AnarchismCapitalismEnglandGuerrillaIndividualismItalyPrivate PropertySocialismSpainSyndicalismViolenceWorking Class

us REGENERACION in RIOT FOLLOWS Orozco at Bay In Syndicalism Mountains of Bachimba OOOO No Song of Griet!
No Song Of Sighs! 車 000 our Own.
English Section WILLIAM OREN Regeneracion.
defiance at the law and face impris absence would disorganize the move tion made an impression on me. Pablished overy Saturday at oninent without good reason. On ment. Ricardo Magos has few il have always considered that the propEIGHTEEN ARRESTED 114 kostoa Lom Angelus Col that persistency and that defiance the lusions, and he was then convinceder tribute to the great is not the erecThe real pioneer of present day ON SERIOUS prosecutor harped 28 evidence of that the United States, government tion of monuments to those oratorTelephone: Home 180 Syndicalism, the maa who infused into with which memorial CHARGE the French labor organizations, or bardened criminality. wiser and would do all in its power to crush ical offerings SUBSCRIPTION RATA. months, 60c; moothem f1. 40. less prejudiced judgment would have him. When he appeared last week meetings have made us so painfully What the papers described as one syndicates (now embodied in the year, 00; Blago copy, ke; informed him that those who offer 50 in court he expected to be deprived of familiar, but the continuation of their of the wildest riots ever witnessed in Confederation Generale du Travail. in bandle, 3c per copy.
high a price arc after something ney libcrty for eleven more long years. work. Of course we shall continue the revolutionary and Anarchistic the streets of Los Angeles succeeded regard as worth it.
Find me another man in Los Angeles our agitation, regardless of the conthe passing of sentence on the mem000 spirit, was Fernand Pelloutier, It is Whien Aincrican and other who will put his head knowingly into viction of the Magons Rivera and FiNo. 96.
due to the efforts of Pelloutier, debers of the gueroa all equal co operators in this Mexican Liberal Party Two years ago Diaz was in the such a noose for principle!
plutocrats bought Mexican Saturday, June 29, 1912.
clares Sorel in his book, Reflections Junta and their removal to the coun land by the hundreds of square on: Violence, that the Anarchists universal task We shall struggle as odor of sanctity. The Mexicans overthrew him, and all the world now know these men; believe know long as we have an ounce of struggle ty jail. Probably from two to three thousand persons were involved; the miles did they asks what night were induced to harness and organize knows that Diaz was a monster. their deepest, thought and dearest :as left, but we should not be left to the vendors had to 8001 it? Did their revolutionary activity in the pick the word and use it advisedly as pirations. They think, as do, that struggle alone. The few cannot re police used their clubs freely and met they ask how it was that lewo French syndicates In his Letter to descriptive of an unquestionable fact the world is on the eve of change; deem the mass from slavery, and the in many instances with determined resistance, especially from the Mexican were able to dispose of princithe Anarchists, Pelloutier himself say that the crimes of Diaz have profoundly revolutionary cconomic co operation of all is needed. Go to palities? Of course they did. defined his aim thus: been proved, and have passed into change. They think, as think, that the very edge of your capacity, and women, who became furious when not. They took their alleged Our position in the Socialist world the category of historical facts be all this poverty and fear of want; you will find that capacity far greater seeing the manner in which the men titles knowing them to be ab follows: Exiled from the Party bewere handled. negro, who had bora yond debate. say the man sold out this cowardly submission to the eco than you suppose. We have within solutely rotten. They knowing cause, although 10 less revolutionary Ricardo Flores Magon, Enrique his country; reduced his race to pov nomic boss; this dismal treadmill of us heroic possibilities of which we rowed, a club from a policeman, and ly mado themselves partaces in than Vailant ar. Guesde and quite as was using it, received a trifling knife one of the most gigantic crimes resolutely partisans for the suppresFlores Magon, Librado Rivera and crty and worse than chattel slavery; slavery to the job, with starvation as little dream. Were it otherwise we wound. With that exception the Anselmo Figueroa, members of established conditions of which Ter the alternative, are needless absurd should still be herding with the apes.
crowd relied entirely on its fists and on record. By every principle Osion of private property, we are someof justice they should be pun thing more than they are rebels evthe Junta of the Mexican Liberal Par razas, now a refugee in Los Angeles ities; a hideous nightmare from which The battle for Liberty is long, but, suffered severely in the unequal conished. Most certainly they ery hour; men really without a God, ty. have been sentenced to a year and and reputed the largest landowner in humanity has to arouse itself AT flict, eleven months imprisonment in the the world, is typical. These things ANYCOST. They are younger than like that for life, it never ceases It has pleased the police and local should not be upheld by Amers without masters, without a country; Oican bayonets.
irreconcilable enemies federal penitentiary at McNeill Is are known wherever ļiterature circu am, but their revolutionary experi could think of no better heading for of all despotland, Washington, The jury found lates, but it is not so geneolly knownence has taught them what it has this article than a quotation from press to lay the blame on Ricardo 00000000ism, whether moral or material, indiMagon step daughter, Mrs. Lucile. vidual them guilty of conspiracy to violate that Ricardo Magon was the first man taken me many years to learn. viz, Freiligrath great poem, which our or collective, that is to say, the neutrality law. Judge Wellborn. in all the Mexican nation to face the that for everything worth having the imprisoned comrades admired beyond the prisoners to the county jail, and ba, despatches of Justice lead stating that equally opposed to laws and to dicshouted Tierra y Libertad when de the federales, under. Gen. Huerta, had tatorships (including that of the proopinion that the jury could not have crcised remorselessly, the power of superficial as regard them we are took it runs. letariat. and passionate believers in reacher any other conclusion, and life or death. When, alone among dreamers. In reality as believe, No song of grief; no song of sighs nied entrance. On the other hand, opened a heavy artillery fire on his supposedly impartial spectators whom advanced trenches, six miles south of self culture, For those who perish insubdued; adidest that the crime had been com hundreds of delegates, Ricardo Magon we are realists, who cannot conceive Nor yet a song of irony we have interviewed, including two the point named. The hills are strong Welcomed, on the other hand, bemitted deliberately and persistently. singled out Diaz for atack at the Con that the world will free itself from detectives; assert stoutly confirming ly fortified and the rebels claim that cause of these very sentiments, by the At life fantastic interludeOn legal grounds he rejected the spc vention of San Luis Potosi, eleven slavery by shouting at political conindustrial unions, we have devoted observation that there they will be able to defeat the two ourselves to industrial work, free from The Beggar Opera that ye strive cial and carnest plea of the prosecu years ago, he voiced what all men ventions, or listening to notoriety and tion, which was that there should be were concealing in their hearts but money hunting orators. As under To drag out through its lingering had the police observed, judicious pa against them, but there have been would have been little, if any, trouble flanking movements being attempted personal ambition, working with all It stand the matter we are all Individscenes, a separate conviction on cach count none of them had dared to utter.
tience. It was well known that the constant rumors of disaffection among bodies on any battlefield; and, after our might, and ready to give up our of the consolidated indictment, and was then, and immediately, that he ualists, eternally preaching the doc Though moth eaten the purple be that on each the full penalty should was singled out for punishment, but trine that the individual man must That decks your tinsel kings and Mexican population felt most deeply and desertion by Orozco s, followers, fighting the police and baffling the queeng. WM. OWEN.
bc inflicted. That might have meant it was also then that Magon won the save himself, and that as long as the the imprisonment of the and the odds are believed Junta members, and it was certain cidedly against him. The expecta: lobscure but fruitful work of the synarmy, again impassively taking up the eleven years for Ricardo Magon and allegiance of his fellow prisoner, Li masses lean on leaders their redempFUNDS NEEDED.
that if attacked they would retaliate tion that he will meet defeat, and that dicate.
Rivera, nine for Enrique Magon and brado Rivera an allegiance that nev tion will be such stuff as dreams are The week in Los Angeles has been to the best of their ability. As it was his army will disperse, to engage in We all consider that the two for Figucroa.
er has and never is likely to falter. made of.
Since then these cowards if you first step toward Individualism is eco. bis with events that have swallowed thandavas reino med politiet neady ann amerika warfare. tis causing panie sition. Let those of us who, like ever do not believe anything is ever believe Prosecuting Attorney Robin nomic independence, and the first up what little leisure the editor of hand was reinforced by fifty more, and among the property owders of Chicollectivists, look at the syndicalist gained by concealing or truth, and am satisfied that both martyrdom of imprisonment and ex free. access to nature storehouse more, exceptional circumstances have though its Services eventually were ported as crowded with refugees: learn to respect it; and let those of us.
evading son have undergone one continuous step toward economic independence this section ordinarily has. Further the fire department was appealed to, huahua, and trains to Juarez are rewith unsympathetic eyes, Land.
compelled him to pass much of his not required. The Los Angeles.
Es Orozco himself has issued orders that who believe in the revolutionary misthe judge and jury performed con ile.
time in travel Matters that should aminer, which is far from friendly all property abandoned on which sion of the enlightened proletariat, scientiously their duty, as imposed on them by oath. It is not by railing at Madero had wealth, and the power These men are Mexicans for the im have been arranged without a mo. to the Mexicans, had to admit that taxes to the governmeat instituted by pursue, more actively, methodically, them personally that we shall accom that goes with wealth. He was of the mediate moment, because Mexico and ment s: delay have been necessarily the women, in an endeavor to rescue him have not been paid, shall be con and more obstinately than ever the From Juarez refugees, in blish any good, and indeed by doing Mexican Liberal Party, a subscriber the freeing of Mexico from the trib shelyed, and as yet no adequate steps. their relatives from the police, were fiscated: at times roughly handled.
considerable numbers, are crossing to technical education necessary to renwork of moral, administrative, and so we ourselves should be guilty of to Regeneracion, an ally to whom ute gatherer is their immediate task, have been taken toward meeting emerFive women and thirteen men were El Paso, and similar conditions are der possible the realization of a soinjustice. We should miss thereby timid or venal men would have stuck (At bottom they are internationalists gencies that have arisen. know the Our Spanish editors are in jail. what seems to me the bottom truth at any cost. To those who have fol of the broadest kind.
es between the federal, border, ciety of free men. am not proposing, you see, any in all this trouble; for, failing to rec lowed the history of Mexican affairs eagerness with wbich they read of now, more than ever, the whole world discussia and there has been much reported at other points along the Madero and his supporters are as new method, nor asking for a unaniognize that the judge and jury acted during the past twelve months it is every movement of revolt; of the sym should be informed of the true nature State and city authorities as to the as they were compelled to act, we now self evident that Madero prom pathy: they extended to all popular of their crime. Like all the prop course to be pursued. It now has serting loudly that Orozco is at his mous assent to this method: All beshould blind ourselves to the fact that ises were inspired by personal ambi lawakenings, whether they took place aganda they maintained so gallantly been decided to prosecute under the last gasp, and rumors of his ex lieve is that, in the first place, in order our imprisoned comrades. have been tion; that he never intended to restore in Japan, China or India, Spain, Italy, that needs money; money not only State laws, the city and United States pressed willingness to surrender have to hasten the social revolutida and to tread, and cannot conceive how say that the evidence on that head in foreign papers which showed ap but from the better paid workers of and twelve men with attempt to the revolution final collapse. That should we preach to the four corners they could have tuined their backs on today is overwhelming; that the case preciation of the fact that they were other countries whose battle they are rescue prisoners in the custody of has never been, and is not now, our of the horizon the government of self officers, and bail it and remained true to themselves or of Madero, like that of Diaz, has strugglers in a world wide cause. fighting. Volunteers for the arrangetheir convictions, to Orozco ultimate success. mentally prove to the working class, This, it seems to passed into the category of historical Their keenest regret has been that ment of a systematic canvass are in placed at 500 in each case. The legenda We have been extremely skep by one self, but, in addition, experts gal penalty is from six months to five we considered. Reyes rebellion ut in the fieart of its own institutions, me, must have been sensed by the facts beyond debate. The world did such appreciation was all too rare great demand, inasmuch as Regeneyears in: State prison.
jury when it deliberated so long, and not know that truth in February of The prosecuting attorney made much racion own staff is, for the moment, Those against whom complaints terlý hopeless, from the first. Never that such a government is possible. It have we had confidence in anything is our duty, moreover, to arm the by the judge when he abstained from last year, but the Junta of the Mex. of the fact, disclosed by the corres too: small to carry all the burden of have been issued are: Celevera Fibut the movement of the people workers, by teaching the necessity all expressions of reproof and turned ican Liberal Party did, and relations pondence seized, that their movement the work that should be done.
Most gladly would we have abgueroa, Maria Figueroa, Mercedes a deaf car to the prosecution plea. were severed and Madero ruthlessly covered not only Mexico but many the guerrilla warfare that now covers suggestions of capitalism.
exposed. It was a painful duty; it other countries, and denounced them stained from spending one cent, on le Figueroa. Valentina Espinosa, Lucile the resuelveist the movement of which for revolution, against the enervating On gal proceedings, but it was necessary Guideco, Charles Guidero, Peter. Casall Mexico is the natural and only The two Magons, Rivera and Fi was a costly duty; but it was as high, accordingly as public enemies.
tenera, Jack Clark, Geo. Dickenson, Constructive Aims.
propaganda, and gueroa are no criminals, as the pub as absolute, as imperative a duty as that basis he should bring proceed for the life of our Antonio Sarabia, Tellez, Julius possible expression. This appeal to French Anarchists lic understands the word. They are ever put men to the test. For all or ings against me, for have made it my nou metoder MTs Willedd Andrews, Ege, Juan Rinconi, Luis Scurr, San More Confiscation Certain, of the militant type to merge their actors in a world wide drama, of any of us can tell Madero may be special task to encourage the internaThe dispersion of Orozco forces spirit of rebellion with that of the which the Mexican Revolution is but able to retain the seat into which cretional revolt. We have been agreed his fee by far the greater part of chez, A, Cenores and Francisco Valdez. The first three named are the will add fuel to that fire. will swell syndicates will some day be looked a passing scene. They did not write dulity has hoisted him, but under his that the overthrow of the landlord which is still unpaid. For fully a wife and daughters of Anselmo Fi incalculably the sum of confiscation upon, declares Sorel. as one the that drama, nor did they thrust them rule the old conditions will continue and usurer in Mexico would mean the month We Have monopolized his acives into the role they have been and the Mexican masses will remain jeopardizing of their careers else and now we have seventeen addition sueroa, one of the imprisoned Junta which totals already so high a figure; most important historical documents members.
will increase still further the difficul of modern times. For Pelloutier, acal workers in jail, here in Los Angecalled to represent. They no more economically dependent on the few. where fies alone. They should be Without wishing to anticipate what ties under which Madero govern cording to Victor Dave (in Portraits defended, made the Mexican Revolution than It was not for any such a fiasco that for we lä all of Yesterday. was the inspiration of ever evidence the State may offer, we meat must continue to labor.
the charges or any of my read. 59 made it. It was the Mexican Liberal Party was or It has been disgusting to be dogged imposed on them by causes that take sanized and passed through fire and eternally by detectives, who left their lodged against them to go unfought must say that the charge astonishes. probability Chihuahua will now join the essential and primordial idea of Funds must be raised arid raised In no. instance were weapons Morelos, Guerrero and Puebla, as a revolutionary Syndicalism the idea us far back into the barbaric past, and hell; it was not for this that the Mex footprints to prove that they had been they have understood it simply be ican people shed their blood unstinto listening to conversations. we were to us, should be arranged, and the men would dream of pitting them in which American investments are the State is a tool of the ruling class found on any of those arrested, and State in which guerrilla warfare is is that the State can be of no use to Lasystematically; meetings, as it seems it is hard to believe that unarmed repressidle. And Chihuahua is a State bor, that essentially and intentionally intelligence to understand it. Would mess of pottage should they be con world. It was disgusting that the workers will find them better worth selves against the powerful guard that exceptionally heavy. In our judgment and that consequently the triumph of you have them false to their convic tent.
first, witness for the government the purpose of boosting some greedy Most ample precautions had been of intervention by the United States. by the destruction of the State, by its conducted our comrades to the jait. Orozco defeat increases the danger the working class can be realized only tions? Would you have them traitors to their deepest selves, as so many Mexicans are fighting for the res dandle the baby in the house wherein nonentity into a fat office job.
To every honest battle of the worktaken by the authorities, and the fed, Lack of time and space forbids the decomposition or reabsorption into unfortunately are? Would you have toration of their stolen lands. can rooned, that he might worm him has eral building, in which sentence was publication of the numerous notes of the body of labor organizations. Thus, had them pretend that finc words not speak of the masses, since do self into the confidence of the women its aid, sincerely, unselfishly, to the Pronounced, swarmed with uniformed the Zapata movement compiled this the syndicates or confederation becould have coaxed Diaz from his not know them; but know the men who subscquently, mobbed him. All best of its editors judgments and to officers and plain clothesmen. week. Suffice it to say that, despite come a standing army inimical to the throne. or that Madero infidelity was the law now puts in prison, and know those methods are repulsive to der the utmost of their power. It will of a similar kind are becoming more have received continuous reports of fines of the State. Current LiteraThroughout this country conflicts the rigid government censorship, we State, yet constantly within the concould afford to shrug its shoulders? cheap oasi dan thousando martyrdomas the game as played by prosecuting at co operate with them, as loyally as and more frequent, and almost invars great revolutionary activity through ture. From such you may get your blame. They have spoken and written, per torneys, who themsclves are less citizens who plod through life in sistently and with the utmost pre above the denunciation of men who and the call for reapers should be must have. The harvest is whitening iably the police are arined to the teeth out the three States. just named. The WHICH IS WORSE?
while the workers have only their government itself admits that for Is the deal the propose safety, supporting whatever iniquity cision, what they knew would endan sit before them as helpless as new. rung out, loud and clear. We are bare hands. At best they can but dem. three weeks it has been impossible to may be in power. The men who leave ger once more their personal liberty. born babes. My indignation at onstrate how deep is their sense of an. get into communication with the capto give us more outrageously unjust not grafters, but without the sinews their mark are made of different stuff, They have done this with keen secol Robinson address nearly got of war no war is possible.
injustice that goads them to protest ital of Guerrero, In a word, Zapata than the one sanctioned by immemoand with them alone history troubles lection of the misery they suffered in ter of my intellect. which told against odds so obviously unequal and his fellow leaders, pursue the taċ rial usage which permits two skinny itself to keep account.
long years of previous imprisonment. reacted in our favor, and tended to TWO THOUSAND ATTEND. The right to express disapproval, tics that have proved so successful in youths, in New York, to inherit 200, Schooled to the endurance of a pov bring into still more universal con By telegram. we learn that fully and to express it vehemently, is part the past, and unquestionably they 000, 000 of income producing real es Thc talked as if Ricardo Magon were a have refused offers of money and these United States. In this article Cleyre body to its last resting place tutionally guaranteed right of free the best judges of the situation. Hade her babers are the powWidt hbad chiet e prosecuting attorney arty that has been very actual. they tempe justice, 15 administered in two thousand followed Voltairine de and parcel of the natural and consti. have a right to consider themselves the besca uso el escenandatangan tution an nffair of hen roosta. He beyond all fear of want offers that tiously, to do real justice. Being sat livered a most impressive address. We as the challenge to a fight. Torreon we have no doubt that a joint more monstrous than humanity has moke as if he had entrappedia. com. came through the Magons brother. isfied that Judge Wellborn and the intended to give this week a short No one who has followed the history attack on Mexico City would have endured through the ages. And, let us be it, how mon brawler, but am satisfied that who is Madero Secretary of State jury acted as they felt bound to act. resume of her active and most useful of these innumerable labor troubles been made. But Orozco has failed.
the absurdity.
He. could not blind and taken part in desperate fighting, duty of the prosecutor to present all until the materials are more complete. present instance they seem to have that conditions have quieted in any challenged by those who suffer. hard himself to the fact that thousands of and have good reason for supposing the facts fairly and impartially, and Renegeracion in the past has had regarded the cry of Land and Lib portion of the country, for the gov usage if the sufferers bore their ills the Junta fellow countrymen regard that every one of the imprisoned men not attack when the other side, is constant accession to quote from and etty as tantamount to attack. ernment is quite incapable of sending uncomplainingly About as much as them as heroes, and he was compelled, would have been in the field in Mex powerless to hit back, say so. Be reproduce her writings on the MexMeanwhile we must await the pre troops to the hundred and one points make a scene therefore, 10 waste much cloquence ico but for the action of the United ing satisfied, from the closest person ican and social problems, for her pen liminary hearing, and we are doing at which outbreaks continually occur. would be accorded the suffrage moveon the supposed ignorance of those States authorities, who held them cap al intimacy, that our imprisoned com illuminated whatever it touched. Our our best to furnish bonds. It will be Even the specially censored de ment in England if. no windows were smashed.
who uphold the Mexican Liberal Par tive here under bonds furnished by rades overflow with; It is good for us to be the milk of hu. readers may be assured that we shall observed, however, that the high fig: spatches which report victories; mention constantly the volunteers as 1y. We know better than that we those to whom they would not play man kindness and have acted as their take many similar occasions in the ure named is almost prohibitive brought up with a short turn now and know that the worker, however un false. Nevertheless also know that consciences dictated, say so, again. And it is good for humanity.
In future, Our Mexican population feels most having dispersed the rebels. Icttered he may be, judges better what it has been urged on them perpetual deed, so far as can judge, they have keenly respecting the economic strugBut it is mighty unpleasant. Let all torney, who wins his bread and but that their true post was at the editor immuneI believe there is in the ails him than can any prosecuting at ly by myself among the urgersone fault to which consider myself of us have what we all create and Chief orders city scoured of evil. gle in which the proletariat of its na Jean Jaures, recognized leader of there will be for all. Let each created and if each hind the being this fellow creatures berlial desk, carrying on a wide spread Mexican character, as in the Russian, ter must leave, is Slover mandate the line its brothers have been fight. French Socialists, has been inter. have what hind the bars or bringing them to the agitation on a question that concerns a natěral tendency to self sacrifice The quotation is from the Sunday ing to the death, it has caught their viewed on the subject of hard times has not enough the fault is his own, electric chair. We know that men not Mexico alone but the world at and martyrdom.
Oregonian, and it is evident that spirit and it is anything but inclined and rising prices. He says: The high It is not now. What the do not risk their lives and throw their large. may add. that knew of the Portland is inflicted with one of those to that non resistance which authority cost of living has made life intoler teach is unimportant. The fact that all into the balance from any insane coming indictment a week before it The tomb of the builder of St. spasing of sham virtue that periodical inculcates as the first of virtues. able. The State must step in and they exist is of profound significance desire to uphold mere disturbers of was issued, and begged Ricardo Ma Paul cathedral, in London, bears the ly. attack our hypocritical society. She, similar change is at work among the save the citizens. Then these same (Arthur Pillsbury, in California the peace. We know that they do not son to disappear and not make him inscription: Reader, if you want to will land. in to other cities her out proletariat of this and other coun, men grow furiously angry when you Outlook. call them State Socialists part for nothing with their hard self a target. He considered but re sec his monument, look around you!
How just! How effectivel tries, and the future is black. cannot not betme it thie casts