AnarchismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismEngelsFranceItalyMarxSocialismSocialist PartySpainStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

EDITED BY English Section Regeneracion.
REGENERACION Madero New Socialist Organ.
International Investigation Needed.
If the Mexican Revolution has been Sold Out, All the World Should Know It.
60 20. 00) ວ.
matter No Wonder They Cry Anarchism.
was lic.
in our San Diego Calls Let All Liberals Protest for Assistance.
WILLIAM OWEN RAISE THEMSELVES ABOVE former will not placate the people. Miss Strowbridge supplied the funds.
That handicaps him enormously but it in my first issue, therefore, THEIR PRESENT LEVEL, for, if shake off. icled this silence as slogular.
their situation from the is a handicap he cannot political Publiobod ovory Saturday at 119 standpoint has undergone a radicar Apart from his own public utterances 4th St, Los Angeles, Cul In our issuc of April 22 found my.
and the fact that he has built up his change, passing from the MISERTolophono. Homo 1360 AND ABLE ROLE OF PARIAH reputation by everlasting denunciation sell compelled to notice an attack in dubscription intis of the bourgeois type, Debs knows well the New York Call, of April 12SLAVE to the august height of CITIEN, they must not expect their ecoPe isual. 00 enough that under date of April 15, he three days before became editor. It PEONS MUST CONQUER nomic and social situation to be Por sy mout48.
was one of the inost vicious attacks 1. 10 wrote us as follows: Por three months ameliorated, so quickly, for this can Now the question that arises is ever read; denounced Ricardo Magon THEIR FREEDOM BY not be effected by decrees or laws, would the revolution subside with the as an aparchist, said he was a coward FRUGALITY. but only by the constant and labor.
overthrow of Diaz and the installation and declared that he had misled the ious effort: OF ALL THF ELE100 copies 100) of a successor under practically the Socialist Party Into believing that he MENTS OF SOCIETY.
When corruption becomes notorious, as in the Lorimer case, Congress 300 copies 12. 30 same conditions? do not believe it. and Madero were in alliance, The The Radical, Socialist Work At this point began to hunt about orders an investigation. When the course of alleged leaders of the radical, 1000 copies The causes of the revolution are too article drew a most indignant protest deep rooted, and the spirit of the rev. from The Junta ngent, Mr. Jullus insman Paper; has made its ap for some assurance that Madero, as stocking portante resolationary movement, in connection with an event or Oditor and Prop leto, Anuru Solution has too firm a grip upon the Menke, who was then in New York. Dearance in Mexico City, the date of one of the elements, would let 50 such importance as the Mexican Revolution, is attacked persistently in pubodd To say of the 5, 000, 000 birth being July 2, 1911, lications representative of the movement, an investigation should be held.
acres from Figueroa millions who have been tortured, beaten Such attacks have been made by Regenerucion. and taken up; by and driven into this uprising as a lası My editorial in Regeneracion of that it is an oddity would be to put which he and his family levy tribute; many other representative publications. Certain Socialist Party organs and resort to escape the hell of slavery to April 29 concerned itself mainly with it mildly, for it is quite the most as but found only the following: Lotered second class It is charged that they are in collusion with which they liave been so long doomed. the Interview given by Madero Its (the people s) happiness will Icaders are under direct fire.
tonishing production that has come to September 12. 1910, at the post of You may be assured that what can do Hearsts representativo, in which he under my eyes; and have seen some be found in its dominion over its pas Vudero who is paying money and granting privileges to those who will Ace at Lo. Ankeley, Callfornia, under Two things are certain: sions; in its repression of its vices. support him and aid in suppressing the Mexican Revolution.
to help the revolution on this side stated that the capitalists approve of queer ones.
We are prepared to make definite charges and to show how inen who the Act or Much 3, 1879 will be done with all my heart. the revolution and inaulge in the hope First, those answerable for the get up Prosperity and wealth can be obtained no sense of humor; have that it will soon restore to them their second, only by practicing frugality and were then members of the Socialist Party, together with others now work.
Berger, The Appeal to Reason, DEVELOPING STRENGTH or ing for that party, went from the Mexican Liberal Party to Madero, and Saturday, July 13, 1911.
Debs was with us then, although he political rights. That seemed to me Debs and others involved in this Ma WILL.
LASTLY LET were rewarded immediately with place and power that they might aid wrote that he had been led to doubt infinitely more important than any.
PEOPLE LOOK FOR in subduing Mexico economic revolution a matter vital to Madero, who the tactical wisdoni of your attack thing Socialist papers night, or might dero deal, will curse to the limit the THE upon and repudiation of Madero At not, say; and in the next three issues stupidity that brought it into life. STRENGTH IN UNION, AND TAKE belongs to the plutocracy. and is the agent of plutocracy.
It has given the whole snap away; AS ITS RULE THE KEEPING ITS Such charges are of the gravest nature, for they constitute the crime TIUS STAGE OF THE FIGHT. That dealt with the Socialist press only to which is unpardonable.
ACTS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF of treason to an entire nation of 15, 000, 000 persons and to the labor and position was entirely justiflable, for praise it, calling special attention to Half the front page is occupied by THE LAW.
revolutionary movement of the world, animitteilly he was iguorant of Mexican Charles Edward Russell articles in All which seems to me even worse We say that the foulest means have been used, and are being used, by fairs, and he probably was unaware The Coming Nation, and to the at. a cartoon representing a procession. ever saw. Their leaders carry Reason professes to abhor.
for investigation by an international committee.
Mexican Liberal Party leaders. But Revlow, the Chicago Dally Socialist, ing transparencies with such inspiring These brilliant, if somewhat vague, Il Congress can investigate national scandals it should be possible for and Revolt.
his suggestion that our attack on Ma.
mottos as mechanics. carpenscintillations are flanked by an ar the great labor and revolutionary movement to investigate a scandal of this The sincerity and power of the dero might have been imprudent was June came along and, after chron. ters, painters. and masons, ticle headed, Ambition, spite, decep magnitude, which must affect most profoundly its canse througlout the Madero movement 1218 fully underfounded solely on tactical wisdom.
our Los AngeIt is devoted to the consid world.
He thought it immature, and he had a cling the fight of Diaz, found myself les policel censorship could not ob eration of one Ricardo Flores Mastood in the great financial circles. From France, Italy and Spain; from Cuba, the Argentine Republic, from the start. Most of the world perfect right to think so. That the compelled to notice an article in the ject. At their head a youth bears a gon, who is pleasingly described as Brazil and Peru, exchanges come to our table which are telling millions substitution of Jadero for Diaz could Appeal to Reason which financial lenders knew months ago began: that the revolution was bound to sucsatisfy the aspirations of the Mexican Tho lexican revolution is at an end banner inscribed, Workingman So ambitious, spiteful, deceiptful and of readers, week after week, that the Mexican Revolution has been sold neople was an idea he repudiated in the That article was the most emphatic ingly are an omelal, liat in hand; and an admirably Well; at any rate Magon has out by its professedly revolutionary friends.
cialist Party, and greeting him smil. crazy.
developed sense ot When ceed.
Linantour Il that does not constitute an international scandal, calling for prompt returned indorsenient of Madero, and strongest terms.
froni Europe three months ago, he what looks like a helmeted and humor, and am sure he would en and thorough investigation, what does?
brought to my attention by Enrique epauletter policeman, though take joy the department headed. Workstopped in New York for the purpose It should be comparatively easy to form the needed tribunal, for the When Debs wrote us that letter. Just Magon, who had written on the copy him to be a mysterious gentleman of ingman Movement in the Repub labor movement is divided into sburply defined camps, each of which has of discussing the financiul situation three months ago, he wrote as an in. he handed me the following: What in Mexico with New York capitalists, rank, On the left two army officers, Its first item runs: Jalisco. its representative organs. Each camp could be represented in such a tri.
ternational Socialist: as an economist do you think of that, by Gosh? Read heavily cartridged, wave their com The Indians living on the banks of bunal by. delegates selected through such organs.
many of whom are heavily interested who knew that a more change of dicta. this God damned article and tell me breros in an ecstacy of enthusiasm, the Chapala, believing they had been country.
Limantour appIn a word, if investigation is sincerely desired as we of Regenerators would alter nothing. When he if it is not a capitalistic rently resided at the Plaza, but spent The baption above this suggestive robbed of lands and property, threat cion desire it most sincerely it can be mad, and conclusions that will wrote for the International Socialist never have met a cleaner mouthed most of his tine at the Astor.
work of art reads: Germans and Is this the party, ened resident It North carry weight with the entire international movement can be reached.
Review, a nunth ago, he wrote as a man than is Enrique Magon, and that that is seeking to dismember our Americans. Troops were dispatched This, in our opinion, would be infinitely better than learing the queswas in his room in the Astor where politician, who dared not seyer himself was the first and only time have fatherland?
the most effective work for the revo.
Belov we have the to bring them to order.
rion to the angry bickerings of individual papers and platform orators, from the party program, however ini. known him to indulge in what is called lution was done. Father and went reply: No! No! March forward, Long may The Radical live; add some of whom we ourselves accuse of lying straight, with the full knowl.
quitous that program might be. By profanity. The occasion justified it, noble song of toll!
to New York three times and conYour mission is ing to the gaiety of nations and send edge that they lie.
that time the Socialist Party bad de for the obvious trend of the article grander than that of the lunatics who ing its penetrating rays into the darkferred with Limuntour, We told him Somethióg should be done, and done without delay. It seems to us terniined to sacrifice the Mexican Revo was to assist the Madero plutocratic have sought illegalls to attack the est recesses of Socialist Party politics. that New York, as the largest city in the country, should take the initiative.
that tho richest men in Mexico Were lution to an attack on Anarchism and forces by alienating sympathy for the behind us, and that he liad better inW, Integrity of our beloved fatherland.
Debs acquiesced, Anarchistn was to be Mexican Liberal Party.
form tho world financial interests If this does not; move to tears, the the stalklag horse for a support of the Slaves of Yucatan and the martyrs that we were going to overthrow the Diaz dynasty.
bourgeois monopolist Maderoma sur Since then the Appeal to Reason of The Valley of Death, what will?
port that coull not be defended in any has waged a war of calumny and lies, In a box above the cartoon is a other way.
It was a support for which largely through its staff correspondent, profound sentiment by Madero: The foregoing is the statement Gus. Madero, with the capitalist backing of George Shoaf, now stationed in Los Seek strength iu unlon; and below tavo Madero, brother of Francisco the world, was willing to pay almost Angoles. He lied most deliberately it is another box with an autograph Madero, gave to the United Press, any price: for the thorn in his site is about me and knew he lied. That is reflection by De La Barra, presThose who wish to see As you know, there are at present com. special leaflets, printed in different June It is played up and set in the Mexican Liberal Party, and the disgraceful enough, but the claim that ent provisional president of Mexico, six men who were members of the rades, Ricardo and Enrique Flores languages, should be issued and disblack face type, despite the fact tbat Brexican Liberal Party must be killed we began and sought the quarrel with by Madero and Srace, formerly Liberals in Lower California under Magon, Librado Rivera and Anselmo tributed generously, both in tho it is not new and was set out in these at any cost. Now, there are two ways the Appeal to Reason and other so of Diaz élentifico cabinet and am arrest, five of them being confined in Figueroa, set at liberty, have United States and foreign countries.
columns, June 10. It is played of killing it: the first being the im cialist papers is still more disgraceful, bassador to the United States. With the county jall at San Diego and one merely to sign the coapon given beAll who abhor tyranny are urged again because it places Madero, once porisonment of its leaders, and the sec for it wilfully misrepresents a great characteristic diplomatic caution De in Los Angeles. They are: John low, tear it off and mail it with the to send funds to the Organizing and for all time; shows the true char.
ond the allenation of financial aid, by Ilovement. What is perhaps even more La Barra expresses himself as fol Mosby, commander; Laflin, adju address, William Taft, Washing Junta of the Mexican Liberal Party, acter of the man who posed as a newspaper and platform attack. These disgraceful is the fact that letters are lows: Provided they keep within tant; Jos. Reed, and two Mexican ton, under the following address: Manmember of the revolutionary Mexican are the Icading cards, and accordingly being written from the Appeal to the laty and respect the established rebels in jail at San Diego; Both men and women are invited uel Garza; 5195 East 4th St. Liberal Party, that he might use its those are the car is played in this most 30 and addressed to Blas Lara, Fort order, all doctrines which do not tend Pryce, in jail at Los Angeles.
to sign.
Los Angeles, Cal.
following and demonstrates Irrefutab damnable or games, gon, who now stands once more in ser to dissolve society as it exists have, The two Mexicans are in the hands The radical and labor press of the All such funds will be devoted to ly how completely the Mexicans have lous danger of bis llberty, if not his and should hare, an ample field for of the United States Immigration De world at large is urged to print this the publication and distribution of been euchered. If you believe that the life. These letters come to me from their propaganda and defense.
Debs has changed because his party indignant Socialists, and the latest to partment, charged with entering the coupon, in order that those who are Regeneracion. to the aid of the euchering of a nation is a side splitting leaders have seen a new light. In the fall into my hands is one dated June Radical Socialist It was written expressly for The United States illegally. Their cases anxious for the prompt release of our Social Revolution in Mexico and to joke, you will pat Madero on the back, matter of Madero the Socialist Party 30 and addressed to Blas Lara, Fort Organ, Workingman are practically settled and they are imprisoned comrades may have an the defense of our imprisoned comas the capitalists, and as Victor Berger and Debs, in reality are doing. If you reasons exactly as a Jesuit, eager to win How the cause progresses: to go back to Mexico. However, we opportunity of signing. If possible rades.
another domain for Mother Church that letter is as follows: Brass. Cal. The second paragraph in But the back page is the thing. may succeed in having this postponed.
Agitate! Agitate! Agitate!
believe that the euchering of some 14, The other four nien There we have an imposing figure, charged 000, 000 suffering fellow creatures is the would reason. Madero is in power The trouble with Magon is he has hammer in hand, Inscribed Social with murder and arson committed in I, tlic undersigned, protest against Madero did this very thing, and you, most infamous of crimes you will grind Madero can assist the party, both il: fallen into the hands of anarchists. ism, over whose shoulders peers a Mexico. The warrants were sworn to the arrest, June 14, 1911, in Los An too, William Taft, have violated your teeth and throw yourself into nancially and by the grant of those The man who made the severest at sun labeled Peace and Toil.
permitting Yet by Diaz Prieto, the Mexican consul geles, Cal. of Ricardo and the neutrality lair by privileges that are often beyond price.
this fight, if it costs you your last dollar and every friend you have.
Valero needs its help against the one is an arowed anarchist and has fought industriously La Fargue Right to Vega, governor of Lower California.
tack on the Appeal (my humble sell) the Socialists publish and circulate at San Diego, at the instance of Celso Enrique Flores Magon, Libindo Ri Mexican troops to pass over United vera and Aoselno Figueroa, mem States territory in order to attack the enemy that seriously threatens him, the Socialist party for years. Then be Lazy, which often has struck a As soon as the Mexican governmentlers of the Organizing Junta of the rebels who, in Mexico, are struggling We are dealing not merely with the and Harlero will be grateful to those comes an infamous aspersion on Ma sympathetic chord in my otherwise has collected all its evidence, extradi: Mexican Liberal Party, at the instiga. for Land and Liberty.
who assist him in his hour of need.
tion of the Madero De la Barra dic demand the immediate and absorevolt of a few million Mexican slaves, He has showered favors on those who son sexual character, which do somewhat unsympathetic bosom.
tion proceedings will be commenced at whom certain aristocrats of the not care to print, and the paragraph like it that berøre this symbolic by them for the purpose of returning tatorship and the capitalist class of lute release of the Junta members, American labor left the Liberal Party for his standard, concludes with the remark that he figure capital and the priesthood are these men to Mexico for TRIAL. Nexico and the United States, for the whose arrest is a proof of the partialmovement turn and what he has done for individuals secms to have gone to pieces all bowing, though it is but slightly. crime of fomenting Mexico eco ity shown by governments when they their noses. We are dealing with one which, of course, means that they will he will do for the party at large.
noinic revolution.
bave to deal with those who of the greatest historical crimes on do not like it that the figure is be murdered. California State Senarecord; the counterpart of that by flanked by a stern sentry on the right tor Leroy Wright is the attorney have been organized against Cuba, pation of the proletariat.
In the United States expeditions struggling for the economic emanci.
which the infamous Napoleon an informed that George Shoaf, III What do the Mexicans know of these and an even sterneſ sworded officer for the Mexican government.
wtrolled so cleliberately and knowlagly fine, scholastic distinctions Nicaragua, between on the left.
Honduras, forged his way to the throne of France, Guatemala, They suggest themselves Now, we all know that this charge concerning myself, is now defending Socialism and Anarchism?
Hayti, Santo Domingo, and many Signature with the Franco German war as its What, for to me as blots on the sun of Peace of murder and arson is merely a prethe Appeal to Reason attacks on the matter of that, do the rank and file and Toil.
other Central and South American aftermath. We are witnessing once text to get these men back to Mexico, the Mexican Liberal Party by the plea of the Socialist Party know about Address countries, with the knowledge and more a drama analogous to MaximilNo boxes adorn this simple work where, unarmed, they will be shot or that began to quarel. tem contempt them? Nothing. absolutely nothing. of art, but in their stead we have the buried in consent of the United States authorian attempt to found a throne in a foul prison for life.
ities, and even with their connivance. Date ible argument, if it were true; for it From Victor Berger standpoint Karl leading article by the editorship, THESE ACTS UPON WHICH THE Mexico, dragging into his nefarious assumes that his party would be will. Marx and Engels, when they wrote the with this heading: conspiracy the ariny and the Roman To the suffer PROSECUTION BASES ITS WARing to turn traitor because an Individ closing sentences of the Communist ing people suspension, Cultura Proletaria will Catholic church. Madero has and the workingman. RANTS WERE COMMITTED DURtake over our Mexican subscription Maximilian one better He has ual criticised it. But it is another lie, Manifesto, were Anarchists of the Words of Francisco Madero, ING CIVIL WAR; THEREFORE, Madero and his new Socialist organ, through a score of other Spanish pa.
list, and the propaganda will be urged bined his own military forces with and the newspaper records prove it. rankest kind. From the standpoint of the opening paragraph is as follows: THEY CAN ONLY BE CONSIDERED They prove that the change in the So Benjamin Tucker, certainly one of those of the deposed Diaz; he has tbe Sr. Francisco Madero, the AS POLITICAL OFFENCES, and IF El Radical, are declaring loudly that pers. English subscribers, as we ancialist Party policy came simultan America greatest authorities on An grand dennocrat whom we working THE Roman Catholic Church at his comU. GOVERNMENT RE at the coming elections the Mexican ticipate, will be cared for by Mother mand, and he has secured the backing cously with the approaching fall of archism, the Magons are not Anarch men have to thank for giving us the CEIVES ENOUGH PROTESTS people will have absolute freedoin of Earth, The Agitator, Freedom, of the Socialist Party of the United Juarez; which, captured in spite of Maists but revolutionary Socialists. If liberties we bave gained, has issued against such extradition it can be choise. But how can an election be and others with whom we have corre doro, rendered the immediate over myself am an Anarchist it is because to the Nation a well thought out man stopped.
free unless it has been preceded by States, so far as certain of its leaders sponded.
throw of Dlaz certain. It was then believe that this magnificent earth is ifesto from which we extract the refand leading deliver the We have formed a defense commit free discussion? How can the people goods Whether they will be able to that the Socialist leaders ratted, went for the unfettered use of every child of erences to us workingmen and to the tee here in San Diego, and, although weigh the merits of candidates unless live up to their contract is now the over to Madero and began a campaign man, and that man dignity requires press; and we hope these sublime we are without any funds, we have they are allowed to hear all that can question It is a question that will of lles against the Mexican Liberal that he should be free instead of being ideals will find their beauteous reall employed Attorney Kirk to de be said for and against them?
shake the entire labor world to its Party that has increased in virulence. enslaved to monopoly. It is not only zation on the not distant day when fend these in capitalist There is a large and eager demand Ricardo Magon, who had been out Here is the record.
foundations, and it is this which makes the creed of Tolstoy, of Herbert Sr. Madero will occupy the elevated courts.
in Mexico for copies of Regenera on bonds, was re arrested on July 10, the Mexican Revolution an internationSpencer and many others who stand position of chief magistrate of the This will take money and we are try ción. We have shown how. Madero, and his bat is now placed at 10, 000.
ai problem of the first importance. assumed the editorship of this sectoremost among the thinkers of the Nation.
ing to raise some.
We are also trying at Juarez, confiscated 2000 copies of This we are unable to furnish. The tion April 15, 1911, and the first thing world, but it happens also to be the Here are some of the Madero gems to get some publicity in the labor pa Regeneracion and drove its sellers original indictments returned against that struck me was that the People creed of Clarence Darrow, whom the of thought, the capitals Madero own brother has shown us that lend (pers about this case.
from the city.
him, Enrique Magon, Rivera, and FlPaper, of Los Angeles, had become Socialist Party Is now engaged precisely what Madero is; has drawn ini them emphasis belng those employed Please inform us what the Junta of Last week, at Torreon, State of Dugueroa, were quashed by Judge Wella pxture of the man and given away silent on the Mexican question, al idoliging.
by The Radical.
the Mexican lberal Party will do to rango, in which 10, 000 miners are on born, July 12, but the men are held the entire conspiracy 60 frankly that, though the dally papers were full of Everything is to be hoped for from help get these men free.
strike, five sacks of our mail were con.
on new indictments returned by the fiscated. Throughout Mexico the post federal grand jüry July: The plain truth is that all this fuss its (the people wisdom and prudthe triumphs then being scored by the so far as that part of the game is Yours in the Revolution, The hear offices have been forbidden to distrib ing on these new indictments is set revolutionary forces. The silence was about Aparchism Is the deliberate ence.
concerned. we have been playing ever Let them consider me THEIR DAVID KENNEDY, the more remarkable because ute our paper.
STANLEY GUE, since with the cards upon the table the scheme of leaders who wish to tie their BEST FRIEND; let them use with for July 24.
Even Delis himself dares not defend People Paper had just become a followers to their own set program. moderation and patriotism the IlbERNEST BESSELMAN, By this and other persecutions, MaSocialist Party organ, with John Mur In this Mexican business they are des erty they have conquered and have Defense Committee.
the man, and when he writes for the dero and his supporters may succeed International Socialist Review The Hearst papers recently published ray os editor; and John Murray had perately anxious to work their old, faith in the justice of their new gov Address all communications to Stan in forcing us to suspend publication has to express the hope that the gub been prominently identified with the old gag; for some of them, at least, ernors; let them collaborate with ley Gue, Sec. Treas. Liberal De for a time. But. It will be only for a a widely noticed cartoon of Madero fac stitution of Madero other Mexican revolutionary movement, havare feeding at the Madero trough. these latter for the engrandisement ſense Committee, Box 312, San Diego, time, and will not affect our agitation. ing both ways. How many ways is ing edited The Border, for which a WM. OWEN.
landed aristocrat and bourgeois reof the fatherland; let them work to Cal.
Should we be forced into temporary the Socialist Party facing?
our up are up are gone ComFree Speech!
organs can Magon Re Arrested men our.
be or some