
ܐܘܝܣܪ te ܕܙܪܟ. ܪܢ. ܘܝ ܥ ܘ ܐܡܐܪ ܘܗܫܙ ܝ:ܬܐ ܙܝ Regeneracion.
Espisodes of the Revolution Reminiscences of My OF 1908 Prison Life. 10 TVNLT olan 30 பட மம be men, for liever was pos value, room to are fore tor even to or as in singing chlef an women a ugofyl purposo, since they kept the Yucatán. Merida; Soptomijor. carlo, and two young womon, odnoers My pilod a list, elving tho nanes of forty posal of thio secretary of war tor al Anti Reoleccionista, una paugutors, of the of. Published every Saturday at 6197 4th St. Los Angeles, Cal.
but it fell into the hands of the as leged participation in tho Valladolla Cuauhtemoc, were arrested and InTolophone: Home 1360.
be lupisted on, for, until it has boen uprisiąg aro on the road from Valla modlately placed in tho viro bastilo of Bubscription rates: securod the cause of prison roform dolia to Progrebo, ultimately bouba Belem charged, with sadition Inolto Per nunum 00 We were movod to the new pont alstant superintendent who destroyed Por six months Viesca tontiary at Florenco in Septombor, ut, us ho did other notus mude. Ton notorious Sau. Juan do. Unda. ment to rebellion, ròsistanod and in1900, and remaluod, thoro until the publloity is the ono thług prigon om This news has caused a great gengu Jury to officers, damage to property.
Per three months ond of our torm, August 3, 1910. In clals seem to dread the most. Thore tion, as they wero considered entirely And then people wondor. 60 how the Tho organization had bcon u In tios of a good many groups. Others some respects the change was a wol foro, alt de the one thing that should innocent and daily their release was friends of constitutionality lå Mexico BUNDLE ORDERS.
burious task executed in the midst of who had chances for etractivo rising come one, for the buildings being seems to me practically hopeloss. expootod. Amongst thom is the no rally under the devise, Moxicano, el great difficultios und dangers, The failed to live up to thoir duty of now, wero necessarily much cleanoi, Particularly, as it appears to me, tary Cresconto Jluenez Borrepuy, tu mojor amigo es un fusll.
100 copies 00 discretion and the faint hoartodnoss solidarity holding back in a pilonce and we su Mored far less from mos does this hold good of the prevalence who had habens. corpus proceed Dothor redress have the people against What 800 copies 12. 00 of the masses, the vigllance of tho au of shame.
other of sexual degeneracy, to which have pending. guitoes and vermin.
thorities supported In their dirty Tho government bognn to dispatch hand, Florence is nearly hot a alluded and only alluded, since it is the Juarez prison of Merida, on whom the anarchists in power?
1000 copies 20. 00 work by spies and informors, the troups over tho Laguna region. And place as Yuma, and our cells, made of a subject almost impossible to dis we reported last week, have beon lack of Anancial support, all this was to all this came also over the vallunt steel, were even more surrocating cuss in prlat. Yet of all the evils in placed incommunicado. warship 18 Editor and Proprietor, Anselmo being overcome, victoriously by the Insurgouts of Viesca ine inundation At this point desire to make a re separable from prison life, as con expected for the transfer of all to San Tow of the works now started or.
revolutionists of the group of Viesca. of calumny and insult. Ponny a llection that am donfident will ducted at prosent, this surely ls the Juan de Ulda.
If the innocent are just concluded appear to ùs in fact Their organization acquired strength linors assuming the fictitious garb of commend itself to every thoughtful one that should be most rythlessly dealt with in that way, want will hapEntry as second class matter pending, and consistency under the continu liberals and of friends of the prole and humane person. It is this: exposed and relentlessly bollshed. pen to those found guilty?
of such Importance as the new genoug Impulse emanating from those tariat took upon themselves the task Here was a brand new prison; For all are agreed that the prison eral prison. It was an imperative nefew toilers for liberty. In tiny in of arousing agalust the rebels the bullt, one would suppose, according fails of its purpose if it turns men September 24, 1911 stallments, one by one, weapons were blind hatred of, we might call it, to the most advanced ideas. For out again upon the world worse than Tederal District. Mexico.
cessity, states the Imparcial, comA No. 4, gathered by the group: today a pis Mexican ſingolem, a patriotism made prison reform is a subject that has when they entered its gates; and thls stormy opening session of the chammenting on the laying of tho cornertol, some other day u carbine, and to to order to cover up unworthy mo recelved much attention during the it unquestionably does in ninety nine ber of deputies of Mexico enacted on stone to the building by the videquantities over 50 small, gradually tives. So they insinuated now, and past few years, and the conditions cases out of a hundred, as things are Saturday, September 10th, a farce of president, to redeem Mexico City of the animunition was provided. Dou asserted then, tbat the arms of the under which prisoners are inmured at present. When the prison has sucits sin of Belem, This will be quite ble privation had to be undergone, revolutionists had been helped over have raised a cry of general and In ceeded in producing a class of men erim humor for the benefit of the visaid three fold thoy had to toul to earn the border lucid to the reader when he hears by the United States dignant protest.
Yet in equipping who have become slaves to unnatural iting foreign diplomats, presenting a a little bit of money over and above which, eager to get the mastery of this new structure with steel cells, vices it has constituted itself a school fit introduction into the scientific that according to the Diario del Crime the upon the merest necessities of life indi Mexico, had incited to mutiny some constructed after the most approved of crime in the fullest and most com Macchlavellism of modern Mexico. It Hogar, the new structure will spensable to pay for the right to live, bad Mexicans, or misguided persons, pattern so far as preventing all possi prehensive meaning of the term, for But in the end, when the appointed bought creatures like those of the bility of escape is concerned, the au it has wrecked character and de was the day of canvassing the creden erected upon swamp land to become Children of Our Land. time for the insurrection cane, his mock republic of Panama, bandits thorities decided that 7x0x7 was the stroyed manhood beyond possibility tials of the members elected to that of such importance as Belem to keep tory could count with some elements and highwaymen, The kindest epiproper allowance of space for four of redemption, It is impossible to body. Mr. Lic. José Guadalupe Gon people in subjection. The prison By John Kenneth Turner. of the finost callber if we take in con thet applied to us was mitoleros, speak too strongly.
sideration the miserable zález, deputy elected from the district has been, under the Dlaz regime, a conditions Indian dancers, Ag at Yuma, there was nothing to While writing this last paragraph, of Jucbiplla, state of Zacatecas, defactor of such importance as few encompassing all the figlters In that way the friends of the be done except to go to bed, since have had in mind the case of a people showed their The honoring of President Dlaz higher principles.
worth and there barely turb young fellow who was obviously a manded that the memorial presented other works, and apparently that traThe revolution has With their poor declamations around; there was no light by which most decent and when be entered by the anti re election committee, acdition is to be kept, to judge from of Mexico in the American schools sessed any large capital. The rich they desired to assist in the crush to read; the atmosphere was stiniog, Florence. Within a few months he companied by over 180 affidavits from the quoted editorial of Bl Imparcial.
last week constituted a blow to free who possess things hardly ever en ing of the manly and worthy by the and the greater part of the thirteen was, openly and shamelessly, the dom, to common decency, to the gen roll for militant activity in the strug mercenaries of the powers that be and hours was spent In tossing restlessly boon companion of a notoriously cor the diferent states of Mexico, bè read.
eral idea of political progress such as gles for the emancipation of man by the ignorant pseudo patriotism of to and fro.
However, we were al rupt negro. He will be a criminal This was refused by the chairman, they The Appeal to Reason has battled dis the masses, Pablo Macedo, on the ground that the manfully for the cause of the people has seldom been dealt through the kind, and still less As far as they were con lowed to talk until o clock, at which for life, beyond all question, posed to risk some of their things, a cerned the brutality of the repression hour the lights went our.
It seems to be generally admitted document was too lengthy and that of Mexico; and now again comes Waypublic institutions of a republic.
part of their capital, that all prison adminlstration is it was already published in some pa land to our assistance with his per in political could be used against the victims of No school board, superintendent, games of any kind.
To me, at least, it is self apparent They are ego toeir insiduous attacks to all the extainted, more or less deoply, with principal or teacher having any re lists of the suicidal type: they claim tent cherished by the despotism. Even that reform ideas have made no im Igralt, and it is certain that Florence pers of the capital. Mr. Gonzalez, sonal check for one hundred dollars.
themselves the the pression whatever on the useless amongst liberals themselves revolutionary is no exception, The very quality of seconded ably by deputy Mr. Batalli, Contrast that action of a man, of an spect for his things they do not need, though they voices became loud condemning the tion of this building, for to suppose composed testifiles to that, for most thorities responsible for the constructhe concrete of which the building is defended his claim in vigorous and American worthy of the historic trafathers and their Declaration of Inare alniost ready burst manful speech, dependence, revering tbe principles stuted overconsumption.
upon which this republic is supposed reason a Tolstoy and a Kropotkine their passi vet attitude vocem ektes al conditions is to declare oneself inca: river pebbles varying in size from and vold, though he had presented the bidding of the Czar of Mexico For that the led to slaughter had broken with nours daily confinement under sucu broken snore crushed, being simply and out his mandate was declared nul people high and low of this land who But to shut him up ditions of his country, with those of to have been founded, and at the are exceptional types in our times.
in reality that of an ordinary marble to pieces proper credentials, the chair declaring until the spirit of decency of a people The night of June 24 to 25th, the the earmarks of the lowest passions, same time knowing the true characanniversary of the assassination of those murmurs which were but the immoralities and to make the prison wish to call attention to one particserved only to encourage the grossest five and six inches in diameter. But that Mr. Gonzalez was no legitimate revolted, and, temporarlly at least, ter of Diaz, could plan carry Veracruz, assassination in obedience grunts of impotent teavyze diedand the school for crime it unquestionably ularly contemptible form of official representative, because in view of his titan end to the deplorable inckthrough a program such was to the historic infamous telegram of had no effect when they reached the is. Both from the stand point of hu theft caliente kill ears of the parlas, of the brethren manity and from that of the interests The prisoners are allowed to own declaration placed before the public schools of Dlaz: Matalos of Irregularities Debs and Warren and Wayland Los Angeles, September 16th.
In spite for the rebellion to break out in die of the cowardly fear, in spite of the of the public, which are not furthered earn a little pocket money most of taken place in his own district, there Shoaf and Turner, and all our other quick, had been set as the date of bandits.
they spead on sugar by the by the wholesale schoolmaster ferent parts of manufacture of What American apparently had been no election in American friends for their untiring the country. The dejection and degradation depress criminality, those manufacture of saleable articles durwould encourage his pupils to do group of Viesca enlisted in the great ing the character of the masses. think this outrage should stand. condemned: gaged with their daily tasks: Mainly district were vacant to be filled by a whole people will seldom. go wrong it answerable for ing the hours when they are not en Juchipila, that the two seats of that efforts on our behalfto procure for honor to the Czar of Russia? Who est secrecy.
would think of devoting an hour ou cautions had been taken. But all calumnies of the friends of the poo rourteen feet by forty four, in which they devote themselves to making new election, and that for that reason fully informed of the actual tacts.
keinen Leopoid, this could not avoid their work from ple. As a whole and in general they there were never less than forty five hair goonsen bat bands belts and tria the floor was to be denied to Mr. Gon That is why we are conducting tx is praise to the late bloody brute of the Congo? Who becoming so manifestly clear and thought with love and with admira and sometimes as many as seventy others by storekeepers throughout zalez, he not being duly elected a depEnglish department.
would not shudder to the depths of threatening in appearance that the tion of the daring ones who knew five, prisoners. This was the inferno authorities of locality, how to stand up resolutely in a power to which the short timers were us the officials exact, a tribute of 25 gagging the opposition in that ingethe of the Southwest, his soul at the idea On every hat band uty entitled to voice and yote. After praises to the name of the Roman shaking of fear, fled on the eve of the that filled the faint hearted and the ually assigned, and we took our turn cents, on every belt one or 50 cents, Dious manner, the memorial was sym kind of a parliament had been foroea. the of vile with fear, Do you remember how, after some emperor, Nero?
there The evacuation of Viesca became for a while And yet Porfirio Diaz of Mexico is Casas Grandes had revealed to the on every bridle one of They The volunteers of libI am not seeking to pile on the declare the sums so levied are for the ply table and declared, that it could after generations of untold suťérlög, incomparably greater autocrat government the existence of a vast unavoidable.
not be considered because the elec blood and tears of a people; from the than Czar Nicholas, a more ruthless conspiracy, and, what was of greater erty came forth from their appointed agony or harrow the feelings of my library. There is no library.
and bloody murderer than ever was importance for the outcome of their stations and left, followed by with the barest statement of actual have endeavored to recount. my ex re election party is no legal person in the Duma, and one day a heavy canIn conclusion, desire to say that toral executive committee of the antiCzar of Russia, the Tauride palace hope of the was prepared for the meetings of Leopold, and for his time, he is a plans, also the date set for the at looks of love and of facts. There whose tack on the part of the rebels. The proletarian Taster monster than was Nero, were three rows of periences in these two American pensympaof thousands of slaves chattel slaves all the villages and cities impressing tions of the true conservers of peace walls, and three tiers of punks in the aggerating nothing and writing, as ty is not recogized as such by the gov ped, smashing the chairs of the rest In Mexico today there are hundreds telegraph had wired urgent orders to thies had been enlivened by the ac. walls and three time other nalong the tentiaries as simply as possible; ex the sense of the law, because sald par delabra and part of the Cehiagaran Steerage quar: far as in me lies, without prejudice ernment. That brilliant bit of legal of parliament, which accident would who are bought and sold Ilke mules, upon the civil and military authori and order, who had voluntarlly taken who are driven, beaten and starved ties to do all in their power to suffo upon their indomitable shoulders the ters on an old fashioned immigrant or, vindictiveness.
sophistry. will be of great assistance sentatives of the people, had there Have, killed, a good many of the reproto death by the tens of thousands cate the revolution, whilst an em appellation of bandits as in past his steamer could not have been more ANTONIO VILLARREAL.
to the visiting. diplomats of the em been a session. And then again the every year. In the Mexican slave bassador made ready to present him tory was done by the beginners of crowded. There was one door; there was no tollet, but we were supplied of contempti traffic hundreds of government offi self in Washington to demand for all reforms, the badge CANNES pires of Germany, Russia, Austria and Tschernagan paláce was aevoured by with old and filthy slop buckets cials are constantįy employed. Not a the most shameful assistance possi and promise of ultimate victory worn brought from Yuma Diarrhoea was Notes and Comments Great Britain as an object lesson of flamés, the meeting place of the week paſses that does not see gang ble in favor of the Mexican tyranny. by the liberators of all ages.
How to deal with the undesirables at pire. And on the 16th, on Indepen young parliament of the Turkish enAt midnight the comrades came children, men, To the hills, to the friendly moun a common ailmeñit, and the resulting their guarded by government rurales, leav together. To each one his place was tains they direct steps. And stench, always nauseating, became Colima. The alleged protector of home if the people will stand for it: dence Day of Mexico, It strangely haping the capital city against their assigned and the work degun. The once there the nucleus dissolved in overpowering when the pen was full. the murderer Pizano, Mr. La Madrid, In view of these actual happenings pened after the meeting that the last The body will, bound for a life and death in police made a pretence at resistance. Obedience to new plans.
Slavery in the agricultural states 01 few shots were exchanged result dissolved into unities projected in an water in buckets, but it was hetha hot ton as governor of the state, and call to speak of the constitutional of the Simpson Auditorium tumbled ing in one of the gendarmes being directions, there to create and form and dirty. Again ask it the cause following illustrious examples he puti republic of Mexico, and will the kind rent cause, just upon the very spot with a loud crash and wint no appathe country.
Diaz is neither blind nor deaf. He killed, and one on each side wounded. new rebel organizations, repeating of physical or mental sanity can be out of commission the Kaskabel, reader tell us what resource within where twenty minutes before it would served by such conditions. El Combate, and other papers knows of this slavery. He licenses it. The jail was opened wide and no one the biological phenomenon of cerHe creaates the system for political remained there. The liberal pro tain zoological species which reproWe found the diet always a most which dared to be against him, by the law is left to a people under suca bave seriously, if not fatally; injured gram was proclaimed and the power duce themselves from their frag important item in prison Ilfe some sending out all the police to take the conditions?
Magon, Villarreal, Rivera, De Lara, what improved at Florence, but the papers away, and by imprisoning the Turner and a flock of gally attired IIIIn Mexico, a nation of 16, 000, 000 of the usurper and dictator declared ments.
Horses were requi Viesca brought forth to light char main staple was beans, which were vendors and releasing only those who tle Mexican girls. Verily the accipeople, there are not less than 5, 000. null and void.
dinner and were willing to offer for sale only pa000 sitioned and the scarce funds in the acters like Lugo, and others whose served for breakfast, dents are more charitable than man.
peons. agricultural laborers supper.
compelled to remain on the land of public offices were taken possession of names cannot yet be mentioned.
They are hard on men con pers that did not speak of the gover The right to associate or to come millionaire owners, compelled to ac The revolution took full hold of the Viesca unmasked the liberals of demned to a gedentary life. Of course nor. Also copies of El Pais and El together for any permissible objecí In eight thousand schools of Upcle Sam s, Diaz was celebrated and the is usually no pay at all, unable to live ence or outrage to the resident fam revolution elements tainted with fear old and inferior quality, and had to of the free institutions of our repub only the citizens of the republic can plastic minds of little children incul or Incompetency.
be eaten without sugar or milk.
decently, to dress decently, to attend Iles or neutral persons.
do so to take part in the political af cated with a lle in the place design Jose Lugo, who had taken no part In 1908 the soldiers of the tyranny school, to do anything to better their Magon and continued working in pitiful condition.
fairs of the country. No armed gath nated or the dissemination of truth, in the preparations became very achave in no place won victories. Only the tailor shop, but Rivera was Diaz knows of this situation. Ho treason crushed the triumph of the given employment as assistant drugtive when the time had come to do revolution, and that is all there is gist.
Puebla. Under date of September ering has a right to deliberate, says according to Embassador Francistocima The great bulk of the convicts 3d it is reported from Tezintlan that article. of the constitution of Mexico, Imparcial. There will be a time when created it political purposes.
When Diaz came into power in Mex things.
to be said.
was employed building a bridge over the sellers of newspapers in that 10PRAXÈDIS GUERRERO. Denunciation paralyzed the activithe Glla, about a mile away, manufac cality refuse to handle El Mexicano, and yet on Sunday, September 11th, this nation will be ashamed of that ico most of the common people owned turing adobe, and filling the new successor to Mexico Nuevo, because the foreign guests of the exploiters of day and of that act, and on that day a little land. Diaz took it away and prison yard. As a rule, the American the jefe politico has threatened to im Mexico got a flne primary lesson of the useful classes of both countries: gave it to his political favorites. prisoners were given the lighter, and prison any person in whose possession the constitutionality of the guarantees will be in reality one in mind, in heart In Mexico today there is no free the Mexican prisoners the heavier is found a single copy of the paper, and in aspirations.
press, no free speech, no real elecjobs.
How is that for freedom the press in of citleenship in theory and practice tions. During the past year not less Out of a total of 420 prisoners, Mexico. witnessing on the Paseo la Glorieta than 50 newspapers were suppressed some 40 were negroes and about 275 Colon of the capital the spectacle of In this connection it will be of infor mildly criticizing officials appointMexicans. found that about sixty Mexican Cossacks on horseback charg know which other American, univerterest to our American friends to ed by Diaz. The Mexican prisons are men were serving life sentences; from San Luis Potosi. Under August full of men who have committed no thirty to forty were in for terms so 26th a great many desertions from the ing with their weapons on unarmed sitfes are sharing the honor of repcrime except to attempt to exercise long that they were almost equiva fourth batallion marching against the citizens peaceably assembled for a resentation, and which of these most the right of suffrage guaranteed by lent to life sentences, and that many restless Huasteca Indians are report lawful purpose guaranteed by the con honorable institutions are allowed to the Mexican constitution.
others were doing from eight to fif ed. Rumors have it that Lauro Mu stitution.
Do not let those who are guilty The anti re election clubs be dragged into the gigantic official teen years.
Most of these men came ñoz, his wife, Valderas and others of had arranged for a parade as a moral ers that be in Mexico: whitewash arrangements of the powsay that the exercises in our public The constitution of the republic of war, and to sit in judgment over its from the poorer class and were im the dissatisfied Indians held imprisschools were held merely to celebrate Mexico in its respective part reads as oppressors as plainly shown in Arti prisoned for offenses against property, oned in Tancuanhuetz were tortured support for the petition of their party University of Texas, William Senthe freedom of Mexico from Spain, ac follows in literal translation: cloe 35, Heading 8, of the Constitu which shows again how closely con to get information, and that a list of to have the election annulled, and foreca Sutton, president of the Departcomplished one hunared years ago. Heading 1, Section For the program suggested by the RIGHTS OF MAN Article The lows: OF THE tion of Mexico, which reads as fol nected with the economic problem is several thousand adepts of rebellion, the main purpose of depositing flow ment of Education. Dugene Barkthe prison question. As confirmative mostly of Indian race, was secured.
er, professor of History; Dr.
city superintendent and sent out to Mexican people recognizes the fact Art. 35. PREROGATIVES OF of this, may say that was partic Discontent is of long standing, as the ers at the foot of the monuments Mezes, president of the University.
every school in Los Angeles at least that the rights of man are the basis THE CITIZENS ARE: contains, Essay: Diaz, the Builder and the object of the social instituularly impressed with the large per natives were treated like slaves and erected in honor of the sons fallen in University of Harvard (Massachu 1V. To take up arms, in the arms centage of crippled men among the a good many cheated ignominiously the war of independence. Though setts. Frederick Ward Putnam, conProgressive Mexico.
Music: tions. For this reason it declares that or the national guard, for the defense inmates.
Porfirio Diaz March. Our Duty to all the laws, and all the authorities of the republic, or of its institutions, tunates had been heavily handicapped are being made to overawe the popcast, Mr. Landa y Escandón, gover Rolando Burrage Dixon, professor of Naturally these unfor of their land. good many arrests such intention was published broad servator of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and History; Mexico Our Mexican Friends of the country, must respect and sus in the terms prescribed by the law.
Tbis program was taken from a cir tain the guarantees granted by the in the struggle for employment, and ular movement. Heading OF THE INVIOLA discovered that the crimes with those arrested, Messrs. Carmen Cam nor of the Federal District, waited to Anthropology; Alfred Marston Tower, cular sent out by the Diaz presy dupresent constitution.
BILITY OF THE CONSTITUTION. wbich they had been charged were pos and Francisco Martinez, have been the last minute to cite the leaders of professor of Archaeology of Central reau, which circular made it very These guarantees at the basis of the This constitution shall not cease to be invariably against property. Most of arrested on September 5th and the po the clubs before his austere personal America; Thomas Barbour, plain that Our Mexican Friends revolutionary liberal movement are as in force and power even if by some re the prisoners were young men under lice are terrorizing those suspected of ity and to tell them that their lawful Franz Boas; Nicholas Butler, presiUniversity Professor was to mean Diaz and his govern follows: bellion its observance should be inter 30. There were few old men.
ment, and that Our Duty to MexFree education, freedom of labor, rupted. In the case that some public and constitutional demonstration was dent of the university; Victor ice was to mean to praise Diaz and freedom of the expression of opinions, overthrow should establish a govern larger than they had been at Yuma, At Florence the grounds are much not desirable.
decry the exposures of Mexican slav freedom of assemblage and organiza ment that is contrary to the princi and this was a distinct advantage, Of course, it was too Braschi, graduate of the university.
ery and political oppression Yale University (Connecticut) Dr.
which tion, abolition of death penalty for ples sanctioned by the constitution, since it gave us some chance of recre another intrepid newspaper man has ticipants. Chief of Police Francisco Sinaloa. We hear that in Mazatlan late to notify all the prospective parErnest Carroll Moore, superintendent llave been made in this country dur political offenders, right of asylum for its observance sball be re established ation.
ing the past year.
of Education and professor of History political refugees and slaves, inviol as soon as the people Ball play was indulged in been arrested in the person of Ramon Is Diaz the maker of progressive ability of the homes and of the mail, liberty, and in accord with its respec formed. The assistant superintendent loa.
from 12 to 1, and a baseban team was Buco, editor of La Voz de Sina Chavez, sent by Felix Dlaz, head of se and Education.
University of Pennsylvania. Dr.
Is a country with thundreds abolition of penalties of degrading tive dispositions laid down in virtue whom criticized in a former article, quite a while because right from the permitting Mr. Enrique Lellson Ban Leo Rowe, professor of Political We expected such action for cret service, acted as a gentleman, of thousands of chattel slaves, with character, abolition of imprisonment of the spirit of the constitution, there was held somewhat in check by the start the paper conducted a persistent net to address the crowd to notify Economy.
millions of peons with none of the for civil debts, etc.
shall be duly tried by the law; those superintendent, and that made con campaign against the public officials them of the action of the govern Professor George Cook, Esq.
Syracuse University (New York)
ordinary liberties which we ourselves For the defense of these guaran as well, who figured in the govern ditions easier.
enjoy as a matter of course, a protees, and to make them effective, thement emanated from the rebellion, as On the other, hand, responsible for the assassination of the prison was run, gressive country No.
University of Callfornia Professor What prog constitution of Mexico grants to thealso those who have had a hand in as Yuma had Dr. Albino Ruiz. Thus he has become ment, and the people started to disress Mexico has made ince Diaz im Mexican people the right to arise for the same.
been, on the stool pigeon system, and a new victim to the caziquism in pow band quietly, when the chief of the Benjamin Ide Wheeler.
posed himself as military dictator sexual degenerates occupied the best er. In all sincerity and in the Inter mounted police, Ramon Castro, apCornell University (New York) positions. To complain was to sub ests of decency we hope urgently that peared and without the slightest pro Romanic Languages and Literature.
Thomas Frederick Crane, professor of thirty four years ago has been made ject oneself to in spite of Diaz, not because of him certain persecutiop soon he will be set free and the murThe best thing that can happen for and did no good.
derers apprehended to meet the vocation attacked the people with his penCossacks.
the progress of Mexico would be the As a matter of fact, however, we alty prescribed by the law, The exasperated unarmed fail of Diaz, and that thing is predid complain pot officially but pripeople defended themselves as well as United States decreed Mexican vented today only by the constant vately of the sexual degeneracy they could, picking up stones and 10 Day, reports the Imparcial. But the killing, imprisoning and deportation with which the place was rotten, for American peoplo are about getting PROFESSORI OF SPANISH was habltual in the cells and com. Veracruz has refused babeas corpus dows of the beloved paper. PI Im sablon, and at least some of the deVeracruz. The district Judge of cidentally breaking the front widtired of the most enlightened people in the Mexican country The inind of a child 18 a plastic NEW METHOD That makes Spanish simple and easy to learn latter concealment was almost impos. apprehended in the Orizaba district. parcial.
Mesara, Daniel Cabrera, crees, or White House ukases, in mat.
There can bo no greater crime than By this method one can be able to transact business in three months. told that the conditiong were an in Camarillo and Buasico have directed Pablo Doria and others, the officers Blon that is to investigate the treatWe got no satisfaction, being and the attorneys of Messrs. Garire, Enrique Lallsop Bannet, José Bilya, ters Mexican will undergo a kind or to teach the future rulers of America evitable feature of prison life, and we an appeal to the fret circuit court. and members present of the clubs ment of political refugeen, to justify the acts of the most devas.
tating despot of modern times.
760 CLARA ST. LOS ANGELES aplecynicism, that such vices served Benito Juares, Idea Libre, Leope VI.
HL ORONISTA, of Women and for 21 The Revolution is Constitutional recovers its Miss Eloisa Moreno