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REGENERACION English Section Regeneracion. Reyes Military Program Comes to Utter Grief Ravens Pick Out Only the Dead Man Eyes What Will This New Year Bring?
Land Question Forges to the Front With Great Rapidity Zapata Declares He Will Hang Madero on WILLIAM OWEN utrcam of lifo in purifiod, and would to man mado laws. Thoro lo a world of samo papor Had roportod Madoro ar not give twoponco for tho opinion of difforongo, and not tho Joast of this having promisod to rotor to a comPubiluhol ovory Baturday at 011 los funn or woman who has not uuttorod year good worle hng beon tho sotting migblon of Inwyora tho complaints, ton 8t. Los Angeles, Cal.
of that difforonco clonrly and unmiunoking for tho rostoration of thoir Tolophono: Momo 1800.
Not bocauso this papor le tho organ takoably boforo the public. For tho land, provontod by roprosoutativos of AUNSCRIPTION RATICS: of tho Maxienn Liberal Party, but bo aako of omphnsin givo horo in tho 18, 000 nativos of Durango.
Imouth, 000; months, 81. 10; causo bollovo It to botho amplo noxt paragraph wlut conuldor tho Thus it appoars that whilo tko land renr, 00; Bingio copy: 60; truth, do hay that within the last most auggostivo portion of Ilaywdodha question is being turuat on tho it.
In bundlow: Nu por copy.
twolvo mouthy Moxlcó bus uliown all Cooper Union speech.
tontion of Madoro govorumont from this most clearly. Conbidor what has ovory alde, thero 16 also a disposition Tho raven stopped in bis flight, and, No. 70.
happened thoro. Conuldor tbat within Tho McNamara boya who went to to wait and boo what will bo ororod seoing a man working in thio pold.
that brlof porlod lungor line ovor san Quontin out of Los Angeles, anld sald: Saturday, Decombor 80, 1011.
On this head in tho way of rollof.
thrown tho Diaz dynasty, and has Look! Thoro John tng blu Haywood, knew what tho claag strus.
wo are not singulio, and wo baso our brought anothor political protendor, land, glo monna. For that reason my boart Judgmont both on goneral grounds who sought to substituto barron words la with m not Jobn, exclalmod the man, thom. Lot tho capitalists and also on the froquont appearance for vital deoda, to such traits that count thoir own dond. Tbero aro of such padangos as the following, ralslog ble head, m the son of John, all tho world is speculating on his twonty dead in Los Angelos and wo taken from the Dlarlo del Hogar, and toll in order to Ilvo miserably and downlall. Conaldor that von Now have 207 dond In Bricoville, Toon, Tho which is most friondly to Madero. to pay to the landlord for the second another bigat af tho old rogimo denths in Bricovlllo woro Just as much In a long lending artiole, headed time the value of his land.
wedded to worn out Ideas and lacap murder 19 any premoditated crimo The Revolution it says: The rayon continuod in his fight, able of thluking outside of mero politcould havo been. Tho mine ownors Within Month The men of the Revolution since and tårtler BAY a gentioman, ical changos, has endonvored to welze know an upventilatod mido mount a coming into power have shown them mounted on a horse, and sald: the reins of power and has discoy.
mine ready to explodo. Good morning. Mr. Giles!
But It costa solves timid to excess, havo adopted The old your la loving us and with ered that his formor popularity lemonoy to ventilato, and so wo lost 207 callod on tho army, called on (form but gonulne economic rovolu tho motto of moderation, the system m not Mr. Gllos, answered the profound reverence we should bow non existent among peoplo that unof our men. And agala repeat am tho people, and no one responded. tion; a completo change that should of complacency, and have left uncom gentleman; m tho son of Mr. Gllos, bim out. Most gallantly he has strug. derstands its wants, that is calling for with tho McNamaras, and always This is the statement attributed to restore to the Moxicaua thoir stolen pleted or have dolayed compliance and have come to collect from the son gled, from the burden laid on him by the substance and refusing to be will be.
Gen. Reyes when he surrendered ar heritage; that should give to every with gomo of the most ardent and of John, for the second time, the value ble precedossors ho has nevor flached: clientod longer with the shadow, but of his land. Let us Socialists be frank. We want Linaros, Christmas Day. We of the child of Mexico an equal seat at the deeply rooted aspirations of the peoin the cask of developing our hull do. is demandlog brond. lo these columps to overthrow the capitalist øystom and Mexican Liberal Party were not sur bounteoug tablo nature has set be ple.
Thus they have created elevolopod race ho has done more than emphasize as little as possible the establish la its place an industrial prised, and in our issue of Dec. I fore hlm. Should we not like to be ments of discontent and deception long time passed by.
his full sliare. The torch lo hands ble details of the actual fight that now The raven stopped in his flight, and, democracy, Why, thon, say wo are expressed astonishment at the fact that revolution accomplished without which are easily turned to account BUCcossor flares bright and high, and covers the entire area of Mexico, for Jaw abiding?
that Reyes had ventured across the bloodshed? Unquestionably we by the rebel factions that are Aghting seelng a man perspiring at hla work It is a comparatively advanced class they are but the regrettablo incidenta border, saying that it pointed appar should, but that, somehow or other, the government. Other papers in the feld, said: that faces the new year.
of a conflict that was irrepressible. Look! There the son of John tillDo not misunderstand me. It is not than we supposed.
ently to his possessing more strength it must be accompllabed de our con point out with 11 concealed skeptiWhat always seek to emphasize le viction a convlotion strong as ille cism that the agrarlan commission Ing his land.
From snoring China to smug Los An that the Mexicana havo finally emerged the strength of the Socialist Party that Where could Reyes have found sup itself, consists of immensely wealthy men m not the son of John, answered geles there has been one continuous from che arren epoch of political rolends Importance to Haywood speech, port? ely not among the people, No sane person supposes the Mexl such as Branitf, Hernandez and Araoz, the man, as he wiped the perspiration awakening and the foundations of volutions and taken boldly lo hand nor is the deep split it reveals the thing since his record was that of having can nation as a whole consists of Kro or old followers of Diaz, such as from his brow: m one of bls grandThe great changes bave been latd. The the economic ctruggle for free and that should arrest attention.
been Diaz most cruel military com potkins, Jean Graves or other of the Gayol, Marroquin and Palacios; none son, and toll in order to live miserChinese and Mexican Revolutions; the cqual fuccess to the means of life. Sin. really important thing is that Haywood mander. Among the military? That expert sociologists who have devoted lof whom has any sympathy with the ably and to pay to the landlora for Industrial upheavals in staid old Eng. gle banded the despised Mexican peon volces truths so appalling that beside was the element to which he natur their lives to examining and expound proletarlat.
the fourth time the value of Als land.
the them land; bitter bread our instinctive repugnance to strikes in is striking the blow which tho disin.
ally looked, but the military musting the importance of the land ques No; wo expect nothing but decep The raven continued in his flight, France, Italy and Germany; the re herited throughout the world would Isolated acts of violence falls weak and have learned by Dlaz. fall, as well tlon.
Nor is it to be expected that tive evasions from such men. Only and farther on met a gentleman, bellious restlessness in Spain and gladly strike, but dare not. It is a lifeless. It is true that yearly one out as by the history now being made the Zapatns, the Gomez or other pop from the boldness and uncompromis mounted on a horse, and said: Portugal all these, with many others reat fact, and future historians will in. of every ten Structural Iron Workers in Mexico, that without popular sup ular leaders will have any such clearing energy of the people themselves Good morning, Sir! The son of Mr.
lg crushed to death. It is true that that will suggest themselves to every scribe it as such on the record of this port nothing can be done. Only the cut ideas. It is sufficient, and it is can salvation come.
Giles, believe?
reader, are teachiag lessons the dullest passing year.
the needless slaughter of scores of day before his surrender Reyes issued also most encouraging, that, in their The issue of Diarlo del Hogar No, m not the son of Mr, Giles, can understand, are awakening thought miners passes almost unnoticed. It is a proclamation bristling with con need of gauglog public opinion cor from which have just quoted plays replied the gentleman, but his grandand have begun to clear the way.
still more true that compulsory idleTurn to our own country and the templated military arrangements, and rectly in order to obtain a following up in large type the statement that son, and have come to collect from the same lesson may be read, though not ness, imposed upon the masses by the therefore certain to be most unpopu they find themselves forced more and Zapata has received large quantities grandson of John for the fourth time The all important thing is that the so clearly. The day of the mere talker cruel hand of monopoly, dooms untold lar. The economic reforms to which more along the road. we ourselves of arms, artillery and money fron the value of his land.
point of view 18 shifting; for the brain is passing: thousands to death in its most agoniz. he pledged himself were expressed have taken from the first.
the politican is playing That they the Vazquistas, with whom he has must first direct the hand and until we out of this the present glgantic split ing form from lack of proper food, thus: The revolution promises the are being so forced is beyond dispute, formed a close alliance. Those who long time passed by.
see the target we waste our ammunt in the Socialist Party furnishes con clothing, and shelter, from sickening revision of the stamp law, the moder and now quote from a pronuncia have come to this city from the out The raven stopped in his Alght, and, tion. This, as it seems to me, has been clusive proof. Beneath all the chaotic anxiety and the tortures of disap lation of taxes and the restoration of mento just issued by Emiliano Za side, it says, confirm the statement seeing man at work in the field, said: the conspicuous feature of the dying talk about syndicalism, Industrialism, pointed hopes. It is true that the rich the free zone along the northern frun pata, his brother Euremio and some that Zapata men are very numer Look! There the grandson of year, which has been making history munlcipal victories and so forth, one feed upon the poor with the cannibal.
tier, What was there in that to thirty five of their oficers, The sey. ous, are very well provisioned and John tilling his land.
as it was seldom made before. In one catches the note of a discontent un: that this modern world of ours is full that is vehemently Insisting on the ism of man eating sharks. It is true arouse the enthusiasm of a people enth section runs as follows: that all their equipment of arms is m not the grandson of John, way or another, with infinite stumbling speakably profound; senses most Must Have the Land new.
the man. answered, but one of his and yawning and rubbing of the eyes, uneasy feeling among the rank and file of tigers, men whose sole aim through restoration of what it honestly deems In virtue of the fact that the imWill Hang Madero great grandsons, and toll in order to our race has been scrambling to its feet pick up a party organ and find it out a restlessly active and most per its stolen heritage?
mense majority of the Mexican people As to Zapata himself. Despatches live miserably and to pay to the landand asserting its right to live. For filled with clippings from Wall Street nicious business life is to gather the earth Into their clutches, to the inevi must be impervious to new ideas; the treads, and suffers the horrors ot: misly that Zapata had promised to be in land.
His brain is no longer master of the soil it to United States papers stated recent lord for the sixth time the value of his centurles, hypnotized by creeds and organs, in which are declarations that)
chloroformed by customs, we have ac Morgan. is very much pleated table enslavement and deterioration of military training of a long life has ery without being able to ameliorate Mexico City within a month, and to The raven continued in his ilght cepted unquestioningly such gifts as with the victories of the Sociallst Party the race. These things are true and set upon his thought and character in the least its condition or apply hang Madero. We now have full and farther on met a gentleman, the Gods saw it to send us. That at cannot be galnsald. The offenders canthe recent elections; that his a stamp that nothing can efface. Lit itself to Industry or agriculture, be particulars through the Diario del mounted on a horse, and sald: standpoint is no longer tenable, it is special organ, the New York Sun, not plead ignorance, for they come erally and iềuratively it is an estab cause the lands, the woods and for Hogar, its correspondent having Good morning, sir! The grandson being abandoned en masse, It never says editorially: The Socialist who from our most highly educated class lished fact thát such men and the ests and the streams are monopolized accompanied the special envoy sent of Mr. Giles: belleve?
and use their knowledge as deliberateLife Itselt is was will be occupled again.
elected mayor of Schenectady category. licludes Diáz. cannot by a tew, for this reason we shall be madero. The writer reports that No, m not the grandson of Mr.
demonstrating to us that we are our Tuesday promises to do nothing to in ly as the McNamaras used their bomb. come back. expropriate these powerful monopo the envos promised that Figueroa Glles. the gentleman answered; but These things are true and vast multiOwn Gods. jure business enterprises of that in.
Whatever strength Reyes might lists to the extent of a third of their should be dismissed from the gover his great grandson; and have come to tudes acknowledge it. The strength dustrial city; and that our own possess was credited to his supposed possessions, giving them of Haywood speech lay therein and in alliance with Gomez and Zapata, but ranged indemnity. a pre ar norship of the State of Morelos, that collect from the great grandson of The future is obscure, but there is modest surmise is that the people are the government troops should be John for the sixth time the value of his 11ght enough to pick up the new trall going over to the Socialists as the only the fact that it was Wellington shout it is now clear that no such alliance In last week Regeneracion withdrawn, that Zapata should have land.
and we can see that within the last conservative and business cherishing on the field of Waterloo Up, Guards, lever existed, although the leading gave reports, taken from the leading a safe conduct out of the country twelve months most significant depart party now on view. Many may not and at. ema. It is not a revolt. of Mexican papers wrote columns on Mexican dallies, of numerous commit and that his followers: should be al stili longer time passed by.
ures have been made. As a whole the believe that for the moment but many savagery that plutocracy 18 Tacing but the subject. Before mo is a copy of tees that had visited the capital, seek lowed to go to their separate homes, world has shown itselt disgusted with will, and that leaven will leaven the what is inconsparably more formidable, La Voz de Juarez, which is Gomez ing the return of lands.
The raven stopped in his fight, and In those free of punishment or interference. seeing near field a revolt against savagery. The House Its guardians and weary of mere words. whole lump.
special organ. It is dated Dec. 21 that have come to hand since the To this Zapata angwered: of Want is arming against slaughter.
broken spade, crying, said: The trend has been most distinctly and contains six column article same phenomenon is to be observed. have been the most faithful Why does the great grandson of and unmistakeably away from politi. The trouble is that, although lead.
headed. am not a Reyista. We El Democrata, of Dec. 13, glves ally of Sr. Madero, and have given Johd cry. cal and towards economic revolution, ers will struggle to deny it, the denial Let the Socialists be frank. Why, are not Reylstas. Its leading ar details of the visit paid to the Sec infinite proofs of that, but now have m not the great grandson of the stern logic way of the empty belly cannot by any possibility be made to frankness is the one lespon to be drawn ticle is headed Reges in Mexico retary of the Interior by a commit ceased to be Madero has be John, answered the man, but one having proved more powerful than stick.
Why? Simply because, for from all this old year happenings. and concludes as follows: It is not tee representing inhabitants of Mi trayed me and my army, as he has of the grandsons of the great grandspellbinding sophistries. In fact the months past, what the New York Sun Let us be frank; let us accept facts as likely that bis efforts will meet with choacan, which concludes: They Morelos and the entire nation. The son of John, and the landlord has It is certain that) told us also that numbers of peasants greater part of his upholders is driven me of the land that my anbellies are insistlog on their right to and other Wall Street organs are say they actually are; let us refuse to be any great success.
feed themselves, and that is very good; Ing has been the one great Socialist bulldozed by the powerful or wheedled be bas a few frlends in the State of refuse to work in the fields, declar either in prison or is being perse cestors worked because have not been for the world fundamental fact is argument. Under the blind leadership by the crafty; let us do our own think Tamaulipas, but he cannot count on ing that they will not do so until cuted, and no one has any confidence able to pay řím for the hundredth time the duty of the individual to live. To of Bandit Berger and a handful of ing and act in accordance with our support in any portion of the coud their petition, has been heeded, and in him because he has broken all his the value of his land.
fail in that duty is nature one capital professional politicians the whole cry thought. Let us be true to our own try, and when once he launches bim that meanwhile agriculture is suf promises. He is the most fickleThe raven continued in his flight, Capi selves and it must follow, as the night self into the struggle his defeat, in fering severely and order cannot be minded man have ever known and and. farther on met gentleman has been, Look at Milwaukee!
talism flourishes in Milwaukee, and it the day, we cannot then be false to any all probability; will be as rapid as it re established, as the unemployed are in reality he is more tyrannical than mounted on a horse, and said; This the law and order people will will do so in Los Angeles and all other one. Let the poor and the outcast and will be complete. Reyes has not the a menace to peace.
was Porfirio Diaz. All good Mexinot admit. Where are you going so hurriedly, True to the ancient col cities that elect our ticket. Look at the disinherited be true to themselves slightest excuse for disturbing the El Monitor, of Chihuahua, under cans should unite to hurt him from Siri The great grandson of Mr. Glles, lectivist ideal, which sacrifices the in Milwaukee! Even the most timid cap and the promptings of the great stream peace of the country except his own date of Dec. 14, reports represent power, for he has betrayed the Rev suppose que dividual to the sacred existing social italist may vote for us. But the of life that surges through their veins desire to obtain something, for him atives of the Indians, many of them olution and the country. He has No, d not the great grandson of themselves: organization, they levy war remorse masses are saying to as surely as if they were Popes of Rome self and those belonging to him, be ex Maderist soldiers, as waiting on violated the Plan of San Luis Potosi Mr. Glles, the gentleman answered, lessly against the rebel, In every What was the Socialist Party, organ, or Czars of all the Russias. Let them that something power or influence of the governor of the State and de and is governing according to his own but a grandson of the great grandson country this has been a marked char ized for except for the overthroro of insist on living, whatever man made both. He is not the patriot who is manding land.
The paper adds: will, making the law and giving guar of Ms. Giles, and have come to hunt up acteristic of the passing year; every capitalism, and if the party is really laws may say. Let them refuse to going to the aid of an unhappy and We do not know to what decision antees only to the privileged. From some other John in order that he and where what we were accustomed to reso formidable how can its enemies be starve, however Yehemently their suffering people. He is going for the governor has come, but suppose the day when he attained power he his offspring may pay to me and to gard rights free safe within its house? That is what coward leaders, thinking only of their what there may be in it and for noth he has counselled patience while the has been under the influence of the mine a hundred times the value of the fundameutal speech, freedom of the press, etc. have the masses are saying, and quite natur own skins and personal preferment, ing else.
central government is solving the ag. Cientificos and large landowners. He land of my ancestors.
been suppressed by the bigots of Insti ally, for the Socialist Party formerly may counsel prudence. Let the Mexi Radical Action Needed ricultural problem.
has forgotten the promises he made The raven flew off, and said, croak.
tutions that have become impossible taught them that capitalism must be can peasant refuse to be expatriated On the other hand, the same issue Under date of Dec. 18 the Nueva the nation and he has made a Jest of ing: ma happier than are the Johns, by the Wall Street vampire; and, of La Voz de Juarez has a lengthy Era reports the State Congress of the Mexican people that gave him the for can freely perch on any limb and are even now bioking into their torn up, root and branch, knowing that without the land he can. and evidently official article headed Tlaxcala as having under consideragraves. As they are fighting against supreme power he holds. A11 For the moment Haywood comes into pot live, let him take the land at all Radicalism the Salvation, please. And m nobler than are the whic life itself their efforts will amount to tion a project for solving the agrar Mexicans have been deceived. We Gileges, for don pick out the eyes in fact the fire will burn the limelight. Haywood knows as well and every cost. Let the proletarian declares itself thus, in part: The ian question by granting its inhabi believed he was a liberator and he of men until the men are dead.
more fiercely the more it is suppressed. as the Mexican Liberal Party does that be sure that he who will not fight for Vazquista Revolution will have to re: tants facilities for the acquisition has become the greatest tyrant Mex. From the Spanish of Francisco Pi It is no longer a case of what the Socialism under its present leadership life thereby embraces certain death. alize the supreme miracle of the Great of land. The main proposition Lisico has known. In conclusion, tell y Arsuaga, by George Petersen. leaders think they want. It is a case is the sworn foe of revolution; that it The universe is built on strength, and Revolution the creation of hundreds that the State shall declare subject Sr. Madero that accept none of his of what the individuals, Tom and Dick, would assassinate every genuine the weakness of slavery has its tap. of thousands of small proprietors; to expropriation haciendas and es propositions. Make him acquainted of revolt with the root in the paralysis of fear, the creation of a citizenship settled tates containing more than ten hec with my Plan of Ayala, a copy of Mary and Susan, actually do want. movement And what they actually do want they same calculating cold bloodedness THE MCNAMARA CASE on the land, because the people is tars (a hectar is equal to 471 which shall order my secretary to WM. C, OWEN are taking, in constantly increasing as that with which it plunged sovereign and can be master only acres) of irrigated, twenty acres of give you. Tell him that and Emil Human nature in general is very where it treads its own moil.
numbers. Life is beginning to assert the knife into the Mexican proletariat Polit unirrigated and twenty acres of forest io Vasquez will continue the revolu quick to let some one else stand in ical ideals are but a means of ob land.
efforts to get back its lands. He is a drastic proposition, its right to live.
tion as it began, that declare my the breach. Most people believe in candidate for a place on the party There is among the records of Con talning civil rights; they are but the Against Large Estates selt the defender of the Plan of San force; all governmentalists do. It is El Democrata. Crime is increasiog! We say it National Executive Committee, and he gressional investigation at Washing road by which may be reached the of Dec. 15 an Luis Potosi and that we shall bring only a question of applying it. Unwith horror and make desperate at knows as well as do that, 60 far as too evidence that capital has been just remuneration of labor, general nounces that the Minister of the In It about that the government of the lonists belleve in force, non uniontempts to put it down. But cringe is economic revolution is concerned, the guilty in its warfare against com wealth and liberty for all. This 18. terfor has formulated plans for the new dictatorship comes to an end. Ists believe in force, scabs believe in one of nature most energetic manifest. party has committed suicide, petitors of the very crimes to which what the name of Emilio Vasquez, breaking up of large estates and has But, said the envoy, are we to force, capitalists believe in force.
ations and is the rod by which she edu knows that with the removal of its the McNamaras have pleaded guilty. Gomez signifies, and we holst a ban appointed a commission to hear all tell the president that?
Judges and hangmen believe in force, categ us. Not the suffragette but the revolutionary backbone the party 16 a If wealth could be curbed in its in ner that has three symbols in three complaints. Tell him farther, for my part, that Socialists believe in force and a good prostitute has proved to our unwilling corpse, and that to advertise it as the justice believe labor would soon colors Land, Liberty and Frater Bi Imparcial of Dec. 19 pub he should go to Habana, for it he many Anarchists believe in force.
senses the degradation we impose on haven of capitalism is to bury it so abate its own violence. Con nity.
lishes a government decree declar does not be may begin to count his Furthermore, they believe in force the mothers of the race. Not the So deep It never can be disinterred. He nolly, in Colllers. We depend on private corresponding forest lands in the neighborhood days, since within a month shall be used successfully. But not all of cialist or Anarchist orator but the knows that, and does not hesitate to ence and the leading Mexican papers of Adjusco, in the Federal District, in Mexico city with twenty thousand these, not anything like all of these, starving thiet forces us to acknowledge, give his knowledge voice; for which and reviews for our information. We State property. The account, how men, and shall have the pleasure of want to use force themselves. They in the face of ali our prejudices, that reason be is being fought tooth and spare no palns to get as near the ſever, ends with this remark. WHAT ABOUT THE Tak going to Chapultepec, whence shall want some one else to use it for them.
social arrangements are unjust. We nail by the Bergers and Hiliquits of truth as possible and we say, with ing into consideration the cherecter drag him out and hang him to the They are charmed when it is used MCNAMARA CASE?
are like people who have been cbat. the party. They are all for law and profound conviction, that the sallent of the Indians of Ajusco, Atlapulso highest of its chestnut trees. Buccessfully, but when it fails they Send for coples of this leaflet, with feature of all the reports that come and Jalatlaco, It is believed that enting idly while a light comedy was order because their one ambition is to That is some talking. No wonder are horrified and terrifod. And they Suddenly a grim step into the shoes of what they look which excellent work can be done. into our hands is the growing pre ergetic measures will have to be Madero bas issued new orders for the net up their voices on high, howling spread before us.
session of the on of the land the dying Democratic Party. Price, 25 cents a bundred; 50 cents dominance tragedy has taken question. taken before the government will be extermination of Zapata. Vao Victfal Vae Victis!
boards, and it is making us sit up and But Haywood is a revolutionist and for 250; or 00 for 500 coples. Let From the first we have insisted that able to assume possession of these Mexico wanted not paper political re. torest lands. The previous day the)
think. It is by tragedy that the muddy recognizes human rights as superior us have substantial orders. man with SO.
as we HC