AnarchismCapitalismEnglandGermanyGuerrillaItalySocialismSocialist PartySpainStrike

WILLIAM COWEN ENGLISH SECTIO Regeneracion, REGENERACIONI Intervention Near THEN AND NOW Mexico Struggle As work on that. publication and shortly the Magons Following Orozco Defeat Guerrilla Know It Warfare Spreads and Debt Accumulates were Capitalism Drives China To Révolt purman. or i From this time forth abroad.
Were broken.
rced these fily turned their backs. They were quite logical. If the Chinaman, is to be Published every Saturday at considered unfit today it will be the friends founded a petiodical called 914 Boston St. Los Angeles, Cali Japanese tomorrow; the Mexican PAST AND PRESENT Excelsior. The energy displayed Telephone: Home 1360.
the Italian or the Slavonian the day OF MEXICO after, and so ad infinitum. Reguby that paper recalled to memory the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: SKETCHED extinct Regeneracion. In April they lation and exclusion are policies to months, 60c; months, 10; which you cannot call a halt. They (By Aristide Pratelle)
once more to prison, in year, 00; Singlo copy, 5c. By Enrique Flores Magon. company with Librado Rivera spring from denial of individual (Continued. in bundies, 3c per copy. Continued. Inasmuch as Excelsior and El rights, and the nation that becomes However strong the Mexicans de In February, 1893, Ricardo Flores Hijo del Ahuizote continued to apo inoculated with that poison is a nasire for land and liberty, they have not No. 99.
tion in which the individual may been able to get them. This is owing Magón became a member of the staff pear while Ricardo and Enrique were in jail, the judge who had tried their Saturday, July 20, 1912.
starve and suffer all manner of injusto the of EL rice, but cry in vain for help. In the Very, very soon the United States will intervene in Mexico. Assuredly and the fact that the haciendas arid pera, an opposition pawas suppressed by the case issued a decree, under the orders of Porfirio Diaz, prohibiting the cir. name of the collectivity, he will be the judgment of the editors of Regeneracion is not infallible, but necessarily their surroundings have formed a bar government in April of the same year, put in shackles and driven to the they are compelled to watch developments closely, land they have no doubt rier between the people and that of ere it had completed three months ofculation of any paper written by shambles by officials for whose sus about it.
wire which they have been robbed. With publication, its editors being impris them. Thenceforth it became impossible for them to continue in Mexico tenance he must toil. In the name of oned. Ricardo was able on this on the propaganda of their ideas, and All our information is that foreign governments, and especially those of a view to securing internal tranquility the collectivity prisons will be made Great Britain and Germany, are pressing for payment of claims that run into Diaz sought the friendship and com casion to make a laughing stock of Porfirio Diaz myrmidons.
when they once more were free, many millions, and that they themselyes have kept their hands off, in deferplicity of the established powers in though spied on from every side and From that moment the tyranny reployed treated as enemies of society. ence to the Monroe doctrine, only because they have been assured that the Europe and America, By making cap.
In the name of the collectivity laws. United States will act as their collection agent. It is needless to say that italists vast harassed by the hirelings and ruffiacs doubled its cruelty, and a silence even grants of land he will be passed to exclude thosc out the latter also has claims amounting to many, many millions. The editor of chased the praises which the journals more profound. concealed the crimes of Porfirio Diaz, who threatened to No assassinate them, they came to the snobbishness chooses to denominate this section wrote, last January, in his pamphlet on the Mexican Revolution; of two continents, showered on him. of plutocracy and the authorities: United States in the hope of being This as unfit, and state flunkeys, drunk able to propagate their idcas in more atarved in the midst of plenty: gazes with authority, will hand over to for There are foreign investments in Mexico valued dt about two thousand Thenceforth to violate property be one had cortidence in any one; none million dollars; and two thousandi million dollars to say nothing of the even came a crime. Thenceforth the cut knew if he was in the presence of an tranquility.
wild eyed at his fellow crcatures fcast, eign tyrants such victims as have sucricher, pickings in sight can exercise tremendous pressure.
ting down a tree, the breaking off a honest man or an informer. At their ing: shiver: barefoot while those who ceeded, for the moment, in wriggling (To be continued. call themselves his brothers flash by from their clutches. All these things other capitalist Powers, have hoped against hope that Madero vould prove were forbidden. Thenceforth water ple spoke in low tonies of the insufUnquestionably, as also he then wrote, the United States, and all the branch, the gathering wood in forests, own hearths, with closed doors, peoin furg and silks; dozes fitfully on the are being done today under our noses.
park bench faced by mansions. do an effective agent, restore order and enable them to collect their claims and falls, oil deposits valuable timber and The government victory at Banot try to put it eloquently, for the rest secure in the possession of their annexations, without resorting to the unoccupied lands became the property circumstances, when cowardice ivas fact itself This revolt by China against the expensive and doubtful experiment of ivar. That hope is now practically of the capitalists. The financial aris. closing every lip and the Mexicani chimba robs it of the hope that it surpasses language. If nioney power is a light suddenly dead. The farce has played itself out. Madero troops can do nothing tocracy. of the two continents drew public was visibly degenerating, that will have opposed to it in the future a how color beramatic should place treaking in a sky that seemed impene except scatter the forces of Orozco, Salazar, Zápáta, Salgatlo and other rebel down hrige dividends. thanks to being Ricardo Flores Magon and his older compact and relatively powerful army.
descontro con les primaries, or be the while, as is the Mexican Revolu becomes continuously more and inore one of remorseless expropriation, put shops and factories, on sugar, hemp dreamed of the redemption of the op tinue the campaign in the form of guerdriven insanc ly. In both cases the blow has into effect over a continuously widening arca.
and tobacco plantations, on; immense pressed, and is today Secretary of rilla warfare, and he will be no long, incur shouting the future beautics of comė iroin an unexpected quarter, but What is tile United States government to do? What are those to do who ranches across which it often took State in Francisco Madero cabi er willing to listen to the government.
the Co operative Comhionwealtii.
in both cases, if we look beneath the believe, as do aļi the governing povers, that property, must be protected and days to ride. As even La Prensa net, and therefore, an upholder of the He will not be able to do so even if The problem is an individual prob nerved the arm. Whatever her other the evils of land monopoly and absentee land ownership; although every like bcasts puit oùt to pasture, inight gust, 1900, in the City of Mexico.
surface, we can find the force that preserved at any cost? It is understood, of course, that they refuse to admit admitted recently, the rural popula very system of peonage he then com he wishes to, for from this moment bated founded Regeneracion, Au the frontier chief will begin to lose teni: the most serious conceivable. stupidities may be, China has kept, as intelligent person in every civilized country recognizes them as gigantic evils: die silcntly of huiger for all the poliauthority over his followers. Orozco Those who teach that its solution have said, some 400, 000, 000 alive; Thcy stand pat. They refuse to consider anything except that certain titles The paper appearance created as liead of the revolution will remain mist await the action of the majority and she lias done it by fidelity to one exist. Into the question of low tlıęy were acquired they reiuse to enter.
ticians, journalists or bureaucrats profound surprise, owing to the ener only a namic.
are deceivers, whatever they may call basic truth we persistently ignore.
cared. Aboard the ship on which the sy with which it denounced the slav his companions will inarch forth more themselves. Those who prate about Never has she permitted her lands to By no possibility can Mexico meet the claims about to be presented. Mexican people had to voyage across ery that was weighing on the people warlike than ever, cach working on Aladero cannot give satisfactory guarantees that. thanks to the tranquility he the sea of life all accommodations had of Mexico. The plutocrats and mem his own account, each developing his flere til at forslanit patinoires. in this be taken up by especulators: malways will restore. Mexico will be able crentually to pay. In reality he is plunging been fully pre empted. For the mass bers of the government were seized own individual initiative, disassociatpilt through when our party is in she has encouraged the worker in his his country into vastly deeper debt; for, so strong is the agitation for the of the passengers there remained the with general stupefaction. It was in ing themselves from the man whom, power. ife, to the starving unen anxiety to till the soil, the governployed, the cruelest of traitors. Those ment fostering agriculture by lenient governinent to the purchase of huge tracts on which the disinherited may find they could or jumping overboard. But basement, cowardice and abjectness, and obeyed. If the government should return to the masses of their land, that he has been forced to commit his choice of getting what standing room explicable thiat, in the midst of de up to a few days ago, they respected who preach that there are no suelrents and granting specially favorable a footing.
things as individual rights, juggle terms to those who bring into fertilthe experience of those Mexicans who two men should have the audacity to wish to come to terms of peace with with words and mock the disinheriteriity what was previously uncultivated price must come finally out of the pockets of the very people wlio have been has been most cruel. Today it seems tal government in the world.
Naturally that is no remedy at all. since, if the price is to be paid, that have emigrated to the United States confront the most powerful and bru the revolutionists it will not know to their face The honest God China has suffered cruelly, as the robbed Naturally that means outlay of many, many more millions. Naturally preferable to remain aboard the ship whom to direct itself, tior will it be knows of Talı holds true of the out. Mexicans have suffered, for being also that means the paying of excessive sums to certain monopolists. and the and struggle untiringly against the ty citizens belonging to the city of San by certain of the leaders that will be Simultaneously with this a group of able to make a suggestion accepted of work and money, whatever the naturally peaceful; a CRIME that has institution of a still more ontrageous reign of graft. The last condition of this rants at home and intervention from Luis Potosi, capital of the State that accepted by the others. Unquestionparsons and lawyers of the Socialist made licr thc prey of the invader. exceedingly sick governnient has become infinitely worse than was the firsti Party may say, and all the orations of She has suffered cruelly, as Mexico bears the same name, and among them ably the revolution will continue, but Plitocracy, through what still professes to be tle people government of all the Debs will not put onc penny las suffered, from the corrupt governTo these, which are the direct Librado Rivera, issued to all the Lib its unity has been lost.
the United States, is about to act. It will despatch its ships to seize the causes of the Mexican Revolutionerals. of the Mexican Republic a call Orozco and one of his leasiers said: in their pockets. We are caught in ments imposed on her by the invader. ports of Mexico, and confiscate customs for the liquidation of the debt, viz. fanine anong the people, and for a convention. They urged them Today the war begins. We think the net of munopriy, and overy one of Put she has been able to weather the Doubtless it will send its troops across the border. In a word, it will levy war particularly among the rural popula. to unite in a struggle, by pacific the former Maderist general bus not 118 has to struggle, with cvery force at storm and even absorb the stormer, his cuinin, iſ the meshes are to be because, with Oriental tenacity, ler The English section of Regeneracion has been published for the last tion, which encourages or awakens means, against the influence exercised considered low far reaching, fifteen inonths under its present editorship simply that it might throw light their justinctive desire to enter once workers have refused to be over the government by the Catholic those words. He is right when he from that soil which is our sole storc.
on the war between the people and plutocracy, as illustrated by the case of more into possession of the land and clergy; pointed out the desirability of says that today the most terrible, With thoughts Mexico; that it might show the thoughtful, at least, that this struggle is part cultivate it for their own useinust forming liberal clubs throughout the devastating and bloody war begins.
through my mind picked up this the Mexicans have grasped that cenrunning the secret suppliese Toosbeth berhaps and parcel of the world wide movement of the masses against the moneybags: be added ile fact that the illustrious country. and named February 5, 1901. Henceforth the government will have morning paper, and read of the do eral truth.
As for the Labor Move: week editorial. It came in opportunely, for China, whichi coinprises a third management of affairs, disposed of a delegates from the clubs, which would against ambuslics, It constitute one third of the human tions seriously if it ever will. At pres successfully of late against the money power oi Church and State. Spain, to the Mexican people accruing. First Delegates from every corner of the the adlies of the revolution and the in continua come here to have the spise mense se tebius yrite de catre some pres of the human race, is in revolt against the money power. Portugal revolted sum of 260, 000, 000 without any profit max been established by that date. against natural forces which will be family: has son unoumbered Euro ent it scorns its brother worker Italy, tlie Central and South American Republics, are all ini jghronic revolt, he amassed treasury reserye. Then country came, and among them Ri worst enemies of its own troops, The ing mist; has managed for thousands kissing abjectly the robber hand that more or less openly, against the money power. Of the United States, Eng he spent 40, 000, 000 on the construc cardo Flores Magon, who, recognizing heavy artillery which sowed lavóc land and other European countries one need not gpeak. Here the fever is at: tion of sumptuous edifices for the use of years, and still manages, to keep flings it contemptuously a job.
the situation in which the country among Orozco hosts will not be able its height, and there, for the moment, the temperature has subsided; but of Mexico aristocracy, and another found itself. and seeing that all the to traverse those rugged ranges, and aliye on a viven are any infjnitely greafer number of human beings than everywhere the disease exists, and everywhere it will continue to exist until 540, 000, 000 on tlie building of the rail delegates. save Rivera, paid their res the army will not be able to venture If the Chinese assert effectively the causes are removed, Baş any other divilization of which we their independence of ille tribute gath: road from Tehuantepec and the es. spects to thie clergy alone, delivered into places where death may await it have a record. No matter; wc liate Tlic spectacular and desperately bloody battles that have marked the tablishment of trading ports. There an address in which he denounced the death agai tst which it cannot decrer, they will strike plutocracy and course of the Mexican Revolution are only symptoms of the disease. So are and drapise ile Chinaman nya alien goyernment a blow that every the arrest and condemnation of the inembers of the Mexican Liberal Party tricts wherein irrigation liad been norance and tyranny; including in the behind the breastworks of the mounon famine inade its apeparance in distrile cause of tlie existing misery, ig fend itself or struggle, death hidden sele car with some skepticisine lake lover of liberty should applaud. In Junta; so are the riots they score up so indestriously to the discredit of the neglected, and tlie rural population sweep of his denunciation alike the tains or in the depths of tle thickets.
Sunday in Los Angeles Chinatown.
doing so theçu will be in line with Alexicaus; so are the various outrages the papers chronicle so carefully. had another cause for anger. Today priests, the plutocrats and the author. Having to operate over a much more that world movement, which, in Mex Symptoms; iudications; nothing more. Thc one grcat question is whether we It was called; for the purpose of savo lice and throughout the Southern intend to cure the fever by eliminating its cause, and that qiiestion is being who led the dance in the revolution with terror. La Prensa declares that the man ities. The discourse was listened to extensive field, the number of soldiers ing the new Chinese Republic from All were attacking the who triumplied over the revolution the foreign money leech, and the dp for freedom from the forcign usurer, countries, is struggling for home rule, put right up to the American people, here and now.
of 1910, as in those of 1911 and 1912, clergy, but none had dared to point when it was unified will not be suffishut of the ma. ter is that John ChinaChina, England and the other countries named are far distant, and will and those that still will follow, is no out that the plutocrats and the gov cient.
man is vocking hingeli of a month Freedom. The international Anarchist very doors, separated only by an imaginary frontier. There we ourselves are quez Gomez, when interviewed for national and individual economic fight their own battle. The case of Mexico is different. Mexico lies at our other than this Sr. Limantour. Vas erament were factors in the odious But today something lias begun be1. 809 to help his fatherland to freedespotism from which the Mexican sides war; something that assuredly movement, in love with liberty, has being called on to play a most decisive part, and the part we decide on will cently, asserted that the Madero fan people were suffering. Accordingly escaped the notice of the guerrilla are careful about money, but always Chinese revolution. To the Socialists, future of this country.
lom. Understanding that the Chinese followed closely, from the first, the affect profoundly make no inistake about it, most profoundly the entire ily always had been Limantourist. Ricardo words made all present chief and that is causing terror ainong keep their promise. was increduWith the outbreak of the Maderist tremble. Three months later, at the those who know enough to take resunk in local. vote catching, this uplous and made enquiries Within a very short timc the people of these United States will be called revolution Madero parents came to end of May, Ricardo and Jesus Flores sults into account. Today begins war, heaval: of more than 400, 000, 000 hu on to declare themselyes and take a stand definite. unmistakable, precise. New York, to see Limantour, and ex. Magon were imprisoned in the City of and also depredations, disorder; banc man beings has been a scaled book They must decide whether they will align tliemselves with the disinherited It is known generally that the new they have been too indifferent to masses of Mexico, wlio swarnt across their borders because the land of their tracted from him the promise that Mexico, for publishing. Regenera ditry. All these will come despite They were subjected to Orozco; despite the chiefs wlio hitliChinese Republic, needs 300, 000, 000. Jopen.
Diaz should go into éxile. In return WM: OWEN.
and that the international money powown country has been swept from beneath their feet; or whether they will be the Maderos pledged themselves to thousand tortures, the most cruel heerto have seconded his war plans and er has professçd a willingness, to lend despite all their protestations, Hand in glove with Wall Strect with the protect Linantour. Diaz went; but ing the refusing them permission to obeyed his orders without discussion, it. But it desires to bindithe New absentee landlord, the foreign usurer, the jackals of finance for whom hitherto the coterie of Cientificos continued give the last kiss and lastl farewell to. El Imparcial, Mexico City. Kępublic hand and foot, and against The Socialist Party is in danger of the Mexican pcon has been compelled to produce wealtlı spent in the fashion to reign over Mexico.
their mother, who was calling to them centers of the world. To be continued. from her deathbed.
this islavery to the octopuis the Chi becoming a merely opportunistic, popnilist machine. The Socialist Party Threatened with Death.
What are they going to do about it? That is the question; a question ten Who would not be an armed and Los Angeles, it nese arc revolting.
appears, iş merely following the exleaders are not to be blamed. Pop thousand times more important than the altornate victories and defeats IN MEMORIAM.
Although its editors had been sent mounted Mexican repèl, master of amiple set in, China, where thousands ulism is exactly the kind of thing that scored respectively against the federals and rebels. With profound conviction In Memoriam, Voltairine de Cley. to prison, Regeneracion continued himself. rather than a ſexican factory nijarny men are setting aside a large appeals to America. Americans are register it as my own opinion that the question now up for settlement will re, is the title of a most appropriate publication until October, 1901; at hand?
At Rio Blanco, scene of an revolutionists percentage of their pay to swell the The so called prove infinitely graver than that presented sixty years ago by chattel slavery. brochure issued from Chicago, over which date Porfirio Diaz, angered and infamously notorious slaughter of fund. and two cities have raised American Revolution was the most the name of Annie Livshis, 2038 Po humiliated by the firmress the prison workingmen; in February, 1907, mill 000, 000 by the plan Los Angeles now conservative and superficial change of tomac Ave. It opens with Written ers had displayed, despatched a mes hands have been shot down indorses. Never have been much government that has ever taken place.
THE SIMPLE TRUTH. protested vehemently, in open court, in Red; a poein on the Mexican Rev senger to tell them that if they pub móre; apparently in utter wantonness.
of a believer in the theory that cer All of America other wars have been tain nations are: worn out aad. cannot capitalistic and conservative, from the As editor of this English section Iif against the sentence after it had been olution, penned for and originally published another number of the paper El Antirréeleccionista. explains that come back. Never lave taken Mexican War down to the Spanish consider it my duty to make a frank passed; for it was lighter than that) lished in Regeneracion. Therefol they would be assassinated in a dun the trouble was started by a drunken much stock in all this talk about in American. If the American soldiery statement; the one policy in which imposed when Ricardo Flores Magon low the words and music of Voltairine geon. Thus the first epoch of Re officer, who deliberately attacked believe implicitly.
with, Iis sword and wounded one of de Cleyrc favorite song, Aloha Oe; and Librado Rivera were convicted, generacion ended.
ferior races. Always bare felt that invade Cuba and Mexico it will be at Freiligratli great poem, Revolu In April, 1902, the prisoners re the workers. The others, protesting it is preposterous to put on a thiret of the instigation of Wall Street rather Certain persons have been working, far less serious charges and fortion, and another by herself, written gained their liberty, and in Jure of the soldiers opened fire on tlie crowd.
our race the mark of Cain. The facts thani Washington. But Let the buy itp feud among the Mexicans; which the first time; some five years ago.
in Philadelphia, February, 1890, the same year Ricardo and Enrique All information as to tlic number of juht:. cited confirm mc in, those er beware. the buyer of votes at the may, be very injurious to Regenera The further fact is that we have proFlores Magon indertook the editor killed and wounded was refused by though expense of ideas and idealism. The cion, and, in this country, to the cured the dismissal of. charges of atSocialists can never do what they say cause it represents. They should be tempting to rescue. prisoners, on El Ahuizote, the well known com ship of an opposition paper, The Son the factory superintendent, but the pawhich cach of the seventeen arrested ic paper of Mexico City, contains two of Aluizote. At that time Librado per remarks that it must have been For many years have held they ultimately aim at by the ballot stopped immediately.
strony opinion that to ostracize the alonc: Wc know that, a great many With one or two exceptions thic could. haye been given five years in parallel cartoons. The first repre Rivera was in prison at San Luis Po large, since it took three railroad cars Oriental is to be false to of them will answer. Then why pre Alexican men and women charged the penitentiary, if found guilty. They sents Gen. Huerta about to swatatosi, owing to the great activity he to remove the dead and wounded.
In the face of this the miserable tehid in their platform that they can with laying attempted to rescue the manor. charge of rioting their trial petition the authorities principle of international brotherhood. Social Revolution. He grins in Liberal Congress; in February of that workers most respectfully! Whio would not is to shift thic blame for poverty from conquer and possess the world by imprisoned members of tlie Mexican has been set for November 12, and pleased anticipation The second pic sanie year. He was set at liberty monopoly shoulders and place it on orice singine müssen nietsjonal the Liberal Party: Junta cannot speak all are out on bail.
titres him curtounded by a whole army September 19. Ritéra was a members be a rebel?
the workering to start once inore on (B Russell Herts, in The English, nothing of of mosquitos. He does not grin, but of the directors committee of the the, downward path to aristocracy.
International. American usages and thought. It is YET ANOTHER, REBEL.
For these services. which occupied he protests: This one never studied Ponciano Arriaga Liberal Club, Born, July 8, 1912, in Los Angeles, revert to that system of caste from easy for the unscrupulous: to deceive fully six weeks of his time, and ina at the military college. The situa which was broken up, with clubs and which we have been struggling to My sympathies are not contined such persons, and they are being per cluded considerable expense in gath; tion to a dot.
bullets, by the hirelings of Porfirio to Paula Carmona, wife of Enrique Diaz and Bernardo Reyes.
Flores Magon, a son. Dr. Juan.
emerge, and set in motion an ava within the limits of my own green suaded that the Junta was sold out by ering evidence from a distance, Men lanche there is no stopping. have islaną. My spirit walks abroad o er its lawyer, Mr. Willedd Andrews Andrews has received 200. The con To work for a cause that involves September, 12 of that same year Ri Creaghe, who was in attendance, reports both mother and child as in the known quite a dumber of prominent land and sea. Wherever there is tyr. They also have been told that we ception tliat he sold out is, of course, the weal or woe of thillions is beyond cardo and Enrique Flores Magon were best of health. We can wish the latSocialists who have been busy:ì this anny. will dyri my. bolis. against it; have only to hold protest meetings in the sheerést rubbish, foisted on the all comparison, the inest thing in life. sent to prison for publishing El Hijo tec, no better lück in life than to dcdevil s, work, and in several instances wherever there are wrong and suffer order to procure a reversal cof the reduląus by the deliberately mali To work it, whethed for personal aui del Ahuizote; and when they came they were orixinally conspldious in ing will be there to comfort and sentence!
bition or inoney, vėlõpe into aš brave and honest mnan infinitely the bas out, in the latter part of the Nexicao. Rexalmion, buis wvimatelassist.(Daniel Connell. 1903, they resumed their journalas is his father: The facts are that the prosecutionWM OWEN unlooked for recion, LET THE BUYER BEWARE!
not W: olice оп 70. he great are now held on the siniple misde arge and clumsy mosquito, labelled had shown in bringing about a second cious, wy, 4TLUS