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Bask はんにならない様にボール REGENERACION Difficulties Overcome Fire Mexico Struggle Madero Eloquence For Economic No. 78 American continent.
money in Severed Communications CANNOT STOMACH Why This Fight Is there and more counted sings United States Government Pressed by Irrepressible INTERVENTION.
let the the war lows: Edited by English Section WILLIAM COWEN LEARN TO STAND ALONE, Regeneracion.
Do we want a continuation of staro valor in snatching from the hands of vation wages in Mexico. under the thc bourgeoisie the property it with Eleven years have passed since the Published every Saturday at quise of an American protectorate? hold of from the impossibility of Mexican Liberal Party held its first 914 Boston St. Los Angeles, Cal.
No. We, the American working, paying off the debt that presses on big convention in San Luis Potosi.
Telephone: Home 1360. people, do not want intervention. On the nation. Some day the foreign Two hundred and twenty delegates SUBSCRIPTION RATES: the contrary we believe that the pres bankers will no longer be content to were present and an audience of some left to its wait and they will force their govern months, Oc; o months, 10; ent revolution in Mexico, in the theatre, The 7, 000 had gathered year, 00; Singlo copy, 5c; own ends, will result in raising the ments to collect from us, at the can.
party was then little more than one of in bundies, 3c per copy.
standard of living in that hunger non mouth, what Diaz and the CienFreedom opposition to the the clergy who were pressed country and also advance tificos, what Madero and his family, most unpopular. When Ricardo Mawage conditions on the entire North. have poekcted. Diaz escaped with the (Coåtinued from Feb. 17. gon, representing, the Mexico City millions he had stolen. Shall we per: students, told the convention that it.
Saturday, Febroary 24, 1912.
mit Madcro to plant his.
in Often handglass will reflect as was useless to attack the clergy while foreign banks, that he may dissipate faithfully as would a ten foot mirror, refraining from attacking their up it at his case in the watering places and Los Angeles gives us the measure holder, Porfirio Diaz, He created the and grand hotels of Europe?
of this entire confict between the sensation of the day.
and Those who were present tell me you.
hastens to say that it will not interof Los Angeles and see faringly dis could have heard a pin drop. Every fere in our affairs; but the European played in the windows of real estate delegate was panic stricken; all depowers, whose subjects are being firms such advertisements as this:nounced Magon as having, jeopardized European Powers despoiled of the wealth they have Peace. The war in Mexico is over the very existence of the party; and, The resolute attitude of the people been able to amass by exploiting the and now is the time to get you a few in fact, Diaż took immediate steps to of Mexico in face of threatened in Mexican proletariat, will bring such 0 0 0 0 it a capital offense; punishable without acres of land Where Mexico: is to suppress it, ordering arrests right and Centlemen who wrote to Madero, tervention by the United States has pressure to bear on the American LATEST NEWS. trial, to tamper in any way with the day California was forty years ago left. But it was Magon who spoke in the hour of his triumph, engaging caused the government of this coun government that finally intervention Emilio Zapatal has issued a means of communication, Where California is today Mexico the decisive word and transformed to crush the Mexican Liberal Party try to deny emphatically that it has will become a fact. If it is not efproclamation announcing Mar.
will be ten years hence, and remem what would have remained for ever a Always the Land.
for the trifling consideration of 10. any intention of invading Mexican fected by the United States alone, be15 as the date on which he will ber that the best investment on earth debating club into the power that banenter and take possession of o 000 cash; gentlemen who wrote that territory. We do not know to what cause that nation has not the reFrom El Pais we take the follow. that such dealers and from New the Mexican peasant master of him.
is the earth itself. You see at once ished Diaz and eventually will make they would consider it their duty to extent that declaration may be sincere. sources sufficient to carry to compleMexico City:11 ing, as containing food for thought: York City to Los Angeles their name self.
Socialists and unionmon The one thing certain is that the tion a work of such a nature, it will By the capture of four towns The troops at Torreon have decided is Legion have every reason in the All movements in all countries are know that the party was under the American consuls resident at numer be by the combined action of all theo the rebels now have the eleco control of Anarchists(1. gentlemen ous Mexican points have given their powers. But then the Social Revolu o nic power of Mexico City at during their absence; the populace over, since they who were so imprudent as to write, government an account of the pro tion will break out in Europe; the their mercy and can throw it may sack the city. The same paper to dispose of the prospect of coming to the point.
on Official paper, letters slandering found discontent and great indigoa European proletariat will rise in its into darkness at a moment states that about a thousand Yazquis obtainable. That their statement is a have to lead the way.
enormous properties at the best price Always one or two bold characters Ricardo Magon private life all that rion provoked among the people of indignation against its governments; jo notice.
tas are operating in the neighborhood lie shall now proceed to prove.
sort of thing we have passed up for Mexico by learning that the United the earth will be one flame, and will o Ambassador Wilson of Santa Rosalia, Chihuahua, and that monthy, knowing that the Mexican States was preparing an army of a travel its orbit proud of the fact that has engaged passage on the o among their demands is the repartiTHOSE YELLOW DEVILS: Revolution would justify itself and hundred thousand men to invade the for the first time it is trodden by men fitët steamer leaving Veration of the lanâ. Another of its des Uncle Sam soldiers patrolling the PART III.
o patches says an cloqucnce Lar Mexican Republic and establish a pro where formerly there crept, century o eventy talk with Bank of the Rio Grande came down in the State of Dugreater than we could command. The tectorate under the Stars and Stripes. after century, a humanity submissive o The foregoing are taken rango many serious uprisings have here hungry for fight, writes a friend What Are the Prospects of the (From the Spanish, of Riwell; for the moment the United Jand, vile.
rank and file of the labor movement from United Press despatches taken place, and that a large number Revolution?
from El Paso; came down to eat em wre honcst at the core, and it was cer. States will not intervene. But does cardo Flores Magon. published as we go to press of the peons has set itself to work up those yellow. devils, as one of the tain that, sooner or later, facts would that fact dispel the danger of foreign OOOOO dividing up the land. On that item As to that one may say, in the first newcomers said to me last night. But icar the Madero bandage from their intervention in Mexican affairs? The THE SECRET OF POWER.
Note how constantly Washington Under date of Feb. 15 Madero wired our Spanish editor has commented as place that at the present moment he was a new man in this country, No better article on the all. Mexican Revolution, by its economic important subject of intervention character, must have. as its necessary despatches emphasize the difffculty of the Los Angeles Evening Herald; they have begun by dividing up the tion to judge, and are vitally intera clime. If meet him again in a few as. could have been written than that result, foreign intervention. If the dealing with the Mexican Revolution, through which the republic of Mexico land Experience and our propagan ested in crushing the revolution, are days his walk and tālk may not differ which has appeared in the California revolution were solely the result of because it has no head.
Social Democrat. State official organ the political ambitions of the various therein lies its strength. Movements has been passing were not of really da will makė them understand that it showing greater alarm than at any from those of his comrades in khaki, of the Socialist Party in California. groups who are contending among that depend on leaders are never any great importance, and have been over is best to work it in common. The previous time have referred als whose legs are dragging their bodies Both for its intrinsic merit, and, as themselves for supremacy, the United good, inasmuch as leaders can be bul come. There has been no great po important thing is that they them ready to the suspension of constitu through the furnace of Mexican des proof of thc thought revolution States and other powers would wait lied, bamboozled or bought Only litical principle involved and there has selves take the land, without waiting tional guarantees and the prepara ert: The fight of those is gone. The for Gomez or anyone else. tions for conscription, both of which sun is slowly devouring it. The clibeen no notable leader as their sponbetoken of the people, wherein wrought by stubborn facts, we repro tranquilly the coming of peace, feel movements El Imparcial notes combats in the governmental fear, and mate can fit the men to its liking in there now comes into my hands far shorter time than the men can fit duce it in its entirety. It runs as fol ing assured that their subjects would each acts individually and each is his sor. For all these reasons my governcontinue to exploit the natural wealth own leader, amount to anything. The ment is sufficiently strong to give State of Guerrero, wherein the Sal.
of Mexico and the labor of the Mex guerrilla uprisings of the masses, with complete protection to all of the in gados, notorious exponents of the Nueva Era of January 19 That themselves to the climate.
Madero special organ, and it de2. apata, a pure blooted Mexican In. ican proletariat. But this revolution every unit acting as his own general terests. The first portion of the tel land to the cultivator doctrine, de paper is recognized as distinctively over the United fcated the federal forces. It also notes WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR ilian from the state of Oaxaca, is cannot end with the elevation to pow and making his own home run, are States government for its cordial that in the same State the ex Mader wote to Zapatism aleading article Les Temps Nouveaux, of Feb. 3, Icading thousands of armed Mexican er of any one of the leaders of the what the classes fear. When the peoattitude. Do you wonder that even istas: Francisco Vital and Roman have peasants in a war to win back the soil revolutionary bands, just as it did not ple themselves are aroused only exon the importance of Zapatism and ican Revolution as an economic moveto the actual tilers. They march, they end with the elevation of Francisco termination can stop them. Of course, the interests lose faith in an agent joined the rebels, that they have a fol just published two articles dwelling del Marmol, doing justice for the entida tight, they bush whack as did the Madero to the presidency of the Re this is Anarchistic doctrine, and of who makes himself a universal laugh flowing of 300 men and have taken two towns and a number of haciendås. In conceding that it has assumed the ment of the first importance. We hail French peasants at the time of the public. This revolution will end when course the leaders, do not like it. That At the date of this writing Feb 20, the State of Pueblà it reports desert: proportions of a true social, agrarian it with delight because hitherto that xreat French revolution.
cach and every one of th inhabitants is why they have boycotted the MexLocalmost every Mexican city of of Mexico has been made sure of ican Revolution, but the Mexican thieti Latest news of the overcome ers from the rurales as having assault says that man kong of the articles it old time revolutionary orgiat, has kept. liberty, as the result of the refusal the point where it is no longer boy near Cuernavaca the federal forces, ac known haciendas as having been cap is spreading with great rapidity. It pertinacious courage and incorruptimore than twelve hours and waged El Diario reports thirteen well. greatly that it is the dominant power (The article pays special tribute to this in several States, and that in others it cardo Magon, both on account of his Bullets from the soldiers of Ma to recognize private property.
cording to the government own ad tured in the State of Coahuila in a calculates thất more than three mil.
atero slaughter alike both peasants in Well then; the great natural sources bility, but it regrets that he should mission, were completely routed, be single day, and remarks that the reb: lion persons sympathize with the idea ALL THE SAME AS MEXICO.
arms and unarmed city workers. of wealth are in the power of powerattacked former, comrades.
forced to abandon its trenches and els were mounted on magnificent of ceftain recoveries that, as it sup. Therein, as we think, the writèr misThe testimony thus far adduced my official reports. which are sure horses and took pössession of all the poses. figure in his program, and that understands Magon and the revoluAs yet there is no organized con ful foreign companies; magnificent esnection between the two revolts, city states. forests that are very rich, fine before the committee, said Represen: to under estimate, place the dead at animals and arms they could find many of them are disposed to follow ionary movement of which he is a and country.
mines, oil deposits that yield abun tative Sulzer, chairman of the House 120. Cuernavaca, it may be said, is sacking the stores and dividing the and fight in its ranks. on. part.
Magon: never attacked a lution with constructive aims for thc, and foundries, railways, etc, etc. are commenting on the progress of the not over fifty miles from Mexico City, merchandise among the neighboring Naturally Nueva Era deprecates until he had gone back on revolution, the fighting is for control of a poor.
that statement although El Tiem Magon would be entirely unfit to play whole nation, and yet it is the be all in the foreigner power. One can Rainey investigation, shows conclumost important strategic point.
Other Danger Points.
vinning of great things, for, at last, the say that all Mexico is being exploited sively that the taking of Panama was po is a conservative, Roman Cathoa part in revolution if he let himself The same issue that contained Mapeople of Mexico are battling without by foreigners, who, in the immense the result of a conspiracy carefully dero telegram stated that the repre and the Spanish have a Torreon remains virtually besieged, lic daily of acknowledged weight be gagged by friendship: Les Temps and the that: Nouveaux should be able to the leadership of reforming capital majority of cases, made use of fran planned and clevegly executed.
chises obtained under the dictatorship cannot be justified in morals or in resident in Mexico City were receiy. city besieged is a city to over! 17 pata does not know what he wants.
stand Nietzche saying that the first sentatives of foreign governments The poverty of Mexico working of Porfirio Diaz, and often employed law. The government of the United, ing daily scores of telegrams from nearly 200 American women and chil chanced he is hang absolutely, the of all duties is to be hard. What is class is beyond expression and so, violence, to obtain control of the nat States must make reparation for the the advice of the American consul, humblest of the peasantry; amoris to be swayed by fear or favor where revolution far more serious than the having at last gotten arms from their ural wealth of Mexico. By virtue outrage to the Republic of Colombia, subjects in the interior, declaring the dren, who had been sent out. under cultivated man, who springs from the the leader worth who allows himself mastery engaged in private warfare, thereof, we Mexicans have been re Mexico cleaned out; every Central authorities admitted.
reached El Paso, safe but with a story whom he was reared and brought up the lives and liberties of millions are Durango was they now are using the guns for their. duced to the condition of slaves to and South American Republic on its spoken of as the hotbed of disturbof much hardship suffered. American He has had ao lecture hall or book immediate needs. Proclama. the foreign exploiters; we have been guard against United States expan ances the government has said rewomen aré also reported as fleeing instruction, he has not mixed in good society, and he cannot have any idea from Sinaloa, tions could not stop their hunger left with no other fortune than our sion; Oriental pride wounded to the by way of Mazatlan: peatedly, that Morelos presented the of what Socialism is or what must be pangs, and proclamations were all that bare arms with which to earn the mis quick by the insulting exclusion acts Cananea, only serious problem and the Zapain Sonora, is again a danFIRST IN IMPORTANCE.
the legitimate foundation of the rethere are plenty of chickens coming tistas vere reported as in control of ger point, as it has been in the past; coveries hie erable wages our executioners pay us We find the following on the front Left to themselves the Mexican peor bie exchange for the feweat of our fancing for realistings while have finie op the railway runninis to Veracruz for the slaughter of Mexican workers In my is said to be seeking.
fancy for enlisting will havé fine op road traverses four States and com following the strike, in May, 1906, on Era talks like a college professor Socialist organ, of San Francisco: my humble judgment Nueva Base Revolt, the anti orthodox and cnnobling freedom, for a whole Misery has been the result of this portunities of learning what a tropical mands the commerce of one of the the Greene Cananea Copper Company who imagines that without a degree Comrades: Answering your appeople cannot go wrong in judgment monopoly of our natural wealth by a climate can do to its invaders. Mean most important harbors of the coun properties has not been forgotten. On as to its needs. But there is a black few foreign companies and a tiandful while there is quite a little row going try.
no one amounts to anything. That is peal for funds, am this day sending page 148 of Barbarous Mexico. you not the teaching of history, which 00 to each of the three most imcloud hanging over Mexico, a cloud of Mexican, borgeois, and that misery on at home. Stirring times ahead!
Incomplete, but Telling: may see a photograph of the Yaquis furnishes us with countless examples portant causes or factors in the movecoming from the border, and inter has been the leaven of the formidable hanged at the instance of the late Cols of unlettered men who, in troublous ment as see it, and will mention vention will just as surely be brought movement now shaking our native ON, TO THE ATTACKI This article is compiled somewhat Greene. Part of the garrison Do not stand weakly on the de carlier than usual, and the weekly listi at. Cananea deserted recently and the times, have swept everything before them in their order of importance their way as the sun is 10 rise in the the borgeoisie. and governments of al fensive? o Takera sahil yrom the mass made out regularly by one First, Regeneracion, supporting them. It is probably true that the of our Cananea Cattle Ranch, belonging to East.
the world.
great thoughts and discoveries that the Mexican Land Revolution, which ters of political and military warfare; Spanish editors, from leading Mexi the Greene estate, was raided; pave the way for another step forward international capitalism must put If this happens blood, will flow in We Mexicans have understood that move boldly to the attack. Every kind can papers, is therefore incomplete: Vazquez Gomez has issuedra presi have their birth in the scholar brain, down at any cost or capitalism perMiexico as it has never done before, so long as we are not really masters of capitalistic skullduggery has been excludes the States of Morelos and dential proclamation, and sent an en but it is also probably true that the ishes.
because high power gun is just as of the land that is to say, so long as at work, rooting for dear life to fill Puebla, which are the scenes of the voy to Washington. It has not interaction necessary to incorporate them Second, Revolt, a necessity of deadly in the hands of a small brown the land is not the property of each its pockets out of intervention in Mex heavy fighting between Zapatistas and ested us greatly, our one concem bethe ing with the fact in a people life is taken far more greatest importance at this moment if man as in the hands of a six foot and every one of the human beings ico. Go for it! Let the National American gress, but includes number the workers are not masters of the vigorously and effectively by those capitalism is not to be allowed to Texan.
who form the population of what Socialist Press collect and It is conservatively estimated by itself the Mexican Republic ignor proofs of the hand Standard Oil and less encounters between rebels and situation but, on the contrary, its by books. The fighting qualities Za make it harmless and its next instruare down those just returned from Mexico that ance, hunger and tyranny will be our other interests have been playing in government forces the taking of min: helpless slaves, in Mexicó they may pata has inherited, and the close, syre ment to keep the masses in subjecover five thousand people have fallen eternal cxecutioners. We have, there. Washington and Mexico. We ourin battle there since Madero obtained fore, io lay hands on the land; we selves can tell you of editors whose of bridges, etc. Examination of the stead of paper written and fictitious pathetic touch with the masses that tion. If Revolt cannot live, why the the presidency.
have to make it our own, even if by eyes bulge out of their heads when list gives the following results! GueThe Monroe Doctrine. of infinitely greater value, at this par to be the same old gang and the same There has been much live target so doing we have to challenge the discussing the value annexation will prero, eight itemsil Guanajuato, four; ticular epoch, than are Madero col old bunko and tactics of the Chihuahua, three; Jalisco, one; Dupractice in the Southern Republic in wrath of those who exploit and tyran. give their properties. Let us get toFor the moment the American press lege courses.
and the mulel. Have only one sore the past year and any invading army nize over us. Therein lies the danger sether and start an exposure that rango, three; Michoagan, four; Vera has lapsed once more into compara(To be continued) spot or objection to make with Recoming from the United States would of intervention. We are locked in will shake every pillar in the pluto ruz, two Coahuila eleven; It must tive silence, but a calm is often the volt. That is your ignoring or overlooking the Land; revolution in Mextion that ever sought to shoulder the reconcile ourselves to being for ever a mightily imposing figure, but true may contain several distinct events under date of Feb. 21. the following ico now going on.
white man burden.
proletarians, to being for ever serfs, to the ancient fable, he has the ears For example, one of those given Mexico City despatch. Third, the fight at AberThe only thing that can prevent to being for ever slaves, and to con of the ass. He is like Sullivan when der the head of Coahuila reports three The raidingſ of the ransžies of the Will the United States dern.
this seemingly near crisis. the only tinuing to labor for hire through fear he succumbed to Corbett the softest towns taken, and another gives de Sonora Mexican Land Company, limblock that can be placed in the way of of foreign intervention, or we must spap that ever stepped into the ring.
tails of the occupation of eleven haited, near Ysabel, Sonora, yesterday, Intervene in Mexico American capitalism armed invasion resolutely lay hands powerful, virile ciendas and the burning of a number, has complicated the situation considSend for copies of The Mexican upheaval presents the of bridges.
of Mexico, is outspoken protest in a and sublimely disrespectful on that erably, as it is British property, and militant form by the socialist and la which hitherto has been considered two characteristics recognized by all One should add that the Spanish ed the manager has received advices from When you have been beaten and Regeneracion historians as indispensable to the cre: bor organizations of the United States. sacred under the laws manufactured robbed and outlawed it is time to this week notes, explaining that ton that he has made representations, itor apologises for the scantiness of the British ambassador at WashingSpecial Pamphlet ation of a true revolution. First, there Do we want the blood of thousands by the bourgoisiew. the right of pri make a row.
has been immense pressure from be.
of American and Mexican working vate property.
decent regards for society alike de throughout Mexico telegraph and tel to the American government.
low, caused by the sudden loss of the people to soak the soil of Mexico rights. Secondly, there has This we must do, even if we bring mand it. Yet there are leaders by the phone lines have been cut and rail. cording to advices received here, the the whole universe upon us. We can thousands who tell you that never road communication brought to a British, German and French ambas Ivexican Revoluton been immense pressure from above, in from the Rio Grande to Yucatan?
100 we want the capitalists of Amer not make a half revolution. All or under any circumstances, should you have to be sent by the sea route and state department that the European o standstill, the result being that papers sådors have all notified the American Its Progress, Causes, the futile effort to smother disconica to subjugate and grind the Mex. nathing! Land and Liberty or deathi bestehens han mais vele ja voibidi are, atriving with much irregularity, nations look to the United States to tent Revolutions are never made by Purpose and Probable ican worker as the English capitalist Sooner or later intervention will be ing. That proves how utterly corrupt so much for the suspension of con, see that property is respected in Mexspeeches or articles. They are the has done to the millions of India? come a fact, either because of our they are That proves that they arela Results children of events, which, at the best fighting nok for you but for their jobs, stitutional guarantees and the making lico.
Sixteen Pages. Price cents the agitatõr merely interprets.
on strike, have It that a ists, at stake?
own their new masters offered.
hapore dating Acon the