Bronomie Freedom and its Relation to Labor Regeneración English Section and Win. Owe, 100 copy, over 28 coples, tc, per copy.
large WILSON The Prosecution of REGENERACION should be rewarded instead of terests.
nian. Our 了 son.
nance, An Appeal Sane LAND AND LIHDRTY, Mexico Battle for their great work. double of the annexation of mexican ter when it was your favorite let World Wide Stragxlo. Selected from pritlugo task faced them: to educate and ritory as a result of the war of book. Live up to it.
Edited by WM. OWEN of Nicardo Flores Magon, Antonto de Araujo organize the Mexican people into 1848, the permanent occupation an effective weapon of revolution of Porto Rico, even though acSUBSCRIPTION Jolin Bagot, editor of the RATES Send money payable to and, still inore important and ceptsle to a majorrity of Porto Single copy. Midleton Guardian, a cts.
No, 228 more difficult to enlighten the Ricans, and circumstances of acINRIQUE FLORES MAGON.
American people to the real is quiring the Panama Canal Zone has been a utilwart Championul and influent al Englis? One dollar a year. months, 5oc. Saturday March. 4, 1916 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal.
sues invold lie Mexican un strijs The United States and Mexico dinherited for beita rising. It is clue to a gre:t ex fier people suffer from these causes devoted foilover of lierry George order that the American people jealous supporters, the law that tent to the efforts of REGENERA in Latin America, the disability and liates land monopoly met would not be dishonored. If grants the right to think and to cron and the Mexican Liberal from which they are exempt in bitterly: Ile wrote me recently there would be an honest goverti write. but in the way that it Party in this country that Roose Asia. There, all Europeans are to him most elisa pointing. Why nient our imprisoned comrades night serye best your class invelt and his presidential succes under suspicion because of many Simply because, in the turma should be rewarded instead of terests.
Under the avove caption The being punished.
Venustiano Carranza is falling Blast, published in San Francis sors did not dare to interfere in instances of territorial aggres of the European war, he has la Mexico, track of Mexican development The prosecution against RH In the editorial to which be down and you want to save him co by Alexander Berkman. has pay him the compliment of ay GINIRACION No wonder that the activity of constitutes the longs the fragnient that we are by locking up in jail his enemies. the following to say about the suming, as of course, that he the Brothers Magon has proven not one of the rabble that expec greatest attack that cver has reſering to, it is explained that How you dishonor the American Magon case: been conuuitted in this so called if the Texas revolution was in people by serving foreig11 On February 18 agents of the a thorn in the flesh of the Am Roosevelt, the impatient, grew a nation to work out its emanc. Land of the Trec, against creasing it was due to the bru tyrant!
Federal Government forced their erican exploiters and native op weary of Congressional investi ing, or in strict accordance with the right to think and that of tality of the rangers, assassinIARQUINA. way into the office of REGENERA pressors of Mexico.
The cry of gations, wanted anyhow to have the plans and specifications publishing the thought through ating innocents, that many, to CION, the Revolutionary weekly Land and Liberty has been find the glory of fathering the Pana doctrinaires. He is too intelli This prosccution is save themselves from tlic crimiof the mexican Liberal Party, ing a thousand fold echo in the nia Canal, and took the law into gent for that; too well read in nothing else but the prosecution nal butchery, would become revo published in Los Angeles, and bleeding hearts of the peons, liis hands, as is the way of gen history; knows, for example. wbat a long and stony path the of tlie Anarcliist ideal because it olutionists. For that reason it brutally beat up and arrested the Now Carranza and his henchmen tlemen born in the purple. His French Revolutionists had to is the Anarchist isleal the one was said that justice and not editors of the paper, Ricardo and hiave determined to stifle this methods were characteristic of the tread in order to effect even the about rebel voice.
whicli Enrique Flores Magoti.
RIGINIKACION bullets, was needed in Texas, First he got up a revolu comparatively small changes niakes propaganda.
May such sane advice constitute know Ricardo and Enrique, Repeatedly these bloodsuckers tion in Colombia, which was so they actually effected. In realiOur comrades Ricardo Flores the crime of treason? Is it not and am proud to call them my of Mexico have attempted to sup engineered as to include a threat ty things in Mexico are moving with a rapidity that seems to me ened attack on United states inMagon, Lurique Flores Magon a ridiculous charge?
Tune. Colleeni Bąwn. comrades and friends. They are press these brave comrades, almost incredible. Too fast for and William Owen are charg On the other hand, we find that we re spending billions revery men of that rare type seldom pro Roosevelt then President of these terests. Under that pretext lie solid permanence, fear.
ed in the indictment with incit there is not any incitation to (year duced outside of Russia and Mex free United States, used the swiped the Panama sripe, and ing to murder, arson and trcason murder, arson and treason, but for guns and animunition, ico: Men who have sacrificed whole power of the Federal Gov. ever since that thieft it has been First, as to the land. take through the Mail liy unedin that wliat there is, is a very Our Army and our Navy social position, confort and safety ernment to aid Perfidious Diaz in made the excuse for militarism, leading Lim of RIGENERACION.
strong appeal for justice; and Home Idear, for the cause of the people. Men in stamping out the revolution with all the endless expenditures the following from a Ju the said indictment in order those who want justice done do To keep in good condition. big enough to live in the direst ary agitation of the Mexican and pork barrell steals militarism editorial in the Christian Sci.
ence Monitor, the editorial be Many of involves. First, the navy had to ing headed Down to a Funda to have a basis, there are quot not deserve to be in jail but free, While millions livs ju misery poverty in order to devote their Liberal Junta.
be enlarged; then stupendous for mental: To employ familiar ed writings from the pen of Ri Another of the fragments on And millions dicu! before us, time, ability and means to fur brave Mexican comrades were tifications had to be erected; now phraseology, the land og Yucae cardo and Enrique Magon, but which the indicment is based, Don sing My Country tis of ther revolution and liberty. Pres railroaded to prison.
an army of 25, 000 is demanded, tan is now being nationalized, there is not quoted a single word refers to the fact that Wilson thee, ent day America has failed to And now it is the learned acwritten by comrade Own, al. helps Carranza because this old But sing this little chorus. evolve such superior types of so ademician in the White House to fortify the fortifications. And Iand monopoly in that state is so it goes.
trougla he is inade the victim of sharper has promised to tie up cial consciousness. Indeed, it who is hastening to the aid of What a lucrative undergoing abolition. The so gle tax idea is being enforced, has not even learned to appreci Carranza and Wall Street, to sup ristn, the gospel that might makes simplified, the law garages to game is invasion, theft, milita There are numerous details. but, tlie same charges that are made the Mexican people hand and against the Magons.
ate therri. Their fate is misunThat foot, so that the American burChorus press the work of REGENERACION. right!
every Mexican or foreigner, more fact makes one suspect that the geoisie may exploit them to their derstanding, persecution and pri. They will again try to send the than seventeen years old, lizing government has in mind to hearts content, That is the Should ever be a soldier, Magons to the penitentiary. We in the state. the right (alwayg suppress KIGINIRACION for lack truth, the condition on which the Neath the Re Flag would In spite of tremendous obstacles call on all rebels and fair mindprovided that he intends personof literary cooperation, which carrancista government was re fight; the Magons and their co workers ed people not to permit this out Now we have passed into the ally to cultivate it) to a piece of land where, by means of his lao never will be accomplished, be cognized by the U, and which Should the gun ever shouider, have for years been carrying on rage.
repentant stage, but, like true bor, he may obtain what is nece cause there are very many of us are known by everybody impli It to crusine, tyrant might.
hucksters, we are haggliug over essary to maintain bis family, ready to continue to the very cate the restoration of Porfirio Join the army of the toilers, the dollars we should pay as pe thus acquiring economic idepende best of our ability the Anarchist Diar, system and all that it had Men and Women fall in line, Colombia demands an ence and the comforts necessary propaganda that our persecuted of spoliator and tyrannical.
for living quietly according to To Wage slavest of the world!
apology, just as we demanded an his social condition. This means comrades were doing.
tell the truth is to incite to mur Arouse!
apology from Huerta. Over that more than a declaration of ecoIn the fragments of their der, arson and treason? To tell Do your duty for the cause, we boggle, Colombia demands nomic freedom; it can be made writings that we printed in the the truth, here and anywhere else For Land and Liberty.
Our readers are no dout aware repeat in order to make them emphatic, an indemnity of 25, 000, 000 but possible only through spiritual last issue of RIGINTRACION while where there migth be And many a maiden, pure and of the arrest of our comrades Ri and this is the crime of our comrades, the Foreing Relations Committee and intellectual liberation, the Magons.
need not tell Mr. Bagot, but the of the United States thinks quoting The Los Angeles. Tri brains, is honestworthy su own fair. cardo and Enrique Flores Magor fortunately it is still necessary to bune of Tebruary 1911, the gov Therefore, our comrades should Her love and pridė must offer on February 18, by the Federal bones and soaked with the blood of our 15, 000, 000 ought to be enough. explain to the general public, erntnent inakes its stronglold be set free in order that they may. On Mamnion alter in despair, authorities.
forefathers who suffered tortures and That we have been thieves is now that Single Tax is not land na to hurl against our contrades Ri continue telling the truth, be To fill the masters doffer. It would seem tliat the age gave their lives to secure whatever frankly admited, you understand. tionalization, the latter being a system of State Ownership which cardo and Enrique Flores Magon cause truth is the source of moral The gold that pays the mighty of political persecution was long little liberties we have, and in particular How dignified is our position!
Henry George vehemently expose the charges of inciting to nuurder, and material progress.
The feet, past, but unfortunatley it is not the right of every human to think and express himself as he pleases, and now ed and condemned.
arson and treason to the United truth is never obnoxious but for From tender youth esqueezes, so. as shown by this latest outthe 20th century barbarians, States.
those who do wrong, for the While brawny men must walk the rage upon Ricardo and Enrique this age of the wireless and aeroplane Put such facts as these in your The charges are ridiculous, and bourgeois, for the priests and for street Flores Magon.
to crush the migərly palitical liberties pipes, you wlio think us brutes Again, Washington despaches above thein the one of treason to the rulers.
And face the winter breezes. When the monstruous Diaz liad conquered in the long and dark past.
for not melting into tears wlien of Feb. inforined us that the the United States, because our As to the advices given to the full sway in Mexico, all he had We appeal to the red blooded rebels Mr. Wilson speechifies on the be United States government was to do was to stretch his long arm who are tired of this sickening spectaconirades are not American citi carrancista soldiers, it should be ele; to those who realiaze that apathy nevolence of Uncle Sam; lis de protesting against a decree issueil by the Governor of Aguasca2013 and, therefore, could not agreed from the start that Mexacross the border and drag any and submission mean the stripping of termination that lie will never lientes which cancels various Chorus should ever etc.
commit that crime, Ricardo and ico is in a state of war, of revolupolitical refugee from American whatever wrights grab for others territory, as do concessions held by American retain; to Eurique are internationalists, tion, within which different fac. Why do tliey mount their gatling soil to be stood between a stone we those who aspire the wicked European Powers; his Smelting Companies and other strive for world without gun wall and a firing squad and shot and They do not recognize any partic tions exert themselves to have truly philanthropic yearnings to foreign interests; and, yet agaid, or slaves, to come to the aid the ular country as their IIome, but their ideals predominate, The thousand miles from ocean, like a dog. This barbarous and paper of the following day of our head an international league tliat the Universal llome. Their factions are in active fight, with Where hostile fleet could never nouseating spectable finally Flores Magon, and do all in their power shall act as policeman. through erfenish that trastor housing the Country is the Lartlı, and their their arnis in their hands, and in run aroused such storm of indigna to save them from this latest outrage out this hemisphere and put down Minister in charge of the depart.
country en the liuman beings such case the triunph of a faction Ain that a funny notion?
tion that when the tyrant was of the masters who threaten to railroad nefarious nialcontents, It is a ments of Public Works, Commer that inhabit the world, 11 pon the otliers cannot be hoped If you dont know the reason hurled into oblivion by a down them to prison again. defence Committee has been orga cians, led by the soft voiced the nulification of oil foncessions fine net these ambitious politi ce, Manufacture and Agriculture, had recommended to why, trodden and outraged people, a Carranza The United States government to depend on any other thing but should reward the Magon broth violence. In a revolution, each Just strike for better wages, sigh of relief went up with the nized in connection with the InternaWoodrow Wilson, are weaving; a on which the petroleum compa tional Workers Defence League, to ers instead of throwing then in party tries to annihilate the op. And then, my friends. if you satisfaction that such stone age raise funds for the defence of Ricardo net to catch the sucker. net nies, chiefly American and Bri.
jail, because with the paragraph ponent party, by any means, good (don die methods would never be heard and Enrique Flores Magon.
that, unless we tear it to shreds tisti, claim to have invested fully You ll sing this song for ages. of again. But tyrants come and The following quoted by the prosecutur and in or crooked, as Ricardo says.
officers have been immediatly, will grow. 200, 000, 000.
which it is made reference to the Wliat of extraordinary has, then, go and Capitalism remains en named to represent this branch: until it tangles in its fatal meshes Luke North, President.
crimes commited by the Texas that the carrancista soldiers be throned using the same old tools.
Egecumb Pinchon, General Secretary, every nation that dares to strike rangers on innocent people, adviced that they shoot their of Chorus should eyer, etc. It comes with singularly poor select at random because P. Noel, Financial Secretary.
for freedom, and eyery man or there is done nothing else but to ficers and their chiefs? Would and humiliating grace for free Dr. Percival T, Gerson, Treasurer. woman who has the audacity to merely wish to indicate the genincite tliat justice be done by ex not those from the North, during merica to prosecute our comrades All moneys for the defence should be think a rebel thought. Politi eral trend, and that is always ecuting the real criminals, tlie tlie secession War, would have Words by Joe Hillstrom, who for inciting the Mexican soldiers sent as follows: cians, drunk with the insolence of the important thing, Noel. rangers. The government has liked that the soldiers from the was assassinated last year at to shoot their officers, as pointed 621 American National Bank Bldg.
office will hold its strings, and also eminently suggestive of the not executed the criminal rana South kill their chiefs and Of Salt Lake City, Utha, by the out in one of the counts of the Los Angeles, Cal.
the authority the Roman Catholic revolutionary ſeyer now permeatgers, but las tlirown to jail ficials, and, reciprocally, those governor of that State.
indictment, when we call to mind REGENERACION GROUP, church orice wielded, to tlie paing Mexico that in Vera Cruz, those who asked for justice, ins from the South would have not that at the outset of the Europeralysis of human thouglıt, will be and with the sanction of the au.
tead. Is there any trcason con felt satisfaction if the soldiers an war George Bernards Shaw as nothing to it. Socialists should thorities, it has been decided to mited when it is deinanded most from the North had done any siTO OUR READERS.
called upon the British soldiers vote and work and pray for keep the anniversary of the exevchemently that there be justice milar thing?
to shoot their officers and go Wilson, because lie, of all men cution of the Chicago Anarchists Our readers noted of course, the badin the United States?
Conie 0n, Madam Authorityi ly gotten up shape of REGENERACION home, without as much as being at this moment, typifies most as annual holiday and a Everyvbody will reinember how take aside such a gross laypocré last week, and no doubt will observe molested. But then, this is not Of course the Latin Americans completely that worship of what newly opened plaza there has been the Texas rangers, under the cy! If the United State would the same in this issue. Orthographic as England. Mexicans, Chileans, Argenti Hugo Munsterberg calls Over christened after Francisco be pretext that they were pursuing engage in war with Germany or well as typographical errors were much Most well informed radicals know nes, and all that sort of people. Individual; that is to say, the rrer Vera Cruz is an important the revolutionists from that Japan, would you dare to throw in evidence in We hope they will realize that the Magons are marked are vastly inferior to us, beimg State. He, of all men, represents city, the Liverpool of Mexico.
State, they woull arrest innocent into Jail those who would advise consequent upon the arrest of our comfor persecution because tliey have way behind in economic develop niøst faithfully that Trust the people and kill them by the hun the German or japanese soldiers rades, and to which we have not been given their energies, time and ment. Nevertheless they seeni politicians which is the cornerdreds, being the rangers as. to shoot down their chiefs and able to adopt ourselves as yot. Besides life to the agitation of a cause able occasionally to hit a nail on stone of Socialisın. Vote and The Appeal to Reason de sisted by civilians of sanguinary Officials?
the taking away of our comrades has that teachs the workers that if the head. report to the Con work for him, you Socialists and on Solin Kenneth Turner recently nounces in bitter terms the attack instincts. Those crimes of the No; the true motive of the been a bad blow, and some of us means they must fight and sacrifice gress on Christian Work in Latinº Socilistic Anachrists. Join hands made in the Los Angeles Daily rangers became so scandalous indictment is the ill will with side a pick and shovel to push a pencil themselves, for somthing, to do it America, rendered by the Com witn the Roman Catholics, as Times, and prints a reply by that the very government, al which all the exploiters, all the which is quite a contrast.
for absolute Emancipation and mission on Survey and Occupa Ernest Renan, that great because himself, in which he shows how though needing individuals of rulers and all the priests look However, it was most inspiring and not handouts, crumbs and charity, tion, is an illustration. It says: truly philosophic historian, alo: York magazines and specifically ruflianly character for nyrmidons, upon the propaganda that our refreshing to see a host of friends rush But in particular they are persecuted Nothing, is more deep seated ways said you would.
it had to order ihat the rau imprisoned comrades do of our to our aid as soon as Ricardo and Enric because have elamuleren en te stels in the Latin American mind than the fence and plump frankly for ney for his writings from either necessary to Madero or Carranza. As tb gers stop their persecuting the Anarchist principles. It is que had been dragged away, enabling of urging the Meixcan laboring massus revolutionists, imposing that narchism that you indict, domi us to pull out the paper on regular time. that if they must shed their blood in doubt concerning the unselfish Government, As to the case of our comraders Ri the present Revolution, to do it for the ness of the United States in her man salvation. Look to the charges were exceedingly definite regret that neither the Apped task on the mulitia. And now nating gentlmen; it is Anarchist cardo and Enrique, they are still in jail absolute FREL POSSESSION OF THE foreign policies in the western State was the motto, taken from to Reason nor Turner himsel No animount they indict those who condemned Ideals that you want to keep hi as no bail has yet been arranged. They LAND with ALL that is in it and never hemisphere.
of Mathew Arnold, which the late think such crimes! To those who with hind prison bars, and amidst you will appear in court for preliminary violate and sertatickerin human World has venevolent protestations, no mer. Laurence Gronlund put on the Times for libel and collection their writing were doing their madness you trample on the Law hearing on Monday, March 13.
itorious service of the Monroe title page of his been driven out or put to work, Co operative swinging damages.
very best to have justice done in of which you pretend to be such GARCIA, These are things we are forced to doctrine, efface the moral effect Commonwealth, can remember WM. HOWER come!
meager a masters grow and Is it not Such Is Life an as seems to