Keytiieración English Section Anarchisto do not agree with me.
To The 602 brcasts are trie Cano Comercialists Cannot The Mexican la Oltr surance. nation Cornelio the you of the Conin(11 117, pieniher of the cause is of rades that the myself think that the homeless Edited by WM. OWEN wretch who refuses to be held up by the real estate men has a much SUBSCRIPTION better time of it in this transitory RATES Send money payable to Single copy, life than has the Los Angeles cts, No. 238 ENRIQUE FIORES MAGON.
One dollar a year. montlis, 5oc. Saturday May. 13, 1916 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal, book keeper who, for the next Comrades and Fellow Workers. ness and that of the working people Manuela Mendez, Luis Martinez, ten years, must somehow hold on The undersigned, members of the in general, from that All Hernández, Tomás llernández, Rage conscious inaldo Solis, Panfilo Méndez, Satureditorial, in which the writer, con ican, they say; but we never de to his jou lest he lose liis install working class residing in Los An of us, and all the class geles, California, aud vicinity. pro workers of this city and its surround nino gratulated Los Angeles on t:se understand people until we really ment purchased home. myself test with all the energy of which our ings, sympathize with the drés Miranda, David Cano, Jesus capable, movement, because we see in think the roving blades, who suf proletarian tliat Union a inarked sudden influx of members of tlie try. Blythe, in his article on against the treacherous conduct that doctrines of ARTURO MIRAND. 1, Secretary oldest and proudest families of Villa, insists that the Mexicans fer all sorts of hardships in their ile members of Local 602, similarity tu durs, and when the solidarity, 18 Understand the persecution that is being suffered shall le will them without the neces(Scal) Grupo Los Sin Fortuna, individual liberty, have a much ecstatically, that ranked right yen less, but that doubt. My by Regeneracion and its cditors, sity of a call, because as class con Los Angeles, California.
Ascensión artínez, Eliza Mas Wiili United States troops still along with that of Diaz in the own experience of Mexicans is better time of it than do the dril. Ricardo and Inrique llores Magon, scious workers that we are, we know led and disciplined drudpes who, United States.
towards our class brothers; but with tinez, Benita Talavera, Vicente Talanouring into Mexico, and every olden days. Then came a long that they have grippeil the furiafter a life of what is called loy The article that in behalf of the the leaders of Local 602 of the vera, José Rodriguez, Librada Lata. olle speculating as to wlietlier they list of names, which produced the damental positions in this conwe don want to have relations Victoria Lara, Salvador Lara, Reclus al obedience to orders, die with comrarles Magon, anel signed by of any kind as we consider them Martinez, Genaro Avila, Antonio will or will not be withdrawn, our following out burst of enthusiasm: troversy with a firness that is comrade Georgia Kotsch, appeared in the happy have most noted publicists have begun Tlicitames belong to former startling, Universally consciousness that number 332 of Solidarity; has had traitors to the cause of the economic Palma, Raul Palma, 13las Hernández, Pedro Rincón Gallardo, Jesusita Tlie leaders referred to are a hind. Gallardo, Manuel Gallardo, to busy tlieniselves once more governors, statesmen, wealthy found them convinced that the they have left their widows a the effect of causing the individuals cmancipation of the working class.
with Mexican affairs. Llopper in planters, mine owners and land social scheme which apparently thousand dollars or so in life in. to give loose rein to their irrational rance to the progress of the Union ginia Gallardo, Scrapia Gall Collier s, Blythe in. The Satur operatores, wlio will in the future di suits us. since we have grown niyself expect that a hatred against the members of the Alany comrades have had the best of arddo, Eduardo Gallardo, José Orgatizing Junta of the Alexican disposition to join it, but have ab Callardo, Angelita Ilernández. Dionisia Hernández, Artitro Hernández, day Evening Post and Lincoln rect the developinent of their vast into it, does not suit them.
whose inhabitants till Liberal Party, as may be scen by the stained fron dining so, and others Steffens in Everybody are properties in Mexico from Los niversally they have declared their own fields, and put the pro article entitled Arrest of the Ala that already belonged, have dropped Lázaro Medrano, Sr. Lázaro Medinstances. Also Philander Angeles, bringing here a wealth tliat the advent of the foreign duice into their own pockets, is Wittling and W11. Baker, appeared those leaders. Considering Nedrano, Ma. Carmen Medrano, Meclrano, Dora Medrano, Romo, Gerenima Romo, Knox, who was Secretary of that cannot be estimated, Union has been established here, it Los engineer, mine operator, land wiser and will be happier than a in No. 18 of 7:1 Rebelde, Spanish the years the Latin branch of that organ of the inentioned local, nation working from Dolores Pedroza, Francisco Pedroza, dawn to sliould have a good number of meniStale under President Taft, lias Angeles will actually rival Mex. speculator and so forth, means been explaining the condition ico City in the control of estates, that they must move out, or stay night to swell the over swollen widerstanding that the Mexican il. bers, but it isn şo, and its sterility Refugio Torres, Francisco López, Jo takers. eral Party is an enemy of the that these leaders have suis López. Carlos López, Anita López, which confronted resident Wilson giving pleasant and safe residence on terms by no means to their fortunes of a lot of loping with the expression of tained against the Organizing Juula Domitila López, Félix Rojas, Lucita when he succeeded Taft. Knox wliere all that is best in American liking. In Mexico, for example, Surely it is more interesting. that lie to pause disruption anong the Arexican Liberal Party for Rojas, Isas Rojas, Juan Murillo, talk Before the United States govern those surrounding the comrades Mao which the working people have symIsabel Gallarlo, Bandelio Martinez, knows wliat lie is talking about, civilization can be enjoyed. they say that when patlıy and confidence.
Juanita Martinez, Guatemoc Martifor he was on the inside; and first César Martinez, Esteban CalThat glowing picture was mines you must talk Guggen ment decided that it wanted to ieft at the mercy We, men and women of the prole villo, Magdalena Calvilto. think it advisable to call atten beast enough to daub with a whole heim. and that is a language the lay hands on me was looking enemy in the persccution of which they are the object.
tariat, protest against the treacherAs is known, the comrades Ma which trics to undermine the Ous conduct of Local 602 of the The Groups of San Gabriel, Ox.
tion to a widely circulated inyth bucket of established facts, and Mexicais do not admire. Pero after my own chickens and putt.
nard. which K110x takes pains to pulit repeated the treatnient in a spe nally am with them on that ing what their eggs brought me gou are now prisoners in the LOS gurroundings and work of the come similar protests to the foregoing, but city, radles Blagon, so that they, without for lack of space we cannot reproture. lluerta, le reminds us, cial pamphlet issued froin our of proposition, and only today into my own pocket. Believe me, singelese County o ebruary ist eines debasan, Slied be the ducc. Signed by the following: did not become Provisional resi fice. Being able to write with read that one of that terrible it was far niore amusing than year, accused by the postal authori victims of the common enemy, the dent of mexico AFTER Madero some lochl knowledge pointer family of money makers is suing working to booin some syndicate tics of circulating incendiary matter Out Local 602 stopping to thilik iliat of San Gabriel, Cal.
au injury to one working class is assassination but three days BE out that one of these divideris brotle is for loss occasioned stock or make some Morgan even generacion.
an injury to all Tomás Mata, Amado Rincón, Juan It is well known to 119 that neither workers.
FORIC itma fact of much impor guished visitors was a foriner y their misrepresentations in more preposterously wealthy.
Rincón, Juana Rincón, Agustina the Mexican Libreal Party or its or.
Anarchists, and otherwise gan in the press, Regeneracion, arc The Magon brothers are in jail be Mata, Protasio Reyes, Esteban Es.
tance, since it makes it improba governor of a Mexican State, who respect to a certain inining propble that IIuerta liad any direct was utilizing the pleasant and erty. The unfortunate sufferer men, need no teachings on this cremies of the Willie The seals acion writings that tend to awaken cón, Antonio Rincón, Felipe sont pas On Socialists, and other Liberal Party are identical, as may be ing masses, and it is the duty of all cón, Trini Rincón.
Hand in the useless removal of his safe residence Los Angeles afdeclares le dropped 10, 000, 000 head.
vanquished predecessor, Taft forded by hawking round Mexican in consequence. Over such a foolish persous, such teachings, seen in the Manifesto of the 23rd of workers to be on their side. All regret to think are wasted. They September 1911, issued by the Or those who desire, may ask us for the (Seal) Grupo Acracio, Puente, liad no idea of refusing to recog properties for which he asked the tragedy wlio would not weep? nglish translations of the articles California.
nize Tuerta 01 the ground that trifle of 50, 000, 000. gavo a Our American ideal, at present, are always for the big; for the which principles are sustained by this for which they are prisoners, as well the Manifesto of September 23, E. Betancur, Betancur, lie was a murderer; but, when he lot of other similar instances. is a society of Guggenheims who biggest machinery, used on the revolutionary.
1911. By reading those articles and Retacur, Lucio, Luna, Luna, thie landed over the reins of govern. also wrote, as emphatically as take, and of workers who make biggest scale, turning out Wliat in reality happens is that the Manifesto, it may be seen that the Luna, de Santiago. de Sartment to President Wilson, S could, tiiat people of this class and make and make, that Gug biggest product, for the biggest branch of the in Los An and its cditors is nothing clse but a Betancur, Allaro, Alfaro, ſcaders. waiting for definite assurances did not seein to me desirable cit genheim may take. Our ideal is of all possible employers, the goles, are a set of indivinals that brutal attempt of Authority to sup: Alfaro, no Barrios aros Electorate for the security of American izens but pirates, inasmuch as the more wants tlie merrier, for State. If you, the lumble indi have brought upon thicanseives the press the ireedom of thought in this Betancur, GucracstfGarcia I: Enciso, Betty, Hernández rights and the adjustinent of every single one of them was con tliat keeps the machinery in mo vidual, cou like that prograin ers of this city and its surroundings is, an merican claints. The words quot fessedly an absentee landlors and tion and more or less, insures you can lump it. Efficiency in by their absurd attacks upon the that concerns all workers, if they do Grupo de Oxnard, Califor.
ed are Knox own, and ungues gloried in it; and inasmuch as the inestimable job. That does producing cheap toys or wooden en verlief the organizing Feta. lt not wish this liberty to be snatched nia.
tionably he knows.
every one of them had as his not happen to be the Mexican nutmegst is the God, and hu that are entirely injustified, the con that if the Wagon brothers are con Concepcion Villanueva, Esteban compose tlie Juuta are ricted, that convictions will serve as Villanueva, Angelita Rangel, Doraliga Such people their efforts, of their acrilices, their ali tlic laboring press.
gado, Melecio Garcia, Lorenzo God Key Hore to all Sur policy in Mex the pleasant asylum of Los An nical more than does the Mexi ess, can go to tell wholesomeness to cicfend In helping our comrades, the Ma zález, Antonio Salcedo, Camilo Zun ico since the outbreak of the rev geles and rendered possible by can, but he will not make liimself cannot understand the Mexicans. abnegation, their muselfishness, fealty iga, José Riso, Reyes Gamino, Up In a slave to cooking, as do our lios. Such people are secretly convince working class whom they educatc gons, nothing eisc is done but to reolution, and the pretense that robbery of the toiling peon.
Carranza, Jesus Carranza, Trinidad Nuño, Alarladies when ed tliat it is written in the stars and prepare to end the capitalist and pel the grave danger that menaces the auttlioritariail system.
free expression of thought.
Huerta was rejected as a red short, between the Times edi pita ble Jewislı tin Carrillo, Jesús Mendoza, Enrique along, that Mexico shall be absorbed hy Comrades, lend your lielo Durán, Cenrejas, Rubio, José handed murderer was siinply a torialist and myself there was ever feast days Notwithstanding the unquestioned housewife her more skilled and powerful sincerity and also afaith and the past we are dealing witli, but to prevent Brousse, Cicofas Cázares, Matilde in this case.
the German It is not personalities play to sentiment and bid for pol quite a difference of opinion; and or as itical support.
Huerta, for whom these differences of opinion, as seems habitually to do. No one competitor, the United States. sociates in the Junta, the leaders that the last mcdium which we pos. Alontano. certainly never held a brief, deep that they cannot be com likes more to cut a dash than does Such people, unable to look be the Latin branch of the in sess to make ourselves understood he this city, attack them, jealous persnatcher from the liauds of the dis.
Florence, California.
exceptionally strong promised, are at this inoment con the Mexican, but he is quite yond the narrow limits of what haps of the prestige that the said inherited, the only means the lare for and stubborn Indian.
TIe verting the world into one armed unwilling to buy his cottons at they call the materialist philos comradcs have won for themsclves Education and to prepare ourselves Anita Monreal, Catarino Rodri.
guez, Filogonio Rodrigliez, Amelia was in sympathy with his race camp and drowning it in blood. the price of having to slave as ophy look on commercial ability muceasing bis het algemist kcapitanhuit and tyranny all over the world.
Sánchez, Tomás Sánchez, Petra Ni.
Of course the vast majority of does the Lancashire or South Ca as the all in all, and are incapa thority and the Clergy, and for the Agitate by nieans of your press, at casio, Simon Vicasio, Eulalio Martihis persistent refusal to apologise people think the wisest course is rolina operative. Most americans ble of understanding that against Scoring inost tempting inducemenis be opwertime to do it against the Atanasio Reyes, Flulise Rucsiguen, perts to the United States most clearly to ignore them, but somehow let drop occasionally the senten that arid philosophy the kuman made to thein by Alexican ruters in persecution of which tic, comrades astasis au ctfort to make them join the boara Vagon are the object, and invite all Juan Ramirez, Cleofas Ramirez, 1r.
demonstrated. For that reason, never could see safety in the os tious renvark that money can be spirit, sooner or later, invariably gcois canto, preferring to live in the to contribute to their defensc.
nacio Ramirez, Catarino Ramirez, According to those bought too dear, but they sellon revolts. Everywhere the man nost abject misery, as is well known in my opinion, our present adinin trich act.
All money for the lefense of our Atanasio Rainirez, Juana Ramirez, should say it is who think, with Wendell Phil. to us, this workers. of this city, than comrades Nagon should be sent to rancisco Ramirez, Altagracia Rami.
istration decided to make war on who run ostrich farms be is pro live up to it.
to letray htcir brothers the disinher Nocl, in. Sec. Workers Inter rez, Margarita Ramirez, Tránsito him and adopt as its protege the bably the stupidest of all animals, the center of all Mexican thought, lips, that a man is better thau a ited national Defense League, 621 Ameri Guerrero, Adrian Guerrero, Hero The trendacity of the can Bank Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal. minio Guerrero, Lucita Guerrero, more pliable Carranza. Unliap and his proverbial attitude toward and should say that, when given bank vault are putting up quite Speak tras Lupe Guerrero, Luis Martinez, TO Los Angeles, California, ply it had its doubts as to Carran tlireatened danger inakes him the the chance, they habitually live a fight.
cxtreme of converting iás Martinez, Manuel Martinez, les them into informers to the chelit of May 10 de 1916.
lipe Robles, Jesus Robles, Antonio za ability to protect the inter easiest to capture.
It is not from any innate pug the police, calling the attention of Kobles, Luis Robles, Felix Kobles, ests. For some time, therefore. Seal. Centro de Estudios Ra Ploua Roblus, Linda Robles, Andrea If, therefore have any message Let me here call the attention nacity that perpetually attcak the authorities. lry cionales, Los Angeles, Cal.
Robles, Paulo Rodriguez, Francisco it deemed it julicious to carry to Socialists, or to any one else, of my Socialist friends, and many the Socialists, and it is not from well as verbally in the open air meets Signed: I, Chacón, Victorial Rodríguez, Antonio Rodríguez, Juan on a side flirtation with the not it is that all talk about peace is others, to what is heppening in any love of controversy that ings held at the Plaza, of the revolu Chacón, Runie Contreras, lelicitas Rodriguez, Saturnina Rodriguez, orious baudit, Francisco Villa Obviuosly humbug so long as these Europe; for it may help them to drag in qu. stions of philosophy their nature, are of those that the Hernández, Edmundo Márqucz, Lalis Iterald tionary acts of the Junta whiclı, by Chacóit, Manuel Trigueros, Amad Alas Darling Darling Darling, Valat The editor of a well known So condition endure. They do en understand the case of Mexico. from which so many revolutiona capitalist laws persecute.
Darling Dlartinez, Juana Reyes, Valeria Sail Gladas Barbar, Lorans Barber, Cheny cialist publication has written me dure. Tliey will endure for all Whether you are for Germany or ry editors steer clear. act thus The campaign of calimny and in tava, Pablo «ela Cruz, Juan Carpin, Barber, Clad Barber, Annas ibas, the Allies is immaterial, because, in sults that the teaclers of the Latiu Viccute Carpis, Gregorio Carpio, Jolin Ibas, Cane Jonson, Zathes Jona soliciting an article on Mexican time if their abolition is left to for my conception, on branch of the have carried Gerónimo Lárez, Lárcz, son, Baby Junson, Ruthe Janson, affairs, which, according to his those who live by them; that is since there are certain facts both sides of the Atlantic we are on, against the comrades of the Or Refugio Lárez.
Herald Janson, Ernest Janson.
statement, Socialists cannot un to say, to the monopolists which no sane person can dispute. now passing through the center Ranizing Junta of the Mexican Lib(Seal) Grupo Armonia y Solidari.
derstand. Although ny patience and politicians. Mexico itself af. Rightly or wrongly the little of revolutionary whirlpool ers of thie police, in their efforts to dad, Los Angeles, Cal.
our courades, the Ma.
is beginnig to be exhausted, after fords tle most conclusive proof of kingdom of Servia did kick like which tlirows to the surface all always see Signed: Ramón Alvarez, José Report of the money received gons, involved in litigation, have hart Macias, Antonio Garcia, Julian Nava, by Los Angeles Branch Work.
long years of weekly explanation, that.
You admire, President the devil when Austria proposed, these thougts, and ultimately will no other result discredit José Ortega, Guillermo Montero, ers International Defense LeaI have again complied; and here Wilson, we will say, and surely as Servia at least conceived, to force to examine thoroughly the those leaders of the and, José Miréicz, Cándido Fernández. as a natural consequence, our ainot ernández, Leon Signoret, Frau: gue for MAGON defense: again address myself to the te. agree that, in culture and general swallow her. Rightly or wrong rotten bases in which we have cisco lispinosa, Alejandro Lara, dious task of illustrating what intelligence, he towers above bis ly Belgium did precisely the same been building our movements and Marcos Solano, Pascual López, Previously acknowledged, 285. 28 holds undisputed sway.
Below it Tudela, Hernándcz, Vázquez, Collections for two weeks seems to me the obvious; of de rivals. How comes it then that thing; and, rightly or wrongly, a our lives. did quite a lot of thinking commercialism is generally liated. Vázquez, Natalia Téllez, Márquez, monstrating the eloquence with he, the highest of his type, never lot of small European countries some four years ago when, in re all giving evidence of the ply to niy appeal for sympathy, In his heart heart the average Nila, José Garcia, Pedro ending May 8th. 1916.
which money talks; of interpret ventures to treat this Mexican are Castorena, Socialist is a coinmercialist, for Ildefo1130 Alva, José rebellious disposition, the editor of the Internationaling that odd twist of character upheaval as impartial investiga same francisco Sapién, Rinaldi, Los Angeles, Cal.
which makes the Mexican Indian tors habitually treat it? How With gritted to the permite plot ist Socialist Review replied that, nization is mankind most elevat Limina No Reholledo, Agustin Piaz. 50; Workmen Circle No 127, he considers that industrial orga Ochoa, Zelaya, Luis Pérez, Ladies Tailors Union, Chicago, Ill, anxious to govern his own lifc comes it that he has never dared found courtesies they admit that in her opinion, it was Mexico ed task, and his mind is centered tacio Juárez, aulet, Juan Al Chicago, Ill. Regeneracion, 30; instras fo turniya it over to the to remind the nation that the eco. the other fellow economic ar desting to be absorbed by this Rodriguez, Nicolas Becerra, Consee it, the and profit, that laws are juster and Anarchist treras, Durán, Cuadros, llis Los Angoles, Cal. 49. 93; R, strange phenomenon, admit. asserts and re assert, ad nau administered more purely, and so the track of quite a lot of other thought, nor is it that of the or Borboledao riguareasCihampadan. Robinson, Saint Louis, Mo. and one that neither master de seam. that from politicians we forth. But they do not want it. things. have come to unders dinary Mexican. To my thinking Guerrero, Tena, Robledo, Workmen Circle 192, Patera yoted to money making nor cannot get the truth; and in hold. They prefer muddling along in tand very clearly that the man the Mexican upheaval is at bot Weerste contreras. Ristesa da, son, McQuaig, Chie way. They would who thinks culture (which im tom, scryants jobs ing up as illustration the distin their own Anarchist upheaval, Franco, Vicente Martinez, Oli cago, Ill. Workmen Circle Theyoted can be expected to understand. guished scholar who now necupies to enhver the their own masters than plies devotions to individual de prompted by all those aspirations rárezultiraleoliváremifiten sala dena No 79, Cleveland, 50; Cola For the one, life would be inean. the White House clinch the the highly paid servants of the velopment) the great aim of life, for individual liberty which have várez, Olivárea, Delgado, Election hy Cohen, Chicago, Ill.
ingless withont opportunity to fact with proof so striking that supernen. They spurn the of and he hwho considers money always been the earmarks of true ligueroa, Listanvi, Lopez, Total, 383. 21.
take. or the other, to make none can bliỊk it honestly. Un fers of would be benevolent pro making and money saving its Anarchistic thougt. believe the Contreras, Carrazco, Pe. Zavala. Noel, Fin. Secy.
and make what others take has fortunately the Socialists have to tectors; and the attitude taken by sole, are at war to the knife. case of mexico closely analogous (Seal) Grupa Juvenil Libertario, grown into a second nature, blink it, because their creed com these, sinaller nationalities in They represent directly antago to that of Servia revolutionary Los Angeles, Calif.
Nearly five years ago wrote, mits them to a belief in politici Europe is the attitude taken by nistic readings of life riddle. tendencies which set off the powo Hernandes Meeren Schoenen Lieder All money for REGENERA.
as editor of this section, one of ans. So you find thiem saying Mexico on tliis side of the water, and between them, and the classes der magazine in Europe. Sooner González, Manuela Pena, Juan Zuluthose rebellious, Anarchistic crit. that the Mexican situation is so myself think that attitude nations composed of them, there or later Inperialism, whether of aga, Manuel Miranda, Ventura Mlen CION should precisly be sent to. icisins of winich no well regulated complicated that they cannot un the larger wisdom, and am will be war until one or the other the sword or of the purse, is al Medrano: Lui Primitivibinguice Sta Enrique Flores Magon, Box niind is creu guilty. It was proderstand it, amazed at the discovery that reaches final triumph, Down to ways called to time.
Paulino Medrano, Alex Avila, Maria yoked by a Los Angeles Times. We do not understand the Mex quite a number of professed the Rio Grande commercialisin Wm. OWEN. Diaz, José Martinez, José Perret, 1230, Los Angeles, Calif.
hano Fidel Carranza, conie was a 12 leaders of reached tlie whom WC up to it, incans of thieir Charles Ramona tlian to llorcs, to an