Civil WarStrikeWorking Class

REORNERACTON. Regeneracion.
Tne American Partners of Diaz wo two tion, the locarnation of progress and was thit Americans had more money. chummed with the authorities. They cannot forget this, for it is dally pa Ilberty, by whose powerful breath alsto pay for speclal priylleges. And were our friends.
raded before them by the Diaz press made revolution tory ls is armed Amerians had more money, because, The partnership of American cap itself. Thus the threat of an Ameri 4th St. Los Angeles, Cal.
while II protest against oficial fraud!
Mexicans were becoming ital with President Diaz not only puts can army in Mexico is another thor This bistoric movement, fellow mpovprished by the war. for the aver at its disposal a system of slave labor, American influences which keep VeitK612 Lupungug (1049 mantener citizens, hag presented Itselt again bethrow of the foreigner, Maximilian but also permits it to utilize the sys co from revolution against the autoTotopbudo: Homo 1860.
Subscription rates: tore you, to vindicate the digaity of thousnds of Americans were making tem of peonage and to beat the class cracy of Dlaz.
fortunes by means of gratting army of wage laborers down to the lowest 00 our country, which, today, is torn in American capital is not at present Por RAUM tatters and laden with chains; with contacts involved in our Civil War. point of subsistence. Where slavery in favor of political annexation of Por uz mooths. 10 the speechlessness that reveals in its Le me present an instaice or two does not exist In Mexico you find the Mexico. This is because the slavery Por three montbe. 60 Aspect a whole. eternity of lethargy, By John Kenneth Curner of the way in which Americans are peonage, a mild form of slavery or by which it profits can be maintained misery and torture.
contibuting to the extension of slav you find cheap wage labor, Diaz with greater safety under the Vest Fellow citizens, supported by the ery. BUNDLE ORDERS.
rurales shot Colonel Green copper can flag than under the American Ideals of a heroic aation, General Por. From Advance Sheets of Barbous Hugh! Hugh! the word goes Take the Yaqui atrocities, for ex miners into submission and threats or ilag. As long as Mexico can be con100 coples. 00 firio Diaz ascended to power and un.
about, Why, we have nine hundrde amfle. Vice president Corral, who Imprisonment put an end to the great trolled in other words, as long 26 800 copies 12. 60 grateful, he soon attempted to spurn The United States is a partner in million dollars stlpding out profits was then in control of the govern strike on an American Mexican rail she can be held as a slave colony1000 copies 20. 00 those who represented the most ad. the glavery of Mexico. After freelng down there!
And the American mert of the state of Sonora, stirred up road. American capitalists boast of she will not be annexed, for once sho vanced principles of right and liberty. his black slaves: Uncle Sam, at the publishers obediently hush.
a aqui war because he saw an op the fact that their Diaz does not per is annexed the protest of the AmeriDditor and Proprletor, Anselmo From 1890 to the present time his end of half a century, has become a In that 900, 000, 000 of Ameri portunity to get the Yaquf lands and mit any foolishness on the part of can people will become so great that vlolent, autocratic and despotic char slaver again.
Uncle Sam has gone can capital in Mexico is to be found sell them at a good price to American these labor unions. In such facts the slavery must of necessity be abolactor has developed in such propor to slave driving in a foreign coun the full explanation not only of the captalists. The Yagul country is rich as these are found the reason for their ished or veiled under less brutal and tions that today he does not halt, not try.
American defense of the Mexican gov in both mining and agricultural poš: hysterical defense of him.
downright forms. The annexation of Entered as secoad clagg matter No, shall not charge this to Úncle ernment, but also of the political de albfitles. American capitalists bought Today the main lines of Mexican Mexico will come only when she canSeptambor 12, 1910, at the post of even before the most rudimentary deo at Lot Abgeles. California, under Tights of the citizens whose conscla Sam, the genial, liberty loving fela pendency of Diaz upon the Powers the lands while the Yaquis were st01i railroads aggregate 12, 500 miles. Or not be controlled by other means. would that Be in this country. Wherever on them, then stimulated the war of this mileage the Southern Pacific Nevertheless, the threat of annexation the Act of March 3, 1870.
treme Iniquitles; in short, not even rather say that Uncle Sam is dead capital flows capital controls the gov extermination and finally instigated Company controls and will probably is today held as a club over the MexSaturday, December 10, 1010.
before the property of the nation, and that another lg masquerading Inernment. The octrine is recognized the scheme to deport them into slav soon own. 8, 941 miles, or nearly ican people to prevent them from forNo. 18.
which he has appropriated and dis his place a counterfeit Uncle Sam everywhere and by all men who have ery in Yucatan.
three fourths of the total. These cibly removing Diaz.
posed of as his owo.
who has so far deceived the people as much as half an eye for the les But American capital did not stop lines consist of: Do guess when prophery that Dlaz, fellow citizens, submitting into believing that he is the real one.
sons that the world is writing.
The even there.
It followed the Yaqui The Southern Pacific in Mexico, the United States will intervene in overything to the caprices of his own It is that person whom charge with last decade or two has proved it in wopen and children away from their 950 miles; the Kansas City, Mexico case of a revolution against Diaz, every country where large aggrega bones. It saw familles dismember and Orient, 279 miles; the Pan Amer Hardly, for the United States has alablo avarice, breaking the constitu This is a strong statement, but Itions of capital have gathered.
ed women forced into wifehood with ican, 296 miles; the Mexican, 327 ready intervened in that very cause.
tion and laws with ease and calm believe that the facts Justify it.
The No wonder there is a growing anti choamen, men beaten to death. It miles; the National Railways of Mex The nited States, has not waited for aces, which horrifles; and by means United States is responsible in part American sentiment le Mexico. The say these things, encouraged them ico, 7, 089 miles.
the revolution to assume a serious Again wosco cho long arm of Diaz ot monopolles and concessions perpetor the extension of the system of Mexican people are naturally patriotic. and covered them up from the eyes Of these the Southern Pacific is aspect, but has lent its powers moat reach the while tho trated with admirable sangfroid, he slavery in Mexico; second, it is re They have gone through tremendous of the world because of its interests the only one that is being operated strenuously to stamping out its first cfadh ne bloody Nick are not yet with bas violated the constitutional rights sponsible as the determining force in trials to throw of the foreign yoke in the price of sisal hemp, because it openly as the property of the Harri evidences. President Taft and Attordrawn from Wezozahl and Fedorenko, of the citizens to the extent of im the continuation of that slavery: In past generations and they are un feared that with the passing of slave man heirs. The Orient road is oper ney General Wickersham, at the beand te behooves all friends of liberty pending their personal freedom and third, it is responsible knowingly for willing to bend beneath the forelgn labor the price of sisal: hemp would ated under the presidency of E. best of American capital, have already to rally to vigorous protest against withbolding from them the oppor these things.
yoke today.
the provisional arreyt of Juan San Cunity of working as they choose for When say the United States do nity of worklog out their own na a ramification of Standard 011, ab president, George Ross, is a di in the service of Diaz to aid in stampclioz Azconi, onco member of the their subsistence. Fraud and sralt not mean a few minor and irrespon, tional destiny as a separate people, sorbs over hall the henequen export rector of the Chicago Alton road, ing out an incipient revolution with 31cxlcan congress. Journallst whose aod slavery have been elevated by Bible American officials. Nor do They look upon the United States as of Yucatan. The Standard oil press a Harriman property with which the which, for justifiable grounds, our knowindyo and pen is reared by the Dlaz to the standard of a sovern mean the American nation which, a great Colossus which is about to declares there is no slavery in Mex Orlent road has traffic agreements. revolution of 1776 cannot for an inMouthorn autocrne, and a member ot mental principle and have been is in my humble judgment, is unjustly seize them and bend them to its will. ico. Governor Fred. Warner, of Construction is still going on on both stant be thought of by, comparison, a prominent familly, held upon request orously adhered to as the principal charged with the crimes of some perAnd they are right. American capMichigan, publicly denſed my expose of these roads and they are drawing Attorney General Wickersham is credof the Mexican government tu Washplaok in his administrative platform, sons over whom, under conditions as ital in Mexico will not be denied. of slavery in Yucatan, Governor from the Diaz government about 20, Ited with being a heavy stockholder ington, DC, on a warrant on the Monopolles for tobacco, liquor and they exist, it has no control. use The partnership of Dlaz and Amert Warner 18 interested in contracts in 000 of subsidy for every mile built, in the National Railways of Mexico; charge of ubtalong money under explosives of every character; the the term in its most literal and exact can capital has wrecked Mexico as a volving the purchase annually of half or nearly enough to build the road. Henry, Taft, brother of the presifalse pretenses to be forthcoming Bolo rights of navigation of lakes sense. mean the organized power national entity. The United States a million dollars worth of sisal hemp The Pan American railroad was re dent, is general counsel for the same from the Mexican 10 and rivers, exclusive privileges for which officially represents this coun government, as long as it represents from the slave klags of Yucatan.
goverument cently acquired by David Thomp corporation. Thus it will be seen that Mevico City.
butchering: mining concessions; ex try at home and abroad. mean the American capital and the most ram Also, Americans work the slaves. son, who is the rominal president. these officials have a personal as well clusive privileges for fishing; monop Federal Government and the interests pant hypocrite will hardly deny that buy them drive them, lock them up Thompson was the United States am as a political interest in maintaining It quay be safely assured that the Olles for the extraction of rubber; mo that control the Federal Government. It does today will have a deciding at night, beat them, kill them, exact bassador to Mexico, where he seems the system of Diaz.
charge is based upon some trickery in connection with two facts. Through nopolles for pearl fishingi salt monop Adherents of a certain political cult voice in Mexican affalra, From the ly as do pther employers of labor in to have represented the Harriman in Three times during the past two the columpg of his sincc suppressed olles; outrageous embezzlement of in this country are wont to declare viewpoint of patriotic Mexicans the Mexico. And they admit that they do terests first and the other American years the United States government paper, Mexico Nuevo, and its equal public fuoda; fictitious internal loans; that chattel slavery was abolished in outlook 18 melancholy indeed. these things. In my possession are interests afterward, After securing has rashed an army to the Mexican ly suppressed successor (the former foreign loans made in the nation the United States because it ceased Let us cast our eyes over Mexico scores of admissions by American the road, he resigned the ambassador border in order to crush a movement suppressed for the third time within name, but to reality diverted to his to be profitable. Without comment and see what some of that 900, 000. planters that they employ labor which ship. It is a pretty generally accept of Liberals which had risen against one year. Azcona had dared to ask owa pockets; free introduction of im 10g on the truth or fallacy of his as 1000 of American Constantly capital is doing is essertially slave labor. All over ed fact that Thompson was acting for the autocrat of Mexico.
his accomplices, ports for for funds to support the widow of a and a sertion, aver that there are plenty there, the tropical section of Mexico, on the Harriman in securing the road. Har during the past thre years the Amervictim of the wrath of the autocrat, thousand other intamies which have of Americans who are prepared to The Morgan Guggenheim copper plantatons of rubber, sugar cane, riman men are associated with him as ican government, through its Secret the widow of an army officer who weakened the resources of Mexico and prove that slavery is profitable in merger is in absolute control of the tropical fruits everywhere you will directors of the road, The especial Service, its Department of Justice, its paralyzed in a manner sad to contem Mexico. Because it is had been deported to die in pestiferconsidered copper output of Mexico.
find Americans buying, beating, im purpose of Thompson securing the immigration officials, its border ran.
ous Yucatan for advocating the canplato chances for betterment and at profitable, these Americans have, in Guggenheim Sons own all the prisoning, killing slaves.
road was to incorporate it as a part of gers, has maintained in the border didacy of Bernardo Reyes; and upon the same time dimming the future. various ways, had a hand in the ex large smelters. in Mexico, as well as Let me quote you just one inter Harriman plan to make an all rail states a reign of terror for Mexicans. This department, the eternal ob tension of the Institution. Desiring vast mining properties.
United States territory he dared to They occupy view had with a well known and route from the Arizona border to Cen in which it has lent itsell upresér.
ject of Diaz a varice, has been bled to perpetuate Mexican slavery publish and to solicit purchasers for and the same powerful position in the popular American of Diaz metro tral America.
vedly to the extermination of political aad robbed by him continuously. considering General Diaz a necessary mining Industry generally in Mexico polic, a man who for five years ran a The only control exercised by the refugees of Mexico who have sought an eye opening book, under the significant Latio caption, Suum Cuique. To raiso its voice of protest in factor in that perpetuation, they have as they occupy in the United States. large, plantation near Santa Lucrecia. Harriman interests over the Mexican safety from the long arm of Diaz upon i, e. to each one what is coming to public which have also shaken of By their control of the press they the name of the Waters Pierce, with chados, he told me, all we had to is that involved in the pooling of in the home of the brave.
him, mercilesisy exposing the political rotterness of the powers that be south of the Rio Grande.
How easy cwn brethren of the interior gener wise his name should be by right a truls a vastly major portion or the ous enganchadores in Mexico, saying: ger traffic. of the Mexican road and THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INNO.
would it be to have stool pigeons to ously concurred in national concert, stench in the nostrils of the world. crude oil flow of Mexico, CENT.
It controls We want so many men and so many the National Railways of Mexico.
are also ready today to raise But they hayo gone much farther a still greater portion of the whole women on order books or to contribute funds such and such a day.
Brieuy, the story is this: The CODofficiously to sidetrack or confiscate the banner of rtdemption on the than this. By their control of the sale and retail trade in oil ninely Sometimes we call for three or four solidation under nomipal government national capital of Mexico City.
efther, and then to have the skunks political machinery of their govern per cent it, so its managers claim. iu ed, but the enganchadores would control of the two principal railroad The following small item seems to file charges. It would not be the first My first acts, obeying the will of ment, the United States government, At the present writing there is an never fall to deliver the full number systems in Mexico, the Mexican Cen indicate that our interpretation of the the plasses, will be to check tirae in history.
the they have held him in his place when oil war in Mexico caused by an at on theldot. We paid ifty pesos apiece tral and the Mexican National, was intents of the powers that be in Mex.
thousand and one schemes through otherwise he would have fallen. Most tempt of the only other oli distribút for them. rejecting those that didn brought about, not, as is officially ico, laid down in our The long arm of Diaz seems to which this country is being robbed; erectively has the police power of this ing concern in the country controli look good to us, and that was ali given out, to provide against the ab weeks ago, is about correct. And thls be forcing the issue of autocracy verto obstruct the channels through country been used to destroy a move ed by the Pearsons to force the there was to it.
sus the people in the provisional We always kept sorption of the Mexican highways by becomes especially clear if we read which the labors of the whole na ment of Mexicans for the abolition of Standard to buy it out at a favorable them as long as they lasted, foreign capitalists, but to provide for in the same connection the chapter arrest of Juan Sanchez Azcona in tion go Gaally to the coffers of a few Mexican slavery and to keep the chief price. The situation predicts an early Washington, and Representa It healthier down there than it that very thing. It was a deal be of Turner book, Barbarous Mextive Wilson of Pennsylvania takes up people; to creato at the same time slavedriver of Barbarous Mexico, Por victory for the Standard, after which is right here in the city of Mexico, tween Harriman, on the one ico; pointing to the cold facts at the facilities which will mako Mexico sirio Diaz, upon hls throne.
Its monopoly will be complete.
he told me.
the the gauntlet as champion for If you have the mean hand, and the government financial bottom of it all, energy and effort productive for the Still another step can we go in Agents of the correspondent American Sugar to take care of yourself you can keep camarilla, on the other, the victim in people.
of the VorHe is conferring with the general betterment of the nation; to these generalizations, By making Trust have just secured from the as well there as you can anywhere on the case being Mexico. It was a sort waerts reports: state department concerning this arrest and he will press the house rules return to the disregarded principles itself an indispensable factor in his Federal and State governments con earth.
of deferred sale of the Mexican railcommittee for quick action his of the revolution of July 11, 1880, continuation in, the governmental cessions for the production of sugar In execution of the orders not to Less than five minutes after mak roads to Harriman, the members oi and to guarantee the performance of power, through its business partner beets and beet sugar so favorable as to ing this statement he told me: the camarilla getting as their share måke any prisoners and to shoot on resolution to investigate the charge that the Mexican government is using thc publlc rights of the nation with ship, its press conspiracy and its po insure it a complete monopoly of the Yes, remember a lot of three of the loot millions and millions of the spot all the rebels the Mexican the constitution of December the judicial and state departments of 10, lice and military alliance, the Vait Mexican sugar business within the hundred enganchados we received dollars through the juggling of securi troops have everywhere not only exe1880, and, finally, to insure the righe: cd States has virtually reduced Diaz next ten years.
this government in persecuting pollone Spring less than three ties and stock in ececting the merger. cuted revolutionists but slaughtered of a free press, so that public opinion to a political dependency, and by so The Continental Rubber Company, tical refugees from Mexico.
months we buried more than half of on the whole, it constitutes perhaps also peaceful citizens. In Puebla, in No political significance attaches amply manifested, will be the foun. dolog has virtually transformed Mex of which John Rockefeller, Jr. is them.
the most colossal single piece of plun: Parral, in San Antonio and in other dation upon which shall be formed ico into a slave colony of the United crcdited with holding the controll The hand of the American slave dering carried out by the organized cities many houses were found with to the arrest, says the Mexican amthe principles of our country, States.
ing interest, and which controls fif, driver of Mexico has been known to wreckers of the Mexican nation. ten to fifteen dead. These persons bassador. Of course not. In the Ma The love of our country and its As have already suggested, these teen per cent of the world produc reach out for its victims even as far fell from bullets passing through the gon case it was a couple of postage sacred liberties animates me to sacri are generalizations, but it did not tion of raw rubber, is in possession as his own home the United States.
The Mexican Central and Mexican walls. Frequently the soldiers satisfice mysell, as consider it criminat believe that the facts set forth in this of millions of acres of rubber lands, During my travels io Mexico, in order National systems stamps and what not some 300 miles are both cheaply fied personal revenge, doing so with and infamous to remalo dispassion and the succeeding chapter fully jus the best in Mexico.
to become better acquainted with the built roads; their rolling south of the Rio Grande, appropristock. is impunity in the wholesale massacres.
ato and Indifferent when the country tifed each and every one of them, The Wells Fargo Express Company common people, spent most of my of very low grade. Their entire joint Private information from Gomez ated apparently by defendant by is the victim of the most iniquitous would not make them.
the property of the Southern Pacific traveling days in second or third mileage at the tine of the merger Palacios, state of Durango, a city wireless telegraphy telepathic intrlogement and its destinies in the Pardon me for again referring to Railroad, through its partnership class cars. Riding in a third class was 5, 400 miles, and yet under the taken by the revolutionists and then stunts from way off Canada And in tands of an opprobrious despot of the remarkable defense of Mexican with the government, holds an abso car between Tierra Blanca and Vera merger they capitalized at retaken by the soldiers of the autoour country, which has always been slavery and Mexican despotism whichi lute monopoly of the express carry cruz one night, spled an American 615, 000, 000 gold, or 112, 000 per crat, states that upon orders of the the De Lara case it was merely a vallant, dlgoified and illustrious. we find in the United States, inas ing business of Mexico.
negro sitting in a corner, mile. Oceans of water there.
governor great numbers of citizens cord of wood of fabulous price due Fellow citizens, you are all ac much as it is itself a strong presump Brown, president of the Na I wonder if they ever caught him Mexican Central was 30 years old, yet were arrested and shot down wholeto official black magic in the south qualnted with my ideas and purposes. tion of guilty partnership in that tional Railways of Mexico and a sat down here? said to myself. 11 had never paid a penny. The Mexi sale without any trial, land, No politics, of course not. On more than one occasion llave slavery and despotism. What pub ellite of Clay Pierce and the late find out.
can National was over 25 years old, but it is up to the laboring people to suffered with you the bitter vicissl Ilcation or individual in the United Harriman, is a member of the Tom West, a free born Kentucky yet it had paid less than two per cent In our next Issue we shall again de tudes of a strenuous campaign, and it States, pray you, was ever known board of directors of the Banco Na negro of twenty five, hesitated to ad Yet in the over capitalized merger we vote almost all space available to the wake up and to put a stop to degrad may be on account of this that to defend the system of political op cional, which by far the largest finan mit that he had ever been a slave. ind that the company binds itself to incidents of the recent happenings in ing officious manipulations which merit the hoaor of being elected the pression of Russia? What publica cial institution in Mexico, a concern But he confessed gradually, pay four and one half per cent on Mexico as far as accounts are leaking make the land of the brave and free chiot of the army of redemption, tion or individual in the United that has over fifty branches, in whicn Ah was workin in a brick yabd 225, 000, 000 worth of bonds the fishing pond of foreign high which, well disciplined and valiant as States was ever known to excuse the all the chief members of the Diaz fi in Kaintucky at two dollahs a day, four per cent on 160, 000, 000 worth through and being substantiated by subsequent private correspondence.
standing butchers and their far lower this, will cover itselwith glory in slave, atrocities of the Congo Free pancial camarilla are interested and was the way Tom put it, when an of bonds, or 16, 525, 000 interest a indisposition of the translator on acthis crusade of freedom against des State? How many Americans are in through which all financial deals of othah cullahd man came along an year, and pay it semi annually!
count of overwork nakes such review domestic handy men, potism.
the habit of slaging paeans of praise the Mexican government are transact. tole me he knowed where Ah cud get Out of the merger deal Harriman utterly impossible for this week. All My solo ambition is to be at the to Czar Nicholas or the late King Leo ed.
three seventy five a day. Ah Baid is supposed to have received, in addiwe say this week is that to all appearsorvice of my country, and hope pold?
Finally, the Southern Pacific Rail Ah with ye. So he hands me one tion to merger stocks and bonds, a ances the backbone of the rebellion to accomplish, with the aid of my Americans of whatever class not road and allied Harriman heirs, de them book prospectuses an the cash consideration and special secret of the people seems to be still unbrokpatriots and honest fellow citizens, only do not dare to do these things, spite the the rehabilitation of liberty on this but they do not care to do them, But rallways merger, own outright or con the company an they said the same West Coast road. Harriman dictated dungeons indulged in by the White 8011 forover the shrine of Mexico what a difference when it comes to trol by virtue To counteract the vicious attacks of near ownership, thing three seventy five American the contract as to the payment of in Terror of the Czar of Mexico.
patriotism. Our brethren of the in Mexico! Here slavery is sacred. three fourths of the main line rall money, or seven an a half Mex! So terest on those merger bonds and of a servile press upon the motives tortor, armed and ready, are waiting Here autocracy is defied.
of the leader of the revolt of the us with lips way mileage of Mexico, which ena Ah come with eighty othah cullahd his successors will compel payment et in grim determina It will not do to deny the honesty bles it today As long as Diaz reerous government in aeague with the tow Let us basten there that we of the comparison between Mexico a monopoly in restraint of trade as Veracruz, down here to a coffee and mains in power, as long as the Meximay obtain our and Russia or the Congo. For every exists in the case of any ratlway com rubbah plantation at La Junta, near can government is good. that is, foreign corporation octopus, we pub Let us chear for the redemption of worshipper of Diaz knows that he is bination in the United States.
Santa Lucrecia, Oaxaca.
as lopg as it continues in partnership Ish herewith the manifesto recently our country! Long live the republic! an autocrat and slavedriver and These are merely some of the lar Seven and a half a day!
Fuh! with American capital, the matter can Issued by Francisco Madero. It FRANCISCO MADERO. enough of them admit it to leave no gest aggregations of American cap. Seven and a hait! That just what be arranged 1f in no other way, by gives us a fair insight into the psychology and the motives of the brave ground. Cor doubt that they know it. ital in Mexico. For example, the they paid me when they let me go paying the deficiency out of the Mexto What then, is the reason for this Harriman heirs own two and one half aftah two yeahs!
John Kenneth Turner began last men and women placing their lives Ah run away twict, can treasury. But the moment there THE FOREIGNER PREFERRED strange diversion of attitude. upon the altar of the fatherland and Why millions acres of oil land in the Tam but they ketched me and brung me is trouble it is expected that the govh year in the American Magazine a true Did Mrs. Dr. Pollard, just re do so many prostrate themselves be pico country, and a number of other back.
therefore denounced by the servile press of the country of an Abraham turned to Los Angeles from Mexico fore the Czar of Mexico and none Americans own properties running they beat lots o othahs, but they the rallroad will become American in story of the horrors of slavery in Ameri nevah beat me.
Mexico today, where men, women and Lincoln, and of a Patrick Henry, as City, makes the following significant prostrate themselves before the Czar into the millions of acres.
Ah yeh, they batted name as well as in fact.
of Russia. Why is America food cans are involved in the combinations me. a few times with a stick, but Ah Trouble! That word is an exceed children are bought and sold, where drunken, illiterate peons and com statement to a reporter of the Los mon robbers. It makes it also clear Angeles Express, which is in line with ed, with books hailing the Mexican which control the four and meat wouldn let em beat me; so suh, not ingly significant one here. Mexican they are worked to death or beaten revolution will probably mean trou.
why the Mexican Liberals join hands the assertions and facts presented in autocrat as the greatest man of the trades of Mexico. The purely trade me.
to death.
with the middle class revolationists the leading article of John Kenneth age while it 18 impossible to buy a interests are themselves considerable, The plantation that caught Tom ble of this particular sort, for every These articles told only ball the of these days, the rising middle class Turner in this issue: single book, regularly published and Eighty per cent of Mexican exports West, Kentuckian, was an American revolution of the past in Mexico has circulated, that gerlously criticizes come to the United States and sixty plantation. Some months after talk seen the necessity of the govern story. It remained to show that this needing tbe guarantees of free speech, him?
six per cent of Mexican imports are ing with Tom happened to hold a ment repudiating all or a part of the slavery is only made possiblo by the free and free assemblage At the time of the Inaugural pafor the fulfillment of the mis rade the troops would allow do MexiThe Inference 18 inevitable that it is sent to her by us, the American trade conversation with a man who identi national obligations for a time. Thus sion their class, and the cans to line the course, but American because Diaz is the Golden Call in with Mexico totaling some 75. Red himself as Tom s: master after the final step in the complete Ameri military despotism of Diaz, and that canization of Mexico railways will this despotism is kept le power by toilers needing the same factors to citizens were given all the privileges.
but another form, that had told him Tom story.
Americans 000, 000 year.
So you see how it is in Mexico.
educate and uplift the only wealth It is ny opintoh that Americans in are profiting by Mexican slavery and Those niggers, this American be one of the clubs held over the Mex. the aid of American capitalists and ican people to prevent them from the United States government.
an experiment that producers by peaceful organization Mexico City are as well protected as are exerting themselves to maintain The Americanization of Mexico of told me, were which Wall Street boasts, 1t.
is being didn turn out overturning a government that is parwork under the guarantees of the if they were in their nativo country.
very well.
The whole story, with many vivid laws, as long as vodisturbed by the But there are easily provable facts accomplished and accomplished with must have been ours, for don know ticularly favorable to American capphotographs, is now offered to the a vengeance.
master class which must needs make of anybody else down that way that ital, In connection with this item that carry us far beyond any mere It were heardly worth while to had them at the time of which you Trouble! Trouble will come, too, American people.
and somewhat keep concessions want to state that the book, Barbar inference, however logical it may be pause at this juncture and discuss the speak. they want The book may be obtained from the the proletariat The seven and a half a day? when Mexico attempts to kick over. their battles.
to fight ous Mexico, has just reached the edlo that has been made to my criticisms question why Mexicans did not get in Oh, the agents told em anything to the traces of undue American intorial desk. It is a revelation, and floor and control the get themThat was none The United States will in author, 1931 Darien Place, Log An: fluence. of our The document is as follows the comrades stould place their or there are 900, 000, 000 of American writers would have us believe, be and paid for of Mexico and Mexico ruler? That industries. It is not, as numerous business. We simply bought them tervent with an army, if necessary, togeles, California, ders quick before the interests buy them and then made maintain Diaz or a successor who SINGLE COPIES, 50, postage Proclamation, up the editions as fast as they are capital invested in Mexico.
published. The book ought to reach To the Powers that Be in the Unit cause Americans are the only intelli them work out their purchase price would continue the special partner pald; three copies for 00.
Yes ship with American capital. In case This is the publisher price for the Fellow Citizens There are solemn as a Christmas present every liberty. Led States the nine hundred million God made Mexicans a stupid people we kept them under lock and key it of a serious revolution, the Toited momente in the lives of nations which loving American citizen, to arouse the dollars of American capital forms and intended that they should be gove night and had to guard them with States will intervene on the plea of books Bound the bighest key of disgrace, and slumberlag past traditions that an icism of President Diaz.
erned by their superiors, One very guns in the Stockholders of Charles Kerr which announce a tremendous awak end be made to officious iniquitles They are an daytime. When they protecting American capital. Ameriening.
good reason why Diaz delivered his tried to make a break we tle em up can intervention will destroy the last co. will be furnished with copies at and that there be no more Mexican overwhelming defense of Mexican country into the hands of Americans and give em a good dressing down hope of Mexico for an independent slavery.
the regular publisher discount. One of such moments is revolu bastlles upon American soll.
with a club. The authorities? We national existence. Mexican patriots on In or were Political Document Barbarous Mexico press of They we hty