
hegeneración No. 233 8, 1916 Who Is Wright? Wilson tria11 on he can.
11 throw of that land monopoly message of love sent directly thority, firing indiscriminately and mostly to be shot from the whiclı has been the curse of Mex from the throne of God himself, upon the inhabitants regardless back after they have delivered Edited by WM. OWEN ico, as it is the curse of all the ci Our gruat crine is tliat we ol age or sex. Aniceto is not a their arms and surrendered.
vilized world. When, judging have, without any beating about man that allows being trampled have surrenslered. Shot froin the back after the Can berter him by these connubiations, we the bush, accused the President upon; he is a fian conscious of proof of felony be extracted from SUBSCRIPTION RATES Send money payable to Single copy, cts.
were forced to the conclusion of being the creator of Villla and his rights, and with three niort a ranger. ENRIQUE FIORES MAGON.
tliat One dollar a year. months, 50c.
This is, very strikingly, pliat Saturday April.
happened to Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. that he was simply anotlier of the the real author of all the unspeak comrades endless procession of intriguing able trouble Villa is now causing. lie in his house at that time, re happens in Texas. It is not a inovement of baniis as the cap adds that the people of the be Wilson adversary in the politicians, we repudiated him, Roosevelt now says the same, turned the fire of the bandits italist press tries to make it ap from 30 to 35. pear, but a natural uprising of man United States should know the coming presidential struggle and as we had been compelled to re and Ob! Irony of ironies! who numberd we sub bregon, Carranza minister of war. And hard was the battle that en that seeing his very existence Or The Indicted?
sinister and unscrupulous influ certainly hopes to be, has taken pudiate Madero, and as sequently were compelled, and and the very whom sued. Our four comrades demon. menaced, defends himself as best ences that are afoot, and should be up the cudgels. His statement, Under date of March 25 Presi.
on their guard against crediting given out March 29, consists in for the self same reason, to repu the United States is now relying strated prodigious valor, as the djate Carranza. It was never to for assistance openly reiterates assailants were well fortified. DENOUNCED ITEM)
Justice and not bullers is what dent Wilson issued a inost definite any story coming fromthe border. the main of, a series of pointed our interest. It was always di the charge. The El Paso de and 11otwithstanding the fact that statement as to the expedition Let ine dwell for a moment on questions to President Wilsoil, rectly against our personal inter spatch of March 29 which c011 all the advantages were on the ougit to be given to the resolk sent into Mexico by his adminis that last sentence, that may in which he asks Wilson, if he tration, No statement could be impress on our readers its serious really believes that American or est; for that would have led us to veys this information describes side of the lackeys, our heroic tionists of Texas, and from now alliance with those who com hin as the most powerful man brothers held them at bay for on we should demand that the more definite. The document lias ness. coming, as it does, from other property owners in Mexico manded money, who had influen in Nexico towards the United over half an hour, killing and persecutions to innocent Mexicans the President of the United have been the instigators of and all the weight of a Presidential tial friends at court, who could States. and his statement be wounding several of them. Un should cease, and, as to the revoStates at wliat is probably one of responsible for the loss of lifeand proclamation on the vital queshave furnished the backing we gins thus: The United States fortunately a little boy, Pizana lutionists, we should also demani tion of peace or war; but unfur the critical hours in this count property which have marked the needed so pitifully. But thereby alone is responsible for the only son, was wounded on the leg that they be not executed (shot. tunately, as happens so constant. ry history. Let nie remind you last five years of revolution. He by a slot from the bandits, and The ones who should be skot ly in the United States, it must that to millions of our citizens charges furthermore that Wilson, we should liave sold our souls. truoble along the border.
Tliereby we should have surre11 Again invite you to contrast it was necessary to amputate it. are the rangers and the band. be considered also as a political this incssage from the White with his perpetual imposing and dered oui manlood and betrayed the eyes of the authorities, with of bandits who accompany them Ever since then Aniceto also is House has that stamp of infal removing of embargos on the exin their depredations.
manifesto, as the hoisting of a a great cause we haă in trust; that of the great President of the under arms, and according to the standard around which the main libility which good Catholics at port of arms, is responsible for and there is no forin of betrayal United States. Which of us OC capitalist press, his activity is RICARDO FLORES MAGON, tribute to a Papal Bull; that such the fact that Mexicans today are battle itt tlie fortlıcoming converso base and deadly as that of ob. cupies the most dignified posi. very intense.
tions is to rage. Obviously tliat citizens consider that their Presi armed to the teeth; that Wilson, scuring the face of truth and tion? Is it he, the towering The case of Aniceto is not an dent must know, because le has not encouraged in the least by blinding the people for the sake Goliath, with all the resources of isolated case: Statement Of The Ownership, Man is the ineaning of the assurance The saine thing that tliere will be no intervention at his cominand a thousand sour property owners, actually started of political expediency. That is the United States government havpened in other places of the asenient, Circulation. Etc, Required in Mexico so long as sane and ces of information inaccessible to the war when he orderedour forcess honorable men are in control of most despicable type.
this government. Our daily eyes and cars, and letter and effort to force Huerta to salute with that, opeti war we Ameri Regeneracion?
presentatives of Authority on per24, 1912, press instantly gave the state telegram opening fingers of the flag he never did salute; and that cans are supposed to be too (To be continucal. Secret Seryice; tle reports of lie is now engaged in a second sons who perhaps never thought Of Regeneracion published weekinent that interpretation, of and proud to âght, you know is a countless experts and special em war with Mexico, In RooseWM. OWEN, of rebelling; but who were forced ly at 2325 Ivanhoe Ave Los Angeles, California for April ist none notices that Roosevelt re.
by circumstances to take up arms 1916.
ply is described as the opening voys; in a word, all the gigantic velt owu words. He is waging to defend themselves from the sav Siat: of California gun of a vigorous campaign machinery of a federal service war against Villa, with whomi age assaults, to save their lives tliat costs us billion and more but a little more than a year ago The Second Indicted Article which will be waged witliout cesand that of their dear ones; or, County of Los Angeles tlian billion dollar appropiations, he concluded what was in effect sation froin now until the assenat least, to have the satisfaction Before me, a Notary Public ia Apart from knowledge of the a treaty of peace and friendship bling of the Chicago convention.
This is a translation and repro Texas began with the rebellion of exchanging a laborious and and for the State and county gigantic financial interests de formally entered into tlorough duction in whole of the second of a handful of inen that refused honest life, for the life of a crim aforesaid, Thus the Mexican war beconies, personally appeared like that row desvasting Europe, pending on the part our govern one of the highest oflicers of the article denounced by the Federal to be the victims of the ruling inal rannger. of a minion or Enrique Flores Magone who, the football of American politics. ment shall play in Mexico, it United States army, Gen. Scott; Grand Jury and for which the justice of that state against peo volunteer of the savage State of having been duly sworn corting President Wilson 11essageMagon brothers and Win. ple of our race, and which hand Texas.
to law, deposes and says that he ja doubt the existence of those sın. Observe, in the first place, that Owen were indicted. The origi ful of men was joined by all those for it is really that has impres ister and unscrupulous influen it is quite impossible to deny nal title of this article is The who, tired of offering their arms to lion was propagated, and what Manager Owner of the Regene Here is how a spark of rebel the Editor, Publisher, Business sed me, and most gladly would ces of which President Wilson these charges. It is quite impos Texas Uprising. The other two the rich to be exploited, without started as a vulgar persecution to racion and that the following believe that it was written in the speaks. What a private indivi sible to deny that the great gov. articles are now being translated getting the work sought, found in a handful of persons, has been to the best of his knowledge and purest of good faiths. Ile opens dual can find out is necessarily ernment of the United States, and we expect to publish them in the attitude of the rebels a good transformed through the stupidi belief, a true statement of the with the cleclaration that the ex an infinitesimal part of the huge which now speaks of Villa as a succession.
pedition has been despatched and complicated whole, but in my bandit, did treat him with the opportunity to wrest by force from ty of Authority into a veritable ownerskip, management etc. of for the single purpose of taking efforts to get at facts in connec profoundest reverence; General. Regeneracion No. 206, of the hands of tlie capitalists, whiat Revolution. There is 110 such the aforesaid publication for the Oct, 2, 1915. these always dony to the poor; a thing as Plan of San Diego or any date shown in the above caption, the bandit Villa, whose forces tion with the last trial and con Scott, of whose diplomatic abilihad actually invaded fhe territory viction of the Magons, Rivera ties so inuch fuss was made, For several weeks the capitalist piece of bread for themselves schem of that kind: what there is, required by the Act of August 24, of the United States.
is a movement of real defense of 1912, embodied in section 443, and Figueroa, who then compose being photographed with him, press has been givnig accounts ot and families.
Je acknowledges the sover ed the Mexican Liberal Party exchanging presents with him, battles between mexicans and Naturally, those rebels were the oppressed against the oppres. Postal Laws and Regulations, Those under arms are not to wit: eigniy of Mexico and her right Junta, found out some things, and so forth and so on.
Villa uited States forces in territory the victims of a ferocious perse sor. That the names and addres Totiumiy Truur invastoor pe Ymyself Took down the confession has notetrangect: Villa was their comprising that Texas counties cution, because that is the way as the prostituted capitalist press the publisher, editor, speaks of tle distressed and of a conscienceless soldier of før. exactly what he is today, a ban. of Hidalgo, Cameron, Starr, and Madame Authority is: iminutable tries to make it appear, but men sensitive people of Mexico, who tune, one Capt. Smith, who had dit with any amount of notches others adjoining those mentioned and ferocious to the extent that, who finding no protection in Au managing editor, and business instead of seeking peace among thority, seek it in the rifle; men inallagers are: are very susceptible indeed to im been released from prison by the on his gun; a government manu. above.
Name of Post office address Naturally, the real causes of men, with its obstrusive acts ex who prefer to sell their lives dear Publisher Enrique Magon, Box 1236 pressions received from the An authorities and paid such a salary factured outcast who, observing erican press, and he states that as few newspaper men receive, how wealth and power has skin that conflict are not mentioned. cites them to war. Instead of rather than permit being killed Editor Enrique Magon, PO Box 1236 he has called on the several news that he might travel from San ned his countrymen and would They want to make it appear that approaching those nen and in a like muttons by bandits without Managing Editor Magon Box 1136 Business Managers Magon Box 1236 agencies to refrain from ssuing Diego to el Paso, collecting, or have ground up their skeletons the uprisings of the Mexicans in well meanig way trying to quite conscience or honor.
and sirring Tlie crimes commited hy tlie That the owners are: stories which give this merely manufacturing, the evidence that if they could have found a profit that section of the United States then punitive expedition the color of would insure conviction.
in it, retaliated in kind. To men is due to at understanding among the tranquility and Jiberty to rangers in this last two montlis, Enrique Alagon Box 1236 That the known bondholdwar. Avove all and tliis has self obtained, and with difficults, of Wilson stamp; such inen as Mexicans to carry out a Plan of which every human being is en and particularly in this last two raised iinmediately a hurricane of the Senatorial report which ack Villa are social lepers. But Wil. San Diego, which advocates tlie titled, its representatives, those wecks, twitches the nerves of the ers, mortgagees, and other secue rangers, a rullest mnan.
Hundreds of innocent rity holders owning or holding protest he asserts that it is liis nowledged how inaterially Otis son did not liesitate to hug him independence of the vast territo barbarians called kiiled by per cent or more total amount of duty to warn tlie people of the and liis son inlaw, Claudler, had by proxy. He did not hesitate to ry grabbed by the United States sort of rural police of the Ame Mexicans have been United States that there are per assisted the government in its slobber all over him; to accept from Mexico at the middle of the rican territory on the Mexican those savages, among the vic bonds, mortgages, or other secasons along the border who are prosecution, and how eagerly from him rugs which were the last century. As time passes, the horder, fired upon the rebels as tims being men, young and old, rities are: None.
actively engaged in originating they had worked for the convic product of the toil of half staryed real cause of tlat movenent is ap. soon as they sighted them, The women and children. The houses rebels returned the fire and this where the Mexicans live have That the two paragraphs and giving as wide currency as tion that resulted. So, can. well Mexicans; to stamp him with the pearing.
they can to rumors of the most understand that President Wilson official seal of the aproval It is not the desire to put under was the begining of the state of been burned, their crops razel, next above, giving the names of sensational and disturbing sort knew what he was talking about of the great government of the control of Mexico the territory war in which that portion of the and such attempts have contribut the owners, stockholders, and sewhicit are wholly unjustified by in making a charge so serious, United States.
covered by the States of Texas, United States finds itself.
ed to extend the revolutionary curity holders, if any, contain not facts. 111 tliis connection le However, eyen then the mover movement. local paper, The only the list of stockholders and Roosevelt, who probably will. Subsequently Wilson switched New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, agaiu, having come to the sapient California and part of others, ment could have been confined to Los Angeles Tribune. says in security holders as they appear conclusion that. Carranza would what has impelled the Mexicans the conflict between the original its issue of the 8th of last month, upon the books of the company prove the winning horse. So lie residing in Texas, to rise in arms rebels and tne rangers; but Au referring to the zone envolved in but also, in cases where the stock took sides with Carranza in his against the authorities of the thority is not a shield or a shelter the Revolution of the State of liolder or security holder appears open war with Villa, giving him nited States, but a very distinct of the poor, but its lash, there. Texas: territory as large upon the books of the company special privileges in the shape of one: the desire to save themselves fore instead of protecting the poor as the State of Illinois is fearful as trustee or in any other fiducia.
permission to import arms and froni tlie attempts of which people inhabitants in the region in ly apprehensive of midnight at ly relation, the name of the perammunition, and to transport his of our race are so frequently vic which it persecuted the rebels, it tacks, burning of fields and death. son or corporation for whom such began to hostilize them in a thoutrustee is acting, is given; also troops across United States soil, tims in this county.
Trough the present persecution of Regeneración and Ricardo and In another part of the same Enrique loros Magón, of its editorial stall, the American authorities tliat the said two paragraphs Was not that inaking war on Vi Here is how a capitalist paper, sand ways, pretending to find a issue, the same paper says: contain lla? What else can you call it? El Presente of San Antonio, rebel in each Mexican baron tlie than five hundred Mexicans have statements embracing contemplato to set a legal precedent with the already fixed conviction of the Mayons, that afterwards might be used to persecute all the labor alliant full knowledge and belief And what else could you expect Texas, explains the origin of the minions happened to come across, been killed on the Rio Grande papers and, therefore, supress freedora of thought and freedom of press, as to the circumstances and cone of sucli a man as Villa than re uprising. It says: and then the rangers began an within the last three weeks, acAll the comrades, sympathizers and liberty loving people most avoid ditions under which stockholders that such crime be commitod, for it shall drag North America back to taliation in kind, on the very first The origin of this revolt is infanious manhunt against the cording to reports froni the ranchattel alavery. We invite all of them to sign the following Coupon of who do not appear upon the books spportunity? What else, in the found in the following facts: Mexicans. The rangers, reingers today. September oto polof the company as trustees, hold Protest, to get many others to sign it, and to mail it to Woodrow Wilson. name of all that is reasonable, Mexican was dancing in a house forced civilians, hordes of police ice officials in the counties affectCOULD you espect?
in a small town near Brownsville tlıugs and mercenaries of all des by the Revolution.
stock and securities in a capacity This is wliat the rangers conother than that of a bona fide Now observe. The man who and an Anierican tried to grab the criptions, would enter and trama has done all this is President of woman that danced with him. ple the humble habitations oc fess: but knowing the criminal owner; and this affiant bas no the United States, and, going The Mexican opposed this and as cupied by the Mexicans; for Au« instincts that integrate the merreason to believe that any other back directly on his solenia he stepped out on the street was thority never bothers the bour cenary bodies of those ferocious Woodrow Wilson.
person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect Washington, pledge, is seeking retomination, treacherously killed by the Ame geoise, of whom it is the watch beasts in the State of Texas, it is On the other hand, the Magons rican. The Mexicans immediate dog, and there they would deliver to be pressumed that they have in tlie said stock, bonds, or other Considering as a vicious attack on freedom of thought, and as securities tlian as so stated by veritable orgies, been short in their information, an unprecedented and tyranical attempt to muzzle the press, tlie are in prison, and myself, pre ly avenged the death of their tliemselves to 11im.
sumably as having been associat countryman and this forced the only proper of cannibals. discharg and that the victims of Authority arrest and persecution again initiated against Ricardo and Euri5. That the average number of quo Flores Magon, now in jali in Los Angeles, California, and ed with them in the editorship of avengers to leave the village al ing their arins upon men, old men, must ascend to a higher number, copies of each issue of this publibrandig such procedure of your Administration as a shameful efthis paper, ain under indictinent, ready armed and disposed to de women and children, trying to Here is how FL Presente cation distributed, Tort to help your Moxican pct Venustiano Carranza to reestablish ask you to contrast our course feud themselves from a certain avenge on innocent people the speaks referring to the victims of through the mails or otherwise, the Diaz regime, with which you create among the Mexicans ill with that pursued by the Presi lynclıing or hanging. The pre losses that in open combat the the rangers. No body knows to paid subscribers during the six dent of the United States, feelings against the American people that should not exist, proWlient carious situation of several men rebels had inflicted upon them.
wlio killed those found hanging months preceding the date showa above is.
test against the said persecution to the Magon brothers and deall this lovemaking, began we presented them the opportunity One of the many houses assault to trees or riddled with bullets. This information is required mand their immcdiato roloase from jail. nobodies, but straightforward to rise in arms, and they took ed, was that of comrade Aniceto but everybody points to the ranfrom daily publications only)
nobodies looked on astounded. them to earn their bread in this Pizana, man of honesty, who re gers. And it adds: Men lave Enrique Flores Magon Signed.
we had no arnies or govrnmental violent forin, sided with his family near tlie been killed under a bed and in Sworn to and subscribed before resources at our back, but we had How distinct is all this from Tulitos rancoli, adjacent to their houses, notwithstanding me this 29 day of March 1916 Address. our intelligence and conscienses, the lies propounded by tle rest of Brownsville. The house was as their plea for a moment of peace (skal N, Treosti Notary We had upheld Villa as a man the capitalist press!
saulted on Agust by a liorde of to explain. They have been Public (My commision expires Datod.
who was Working for the over As is seen, the movement in sayages, representatives of Au dragged from jails to be hung June 3d 1917. ses of tliem myTo Save Boih. Freedom of Thought And The Magon Brothers.