
VIAGE. Hiti Yiye de.
T10 Regeneracion.
Character of the Mexi車 Program of the Libera Party and Manifesto to the Nation WALU of ovor. Barbarous Mexico ille actually plow SO.
Barbarous Mexico ards, west.
even more were working for tho ront of his llu to Jolin Konnuth Turnor, tho widoat pub none or to arrangu it now lonn.
bor logislation are of obvlous nocospay off the dout, ii, 11ood, onnurh Itcity puhalllo und to bronk that con runch manclora took the viow that sity and Justico. Tho hystoulo conio bring tours to the you of the pray of ullonco which attempts to It was a strango mattor that Moxico Published every Saturany At 81995 altions in factorlog, shops, lodging Alitorioan grindor or on ganchados. hold back publla opinion.
should be seokluk lon whon Just can h10u180s and othor looalitios whoro deN. 4th St. Los Ancolou, Cal.
The American promoter Monlu the on tho vorgo of a revolution. LU WELU pondonta or laborors have to romain Tolopheno: Muing 1360.
vory lifo 610od of the laborer un (Fouluila. EI Constitucional, practically the admission thoy mudo BY JOIN KINNICTII TUUNEI.
for a long timo; the guarantoo for tho Bubsoription rateu: thiol 05 20cts the Intley to bo 90 Muxico City, undor date of Oct, 23, rowhon my son, Cuatrvo, was arroudod ulfo of the laboror; tho probation of Kifrnct from an Unpublished Olinpiter stooped lu vlrtuo na to rafrain from vortu from Ban Podro, Coululla por. on that churse. Tuon Luuntour Hunt Por unnum 4, 00 child labor; tho Sunduy rost; tho innouilug any part of it back again. socution of thio ranilly of Trunclucon mosbago. Ila offout way the finmodi Barba044 Mexico.
domnity for uccidonts and tho penPor ulr niontha 10 When a Moxican poon 2004 trinket Maduro, the rival candidato of ato rolonso of Gustavo nod a dontal FOvery dotonne of Wax la an attack or a pretty thing that takou huls faney Dinz la tho rocont presidential cam that any condition appronching a rovAloning of laborors who hayo oxhaust Thio intorosting doonmont. lasuod od thotr onorglog la laboring: tho proPor toron monthly. 60 upon the Mexican people. It must be ho is quite likely to atoul it, for it Moxico.
tro paign It tool of the actentic goy olution oxlstod in 80. hinco tboro is no othor concolvable is the only way ho can got it.
Bt. Louto, Mo. by the Junts of the hibition of finos and discounts; tho obBUNDLE ORDERS. dofungo of doapollum oxcopt that the lugjall for an article worth a fuwlod by the local Judgo, securod undor loan ernment, Fellpo Ortoga, accompan ofthor do this or forogo getting tho with the program roprinted in the trat ligation to pay lu ottuctivo cash; the inaud of our papor, wie at the bottom annulmout of tho dobts of day labor100 copies 00 oplu uru bo wuak or 90 wlekod that conla YOR, llow ofton would he do it Pulse protongo untrance to the houso Tule, Mr. Madoro nggortod, was of our proregutions and prosocutions in ors; tho wonburos to avoid abusos in They can not bo trusted to taito caro fit the payment of those low contavos of Madoro Onthor and 80 zod Gustavo 800 copies all tho roul rongon that 818. 80 of thomsolves.
would not monn a hungry day for books and puporu of was icon poople to tako augalzanoe of ito contract work, and tho protection of tho Gopura Hurtado was contents and to dooldo for thomoolvos tho co partners Tho gist of the defonso Is that him?
coinpayia turned 10060.
all 1000 coples in agriculturo. 20. 00 Ainorican planlura utoal ganadora of In Mercod. Tho grand sivon Instructions to say that his ac lamed Doclaration to Indopondoneo manner by the sad conditions of labor the Mexican 113 st bu aro called for in such sulod from porory, curry thom awny by forco to fathor, Mr. Evaristo Muloro and the cusations came from a distortod brndo was in tho lost Justinou. Nditor and Proprietor, Adolmo la above because ho ls not 118 fost do Uholr plantations, stoal their families wife of llac ox candidato to tho prost and to disavow any intention to now in our fatherland that thero is no beliquoroa.
Dociley, that he must do onslaved away from thom, lock thou up at donoy, woro insultod in tho most con cuso Gustavo. Incidentally, Mr. Mafor the sake of progress, uldce by night, bent thom, starve than whilo (Continued)
coaslty to domonstrato in any other temptiblo, vile way. Furthor light 18 doro says that Gustavo will soon como would do nothing for himself or the choy work, nogloot thom whon thoy thrown upon tho Inaldo doings lu tbo to tho Unitou Statos.
WEGO 00 in way thoir appropriateness.
Batry as socood class mattor ponding. world wors ho pot compollod to do Morldg: a8 WOW as a pay of 60 coThe obligation Imposod upon the are sick, 194y thom Novumber 6, 1910 nothing, Ill!
it through four of thio whip or ncuto thom at tho last, and thou rolge statomont takon from the columns of mattor in tho following spiondid Lavos In San Luis Potosi, maintain landownors to Indomolfy their renters oderal District Mexico City, Oct. the laborer in tho sono stato of mis for improvoments in houses or delds No. 10, Atarvation, that luo inunt bo onolived their hands in righteous horror wlion our contomporary the San Antonio. In this way Thanks lo lucroasing offorts on cry, because tho coat of living is dou 118 of great public utility.
Locage liv klowe bothing buttor than tho poor fullow steals an extra tortilla Light and dazollo, of San Antonio, ito part of an ablo defonso the all blon and moro in the former place the deaf proprietors who novor mako 30 Hlavery and that ho is lippy ft slaylor an ear of corn!
ury. Anylow. All of which, ful the Tux. To oloctionists Lucio Cabrora, Span than it is in the lattor. Therefore It repairs in the hog pens they ace rentin Mexico plowing is olton cono und, resolvo the solve y Into the sitli a prooked stick or with the hor Francisco Madero, father of Fran slo Sanchez and Maria Polnoz, im the ininimal salary of 00 is applied ing out, will be obllgod to improve sluple proposition that because no Tho bucks of mon tako the place or cisco Madoro, rocont anti ro oloc prisoned In vllo Bolem for tho unlaw. with absolute gonorality, all working tho possession to advantage for tho to down to ought to bo kept down freight wagons and oxpress yohiclos tionist candidato for president of Pully brokon up lawful parndo of Sep men will not be wrestod from misery, public. Generally speaking It is not Incurabilo luziuess, ch! lilohi superall in short, Mexico is woefully behind in Mexico, has boon forced to leave Mex tomber 11, wore at lust relenged. One but only a few. Those who live in just that a poor man should improve flos, wanton providence, constitui tho 1130 of modern machinery. For Ico bocause of fear of posul blo perso hundred and sixty prisonors trans parts of the country where the cost the property of a rich man for the clona stufality, Imorable could VN which the Mexican is nccused of becullou, and it is hla bellef that trou ferred from oquatorin Yucatan to tho of living is excessive and who recelve bouoflt only of the rich, ble may ariso for all his family, un military prison of Santiago Tlate already today wages ovor 00 which Soon off the Press) tam, impenetrablo Igtoranee, 11in unprogrossive. To be continued)
contı oluble propensity for theft, Mr. Madero ling lolco and held in that colder climate do not save them from inigery, will 1083 they depart.
But the common people do not logonoración ls in receipt of the asuukonnous and cowardloo aro some chose how mucho machinery shall joloed hils son in San Antonio, and inadequately protected for prosocu continue under tho same disastrous WALKER WOULD BETTER proot beets of John Kenneth Tur oi tho sce itthibuted to the Moylo! le 140d in the country. Tho nastet duriga the coming week his wifo and tion in connection with the abortive condition under which they linger toWATCH OUT OR HO LL her hook. Tartinous Mexico, con pomely those same persons who does that, two daughters will runch here. Two uprising of Valladolid, Yucatan are day, without recelving the least ioAmericu promotors in GET FIRED.
John Brisbapo Walker is editor of w211CN ho publishers, Charlus Kerr declare their ruler to be the wisest erlea are little more progressive songs are alroady lu France and other lo the most precarious condition. Un significant benefit from the law of und most beatitic on the face of the in the use of niachinery It is just in order Cogmopolitan sons havo been warned to leave. The derfeeding and lack of covers and ad wblob wo speak.
tlan Magazine, and har CO. announce will be roudy for Caitli.
Mekan promotors, and when they family, for some time at least, will equate clothes to keep them from the to prevent such injustice, and to posed as a progressive.
In a recent delivery betore the end of Novem Luzintyy, in the estination of the make their honie in laris The Ma cold have weakened a good many 10 formulate in detall the labor laws, speech at Kansas City, however, he are they frequently tose money in ber.
American friends Diaz, is the Why?
Because tlesh and blood deros are among the richest and most such a degree that they are able to that the exceptions of application of bitterly denouoced Roosevelt, claimcardinal vice of the Mexlean, LaziThus the minimal pay of 00 must be ex ing that the colonel wanted to bo liere is a book which, bad not so damaging to the nens hus always been a cardinal sites are cheaper in Mexico than machin Aristocratic famillos of the southern walk without assistance. peon is cheaper to own chan republic, Mr. Madero being accounted opponents to the present reginei pressed, In establishing for regions of the Diaz of the United States and material een in the of the studies of lear multi millionaire, not killed outright, chased across the a more costly standard u borse. peon is cheaper than a of llvlug, subjugate the people here as Dlaz has existing regime in vele and the American 1001. Friends of mine standing close to border, or enslaved in Valle Nacional where 00 is earned today, a high done in Mexico. The joke of it is that pianters hundred WC can be American interests wisiell are loneling expect to sletican work himsel bought for the price of a grist mill Prosident Dlaz told me it were bet or Quintano Roo, are scientifically er rate. It must be provided that all the Cosmopolitan has been printing ot ex labor be in equal proportion benefited articles lauding Diaz to the skies!
their support to that regime, would to death for the love of it Or is it! It is because the master las mado iilter for me to leave, said Mr. Ma Prozen out and starved out for the love of his master that het by tbis law.
They are willing to have tyranny Il by sonie means the price of dero yesterday at the Hutching house istence lavo buen ongeply contended for by Labor Legislation expects him to work? Or for the flesh and blood wie suddenly to Tlies lold me that president Diaz where it will benefit American capthe largest publishers in the coun dignity on Talxor?
had said that my son, Francisco hai Puebla Joaquin Pita, jefe polltico The other points proposed for la litalists but not where it may touch be shoved up above that of deact try Few Thume series have ever! But the Mexican does not appresteel, machinery would flow Anto escaped, but that his relatives woulul of Puebla publishes a dementi of the was also told that a statement that on September 16 Mr.
altracted the aliention Mr Turner clate such things Am falling to Mexico as fast as it would flow into pay for it.
receive anything more tangule for any new industrial field in the United order of arrest for me was liable to be Nuncio Martinez, slaughterhouse articles in the American magazine athis work, le soldiers on the job States or any other country.
Issued at any moment and that safety monopolist and beloved governor tracted. certainly the Interest Wherefore he is not only lazy, but He states it am now en route to was pelted with rocks.
Do not think that the Mexican is lay in flight.
aroused was sulclent to insure stupid Wherefore, it is light and tou stupid to operate machinery when Paris, where, with my wife and some was only a light street disturbance, proditable sale for a book by the proper that be should be driven tuine is put to it There are some lines of my children, we will live until the so light indeed that as sequel of it the field with culis, that he should in which machine labor is cheaper present awkward condition has pass some thirty persons were consigned saire author on the sil 110 subject.
By John Kenneth Turner Sensation is caused by IS NOW IN TYPE AND WILL BE READY FOR DELIVERY SOME TIME he hunted down, forced into cugasi olan hand labor, and we have only to ed. am not a politician and have to the army.
And yet the old line publishers did chado gangs, locked up at night and look to these lines to learn tnat llie never mixed in any political affair. a notice published on Oct. 27, in the nut dure touchi Babarous starved NOVEMBER.
Mexican can handle machinery quite 11 there is any persecution oť my famn Imparcial giving the notice that on Mcalco All but a few declined to It may be information to some pr as easily as any other people. Native ly it is because my son, Francisco or about that day a piquet of soldiers examine the manusCLIP At all, while sons to tell them that Mexicans have iabor operates the great cotton mills stirred up the people to demand theft of the battalion Zaragosa stationed in only one went so far as to make a been known to work willingly and of Mexico almost exclusively, for ex, liberties.
Puebla took to fight in full Over two hundred pages of matter which has not tentative offer; and this one refused to guarantee that the book would not effectively, when they saw anything ample. For that matter, mechanical Mr. Madero is a distinguished look led by their officer, and such is to be heretofore appeared in print anywhere to work for. Tens of thousands of cunning of a high order is sbown 10 ing man of mature years.
His life expected when we consider that most Contains over 400 pages divided into seventeen chapters and embodies al be suppressed. The result was that it was finally left to a Socialist vul Mexicans have displaced Americans the many hand arts and crafts prac has been devoted to business pursuits of them do not carry the unlform by and Japanese on the railroads and in ticed by the natives, the blanket weav What confidence can the allthe more important exposures of the author published in The Amerand he has accumulated a fortune choice.
Jisher to print the book.
ican Magazine, Fry Magazine, The Appeal to Renson, the felds of the American South ing, the pottery making, the making Millions of acres are controlled by tocrat bave in this kind of protec.
As high an authority as HI and Tbo Pacific Monthly, as well as Barbarous Mexico, the book, is of laces, the manufacture of curios the companies of which he is the tion!
Harriman said. in an interview pubinteresting that Ignorance is charged against the head, these acreages lying in the state Tlaxcala The terridc reaction and Barbarous Mexico, lished in the Los Angeles Times in Mexican people as if it were a cilme. of Coahulla and Nuevo Leon. He has the articles.
March, 1909.
The latter, appearing in more or less deal of experience with the Mexican, glowing ternis of the public school ey where he could attend to his af domain of We have had a good on the other land we are told in been residing in Saltillo and Monter governmental savage terrorism in the Governor Cahuantzi is The Slaves of Yucatan, fragmentary form, left many ques and we have found that after he is system which Diaz has establislied. fairs.
reaping the whirlwind Extreme unThe Extermination of the Yaquis.
tions to be answered for the thought fed up and gets his strength he makes Charles Lummis, in his book on Mrs. Madero, accompanied by her rest is reported from the textile facOver the Exile Road.
ful reader, Barbarous Mexico, the a very good worker, Constitución, Mexico, remarks that it is doubtful daughters, Mercedes and Angela, will tories of Tlaxcala, La book, carries the investigation forThe Contract Slayes of Valle Nacional.
Note that The civil and Ifter he is fed up and if there is a single hamlet of cine join him ward step by step, iu logical sequence, gets his strengih. Which is saying, hundred Mexicans in all the country Emilio and Julio, four sons, all now in military authorities are franctically here. Gustavo, Alfonso, San Andres, Atlixco. The Valley of Death.
so that when the reader is done he in effect, that the employers of Mexi that has not its free public school Mexico, are expected to leave there busy, realizing that they are sitting Country Peons and the City Poor.
has a thorough grasp of Mexico in can labor, inany of whom are est im The truth is that the people are is as soon as possible It is not The Diaz System.
its political and industrial aspects able Americans, friends Mr. Turner book begins with a of Diaz, norant and that there are few schools probable, also, that Don Evaristo Ma caused by the report of mutiny of the Repressive Elements of the Diaz Machine.
recitai of Ws own observations of Istarve them so clironically, that they The sort of authority Mr. Lummis is dero, his 82 year old father, may be 20th regiment of cavalry or or about have not the actual strength to work may be ganged by the government compelled to seek a refuge The Crushing of Opposition Parties.
in the Oct. 12, in Tlaxcala. sla very in Yucitan and other seceffectively.
10. The Eighth Unanimous Election of President Diaz, Thus we have a second statistics themselves, which, in the United States or in Europe.
tions of our country Much of this why Mexicans sometimes year Mr. Lummis issued his book, Veracruz On October 17 Santana We can never tell, said Mr. Mapart of the book is as it appeared 11. Four Mexican Strikes.
soldier the job. Worthless, placed the number of Mexicans who dero, in The American Magazine, although am not informed that any Rodriguez and 26 followers gave a 12. Critics and Corroboration.
worthless Mexicans!
There Virtuous, virit is considerably expanded.
could read and write at sixteen per persecution is to be attempted against pitched battle to the rurales near the 13. The Diaz American Press Conspiracy.
tuous Americans!
are five slave chapters in all, The. cent of the population. In Mexico my father, but will say that if it rancherla Huazuntlan and after he 14. The American Partners of Diaz.
Extermination of the Yaquis, The American promoter feels a per there are some public schools in the comes it will not be a surprise to me. fell the authorities as a matter of 15. Over the Exile Road, The Con sonal grievance at the religious big cities and almost none in the country if they cannot get my son and cannot course found upon the body of the American Persecution of the Enemies of Diaz.
It is be districts.
ntry of the poor Mexican But even tract Slaves ot Valie Nacional, and if they 10.
were get me. they may try to harass my dead man papers indicating that he Diaz Elimself.
cause of the church fiestas, which These chapth The Valley of Death ran a hungry baby learn to old father. It would be sad if they was in league with the revolutionary The Mexican People.
ters are more salistuctory than they five the Mexican a few extra holi read and write?
What promise poes compelled him to quit his country. center of Lower California and nomiThe book will contain 16 pages of photographs and will be bound in an were, as they appeared in magazine days a month, when he is free to study hold out for a youth born to bim, who was governor of the state nated by them to the position of briform, and at the same time they re: those fiesta days, hence the anguish carry it on to the end of his days so much for the upbuilding of that instigaters of the lobber tourebebian Dut until the first copies of the book have arrived the author will receive on shoulder a debt of his father and of Nuevo Leon for four years and did gade general, and the names of the expensive quality of cloth. The retail price upon publication will be 50.
tain the terrible vividness which so of the American piomoler. Hence the aroused the docent people of this And they say that the Mexican is part of the republic welcome which the American gives happy! As LDN as a peon, has Practically the entire fortune of men never tell tales and so they will advance orders at the rate of country a year ago.
to a system of labor such PICTURES POVERTY OF CAPITAL, come to be a common expression. Mr, Madero is tied up in various com not reveal how these papers got unto find in Valle Nacional, where the catastarving man be happy. The Country Peons and the City Postage Ten Cents Is panies which, because of having for their bodies.
cane of bejuco wood Poor, is the title of one of the most mightier, there any people on eartımany beast eign stockholders, will not be molestOrder now and save 50 cents, After publication the requirements of than the priest, where there are of the field, even SO peculiar ofled by the government. Mr, Madero Mexican la bor awakens to class contouching chapters of the book.
neillier feast days nor Sundays, nor nature that it loves cold better than said he had detaile all his sciousness also in this country as evi the publisher will make it necessary to advance the price to 50.
incorporated Mr. Turner observations empty stomach better properties and acquired Anerican, denced by the brave struggles in San among the peons and the userahlo ans day when the club does not drive warmth, the slave to the back breaking labor and Send Money to. than full one?
creatures of the city slums. The recently Where is the French, German and English stock. Diego, Fresno, of the field.
rapid and scientist that has discovered a pen holders and that if the Mexican goy Cresmore, Cal. where John Kenneth Turner, 1931 Darien Place material in this chapter is entirely They told us labor was cheap ple who would choose an ever nar ernment molested the it splendid victory was carried for the new, not having appeared in serial down here, an American once said rowing horizon to an ever widening would bring Los Angeles, Calif. Diaz Himsell, The Mexiprotest from the demands of organized labor, thanks form.
to me in a grieved tone Cheap?
one? Depraved, indeed, the foreigners.
to the spirit of solidarity which did can People, and Critics and Cor. Of course Dirt cheal. But it has Mexican people if they are happy. But roboration, are the titles of three But even with this, he says that a to produce one single scab its drawbacks. He expected every other chapters which have not ap hand to do as much work as an Some who have said it lied knowingly, that the federal judge do believe they are happy telegram received yesterday stated for the Portland Riverside Cement at peared in serial form, either as a ablebodied American and to live on Others mistook Parras, company. Such a moral uplift of a whole or in part.
the dull glaze of Coah, had selzed all the books and class through its own efforts carries thin air hesides. Critics and Corroboration is a settled despair for the signature of private correspondence of the Com farther than the moralizing crusades Far be it from me to express ap contentment.
reniarkable chapter, and it shows pania Ganadera de la Merced, his of the alliance of priests and poliin that Mr. Turner has followed the proval of the influence of the CathoMost persistent of all derogations biggest concern, owning 1, 500, 000 ticians making in labor salvation lic church upon the Mexican. Yet PROFESSOR OF SPANISH of Mexicans is the one that the Span acres of land, several hundred thou Mexico.
writings and the anties of his der it must be admitted that the church ish American character is somehow sand head of stock and vast acreages tractors very closely.
alleviates his misery somewhat by incapable of democracy and therefore of cotton and sugar cane. The seizure splendid concession of a railroad NEW METHOD That makes Spanish simple and et sy to learn not only points directly to the mou providing him with some extra holi needs the strong hand of a dictator had come, he said, because of to a for Lower California, conceded tive behind the various individuals days.
and publications which have taken And it feeds his hunger for Since the Spanish Americans of Mex boundary dispute with another com The Call of San Francisco, mas ef. By this method one can be able to transact business in three onths.
sights of up the cudget in favor of Dictator sweetness, which for the poor Mexi democracy, and since those who are trolling interest, but of which, strange Dlaz walls raised for the acquisition beauty and sounds of ico have never had a fair trial at pany in which he also owns a cod iectively stopped the occasional antiDiaz, but he confronts tliem crumbs from can are usually impossible of attain asserting that they are incapable of to say, he has no control, the spec of the their own written words to prove inent outside of a church LOS ANGELES If the democracy are just the ones who are tacle being furnished, he says, of a trough.
is blood money that sithat his story of slavery is true in rulers of the land had been enlight trying hardest to prevent them from company in which he owns the con lences the press.
every essectial detail.
SEVENTEEN CHAPTERS IN ALI. barest glimpse of brightness outside picion naturally arises that persoas pany owned by himself, ened and had given the Mexican the having a trial at democracy, the sus trolling interest fighting another comTHE JUNGLE.
scene in the third act, when she is reYaqui land is being advertised exThere are seventeen chapters in a for all in the work, all of them intensely of the church the sway of the priest have an ulterior motive in spreadThat mo books without process of law, has erican corporations who got the terris which will present The Jungle next her to portray interesting might have been less pronounced ing such an impression Vho is responsible for the most than it is today the tive has been pretty been be. Coa tory from Diaz after its inhabitants powerful the slavery of Mexico? What can week at Labor Temple auditorium, emotion.
Those festas, which are such This is Miss Barry first Inverensous chapters of this book, es huila Guayule Land and Cattie com them personally or appeal to Reason: giving the initial performance of the appearance in a modern part.
Americans do to put a stop to it. thorn in the side of the American recinity in the one on the American pany, an American concern to which had been exiled, or enslavede cure the arama, which has never before been her experience has been in ShakesAll These questions are answered pery promoter, are useful to him, at least definitely by the author Is Diaz partners of Diaz.
the pearean drama, in in that they furnish liim with an which she has a great statesman? What of deinThe truth of the whole malign lacreage controlled by the Compania fought for the possession of the land produced west of Chicago, in Norton theater, Pasadena. In their played for two years with the noted excuse for paving the wage worker ment of Mexicans The sons of the napeople Ganadera de la Merced. Has Just what of their fathers.
ocratic movements in Mexico?
collaboration, Upton Sinclair, It is a defense effect this protest will have remains tive soil pine away in torrid Yucatan, author of the book, and Margaret and theF. Benson company of England, the United States government crimi so little that it is an extravagance, seems very plain indeed, for the latter to take a day against in parts like Marguerite in indefensible forebe seen, he said, but he believed and American interests of benevolent Mayo, the playwright, have not fol Faust, and Dorothy conditions nally persecuted Mexican political off.
Vernon of They re so improvident that whereby the defenders are profit that it would have a salutary result, assimilation step in their place.
refugees? What of the Mexican I have to keep them at the starvalowed the story closely, and have Haddon Hall. Before coming to capacity for self government? Such tion point or they won work at all. hideous cruelty, a salve to the con would have to account to the AmeriIt is an excuse ad excuse for in that the judge making the seizure written an entirely different ending. Los Angeles to fulfill her present enStung trere many American famiquestions are met squarely and are You ll hear Americans saying that al science, an apology to the world, a can stockholders.
In the last act, evidently constructed gagement, Miss Barry lies, who, swindled by American leading answered with facts.
to satisfy the popular demand for a woman at Ye Liberty theater, Oakmost any day in Mexico. In illusThe book is to be bound in ex tration of which numerous stories are defense against the vengeance of Mr. Madero advanced what he land agents, came to Tampico, Mexpensive cloth and is to have sixteen eternity.
termed the real reason for the re ico, having left their homes in Okla happy ending, there is a complete re land.
conciliation between Ona and her Miss Ethelyndal virtuously recounted.
the states.
McMullin, oma, Kansas and Western The truth is that the Mexican is a Madero, The editors pages of illustrations son, Gustavo husband, Jurgis. This takes place on well known character actress, will Yes. the starving human being and that he is subject to chase was arrested two weeks ago in They appeal in their destitution to the farm of a kind hearted Socialist create the part of Marija. This will of Regeneracion consider it the only Mexican is improvident, Improvident!
Не Бреndѕ.
laws work, which the of bas evolutionary far appeared which sets forth in a manner at alihis money to keep from starring growth as are potent in the deve. Mexico City and held several days on the American consu. Clarence Miller, named Anderson, who has given shel be Miss McMullip first appearance who sounds a warningbecause Yes, there are cases where he is Tbe satisfactory opment of any other people.
complete the true ing a revolution, these having been good many families have been ruined ter to Ona and her little son. In the in drama in Los Angeles alce lease book Ona dies, and so does the child. ing here with the James Neill comoutright.
paid such munificent wages that he truth is that, if the Mexican does made by General Meliton Hurtado.
Moral: Keep away from conditions existing in the so called is alıle to save a centavo now and then not fully measure up to the standard In the second act, Ethelyndal Mc pany ten years ago. Since then she sister republic.
Besides being in se he tries. In this instance they were also Mexican banada gold bricks.
Mullin, who plays the part of Marija, has filled successful And, the highest type of engagements the big hearted friend of the family, with several of the best eastern comsaid he.
tensely interesting as a piece of wit that providence boots him notbing because of his history, a most infu. trying to bit at my son Francisco, ing, the book is a mine of informa He finds that the moment he gets a ential part of which is the grinding rested Gustavo they found they had acquire the second But when they had ar Three weeks it takes in general to will sing a Russian folksong, with a panies.
class mailing violin accompaniment by Gordon made a mistake. Gustavo is inter rates. Since Regeneración the truth about Dlaz and Mexico a mark for every grafting petty of under the present regime in Mexico. ested in a number of companies has made proper application in the most zlous, one of the musicians 17 love has Johnson, who in the play Is Tamoucan afford to miss reading it JULIO MANOILLAS ficial within whose ken he falls. JP The retail price of the book will be the masters of Mexioo wished their ing French stockholders. When he scrupulous manner, paying strictest with Marija. He and Orrin Knox, PAINTER, DECORATOR AND PA. 50. But a price of 00 has been slaves to be provident they should Tape. ITTO was put in Jall, the French ambassa attention to all legal requirements who will appear as the other muslPAR HANGER dor protested to General Diaz that his and rules, elght weeks bave passed. clan, Valentina, furnish most of the set for orders which come in advance give them opportunity to get 682 San Berdando St, the author will insure the delivery.
same on, Mlas Viola Barry, who is cast AB Los Angeles, Cal.
of the book as soon as It is out of Best work done at moderato prines.
The poor Mexican accused of We are short this week in this de tlme a telegram from Joge Ives LS ración hustler brigades to defeat the ona, will not have a great opportuathe bindery. inclose 10. 10 cepta partment on account or superabun mantour, minlater of dnance, who is possible intention of wearings out aty to display her art in the character Plctares on linen, silk on velvet a pou being the cost of malling. Mr. Turbeing an inveterate thlet.
dance of materlal which has to be now in Paris trying to arrange for a inbncially, and great American of dramatic work in which she has der address is 1931 Darlen Place, a Mexican laborer will accept money Los Angeles, Callfornia, or orders can and then try to run away, føstead of given preference in order to procure refunding of the Mexican Indebted. readlas public will ask the reason Bohleved her reputation the poetical claitz, likenes guardatood Pleters why for such delaya.
drame bat she will bare one ble la oil, 1820 la oval op be made through Regeperación.
for the splendid book of our friend, reason on 17.
as we ਆਟਲਰ ਵ One Dollar per Copy, 1S an more a concerns a are not Miss Eloisa Moreno man 760 CLARA ST.
some а a 本 was same SO a or i hep biltration 11 Ordere made through something ahead and then guarantee Notes and Comments arrest damaged the companies and more who is behind that undue dolay! we comedy.