
are the same men who were under the Mormon colonies to the vicinity on win soon appear as a ma deragainst industrialny who ated state January 20. after sixty hours of Osing a lot og rey terug te horen het met de beste tilbudet to come to TROOPS. To my best installerie de tronu pieten goreo Janos under the leadershlp of Prax the bullets which swept their ranks the revolution ends he will execute Porfirio Diaz has done has been to tne much of this industrial advancement he hås reported that there aro 150 is due to Diaz?
soldiers in that town.
mory Saturday at 13 Consider the United States thirty. Good luck to you, compañeros!
taon, Los Angulo, cal four years ago and then today; and May the death of Praxedia be 1000 MUISGUIDED WRITER HAS STORY apkuno: Aomo 1160.
Kill 180 Federal Troops at Galeana and 100 in Battle near then consider Mexico. Consider that avenged!
Charlotton nata: IN SOCIALIST WEEKLY SAYING Ojinaga Army Colonel Turns Patriot and the world has been built over, indus In a letter we have received from THAT MORGAN IS FINANCING marum 31. 10 MEXICAN REVOLUTION. ARLeads Command Into Fight, trially, in the past thirty four years, Alanis, written on January 19, on the Disregard the United States Per non and eve of undertaking the march, and 80 PRESENTED SHOW.
GUMENTS forming Nucleus in European countries and compare the republished in the Spanish section of ING APPEAL MISTAKE.
Tue Appeal to Reason under date progress of Mexico with that of other Regeneracion, we quote the followSonora Latin American 10 copies 00 countries. Among ing: of January 21, reprints a story de100 open Two big revolucionist 19. 60 Comrades, in the arena of comsigned to convey the impression that have been won during tho past week. onel Rabago sent word to the Mor Ojinaga is allowed to discuss it: victories (ces were in such bad straits that Col has been heavy, though no one in persons who have traveled extensive100 sopii 190. 00 ly in Argentine, Chili, Brazil, even. bat has been split the blood of the the Mexican revolution is not a At Galeana, Chihuahua, six hundred mons in the vicinity, begging for help. The correspondent declared that Cuba; and Mexico, there is a pretty martyr in the cause of liberty, Prarspontaneous uprising of an oppressed Liberals defeated the forces of Col The El Paso Times says. In this con Pedro Gonzales, head of the rurales, fair. agreement that. Mexico is the edis Guerrero, sacrificed on the Allor and Proprietor, Dialpo poople against unbearable conditions, nigoorou.
onel Robago after a derce and bloody nection: who was wounded by the rebels, has most backward of the ove in the altars of those who hunger for bread but a money grabbing move on the battle. Ons hundred and and eighty It is reported a hurried message Joined them and is being treated ted now matter of government, in the matter and for Justice.
But for the same part of Pierpont Morgan, who is stared u vecond class matter federals were killed. These Liberals was sent by Colonel Rabago to the in Indio, Presidio county, Texas, and of public health and education, even cause of the dispossessed, upon the Beptember 11, 1910, at the post ot financing the revolution with the unmade Argen, newly made grave of the aposile arise Loe at Los Angolou, California, under derstanding, supposedly, that Mexleadership of Praxedis Guerrero, re Thursday night asking the bishop of the government. He says 150 caval tine? who made Chlll?
to Ast ot Narab. 1879.
Who made the mighty flames of tñe Revolution.
ico is to be turned over to blm when intorced by others who have since the Mormon. church to send 200 Aght rymen are surrounded in the moun Brazil?
Why don we find a From the powerful trunk of the fallen, the fighting is over.
Susturulay, January 28, 1911.
joined them ing men to the rescue of the soldlers. tains south of Ojinaga oy rebels. maker of these countries?
While The Appeal to Reason does Who tree, will spring leafy branches which Near Ojinaga, in a three days battlo reply from him is said to have been Federals Vent Fury on Poor Widow made the United States? Who made shall proclaim the greatness of his not quite say so, it puts forth the with federals, the revolutionists won received stating that they had no Federal officers are doing more to the world?
story 1l It might be worthy of credIt not ballots, then bullets, Por ence.
a complete victory, killing one hun ighting men and that their citizens promote revolution than anybody else Whatever modernization Mexico We cannot believe that this dred soldiers.
were peaceful.
by their acts against natives, accord bas had during the past thirty four firlo.
article went in with the knowledge The victory of the and consent of Fred Warren, or the Ingurgents at ing to the correspondent. He says years must be attributed to evoluIlave you a kun that isn work knowledge and consent of Eugene Ing? Well, yout know fighting the insurrectos won one of than that of Galeaza. The El Paso ranch of Antilana Vanegas, a widow, shown that Mexico has advanced in where it Debs. The comments accompanying the biggest battles fought since the Herald of January 23 tells the story even throwing her religious images that period faster than other counSERVE TYRANT would do the most good.
It reveal so much of ignorance of the beginning of situation ignorance even of facts rethe revolution. This as follows: into a hog pen because they suspected tries. The truth is that nearly all ARREST MEXICAN SMUGGLING One Hundred Soldiers Killed We note that the reporutlonists are neatedly set forth in The Appeal itbattle took placé south of Galeana, in one of her sons, absent from home, other countries of Mexico size or Northern Chihuahua. One hundred ARMS PRESIDIO, Tex. Jan. 22, via Mar was a revolutionist. She complained larger have advanced much more Kalning victories right along, even if self that we feel sure that the arACROSS THE BORDER, and eighty federal soldiers the rovolution 18 over.
met fa, Texas, Jan. 23. One hundred sol to the Jefe of the district but got no rapidly than has Mexico. The logticle was written by a subordinate THOUGH THEY HAVE NO RIGHT The diers were killed in a three day, bat satisfaction.
death, and forty were wounded.
ical conclusion is that Diaz, instead and was rushed through without the TO DO Do you read the Pacific Month editors so. AMERICAN GOVfighting began on the morning of the tle between the Mexican federal anything about it.
This jefe, the correspondent says, of having been a propelling force, has 18th and did not end until the even troops and Insurgents in the moun imprisoned Martin Juacez merely be been a retarding force. ERNMENT DISCRIMINATES UNly? You will learn much about the Falsehoods About Liberals in the Past ng of the 20th. The participants were tains between Cuchillo Parrado and cause Juarez has two sons in the How is Diaz Great?
real Diaz and the true stato ot alFor years the Dias FAIRLY AGAINST REVOLUTIONpapers have six hundred Liberals the same, with Ojinaga, revolutionary ranks, and shot the What then, is there great about falry into which he has plunged Mer been accusing the Liberal Junta of beThe ISTS. POSTAL TREATY muny additional recruits who have The author government troops were man horse out of revenge.
VIOAnar Diaz?
says: ing in the pay of American capitalico in the February 19sue.
joined them since, who fought at caught in a trap ana mowed down by Illas, the jefe, has boasted that when mind, the one remarkable thing that LATED.
venting Mexicang from listening to Tho concession frunted by Mexo their propaganda. And now this old edis Guerrero and over four huo from three directions. The fogur every rebel in the region.
keep his grip on the reins of power Mexican revolutionist named 100 in December, 1997, for the use story is being ro hashed and re fitted, dred federals under the command of gents occupied the clllis and the solSalazar Cantilles has been arrested for thirty four years.
And he proArmy Colonel Joins Patriots ut Maghintena States cavalrymen in Bay by the Uaited It gets into soine American papers, Colonel Robago.
dlers were in the road, with only one ceeds to show what barbaric methods by United Sahuaripa, Sonora was captured by Colonel Robago in Desperate Straits way of escaping and that blocked.
Statey for coalink purposes and tarhe had to employ to do so.
Douglas, Arizona, for smuggling arms and The Appeal, which we have al.
rebels without resistance. The men Kot practice hay expired. and all Since the battle Colonel Robago of the 200 men who went into the But this review can give only a and ammunition across the border.
ways looked upon as a mighty friend, who took the town belonged to the naval vessels of the United States and whom we still believe to be a has been frantically calling for help. pass, only forty escaped, so far as band of Severiano Talamantes, the bare idea of what the article con. He was taken before Judge Reyes of have been witlıdrawn. It remnalng to On the 20th he attempted to march known, They joined column UDtains.
mighty friend, prinis it as true!
You must read it yourself. the municipal court, fined 100 and Mexican army colonel of Sonora who bo heen whether this unusual favor to Casas Grandes, but was driven back der Col. Dorantes. The revolutionThe Pacific Monthly has a striking sentenced to serve ten days in jail.
Permit, us, American reader, to recently joined the revolutionists.
will inain be offered by Diaz, and 11 by the rebels.
ists? loss was but Ave men killed, Mexican cover this time, the picture After completing this term, it is said propound a few questions.
So, whether it will be reaccepted by Government Unfriendly to Rev. report has been current during dispatch from Casas Grandes, according to their reports.
of rurales, the Mexican Cossacks, rid that he will be tried on a charge of the past week that one thousand rebthe United States.
dated January 22, in the El Paso ing down street. Last violating the neutrality laws.
a typical olutionists els are massing at Saxaca, Sonora, month, too, The Pacific Monthly had Dorantesis Defeated Times, says that the soldiers of RoAs we made plain in an article last If Morgan were ananciog the MexThe fighting started January 16, for a march northward. The mayor In a previous tysue of Regeneracion Ican revolution, would he permit his bago command are reported as get when a small band of insurgents was of Moctezuma has asked for addition been playing up Mexico very well dur the neutrality laws, but it is not a vioa Mexican cover. This magazine has week, it is not only not a violation of made the statement that the price ting short of ammunition and they routed at Coyame. column of 200 al troops to protect the town.
sovernment, his own Taft Vickerof the Poesias, by Juan Sarabia havé. been without the simplest proIt is do lation of any other law, to take arms ing the past few months.
sham Knox adnauseum government, soldiers pursued the fleeing insur band of Mexicans with ten mules was twenty five centa. This was a to hold the political refugee, Azcona, visioris for the past two days.
ing a splendid work in educating its from the American side across to the gents and ran into the trap. It is loaded with rifles crossed the line into mintake on our part. The price is without evidence, beyond the time During the combat Robago lost one belteved about 200 insurgents were Mexico at a point east of Douglas on In some respects the three: Mexican we quoted the Mexican Herald, a readers in regard to the real Mexico. Mexican side. Among other things Iitty cents, not twenty five. But let of his two rapid fire guns.
It was mit allowed by the ticaty?
engaged. detachment of rebels was January 18.
114 assure you that the book is well It Morgan were behind the Mexitaken from him by insurrectos in seen after the fight with thirty two Federal Losses in Chihuahua Fifty articles which they have published paper subsidized by Diaz, and for worth tlic fitty cunts. The proceeds skirmish on the San Buena Ventura have been more illuminating than the that reason inclined to be decidedly can revolution, would his governcaptured Mauser rifles.
ol ench sale are slven to the aged ment remain silent in face of the road, near Galeana.
Per Cenr.
slavery articles in The The battle lasted all day January American unfavorable to the revolutionists.
mother of the author.
Rebels Remember Non Combatants But It seems to us that; in the congross violation of the postal treaty, 17.
Abraham Gonzales, provisional Ma Magazine.
on January 18, Col. Dorantes by Diaz, Mexico is a question of live interest creto case of arms and ammunition wbo On the morning afte, the outbreak advanced from Ojinaga with reini derist governor of the state of Chi.
is indiscriminately of the battle, according to an interhuahua, stated to a correspondent of to the reading public today.
forcements. He cireled about, avoidThere as such, it is the Mexican authoristrike of American and Mexican en the line by Mexicans living in this in the El Paso Times of Jan. 25, the tains from the west.
The Mexican Papers state that conflscating money being sent across view with an eye witness, published ing the pass, and entered the moun. the El Paso Herald on January 21, are big things doing in Mexico, and ties that must be on the alert to preKineers and drenien Is tying up one country, as well as money being sent that since the outbreak of revolu there will be bigger things in the vent their illegal introduction into He discovered thousand miles of the Southern Pa trom Mexico to friends of the revoluinsurrectos took measures to protect tion 7800 troops have been sent into future. We look to see more about the territory of the Republic, as on cific liney in Mexico.
the insurgents, and a continuous fight Well, nox, how the women and children of Galeana of two days followed. Dorantes then the state of Chihuahua, and with the, Mexico in coming numbers of The American soll such unipments cannot tion hero to Regeneracion, for excan that be, since tire honorable and from injury. The Times says: 2000 already there, the government: Pacilc Monthly.
legally be stopped or interfered with.
retired into the foothills, and is now 11lustrious Otheman Stevens, hlrc About o clock Thursday morning awaiting reinforcements.
has had 9800 armed men in the field, We would refer, in particular, to the ling of tho still inore honorable and iing the border of Texas and Arizona Would American troops be patroltwo insurrectos rody to the outGovernment Suppresses Extent of but only half of them are still in the Washington Treaty of 1871 and SecIllustrious learst, says that a strike with the alrect purpose of intimidatskirts of the town of Galeana and told ranks, many having been killed, some TO AVENGE tions 5281 5201 of the Revised Stat.
is unknown in Mexico?
Colonel Robago a citizen to notify Losses ing patriotic Mexicans and illegally that the insurrectos intended to caphaving deserted, and others being in utes of the United states.
GUERRERO The Los Angeles Express of Janu the hospitals. In the city of ChiIn the same issue of the paper preventing them from returning home Are you interested in the Mexican to fight for the dellverance of their ture the town but that they did not ary 26 says that fighting is still go buahua there are 1000 wounded. TWO HUNDRED LIBERALS ARE which toid of the arrest of Cantilles, revolution? Then don fail to send want to kill non combatants.
forces comprise They, ing on in Ojinaga. Following is the The government MARCHING SOUTHWARD FROM the El Paso Herald of January 2i, country?
in your subscription to Regeneraon behalf of their commander, invited story sent out from El Paso: 5400 infantry, 3600 cavalry, 500 Would the police of every city and JUAREZ TO TAKE PART IN THE we find a news item saying that in clon, tho only place where you can town within a hundred miles of the the troops to come out and fight them EL PASO, Tex. Jan 26. The rurales and 300 artillerymen.
FIGHT, LED BY ALANIS AND Nogales, a Mexican torra Just across CARRASCO.
Het an adequate 1dea of what the border be making a regular practice where there would be no danger to Herald correspondent at Shafter, Pre Gonzales says that the revolutionTHE COLUMN HAS the Arizona border, the authorities women and children. They then rode sidio countyclose to Ojinaga, Mexists of Chihuahua apmber svuoi He ru:volutionists are dolus each weeks of holding up Mexicans on the streets, away in a southwesterly direction to ico, writes that on Wednesday night lakes the statement that when warm REACHED THE TOWN OF GUAD feared that an attack was about to be Wo are making a special oder just searchlag them and throwing them in ALUPE CARRASCO GOES ON made by revolutionists and messennow of it four months subscription jail and confiscating their arms in wards the şanta Maria river. ing was still going on south of there, weather comes the insurrectos expect TO SAN YGNACIO.
gers were hurriedly sent to the Annerfor flity contas; or of a six months case such were found opon them?
Begs Help of Mormons having been in progress for nearly a to be in the City of Mexico, or very Two hundred Liberals have de can side to purchase arms and ammu1111! scription, with the book, BarBy Thursday night the federal for week. He declares that federal loss Would agents of Dlaz be permitted lose thereto, parted from Juarez, marching to the nition for the volunteers to reinforce barong Mexico for 00; or of a to buy arms and ammunition in boractive partner. Diaz is the Mer fight, going forth with the stated the troops at the garrison, year hubscription with the book, der towns and carry them across into avenging the death of In the latter instance, mark you, ican Government. Is a nation mod purpose of Barbarous Mexico, for 00.
Mexico, and representatives of the ern which maintains slavery? Can Praxedis Guerrero, and of carrying nobody was arrested for violating the revolution be arrested doing the same neutrality laws, and nobody was fined It is time for the United States any ruler who deals in slaves properly onward the torch of liberty.
be terned a statesman?
These revolutionists are led by La 100 and sent to jail, although the governinont ng a matter of Justice to Would the Associated Press, and recognize the Mexican revolutioolsts the American Press generally in a ARTICLE BY TURNER IN THE In Mexico there are at least five zaro Alanis and Antonio Carrasco. case is a parallel one with that cited ot proven valor, above. Why should unfair discrimibelllgerents. Since the early The El Paso Times of Jan. 25, PACIFIC MONTHLY PROVES or six millions of peons. one third Alanis is a man vast majority of Instances be conpart of November they have been in MEXICO RULER sistently minimizing the importance says: TO HAVE of the population. These peons are high ideals, of lofty and noble senti nation be made by American officials ments.
gainst When the Liberals brought Nexican revolutionists?
the fleld.
The revolutionists are of the revolution and falsifying the BEEN GREAT RETARDING only slightly removed from chattel Company F, 23rd United States Instronger now than over, and the FORCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT slavery. They are bound to their em about the revolution of 1908, he was Why should they be punished for dosituation to help Diaz?
fantry, consisting of 45 movomcut 19 becoming dally moro Would Morgun Have More Nien Than Fort Bliss yesterday morning men, left OF RIS COUNTRY.
ployers by debt, and who took part in the ing the very thing that those supunder such one of those for In the heroic attack made on porting the Diaz government are freewidleyprcar. Tho United States recGuns?
Polvo, Texas, 42 miles east of El Paso. Diaz, Statesman? by John Ken terms that there is no hope of their ight. ognized the revolutionists of NicaIn this connection we should like to Morgan were financing the Mex Polvo is an American village about neth Turner, holds the place as lead ever, paylng their debt. Hundreds Las Vacas by that fearless group of ly allowed to do?
tagua belligerents when their in can revolution, do you suppose there opposite the Mexican town of San ng article in The Pacific Monthly of thousands of them never owned a torty men zone fought more valiantly Hurrection was but a few weoks old. would be more men than guns?
for February. His theme presented piece of money in their lives. Where than he. His courage is testified to say a word about waat has happened Lgnacio, where it is reported a large and when they had captured nothing a command is threatening in the form of a question, the author wages are paid, they range from nine in the stirring account or the battle of to money orders sent from Mexico to few days ago this mioro than Can th14 government rofuse to reco that fact has been revealed many Inights on the American side of the a series of clinching and incontrover money, without board, clothing or rera and published some time ago in office received a letter from the Los ognizo the far more powortul more times already. Haven The Appeal river. The soldiers were sent on spe tible arguments, carrying the reader provisions. The peony Ilve and die Regeneracion. The part which refers Angeles. postofilce department saying that several duplicates of money ormont of the Mexican revolutionists? editors read of the wonderful stories cial telegraphic orders received from along the inevitable conclusion, that in rags and seldom taste any food to Alanis follows. young man, blond as a Sean. ders had been received in the postof victories against tremendous odds Washington by Col. Sharpe at Fort Diaz is not a statesman, but a sol except corn and beans, the prices of re usually higher than the dinaplan, ran from one place of perij office and that the originals had never The cat tall has beon stepped on which the revolutionists have won Bliss, whose instructions are to act in dier who lived three centuries too which are ame article costs in the United States, to another, with his clothes torn and been presented for the money to be in Northern Sonora, and an awlul again and again, the facts of which conjunction with the department of This simply means that Regeneracion has gleaned principal justice, and to arrest and disarm. all The author quotes from prominent The peons have absolutely no oppor bloody. One bullet struck him in the collected: howl has been tho result. Learning ly from Mexican papers? Haven armed persons who may attempt to Americans to show in what measure tunities to learn to read or to ad shoulder, another bit bis leg below the Mexican postoffice department that it thousand insurrectos were adhey seen how prominent fighters have enter or depart from Mexico, onipo. Diaz has been sanctified and glorified vance ip any way. If they run away, the knee, another lodged in the thigh, has been making a practice of confisvancing northward toward their ter denied allegiance to Madero, and have site San Ygnacio.
in the past, how he has been called from their employers they are hunted and a fourth struck bim in the cart cating letters containing money or. ritory, American mine owners have admitted allegiance to the people the greatest of living statesmen, the down and brought back by the duly ridge belt: The shock knocked him ders addressed to Regeneracion: It must be remembered that these The company, under command of hero of the Americans, the maker of appointed constabulary of the State down, but the liberty destroying bulpetitioned tho Mexican war dopart. only? Do they not know that today Captain Hildan Olin and Lieutenants modern Mexico. Then by a series The system of peonage has expanded lets met in their path the steel of the notices are not sent out by the postthere are at least three bodies of mont to increase the federal forces after the rovolutionists operating in Northern F, Brabson and Coles, left of terrible indictments against him; during the regime of Diaz and the bullets of liberty, and they leapt back office until ite a while at thoro, ns tho sovolutlonlsts might e Moxico which are composed entirely yesterday morning on the showing him responsible for the aw conditions of the peons have become leaving intact the life of the brave duplicates are received. good deal passenger train at 10:30 go Inconsiderate as to tako possession of members of the Liberal Party?
and worse. Cai a tation fighter, who, getting to his feet. once of money may have been sent to this ful condition of poverty and enslave very of the railroad and thus cut off the We trust that The Appeal will de reached Polvo, opposite San Ygnaclo, ment of his people, Mr. Turner pro which supports a system of personal more, continued to take part in the office during the past two months, and the money orders confiscated in shipment of ore, which amounts to something to set this matter right soon after midday, where they were ceeds: bit by bit to analyze Diaz and service for debt be called modern? combat.
with Its readers.
encamped last night, with sentinels the work he has done to his thirty. Can a ruler who has never attempted The El Paso Herald pt January 23 the same way by the Mexican author.
about 50, 0, 000 a montà. When it posted at various polnts up and down four years reign over Mexico to abolish or mitigate such a system says that the group of two hundred itfes.
the river.
18, a question of peonage or slavery properly be called a statesman?
Now It is decidedly against the in Is Mexico Modera?
revolutionists; under the command of In a little country like Sweden the beast whloh presides over profits the papers are printing the news No fighting was reported at San Is Mexico modera?
asks the au. Industrial Growth Not Due to Diaz) Alanis and Carrasco encamped the ſternational agreement between the What sort of a place for a The author finally puts the ques night before at Guadalupe, a littlộ two nations for one government to 18 as hard as pails, but, disturb It about the Mexican revolution under Ygnacio up to o clock yesterday thor.
Mexico modern in any Mexican town about thirty miles east confiscate letters addressed to parties for a moment in the matter of grind big headlines And here in Los An evening. With the company of in human being 1s Mexico, Anyhow? tion, Is In Mexico there are chattel slaves, way? And he answers it, Yes, in of Juarez Thë Di Paso Times or in the other country. If the United ing out those profts, and see how geles you can find comparatively 11t fantry went Hillebrand, deputy tle about it, What can this strange United States marsbal for the Wes at least three quarters of a million one way lo just one; Mexico has January 25, has the further informa States does not want to be accused He quickly it w111 bound into thn alr, states tion that Carrasco is now camping of unfair discrimination against the phenomenon mean? Can It be true tern Distriot of Texas; Peyton Ed of them five per cent of the popu advanced Industrialry.
uplttlog and scrateblog and hlesing, that the farther away you get from Warda, sherir of El Paso county, and lation The lives of these slaves that rallroads, barbörs and factor with 500 insurrectos at San Ignacio revolutionists, it should enter a proand oftending the heavens with its a thing the more important it be George Oliver, United States com äre frļghtfu) beyond deseription. les have been built, mines have been It says that Alanis Is reconnoitering test agalast this outrageous breach of But how in the vicinity of Guadalupe, and that the postal treáty.
missioner for this district.
In this slavery the Government is a developed, smelters made.
More Officious Diaz, Statesman Interference or Criminal?
un ono town olubdue eles revolution of or for any individual; the Mexican towar and esperamentne sets out to answer that question by to twenty five cents a day in our Las Vacas, written by Praxedis Guer Regeneracion.