AnarchismCommunismCommunist ManifestoDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyItalyMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySpainStrikeWorking Class

3 فساتين English Section Regeneracion. S.
REGENERACION Zapatista Activity ner Pail be one Shows no Sign Bit the Fuller?
of Abating in Was Karl Marx an Anarchist?. 60 risks.
ian Gained by his Family shall still isty What Signifies Madero Victory?
Know no Creed in Labor Struggle as ever BOITID WILLIAM OWEN As we showed in last week fasue, org of Henry George would have ap going begging since the assassination on the testimony of the Los Angeles plauded to the echo what am now late. El Pablished every Saturday at 914 Bo Timeg itself, the American city of writing, for the one and all be complains that government forces are stog Hl, Lom Angeles, Cal.
Los Angeles has now become the lleved that only the opening up of being used to safeguard politicians home of a Mexican aristocracy which natural opportunities was worthy of radophone: Homo 1860.
who are campaigning in Is looking serenely to a future of luxtheir efforts. Today they, hang on af Madero candidates. Madero recent ho Ducripce rate: urlous tranquillity, wherein it will to the skirts of Rbosevelt, Bryan, ly met with the roughest of receptions Pa 00 Get all the profits of its nation inmunicipal socialism, woman suffrage, at Leon, Guanajuato, both he himself taking up the war for it is more than The Herald of Revolt. London) is wants. 10 dustry without running any of the anything and everything that has a and the uilding he occupied being three month It bowa itselt gracefully out semblance of political power, in the stoned repeatedly. Pascual Orozco bas a verbal controversy between the so of the cares and responsibilities of hope that thus they may brlög to What has the Proletarbeen deputed to attempt the paclica clalist Party leaders and ourselves, and NUNDLE ORDERS.
rulership, cogideat that its finances the fore their single Tax. great Madero means that his tion of Sinaloa but refuses to discuss handling it to thorough fashion.
100 coples 00 are in the hands of a reliable agent change has come over the United his plans, contenting himself with devotes the irst two pages of its cur Wo cople 19. 30 who will guarantee its revenues while States radicals within the last thirty praising the federal troops as being rent issue to a scholarly article headed 1600 copio 20. 00 absolving it from the inconvenience years, and I, for my part, ata conmore heroic than those of the revolu.
of residence and personal care. Il at Recent Vote?
vinced that it is the change plutocracy tion, inasmuch as they are willing to Was Marx an Anarchist! and the handle the most eagerly desired. Like a skillsad Proprietor, Aula. Liany moment the peasant toil shall 1201 die for the government.
proofs it marshalls, together with the Figueroa prove insuficient for the expeases of However smiling the surface may ful chess player it understands that Dr. Kirkpatrick, former chief sur conclusions it advances, have more Finances its new and larger life It will sell of appear things in this country are go galning time is half the battle.
geon for the construction department than mere scholarly importance. They another chunk of its country to the ing unquestionably from bad to On the other hand it is to be noted of the Southern Pacific, bas arrived in touch the quick of the entire situation, Btorud as second clau natter roreigo speculator, and if the patriotic worse. Despite all Qur struggles we that, although no legs than twentyLos Angeles from Tepic. Being interAmprender 18. 1910, at tho post of Mexican does not like his change of are calling more and more into in three amendments were submitted viewed by the Tribune, he expressed and form an admirable pendant to the Los Angeles, Oaltoni, nde mastera he can lump it. II his ob dustrial slavery to the few who own to the California voter, the whole lot Another Revolution will start the strongest opinion that unless Ma convictions driven home to the conb Act of March 3, 117. jection take go violent a shape that or control the means of life. As a of them was not suiciently attracSpontaneously, says dero resorted to the stern methods of science of Charles Edward Russell by No. 50 tbe Mexican government cannot bring consequence, 111e itself is becoming tive to bring out half the registered Dlaz he would be lost.
Noted Editor his Australasian experiences. The de him to submission Wasblogton will more and yote.
more lasecure and the Autorduy, October 11, 1011 In reality Madero has merely to sat velopment of Marx thought is shown provo a true friead in the hour of army of the unemployed grows con One hopes, therefore, that the man the peasant aspirations, by by extracts from his own prefaces to freed. Take a glance at the item in tinually. As a further consequence, in the street, the ordinary worker, Despite repeated assurances on the granting him that access to the land successive editions of the Communist this week issue, wherein our own crime, insanity and suicide advance feels instinctively: What am trying part of the Mexican authorities to the and economic liberty which the peas. Manifesto, and it is made clear that president brother in law Agures as out of all proportion to the growth to express, viz. that his dinner pati effect that Zapata is no longer a factor ant fondly supposed the revolution the lessons taught him by French upthe angel 10 one of such convenient (of populatioa. These are the crucial will not be one ounce the fuller, bis one reads such dispatches as the fol would bring him. But this neither beavals drew him farther and farther jab one bit securer, or the future of deals.
tests, lowing, sent to the Los Angeles Madero nor any government that may ing way of negating real freedom.
Moreover, there is RO relief 10 hlmself, his wife and family one Times from Mexico City, Oct. 9: Mo. succeed that of Madero will do. There (Could the quarrel between the Mexj.
Flow blind are those who will not sight.
ray: the brighter for all this political relos, with the exception of few fore the peasant must keep up his fight. can Liberal Party and Madero be ex.
There is no relief in sight because, In him, and in him alone, How lack of courage to look pressed more tersely. He also im up and face the issue bolds the pro of all the great dations of the earth. rests our hope of doing something towns garrisoned by Federals, is as much at the mercy of the brigand folletariat in its chalps!
peaches Social Democracy, and, despite worth the doing, One would we are probably the most thoughtIt is to the prolelowers of Zapata as at any time during BITS SOCIALISTS HARD hypocritical pretences to the contrary, Now that Madero is prnctically suppose that the conflict rending Mex less and provincial We teriat we must go, for their hunger plunge the revolution, according to advices represident of Mexico, though under Ico revealed a lesson Writ so plalaly ahead regardless of the lessons other teaches them a better logic than 1B ceived by the Minister of the Interior by those astounding politicians who in substance, the Social Democracy Of all the astounding positions taken the Social Democracy he impeaches 18, conditions that aro making the air be found in libraries.
that the dullest could comprebend its countries could teach us, if we would today. In spite of a three months are making special pleas in beball of with which we are so well acquainted alzzle with chargey of fraud and import. One would imagine that but lateu.
For example. ID Ire.
campaign against them, the outlaws the proposed Madero regime as op.
today. In attacking Ledru Rolling armed coercion, what have we obevery ote could understand the dir silver Mr. Bryan imposed on our inover ride the rural districts, robbing posed to the ideals for which the real party Marx attacks the party of Bebel tained? Simply this typical declara.
terence between the self contradictory nocence a fake proposltion that Eng.
plantations and sacking towns at will. Insurrectos of Mexico have fought and Berger, of Jaures and Hyndman.
tion, given out the very eve of the promises of a Madero and the direct land tried out for nearly two cen After having been routed by Fed and suffered through so many painful The letters of Congressman Berger election. One of my principal uits action of a rebel who takes power into turies and found unworkable. erals at Axochiapam, with a loss esti years perhaps the most astounding is secretary letters are dismissed with the on becoming president will be to fahis own hands and refuses to entrust knew, however, aothing about that mated at frota thirty to forty killed, to be found in the argument or pretext remark that he knows too much te yor the division of the land, so that his future longer to the olly asgur although the whole story is given in 1500 rebels were encamped today in that Mexico has not yet passed quote the Communist Manifesto in small portions of the upcultivated soil ances of slippery politicians.
One Karl Marx Capital and we wasted the hills a few miles from Cuautla. through the capitalist stage of social support of his position. Not Marx but may get into the hands of the people.
would think that every reflective years of energy and a vast amount shall be in favor of laws tending to In a series of strong resolutions the several days ago there has been no ac far as these would be doctrinalres and way the writer puts it.
Since Gen. Huerta left for Mexico City development, and that therefore (s0 Pleckanoff, the anti Marxist, is the tind would grasp the significance or of temper blowing the free silver The article Improve the situation of the Mexican the role played, as always, by govWhere is that bubble now. Socialist Local of Littleton, Colo. has tive pursult of the Zapatistas, bubble.
their followers are concerned) the in concludes: toller, but at the same time SHALL From the passing of the Reform expressed its disapproval of leaders erpment in this copiict between the Federal troops in the State of Chia surrectos movement should be allowed Magon and his colleagues are im.
PROTECT the LEGITIMATE INTERB! II, in 1831, up to the end of last who are discouraging the continuation pas are reported to have dad an en to perish from lack of sympathy and prisoned, at the instance of Wall Street classes and the masses. Above all, ESTS OF THE MASTERS. shall exone would conceive that the thon centary English legislative history of the Mexican Revolution, and its counter at Chiapas de Corzo, with rebel support, and as a just punishment for finance, for interpreting working class ercise all my power to encourage the sands who are in the habit of disils little beyond a series of tlakerings disbelief in Deb theory that the Chamula Indians under Esponosa To their presumption in rébelling without aspirations and standing by the revo Influx of American money into Mexcussing Just such themes as this and with the political machinery. Glad Mexican peon is too ignorant to retain rres, in which thirty Indians were having irst consulted these moderplution. Madero ls Mexican President, ico. say it is typical; typical of stone, in up bio bis liberties if he shall be successful killed and forty taken prisoners.
bave reached pronounced conclusions particular, built augurs as to whether or ng the signs chists side with Magon. Social Democthe politician the world over.
whole reputation on the enlargement in recovering them. We symp as to the roots of slavery. the causes The trouble in Chlapas is due to are auspicious!
racy takes its stand by Madero, who of poverty and human unhappiness, of the franchise, measures for mak thize, they say, with the Mexican dissatisfaction with the State author.
The world will not stand still to en. is murdering and imprisoning as ruth.
Have you, you who scrape and ing elections purer, and so forth. seons in their struggle for the posities. provincial governor named by able these quacks to throw Mexico into lessly as ever Diaz did. Who, then, are the proverbial fallure that has atsave for years that, some day, you may What did it amount to?
teaded merely political Let the session of their land and their lib the Department of the Interior was re thelr curious interpretation of capital the traitors? And what was Marx?
distincall a twenty five by seventy five lot galling poverty of England cities erty. We believe they have shown Jected by Torres and his followers, as ism. Mexico has been under real capi.
gulahed from economic equality one your own have you thought and the social upheaval which has greater intelligence in fighting for was also a governor declared elected tallsm long enough, and for her no less would conceive that such people what the ownership of 5, 000, 000 been shaking to her very foundations fundamental necessities, Land at the recent state election. strong than for the rest of the modern world Understand Art of would hall with delight so blazing an acres means? That is the figure at the Great exemplification of the truths they which the holdings of Madero and his supply the answer.
ers in the United States and Great the state to restore order.
have championed for years in the Change. Far from being behind the Immediate family are placed, and it Califorola has just suffered a spe Britain, who strike for shorter hours lace of public indifference and cruel Another dispatch to the same paper times, these Mexican clamorers for land ranks him inevitably among the cial election at which no less than and an increase of wages, but are ap deals extensively with the troubles in and liberty are in the very forefront social ostracism.
rulers of the earth. It glves him littwenty three amendments have been parently willing to remain in the the state of Chiapas, where at present of the battle. They should he loyally By far the most intelligent review erally power of life and death over submitted to the people.
Every one chains of wage slavery. As Socialists two governments are at war with one supported, not fired upon from the rear of the recent rallroad strike in England: thousands; it represents incalculable As everybody knows, a thunder of those amendments represented in and according to our idea of truth, another, and also with Isidro Escobo by persons who have decorated them that has come to our notice appears in resources that every new in vention. storm is needed occasionally to clear on form or another, just such a tink and as men and women, we stand for sa rebellion against the local govern selves with the uniform of progress and La Guerre Sociale (Paris. edited by every improvement in methods of the air. There comes a time when ering with the political machine as uberty and justice. The comrades in ment of Sonore. As the correspondent of alleged love for mankind. Gustave Herve, the noted anti militar.
production and distribution, every we have talked enough; when con that on which England wasted nearly jail in Los Angeles and in San Diego words it, Escobosa has notified, the Jaxon, in Freedom, London.
ist. It is devoted malply to a comnew conquest achieved by the human tinued discussion rots instead of rivi a century. And we fatter ourselves are our brothers, as also are the op Department of the Interior that the parison of the action taken by the auIntellect, renders more accessible, fylog: when theories must be tested; that we are progressive, when we are pressed everywhere, whether they are whole revolutionary party is ready to thorities under similar circumstances more lucrative. By the grace of the when rubbleb accumulated in long simply half a century or so bebind Socialists, Anarchists or Mexican Lib rise, claiming that the recent state in Republican France and Monarchigt fiendishly unnatural laws that uphold years of Inaction must be swept out our competitors in these political ex. erals. We consider that the Mexican elections were fraudulent.
England, the conclusion reached being 80 monstrous a condition, and by the of the gystem; when we must step periments.
comrades would commit a great blunProphesies Revolution that the French capitallsts and poll: force of the governmental clubs and boldly out, even if the initial steps Worse Than Wasted der by laying down their arms. We ticians, as compared with the English, From a dispatch to The Los Anbayonets that compel obedience to have to be taken largely in the dark. use the word wasted advisedly believe they would again be driven geles Record, of October 12, we clip are novices in the art of stilling revoluthose laws, a man of the Madero tyre But we deert most urgently every bit because experience, which is our ove into peonage, and would lose comthe following: Roman Pena, editor tionary movements. The writer adoccupies one of the seats of the al light available: we need to watch rellable guide, bas proved the waste. pletely all chance for education and of El Porvenli, a former Mexico City to our table within the last few days arguments: Among the papers that have come vances the following illustrations and mighty as truly as if he had a bun the fight, it only to profit selfishly by in the solution of the basic problem; political organization.
daily, has moved his paper here (San dred titles to his name and had been the contestants tailures and in giving her workers security of The resolutions conclude wtib re Antonio, Tex. IQ France the strike committee had and have been picked out as containing He said, Thursday: baptized by the Pope himself with the When great history history life, to say nothing of that large quest that the National Executive Com Madero cannot last two months more articles specially devoted to the Mexi to send out its orders secretly, for the Czar of All the Russias standing spon that nffects most nearly the welfare of prosperity to which their skill and in mittee of the Socialist party of the as president, for he has fallen into the can government, in fornier rallroad trouble, Revolution, the following: sor at the font. He is, by the neces every one of us making, as It Is dustry entitle them; in a bollshing United States shall be encouraged to clutches of the same confiscated its telegrams. In England who sity of the case, as mucb a grandee today in Mexico, we cannot stand want, and the crime and unbappiness express their sympathy and give sup trolled and ruined Diaz. Reyes wil ire, New Kensington, Pa. Auro grams without any one dreaming of incon Freedom, London, Eng. Avven the strike leaders sent out 2500 tele.
and aristocrat as if he had been born Indiferent while claiming to be that spring from want, England port to the Meixcan Liberal Party in not need to start a revolution, for a to the imperial purple, tional. Mexico basic problems are years of political activity have been their fights against the Madero regime, revolution will start itself.
ra, Porto, Portugal; La Voz del Pue tercepting them. In France they forced Another our own, and must be recognized as worse than wasted. say worse in order that the advantages gained dispatch of the same date announces blo, Torraza, Spain; Il Libertario, the workers themselves to guard and Such man, using what we fatuoustich because the real result achieved has by the revolutionists may not operate the running of the lines. ID be that Madero has appointed Camilo Ar Spezia, Italy; El Tirapie, Monteri: Jy call his OW vast wealth and been the diversion of the workers lost, They are signed by rlaga, a Socialist editor of some promr deo, Uruguay; England they had the decency to throw La Accion Obrera, aided by others of his class, seeks MY COUNTRY TIS OP THEE.
minds from the one subject that did Brown, chairman apd John nence, consul general to the United that un popular task on the bboulders further to cement his economic power One reads the following in a des materially concern them thelr in. Swamm, as secretary.
Buenos Aires, Argentina; Tierra, of the troops. In France the strikers States, with headquarters at San Anby grasping the reins of government, patch from Rome, relative to the dustrial slavery to the few.
tonio, Tex.
Havana, Cuba; Sindicalista, Lis were subjected to long. continued per and steps down, for the moment, to embarkation of troops for the pira We are travellng precisely the Madero is reported as arranging for bon, Portugal; Tierra y Libertad, secution. In England, the moment peace the people. In the face of seething tical war into whicb a handful of same road, and whether woman sufiFOR PLUTOCRATIC SPORT bis cabinet and as having elected Er Barcelona, Spain; La Picota, Sabdell, was restored, assurance was given that discontent he has to promise, and the capitalists and politicians bave se rage carries or does not; whether we nest Madero for minister of finance. Spain; La Confederacion, there would be no reprisals.
Buenos promiség he gives are as gaudy as the duced the Italian Workers: The recall our judges and other officials With the double object of being en There is a suggestiveness in this when Aires, Argentina; Alleana Liberta cies, in the writer view, is that the The result of these confiicting pollsoap bubbles we blew when we were minister made a short speech, con or do not; whetber we strengthen abled to enjoy perpetually good shoot one considers that the Chamber of children, but even less substantial. In gratulating the men on their smart tho power of the railroad commis ing on well stocked private hunting Deputies has just taken an unpreceria, Rome, Italy; Solidaridad Obre English plutocracy is able to shelter reality he scarcely deigns to gild the appearaoço and wishing them God sion or do not, the solution of the delds and of helping to preserve game dented step by calling on President de ra, Barcelona, Spaln; Proletar, Bo itself behind the bulwarks of a dis.
pill, for what he gives with the right speed. He said he Fas convinced social problem will be as far away as birds and wild animals from early la Barra for an accounting of the funds nemia, Austria; Cultura Proletaria. clplined working class that is conserva hand he immediately gratches from that Italy soldiers would maintainerer. The opportunities for making extermination, several wealthy Tesi that have passed through the hands of New York; Der Anarchist, Leipzig. tism itselt. Hitherto, he says, it has us with tbe left. He would like to see the traditions of the past, and up a Nving will not be one whit more dents of Los Angeles and this vicinity Gustavo Madero, brother of the presi Germany; Vida Nuova, Ponta Del been able to prevent the birth of all the masses in possession of small porhold the honor of the lag, which at the disposition of the ordinary last week formally concluded the pur dent elect. There we have a financial gada, Azores; Volne Listy, New revolutionary spirit, for the Engliss tions of unoccupied land, but existhe and the officers successively man than they are today; on the chase of 36, 000 acres of land just scandal that will not down.
York; Wohlstand tur Alle, Vienna, trades unlons continue embued with ing veated interests must be prokigged amid cheering and repeated contrary, they will be more out of across the international line in Lower Mexico City papers are beginning to Austria; La Comune, Philadelphia, the corporatist spirit and the Socialist tected at all hazards.
Bbouts of Long live the King. Many big reach, because while we are dally California.
Dr. William Edwards, let out information respecting the in Pa. La Protesta, Buenos Aires, Ar idea has scarcely budded among them of the soldiers, accompanied by thelring with ballot reform monopoly will of this city, a brother in law of Prest timidation and fraud practised at the gentina; Frel Arbeiter Stimme, New The idea that the capitalist clase Why, the whole trouble in Mexico families, heard mass and received be strengthening its grip on the re dent Tàrt; was the seller. The sale late so called election, about which we York; La Voz del Obrero. Coruna, ought to be exploited at the first op 1g that everytbing has become vested communion today, All carry relics sources of the nation.
was recorded at Ensenada only last shall have much more to say Dext Spain; La Protesta, Lima, Peru; portunity, legally or by force, seems in the few. The whole trouble is that and holy images in their pockets. It is here, as it seems to me, that Tuesday, although the negotiations for week. One of the commonest meth Era Nuova, Paterson, a chimera to most of the English syn: one of the richest countries in the Even so, First the brain is killed the simpler people of Mexico, who the transaction had been entered into ods was the printing of ballots in great Mother Earth, New York; Landicates. It does not interest them to world has bees parcelled out among by patriotism and religion. Then care nothịng about politics, have the over a year ago, the revolution in the excess of the number of voters. but terna San Paulo, Brazil; Las Domi. the least. Thus, at the very helght of a few Maderos; the whole trouble is the body is burled on the battlefield. advantage over and are destined to southern republic, having temporárily apart from such tricks no pains were nicales, Madrid; Pacific Ocean, the conflict one of the leaders of the that what should be a rich and magget ahead of us. While we are chas hiaited all proceedings: Los Angeles spared to mislead, in true politica! aRussiant, Los Angeles, Cal. Revo movement could say, without raising pifcently prosperous commonwealth tha ETS NATURAL AFFINITIES ing the shadow they are going for Times.
fashion, the utterly unsophisticated vacion, San Jose, Costa Riça; Agita any protest whatever, that has been put up to auction by off love judges and love courts. the substance; while we are fritterYoter. Here: for example, is an extor, Home, Wash. Guerra Social, Kaiser tried to make capital out of the cials and bought in largely by that foreign capital to which Madero ten They are my ideals on earth that ty ing Away our time on improved methLAFILIIN AND REED FREE tract from the notice that appeared in Rio Janelro, Brazil; El Dependiente, troubles in England the strike would the polling booths: On the ballot you Habana, Cuba.
stop as it by magic.
ders a renewed lease of hospitality. pify what we shall meet afterward ods of counting poses they. Infinitely in heaven under Jugt God. more practical, are taking steps to Following the break down of the should not but the name of the canThe article concludes: In truth The papers cited represent the lead.
The man announces that with all the Tore government he will protect (President Talt, at Pocatello, Idaho. all their empty bellles, while we are charges of murder, arson and robberg didates for the presidency and vice ing radical thought of the world, the tell you, the English working class will iguring on being able to change our brought against General Pryce by the presidency, bät the name of the Made brain, the heart and the unfinching become revolutionary only or the day legitimate rested rights, although The development of magufactures masters they Are dolog: what will Mexican governmepts similar charges. rist, elector.
In each electoral courage of the battling proletariat. when her capitalist class becomes as because their instincts tell them that and axchange, acting in a social or make them matera of themselves. against General Mosby, Laflin and booth you win see pletüre of Senor We may be fustly proud of our fellow stupid as la our own. That it may be Chasing the Rainbow Reed have been dismissed, and the Madero. On that picture 21. be writ ship in this true Republic of Letters: come so is the good luck wish the socb sights, upheld by the law courts ganization to which land is made prito compel and enforced by the malled hand ot yate property, threatens every worker to seek a gter, as the inty years ago every Socialist two latter are now free. Mosby and ten the name of the elector and this we exalt over the conviction that we people of England.
country would have agreed Pryce, however, have still to face trial fon should put on the back of the bed are part and parcel of an empire of government, are Illegitimate, in violation of the basic laws of lite, insecurity which followed the final with this article, but they have been on charges of having violated the nex fot.
struggle on which the sun never sets.
El Imparctalism dispátches from It is a magnificent display of later You long for freedom! You focis!
fatal to the rery existence of thelr from it: WE MUST MAKE LAND dazzled by the political mirage and trality laws, as is the case with the wond COMMON PROPERTY. Progress bare become mere ballot box fa accused members of the Mexican Lib. Tehuantepec report reiga of hopeless national solidarity; a glorious guar. Il you took might, freedom and Porerty, by Henry George. natics. Thirty years ago the follow eral Party Janta.
disorder, the position of jete politico antee of future triumph.
come of itself. Strzer. Ruling Workers No Trifling Movement BUCCegges.
are men ra.
ас 11 ir race.