AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismEmma GoldmanSocialismSocialist PartyStrike

Wm. Owen Editor.
REGENERACION Has It Collapsed? Socialist Party Protests wa: English Section Advocate Strike Freedom Or Slavery. Against War Ours Is The Choice.
ID: SUITECTEN contention Solidarity. backs up this speech Mediation! For What?
Commenting to to a WAR ENOUGH AT HOME, Our friends in Portland Saturday, May 9, 1914.
Ore. are circulating by the thousand No. 188 The lesson of the Mexican The Socialist Party is to be conscare and its collapse is that was is ple. Since 1898 there have been sis test against war with exico which ill, in which they say: He, that gratulated most heartily on the pro a leaflet entitled Thou Shalt lig goirg out oi faror with sensible peoworkers oi these United States, a has put tee years with more than three hun forth. It reminds the public that in made a pledge. We refuse to go its Committee Executive At the Tannenbaum protest meet four hours in each of the days, and order to subdue Mexico the American Mexico and plunge a bayonet into the dred days in each one and twentying, held in Carnegie Hall, New York all that time people have been think arny must march acr055 it as Sher breast of our Jlexican brothers the City, Apnl 19. Haywood, represent ing.
To long for rulers and at the same ing the calied attention to patriotism that goes to war, and the barvest of all the consequent blood who are struggling for Land 22 time to long for ireedom is to long the action of the United Vine Work patriotism that stays at home and shed will be reaped by German, Eng Liberty. We have war at home; They have thought about the man marched to the sea, and that the refuse to shoot our Mexican brottet The war for food, for clothing, for she te money from var, and the General Strike razis we have to choose one of two things adopting a resolution faroring a gen patriotism that demands that there protest, which is signed by Victor Live won go to war; we won can for the impossible. Once and ior all ers either to be iree, entirely free, deny eral strike agaiest war, and said.
not be. mit ing all Authority, or to be slaves and The mine workers of the country decided that the first is foolish, the Goebel. James Vaurer, Stitt Wil than military service.
perpetuate the rule of man by man. Till simply jold their arms and when second siriui, and the third the only son and Walter Lanfersiek, reads, in before war.
part. The underlying It is only under a system of eco they foid their arms. there will be proper kind for good citizens. The American people are being Mexico is the land question. Htette Sherman said war was hell. The country did nor blow up as it nomic inequality that the ruler or the co war. a of the more than Pedro has, fear naturally let the interest takers and the divi, though there were plenty of design from war. Capitalist drums are beat lords, who desire to maintain off ing, trumpets blaring and forces represent conditions of great landet that Pedro will take me by the throat dend takers go to war along with ing people trying hard to touch and get írom me what he needs. In them.
be into war and the workers loyal such a case need a governor or chiei leave the country it would be a pretty hard to help them.
The made to to to protect me against Pedro possible decent place to live in. They live on boleths left the public cold.
such changes in the laws as, three represent the landless, who insists attack; but if Pedro and are equal graft, and if they stay here the best glamour of flags, music and fatuous shot.
For centuries the resources of Mex taxation or otherwise, shall make economically; if we have the same can promise them is that we will warlike phases had faded; the tinsel opportunity of using natural wealth, speedily bring them to the day when was seen to be tinsel. not gold; glory ice have loire dromened when commage reasonably possible for the landing forests, they will turn over the keys of the was spoiled by being spelled with has now been touched bine the magic to get land. The foregoing is file wand of capitalism, and the same de: the San Francisco Chronicle.
mines and so forth; or the wealth city to the marching men, such as out the velopment is taking place there that April 22, a strongly conservative Re created by the hand of man, such as Tannenbaum led against the churchalways takes place when modern cappublican daily and close ally of the machinery, houses, railroads and the es. italism clashes with backward feud Los Angeles Times.
thousand and one articles now manualism. Ninety per cent of her popu thereon the San Francisco Store factured; if we have this, reason tells in an editorial which runs, in part. Modern wars are altogether comlation are still landless and propertysays: us that it would be impossible for One of the great Mexican Vow they are trying Mediation Pedro and me to pull one another mercial and economic in their aspects; anything and everything to less. For hundreds of years her peo landlords is Hearst; another is Otis hair in a dispute over things that are that is capital isose who have invested from the fire the foreign investor ple have struggled against almost, in and Prof. Barrows, of the University In such circumstances we need no chief. unrestricted privileges and opportun lious Nexican peasant a good, strong throw tyrants who have ruled and for war with Mexico, is said to be cannot live without rulers or goy. ests. When an acute situation arises, government which shall take care of ruined them. For hundreds of years another, or at least interested to a There are many who say that we to their people have been in a of land in.
revolt because Madero stuck firmly to his original ernments, and if those who say this like that of the Mexican revolution That is precisely what he does not state of continuous capbelong to the bourgeoisie grant that at present, the interests of the He wants to be in a position the great majority are in a condition policy of restoring the land to the they have good reason, for they fear italists are endangered, and they bring where he can take care of himself, of peonage. Robbed of their lands in people of Mexico, it is probable that would have been no revolt that the poor will throw them out, persaire to beate cintéreally and meer and for that he wants possession of an agricultural country, the change there the land.
from Spanish rule to an independent against him, and there would have the wealth amassed by forcing the revolutions are started in the counConsider who those new interven republic availed the Mexican people been peace where there is now within workingman to sweat. But why do try affected by the revolutionary After the battle of Churubusco.
the poot need a chief of government? esisir ew. haldmtbe beside overnment scribed as a diplomat of wide ex. remains revolt must follow revolt. In international lawyer. vain did the Vexican people elevate says Prof. Frederick Start, of the hundreds of facts that erced by the masters into declaring The Brazilian Ambassador, a trained Vadero Their the presidency.
University of Chicago, in his late prove humanity needs rulers or governments war.
only where economic inequality ex are the ones who fight the battles, diplomat. The Chilean envoy, for hope that he would recognize their work, Mexico and the United Statesi still ists.
In the small towns and rural being manipulated by the economic some years Chilean Minister at Mex needs and restore the land to the people where the Mexicans in small and Frock coated, uniform ple was not fulfilled.
bers in an ancient convent building communities her inhabitants have felt masters no need of government, Until reboard. The workers have no real bespangled idlers, who have as much fighting to win Mexico for the Mexi held a considerable American Forces 5, 000 or 6, 000 men at bay for a long cently the land, waters and pastures quarrel with each other; are, in fact, in common with the toiling peasant cans.
Aid Exploiters of Land.
time, Gen. Twiggs entered the core were the common property of the simply dupes of their masters; they as the lamb has with the famished wolf.
In Sonora, Durango and Chihuahua, vent building. He en quired from the dwellers in each district. When you have nothing to gain through war exYot by any such hocus opcus can where the revolutic rists are in con Mexican in Charge, Gen. Anaga, talked to these simple people of gov cept hardship: disease, crippled bodies this fundamental question of the right trol, the people are taking possession where the ammunition was. The te ernment they would begin to tremble, or death.
Now when the revolu ply was: If there had been ammufor government to them meant the war only find economic conditions, to a free and equal seat at nature of the land.
hangman and was equivalent to tyran pressing upon them as hard or harder overflowing banquet table be settled. tionists believe a victory is in sight tion here you would not be here.
As for Good Government! We the great American republic, con Prof. Starr gives the above as one of ment of their liberty, for often they to strengthen the power of their mas have had our bellyful of it in these trolled by sinister capitalist interests many proofs that the success of the. It name is Roose and without a declaration of war, United States in 1848 was not due to did not know even the name of the ters to exploit and oppress the workRepublic President, and were aware ing class. Therefore, why should not veit the hardest taskmaster the dis lands an armed force on Mexican soil. any lack of courage on the part of that government existed only when the workers refuse to go to war, and inherited could have. Woodrow Wil So nation in modern times has ever the Mexicans but to the fact that they begun hostilities upon a pretext so were torn up by internal warring face the military chiefs passed through on why should they not take steps to son is his logical successor, shallow as the flag incident at Tam tions.
the hunt for males of whom they prevent war altogether?
We have received from Stack pico.
might make soldiers, or when the house, Phoenix, Arizona, copy of a We rejoice, above all, at the em Curiously encugh the first hostile government collector visited them for SPOILED GOOD RIFLE.
the sake of collecting taxes.
pamphlet he has issued, entitled The phasis laid on the land question, be criticism of President Wilson course Could such people feel that govern was in Colorado; though, indeed, that of Religion. its gist is given in the Party in the future will give that ques Cruz came from the New York The United States has its own civil Church That is Knocking Hell Out cause it promises that the Socialist in sending troops and ships to Vera ment was necessary. They had no is but one of a succession of civil remark that in order to throttle any tion far greater prominence than World, which had been his starrickOur race est defender. It refused to accept dreds of years until they were stripped continually shorter intervals, our un ground, and in order to destroy our has still to be educated by events, the Mayo incident as sufficient and for the benefit of the hacienda owners. Trinidad, Colo. dated May 2, seems tion fakes, we must use the bible and ning to play its true role in that nec far more powerful reasons which the They did not eat one another up, as to us specially suggestive of what common sense.
those who know only the capitalist has been going on.
This the writer processary process.
administration was concealing. McDonald, ceeds to do, and, attacking remorsesystem, in which every human being stenographer for the military comis lessly our so called courts of justice, has to compete with all the others for sion. Xow for the job, writes that ir Do You Believe In under examination and our so called freedom of industry and repressible the morsel of bread he raises to his testified that he met Lieutenant that clerical hierarchy which has elab Chester Rowell, in the California Progressive politician, Learning Things lips, fear men would. The strong did Linderfelt and asked him if Louis orated a religious system that offends Outlook. The first task, of course, nt tyrannize over the weak, as is Tikas, the Greek strike leader, was all common sense, he insists that the is to take Tampico and Vera Cruz, For Yourself?
the case in our capitalistic society, to be hanged. X0, plied Linden whole biblical record shows that its and enough of the Vera Cruz railway earnest people are trying to establise Are you aware of the fact that many in which the greatest rogues, the most felt. gave instructions that Tikas intention is to teach men the lesson to hold safe the covetous and the most pliant donn was not to be killed, but spoiled of co operative or collective action, Then, if we are road Mexico.
the Millennium on earth without the inate the honest and the good. All good rifle.
The witness then without special privilege to any class. will be an army of about 500, 000, of to continue, there! aid of the preacher, the lawyer or the were brothers in those communities; store that Linderfelt was carrying That the bible teems with instances whom 200. 000 will be regular soldiers politician?
all aided one another, and is all felt his rifle over his shoulder, stock to of any exhortations to direct action and trained militia men, and 300, 000 themselves to be the equals that they the rear, and holding it by the barrel is also a point on which the author volunteer recruits.
Emma Goldman, the well know anarchist, will actually were, they needed no Au The physicians autopsy showed that insists vigorously.
It is superfluous deliver 10 lectures thority to guard the interests of own Tikas skull was fractured.
The pamphlet sells at 00 per hundred.
to add that, like the rest of these from Vay 17th to 24th at pm ers against the assaults of those who and p.
had nothing belligerent editors, Vir. Rowell does 542 Vain St. and Walker Art OOOOOOOOOOOO not propose to shoulder a rifle.
At this very moment, in the Yaqui CHICAGO CONDEMNS WAR.
torium Bldg. 730 Grand Ave, free communities, in Durango, in the According to a special despatch HAVE YOU GUN. Floor. And God said: Let there be South of Mexico, and in so many printed in Solidarity of April 25.
LIGHT. Surely it never was more Walker Auditorium Sunday, other districts in which the inhab copies of resolutions declaring against The right of the people needed than it is today.
17 at p. Anarchism vs. Som itants have taken possession of the war with Vexico, which were adopted to keep and bear arms cialism.
land, what need bare they oi gorera by the Chicago Federation of Labor, shall not be infringed.
men? As son as they regard one were sent to the Farious headquarters HELP!
Constitution of the HELP! HELP! Sunday, May 17, at another as equals, with an equal right of the unions, April 20.
United States.
Joral Censors.
There will be a mass meeting at to Vother Eartn, they need no chiei Labor Temple xt Sunday evening to protect privilezes as against those LET HEARST DO IT.
THE ARMED CITIZEN Monday, May 18, at p. m: Tk addressed by Austin Lewis, of San Individual and Society.
who have none. for all are privileged But there is still a recourse for Mr.
Francisco. Mr. Lewis is the ottortey Brother Proletarians. let us hare Hearst. He still Burbank Hall Tuesday, Jay 19. a done with illusions bežore readers Practical able to exist only because economic turn to that cotetry, complete the o Wednesday, May 20, at ine na ity exists Let as adopt then process of nature ization, rally to tiso fense. Should be read by all by the Whearland Derense Commitas our mo:21 guide the JIzničesto of scandards all those who desire the workingmen especially tee for the release of Richard Ford Walker Auditorium September 23. 1911.
Freiae of Mexico and are willing the radicals.
and Hernan Sahr, who were sen Vlay 21, at p. m: From the Spanish di Ricardo to push forward the marchi civil. Read, An Appeal to Red Blood o nection with the Wheatland Red tenced to life imprisonment in con tual Proletarians.
Flores Sragon.
his right hand. Alired Herry Lewis o at his leit und Joh. Temple Goares nese and 25 cents for three appealed, and also for the preservaBurbank Hall Friday, May 22 25 The army cry is reported as being bearing his standard.
monis at once TODAY, to 02 to Verico C:s because the adog the enemy and carre his way JOHN VƯRRAY. Pubiisher, establishment of a precedent of contion in California oi the right to Conflict of the Sexes.
Sheep down o change oi venue and to prevent the Saturday, May 23, at p. climate a Vera Cruz is 50 trying to the presidentia: cizi in the Circo Haay 27 American Fil. 21 rctic of Mexico he Armed Citizen riction for conspiracy to murder in 24, at p. Valker Auditorium Sunday. Way to disezery and other tropicz. dis Toen Vexico would indeed, de cir 203 Labor Temple cases of his character.
eases hefore this war is over, but lized wouldnt San Francisco Los Angeles, Cal.
is an able speaker.
Mr. Lewis Church in the Labor Siruggle Hearst will not be one of them. Bulletin. GEORGIA KOTSCH, Mothers Strike.
Sunday, May 24, at p. Th For Committee.
Admission 15 and 25 cents.
was to a Burbank Hall 3rd 30 Thursday The Intellet The Place of