
ப கவ ட Regeneración English Section strength of Vilia or come similar thoir Ilvo amatelng tuoir last stand without croasing so many con de fitta to get to where was the RATES Na. 237 12 in mans supposed Ararchists it is into the hands of bureaucratie plutocracy that can only exist by Who Are The Invaders?
The Magon and May bandit.
for land and lihert home and fliciing interests, the least we socialist, I, and anarch.
Edited by WM. OWEN Only yesterday the President the trieans of living. Why should can do is to leave them to settle ist taik, philosophize and pass was compelled to appeal to the not they resent and resist intru: their owu differences. There is resolutions and don know what SUBSCRIPTION Send money payable to press to stop inflaming the pas sioo? Why shouldn they fight no cause for hate or for war be they want.
Single Copy siuus. to stop publishing inislead and kill their despoilers? Would tween the people of the and The Mexican peon figbíts for o sis.
One dollar year. months. 5oc. Saturday May.
6, 1916 Bux 1226, Los Angeles, Cal, ing news. In spite of this, be not a courageous, self respecting, the people of Mexico. The Mex the land and absolute social and will be forced by a dishonest patriotic, liberty loving American icat people are intensels patriot economic freedom. The AmeriTHEY GET THE MOANEL AND compare with mitics. The tallr Then the avainche of compro neste intensitive tourism the citizen do the same thing under is, loval to their people and to can peon fights for tue tour of the tera us of cappitalisti, but mise begins to slide, and all is must clean m:vtives of its own the same ciacumstances? The their country. Thes want Mex clay and a few cents increase in crs, to maintain a large array in only difference between us is that ico for Mexicats and they have a wages.
Leave Us The Skell.
it is naby way as coipad with lost.
Mexico and to spread ont the area we have not known as hard tiides right to it.
Zapata is truly a great geiler che lespotis pressure our politi Through fear of offending, our of invasion and not for so manr years, and The writer is an American al; he is not an authoritarian but Continued from it issule)
cians exercise. Por, marli it public leaders, headed by PresiWILL EMBROIT, WHOLE NATION hare not become so embittered born citizen, of puritan descent, a libertarian. His soldiers fight agree, therefore, writla Presi Well! Otis owes his cconomic dent Wilson, have refused to You will find yourselves at We have no riglat to police and would like to see this country of their own volition and pleasure den 19ison Ananastic decia power twain. y to his control of the staie a simple trutài they know ration, suri see its storling out political machine, just as Fearst, quite well: viz. that tliere can be war, 10t with the bandit, Villa, Mexico; it would be better to play live up to the ligh ideals and wiitont a master from above, and both in Europe and in America. all the land grabbers who to peace in Mexico so long as but with the Mexican people the part of neighbor and brother libertarian principles for which they know what they fight for.
censor. bilr fore fatbers fought, bled and The capitalist papers speak of on Mexico, land monopoly endures. There That is why voted against the But as long as we can lot lielp died.
For what was the fight put up by corrent themselves Zapata as a bandit but a Sunday Belgiu, Sorria and other supove their special prvilers to the cannot be because the population resolution the other day, and if NORMA RAY. seliool teacher by the name of posedly sulyject nati salitics but overnmental monopoly wielded of Mexico is chiefly Indian, and had more time now entertain Mexicans to regain tleir riglats Job DJs in this country steals a declaration that there no longer by Porfirio Diaz ansl ilic Cienti all Indians look on land monopo the hope that could convince a Gcos.
Dy as equivalent to slavery. Up great wants that his expedition The Suppressed Papers, report speech and press, then stu thousands of his slaves and is we placed a verbal guarantee of lib: 500 a year from each of the intend damore ccmters, shovV ponvierthither and thithet is suits tlie Wilson the man and Wilson the liola laud inonopoly and you are into Mexico is one of the most conveniente of greater Democratic lcadest are 11. essatily necessarily at war with them; at serious blunders of the President So far as we know three rebel pidly went to sleep, assuming that called a gentleman. If the word the Coostitution had some myste gentleman meaus anything it power? Audi ratioes Nesico in eternal conflict, and dus we war with ten millions of them; at career and one of the inost serious papers kave recently been supresolution mean exe pt filiat tite tave White House dec arations war with men who have plastered blunders of this Congress.
pressed by the postal aisthorities, rious and idejuste potency for should well apply to Zapata.
The Magon Brothers are be What would do is this: They are The Blast of San self caforcement. This is the usuni Mexicans no longer intend to be such as would filling out heart their country with pronunciamenthe elice with whiili American with joy were they not accompa tos that declare their war will be would have the National Guard, Francisco, The Alarm of Cli: mistake, always so fatal to all lib ing bounded because of their and other powers mble awny nied, step by step, by Democratic an Inician war, a war without the regular troops and a citizen cago and Revolt of New York. erties, and the multitude ja too work for a great cause, let us the luture of their race?
policies that slap them in the wercy, war in which every wen army protect every inch of the The Post Office Dept. is doing superſical 2nd too much engrossed challenge the Government and For any part de er espect a face. It is a fact, a frightful fact, pou will be regarded as legiti barder of the United States. its beft to silence all the rebei with a low order to selfish persuits show that it is breaking its own Socialist to liziderstand all this, that during the brief ruis of this inate. It will be by far the would not permit a single soldier papers tüat show any spirit, but to discover that constitutions need laws in order to persecute the for a Socialist is at bottom a fa. theoretical opponent of paterna greatest Indian war on record, to invade the territory of another these papers are also determined support of public opinion which Magons. cannot help this great cause ratic on government and consid lism the United States has been and, in my judgment, it will people, because that means lay co keep alive as may be seen by demands that very doubtful colersithat it is the sluts of the minori driviug Headlong into cse very prove to be the most disastrous ing the foundation of a long war, the following extract takes from struction shall be resolved against in a financial wap but will help ty to submit. But do expect conditions. President ilson so piece of work to which the Unit which will be a calamity to the a circular wehase received from the state and in favor of individual it in any way can with my Revolt. liberty.
voice, my pen and eyen with any an Anarchist, becaus: Anarchism repeatedly deplores; States being ed States could possibly lare set United States.
Social Democrat, Friends and Comrades: Betract from THEODORE SCHNOL. borty.
is nothing save so tus as it up stripped of their initia:ive, Con its land. In Norti America we Los Angeles, California, Such is Sam Adkinson. The DER. boul. Prre Speech for ladicals, holls tlre individual in his efforts gress being shorn of its powers exterminated a peoplc that preAll issues of the REVOLT are pity of it is tliat there are so few to shake off domination, and if we irave and the entire la aking func ferred death to slayery, that we suppressed by a secret order of like him, else the Mexican Rero.
the fecleral authorities. been disappointed bost bitterly tion having passed more and more might erect on their graves a lution, its course aad aim would We are not even allowed to send not be ignored by so many as it because they are not really such; groups Fun 19 depai tantental slavery. In Mexico we are now the REVOLT in closed envelopes is now in this country and elsebecause they are evolutionary clerks. And similarly, in my proposing to open a similar page was first class rail matter, It will be the crime of the ages sluhare watched of history, but one that will be ihe unpardonable sin for the volt is suppressed but not our wliere.
Day Meetings.
Socialists who do not think in opinion and We do not whine. Tie RER. G, Cox, terms of the free in. lividual but things carfully the very Presi far bloodier and even more fatal Uuited States, with its claims of in terms of the supposed interests dent who, as an individual, has to that spirit of fiberty from MAY THE 31st.
of the collectivity, and are sia res been most in sympathy with Mex. which this would be Republic neutrality and peaceful disposi spirit: We shall comiinue the meetings have been held within the last few days. Tlie first was Very inexpctedly and without to the delusion that the collecti ico, has steered persistently the sprang and at whose shrite it tion, its boasted superiority of fight in our own manner.
civilization and its cali assump LOOK OUT FOR OUR the Magoņ protest meeting given any notice, our comrades Ricarvity can trive by witholding jus course certain to bring about the still is supposed to worship, tion of a benevolent protectorate, NEW PUBLICATION. by the Latin groups at Symphony do ayd Enrique Flores Magon tice from the individual. Such situation now confronting us.
Wm, Owen.
to interfere in Mexico at this REVOLT Publishing Ass Hall the 29th of April. The se were hailed before Judge Trippeople do not think. They are lating the idea of intervention, time, or any other time.
cond was the lively May Day celo pet court on Monday April, 24 merely emotional sentimentalists, and denoucing it repeatedly, Wil To protect American citizens ebration held at the Labor Tem to decide upon the date for the and the woods are full of them. Son has been intervening all the time London Predicts War With and their property we hear. PROTEST. ple Auditorium Monday night. bigining of their trial, which was Confront them with a real strug most ineffectively and, therefore, Atterican citizens have no right the first of May, under the aus set for May the 31st.
The trial of Ricardo and Euri picies of the Workers Internagle by real men to achieve real nost irritatingly. Siding with to acquire property in Mexico exSo, once more Ricardo and Eaque llores Magon is to bigin tional Defense League.
freedom and they sule step every Nadero, who was an impossible Mexico; Stop Invasion.
cept at their own risk. There is pien, ou May the 31st. The Magons rique shall sit before a court of tinie.
ty of property in our own country liaye for many years suffered relThere is no doubt that at tlie pre the land and face tlie old scencs President Wilson is a study, and fluerta, who was an Indian, underWASHINGTON, April for good citizens to acquire and entless persecution for their un sent time we are going thru an un again. As in former times, the not at ali a difficult unie. Having stond his country and, in my opposing the emergency appro no one is morally bound to pro ceasing libertarian work.
usal depression of spirit is the la Magons are not the ones on trial read many of his speechs and judgment, sliared tle indian priatiou for the Mexicau expedi tect them when they stray too writings Have hesitation time honored hatred of laad 110 tion of tlic United States Arni, far from home on. ar expedition convictions las been a shameful The trial at everyone of their bor and radical movement all over but it is a cause that is at issue.
the country. Taking this into And this particular time it is the Whatever in sasiny at lie is at nopoly. For, few people seem to Socialist Congressman Meyer of expansion. They will not be force and a fraud. All of those consideration, the above mentin freedom of thought and expresheart a Jeffersoniar: Democrat; a remember that Huerta proposed Loudon bluntly told the flinse volested if they act like human who alisapprove of such methods ed meetings were well attended sion for the underdog, for those believer in the sociological con measures of land, coilliscation that it must be prepared within a boings and brothers; work men and dislike to see a repetition of and the spirit their manifested who dare to speak out and declusions reacica by luckle; esset whice threw the Los Angeles fortnight far wat witli the whole are not molested; it is only the sanze cat2 show their protest by was very gratifying.
nounce in plain terins the misrule tially, in all žiis piniissaphical at Tines into jysterics, drawing Mexican pcople.
exploiters that are slought.
At the first meeting tlie ad of the present order.
writing to Julge Benjamin The capi.
titude toward life: a non interfer from it one of the inost ricnuncia He declared tăiat owners of a pos Again Azerican citizens have Bledsoe who will try the Magonis dresses by the speakers were very talist and yellow streets are abso ing Anarchist. And tlais 1021 is tors articles ever read.
erful section of the press with un no right to acquire property in and to Prosecuting District At well received, and the audience Intely immune from all this, the in politics! This meg is the stan Tluis was followed by a see saw cleait natives, were driving Mexico contrary to the wishes of corner Albert Schoonover, Fed alat seemed to enjoy a chorus of Hearst papers for instance, carry dard bearer of a parky that once ion between Villa and Carratiza. President Wilson headlong into the Mexican people. The Mex eral Bldg. Los Angeles, Calif. Mexican children that was part a continuous scream urging and believed in individual liberty and with the latter of wison we are the most serious blunder of his icat government sold them the Act at once.
of the program, and who after the inciting people to fly at each oth as little geernment is possible, now apparently in cinse alliance. career, and that tlie program of property you say The Mexican meeting were invited to partici ers throats, but they are not but today practises tic feudak Yet Carranza Minister of War these newspaper owners, to taain government had no right to give pate in the May Day celebration molested. At tle present time where they also took part.
lie is working day and night to Hall is the legitimate represen March 29, with a statement that Mexico and to spread out the area Mexical governamente, in QUR VANISHING LIBERTY very appreciable feature of force the people of this country tatire! There is the contraction begins, The United States is of invasion, was merely serving to the Mexican people. It was the botit meetings, and especially the into a bloodfest with the mexica contradiction iliat plungex responsible for the trouble long to increase the prestige of the Mexican governmet, not the Mex Of The Press one at Labor. Temple, was tlie an people, but we don see him daily leeper and deeper into the border; while the T, Se vandit Villa.
ican people. that allowed Amermixed and varied appearance of screaming headlines announcing toud. Asa student. Is scholar, tator Fall, who is credi:ed witly Tille Socialist Congressman cans to enter and despoil; it is the For over a century it has been the crowed that attended, giving that Hearst has been arrested fot his sympathies are. 11 with indi long and exceptional knowledge of urged that the American policy Aincrican government, not the believed that we had abolished rule it a truly international aspect. using the mails to circulate vidual freedout: and ire koows, as Mexica, insists that, as compared should be one strictly of defense. American people, that sends tlie by devine right, and the accompa Every part of thic programu at matter that tends to incite to well as ary man, tat while the with Carranza. the autocracy of of the territory of this, in order troops to protect the despoilers, nying infallibility of officialism, both meetings was most enjor. murder, arson and Assassination.
masses are desiei access to natur the Czar of Russia is not in the cliat do foundation might be laid Our governments have gotten us and that we have maintained in able, and so were the fitting re There is a difference.
al resources it is idl to talk of saine class. Was it noi inevita for a war of coliquest in our into trouble instead of protecting violate the liberty of conscience, of marks of the speakers. But unR. G, Cox, Dersonal independence, democrat ble that a man of Vila type neighboring republic. He point us; but the pecple of both coun speech and of press, However, questionably the surprising and ic equality or frater:1a1 co opera would resort to wat against a ed out that punitive expeditions tries will have to pay the price this belief of ours is fast becoming outstaoding feature at both celetion worthy of the jaitse. As a government that, liaving inatie suçlı An Explanation.
as the one which in tears, lives and money.
a matter of illusion. Tough a brtaions was the impassioned practical man of ailairs, on the love to him snost a lorously, the administration has launchel, What is government? It is an love for such liberty is still verbal and eloquent espousal of the Since the arrest of the comrades sorte lesser articles have other la111, be las tied himself to threw itself suddenig into the have generally been mere pre institution created by the people ly avowed, yet in every conflict Mexican Revoluti by Sani appeared in the English section an organtization that is uot work arms of his most hated rival? ludes to the seizure of foreign of any nation, to protect and ben raising an issue over it, it is denica Atkinson the rioted Rationalist of Regeneracion without sig ing for individual literty biit for No; neither in polics nor in soil.
efit them better collectively than in practice. There is not a state lecturer who spoke at both meet nature. We like to explain that party power; whicli, therfore, is revolutionary agitation can we One half of the wars by they could do for taemselves in in the Union to day, in which the ings. His goori grasp of the so all such articles are not written: the assassin of indivdual liberty: hope to arrive unless we have which European powers have se cividually. Now it has grown in liberty of tle press is not abridged cinl and economic phases of the box comrade waarin Owen, as.
which was nothing in the worki principles and stick to them. cured colonial expansion in the every country to be greater than upon several legitimate subjects of Mexican situatiou is really sur The articles referred to above to offer but a miser. le State So Wilson, the indiviiinal, undoubt. last fifty ycayrs were preceded by the people who created it; to be debate. Here will be discussed but priising when we consider that are from the hand of Cox, cialism that tipies officials, elly has principles; but Wilson, punitige enterprises, he said. their master, instead of their ser one of these, and that perhaps the lie devotes his time to a very difinstitutes on every possible op the politician, bas foriged alli EUROPEAN WAR BEGUX THIS WAY yant, as was oribinally intended, most unpopular.
derent fiell of activity, anil still Report of the money received ortunity that very paternalism ances which force him to swallow The presert conflagration in It is tiow a thing separate and ap By gradual encroachmente nad more so when we realize how very by Los Angeles Branch WorkPresident Wilson professes to at his principles as best he can. Europe started by a punitive ex art from the people instead of an unconscious piling of precedent u fow are the radicals in this coun era International Defense Le hor, and will make this country. The organization, and the crave pedition against helplesis Serbia, integral part of the people and pon precedent, we are rapidely ap try who really understaed, the cure for MAGON, defender RECLIPI FOR WEEK ENDthe belpless icotbill of profes. to vild on to the organization at Madagascar, one of the largest thier national life. The great proaching the stage in which we Mexican Revolution as it is.
ING 24 16.
sional politicians. Were a bitter ang price, pulls him clown, pre colbies of France. was acquired question noy is, Do we elect will enjoy any liberties only by per better idea of Atkinson rePreviously acknowledged foe of tte United State could cisely as it has pulled dove every in this way, and so were other public officials to be our rulers or nission, not as a inatter of right marks may be had from the fol8272. 88 wish it ro fate mori, tragic than labor and revolutionary leader African possessions.
osir servants?
In this progressivo denial of the lowing extracts of liis speeches: Workman Circle No. 248 Low that of slowly succumbing to this lave know. in an experience You cannot chage bandit The Mexican people, if not the freedom of conscionce, speech and. am in Sympatlıy with the Socialistic poison which today has that now nearly forty with an army of 50, 000 men, just Mexican government, has every press, nil three branches of govern. Mexican Revolution because it is Angeles, 2; Jas, Roman, Ladd, IN.
penetratei crers kriety of public years. Invariably tliey lrave as you cannot send a locomotive reason to resent tile entry of the ment have transgressed, without the greatest moreinent of eman 340, St. Louis, Mo. 82; Geo. Billife and has redvecel what should started ont with enthusiasm for to chase a bird. The entire army not the people seriously «Disturbing tho serene; sipation that ever, was known. lings, Chiengo, III. 60c; Antonio Ize a powerful nation of a hundredi throse bottoin truths which alone proposition is eu indefensible oue, for interference or for conquest. swert, century long slumber, into The Mexican peon is a great rev Touri, South Ninge Miche, come milion people to the degreeing aso apabie of makin: nien en Within week or two you will Any one who has studied the which we are lulled, by the songs olutionist and he is as bigli above Workmen Circle No To Net Portes levei of a helpies 1:9) that car titusiastic. Invárially they have find your army dleep in the terri Mexican situation, for the last of liberty, whose cehoes still re the socialists, and NY, I; Collection by Leonard only ciamor while its drivers here succumbed to the crave for a fol tory of Mexico, and you will find four years knows how the people sound in vars but whose meaning anarchists of this country as the Abbott, New York, 05, it into whatever pen Deir privato loving and an organization that the Mexican people rallying a have been iespoiled and dispos we have long since forgotten. stars are above the ground. The Mrs. Spurgeon, Austin, Tex.
interests dictate. Wir talk, rigtit slial! give them standing. Then round that bandit as a patriot sessed, driven and hounded, un century ago we thought that Mexican peon can tell you in Sr; Frank Fox, Santa Clara, Callfi, of the corruption iſ conuer. they set out in the fatal ath of Frers day hit tris ir vasion con til idey are desperate They are we had eettied all these problemy. hree words what he wants: 256. Total: 286, 28.
cial dife, but it is dozven snow as being all thinks to il men, tinues you are increasing the like tivers at bay; fighting for of liberty. In all our constitutions Bread, Laud and Liberty. tad Noel, Huon CUYCIS