14 English Section Regeneracion.
REGENERACION WILLIAM OWEN Monopoly Drives Workers to Crime Agricultural Workers Strike By Thousands 1: 14.
Prostrate at the Detective Feet Economic Character of Revolution Developes Steadily Federal Forces Concentrated on Effort to Crush Zapata It OXBurn Hall; Sun. یا to fourtoon men of controlling tho frad ovory wonponat tholi coinmand world ng Invincible. As the provorb capital and orodit of tho country, of against a similar tato. They Aro goos. It is a long lano that lag no Publied vory Entzirday at 01:4 Resuot ministering to tho bud10gs of tho right, profoundly right in their disturning.
top St. Los Angelos. ul.
country, and oľ bolns a monilco to trust of politloinns nnd dotormlnation Our Spanish columng this wool Toloplionoi llongo 100. oominorelal banking, to tako tholl own fato into their own contain brlor rotos of guerrilla warNUBSCRIPTION RATES: hands by rocoyoring their lands, at faro covoring tho Statos of Sonora, months, 00e. mouths, 10; Thero lu nothing now In that sinto all and ovory cost, thoy aro sotting us It looks as if an ounco of direot 40Puobla, Cuihuahu. Zacutocae, Sinayear, 42. 00; Hinklo cony: 5c; mont, laid before tho country by an oxumplo of wisdom of the higliost ion, Durango, Hllalgo, Quorrora, tulkoo for the purpose of making the tion is worth a ton of polition! talkoo.
in bundles: 8c por copy.
man who inny bo our next president. typo. Not all of thom are doing it.
Guannjuato, Nuevo Loon, San Luis 110 Photoly rapontu u utory told and Muny, far too many, still stand inPotosi and Tabasco. Thoy have boon nation sit up and think. Thoro is no No, 72.
Homeroly roponts a story told, and allToront. Mopy, far too many, sro complled and. condensed from the folcud to the symposium rospecting the countloss writore. Tho now fact, nad flinchiug from tho light and turning Saturday, January 13, 1912.
lowing woll known capitalist papora: tallst papora are publishing, and tho McNamara cago that the big capl. tho ossentially finportant fact, is that to tho Unitod Statos, which they fond D! Dlarlo. DI Monitor, Nuova this country is full of mon whose ly hopo may provo a havou. But wo Ara. OL Pals, Democratai, contributors aro persona ivho com.
indignation has beon worked up to should pray most soulfully that Correo del Norte and Di Horaido mand a bearing. One of the most outBuch płtch that thoy propose to onough are left to save tho situatiou, Moxicapo.
spoken had boon the Rev. Hayaos. Iuoc to plocos the oxisting rotton slnco on that muy hang our own balThe Di Paso Moraing Timos Holmes, who, in a sermon all tho nous by violent, plysical attack. Thut vatlon. If the Mexicans succeed in To ports conditions in Yucatan as most Church of the Mosslab, Now Yorkschool of thong. a thought that thoir struggle for tho land a similar unsatisfactory, but the nows consorthe noted Robert Collyer is its pastor hug doopenod into cou viction has dioyoment will sweop, and sweep suoshlp is excoodingly strict and tho ro emeritua. sald, Id part as follows: many more adhoranls tlian Is goner cossfully, this country, gion inost remote. If had to choose, would rather ally supposed, and its numbors aro WM. OWIN, It is self evident that all Mexico is be a criminal with blood on my hands Increasing rapidly. It is a school of Labor is la wlogs by violonco, cap.
pessimum, it you ille, but you canhoneycombed with discontent, moro than be one of the leaders of the Steel DOWN COMES TIL BALLOON, Itul by kunning. Thug Prof. Goorgo especially in connection with the land Trust.
What will be the offect on the 80 The editorial section of El Im workers. Foster, of the University of Chl aut dismiss it by that word.
question, and that such discontont ta But with all due respect to the ex.
1sts and exists quito naturally, sinco clal novoment in this country of the parcial, dated Jan. 3, contains tho caxo, sums up the existing sochat situThe foregoing taken from four expressing itself at a thousand points President of the United States, It Is Will It produce a Pollowing: ation in his article on the McNamar possimism and optimism aro merely McNamara case. Dally the press, in dif leading Mexico City papers just to to the best of its ability; for it must not true that murder is always murchso.
To mo tho eumming ip 19 10 tio impressions produced on the hu radical change in the tactics of or Terent tonos, is giving UB accountalaud, show a very diferent state of not be forgotten that the ILESOB are der, and the MoNamara brothers aro wuj it bring Trados or protests and maalfestations that things from that which prevalled in extremely poor and, therefore, unable not criminals in the ordinary sense of completo, since it omits tho nil 101 La mfad by roflecting on a given set gunized labor?
of circumstances. Tho wlyd acts as Unionists and Socialists closer to the worklugman is making with the Mexican labor clroles less than six to procuro arms. Probably there will the word. Rather they are unsoldsk portant fact liat back of the capital ist cunning and rendering it effor 18 compollod tu act: conditions force gether, and thus paye the way for a object of demonstrating disconntent months ago, at which date the work be new developments after Jan. 14. soldiers of a cause.
tive, stands the organized vlolence of it inexorably to its conclusions, and really formidable workers party? with his actual situation.
The work ers were only awakening to the ucces when Madero puts to the test the dan What circumstances made theso 11 those conclusions aro pessimistic will old methods be discarded and a ingman of the present day recognizes sity of asserting thomselves.
government It is to thnt wo owo gerous experiment of conscription.
men think that they were justified in It will act, sooner or later, in accord new departure made? These are the neither the law nor the obligatione the hideolis inequalities that koep us Nueva Era, an ardent partizan of W, O, committing that crime?
nnco with them. If you want to con questions thousands of intelligent the economic system imposes on him. Madero, publishes, vođer date The whole of In lorpetual civil war, inasmuch as viaco yourself of the existence of men and women are asking, and they To get himself a heartog he organizes Jan, 1, the report of its special corpower of the Steel Trust, vested in but for the repressive force of govthe Erçotors Assoelation, was turned ernment, the masses would not toler that pessimism read the list af dyna are profoundly anxious for an answer. meetings, more or less subversive in respondent at Puebla, which speaks against the Structural Iron Workers alte explosions since November, In part that answer seems to be fur character, and orders strikes that of large estates invaded by the people ate for twenty four hours the absurd Union, the only one which had been conditions that preval. Strip him of 1906, published by the New York nished by the olicial artfele la the often have a revolutionary aspect and of San Sebastian and Zitlaltepes. and Run Members January issue of the American Fed amount to conspiracies, thinking that adds this comment: left uncrushed, simply because it was his bayonets and the monarch The worst is erationist, oficial union. Then the association acted organ of the in this manner he will give more of that. the evil, will continue to 11throne is not worth a moment purAmerican Federation of Labor, After foct to his demands. The writer then crease if the necessary remedy is not Into Jail in the same way as a union does which chase. Withdraw its governmont People of the Otis type; nien of the stating that its editors have been urges. careful study of the situation, applied immediately; for the inhablemploys strike ang boycott methods.
created privileges and billionairism stamp of a well known Los Angeles nooded by letters from all parts of painting out that if we examine these tants of the other towns, encouraged good many articles have apViolence, Inevitable melts away like a snowball in a steel banker who is the loud mouthed ad the country, and that such letters strikes we shall find at the bottom by the example of the first invaders, peared in Los Angeles papers of late, Human nature being human nature, trust furnace. Sending us naked in vocate of the removal of agitators; have been searched industriously for of them a sentiment purely anarchie who have remained unpunisbed, will dealing with the Alleged depreda dynamite was inevitable, for what to the world nature gives each an have wished themselves into the desuggestions as to a new and better tic. This he attributes equal start.
lusion that by screwing down the to tho want to do the same with the lands tions committed by a band of channels of protest have we placed be.
course, the article continues: work of revolutionary Socialista, and belonging to other large estate, and, men said to be operating along fore the workingman except violence. valve more tightly they can insure the In Its worshịp of government this safety of the social boller. They fy to these queries. Among the intense (meaning clearly municipal Socialism) sults and the greatest dimcultles. scribe them as chicken thloves, bara courts to enforce any laws there might Nothing new has come, in reply declares that, while true Socialism this will lead to the most serious re the border. It is the fashion to de There are no laws for them and no country is the fanatic of the ages. in the face of physics and exhibit only participants in the social conflict, the of the Milwaukee, Good Government burners, etc. but those who know The press misunderstands them Nowhere have laws been multiplied their own ignorance of criminology, Isame groups are but reiterating their type) may prove the salvation of the Clashes With Zapata 80 preposterously; nowhere is the in which, as in every department of The El Paso Morning Times of anything of the character of border and the church. Is reluctant to receive lawyer so predominant. But let him the so called art of war, the destruc be expected from the National Manu be its ruln.
well known sentiments. What could nation, revolutionary Socialism will Jan, reports flighting between Fed officials, working under the fee sys them. Violence cannot be justified look a little out, for he is in danger tive forces of attack outstrip easily facturers Association, their agents Is the stormy sea which, unfortu Morelos, Mexico, The latter, he asserts, erals and Zapatistas in the States of tem and making thelr living by mul from the standpoint of absolute ethica, of being Jostled from his seat. Burns the ingenuity of the defense. If they and hirelings, but precisely wbat nately, the workingmen of these times patches, all dated Jan. 4, giving acsix different des tiplying arrests, may well suspect for America is not yet Russia, even as that the question has another side: regards the steel Industry; but neither Is the hero of the hour and the detec reflected on the very list to which tire bids fair to become our popular have alluded they would note that what they have been saying? What they are saying which is merely is navigating.
count of conflicts at as many points We reproduce verbatim the protest can it be denounced until the denounI can think of nothing so 111u8 the dynamiting recorded there began from the Socialists EXCEPT TO EM employer to aid in the solution of guerrilla warfare, the Zapatistas at seal of Local 489, The article then appeals to the in the latter State. It is essentially sent us from Brawley, Cal. over the cers have removed all provocation and idol.
It is opened up a way of protest for the trative of the depths to which our before and continued unchecked by PLOY THE OCCASION FOR VOTE this arduous and difficult problem by tacking towns and haciendas but re headed Call for Funds. Innocent workingman, moneyed society has fallen.
The ca the Moyer Haywood Pettibone trial; CATCHING?
reer, the inevitable dally work, of the and it is, to me at least, unthinkabletionary organs as the New York Sun than he actually bas, and by extend. proach in force of the Federal troops.
What from such reac giving the worker a llfe less miserable tiring, as 18 their habit, on the ap Men to Be Railroaded. Violence, the striže, the boycott are The text is as follows: war measures, for the laborer is not detective involve everything that the that violence will be halted, even but diatribes covering half the edi ing to blm. more kindness and affec Unquestionably the government is Tirso de la Toba was kidnapped dealing with his friends. If you object wisdom of the ages stamps as most temporarily, by the McNamara contorial page? So long as these de tion, Those who are familiar with making unprecedented efforts near Holtville and taken across the to them youobject to the Boston Tea vorthy. He sneaks, be crawls, he fessions. If the conditions are such clared ENEMIES of the trade unions the past history of Mexican Labor crush: Zapata, but, according to a line to Mexicali, in Mexico, and two Party and the battle of Bunker Hill.
moves among his fellow creatures as to provoke violent retallation, viopretending to be what he is not; he lent retallation will continue.
are what they aro, and unionism 18 will join us in bidding it distrust the recent despatch in the Los Angeles American officials were the kidnap. Do not blame the laborer for his agts, If the what it is, Do help can come from affection of its masters.
plans and schemes and puts up jobs; conditions grow worse violence will them to the labor movement.
Most of Times, his followers are increasing ers.
but blame the capitalists, as you should them are absentee corporations, with in numbers and the area of his oper He was taken without any war blame the men, who first fred on Fort he sticks at nothing to attain his ends increase, despite all the repressive and a past president of this Repub agencies government may enllet. It Note the language. As the result souls only for dividends.
ations is widening. The center offrant or extradition papers. Wo ap: Sumter instead of Sherman, who made of all this jockeying, all this fishing, lie. a man who is fishing, eller home is not in the nature of corruption to all this wholesale slaughter of prin ico, both të the factories and mines active in the following states, named overnor, but without result, the sia. ording Strikes: continue throughout Mex: his power is in Morelos but he is also pealed to the county, officers and the that disgraceful ziarch through Geor.
Talk about national degradation! and when you multiply detectives, the official organ of America organ Thus we find El Monitor of January ported clple to trap the labor vote, we find and among the agricultural laborers. In the order proportionate to his re Mexican rurales started with him to strengthMexico, Puebla, Ensenada, to be shot. When nearly ONLY TWO LIES THERE To my dying day there will be gladiators and draft more and more opinion of the Socialists in the words peons of this state have come to an and the Federal District.
add to the number of your birell ng ized labor movement expressing. its reporting from Tlaxcala: All the Guerrero, Oaxaca, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, there he escaped, and, after, wander Insthe International Socialist.
ing for three days in the mountains. Sydněy, Australia. of Dec. 9, we green in my memory the story of a of your population from the honorcapitalized. The s is escaping. agreement and declared a strike, dewithout food celebrated capture to which the Pa able path of industry into the dis El Paladin, or water, he inally, read: Our Mexican comradés havē Just which has been Down comes the balloon.
manding that they work only until strongly anti Zapatist, has a leading toba was a member of the Mex ist paper in that country, under the made his way back to Holtville.
cific Coast, papers devoted innumer honorable occupation of paid defendsucceeded. 10. starting the first Socialfive o clock to the evening and be article, under date of Jan. 4, headed ican Liberal Party, and fought with name of Lucha de Clases. Among its able columns The alleged criminal jers of the indefensible, you merely PROVING GOOD FAITH. paid thirty six cents an hour, getting who, in my judgment, had been add to the corruption and hasten the Zapatism and Senor Madero. It The Spanish editors of Regenera pay moreover for the time allowed the insurrectos in Lower California (principal collaborators are Juan Sara hounded into outlawry by the South inevitable smash.
reminds its readers that hardly six ción have sent a circular letter to a for rest and dinner. The employers last winter, ern Pacific sleuth hounds had evadmouths ago Madero lauded Zapata to bla, Juazi Humboldt, Gonzales number of their exchanges, which, lit protest that in no part of the world the skies, styling him the most hon We learned that Mexico had of and Antonio Villarreal. In their de ed all pursuit. One chance there was social machine which grinds out erally translated, runs as follows: are day laborers paid what these 113 est of them all, and says that pur 500 for officers in the late insurrec nounce: The struggle of arms is now fered 100 reward for privates and claration of principles the editors anof nabbing him, and it lay in bis noted in continually increasing numbers The mai paupers and millionaires, desperadoes Last week we sent you two pack Jadvised peons ask, affection for his family.
The same paper (suing his crooked pollcy of promises who occupled at that time the posl and effetes putrid with the possession in which we marked the passages dalgo: ages of Mexico City capitalist papers, reports from Tulancingo, State of Hicion. As many men fought terminated, since at last, political liband deceit, when he grasped the im Three thousand factory in Mexico last winter all W: men erty has been obtained.
tion in California that Burns, now of millions, should be tossed to the showing the economic aspect of the workers in this city have declared a signed the plan of San Luis, he en were classed, as insurrectos, perial standard of the revolution and Then holds in the United States forth with That paragraph contains two gross scrap beap. Beyond all question that took the trail. For weeks he devoted is what is coming.
Mexican revolutionary movement. We strike, demanding increased wages tered into a pact with the bandit, in began a campaign of deception and misstatements; the one being that La Beyond all queshimself to winning the confidence of tion that must be done if our race is hereafter, to the extent of our abil. The factories of Santiago, El Car which was muffled up we know not treachery on the part of Mexican and Lucha de Clases was the first Socialist you another package, and and diminution of the hours of.
American officials to induce the fugitive most faithful wife; a ſto save itself from a creeping paral ity, we shall send you copies of the men, Santa Isabel and La Sorpresa that there are many well informed men to cross the line. If they could by force of arms is over, which it never what concessions. It then asserts paper and the other that the struggle woman determined to shield her busysis that will end in absolute colband at every cost. Posing as a poor lapse. The papers are playing up an subject, that you may be able to write bas been 10. disorder. Mondi and declare that he has in his posMexican papers bearing on the same are paralyzed, but up to date there persons who have talked with Zapata it made no difference will be until the Mexican workers get. man and former comrade, this shin interview. with Rider. Haggard, who is on the Mexican question, and base tor also complains back their lands. It is natural, howthe great The number who have been taken ing light of detectivedom made him not only a well known writer but also what you write on the confession of trouble caused by strikes in the State session documents signed by Madero to Mexico will probably never be ever, that Madero henchmen should selt useful to the woman in a thou an excellent type of level beaded, which conferred on him and his foldeclare it over.
the capitalist papers themselves. of Chihuahua, which it attributes to known, Among others, Mrs. Isabel Band ways. He cut the wood, brought vigorous manhood. He shows that in lowers the rank of Reserve Army of Fieras, a member of the This thought also suggests itself. For the water, did the household chores the huge cities real estate specula. we have decided to do this in order tors, against whom it delivers a pbi Although it increases our expenses the evil counsels of Socialist agita.
Liberation, and that such documonths past The International Sowas taken, and finally convinced her that he was tion works so industriously to build, to meet and stop the unjust attacks lippic.
ments were signed by Madero beIt adds that the proof of its Under these circumstances there cialist bas received Regeneración, As and on which we pride ourselves so of those who have given it out that allegations is the acknowledged fact Cause he was on the lookout all the the one friend she had on earth.
but never has it deigned to waste one was only one thing to do, and that such she told him, in her overwhelm fatuously, we are turning the race this movement exists only in the writ that proprietors in that State have time for some accident that might was for every W, man who Tine on the great struggle for ecoing joy, that on such and such a date into a set of neurotic creatures, un ings of Regeneracion, and is put strikes, armed or pacific, as the frustrate him in his climb to the presher husband would visit heş, and, of it, at any rate in the second or third out by the Junta ag a balt to ex bread of their daily įlfe.
idential chair. It then remarks that could do so to, arm himself, which nomic liberty the Mexican workers are On the 25th of December making.
was done.
Let some of its partizans, course, he used the information to generation, to face the realities of exMadero fully believed he could cheat ploit more easily our liberty loving Masses Were Misled grab his man.
With one voice our istence, and are illiag the poor. Zapata with fine words, but that the the sheriff and his deputies presented however, start a little, and most lying.
comrades, papers lauded the exploit as a strokehouses, the asyluns and the hospit El Diario of Jan, reports Dep latter, rude and unlearned as be themselves at the I, hall at sheet, and, presto! the event is heralded as of paramount importance.
As explained in last week Englishuty Santiago Sierra as leaving for of genius!
He appeals to all history as For the better information of The proving that the flocking of the section, its editor has adopted a some Puebla, to interpose his good offices may be, is of a suspicious nature, and Holtville, and ordered them to give Madero is not the man to be able to up any arms in their possession. They flatly refused, what similar plan, and this week he with a view to bringing to an end the He then told the boys International Socialist we may add Radicals bave at their backs a large land born to the city has always been sent to a hundred English exchanges strike which is desolating that state.
make a lapdog of him.
that he would get them. The boys that, although its advent was adverand most distinguished following preliminary to the destruction of nawhen they denounce the conditiong tions, and adds that in this respect copy of the letter which appeared in Being interviewed the deputy laid the The article explains, as we have ex were armed with pistole, and they tised. widely, the Lucha de Clases plained often, that Zapata last week issue. The naming blame on leaders who had made knew it would be an easy matter for never even got itself born, and its unthat exist. They should not be afrald. the United States is a most recklessly therein of the sources from which it the people believe that the revolu strength lies in the fact that he repre: the sherif and a posse, armed with fortunate predecessor, El Radical, They should advance remorselessly to criminal offender. Rider Haggard the attack and nake it apparent to writes as a physician and states facts was compiled refutes completely the tion had as the obligation of its tri septs the time honored conviction of long range, high power rifles, to get qulckly gave up the ghost. Madero has radical amelioration of the natives that the land they culti them; so that night they quietly left, not proved the angel the Socialists exall the world that the time for stand that his brother professionals all ad charge made and rashly credited in umph the Curiously enough vate belongs to them; but quote hoping to make their escape guť of pected, and the moment their agitators, ing on the defense passed long ago. mit among themselves, but to which certain quarters. Any one can make their situation.
charges, and, no matter what their Regeneracion had had from the and refer to it here for the additional the valley. The news of their depart such as Guiterrez de Lara, began to pick up the Los Angeles Times they are afraid to give publicity.
motive, such charges will do harm, first that self same idea, conceiving light it throws on Madero actual ure was immediately communicated spread the doctrine they found themcharacter. the adjective and read, flaring across its front destruction being always a thousand that the object of so much bloodshed to the sheriff and he began telephon selves in jail. In fact Madero has Rotten, says La In the municipal shelters of Ber actual instead of true, and times easier than construction.
was not to hoist Madero and a new ing.
Up to date twelve have been thrown down everybody except the Follette of Federal Government. In llo terrible scenes are being enacted, In the case of the Mexican Revolu set of officials into power. The dep months ago wrote in these columns caught and lodged in the county jail, capitalists.
the text below read as follows; a mysterious disease known as the tion it is all important that foreign uty complained that the people by that. Dlaz was merely the female sol. Every means will be used to railroad The Senator trailed the course of Black Death decimating the unforIntervention be discouraged, and the their demands raised the price of Aler, but that Madero is the incom them to the penitentiary for a long No man ever ruled other men for corruption which, he declared, made tunates who flock to them for refuge greatest guarantee we can have lies the necessities of life and then re Parably more dangerous enemy, the term, their own good; no man was ever rightthe United States government çotten, Men fall writhing to the floor and ex in the solidarity of the foreigo labor sorted to violence because they could Jespitical, up to date politician. The On the last night of the old year, ly the master of the minds or bodies pire in frightful agony. What note charlatan has as a government of tbe people. The not f17 their stomachs. view typithrown movement.
everybody the hall at Holtville, being completely of his brothers; DO man ever ruled beginning of the corruption was felt, especially in the accounts fs this, cal of the deputy everywhere.
down, including the Socialists who deserted but containing all their fur other men for anything except for sala he, soon after the organization taken from an interview with one of Addressing the soldiers Lord Wolse The According to El Pats of Jan. 80 foollahly believed in him.
niture and library, was burned by a their undoing, and for his own brutali.
of the large corporations. Now we the attendants: We had expected ley said: The soldier ought to con the strike at Manzanillo, State of Co world is still deceived by show, as mob of brave and respected citizens. Zation. The possession of power over are paying the cost of legitimate prof. that after the deaths on the first night sider his duties the noblest that fall lima, which was causing grave losses Shakespeare remarked some three If money can be raised to give others is inherently destructive both It and on stock watered four times. the shelter would be almost deserted, to man lot. The soldler must learn to commerce, has been settled in a centuries ago.
these men as fair a trial as possible to the possessor of the power and to said the speaker, referring to the cost but, on the contrary, it was again to despise the duties of civil life. This manner entirely favorable to the long Reyes ridiculous asco was fol in a capitalist court, they stand those over whom it is exercised.
of living. list of ninety six med crowded by more than 4000 desti sentiment is not confined to occasions shoremen. The longeboremen have lowed immediately by Wall Street, chance of getting free.
The foregoing, by George Herron, sho, the Senator said, control the des tutes. There is a pen picture for when the soldier is defending his countriumphed all along the line, all their boom in Mexicon securities, and the Please send all tuqds to Peter le a noted Socialist, states most admira.
tlaſes of the government, was reduced you of life in the metropolis of what try but embraces also the case of the demands having been granted, in conjecture has basa hazarded in sev Blane, Box 485, Brawley, Cel. bly the basic Anarchist position. It to fourteen lyy the speaker, with plumes Itselt on belng a great and soldler who is invading foreign coun. cluding the substitution for the eral quarters that the optire farca Yours for Industrial freedom, is reproduced approvingly by the Bo Morgan and John Rockefeller As civilized country. Do you wonder tries, especially those of weak nations. toremen Elliott and Urage of two may have been stage managed by LOCAL 439. clallst organ Revolt. We are ad.
the leaders. The speaker accused the that the Mexicans are fighting with (Francisco Ferrer. mon kore bgreeable to the Mexican Madero. to exbibit himself to the (SDAL)
Branley, Cal. Fanclas, W1 115 a als.
SO page, the head: use