SUBSCRIPTION RATES No. 224 The Propagandist Colden powerful landed Opportunity Is Now.
CLINE APPEAL. Such Is Life case.
English Section nothing in drawing big crowds military powers. As a matter of favor it, replied the Secretary, ation all forms of property crear by talking sexual indecencies. fact you who read this lines No nation ever is at war at vaed by labor received 80, 000 sigEdited by WM. OWEN Tliere is less than nothing in KNEW that was all it, would riance with the wishes of the natures, and this year they hope But the throwing ourselves into some amount to.
great majority of its people. to double the number. Do you think this nation was movement appears to have struck dramatic strike and pretending Send money payable to Single coly, behind the landing of troops in a snag, which The Rebel, its cts.
that we are helping the workers, One dollar a year. months, 5oc, Saturday Feb. 5, 1916 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal. when, in reality, we are only Margaret Sanger trial came Mexico? asked Mr. Shallenger. chief organ, describes as follows. For full fifteen years the landed pandering to our love of excite tip Jan. 18, on indictments based Secretary Garrison declined to interest side tracked ali land lege ment and our craving for large upon twelve articles published in discuss that, saying he was not and moneyed plause when they maintain that audiences. But. on the other The Woman Rebel. eleven of in the diplomatic service and his islation by keeping in the forearistocracy, forni a strongly cen Might is Right; for that phitralized government for the pro losophy has been always the phi hand, there is everything in which articles discuss birth con part in the Vera Cruz incident ground as an issue the regulation of an apettite. Fearing the re.
tackling, informedly and boldly, trol. have my own thought out was merely that of an agent, tection and further nurture of losophy of military conqueror, basic political and economic pro reasons for not believing in that In presssitg the point that the sults of a land campaign the land lords of the State have determine The following article has been that aristocracy, and rule frankly and to adopt it is to abandon the blems; in showing the people of propaganda, but read The Wo present limitations upon the use contributed by ine to the special by the sword.
very ground on which we should Today this nation stands at be impregnable, the United States that they still man Rebel carefully and came to of the National Guard by the ed to receive the prohibition issue Our strength number wliich Volne Listy, of that parting of the ways shift lies in the fact that we are adlive under a king in dress coat the definite conclusion that it was Federal Government safeguarded and put it back in first place.
Of course, New York, the revolutionary orand an aristocracy of political edited by a thoughtful and capa the country against the use of gan of the Bohemians, is publish ing uneasily from foot to foot vancing from barbarism to civiliWM. OWEN and economic manopolists: in ex ble woman who did belieye in the troops for an aggressive puring in commemoration of its and waiting for the decisive push. zation, and in the fact that as Here then is the true propagand man becomes more and more civiplaining clearly that, at bottom, what she taught. The question is pose without the consent of Contweenty fifth anniversary.
the ethics of our officeholders, one of the first importance, and one gress or the people, Reprseentist great opportunity. lized he asks himself more and Then there is the Mexican more earnestly on which side lies our landgrabbers, our cornerers on which intelligent and well in ative Gordon referred to the Vera of necessaries, are the ethices of formed people differ; the majo Cruz occu ation and the occupaquestion, which will not down. the right. No labor or revolutThe indomitable friends of This is the revolutionary pro It cannot. There we are up a tionary movement can make submilitarism, which teaches that rity, take it, being on Margaret tion of the Panama Canal Zone.
Charles Cline, who is still in the pagandist supreme opportunity. gainst a real stone wall, and we stantial headway until it has conlife one business is to crush Sanger side. The subject is a Bexar county jail at San Antonio, Today lie lias a chance such as must either break through it or vinced the public that it is in the the weakest to the wall.
medical and scientific one, which have takeli ani appeal and hope to lie never yet has had, for War has Does anybody in his senses retrace our steps.
No other right.
To such a propaganda, simple should be ventilated thoroughly, It is fhe propagandist get a retrial in another county at forced to the front the really great choice is possible.
business to be in tlie right and and sincere, the people always and it goes without saying that really suppose that the sovereign last. There is new evidence in issues, and the public is being Americans go into Mexico to to make the public see it.
listen attentively. The strenu it is to the interest of society to American voter was consulted his favor which can be put on if compelled to think as it never exploit the natural resources and It is most tragic tliat, at the ous times through which we now encourage to the utmost such dis before the warships and troops they can get sufficient funds.
thougt before. The problems, native labor of the country.
very moment when Freedom are passing unquestionably will cussion, any other course amoun were sent to Vera Cruz, or that are immense, and they call loudly They assume that tliey can call would place at the disposition of incline them to accept it today ting simply to putting the mind the Kaiser humbly asked his sub. Buck, the star witness for the wanted to go to state, it is said has made admis.
red from nttering their full alike their lives and wliatever capable of abolishing want and ever.
on their government to protect the worker a civilization easily more eagerly and earnestly than in chains and being, therefore, jects if they suicidal. Margaret Sanger ise war? notice that Ivord Bryce, inestiinable value to Cline.
sions to parties which will be of turned to this country last Octo a truly pliilosophical mind, rethought, Consider only a few of property they may, acquire, no the fear of want, the workers Wm. OWEN.
The chairinan of the San Antothe factors in the case.
ber, four days after her husband ceetly delivered his annual admatter how they get it. They should turn tlieir backs on Freednio Cline Committee writes: Itig First: watcliing up, on which was released from jail. The cir dress as President of the British assuline also that they can call on and tlırow themselves into seldon that a lawyer will give cular letter she has sent out says, Academy, in the course of which Labor malways our most conseron their government to guarantre the arins of her bitterest foe, the his private opinion of the guilt or vative element and always. a them safe enjoyment of enormous State. When workers ask rulers in part. The opportunity he said: was offered the to plead guiltv, How few are the persons in innocence of a man, but our attor.
hundred years beliind the times grants of land obtained in the to take their lives in charge and waste, so much effort, lias broken past from Diaz and other Mexican regulate their hours and wages, thereby securing my release after every State in whose hands lie neys in this case say they KNOW Cline is not guilty. Cline stood down hopelessly; and the publia politicians, and to see that they thus exalting the division be able than Vilia massacre of fused to do this, becuse the whole some Nothing could be more deplor payment of a small fine. re the issues of war and peace! In knows it. The wall is played are indemnified for losses sustain tween exploiter and exploited to eighteen Americans at Santa Isa issue is not one of a mistake, countries the final and vital deci Now, we should stand by him.
of the now belligerant by the Mexican comrades loyally out. It has resulted only in load ed during the last five years of the dignity of a State institution, bel. Already this last despairing whereby getting into jailor keep sions were taken by four or five The International Socialist Res ing us down with a 110W set of revolution.
to be defended by the law, with stroke of a vanquished politician ing out of jail is of importance, persons only. Even in Britain view is collecting funds for his politicians, Labor politicians, the The ordinary Mexican posi the bayonec back of it; when they has led to bloody reprisals on but the issue involved is to raise decision rested practically with responsible commitee of cheapts of the lot. The public tion is exactly opposite to this, court that humiliation, the trag both sides, and there is the great the entire question of birth con less than twenty five; for though will see that the money is julie the San Antonio Socialist local knows that, Second; the European war has Mexico lands; wishes Mexicans than any the entrenched battle in casa passion mounts. may force and into the light of human Cabinet took a part, not all withi ciosema shine brought to the front the funda to have the opportunity of livinig fields of Lurope can show us. Its armed intevention. The Wilson understanding.
Send Cline a New Year gili mental struggle between Man and on anii cultivatig them; does not effects will be far more perma administration has a score of reain the Cabinet are to be reckoned of a few dollars or dimes to help the State. The public begins to want to be compelled to sell his nent, for it will force us into a sons for not wanting that, and as effective factors, It is, of him out of his long imprisonment, appreciate that.
labor that foreigners may make slavish mould from which we no thoughtful American should course, true that popular senti Send to International Socialist One sliould add that Margaret ment lias to be considered, even Review, 341 349 East Ohio St. Third; militarisın is involving fortunes. IIe knows well that may not be able to escape for want it, for it will lead to pro Sanger will go into court withi in States more or less despotical Chicago, Ill.
this country alreadly in enornious until he can get back his lands he centuries. The story of Esau longed and fitter guerilla warfare out any lawyer to defend her, ly governed. Agaist a strong expenditures, for the appropria will have to sell his labor, at We are unworthy the name of selling his birthright for a niess and plunge this countuy into that and that she asks that funds rais and definite sentiment of the mas revolutionists if we forget or retions asked of this present Con whatever price the land monopo of pottage piciures. but faintly militarism which all intelligent ed be devoted to publicity; that ses the ruling few would not ven glect our heroes of the strife who gress every cent of whicli will lists choose to pay.
what today is going on under our persons view as our most danger is to say, to educational propa ture to act. But the masses are are shut within capitalism priscome out of the ordinary citizen Naturally the militarists are peril. Mexican troubles ganda. In that, as in lier desire virtually led by a few, and their son walls.
pocket require that every man, eager to invade Mexico and annex My only message to Volne have their raot in those social to lift the whole subject of birth opinion is formed, particularly at Forman and child in the United it, for that plnys directly into Listy, or any one, is that help injustices to which a large pro control out of the gutter of a crisis, by the authority and the GIORGIA KOTSCH.
States contribute nine dollars to their hand and gives them the lessness is the cause of poverty portion of the proletariat. espe obscenity, all sound the politicians coffers.
That chance they liave been looking and tyranniy; and that helpleess cially. in Mexico, is keenly sensi wonen men and appeals of those few whom they Theory And Practice.
will be at one with her. have been accustomed to trust or hurts: hurts most damnably; and for so long. Naturally also Ame ness is caused bị conferring spe tive, while the vast majority of The misfortune is that too many to obey. And after all, the vital In an address at Columbus not it is making the public think, ricans financially interested in cial privileges on some at the ex well to do Americans have not, radicals cannot approaclı the decision at the vital moment re Wilson said: When things were a great while ago President Fourth; the Naval Board pro Mexico line up with the milita pense of others. When all have as yet, even begun to recognize subject with clean minds, and maitis with the few. If they had poses that we spend, in one single rists, and naturally they have equal opportunities; when all have them as injustices. Mining men they cannot because they have decided otherwise than they did, they are now about our inmediate perhaps more debatable than year, 400, 000, 000 on whiat is the simpathietic backing of those equal access to natural resources; and speculators of all kinds go so saturated themselves with ero the thing would have not happen neighbor to the south, know eyen now the second most power who, accepting social institutions when the trade of ruling and the down to Mexico in the pursuit of tic literature that they think of ed. Something like it might have not how many men came to me full navy iu the world. That as they find them, regard exploit opportunity to rule fall into dis gain, and will tell you that they nothing else. Ask them whether happened later, but tlie war would and suggested that the govern, makes the public squirin.
as entitled to protection. use: then, and only then, will are helping to develop the coun Henry George anel the Single not have come then and so.
Fiftli; the Secretary of War ad submit that the Mexicans ment of Mexico should be alter man redeem himself from help try. From the viewpoint of the Tax people are in favor of land mits frankly that the Volunteer sliould just as naturally have the lessness; then, and only then, Mexican proletariat; and of many nationalization and they can give ed as we thought it ought to be Army is only a stepping stone sympathetic backing, at least, of will he become master of himself thinking Mexicans who do not you no answer, for of the land altered; but I, as a subscriber to conscription, Over that Con all those who believe that this and able to make full use of that belong to the proletariat, they go question they liave not thouglit That is absolutely true. It is to the doctrine of the Virginia gress will be in an uproar, and carth is for the use of man as a civilization which all the past down to exploit the country na it worth their while to post them all our so called Democratic de with them.
absolutely true that, in spite of Bill of Rights, could not agree that uproar will find its echo in species, and not for the exclusive generations have been toiling to tural resources and rot its wor selves.
The Mexicans map Ask them what Proud velopments universal suffrage, not know what to do with their every hamlet and cottage use of any one set of men; who create; tlen, and only then, will kers. Are such critics not right? hon and all the Individualist Athroughout the land, regard man as something superior he be free.
Where is the country today in narchists, as they are called more and more, in the hands of our business; and, so long as etc. etc. mwpower is concentrated, government, but that is none of Sixth; Wall Street is gainbling, to a salmon, to be caught in the We are not engaged in a class which development does not carry although, for my part, cannot the very, very few.
as it never gambled before, on net and sold to the highest bidder. struggle, having for its object with it the robbery of Labor?
Untill we have the power to prevent it. see how anyone who is not an reach a greater level of intellectu nobody shall butt in tu alter it war contracts, an colosal forProbably millions of Americans the hoisting into power of a new Individualist can call himself an al and economic equality this will for them, tunes are being made while mil would sympathize with the Mex set of rulers. We are trying to Anarchist say about the money continue, for the desires of the itical theory; yet it is on record Now that is pretty sound polo lions are in bitter want. That ican position if they understood stablish equality of opportunity The Youngstown strike las monopoly, and they will not un onė millonaire will always out that we intervened quite exten is causing the most wide spread it, and if they understood them and thereby put an end to rulers. come and gone, exacting the cus derstand your question.
discontent, which will ripen into selves. They do not understand weigh those of ten thousand pal sively to alter the government of We are not trying to throw the tumary toll of deaths and jailings. them what they think of Free pers, and the influence of a sin Mexico by refusing to recognize one knows not what when the because they are uninstructed on world into disorder, but to bring read the first account with Trade and Protection, which lie gle trained mind be greater than Huerta, whenhe was the govern, inevitable panic comes.
Bottom principles: because no one in true order; for injustice and melancholy and tossed the paper at the very root of such commer that of a mob of ignoramuses, material support to the insurrecAll this gives rise to endless has explained to them that until the denial of a square deal al aside with utter lassitude. Was cialism as enters into this Euro. Of the two inequalities the men tion discussion, and largely it is in the workers have free access to ways beget chaotic strife. As it that have grown indiferent to pan war, and they cover their tal one is unquestionably by far both Carranza and Villa are un.
against him.
Probably telligent discussion. Conscrip natural resources it is stupid to illustrations we point to Europe Labor struggle? No, it was utter ignorance by announcing the greatest and most galling, der an impression that the shation, on tlic wholo, is being ve talk of freedom and equality, and Mexico, although indeed we simply that have grown expe that these are bourgeois ques. With brains, and the trained dow of Uncle Sam hand is bated intelligently, and the public Our propaganda on that head has need not go beyond the borders rienced; that forty years of simi tions which do not concern the ability to use them. you always discernible in Mexican affairs, understands apparently that to be straight, and it never can of the United States. Where the lar happenings have taught me proletariat. Such a movement is conscription is a reversion to chat become straight until it is vastly few are given special privilige the same invariable lesson. The inerely amusing itself and cannot them you are nothing, however Saturday Evening Post.
amount to something. Without tle slavery, since the individual is more intelligent and well inform and clothed with special authori mob, and especially the drunken be considered a factor in the forced to donate to the State at ed than it lias been hitherto. At ty there is always war, often the mob, accomplishes nothing ex struggle for political and econo making the argument for educafat your bank account.
Icast a portion of liis life. present, to une least, the spec more rancorous and deadly be cept the getting itself and other mic freedona, tional propaganda; for the prom There are thousands of Ameri.
gainst that au luglish speaking tacle of a so called revolutionary cause beneath the surface. harmless people into trouble.
motion of intellectual efficiency to leave there, even during a!
cans in Mexico who have refused peoples instinctively revolt. movemeut staggering along We are not going to overthrow The police make the customary Instinctively tlie people of this blindly, it knows not whither, wage slavery, which is the child number of arrests, proportioned People who do not understand in the things that really count. this row.
Some other thousands country feel that they liave been is a tragedy too deep for words. of monopoly and special privi to the outbrek size. If the sit that we are headed straight for Upon the vital questions of the got out in a rush, disguised as trying to develope an Industrial It is nost tragic that hundreds lege, by mass action directed to uation has become serious the conscription call it Citizen Ar age the American public has no washer women, peons, etc. Why were they disguised and in such Democracy, and instinctively of thousands of American work ward squeezing better terms out militia or regulars are called on my or whatever you please mind, because it is the victim of they feel that Industrial Demo ingmen believe that by mere or. of the monopolist. The monopo and machine guns are brought are evidently people who do not that which the State, with more men are being killed in Mexice.
cracy and Militarisin aie sworn ganization they can become eco list always will be in a position into play. The mob flees, and read the news from Congress. than Papal insolence, is pleased Please notice that those killed quote are all rich land holders, rich foes, engaged in a battie to the nomically free while the very to issue orders, and that is the has to flee, panic stričken. Per. clip the following from the Wa.
death. Instinctively it is felt sources of life are still in the military conception of society, haps a few more of the proletaiat shington report of Jan. Herbert Spencer. As yet we are mining men, rich cattle men. rich promoters, foremen, and a nation carefully brouglit up to bosses. The peons see the old that, at this nomeut, the United grasp of the monopolist. from which we have to break are slaughtered. Optimists con Representative Shallenberger be duped.
States stands at tlie parting of It is must tragic that men so away completely.
sole themselves with the reflec asked Secretary Garrison if a brutality, the whip and the 200 the ways. Litler it must persen earnest and self sacrificing as Thought on these great ques tion that the spirit of discontent universal military obligation did a day Mex, returnig with them, so they stop the return of what vcre on its original path and en were those who originally rallied tions must be clarified and sini is further stimulated. Pessimists not make it possible for nations Texas, the home of race intol they know to be a plague. Will renvor patiently to transform its to the standard of the plified. That is the one thing remark that the proletariat has to be drawn into war despite the erance and brutally vindictive someone inform me why ne life into that of a true industrial should allow themselves to be necesary, for as the people think added another to the long list of wishes of the majority of the peo penal legislation, lias to her cred American workers or ordinary democracy, wherein special pri duped by the inexpressible sħala they eventually will act. Above failures that have broken its ple.
it what is perhaps our strongest folks are bother down there. vilege will be abolislied; or it low cry of One Big Union.
There must be a reason Wilall, revolutionists must under. spirit, and has given its enemy do not think France or Ger anti land monopoly movement. ford Dennis, Berkeley, Cal in must sluit back into militaristi, It is most tragic that agitators stand that truly powerful forces the best of all possible excuses many would be waging war if the Last year a petition to amend the Daily News. San Francisco, rosing itsef to the existence of a should be able to command ape work quietly. There is less than for adding to the police force and majority of their people did not constitution by freeing from tax Cal.
noses, Ous ers Ask am The Mexican Question,