Regeneración Angeles Times No. 229 Shall We Keep Silent?
In my a fiat t10 the priesthood and their material way to convince is that your se tion. At the time of their arrest, bondage to the holders of the curity is good is to show us that both Ricardo and Enriqut had Edited by WM. OWEN vast landed states.
you are able to put down your ene just begún to recover from tliness The niasses clamored for land mies. Naturally, therefore, Ca tbat dad almost caused their under the Spanish rule, and it rranza runs to Washington, crying death. prison term of any.
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was because their cries were un You are my ally. You are as length, or loug confinement in Single copy, cts.
ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON. For ninetv five years every re hecded by the hacendados who much interested as am in putting any way, woullb20:1 a pat to a One dollara year. months, 6oc. Saturday March. 11, 1916 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. volution that has taken place in controlled the government that down my enemies. And of course deatlı santence, as they have allMexico has liad for its object, so the spaniards were ousted. the United States Government has ready endured more hardships forced to see and whose ears were their own strenght and the en far as the masses of the people The demand for a division of to answer: Yes, we shall live up than campassibly be imagined.
compelled to bear what we know thusiasm of their followers. are concerned, it ley agraria, or rhe land into sinali lioldings was to our obligations, however much Ricardo is especially in a real only second hand? Ilow could believe they liave found some agrariau inw. Iturbide, saruy in urged upon each regime after the we may dislike the job.
dangerous condition.
they keep silent. How, having thing of the same sort in me, for 1821 ascomplished the independ fall of arbide, but was unheedYou understand; an impossible put their hand to the task of eu. regard the conflict now racking ence of Mexico froin Spain; but ed Diaz secured the support of the situation has developed.
lightening the world, could they Europe as ciusignificant when put Iturbide had no sooner succeeded masses by promising them a ley agraThis last attempt of the Fedetiiru back and retain even the bar in comparison with the struggle of than he saught to make Mexico ria, but after he obtained power, like opinion there is no question of ral authorities upon our comrades, est slired of self respect? Their re ideas which is beginning to an empire, with simself on the all his predecessors, he forgot his moral turpitude on either side. It las caused unusual indignation promises and became the servant of the is, for example, my profound conand surprise ainong all ridicals It is to laugh; as men often cord has shown conclusively thať shake the world as, in all proba imperial throue.
ianded aristocracy.
viction that the mexicans MUST dan liberty loving people. Some When tlie first Congress of laugli, to keep the heart fom they coull not keep silence; and bility, it has not yet been shakeu.
The promise of Madero to secure land breaking. In Europc millions trust that myself, now indict, We are not peace at any price Mexico assembled in 1822 there reform procured him the succession to get rid of their land speculators; way or other they don seem to reso many that oué cannot keep the ed jointly with them, shall prove men. We will not shut our eyes were twowparties, one composed Díaz. But he, too, forgot his promise and of course do what can to alize that such high hamed and and so gave to Huerta the excuse and voice that conviction.
the church, On the tyrànical nethods can still cling to count are murdcring one another, to be made of not geratly inferior to facts atill pretend that tyrants of the army and the opportunity to remove him. No other hand, have every reason As write rien are falling in the stuff, will step down froin power at the which ſavored the establishment opportunity was afforded lluerta to this supposed enlightened are for believing that inany of our trenches; sailing through the air Nearly forty years of my life people polite request. We will of an empire with Iturbide on carry forwarl land reform, for the reband under a regime that boasts 50 nucli of its democracy, Sucli that they inay drop explosives on have been devoted, as may fair not profess to believe that any the throne; the other composed ellion of Carruuza and Villa against lim leading officials, incluing President Wilson himself, share that helpless towus; plowing their way ly say, to the professional inves people can be robbed of their of the conscrvative Spanislı ele. Occupied his efforts.
outrageous farce cannot but call Carranza has promised to divide the conviction with me, but their beneath the wayes that they may tigation of economic conditions; heritage, the land, and ade ment, which also desired an em haciendas among the people and his offi hands are tied.
for the most unbounded indignaAs see it, I, for tion in the face of the fact that Bourbon catch some merchantman and hurl and this carries with it the inves quately compensated by putting pire, but wanted cials have begun the work in the State of conditions under the present lier crew and passengers to deathi. tigatiou, of national polices, be the possibilities of education, as prince from Spain for Emperor. Yucatan, The ley agraria is in effect the moment at least, am free and saturnalia of blood such as this cause on them econmic condiions construed by the robbers, within Iturbirte and his wife were there now, although its application is to they are not, scheme of Things jave reached hope they will not catch me, the point where men, women atach world, in all its sayage past, has chiefly depend. As a journalist their reach. Education! The crowned Emperor and Empress be gradual. Distributions of the lands are to be made on August and February of for desire most ardently to con.
never seen; a devil dance started and mercantile agency only education worth talking ab and a series of revolutions and each year. But there is to be no absochildren by the miilions are sub and led by those whose office is to have been compeled to make them ont is that which induces men to counter revolutions ensued, last lute ownership of land in the occupier. tinue the propaganda of explan jerted to a life of abject slavery, ation have been pursuing for beggary, and prostitution, itt guard the flocki Under the ban. my professional study; for had face the truth and see facts as ing through the nineteenth cen. He will be given a longe for 999 year, ners of For Cod and King, to become, as far as possible, they are.
tury a republic succeeding a re, which lease will be forfeited if he fails nearly forty years. was trying order that a privileged set of Our country tis of thee, We master of my tools. And the have read, in the Los An. public, Gomez Pedraza, Santa to pay the rort, which will go into the to explain to the people of Ing bloodsuckers, whiteslavers and as a tax and Juarez succeeding land the importance of the land worthless drones thay live in above all, the nations marcha to fact, the central fact, is that, geles Tribune, tlie extracts from Anta The Henry George single tax system murder.
comparing conditions in the Unit Regeneracion on which this other. Then cane Maximillian has been adopted and is being enforced question about the very time splendor, while those who give On top of all these horrors ed States with those in Mexico, indictment is based. There is and his empire. After his exe. in Yucatan, but the lesses of the land when llenry George was writing their lives to abolish such mons comes a new one. Here, in peace. am convinced that we have not no quotation from anything cution Juarez, Lerdo and Gonzalez je not accorded the privilege of trans Progress and Poverty. have trosities are marked for eternal Sul America, three men have been so much to brag about. If they have written, but that is imınate. succeeded each other, and Porti ferring his leasehold. estate to another, stuck closely to that program of punislameuf.
The law there guarantees to every explanation ever since, but nearly What desire to say most rio Diaz finally became fixed in Mexican or foreigner more than 17 discovered, so destitute of con liave their Terrazas, who lorded rial.
a year ago, in a moment of weak.
years of age living in the State the scienc, so depraved, as to write it supreme, we also have our land particularly is this: The thing the Presidency. very active campain of proDiaz ruled Mexico respotically, right to personally cultivate a piece of ness, decided that was entitltest has been starter all over the of revolution and circulate their monopolists wlose one ambition worth doing at all is worth dowritings through the mailsi Los appears to be the creation of ar ing thoroughly, and if the Gova but he preserved order and fos, land where, by means of his labor, he ed to the comparative rest of a Angeles papers inforın us that mies of tennants over whom they ernment intends to punisli the tered mining aud manufacturing may obtain what is necessary to main chicken rancli in Washington. country since the arrest of the Ma.
tain his family, thus acquiring economic From there have been doing frons. In this city as already the grand jury deliberated only alşo can rule supreme. If Mexico use of such language as is quoted interests. Yet he never encouro irudependence and the comforts for liv211. 00uncela Defense Committee only a regular writing; just fifteen minutes before returning has, had her Cientificos and in the indictment, it must sup aged the enactment of ani agrar ing quietly, according to his social conin connection with the Interiaenough to meet my obligation to the indictruent. Small wondeer, well righ omnipotent financiers. press every labor meeting in the rian law, or attempted to disesta dition.
tional Workers Defense cague, the editors of RFGENFKACION. Los Angeles Daily Times. Feb.
las clars the work. mass therefore, that moral indignation we also have our Morgans, by the country and prosecute the editors blish peonage, or relieve the peowlio took over my Land and is ablazc.
scores and hundreds, whose power of many leading magazines, ple from their inental bondage to 8, 1916 jiceting is to be held at Labor Peaceful Americal Liberty subscription list when Peaceful is. eyen. vaster. If Mexico has That means, of course, that it Temple on March the 18th as it found myself no longer able to part of the campaign.
America, wliose every economic been the prey of yulture politi must burl tliis country back to continue that publication.
quarrel is a war! Peaceful Ame cians, the very entrails of the what Russia was some fifty years ognize only that titles have been The Magons liad not grown In San Francisco tlie radicals rica, where the paper is tossed United States are being torn out ago.
acquired and that its business is tired, and thereby they showed are also rery active in behalf of aside as tedious if it fails to bring hy a similar swarm; more dann In reality 110 such program is to protect them, no matter what Our comrades. We have a letter themselves my brothers. hope its daily sensation of some build gerous because more numerous, under contemplation. In reality, At this moment am a fugitive the cost.
front Alexandra Berkman in now to shake off my wearinessweare at the beginning of an from justice si fact mentioned It is useless to declaim against since tlie Government will fung set on fire some factory dy more keen eyed, built sharper whichi le says they have also ornited, some deed that ends in beaks and talons.
enormously. important political only to explain this article. The this state of things, for obviously longer permit me to squander my ganized a strong Defense Leagie, blood! leaceful Amarica, whose This is a political prosecution; game. the stakes in which are remainder of REGENERACION the Government which fails to energies on merely private busiand le also sends us a bold hand.
President tours the country advis. essentially political. If the party the whole future of Mexico and staff is in jail in Los Angeles, live up to its program thereby bill announcing a monster protest ness and resume that campaign ing it to equip itself with a navy now in power were not backing the question of whether this charged with liaving, used the coufesses its impotence and inof explanation which today seems mass ineeting they have advertis.
attacks en for March the Sth. Also an incomparably nsore poweful Carranza, and if Carranza läd country shall abandon its indus mails to circulate a newspaper vites a series of more imperative than ever.
than any now afloat, and another use arm not called on his ally to protect trial ideats and beconie, as are that incited to murder and revol which must end, sooner or later, Wm. Owen.
110111ccment of itself to the teeth, that it may him, the Mayons and would the European Powers, a military ution. That the prosecution will in its downfall. Every Govern.
mieeting to lie given on March the 15th, dominate as its civilization en have been permited for all time nation. The Magons and reco not eer on the side of mercy ap ment, therefore does its utmost From George Speed, Secretary titles it to dominatel Peaceful to continue the heart break struga ngerize clearly that if the United pears certain from the fact that to increase its strength, that it of the San Francisco 16.
America, with on the word of gle of publishing a weekly paper States accumulates a large stand. the Magon Brothers bail has may crush its enemies and render local, we liaye also received it her President no territorial am, in which we set before a tno indi ing arıny and navy. incompara. been fixed, in each case, at 500 its own life secure.
letter saying thicy lare already bitious, but with a plutocracy no fferent world our thoughts on bly superior to that of any other Tor years have been pointing Of late the Mexican desinheritgiven a meeting in favor of the Vagon defens and that they are torious for grabbing, and with a justice. What we have been Power, there will quickly be an out how suicidal is the policy of ed have been forcing the specuiA monster mass meeting will be held working for ile other inass meetproletariat that already strains writing weekly is not different itch to put that army and navy enlarging, instead of deminish lators, foreign and doniestie, to at Labor Temple Saturday March 18 to ing to be lield on the Sule of this the standing capacity of its prie from what is shouted nightly in to the test, and Mexico will be ing, the power of Government, disgorge, and that to an extent protest against the latest attempt of month.
sons and asylums!
a thousand halls, expounded from the dog on whom the first expe. All organizations resent attack quite unprecedented within living the Federal authorities upon Ricardo Where the Rio Grande divides a thousand soap boxes, taught in riment will be tried. The land and do their utmost to annihilate memory, That they have been and Enrique Flores Magon, writers of Emma Goldmau lias also been the United States from Mexico cautiously framed language from monopolists of Mexico, among the attacker, precisely as dues successful is evident when we Regeneración, now in jail in this city.
very active in New York in behall edito whom Americans cut the biggest the individual. Consider only consider that claims filed against led upon to address the meeting. Sam vf our courades; in a letter we tent; murmuring that bave in rial chairs, and elaborated for the figure, will clamor for protection, how many millions have suffered Mexico by the foreign speculators Adkinson of the National Rationalist haye just received from lier slic says in part: creased most rapibly in bitterness really studious few by world ac and the result will be a war of have made copies of your let.
and nunber; murmurings that claimed philosophers of the Hero intervention that will drag its ing ventured to attack the Rom 700, 000, 000. Every one of these Party. Cyrus Grow, of Organized LAter and bare sent them to the are the eclio of that other war bert Spencer type. may be bloody length througlı years of an Catholic Church.
speculators is calling on our Gov. bor; Kirk, of Counsel for deradical press.
Have also written which for the last five years has pardoned, perhaps, for adding bartxrous struggle.
ernment to protect his title, and the various editors urging then In particular have been in the what is our Goverumeut to do?
Speakers in other languages will also beeny tearing Mexico, to pieces, that have made ratlier a special Such, as honestly believe, is to give the case publicity. The nm not a Mexican, and it hapa business of endeavoring to inter the real purpose of this prosecu habit of pointing out that Gowe If it pleads inability it signs its of the Jewish Organizations, in hebrew; New York Folks Zeitung anıl Liree or four Jewish papers lave pens that my home of late lias pret Spencer, on whom wrote a tion. have at this moment no ernment, the moment it finds the own death warrant.
promised to take tlie matter un bren at the other extremity of book many years ago. He, the files to wlrich can refer, but attack really dangerous, will reAt present our Government is ty and Mrs. Enrique Flores Magon, in and to make the outrage knowri our far flung possessions; within author of The Coming Slayers, am confident that the authorities sort to its first and inost formidsupporting to whicli our counrades lare been Speakers in french and italian will be a few miles, indeed, of the Cana: Man ys. The State, etc. is, to cannot produce even the tiniest able weapon its inonopoly of the simply because, in exchange for subjected.
announced later. Carlos Tresca, well Through that that support, he has promised known Italian Organizer for the lian border. Nevertheless have my thinking, the supreme Anar. fragnient of the most fragmenta, postal system.
Of course we are not to neglect our comrades. Pleasc give them not been able to shut out those chist. for lie devoted this entire ry article in which have incited monopoly, indorsed so foolishly publicly that he will do his ut is also expected to speak.
our fraternal greetings and tell murmurings, for they are a human life to demonstrating that only to murder. ain careful by Socialists, it is able to arrest The meeting will be held under the mnost to restore order, protect the then that mornX LARTJI and ery that pierces everywhere and under perfect individual freedom writer, and the role chose for the pen of every critic, fining, speculators, titles and reinburse auspicies of the International workers will do all we call.
We have an article about the case in MOTHER will not give as rest. Of the va could mankind attain its proper anyself was that of interpreter. imprisoning or exiling him as the then for all losses suffered during defense teague. The Meeting will be held at p.
rious ways in which that cry has growth.
of explainer of the evils of mo case may be. What it is able to the last five vears of revolution.
KARTu and also your letter and emboilied itself in action I, by the will beginia campaign as soon as have no desire to prolong this sopoly and of that invasive, do it will do whenever its own Naturally we of REGENERACION NOTES ON THE we know definitely what the necessity of the caso, have known article and wisli merely to add militaristic philosophy of life danger seems sufficiently alarmoppose Carranza, because the charge is and how our comrades only such dnbious fragments as that, while the Magons differ which is the great upholder of ing.
realization of his promises would MAGON CASE intend to go about it. Kcep. me could gleau from papers and oc from me widely in things to which monopoly. That issue the peollie danger to the United mean the restoration of the conposted 15lease and rest assured casional correspondence.
that we are with the imprisoned But many agitators and cducators at ple of the United States will States Government from what lias ditions that prevailed under Diaz Up to this writing, Wednesday coinrades.
have heard, with growing inten tach importance, there is between have to face, speedily and been going on in Mexico is very conditions so unbearable that morning, our comrades Ricardo sity, the cry; and, with growing us a bond of simpathy which no surarely. The one thing fatal real, and the more one knows of they drove the entire nation into and Enrique Flores Magon still The Gods must be uneasy these intensity, have tried to trace its doctrinaire differences can break. to them will be the inclination to the conditions there the more one violent revolution. On the other remain in jail, as no bail has vet days for simultaneous with the origin, to interpret it. Many o My experience with men promi side step it, us do tlie politicians, appreciates the danger. Rightly hand, the United States Gover11 been secured, not withstanding arrest of the Magons, they have thers of my Anglo Saxon kindred, nent in agitation has been long, WM. C, OWEN. or wrongly our Government, like ment is now Carranna backer the unceasing activity of our also raider and suppressed all Governments, exists primarily and ally. It has made his ene friends in tliis line. This had men and woinen well known wlier my conclusion, formed from close Alarn a new Anarchist monthever our mother tongue is spoken, association, is that have known for the defense of veste:d inter mies its own, and as anxious to been coinparatively easy in former ly of Chicago, and Kavour. ar liave done likewise. It has seeni 110 men so whole souledly devoted Anarchist weekly of New York, esty and the maintenance of suppress them as is Carranza him times, but the friends who used TRIAL OF THE MACONS is held up by the Postal author.
ed to us important; it has seemed to what they consider their spethings as they are, Moral con self.
to be ever ready to offer bond be ities. At the same time Emma to us vital that tlie cry of all cial task; hiave known none nuore siderations are never perinitted Carranza lias beeir making des fore, are not financialy fixed to Golilman also has been arrested On Monday March 13th Ricardo to swerve it from its program. perate efforts to borrow money do so now. However, a portion in New York for the heinous these millions should be under indifferent to personal profit or crime of advocating birth control stood, and that, an effort to un that cravin for notoriety which and Enrique will appear in the For example, you may prove ab from Wall Street. Has he not to of the bail has been subscribed and is a waiting trial on bonds.
derstand it, and help others to is usually the leader bane. Federal court, fourth floor, Post solutely that Porfirio Diaz and assure the prospective lenders and it is expeted the necessasy Tlie white winged fraternity understand it, must be made.
look on them as serious men, pro office Building, for preliminary his Cientificos rendered millions that their interests will be pro amount will be fortlicoining bedon seem to have had enough If we, so far removed, ſeel thus, foundly impressed with the grarof Mexicans homeless outcasts by tected, that losses will be repaid, fore long, with the free course they got confiscating their lands and sell that the security 110w suggeshow much deeper must be the ity of the struggle in which they learing. All those interested in It is extremely urgent tỉat our from Margaret Sanger, who made them wish they had never started feelings of such anen as the Ma are participants, and exceedingly their liberation are requested to ing them to speculators. That, tive is the word is good? Of. comrades be released at the earsomething, gons; men born and brought up dialainful of the trivialities on show their solidarity and support however, will have no effect on course he has to. Equally of liest moment possible for their in Mexico: men whose eyes were, which most agitators. fritter away by their presence.
our Government which will rec course the lenders reply: The healtn is in a very delicate condiR. GARCIA, new Shall The Magons Again Be Railroaded To Prison?
Raul Palma, of the Mexican Liberal ParCarranza, Why? spanish, a