English Section Regeneracion. 1. I i 50 into PJ Our remas the brave!
a are RBITED BY REGENERACION ETHEL DUFFY TURNER HEROIC END Hought Hand to Ilmnd in the Night plnoos thoy took whatovor aring thoy man of rolnomont and tanto, Thogo noir by woro frightonod, and could ind, aluu all avallublo funde Praxedis Guerrero Dead Guorroro rotusod to buy himsolt a Thoy Pubthehod ovory Saturday at 019. OF GUERRERO ach lightning tash of a sun indo trom tho sovornmont ollloos.
now suit of clothos, Baying that tho. 4th St. LON Angolos, Cal.
thom dush from tholr hiding placoo; now control a rogion from whioh it 18 (Transintod by ICL Cronista. And the splondid spoolmon of tlio Caugo noodod tho monoy moro trinn Tolophuno: Homo 1860. BRAVE (OMRADE, MICMBLR Ortho lowdor Maulius vuocoudod with practically impopoldio for tho fodorala papuoription raton: Latoet information coming from out Intorruption, ponotrațing with to dialodgo thom, as tho randa thithor bost manhood thoampnrcial dobig. romember, tho, Arst time InLIBIRAY, JUNTA, MICROCS DIATII HO Per Antun 00 qulck bluru of lahat through thio are yo rough and the rivers aimoult the ropresentatives of tho Liberal uutes as a baudle: In glaring lienda vitod him to suppor at my liome.
IN littlo ALI NICUT BATTLU Slanood down a littlo shyly, IN 10 Por ulz months ching of tho door and windowu. to Cros8.
her three months. 60 21. Paso, Toxas, confirms tho circu reporting on the happenings at Janos: bourgools apology, ho shrugged him WHICH FORTY PATRIOTY PUT Not a cry nor lamont nor any other Tupla forces at one thousand mon, tolls it ronders that thero diod thio TO ROUT TWO HUNDR101) GOV 1011nd could bo distinguished abovo Ini Jalluco, on Docombor 27, Corty Intod rumors withi robird to tho fato shouldors and said: All right.
torriblo baudit, Quorroro. Bandit?
lho nolse of the throurms, and no tho mon of tho hucionda of Totalimtupu, suforod by tho socond soorotary of After that ho visitod mo ofton, and.
100 poptos 00 Clarkrose wnu completo tloro roignod woll armed and mountod on tuo bost tho organixing board of tho Liborn claw thion can you dofino a good man? board from lilin, among other 000 ooplos 14. 00 On the socond of January, in the a Irightful confusion which mudo norrus or the baclonda, rodo to Tux Party, Proxodle Quorroro in the Al, rest In ponce doar brother, thou 1000 copio things, tho pitiful story of the expedi 20. 00 Town of Junoy, Chihuahun, thoro took shalt not romain unavongod. huar tho situation in tho midut of the pam and folnod it bund of chroo huu mountains of Chihuahua.
puco il battle, the story of which tho voico of destiny calling mo notattor tlo rovolution got for July had tion against Palomas in 1908, whon, elamur of batllo ovon moro appulling. drod robols who had boon administor Guorroro is doad, bays tho dologate Daltor and Proprlotor, Adwelmo will thrill all honrte not yot to gordid One of tho ruralos WALB hiding in ing defcats to tho fodoral forcos, of the Junta, to forgott On the glorious day been betrayed and overything all but Figuoroa.
ito bo stirred by deeds of horolsm. Ili In Juohltan, Oaxacn, the robols of Janos Praxodis Guorrero, the Spoaking of Praxodle Guorroro it doorwny whon thoro passod by 11 that battlo forty revolutionists waterad Bocond class mattor to natrol of fedorals pursuing alvo insur havo solzod groat quantities of ex young aghtor for Uiborty, gavo up his 13 impossible to len vo unnontlondd 108t, with a party of but a dozen men, tough. trosh.
fought in the pitchy blacknobs of the the namo of his alter og o. of. that othor matoh to Moxloo, noplug that at the September 11, 1910, at tbo post oiworo lopt 11 tho Ilfo.
horo who fell under the bullets of aco at Los Angeles, Calitornia, under night against moro than two hundrou Fonts, und ns thoy saw a bindow, tho plosiyos which silhouette of aman, thay ghot at warohousos of tho Pan Amorloan rail.
Praxedis 20 diod and yot can frat spark of rovolution the soldiers the Act of March 8, 1879, that glorlous Aght of Palomas lo would desert to the cause of tho peoletterals fought and won.
him at tho very momont at which the rond, not roconcile ray mind to that sad No. 20.
Think of it, forty unsOlL8011od inon the spring of 1908. Do you remomruulo criod out, It Is Iu Durango, Zagatecaa, San Luis fact.
Don I have gathorod data, havo ple, and that the people would flock Saturday, January 1, 1011.
ugalast two hundred regulars! What ber him? His name was francisco siivot!
But it was too lato; ho hnd Potosi, Tepic and Tabasco thero is mado investigatlong, havo analyzto thom ag brave as they them1 tl spirit thero must huvo boen inwardly uttered tbo last word when continual fighting on the part of the od tho data, havo subjooted the re Guanajuato, who also renounced his Manrique, anothor young man of selvos.
choso robe! heurte! What fenrlogyhe foll bathod in bis own blood.
rovolutionists, sults of tho lovostigations to tho cru, right of Inheritance in order that he Guerrero became attached to my Filty cents will now buy this pa 11099, what flaming love of the cause Find Comics Only lu the Morning The state of Sonora gives promise cible of the most severe criticism, and of Liberty!
should not be compelled to exploit hold her in his arms.
baby. remembor the first time ha fer on trial for four inonths.
It was about four in the morning of forment similar to that in Chiyet all indications polnt inexorably She took to The revolutionists woro led in the his fellow beings. Praxedis and wlion the fusillado conbod, und an oc huahua.
to the fact that Praxedis is no more, Francisco, a beautiful pair of dream lighit came into bis dark oyer.
him at once and soon soft, shy Do sure to read the story of the attack on Janog by our belovod com casional shot hoard in the dlatanco in The rebels are stirring tblogs up that he is gone. But in tho face of She horolem of Cuorrero and his lite rude and brother, Praxedis Guer. dicated tho rotroat of thio low fød in Alamos, Caminen and many other all tho doduotions of roason my seners of a better humanity, were inis porfectly happy, remarked my band of patriots. It will be found. roro Thioso who read tho story of whom only separable comrades, orals who bad with their parts of this state, евсареd ument revolts la the hope of despair, death could teur apart, and that not wire. She is not more bappy than 1o another column of this issue. Jaaos and who know Praxedis can lives.
Sovon Thousand Troops in Chihunhun calling out to the wounded heart as a am, roplied Guerrero.
well understand the marvelous valor for long There wero momonts, roported an According to a statement made by softening balm the falth: No, PraxI know that Guerrero did not lova Money paid to this paper for sub shown thero. For pover was thero eye witness, when losurgents were Abraham Gonzalez, provisional gover edis is not dead, the dear brother is In the brilliant article written by Aghting for its own sako, that tho scriptions goes directly into the move a heart more courageous, nor one confounded with federals, and on nor of the state of Chihuahua, under still among the living.
Praxedis on the fight of Palomas he thought of shedding blood sickened ment for the abolition of chattel slay that burned with flercer speaks of Francisco Manrique as fol him, and it was only because tho revolt veloped in the shadows of night they the insurrecto government, to a repery and political absolutism in Mex against the wrongs of the oppressed fought like Titans, band to hand until resentative of the Dl Paso Herald, at all times as of old with bļg eyes of Wherever go seem to see him lows: thought of his enslaved people sick, ico. Do you catch the hint. knew Pancho from earliest child ened him more that he was anxlous than that of Praxedis Guorrero, death or victory, there are 7000 Mexican troops in Never was there a man more devotfull and rich sunshine, expectiog to hood.
In one of the strects an Insurgent Chihuahua, or one fifth of the MexWe sat upon the same bench Are you noticing how many pub ed to Liberty, more willing to sacri fell with a broken leg, and surround ican army.
meet him working away on the type in school, to ight. remember how impatient Then, in the years The rebels hope to draw of writer in the office, or at his favor youth we traveled together the road the battle occurred in the streets of he was for the hour to strike, When lications which formerly were num fice himself for it than lie. All his ed by eight soldiers he tenaciously one third of the army there so as to ite places, and every time am re of exploitation and misery, and in Puebla on October 18, think it was, bered among the most extravagant le his thoughts have been bent to defended himself, arst shooting his give their comrades in other states defenders of Diaz are now daring toward lifting the burden of the poor, carbine from the ground, where he a chance to get things well started. minded of his eternal absence, an icy later years our ideals, and hopes, and he was like a restive lion.
tell the people exactly what he is? His high intelligence has worked unhand seems to grasp my throat. So efforts centered upon the revolution.
that of lay in a half reclining posture, and Gonzalez claims the 7000 Deliberately Guerrero choso the It is the curest sign that the end of ceasingly toward that end; his beau afterwards fighting with a macheto sent to Chihuahun, 2500 have been bood he was of heart, our brother, of we were brothers, as only few can most dangerous work that could be the dictatorship is at land tiful Ideals, his dream, have been of when they approached nearer, kllling put out of commlssion, and that 600 such modest, truly, doble spirit!
be. No one could know him better undertaken. For months preylously la people freedom. If his own life think of our conversations, of our than do and fathom the beauties he was making his plans; be would two and wounding three with the are fighting on the side of the revocommunion, words of manifestations of bis Intimate life. be was a youth not let me print his picture because ha The Dlaz press is circulating a story should be the cost, 80 let it be; fol knife.
that United States capital is behind that he never faltered. recall his intimate of profound goodness in spite of a The Death of Patriot Near Parral a band of insurgents of a high spirit.
was intending to Mexico, the Mexican revolution. That is the Conflicting Reports as to Death put a Come on, cowards, he cried, confessions.
of rurales do not think that character rugged like a stormy sea.
group to fight, though a marked man, and personold game of charging your opponents His record since he crossed the Praxedis was the soul of the moveally reorganize the shattered am wounded, shall survive this revolution, Don you see that wounding one, with the crime that you are commit line to Mexico a few weeks ago has Unhesitatingly it cannot rise? And when they hint detachment of two hundred fed hero told me repeatedly with a little ment for freedom.
nants of the Liberal Party, Finally, ting yourself, so well known in Amer been of an intrepidity unparalleled ed at surrender he cried out with all erals was defeated by revolutionists smlle that filled my heart with anx can be sald that Praxedis was one of in November, he went to El Paso ican politics. Diaz has played that in this revolution. Then came the his I, too, belleved that soon he the purest, worthlest, most intelligent alone.
remaining iety. Never near Colonia Juarez, strength: There he remained for some game before.
taking of Janos, in wbich he was rethat! Viva la revolucion!
General Navarru forces are fac would be gone: he was so bold and self denying and bravest men that time getting together a body of men ported as one of the victims. Later ever espoused the cause of the disin with which to Finally a volley of the enemy ing their greatest danger, form nucleus in Dr. Fortunato Hernandez, deputy we received a telegram saying that which surrounded him destroyed the rebels are concentrating to attack Praxedis was an unceasing worker. herited, and the vacancy caused by Northern Chihuahua.
in the Mexican congress and well be was well, but now again a private life which he gladly sacrificed for him. Seven hundred conced Never did hear his lips utter a com his departure can never be filled. have no doubt that he had made under known in literary, medical, scientific telegram comes to us which fills us his heavy Where can a man be found so free up his mind, if he could get as many his country.
trating between Jimenez and Santa plaint of fatigue But if he is living or tasks.
and social circles of many countries, with misgiving.
Always he was at þis table, from personal ambitions of any kind, as twenty five men in El Paso, well When the sun rose, a sinister and Rosalia, and four hundred near Casas in an interview published in this if he is dead the work he has done bent over his work, writing, writing, all brain and heart, brave and active and good, he would go with them; heart breaking picture was presentrandes.
If bis blood country, declares that the revolution will continue to grow.
those brilliant articles that hold as he was?
ed to the spectators, mute witnesses that if he could not get twenty flye ists have diseased minds.
Yes, dis has been shed for sweet Liberty, It has of a tragedy worthy to be engraved place of honor in the revolutionary The proletariat has hardly yet real but only afteen, well and good, he not been shed in vain.
eased with a desire for liberty.
If the man is literature of Mexico; articles perme ized the enormous loss suffered in would go with them; that if he could in marble or painted on canvas.
MEXICAN HIGH gone, his spirit lives with us still, to Without exaggeration it ated with sincerity, articles of beau that man.
The streets were covered with only, get five men he would go with We are sending a few sample copies inspire others to revolt against op corpses; the trickling of blood on all FINANCE ty in form and thoroughness in may be said that it is not Mexico that them; tbat if he could not get a sioof this issue to persons who are not pression, to make a hundred revolu. sides indicated where some had crept thought. Often times he told me: has lost one of her best sons, but that gle man to accompany him; then; he tionists where there was only one besubscribers but who, at one time or in their flight; the walls were spatLast week the local Mexican popu How poor is the human language. it was all humanity, for Praxedis was would cross the Rio Grande alone to fore, another, have evinced an interest in tered with red stains and were full of lation crowded to their capacity two There are no terms that could con a ighter for the freedom of all.
call the people to arms against the Dearly loved comrade, the work the cause of Mexico. Therefore, if And yet. can not grasp the loss despotism.
theaters near holes where bullets bad penetrated; moving picture the vey, exactly what we think. How you are receiving a copy this week you were doing will not be neglected it was a feld, in short, covered with Plaza, offering to the spectators two much does a thought lose of ex and give credence to the terrible realHe always spoke as if he expected The gor!
and are not a subscriber, you will by those who follow you.
the black crepe of devastation, grief sets of the grand parade of the Diaz uberant grace and of beauty when it ity, At any moment a hope hidden to be killed. He seemed to have that you aimed for will not be forConsider it an invitation know why: and death. Independence celebration as gorg is set down on paper! And, verlly, deep within my heart tells me that a made up his mind to take big chances gotten.
eously arranged. in Mexico City, pre that man of extraordinary abilities comforting telegram is to come saying and he took big chances.
to subscribe.
He must The town of Janos was gained by ceeded by showy pictures of so called knew how to form true pieces of art that Praxedis is still among the liv have been the soul and the inspiraarmy maneuvers, displaying lots of out of the coarse material of the ing. The brutal truth can not destroy tion of those forty men the forty American officers watched the almost inconceivable to us who comsteamer Hornet very closely as long placently read the newspapers each smoke, but mighty little strategic, human languages.
in the deepest recesses of my heart who fought in the night against two as it was thought that she was going MANY STATES genius.
Sell denying and modest of nature a last remnant of hope like a filcker hundred and beat them, but lost their morning.
The pictures parading the historic he never asked anything for him ing light ready to succumb. And my leader.
to clear for a Mexican port with arms What Do We Know of Heroes? LATEST REPORTS ARE THAT RA past of Mexico in a wo rful array self. At various times we insisted tortured mind still hopes to meet him He died fighting.
for the revolutioniste: But as soon were better Heroes? What do we know of FAEL TAPIA READS 1, 000 REV of floats and groups were highly in that he should buy a suit of clothes. in his favorite haunts, in the office to die fighting than to rot in prisonas it was learned that she intended heroes? What Dotion have we of OLUTIONISTS IN VERACRUZ structive, and of a truly barbarous But he never permitted it to be done. Where we used to dream with him or to rot out of prison. My words to clear only for a Central American real bravery? We search our minds MAYAS FREEING SLAVES IN splendor.
port with arms for revolutionists she and we find a few foggy ideas about This centennial show rep All for the cause! he said with a the dream of the dawn of social eman seem inadequate to express my feelYUCATAN SITUATION IN CHI. resented the ghoulish riches of the smile. One day, when he seemed to cipation, and my restless eye seeks ings. can only say again, that am was permitted to go peacefully on her the hero of San Juan HIII, or HUAHUA UNCHANGED.
sighs of millions of contract slaves, be getting rather thin, advised him the martyr bent over his table of toil, proud that Praxedis Guerrero eounted way.
Dewey at Manila Bay, or some other THE LATEST BATTLE. and free toilers spun into costly that he should eat better, as all he writing, writing, writing.
me a friend.
petty actor in a petty cause. But Eighteen insurrectos put one hun. garments; the tears of Yaqui mothers took was a few vegetables. And he RICARDO FLORES MAGON.
Local Los Angeles County, Social those who possess the courage to risk dred and seventy five federals to torn from their little ones and rot retorted: could not stand it to WHAT DID KILT TH: ist Party, has endorsed the Mexican all for no other reward than the fog flight just across the Rio Grande, op tráiġ in the hells of Yucatan and Quin feast on better dishes with the revolution. It is in the power of of fighting for Liberty, with the odds posite Comstock, Texas, on January tana Roo, tears turned into sparkling thought that right at this moment The Imparcial of January Brd, these good friends to help in a very all against them, often with the al 11, according to an Associated Press diamonds; the sweat and the life there are millions of human beings tells us in glaring headlines, all across material way to donate guns, for most certain expectation of death dispatch of Jan. 12. In the battle blood of an oppressed race, outlawed who have not even a piece of bread.
the six columns of the first page: example. Thls can be done without such are the heroes of the Mexican eighteen federals and only two rebels in their own land by an unholy alll And all this he did with the child Los revoltosos no disponen af de any violation of law as long as the revolution.
were killed.
ance of foreign corporation greed like sincerity of the true apostle, hombres ni de armas para presentar gun is given with the understanding Do you know that in almost every Seventy rurales had been in pur vith domestic autocracy, every drop of with the grand simplicity of a saint.
un combate serio. which means in that it is to be used only in fighting case the revolutionists have fought suit of this band for two days. The it transformed into crimson rubies Neither fiction nor affection were in By John Kenneth Turner plain English: The rebels have at upon Mexican soil, and not in an ex against bands many times their num original party numbered forty men, and glittering gold.
his inner make up. His clear, high their disposal neither men nor arms pedition carried on from American ber? No, this bravery of the revo but twenty of them separated from The army maneuvers, obviously re forehead was the reflex of all his The price of despotism in a given to offer a serious battle. Is that soil against Mexico lutionists is neither an accident nor the rest and started for a ranch to produced right along with it for the thought. Praxedis came from one of country is the blood of her best and so? Should it be really a fact that a phenomenon. It is the spirit be get horses to replace their jaded ani purpose of overawing an unsuspecting the rich families of the state of Guan bravest sons. Of the thousands of the valiant. soldiers of the brillAccording to Louis Kopelin, the hind the weapon which gives each mals. They were surprised by the people after stupefaction with pic ajuato. With his brothers he inher good and brave men whom Porfirio fant oficers Guzman, Luque, NaWashington correspondent to The man his added strength, the immor rurales, to whose support there was tures of splendor paid for by the peo Ited an estate. From the products of Diaz has killed in order to perpetuate varro died either tickled to death by Appeal to Reason, the infamous Os tal spirit of liberty.
quickly sent a hundred infantrymen, ple but enjoyed by the idlers, rather this hacienda he could have comfort his personal rule over Mexico, can a joke or were killed by stage Iright?
car Lawler, who prosecuted Mexican Read what El Paso del Norte Two of the rebels were set to work failed in their purpose. They reminded ably lived in idleness. But first of not believe that any was better or What would happen then to the loyal political refugees in Los Angeles and has to say about the capture of packing ammunition and rifles on one of certain dashing lovincible all he wanted to work for freedom. braver than Praxedis Guerrero.
or army of the despot, should thera later wrote the notorious back dated Janos: mules, while the rest opened fire on charges of masses of soldiers led By what right could he rob the peops the millions of men and women who actually materialize few real men, Taft opinion on the sinlessness of Story of the Battle the soldiers and rurales and soon against supposed artillery and ma of the product of their toil? With have died in the world age long armed with real popgung?
Ballinger, has speaked away from The attack made on this town in completely routed them.
chine guns by talkative and vain what Justification could he retain struggle against Special Privilege and Washington incognito and is now is the district of Galeana was formidglorious Billy of Germany, that madb the land which the toilers had in favor of Democracy cannot be Mexico conferring with Diaz as to able, and remarkable for the fear The Maya Indians of Yucatan have the War Lord eternally ridiculous drenched with the sweat of their lieve that any was better or braver THE the smoothest means whereby the lessness and daring on the part of been in arms since the arst of Decem in the eyes of a koowiog people and brow? Praxedis gave up his share than Praxedis Guerrero.
Taft administration may aid io the insurgents, until finally they took ber. This same courageous tribe has that would have caused instant dis of the inheritance and joined his Guerrero, son of a well to do hacrushing the revolution in Mexico it, capturing the supreme authority, also risen in the adjoining territory missal, had a minor general dared to brothers of toil to earn his bread by cendado, born to a life of ease and without causing a revolution in the and all else even down to those who of Quintana Roo, where within a mile commit the stage blunder.
his own hands, free from the remorse mastership over others, renounced his United States. Watch for the out were held as prisoners. Gstablisbed in 18891 and a half of the best fortified plaza Poor autocrat! Poor tottering ty of gaining his livelihood by exploi inheritance because he was too great come of this Wall Street lickspittle After the defeat suffered by the de of the peninsula, that of Santa Cruz rant!
Now that Ives Limantour tation of his fellow beings.
a soul to exploit his fellow men.
tachment which belonged to the gar de Bravo, the Mayas dug trenches financial mission to France has ap Praxedis was almost a child when When a youth he preached the gos THE ONLY SOCIALIST rison, in Janos, they telegraphed to and threw up breastworks. Between parently utterly failed, and the he hired out to do manual labor after pel of revolt to the peons upon the As a special inducement to Amer Casas Grandes seeking aid, which the towns of Tabi and Nonpop they smooth wizard of the Diaz inance has having given up the luxury, the riches, hacienda that was to be his. When NEWSPAPER IN SOUTH.
ican subscribers we have been offer was sent immediately. One hundred cut the telegraph wires, which they resigned from office to spend his days the almost animal pleasures of the ne attained his majority he became ing the celebrated book, Barbarous and fifty soldiers and a detachment are using as ramrods for their guns. in gay Paree, far from the seat of bourgeoisie. He did not come to the a tramp and a peon himself in order ERN CALIFORNIA.
Mexico, the retail price of which is of rurales reached Janos protected In the state of Veracruz there has all troubles, a gentleman of leisure, ranks of the proletariat, defeated in to rebel as one of the expropriated 50, free with a year subscription by the shades of night and immed been considerable activity on the part the Grand Old Man of Mexico is get the struggle for life, but as a volun against the Institutions of Vested to Regeneracion, which is 2; or, iately they joined the combat in of the revolutionists. For weeks ting ever more broke and has to teer enlisting with the proletariat to Crime.
with a six months subscription for which neither side was as get vic small bands of insurgents have haras stoop down to moving pictures of the place all his strength of brawn and Few Americans knew Guerrero. 50. While these offers still hold, torious. Forty Insurgeoth, notices sed the powers of the government past splendors to replenish his larder brain in the service of all the op am proud to own that he counted me You must take the Peoples good we are making an additional for the most part, but with hearts throughout the countryside, On and to prop up his crumbling pedestal pressed. He was not a derelict of a friend, When first met him in offer to send the paper four months overflowing with courage, fought January 2, at a hacienda near Cordoba of a cunningly devised, yet vanishing, life taking up pick and shovel as a the office of Regeneracion last August, Paper if you would know 00 trial for fifty cents. Don you like llons in the streets and environs they had a skirmish with rurales. stage glory, last resort, on the contrary, he was fancied he was a little mistrustful know someone whom you could bene of Janos: one insurgent matched his The president of an anti re electionist We hope to see the daywhen he will the apostle of a great idea out of his of me. He had lived bitter months what is going on in the Cal.
At fifty cents worth by sending bim strength against four or five federals, Club of Orizaba, Rafael Tapia, at the be out with the band organ and the own free will glving up all joys of fly. in Texas, where ignorant wbite savifornia Socialist Movement or her Regeneracion for four months? and during the eight hours which the head of a hundred well armed men, monkey, and, verily, when the grinding to teach by the example of his ages class all races with a hint of We need the money; your frlends bloody combat lasted, they harassed took possession of the hacienda of of ble poe reaches our ears, we sball own lite the truth, justice and power olive upon their skips along with the ROGERS, Publisher need the education; you need the gat the federals with unparalleled brar. Omealca, where all mounted horses aot be stingy with our aickels, for the of the sublime thought agitating his alsgera. But it WAS pot many 232 East Scoenth Street isfaction of having helped. Don tery and out mastered them complete and rode toward San Lorenzo and sake of the monkos.
weeks before we were well acqualatLos Angeles, California delay San Juan de la Junta. In those DI Crontata ed, the revolutionists after a struggle FIGHTING IN.
None Braver Or Better.
Peoples Paper 00 Year