AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist ManifestoEngelsFranceMarxSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

REGE English Section Regeneracion. Please Play in Our et parfoi toat akould watch the acto Strikes and Peon Valuablé Lessons 10 Act of March 1879.
with the These Peasants had the Pluck to Act El Pals Is the Roman OD It ate this or the translation follows: ON WILLAM OWEN on numerous estates the country folk which could very well be the Socialhave settled down, not merely. 28 ist party that should watch the acts Publloded every Saturday at 6194 armed bands but ag cultivators, ap of the government, that would use 4th St. Lou Angeles, Cal.
propriating to their own use the growthe influence of its members with lag crops.
government posſtions or as private Uprisings still on Tolopbono: HODRA 1860.
It has been found. impossible to Sarabia citizens, to better effectively the poor fuscription rates: disperse them, and bargains of expeand exploited classes, and which the Increase 00 alency are now being resorted to for would be an important factor for PSJ onths.
the sake of keeping titles intact. The progress in our social evolution and Por tres coach. 80 peasants are being recognized as ren: Let Us Form Another Sreat force our political nhed Revolutionary Governters, and in some cases as part own.
Party to Watch the est views and unselfish adherents. 000 iw coples Similarly other bacienda ownerg Conditions in the United States Little Party to Watch the ment Finds Itself Imwe say that is a remarkable pass800 coplos 12. 30 bave resolved on a policy of selling Wicked Legislator age: remarkable because it is printed 1000 cuplar 20. 00 portions of their estates in lots, beis what professes to be the leading paled on Horns ing convinced that there will be no Better, but We Ignore Them.
From our excellent friend, The America, and because revolitionary Sociallst dally, organ of of Dilemma Alcor and Proprietor, Anselmo return of the days when their indudoro Schroeder comes The New known that the Sarabias have been it is well Figueroa.
ence W88 declsive, even wben conYork Call of August 2, with an trary to equity and justice.
How stands the Mexican situation? of speeches you may bear today at open letter from Juan Sarabia to Rt band in love with the leaders of the Strikes, peasant uprisings and colUnderstand clearly that am not jhus. So far as pretense of adding the aos Jabor meeting but my recol Cardo Flores Magon. UnfortunateSocialist party, for some of whose lisions between rebel and governmental Datotod second class matter sustifying a course of action, but estab workers is concerned the Madero mytas lection is that the speeches were apt ly it is too long for reproduction as papers, Manuel Sarabia, from whose forces occupy some six columns of the 100 u Los Angeles, California, poder Gnal expression, is the brutal 488ault Madero as the Moses, opening up the ences were fully as large, much fresher the utmost care and can give its are quoting, has been a most diligent The accounts have been taken almost made by what is felt to be an im way for labor organization; Madero as and more enthusiastic We have grown gist with strict impartiality. It is im. correspondent. What do you think exclusively from such conservative pa perious necessity, that must be satis The Liberator and Socialist. path, stale with talk. No. 50, portant because it ta practically the of the passage? How can you make pers as El Pais. El Diario, El lied, despite laws, despite rights and Ander is an exploded take. Ho eata plea of Debis and of a number of so it gibe with that. Socialism which Tiempo and El Imparcial, and have Saturday, August 12, 1911.
despite social conventions.
out of Wall Street hand and joins This country 18 pillaged systemati cialist leaders plea that we of teaches that, always and eyerywhere, been condensed as much as possible, the forces with De la Barra and Reyes to cally by the largest and most vora Regeneracion regard as sophistry the economic question: is the cros editors maling practically no comment NOT THE RANK AND FILE Put down the proletariat, dous army of inancial pirates the lo of the most deadly type.
of the situation?
FurtherWhat do you sup of their own. Our own limited space But why are the socialists at war world has known. Business is busimore it råises issues of facts as. to pose Marx and Engels, who wrote the permits only an occasional selection, Mexican Revolutionists? Meanwhile the Mexican Revolution dess is their motto; skull andwhich we are at absolute variance, adored Communist Manifesto, Telegrams to El Tiempo from the Why did they attack the Revolution is marching as the great French Revo crossbones mqtto that would have de and we believe that what Juan Sa would have said of such doctrine? State of Michoacan declare the attuawhen Madero ascended to the seat of lution marched, but with the added. ugated Capt. Kidd. Their trail is to power? Why should soclalists turn wisdom century of experience has be seen in the highest rate of suicide rabla Alleges as a truth is actually Why, they would have scarified ittion grave, as the Indians are taking lie. Here is a passage that fairly without mercy and with an eloquence possession of the land; and El Pais on the class, whose cause they pre produced. It is not talking much but on record; in what We cannot hope to command.
tend to champlon? There is but one It is acting, and acting to the point; highest rate of Insani far the represents Sarabia and will show exsays that State and Guerrerro are in on record; actly what we mean: Words, Words and Words a condition of anarchy, ex Maderist answer to this quastion: They are fretaking possession of its heritage, in ruined homes and broken prema. The whole nation, satisfied with Sarabia is not preaching the gospel leaders dolng exactly as they please, great upposed to revolution, especially in forcing the enemy more and more to turely abortened lives, in overflowing the political liberties obtained, of the revolutionist but of the reform occupying estates and levying Catholic Dally of Mexico; tho organ Mexico, for there is much evidence of terms, dolng its own thinking and man prisons, lengthening broad lines and all against you, and begins although er of the mildest and most innocuous towns at will.
of that church which always sidos Similar accounts of a deal between them and Madera aging. It is evident that the Mexto all that goes to make the rula of a na. this is not just to hate, as a general type; yes, of the most absolutely (seizures of landed estates come from with authority, always upholds what whereby the latter has promised them can peasant is far better armed and tion. All these facts are admitted by rule, and to consider you as insenbarren type. He does not propose other quarters; notably from the State are called vested rights. and is it his support in return for thir ald in more capable of fighting than was his very sociological student, and men of satet who rebel against the general that the people should be encouraged of Morelos.
sell one of the largest and most inithe suppression of the revolution. French brother a hundred years ago; the Morgan Rockefeller type the quitous of land monopolists. Great, and aided in getting possession of longing. The patriotic sentiments of In the State of Hidalgo the workers therefore, inust be the pressure of and file of the party. This is not the work of the rank which is a most important fact. It is money kings, steel kings, lumber kings, our people, which are st 11. uncon their own, but that the govornment at the Santa Gertrudis and San GullIt has been also evident that capitalism lacks the mining kings and all events that forces such a paper to the piratical trolled and show very little logic, look and members with government po lermo mines went on strike. Maderist engloeered by the bourgeois bunch repressive forces possessed by feuda: crow are spoken of in common par with great disgust to the large numsitions should be watched. While forces were sent to suppress them, but glve prominence to the article we now who handle the party affairs. The ilsm, a highly disciplined body that lance as thieves and murderers.
translato and reproduce. It is woll better element among them will repudi. Lhad ruled Europe ber of foreigners in Lower California, reading such propositions one fan the miners, being well armed, promptly for a thousand is recognized that they sacrifice every and this adds to the already bad. leel cles oneself at the meeting of some marched against them and, after an worthy of perusal and conilrme, in dastardly betrayal of the years; which 18 a second most import thing to the pursuit of the almightying they have against you. civic improvement club, and realizes encounter in which many were Wlled every lue, the position taken by the working class. No socialist with a Ant fact. It is further evident that dollar, which means that they have Mexican Liberal Party when It adopt spark of manhood in blm will swal the dissolution of centralized Authorti öo regard for either human rights or out, the wish to flattër him, that Ma as far apart as the most bigoted free strike is expected to spread to all First, it may be said, and said with that Sarabia and Ricardo Magon are and wounded, put them to fight. The ed as its motto Land and Liberty. low this sell out to Madero. It there ty is the workers opportunity, which buman life.
But when we meet in Furthermore, it gives, the gon is the type of man who will es thinker and the most bigoted Roman mines within the borders of the State.
lie di 18 a man in the party who will sayshe is a third and most important fact. solema session to consider the whole rect to the ignorant Appeal to Reahe believes Catholic possibly could be.
pouse what to be the El Imparcial remarks that there is wants the workers of Mexico held in These discoveries fill the dlainherited sale slaughter of our worldng men and What of popularity the right, regardless individual son statement that The Mexican slavery sa that the socialist party may with hope, and hope makes successful women do we ever tackle the problem unpopularity. Secondly, it may be may or may not think is not of much and that an uprlsing may take place Sarabia much discontent among the Maderists, Revolution is at an end, and to Eu preach the class struggle to him, revolutions. So confiagration as it is?
Do we act as we should act said that we consider the evidence importance; but it is of the very at any minute.
geno Debs most cowardly and want to hear from him. Jay Fox la spreads, fanned by a thousand winds. toward the petty thief who stole our overwhelming that the nation is NOT greatest importance to ascertain, treacherous article in the InternaAt El Oro the workers in the Espe The Agitator. spoons, or the colored gentleman who satisfied with the political Iberties beyond all question, whether such ranza mine went on strike and ran up tional Socialist Review.
Manbood cannot sleep for ever. Soon talded our cbicken yard? Not at all. obtained, and we submit that every.
views. which seem, for example, to be the red flag. Troops were sent against Read the article, which is by Sr.
HELP! YELLS DE LA BARRA er or later Labor sees himself as the We dodge the issue; talk of what our issue of this paper proves it.
Don Carlos Basave y del Castillo Nethose of Debg) represent the present them and a fierce figbt ensued, the Mexgrete, and is entitled The Agrarian San Antonio, Tex. Aug. Pro despised outcast he actually is; notes Party will accomplish a hundred years ico today, so far from beinig satisfied, sentiments of what was once the reva number of dead being given jas four.
vislonal Pres. de la Barra of Mexico that he does the work and receives from date, and add an old age penis geething sea of flolent economic olutionary Socialist Party. To get a teen and of wounded as forty.
Aspect of Here the Revolution. The bas sent an urgent appeal to Jose little but the kicks; casts his eye oversken plank, or some similar trivolity. revolution, mechanics striking, pea clear cnt answer to that query is the again the strike is reported as spread: Yves Limantour, at Paris, to return the futh in which he lives and con to our preposterously over weighted sants taking possession of the land, duty of severy living Socialist. 1ng, it being expected that from 7, 000 Revolutions prepare and take charge of the situation in trasts it with his masters quarters; platform.
themselves politicians quarrelling furiously and The ac to 10, 000 will be involved.
Mexico, where conditions Dave pågsed realizes that his sons fill the Jalls and counts taken from slowly, and the more forcible the rep beyond de la Barra control, accord 18 daughters the brothels; becomes with no such impotent weapons as Read the excellently balanced article Madero denounced on every hand. WRITES OPEN LETTER ression of their first manifestations TO EUGENE DEBS Dlario and El Imparcial say that even though such manllestations may ing to a cipher cablegram, a copy of disgusted with his surroundings and those can gteắt emergencies be met with which this issue of the English Dear Sir: many of the miners are without arms which Bradfeld, a mining man, smashes right and left. That moment and overcome. The emergency is great section opens if you want to be conbe promptly crushed the more formi. have been reading your article, or ammunition, and add that soldiers dable their final explosions.
who is in this city, Tuesday, claims has come to Mexico and is coming and it is growing continually greater vinced of the error of Juan Sarabia The Crisis in Mexico, in the In and machine guns have been sent to to have received. Record. rapidly to all the Latin race, which Another winter approaches and As for the revolution in which we statement, ternational Socialist Review, where the scene of action. The miners have Ja generically impatient of slavery and army of the unemployed will be find ourselves, which has completed The letter is largely in praise of in you disagree with Magon Issued a manifesto in which they say: SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER enamored of the joy of living. It is larger than it ever was especially on Madero, who is described as dignify others for using direct action. The time for rhetoric, fine words, magits first stage with the overthrow of By a despatch that appeared in last certain, furthermore, that American this Pacifc coast. Every Jall is full ing the party that he heads, and Sathe Porfirian dictatorship, we should must be nlicent theories and LITTLE BREAD get from it whatever contributes to suoday Times. and by a private plutocracy has no magic wand with and the land is over run with ex com. rabia lays great stress on the alleged ganized, educated and soon, in order has passed. The public appears to be office letter, this led into which to stay the clock.
victs who find it practically impossible fact that Madero 16 popular, as may to gain their rights. It is just be in the nation permanent benefit.
sympathy with these rebellious tbe bellot that Jose Maria Rangel, One to get work. Every one of these inen be seen from the following quotation: cause they are not educated that they miners, who were joined by the workMere change in the personnel of the government of our most esteemed leaders; Pris Plutocracy is far too cynically luxu: has a stomach that must be filled Madero was not actually popu are not competent to yote; but they ers from another mine known as Mexproduce only cillano and Ruben Silve, and others rious itselt to shoulder arms. Its re somehow; a body that must be shel lar, how could he strii. be the head are educated enough to know that ico. Havlag got the transient satisfaction; for the new elbetter of the whose names were ascertained, lance so far as brute force goes is tered somehow; other physical wants of the revolutionary movement? How nothing will ever be accomplished by troops the miners backed the stores, ements are not trusted, however good their intentions may be and howhad been handed over to Mexican fed on mercenaries, on proletarians driven that must be satisfied sometow, and could he command obedience from charlatan politicians, As long as seizing all the arms and ammunition eral troops by the agthorities of En by the stern needs of their stomachs not by charity. That only makes the all the revolutionists in the Repub these are elected to authority they available. They arg said to have a ever great their ability Paso, without the formality of trial. to the dooping of Its livery. On any matter incomparably worse lic?
How could he come to this cap wil deceive the people, as the Social quantity of dynamite, taken from the As this would have been an infamous clear cut issue, when there is anything multiplies the parasites who feed on ital la triumph, where he was re ists have done in France, mines, If these new elements do not rebreach of Deutrality we immediately like a decent prospect success, labor and, by smothering the Mghteous ceived with open arms, not by the «El Diario reports an active reor.
Furthermore, what will the people spond duly to the hopes to which they telegraphed Bob La Follette, have given birth hopes, no doubt, Victor those Hrellogs will desert their mas volce of discontent, encourages the pi oficiál element but by the whole peo gain by the election of a Socialist ganization on the part of rebels in Berger (bince Rangel was a member ters. We have seen what Dlaz really rates to pursue their piracy. Some ple? Ass to which we answer that government? Wbi these men Pro Lower California, Baying numerous exaggerated but legitimate and urof the socialist Party. the Western formidable appearing army amounted thing idrastic truly radical, must be the temporary popularity of Madero, duce any of life necessites? Then, bands have made their appearance in gent their life will be short; for public opinion, which grows in imFederation of Minera, Vincent St. John, to, and have bad recent experience done and done immediately, or some following the fall of Diaz, argues will they not live at the expense of the neighborhood of Alamo and Ensesecretary treasurer of the with the American troops despatched thing immediately will break Another band, com.
portance daily and finally must be denothing: and that, anyhow, the ques the people, as under the present sys nada. It adds. cisive, will withdraw its support.
and to the secretary of the Mexican to guard the border. They either de tion is agt whether Madero is popu tem?
posed of some 170 Magonist, is marchRevolution Conference of New York, sorted or habitually shut their eyes Across the border in a country of No mere political aspiration caused Jar, but whether Madero is straight; Again you say: What would the log South and is now near the Cal.
urging immediate protest aad action to the stream of armed men that flowed which we know practically nothing whether he intends to help the peo masses, in their present ignorant and maili mine.
the masses to interest themselves in Tho following day private advices in constantly across the Rio Grande. That and. therefore, paturally despise ple to acquire the bread and butter unorganized state, do with them Much guerilla activity is reported the revolution. Looking beyond that tormed us that the comrades in ques 18 another valuable fact, jotted down something has already broken. Sick th rural population saw that its final relier they expected from the revolu. the land, factories, rallroads, etc. and we pote particularly the account tion had been captured on Mexican carefully for future reference. to death of crushlog poverty and exo tion. On this head we say that Ma after having result would be the realization of an sofl, and that the El Paso authorities ploitation an entire nation has broken aero is a fraud; that we have shown, would they Otained them? What of a serious uprising in the State of Indeea? What have Jalisco, under the leadership of the Ma.
ambition always dear to its hearthad been blameless in the matter. We far more dangerous enemy is the lato action; has realized the necessity by the documentary proof, that they been doing? What have they derists Jose Martinez and Bruno, sto that of becoming owners of the soil; lastantly telegraphed the correction to politician, and especially the politician of flghting for or its ure. It is taking He was hand in glove with Wall Street done for centuries? works are said to be at the head of some six recovering that of which it had been all those named above, with our apolo. or the petty bourgeois type, for be back the national treasure from those from the first; that we have shown these things the workers or the so bundred men.
despoiled by powerful neighbors, able gles.
is oratory incarnate and polsons the who stole 1t; 18, giving the world not from his own speeches that his aims called owners? Would the workers In our judgment a better birds eye more or less, Rangel and his comrades were cap is oratory Incarnate and poisong the tice that it proposes to hold for its are solely political, and that, econom starve and perish after creating their view of the general situation is job spoliation with legal formalities, tured through a trick; having been de entire movement with big nuddy talk. own use the land it cultivates; has sent ically, be, of Mexico lauded own production? So, how can you tained from the comments of the best Wanting in precision though these coyed. Into a conference at which, as to him mainly we owe all the windy to the right about the old tyrant whom grandees, so far from proposing to ask, Mr. Eugene Debs, What would periodicals than from a dry recita. espirations may have been, represented, a number of Madero fol. conventions, that amount to nothing; Taft and Ropsevelt halled as the lead abolish that landed monopoly which is they do with them?
the long list of outbreaks. Such an esamong those saturated with them, flamboyant platforms, that ing statesmaa lowors were to unite with them, on all the the age; has risen that gly fo. column throws the curse of Mexico, as it is of every You state also that the capitalists tract they have not been formulated by the appearing at the rendezvous they were amount to nothing: all the debasing from its knees and begins to live, coužtry, counsels the stafylng peasant will protect their property with Am a flood of light on conditions as they leaders.
Ared on and Rangel was wounded serio compromises and stupid schemings, throwing out of gear the whole slavish to the practtee of frugality. We erican soldiers. They surely will it actually are, and accordingiy we close hour none of them knows enough to take into account what actually has ously. It is, one supposes, part of the that amount to a great deal worse than treadmill to which apparently we our have hot indulged In unsupported the slaves of this country especially this column with a quotation from ER game of war; but the incident shows nothing; áll that inexpressible. fiabbiselves have gjowa so accustomed that abuse of Madero. We have quoted the Socialistsu keep dumb, from lear, Imparcial, of August 6, dealing with happened: still less to foresee what the depths to which certada of Made dess which renders the United States it has become our second nature. Could chapter and verse at every point to because direct action ja being used, the El Oro strike, previously mento happen, bappen ro supporters will stoop in their de labor movement the laughing stock of anjthing be more shockifig to our conprove our charges, thus leaving to be crushed the only tioned. It runs as follows: quickly.
termination to crush their one formi plutocracy, and the despair of sincera servatism? Naturally the official head way of obtaining human rights. We must fix in our minds the fact They seem to be convinced that it Follow Debs: Lead dable enemy. the Mexican Liberal thinkers. For nothing comès. of all of our one pgpressedly revolutionary Sarabla pleads with Magos to call Do not the Socialists. principles that the revolution, in order to win is a political revolution in which they Party.
these generations of talk Thirt party gasps Bandits! and its papers for the slaughter as it Mágon could teach that the people are the law of popularity, made the people promises have taken part; to think they have Meanwbile wo apologize to the pub years ago. listened to just the sort boycott us.
do it it he would! and announces his earth and the real power on earth? bf an essentially Socialistic character, conquered, effectively and gloriously.
llc for hawdg shows such confidence Nevertheless, this is only an apparent beliet (after the manner of the one Then why do you describe the people and that fulfillment of many of those is the veracity of a Times despatch, CASES AGAIN POSTPONED, as others in the past have been for time revolutionary Debs) in the as so bumble and cowardly, and cap promises will play havoc with the extheoretical Their and particularly we tender our regrets Hearing of cases against the political purposes. constant and indefinite advance, italism as the monstrous power that istiaġ order and with vested interests.
instinct urges them to bring their work to a conclusion; not to lay down to Senator La Follette, who lost not a members of the Mexican Liberal Paraan members of the w: Cho telatively slow, of humanity. Here can crush the people movement at Is the revolution to go back on those moment to getting enquiries afoot. ty Júnta and Gens. Pryce and Mosby, took part with Mosby in the battle we quote bim at some length and WI. promises? If so It will lose its poputhelr arms; not to sospend their acLafin and Reed was scheduled for of Alamo are requested to call at, or bëspeak a careful reading of the pass You write that the overthrow of larity and hold upon the masses, who tivities; and, consequently, to disregard the peremptory orders of the Officers Under Arrest August 27thbut was postponed once communicate with whead, age, asi těing most remarkable. He Diaz will mean at least the right to will say, and rightly, that they have those been deceived. is itt organize the working class.
they moreon motion of Sixth and themselves says: Mexico City, Aug. By leased to August 21st, at 2:30 pm Crocker.
have recognized. belleve that in order to bring The right to organize, and free promises? If so the El Oro uprising Moreover, it is precisely in those wire to the Tribune. Yester The feels confident that some good to our country we shall press and free speech, are all a mock will be but the preliminary to other: day warrants were algned for the are the charges against Mosby, Reed and conditions ery. Free press! When Regenera leeds more bad and terrible. That lom to the States wherein the movement had its adapt ourselves rest of more than 100 Maderlet Bol Land win be dismissed. It is best PONT FORGET THEIR PICNIC.
created by the triumphant revolutlon, gon is not allowed in that country! he dilemma that contronts the revolumost complicated in Chbuahua, So dlers, inclad og several generals and tating greatly about taking part in The will hold a picnic tool and within the relative liberties that Free speech! When men åe Impris lon.
Meanwhile it may not be smiss to re Dora, Durango, Guerrero, Morelos, other, omcere in the rocent revolutlon, the protest meeting to which it has morrow, Sunday, Aug. 18. at Euca ve now enjoy, under a democratic oned for speaking against Madera!
because they signed a protest couched been invited by the two Socialist pan lytus Groved Take Edendäle car at regime, constitute with the elements The Mexican race would perlah of call the words of the miders manifesto There one may observe most clear in seditions language against the tes, feeling that it has borne the Betta street dejotz. Fare cents. We used, ander worde circumatances; bunger is it walted to gain its liber The time for rhetoric, fine Words Go burden single handed up to this date, Admission free, inägnificent theories ands, LITLE ly the aspiration to which bave re acceptance of the resignation and 000 dwie which are thọ pest elemats of the tiles by political action, and that the meeting will be used promised: LUCILLE NORMAN. SREAD has passed.
mes from the cabinet ferred, and cite concrete examples; for nation, an advanced and sane party, the and.
was can not to realize since it or 7 best Who to cover up, their one eren ot movement At this very is about and and conviction.
fulfill very government VL chief centers that the situation is Puebla.