AnarchismEmma GoldmanFranceInvasionSocialismStrikeViolence

Such Is Life us, to WashW with a apWar.
at economy jour. 110W know C21 תיאון רוזין weni 21 cd.
Otir question even more important be die despotisms Canarias rescuca from tate us so much? cause on its issue hangs the deči oppression by force. Force alone over bold enougli to assert openly that Is there any one Edited by WM. OWEN sion of whether we shall take an thre, tv alill inore recently, Castro in Ve.
immense step forward in tlie di nezuela ane! Zelaya in Nicaragun. In aly, the citizens of the United States Several of our most stalwart rection of a true industrialisin, of these recent instances the overthrow should be willing to shed their SUBSCRIPTION RATES Send money payable to or lapse into militarism, with all was applauded by the American people, blood in a war withi Mexico in friends have congratulated this Single copy, No. 226 Tatulated this the slavery a militars philosophy The despotism in Mexico, which had order to make it safe for him to cts. ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON.
section on its criticisms of the and a military regime entail.
ccased to be benevolent and was guilty Onc dollar it year. 110nths, Soc. Saturday Feb. 19, 1916 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal.
MÖNamara case. My convictions of grievious wrongs against humanity, so there and make money? Yet could not lave been smashed without that is exactly what all this hue make me lots of enemies, and Mexico, asfalls to the lot of very, seething volcano of BOLD EVENTS DEHAND the resort to nrins. Another may take acid cry about It is time to proviolently, naturally the few words of en: Take less a personage very few. Ile KNEW that Mexi eruptive discontent, and will reo couragement whisl come along ilin Woodrow Wilson, President to be told that it is possible, unler Ro terests in Mexico, and It is its place. For Americans do not have tect Americans and American inBOLD TREATMENT. Osented landlords were permitted It has become so corrupted by the ens special commendation sex weeks ago made a Neverthe: of the United States, who only a publican forms of goverment, to set up high time for the United States great réginics us despotie and corrupt 119 poroto intervenc in Mexico, ect. to own estates often comprising warfare of politics a cowardily makes me heart sick. The Mc speech in which he denouncedi ailed in medieval times.
Militaris11! The United AS inutter of coll, hani fnct the means.
millions of acres, and it was lis warfare, the chief weapon in Namara case was, to me, of such paternal governments and declar.
Status today is thinking and QUESTIONS tilking of notlıing. sı, 11110 wly? that we tell it straiglit.
duty to tell the American people which is the lie that it ca tot trivial importacne that only od that lie neither: wislied to rule whole of this Pan American scheme is over others nor be ruled by a thoroughly undemocratic proceedink, INTERVENTION That think straight; cannot shake off threw it an occasional word, and them which is the position of and no one should be able to recognize Tiecotuse it dreads it. The thing Look how Wil that more clearly than President Wilson. Let those who are not willing that really worries is is on our dared not perform. have spe not duty nic, politiciau that lie is, the disease of fooling itself; can. it fills me with despair to observe the Anarchist.
take broad. cosmopolitan low, crenat aliis late date, cvery. son is drifting back and back to Representatives of widely senttered to stay out of Mexico untill the miels continually day and night.
cialized on Mexico, and to me our views; talks, as Wilson talks of thing written about attracts at ward that very paternalisme he countries. most of the nearer neigh. trouble is over therc tell us exactthan Shall wi: 1ave to Ko to are ly wiat intervention means.
war President wlioic course toward America for Aincricans, which tention. The most insignificant of anathematized; away from Jeffer. burs to. with its motto conxed into coming with Jesico? Shail we be dran. Mexico las licen a lie.
is as if should say, Owen for skirmishes in the great revolu that the government which gov ington and formulating a They call very loudly for interwell into the buroca11 maclIn my judgment our President Owen, and the rest may go to tionary struggle which rages all prns least is best. and toward plan. In truth they need no conxing. ention, but carefully avoid exSirom?
a1 1t5 Ourselves entire course in the matter of this TIell. primitive, tribal, vil around us! The most meaning. State Socialism of the rankest for all of them are politicians, and pola plaining wint is to follow interagainst possible invasion shall do not believe one European war has been a lie; a lage view of life: bred into us by less of incidents, inasmuch as it tone. Todas, events have forcell iticians invariably jump at anything, rention.
him out of the sinug security that will bring them into print. Then person in 10, 000 in this country we sot he taking a remedy worse foolish lie that began the partiaanship of politics and was not a stroke for principle and of vague generalizations and into they calmly announce that their re wants war wille Mexico.
than the liscasc itself?
The frantic, peace any price fatal to trail and genuine pro served only to boost into notoriety the arena of actual figlie tlint pretive countries are unitedly in invor penple know intervention means Illese are the questions all peal to the nation to abstain fress.
the Los Angeles Times, a lot arena from entering whichi nintr of our resident wise plan, and they me are putting to themselves from all public discussion of the War is a terrific business, and of profit secking. lawyers and a nine. hundreth of our so called formulate a senty by which they pro war, inel war means the death of and discussing het. is on every What folly could have been calls for terrific language. Thesc swarm of bangers on. For ex revolutionists still shrink. Wil fers to bind millions of their subjects thousands of Americans from son has been forcer to take a who never leuru of it and probably bullets 2011 «lisease that would corner, ler are tot splitting greater than think appcal, for who are war times, in the United ample, Emma Goldman, a pro stand; fo side with the idea of a never will. What nauseating humbs! attene a military invasion of tlie straws. These infi 118 concern observcel it? The war is a most States as elsewhere. You cannot fessed preacher of individual libe strongly centralizeri. all embra What uppalling typocrisy on the pare Soutlieri republic.
ilik themselves about the abstract monstrous crimine, involving lie pick up a paper without reading erty. who is supposed to teach cing government, or to put his of a man who today is on the stump. Remember, it woulil le no thicorit Our hic Socialists ruin and misers of untold mil. an account of some furious at that the attempt to govern men is fout down and oppose it. tontlı mouthing his loyalty to demperatie people forenoon picnic 10 sublate a conaml Anarchists cilt 10) wran lions.
Tofte, at least, the man lack on property; some ship blown atelie root of social troubles, and tail. Of course he has chos. principles and berging the enthic former course. IV hat law. 10 muke him their magistrate Thor know 17thing it1111 wlio docs not find it worth once try of certain courage, and unkie.
liis in larbor, some plant dyna What, ask, had that lady to do yer really wislies that the influ, mare, precisely because he is an bal! loubteil pridie of nationality, that care nothing almost time dogs while to investigate as to whommitel, do not believe tliat this with closed lop conflict, ence of the legal fraternity shall Whenever ain empiell to lirail has been living lys else rille and of the 138 strike was responsible for that crime is is all the work of German syme wlierein certain workmen hired be diminished? What politician lot pull myself up by thanking Cicad edir, the sworil for nearly five years Mic determinisın. me all the a characterless creature coolel as a pathizers. know that there is out the job of attacking other desires to curtail the power of this whatever axher sins may lic at Desirles Tenth to themfost of it.
Tout they do kad jelly tislı, indiffernt to human an enormous army of discontent workinen because they would not Therefore. Wilson has turneri at least am not a politician. Nu grand selves, if soul mean all the misthat if the other follow has a suffering as a spider. Yet Wilsou cagerly. ready to snach at the join the Union? Or Clarence rightabout, and today he is in can comie of citrusting power to these. cry and horror of war in our emun el lley liaven lie lias is now celaming that men and first excuse for violence that Darrow, who professes to be a favor of a Preparedness pro fessional Turn. cons. No business, nae listed mcu, mlio woulit be ordered theit at his ry; at they also sations witliout character are not comes to land.
terrific causes have brought that book, Resist not Evil, is beiny year ago as militarism incarnate. catrusted to then cynically desoil of pin. It woulii tan llie carneil, leep that follower of Tolstoy, and whose grani he woull have bruded a tional or individual, there, and to those left att home.
kuw llat the bir arms and wortli treir salt!
Dary of which they are supposeil it is esnecially in connection cannot believe Wilson cons army to births, and hold that boomed bij Ereryman. with the Mexican problem that ciple. Am it is in the sirlesteppings. tic fixel batresl of our country busy be the one my end lyga he is striding with seveu lcayned assistings, the catering to apportunisul, o?
exico for hall it century and owning illem. So it is in Buro tintly repeated vociferations that those causes have to be exposed ile is not playing politics, lle is: in uincompromisingly plain lanboots toward reaction of the most politicians 13 we know them that we can perlaps longer.
the 11 mit may in these most shrewdly: with guage. They are not to be side. This lack of discrimination fills virulenttyne. Tlie Pan American read the inevitable failure of the whole master United States. 11:11 ililoma!
llaving subduce the Mexicans hand. llispolitical appointments. stepped or burried in a smother me with despair; for without the Scientific Congress drew a speech State Socialist pliilosophy. To ar police by minis steel an leacaud we from him tliat tore a way the Here is the resident of the calculated carfully to catch thic of political clap trap and profes. capacity to discriminate all tal mask and revealed to all the cians ait existing forms of social iniquity could of course, so that we United States running about the vot of otlıerwise hostile sections, sorial blaruer.
ents and all energies are worse world exactly where he stanis. luok for protection, and find it. To our should bare to keep them subcountry and telling it, thong tin Are we prepared alone would proye it.
Well then, since there is bound than useless. The Mexican Rev. He is in favor of a gigantic polo politicians Divcs, staggering heneath his ducitlit wity.
polislied plirases, that it is being By the way, our readers should to be a row over this Prepar. olution is evidently a thousand icing scheine. that shall insure Jundi ut los, runs for sheker, and is hones for that to maintain our will in tranquillity to North and South Mexico with the ca111011 and baykickcil in spat upon; and that get The Saturday frening edness, why not make it the times more important than any. America by suppressing revoluiOn our politicians militarism relics one for no one kioss low long all lie can do is to write intermi Post, iſ only for the sake of devil of a row; one that shall trades, union quarrel could ever tinns. Or that policing force thic for the enorineus system of compulsory to come?
nabic notes of protest. Do you plethe stors, Western War. penetrate every household in the hope to be, for it challenges bold United States necessarily the taxation which enables them tu plunge inte MEXICO HAS RIGHT wish to have all the worll say wick. Many of leading land and force even the most in Is the right of a privileged ſew head, and its prime olyject will and conduct their wars. Lite is il serious Besides all of that, we have that the flag of the United States writres are doing the finest kind different to think?
It can be to corner our joint heritage, the he, as the New Orleans Tines businc55, to be conducted by men keenly no riglit to do it! In the namic cau le slained with inpuits? of revolutionary work, in storics done if we will stop pottering Sarth; and, challenging that, it Pica yunc well puts it. to strall conscious of the responsibilitics resting cn of all that is sacrell in liberty.
of he asks at Detroit, and the an and especial articles, but it seems away our time on non essentials. strikes directistat tlie heart of all their motive and necessity, and chem. Politicians are the last of men ta luas not Mexico the right to tell dience t111111erXo. mut to uc tirat Plstle hits bardest. Take Wilson at his word and say: are bayonet propped government: to guarantee the permanence of be so classified, and all who have any slay and bleedi herseif nearly to again: 1) run wantile situation Xo newspapermau knows the in Yes, we agree with you; the supported, artificial and unnat things as they are and not as practical knowledg of politics will indorse cath: in order that berhard testions may be settled if she to be such that all the resident side of politics inore thoroughly country is in the danger of inva ural system of monopoly. It is. they ought to be.
prefers to do it that way? We, can do is to write messages: to than licclocs, and innot hele se sion. We must gather up ALL in almost every feature, a reproCuical States. a. OWEN, in these utter words of procese? rely thoughtful person can read a our resources, for without them duction ot the great French Rev.
quick c110111 to resent interieryou again. be dangers to our Westeru Warwick wlithout we can not make adequate defeuse. olution; still ignorant, still grop an agreement necessary to the ence by outsiders when we were ligting the blooily contest beprace do not come any longer losing. once and for erer, all con Where are those resources; the ing in the dark. but wiser and peace of the Americ:val. that 110 tween the states of the Union in from within our own borders. fidence in politicians. Surly a great natural wealt of rich larger in its aims, thanks to the State of either continent will per.
We struck at anyone have come to tell you that there consummation delvoutly to bc continent, which we shall have to accumulated knowledge of the mit revolutionary expeditions ilthen wlo started to interfere in is danger to our national life from wisheil.
dras upon at every step. In the past century.
The French Rey gainst another State to be fitted our fiyiit, is not grant to what other nations out on its territory, and that they hands of a few millionaires? olution was an event of para will prohibit the exportation of Mexico that saine right to settle Here is the point.
its own internal differences?
That last quotation will not than a century we have been trs. What are they doing there? Take mount because of permanent im the munitions of war for the puragree with those who say that stand analysis. lirom within our ing this futile experiment of gett thcel out! What is all this skill. portance. It marked the passing pose of supplying revolutionists Americans tiglit lsest show their Hvorders los curs, all the ing somelow by thousand ed and unskilled labor doing? of another milestone and all the against neighboring governpatriotism in these days by stayTliose were his very mnents.
time, the greatest of singers to looks but still morc by ten thou Working for these same million scenery changed: So will it be words, and he justified them by Collector of Customs John in strictly away from places Our face. It comes ile shape sands crooksmehe majorities by aires. Set them free. Alter your with its legitimate successor, the insisting that they were necessars Elliott issued a statement on the and where their presence might of onr stiameiul monetolies, and whici to compel the helpless mi whole land and money system so upheaval now taking place in to not only the international Mexican American crisis today. cause trouble and involve this the laws that support theit; our norities to do our bidding.
Al radicalls that every one shall Mexico.
peace of America, but the domes Mr. Elliott is very closely in coutry in great difficulties pershameful Traffickers in 111111an ways we are hoped to brave the chance of working for tic peace of America.
goyern, If me45 rican States. he said are cons.
touch with the government. His laps atrag iis countrymen into a life and literir, and live muurders and always we have found our himself and getting a real stake war. tni all that tliat entails.
tantly in ferment, if anyn of office here represents the execuie For early five years there they commit, our ten thousand selves the ones actually vorerned, in the country he is called on to Great land monopolists have them are constantly in ferment, tive branch of the government in lias been practicals a reign of millionaires and that vast prolet Seeking to rule have be. defend. This is no time for Nano been driven into exile and pun there will be a standing threat to this section.
terror in Jerico. comparable in rint. empiree and unemployed. gotten rulers who hold us helpless es talk. If you want the decks ished as they never leave becu pun. There, if you like, is a Peace at following statement represents the tion in cause and effect. Every It is felt, therefore, that the many ways in the French revolu.
for which they are responsible; in a net of steel. Of alldelusions stripped for action, strip them, ished since the French masses any price for Our most wienviable record as a that which Flerbert Spencer call. If you realy want your men fit for turned their privileged There, sane perso11, k10ws such a deeplike, is keynote of the gorernment views seated revision is tliis in Mexico nation wlierein tromicide. insanity cd The Great olitical Superstio any fight that may come along, nobility. American losses declaration tlat present on the situation.
Mr. Filiott is cannot be quickly settled by any and suicide are rampant as they tion is by far the most injurious lose 100 a moment in encourag alone placed 300. conditions must be maintained at in very close touch with the situ man avelly. No power on Rre rampant nowhere else; above loday and nowhere does it hold ing them to get into fighting 000, 000. For five years past before me several days, and the any cost. harc had that speech ation, as lie has urder liis virect cartis can restore tranquillity in ali, in that unsfreakable corrup tile people more in thrall than trini. They won tumble over United States troops have lined more have thought into it the supervision over 200 miles of lezico sliort of a considerable tion which has made our politics, liere in die linited States, which one another to give their lives for the border, daily looking for the more infamous does it a pear to me.
American Mexican boundary: of time. General Carranza cannot do it. nor anyone else, whether municipal, State of na: is, as ret, State Socialistic to the Wall Street, os for the sort of call to arms. United States STATEMENT OF in it day, a weck or a month.
tional, a by word and a hissing. core. There is the real caemy; ſellows who are running your fleet has shelled one of Mexico COLLECTOR Then why not stay out of that Does not Wilson krow that? around that standart the battle sweatshops. If you mean busi chief seaports and hundreds of To its great credit be it said a Wr: Elliott statement follows: country until peace an order is Does not Wilson know that of all roval has to be laughi: for withiness, het down to it. If you are lives have been sacrificed in that considerable fulle restorcel.
portion The killing of nineteen Amour unreliable and undesirable out the politicians our present coing to do thing at all, do it one episode alone.
The cabin. tlie Democretic press has citizens the politician is the one social inequalities would be sip. throughly.
And don imagine ets of every civilized country have. Eagle reminds the President tha taken the alarm.
ericans boy bandits in Mexico is a the Brooklyn very doplorable affair. The death Only those wlio are over been most universalls distrusted: ed out of existence in a hurricane that you can confine conscription been perturbed increasingls bij che cause of liberty base of numerous Americans in that to make money pul of Mexico are Ise does not know it le may be of public indignation. So slemier to the mere laborer Desh and the threatening spectre of a na pended on outside purchases of arms. country during the past three there And President of the United States is the prop that holds the entire blood. hole lot of other con lion that suddenly has turned on No phase of tyranny, no matter how years strife there has been a mat in mind liow Mexico las already this spirit is hardly one bearing but he is an ass; he may hare reinple of Mammon from collapsfiscation is in order.
all that our diplomats, wedded to grass. could be checked if the tyrant ter of deep concern and regret. been so shamelessly plundered Leen at the licad of a noted uni. ing!
ninions had machine guns and no moNo; am not in favor of mini exploitation of the weaker pec. dern Weapons were available for pa. Every one must feel the fullest and bled by certain selfish interversity but he should be still in All the world outside of Am. mising the danger. Tanin favor ples, nold most sacred.
the Kindergarten class.
ericaison fire. says President Wit. of ringing the alarm bell loud and charch that for centuries ruled reminds him that Americans will nev. and friends of these latest vicA proud eriots Slost properly The Outlook sympathy for the bereſt relatives est to call us to arms. Let those who loudly: shout Personally am far 100 susceo son, and he would have us un strong. agree with our Presi things with an iron hand has er forget that their own national life tims. interrention tell us just exactly about what is meant by inter.
tible to fine words and those dec derstand that this country, with dent that the world has broken found its authority scattered to was born in the throes of a revolution, Howerer, what is the answer? vention, and what will follow it.
ism and liberty which Wilson, tion to lofty ideals of individual less It has required great patience, position of opposition or even indiffe. Have not all persons in this coun more promptly onto nation and ask yourselves if it rence to those who, in desperation, un trý been fully. warned, time and not onts on the part of President like, alas:crery capable politician. freedom for so he insistently a juster which means a more does not present us with a prob. dertake, through revolution, to stablish again, to stay out of Mexico un dure all that has occurred across has always on his tongue. find presents it is the exception efficieata basis, we shall go lem worths the attention of every justice and liberty. The Wichita til order is restored there?
it hard to read coldly his appeals to me that picture, painted under. Dollars will save us serious man, whether he be con Eagle aske: What if the United not all Americans aware that life south, but isn Patience, mixed to honor, courage, self restraint with infinite care, is one huge lie. from shipwreck.
we servative or radical. Then turn and other ligh ideals which, as I am very sure that, altlioug it want is MEN.
tiong from France in 17767 and the is pot safe there? Has the Units with Cominon Sense, the best and contemplate the appalling Times Picayune, from which have ed States set told any one that it thing to use in this case? If not, hope at least, cherislı dearly. mas grow hysterical at meetings, Ww. OWEN. indifference and ignorance our already quoted sums up the matter is safe to go to Mexico? what is better? Let those who And yet, when compare these this country is devoted. n:ost pialleged rerolutionary leaders hare thus: Each of the American republics, not. Then why do they go?
think there is something better passionate avowals with the actu: teously, to the pursuit of narrow AND LIBERTT. Versen Rotile ve shown respecting it. There is including our own, was founded by force. Why are they in such haste to help us what is the concions interes al recordtheir ring to me. false. Jy materialistic pleasure and the best the correo The time has not arrived when the peo rush into known danger. Onls to vention.
apparently onls. ope other subject ple of all the Americas may safely, be President Wilson had such an Almielits Dollar. Since most pana Flora Mr. Amigaste Anup on which they are so ill informed, deprived of that weapon for defence of make inoney in Nexico, of course. Los Angeles Evening Herald opportunits, in the matter of men fail in this the country is and that is the European war; their righusad liberties against domen. Andis that a cause that shouldagi. Hearst paper. that statenici.
wert ISO105.
taly do.
For more 1111 a we program you.
a 011 if you 2re at of even OVER KEEN FOR MONEY.
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