BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarEnglandInvasionStrikeWorking Class

English Section Regeneracion. CASE OF ALDENA REGENERACION MANIFESTO TO THE For was ho deny the sacred lineetings, in the besomu can find eats ileges from Mexicans. and as Mexico towns are means did not want to be bothered in their REVOLT NEAR Big Meeting or out EDITED BY DUFFY TURNER that they were for the insurgents. As the Nacozari railroad and have two of Angeles, California, we have stated many times before this bands camped at Fronteras.
on April 3, 1911.
wished every Saturday at 619 conduct on the part of soldiers is Insurgents have also entered the RICARDO FLORES MAGON, AN1. 4th St. Los Angeles, Cal.
against all law. Absolutely no law ex rich mining camp of Las Chispas.
TONIO DE ARAUJO, LIBRADO Tolopacne: Hom. 1360.
The following communication in re. Ists which by the most extreme inter San Benito, a small town near HerRIVERA, ANSELMO FIGUECubucription raten: gard to Salustino Aldena has been re pretation could be used to prevent tak mosillo, has been captured by rebels.
To the Workers of the World 00 Por innum ROA, ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON.
rican ports What are the workers of ceived from a friend in San Diego: ing supplies across to insurgents. It force of federals recently sent out for sis month. 10 San DiegoCali, April Another is inartial law, or absolute Irrespon. from Caborea, Sonora, was completely months the Red Flag has flamed on Crossing their arms, and viewing as THEY RE ALL AFTER TAFT Comrades: more than four the world doing in the meantime?
For three months. 60 crime is about to be committed by the sible authorlty, which the United routed by a band of rebels near the thic battle fields of Mexico, carriçd from the scuts of a theater the per: Cervantes ranch in the Altar district.
BUNDLE ORDERS. United States (Morgan) officials in San States troops are putting in force.
aloft by emancipated workers whose sons and the events of this treuen.
We reprint the following editorial The battle at Santa Rosa, Sonora, on 149 coples. 00 Dlego. The capitalist class want more aspirations are epitomized in this sub: dous druniu, which ought to move from Collier s, a fair and true comMarch 27 at first reported to be a fed. coples. 12. 50 blood and will have it unless the work.
limo war cry: LAND AND LIBERTY! every heart, which ought to arouse ment on the present situation. WO JUST SUPPOSE!
eral victory, is now known to be a rebel ery rise up and say no! and say it 1000 copies 20. 00 Thc pcoplo of Mexico are right now cvery conscience, which ought only wish that half as much could be an Associated When the civil war broke out in triumpli, according to to firmy, too.
in open rebellion against their oppres make the nerves of all the dispossaid of Arthur Ruhl article on Mexuditor in Proprietor, Anselmo In this instance we are shown just this country foreign interests had Press dispatch. The rebels ambushed sors and part in the general sessed of the world vibrate intensely ico in the same periodical.
what the American troops were sent millions of dollars invested here. the federals and the federals were. The flag, these days, follows the insurrectiou are found the supporters and to make them rise as one man to He is the England did no more than show a forced to take refuge in an old mill, of modern ideas, those convinced of bola back the fleets and to hult the to the Mexican border for, dollar, Investments are begun and ar Fatared a pocond class matter the fallacy of political panaccas in the uniformied slaves of every country.
mies protect the investments. It may September 13, 1910, at the post of case of Salustino Aldena, a member disposition to recognize the Confed where the rebels surrounded them. liberal group under Francisco redemption of the proletarian from be right or it may be wrong, but it Agitation. That is the supreme Ico At Lou Angeles, California, under of the Liberal party of Mexico, who cracy and by that much offer support was arrested without cause by the sol to the dominant capitalistic institu Reina is operating to the mountains of economic slavery, those who do not recourse of the present time.
is not heroic. The United States has the Act of March 3, 1879.
IndiYo, 32.
aters stationed near Campo, in San tion in the United States at that day Sonora, in Sierra del Durazno.
believe in the gooduess of puternal vidual agitation of the class conscious no desire for territory, as it had in Saturday, April 8, 1911.
Diego county, Callfornia, on March 23. glavery.
In the battle of Ures, Sonora, the re governments nor in the impartiality workers; collective agitation of labor 1848. All that those interested in 1911.
Instantly the North was in flames. port of a thousand men killed of luss fashioned by the bourgeoisie, organizations and of groups organized shall be profitable and safe, Mexico desire is that their property Whero is Colonel Mayol?
Aldean, In company with Ave Mexi. The resentment of the abolitlonists later found to be greatly exaggerated. those who know that the emancipa for liberal. propaganda; systematic and, The federal gov It is not known just how many were tion of the workers ought to be aca agitation of the labor press. and of cans, was traveling on foot towards knew no bounds.
granted order, they would probably The fight ended because the complished by Don let them fool you with all this San Diego, Cal. The men were un ernment was ready to declare war killed.
rather have it looked after by a Mexthe workers them frce thought; agitation in the street, armed except Aldena, who carried a against England the instant she ex rebels ran out of ammunition. peace talk, ican than by an American governselves, those convinced of DIRECT in the theatre, in the street cars, in.
rile. When the party were near Dul tended such support. There is not Madero has moved from Bustillos ACTiON, those who ment, as it is even easier to get prixhe slightest doubt that war would ranch to San Andres. The situation right of property, those who do not in every place where you can find ears Iesthotel wound in the leg, recel ved zura, they were seen and held up by recognition had about Chihuahua city is rendered more take up arms for the purpose of rais disposed to listen, consciences capa veloped, is hospitable to outside capinot having yet been effectually dein the victorious baltio at Almo, is re Corporal Fred Allen, and Private have followed if acute, as San Andres is but 35 miles ing ang master to power, but to de blo of indignation, liearts which are tal. Th capital iv Mexico, me boy, taken place. Jones, of the Elghth Infantry, ported to be very severe. These soldiers stole Aldena Suppose that England had massed rom there.
stroy the chains of wage slavery. not calloused by the injustice and After the battle of San Rafael two gun and later when he demanded its 20, 000 troops along the border of At Madera, the insurrectos bave or Those revolutionists are represented brutality of their environment; agi says Mr. Dooley, isn Mexico City.
tuuneren woll armed Yaquls, who had return they arrested him and sent him Canada while we were in the midst sanized a police and muplcipal sys: by the organized Junta of the Mex tation by means of letters, manifestos, It just south iv Canal Sthreet, in ricca fighting for the government, went to the county jail at San Diego, of that bitter struggle against en tem of their own. ican Liberal Party. 51914. 41h St. leaflets; of conferences, of meetings, which isn a good investment is on y the city iv New York. rivolution In Durango, the Over to the revolutionists.
charged with organizing a military trenched privilege.
of Topia, Los Angeles, Cal. whose by whatever means it may be posexpedition to invade Mexico and Wouldn ve have been pleased to Velardena and Huichapa were recent officin) organ, Regeneracion, clear sible, inaking clear the necessity of disordherly conduck. The trouble Dels recently wrote in the Appeal preparations were made secretly to hear that she was simply engaging ly occupied by insurgents.
ſly explains its tendencies.
in Mexico has not been like a South working at once and with vigor in In Puebla rebels operating to Frason il rou:15 indletment of Taft rallroad tlie prisoner to Mexico, where in maneuvers. Wouldn we have American revolution, The Mexican Liberal Party is not favor of the radical revolutionists of It began not in minulle truies to the border, under he would be turned over to Diaz and been tickled to know that she was around Villa Juarez. They have vis fighting to destroy the Dictator Por Mexico who need three in a factional contest for the offices, important the herding ull off the Dogs of War. his cut throats.
simply preserving the neutrality of ited many haciendas in the vicinity of frio Diaz in order to put in his place things: a world wide protest agaiñist þut in a genuine and enlightened reBut the dirty plans of these patriot. her frontiers. Wouldn we have Cuautla.
a new tyrant.
The Mexican Liberal the interference of the powers in Folt against autocracy. The insurThe dispatches from Mexicall inic. Americans were shown up when it been quick to believe that she had From Yucatan comes the news of Party is taking part in the actual in Mexican affairs, class conscious work gents desired free judges and an inThere was a surrection with the lines the last two or three days leaked out four days after Aldena no purpose of invasion or intimida renewed rebel activity.
the deliberate and ers determined to propagate the doc dependent Legislature. If our army, rral ng if they had been written right capture that he was in jall at San tion? Charles Edward Russell in fight impending at Halacho, at the firm purpose of expropriating the land trines of social emancipation among whatever the complication, had been wife in Los Angeles by the freozled Diego. committee was immediately The Coming Nation.
time of the dispatch. The Insurrectos and the of production and those not class couscious, and used to make human progress more Otly hinisell. This contain nothing sent to interview him and after some attacked a ránch and got 600 and many lianding them over to the people, that MONEY, MONEY and MORE MONEY difficult, it would scarcely haye been but the proth of rage and fear.
difficulty he was seen. The officials cattle.
is. to cach and every one of the in for the support of the Socin. Rerolu: an attractive sight.
If it sball ever habitants of Mexico, without distinction in Mexico.
be used to force from a Mexican Owing to the pressure of many du nasty piece of business. correspondent says in an Asso tion of sex. This act we consider es.
Comrades, reprint this Manifesto, government special privileges for class, Mrs. Turner finds it impossible When Aldena was seen he stated MEXICO CITY ciated Press dispatch in the Los An scntial to open the gates for the effec translate it into every language and American capital, that will not be a to continue her work ay editor of the that lie did not cvon know upon what Mexico city is alive with the spirit driven like cattle to the fray. They die ple.
geles Express. The poor federals are tive emancipation of the Mexican peo circulate it in every corner of the pretty sight, either.
English page of Regeneracion. Wm. charge he was held.
of revolt. Only the extremely well like forsaken dogs.
world. Ask the labor press to insert Owen, in able and experienced wri. This is an example of the way we They have ne There is also another party in it in its columns, read Regenerater, will assume the editorship of this treat the working class in the United guarded character of the place which beart in a fight to maintain the despot, arms; the Anti re electionist Party, cion and send your piece of money Diaz has made his stronghold prevents Diaz. They, too, are victims.
pitre. Mrs. Turner wlll, however, con States of Morgan.
whose leader, Francisco Madero, is to the Organized Junta of the Mexthe occurrence in the very heart of the tlove to be a contributor.
Tlie Anti Interference League, a millionaire who has seen his fabu ican Liberal Party; 31942 Fourth at Frisco city of open outbreaks of the thousands ganized for the purpose of agitating who suffer. But in the suburbs, where in the Hearst papers of April 5, the the tears of the peons of his hacienAccording to a Washington dispatch lous fortune grow with the sweat and St. Los Angeles, Cal. PROTEST ON APRIL AGAINST Tho Mexican Koveroment recently against American interference in the the danger 18 scarcely less than in the big powers of whom Taft is the tool das.
Our cause is yours: it is the cause TROOPS AT BORDER WAS SUCH This party is fighting to make of the silent slave of the soil, of the Kent ont a buletin announcing that Mexican insurrection, has taken up the city itself revolt has manifested itself have determined that the army effective the right to rote, and to parial of the workshop and the facCESS. MANY WELL KNOWN but twenty two federals were wounded defense of Aldena, and has hired a SPEAKERS.
must soon invade Mexico to stop the found, in short, a Bourgeois Republic tory, of the galley slave of the sea, of In the battle of San Rafael. The cor. lawyer to defend him. Members of the In the factory of La Hormiga, Tiza revolution. It is up to every one of like that of the United States.
We have just received a telegram This the hard labor convicts of the mines, saying that the protest mass meeting respondent who writes the story from league say that they are sure he can Elecmouillo then adds, This morning. be freed as the charge against him is pan, a suburb of Mexico City, the work you to get busy and make such a step purely political and capitalist party of all those who suffer from the in. at San Francisco was a groat success.
ers have left to join bands of revolu. so odious to the popular mind that the is, naturally, an enemy of the Mexi equality of the capitalist system.
of tho twenty two wounded, very weak, because instead of organiz.
Two thousand people were present.
FIFTY SIX badly wounded soldiers ar lng a milltary expedition against Mer tionists in the vicinity. This is the forces which govern us will not dare can Liberal Party, because it sees in Our cause is yours: if yon remain The Building Trades Council gave place of the pitiful strike which is ico, he was, when arrested, simply on to do it.
the activity of the Liberals a menace inactivo while your brothers meet the hall free for the meeting on morived here from the front.
described by John Kenneth Turner in the road from Dulzura, Cal. to San to the survival of the Bourgeois Re death embracing the Red Flag, you tion of McCarthy, mayor of San Barbarous Mexico, in the chapter, public, which guarantees to politi will give with your inaction a rude Francisco. Morton was chairman.
Diego, and the fact that he carried a Porfirio tho Perpetual, in: bis mes Four Mexican Strikes.
cians, to seekers for jobs, to the rich, blow to the cause of the proletarian. The speakers were Austin Lewis, Armed bands of rebels have been vaso to Congress gllded artfully round sun cortainly does not constitute a mil.
to all the ambitions, to those who We sball not spend time in show Antonio Araujo, Wm. McDevitt, about tho 199uos in whose solution the Itary expedition. He was NOT trav.
seen near Tacubaya, a suburb of Mexeling toward Mexico, but AWAY from would like to live at the cost of the ing you what has come of your in and John Kenneth Turner. The colMexican nation 1g engaged, giving a ico City.
it, and what the soldiers base their suffering and the slavery of the prole difference, of your lack of pat hero and a promise thero. But we In the Prefectura ot Guajimalpa, tarian, the continuance of social ina för de disregard of your duty in solidaritya lection for the cause was 250. 00.
didn notice any hint that the old boy chargo on is a mystery. However, they Federal District, an armed band of in.
The man who rules Mexico is quot cquality, the capitalist system, the di failing to unito to precipitate the ad ERROR CORRECTED.
was folns to voluntarlly loosen that seem determined to either deport this ed as saying that it is his intention vision of the human family into two rent of the Social Revolution, of all Mexican patriot or place him in a fed surgents is operating.
trangle hold ho has maintained on the In last week issue a statement On the Hacienda del Rosario, near to have the government which islasses: that of the exploiters and that that to which is due the lamentable was made on the English page that eral penitentiary, as they dld Araujo, neck of Mexico for thirty four years, Magon and the others, and WE MUST Tacuba, an insurgent column is opero himsell purchase the large estates of the exploited.
late coming of the New Era in which there did we?
are nearly four thousand STOP THEM FROM DOING SO.
The Dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz is will exist the universal country of the troops in Lower California.
of Mexico landed proprietors the In the Prefectura of Xochinilco, ruler allies and divide these estates about to fall; but the Revolution will free and This of human brotherhood. mistake in the number pas due to a The readers of this can help In two The Chicago Dally Tribune of March ways, send a small contribution to the there has been open revolt. Prisco into small farms which will be sold not end by this act alone. Upon the Now you fave the Social Revolution typographical error, which the editor 17 devoted almost two columns to a Aldena Defense Fund, care Kaspar Solapa, revolutionists. com the towali cor a song, or something like that, tomb of this infamous dictatorship in view in Mexico. What do you wait missed in reading proble Of course favorablo review of Barbarous Mex. Bauer, 716 Street, San Diego, Cal. Grogorlo Atlapulco to the suddenly important peons of there will stand, face to face, with for in order to begin your work? such a statement as to the number ico. Then away down at the end of and you can also let the public know under heroic circumstances.
the land.
arms in the hand, two social classes: Are you waiting for this noble moveof troops there is absurd. What we LOWER CALIFORNIA.
the pagowo find a tiny notice that about this case and agitate, and if you The man who rules Mexico has that of the well fed and that of the ſment to be crushed that you may fill intended to say was that bearly a Lower California will soon see some great intentions. He always has had. hungry, the first upholding the inter all space with your protests, which Crcoiman has at last brought out his wish to do more, get la communication thousand troops are in Lower Calibook in which he was golog to refute with Regeneracion, the Mexican and fierce fighting. Mayol troops are sup His present project looks like a big ests of its caste, and the second, the will be impotent to bring back life fornia.
all the charges made by Barbarous English paper published at 519172 Eastposed to be en route to Mexicall. The It apparently involves coercion abolition of those privileges by means to your better brothers, or to drive Mexico. from the tone of the Trl Fourth street, Los Angeles, Cal.
Liberals are ready for them, and will of the ruler friends, the rich. It of the installation of a system which away from the breasts of those who bune rovios, we judge that Creelman COME AND SEE LET US SAVE SALUSTINO AL fight them to a inish.
appears to entail recognition of the guarantees to every human being survive tho despair which this fracas refutations do not refute. column of liberals under the rebel Across the Border, the play of the DENA!
will provoke, the fracas that you rights of the poor; and that is a nevy Brend, Land and Liberty.
chief Francisco Lopez, veteran of the thing in Mexico. But, even acceptThis formidable fight of the tivo yourselves have caused by your indif Mesican revolution that was censored uprising of 1906, took the town of by the authorities because it presents Simong in a vigorous editorial ing the proposal of the man who rules social classes in Mexico is the first ference?
Tlalixocoyan, State of Vera Cruz. Ra Mexico at its face value, it will all act of the great universal tragedy Meditate, comrades, and go ahead the truth in dramatic form and is pronntitled The Troops Must Come fael Tapia, for some time active in this be of no avail. Coming Natlon. Of TWO MORE The people of Mex which will soon have for its stage the and work, without loss of time, be duced to reach the great people whose Hack, in the state, took the town of Gutierrez Za. ico are not just now waging war for surface of the whole planet, and fore your aid shall come too late: support we want at this time.
April 1, ignores ono exceerlingly im.
Understand the danger Miss Ethel Whitehead, a under comrade, real estate proprietorshịp. They are whose final act will be the triwnphi portant think. however, in his remarks Four hundred revolutionists took the of the noble formula, Liberty, Equal which we face all the governments will be seen in an important role, and not particularly interested, for about the movement in Mexico not hay.
1ng a working class character. He is Twenty three men were arrested by the town of Papantla, Vera Cruz, about present, in the big estates of the re ity and Fraternity that the political of the world, who see in the Mexican the new members of the company are Cuited States soldiers at Zaragosa two weeks ago.
turt they widespread and deeplyFord, about thirteen miles east of DI On the night of March 25, sixteen public. They are not to be silenced revolutions of the Lourgeoisie have movement the apparition of the so cast to good advantage. Miss McMu:as Fernando, the not been able to ci ystallize into fact cial Revolution, the only one which len is again seen by pretty toys.
rooted movenient of tho Liberal Party, wlitch ta a purely working class move Paso, while attempting to cross the men were arrested by federal soldiers, The man who rules Mexico will because they have not dared to brcak the powerful ones of the world fear. Yaqui Indian.
river from Texas into Mexico. They in Monterey, Nuevo Leon. The reason shortly discover, if he does not al the backbone of tyranny, capitalism Comrades: comply with your duty. COME AND HELP GOOD CAUSE.
mont, cliue conscious and with a pro bad a number of riſes, and admitted for the arrest was not given. The men: ready know it, that his aroused suband authority Signed by the Organized Junta of Tickets for sale in the lobby. Teil gram that almis for tlie economic emanthat they were going to join the insurare kept incommunicado.
Comrades of all the world, the solu the Mexican Liberal Party in the City (your friends. Prices; 15, 25 and 35c.
jects are looking beyond the estates cipation of the masses.
rectos, according to Associated In Zacatecas the rebels continue to of the rich and the existing feudal. tion of the Social Problem is in the Press dispatch of April But in spite operate, gaining munitions of war.
Joba Foster, former secrc lof this fact the United States soldiers :like system to the government which hands of the disinherited of the whole Llb At Concepcion del Oro, has permitted the rich to grow richer earth, for they only require the prac.
tary of state, says, accordlog to a ells had absolutely no right to arrest these eral town, Dear Saltillo, 250 miners The tice of one great virtue: SOLIDARby making the poor poorer.
patch from Washington in the Mexican men. It was perfectly local for them rose up, and taking arms and ammu.
ITY. Your brothers in Mexico have man who rules Mexico will discover Herald of March 30, that Americans to go as they did to jola the insurrec. nition wherever they could find them, who have cast their lot in a foreign tos. The neutrality laws apply to the marched away.
that the people are turning their at had the courage to raise on high the Red Flag, but not to make a puerile country have donc go with a full knowl case of an armed expedition of miltary of effects. or odga of conditions and tations through. streets and plazas od of correcting the abuses from them. Ile says that to attempt to pro friendly nation. The report indicates Mexico, where they joined their com.
tect American citizecs or property by clearly that this was not an organized rades who were which they suffer is by striking at: already operating.
the source of those abuses: The reV ponding troops across thio border, even military expedition going in a body The former obtained arms and horses. form which the people of Mexico are participators by the cossacks of the wero It necessary, which it is would be a crime.
battlefields as a spirited challenge to otic men going to join the rebels al cienda Las Margaritas, which they took the heart or méthods of General ready in Mexico, as judicial opinion without resistance. Afterwards they the old society which it is trying to Porfirio Diaz, bit a change of occucrush, in order to build on the solid Anybody who has any personal hitherto published in these columns took the hacienda San Carlos. At this pant of the seat which this general, earth the New Society of justice and knowlodge whatover about any action has stated they have every right to do. time they numbered 150 men.
They himself the product of rebellion, of love.
of the United States troops or omicials Judicial opinion has stated that it is were under the leadership of Pedro holds. The war is on despotism, and Our forces, however generous and which has injured the cause of the legal for them to carry arms across to Perez Pena, who took part in the liber.
it will be a way to the end. There self sacrificing they may be, may be Write for information Mexican revolution will please write Mexico when going to join insurrec al movement of 1908.
may be temporary compromises, but Immediately the facts as Fannihilated by the solid action of the This case is an absolutely highhe knows tos.
Arizpe, Sonora, is probably now in eventually the people will triumph.
THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO. them to Senator La Follette, Senate, handed over stepping of authority on the hands of the rebels. There has bourgeoisie of all the countries of the. The Woman National Weekly.
Ine, Washington, La Follette is going the part of the federal troops.
world. By the simple act of having been ighting reported from there, and brought about the appearance of the The second case occurred at Calexico all the officials are know to have fled to presert an inquiry to Taft at the 103 Broadway, Red Flag in the Mexican battlefield, presont session of congress as to why on the same date, April Neal, from the city.
PROTEST AGAINST the troops were sent to the border, and a proylslon peddler, was held up by The entire section of Sofora, from Los Angeles, Cal.
the boargeoisie of the United States why Mexicans have been persecuted by soldiers while crossing the line to Hermosillo to the Chihuahua line is AMERICAN INTERVENTION has obliged President Taft to send twenty thonsand soldiers to the Mex.
United States oficials on this side the Mexicall, and refused permission to how practically in the hands of the IN MEXICO take his supplies across, on suspicion llpo.
ican border, and warships to the Mexrebels. Red Lopez and Rico, control Doomed Despotism one.
OUTRAGES mora an a 事, Complete Control tempe concert character going as such to attack a Liberals crossed the Rio Granded in they realize the paly successful meth boast with it in inoffensive manites. Al necessary operations in writing, billing whiclı almost always terminate with statistical work are accomplished from the keySMITH PREMIER