass them along to the next sent to President Wilson and to the do with the hungry in the name of order and iscedom.
Washin Shanesseyoue GASTOS.
boy Ministro de Justicia tomará are similarly. Tliat a copy of this resolution be is obviously the sensible went action took it. If anybody was there, To adopt such measure would be for town. That is ng solution. Shoot press.
Tiro de 11. 500 cjen. 83. 15; Pago statc Site Expresspor Libros, 31; Deposo canal para texteminar a los rebeldes.
that, in private sito, 50: Abono al Oliver, 5: Aca de los distritos Torreón y Monclocase might be. It is only the in the Dark Ages, and would do more lowed. Feed them? Somebody must not so conduct himself is universally other fellow that can have direct ac to destroy her reputation that is the them, but remember that they ADAMES FUNERAL.
any feed prowling around of nights in search tion. They got all their title to the thing the Anarchists and are truir las The funeral of Rafael Adames, llas, io; Tranvia, 60c; Cinta de Mar y los federale: direct action. Of. could a of the afl too common burglar, we thru. y Li Palon stotras. Americanos que rethey have swapped it more or less, ings. However, the Times urges it, sy. They want work! They beg or killed by a police bullet at the Los quina de Escribir, 50c; Renta del Box, entre estas, Meor. Terán Sabinas grab a gun, since, but the origin is there. They and it has as its sponsors Councilmen father work and maintain their own be held Monday, Jan, This note is bortad, 25 Times, 50; Herald, 25c; cientemente han arrivados El Paso, in my opinion it is the most ridic it, and it is theirs. And the strong tendent of the Los Angeles Bible In tion is an IMMEDIATEssible solu, written by the editor from San Pedro, cia, 14; Lara; 4; Téllez, 25; Un took Libros, 1o; Gaitán, senta y asisten asuguran que çando los federales of ulous Work by the State of Oregon he wants beyond understanding that they barnero, i; Owen, 50. Total, asua jorquemaron las aldeas. Las speech exists, or can possibly exist, reached out and taken possession of The Deservingh Poor.
Fundiciones heims The Times considers that there in building roads, reclaiming land, etc. hoped that the funeral will be weli desde el under the slavisk cconomic conditions the car primero del año queRESUMEN, which darán paralizadas completamente en do not speak out my mind be industry and to control all of the in ing unemployed in Los Angeles.
nárustety men todo o meno canto del me pare probablement en thousands oder and proud to be bored osteoposer attended, if only as a protest.
Gastos hasta el de Enero de todo el país. Fuerzas federalco avan 174. 90 zan sobre consider that have a condustry of this country. dozen ment estimate would be more satisfactory, question.
cause Work must be provided Deficit anterior.
stitutional right to do so.
The editor of this section lectured Entradas de 515. 91 Federico Peserto con del Cuotas, de Monterey, ochenta Subs. y Donativos. 111. 59 life and propose to live, as much as can paralyze the wheel of industry these people to live our servere finition TAFSE their food and they will take on The Slexican Resolutions to the tilleros, dice ametralladoras, dos ca. We ñones Recker, 130 caballos 50, 000 it, upon you to ACT and act ing, Dec. 30, to an audience that fied Déficit hasta el de if have to, with my the other, and the prosperity of vit in law, Harry Chandler, if ever they T ONCE.
the Socialist Hall at Labor Temple.
579. 22 Vlag de Sabinas Hidalgo Este se unió a las fuerzas life, of course no one really knows lages, cities and towns, and the wages should come to actual want; but we Hold meetings and demand that an immense qumber of questions the kecoest interest being Sumas iguales 690. 81 690. 81 not conceive of myself as playing the uport the wills of M, GAITAN, de la a dozen meo.
Ja piernición de de Guaymas non resistant when somebody as ensit of our imprisoned Texas com Colecta que se les envio a los compa. hambre que los devora, se han amoconsecuencial del to blow out what brain3 may the coal there is in the thes, and all any stretch of the inagination, re it becomes a stil) more serious men shown.
tratarniento y el United States, The Times is loud in its declaraNOW possess. In fact, the proposition. am or practically is controlled today tions that Los Angeles will not be It will be observed that in Port 10. 40, and sales of Land and Liba beros de McNeil Island, por los tinado y comenzado pelear para desGrupos Unidos Jufres Lerdo y 5215 that my do not care to waste more tellus just what we must pay, and lied by that paper for a generation ing to the State for relief. They have in Mexico; totaled 55. The even Bandera Roja, de Waxahachis, Tex. ha sido atacado por mas de seis mil López, i; Luna, 1; rebeldes y resistido por cuatro mil te space in dealing with it.
if we are not willing to pay it, we can past, and no one knows it better than to. Their needs are instant and they ing was rainy and frecze; and we respect private prop Otis.
the existing machinery, unGonzález, 1; Bernal, 25 Abre estado de Chihuahua. La pelea está My business ag editor of Regenera esty so muc that we will stand LEARNING THE LESSON, Mectings and meetings, and meet less they are prepared to throw the 50, I; Padilla, 500 Herrada, en progreso y ha habido crecido ou economic causes wliích, as conceive, the coal that nature placed in the atd. a monster parade is on the pro selves, That, as a class, they are not the authorities do appreciate that 1; Garza Olivarez, 1; Modesta tal, frustó la segura muerte de Huerta One way in which, it is said, the SoC: Cerda, 12 Olivares, mero de bajas. arresto de dos in: 50c; lie at the bottom the Mexican earth for all mankind.
gram. of do, and wrong, Revolution. My business as is. Now, the original conspiracy has Dec. 29, to notify the Socialist Party of back, therefore, on the charity ing increase in crime in the city, 19 J, de Salinas, 1; María de Queza el dia del año nuevo. Al suroeste de the is to speak what conceive to be the who burglaries and hold ups, netting loot da, 1: Sta. Luisa Acebedo, 1; la Ciudad de Méxşco, fué volado con truth, and to explain that precisely been on the part of the strong to take and various labor organizathe same causes often, In for. believe, the earth, and they have got it. They tions to send delegates to a meeting which they find themselves. pass in to the value of 4200, having been Juanita de León, 10c; Sahara Garza, varias cajas de dinamita, un more aggravated are making for own it, and all they need now is to at the Labor Temple next Monday ity the monopolists and officials will It was denied, too, that this representtar, en la linea del Interoceánico que similar a levolution in this country, but get enough working men and women night, when the question, of holding benefit still further, for the proper ed anything like the total, many cases El compafiero López de Louisiana fucron derribados los postes del telé on a larger scale and with far less at a low enough price to make them the parade wijn be settled. We quote bis het the former mille en improved doubtless having some unreported. mande 4, siendo de Gonzá grafo y rotos los alambres. Los aaby the cheap, Tabor of the unemployed despatch to lez. en de mises than those which are weaken pretty hard to fill that market, they Forty three is the actual number of and the officials will find their author geles Record. pasado.
Nuevo Laredo para media noche ing and delaying the inevitable course want so much; but that is all they men arrested in connection with the ity strengthened and extended. On sea la entrada del año nuevo, pue And the conspiracy on the Christmas Day tragedy. They were the other side of the ledger, happily El corazón y el espíritu son los dos Frat:k Farris, de Montana para que de otra suerte será atucada al mo much harder, grimmer people than other side, of the workingman of the arraigned before Judge White, Noy. we are able to write down that the platillos de ana balanza, VICTOR Wooden Shoe, 50c.
01 in the casc. es to distribut the Plaza in the tary is by if they city of desperatese. Aga ſusilado polos rebeldes.
they are and acce mer. La capo libre to run them out of town, to vag them world, cits not the other TF mentor of fact.
Teacampadas fren cuideacia!
Lind, nel Profe qu Cerestięta, in and Out go zo comenzaron despart 1914.
Jahrejercito federal shall detend call ace. hacerse de must use.
SUD mati.