Regeneración English Section write us to send you an English and children to a most hideous to whom due excuses were pres tifications in protecting the case, RATES www.
Shall Free Thought Be Trottled?
The Magon Meeting.
ness, course translation of them.
and wretched life of leggary anul entein due time, for it was on who or what is to protect the Edited by WM. OWEN The Assistant District Attor cringing to a master in order to account of the late Mr. Figueroa sizable army in protecting the Hey who has taken charge of the exist; a system that allows and being sick and, therefore, unable fortifications in protecting the Send money payable to SUBSCRIPTION while encouragis a set of beastly par to attend to his business.
pornsaction in this casr navy in protecting the canal?
Single copy. Cis.
No. 232 asking the Court not to dismiss asites to live on the life blood of And, furthermore, should state ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON. Tacoma Daily Tribune. the little children and the trafficking that do not sec why tlie irreOne dollier a year. montlis, 5oc. Saturday April. 1, 1916 Box 1236. Los Angeles, Cal, the indictinent asked by attorneys for the defense, of human heings in general. gularities, if there really were articles were time, or before if possible, is to thi Kirk and Ryckmall, based If to dennounce these mons any excusable irregularities, circulated rebel, turn your arms against through the inails: The Federal liis petition chiefly on the fact trosities is a crime in the eyes of from the former Editorship and our chiefs and officers and with. Grand Jury upheld the charge that the defendants propagate the Predatory Buncli, then it is management of this paper under out trembling pulse open fire with sustaining that in those articles ideals destructive of the capital time that every man and woman the late Mr. Anselmo Figueist system, with a sense of Justice be tlirot roa, sliould be blamiel 011 tlie or lack of space we do not give your rifles, because they are your it incited to commit murder and enemies and are concerned in liav arson. As a consequence of that Therefore, the ideals are the de tled by the hand of Authority, present Editorship and manage a detailed account of the Magoa under my protest ineeting held Wednsday reedom of thought ard its ing this conditions last forever, indictment, Ricardo and Enrique molishers of the capitalist system for it takes a mummy to be indi ment of Regeneracion and are the ones before the fferent before such aberration. control.
night, March 22nd at Blanchard manifestation loy cans of the so they can have a life of privi. Flores Magon, were gratuitously Below is reproduction of the If there are any specific facts Hall. Considering the confusica spoken and written word, is the lege.
viciously assaulted in their ofi. Court, not the newspaper writers Ricardo and Enrique Flores Ma letter received. from the that require answers from me re that haul preceded the merting ormost valuable conquest that lias strong leart, a firm puise ces and badly beaten, Enrique newspaper, ing to change of date and hall. it been wrought by humanity and steady aim is all you need to having to be taken to the Emera gon and William Owen. As Dept. at Washington asking the garding this trough its millenary struggle exterminate your immediate op. gency Hospital for treatment, to Owen, it should he said that editor to show cause why the quest that you postpone the was very fairly attended, and what toward its improvement, and since then, February 18th not a single article by liim has second class mail privileges of hearing and write out exactly it lacked in numbers was made up pressors.
The gathering had a ty Sucli coullest is the most val. If you surrender your arms last, they lay behind the bars at heen indicted, although, he has REGENERACION should not be re what you wish to know and in spirit.
been indicted just the sa nie as voked. We also reproduce the shall promptly give you the in pical intentional aspect, and all uable because thought either will return to your home in the County Jail of this city.
the Magon brothers.
reply by the editor which will formation in my possession or the speake, in the different lan.
spoken or written is tlıc only me poverty, ready to sell your blooá As it is seen in the two first of diun on which the human being and strength to the rich at their the indicted paragraphs quoted danger. It is now Regenera the Government appear most rid this question, if further hearing they denounced in very plain terms Tlie freedom of press is in make the attempt and methods of may ask that the hearing on guages were roundly applaurled as can deperd to come into an owl price.
111clerstanding witli liis fellow You will leave accomplished neither to murder nor arson.
above, there is not any incitation cinn the one persecuted; and iculous. The Defense League is necessary, be had in Los An the outrage of which the Magoras beings in the common task for the 10thing, but in the mean time the first one of those two para other rariical publications shall cialist Congressman at Washing ter personal attention?
lo once they set a legal precedent has asked Meyer London, the So geles where can give the mat and Wm. Owen are the victims.
progress of the species.
your chiefs and officers will enjoy, graphs nothing else is done but be persecuted, and even the most ton to represent REGENERACION Tlie progress that bumanity in tlie city, all kinds of pleasures manifest the truth, viz, that Wil fervent advocators of peace may at the hearing.
Respectfully, EDITOR and MANAGER We are sorry to say that so far has reached since the French and honors, and display on their son and Carranza are united so prove that with their doctrines The letters follow: Revolution to our days, is due in breasts crosses and melals. If that the affairs in Mexico may miglit tend to awaken class. conno sufficient ammount of bail has ENRIQUE MAGON.
been raised to get even one of the the first place to freedo11 of you remain in the Carratza ariny come to be again in the same ciousness amongst the workers Department.
comrades out of jail. Unlike other tlouglat, without which lunian as a permanent soldier you will conditions as they were under the ranks, Third assistant postmaster genoccasions that harilly any difficul.
species would continue submerg be a bad man, an executioner of rule of Porfirio Diaz. All those The Socialist, Anarchist and eral ty was met to secure the necessary ed in the Middle Age utter dark your brothers of your class bewho have read in the daily press Unionist periodicals alike, have Washington bond, this time it has proved The central governdieuts cause you will help to serve the the terms on which Venustiano the sword of Damocles suspended March 14, 1916. Besides the exchange for hard matter; still, we do not lose gave way to the democratic gov. ricii.
Carranza government was re above their heads. If the Publishers of perse Regeneracion we erments thanks to freedom of ask hope. But mean time our com Ilonor points to the road you cognized by President Wilson, cution of Regeneracion sucRegeneracion, thouglit; the Inquisition has not should take; rebel against the will reinember that Carranza ceeds, a legal precedent shall be all the labor and radical pa to the injury of their delicate health.
rades languish in the tanks much Los Angeles, California.
been able to reconstruct its dark structure under the liglıt of free triumphs of the principles com eign capitalists the most coni and free thinking press.
government until you attain tlie promised to guarantee to all for stublished to kill all the labor Sir. pers to send each issue an You are hereby notified that, extra copy to the Magon dow of thought; political equality prised in the declaration of the plete protection in their business, On the alert, then, all the in accordance with the Act of is one of the many fruits of free 23rd of September, 1911, expedit and that protection can not be lovers of Freedom, Progress, Congress approved March 3, 1901 Brothers, Los Angeles counTHE DEFENSC LEARE dom of tlıought; the betterment ed by the Mexican Liberal Party, attained but by the survival of Justice and Civilization. ch. 851, 31 Stat 1107. you ty Jail, Los Angeles, Cal. By next week we expect repart on the economic, political and so principles that advocate the death the peonage and slavery system It is inost urgently needed to will be granted a hearing at the from the Scertary, of all the money cial conditions of the working of capital, of authority and of that existed under the Portirio gather up tunds for the defense office of the Third Assistant class has been possible by free clergy of all religions.
received thru The Workers InterDiaz réginie. To expound this of the editors of Regeneracion. Postmaster General, Washing. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. national Defense League for the dow of thought, and its final emancipation, that sooner or lat. Don be deceived by the specious and arson. Decide to follow this road. truth is not to incite to murder This is a real struggle of life or ton, at p. on TuesWe need not say that REGENERACION death for freedoni of thought. day, April 4, 1916 to show cause is traversinig rough seas these days, Magon defense, and same will be er shall have to be accomplished, arguments of alleged wise politiunder penalty of a set back to cians; these same arguments were The second one of the indicted Let us co operate all to win on why the authorization of admis and it is with no little effort that its published in full. Money received Regeneration to existence is made possible.
thru Regeneracion has appeared barbarism, shall be (lue to free.
paragraplis deals with the depre the reaction. Doom to the Middle sion of used by the enemies of the great For a long time this paper has been dom of thouglit, Frencli Revolution to prevent the dations commited by the Texas Ages! Let us not allow that in the second class of mail matter sent to a number of people who have weekly in the spanish section.
Witliout freedom of thiouglat people frou obtaining their polit. tangers by killing helpless and free Anierica be implanted Rus under the Act of March 3, 1879 not cooparated or supported it in any the progressive evolution of hu ical liberty.
innocent Mexicans who did not sian tyranny! To tlie rescue of (ch. 180, sec. 14, Supp. 246. way.
Under present conditions this mankind woull find itself stoppet take part at all in the disturban the Migons! To the rescue of should not he revoked, upon the cannot continue and we hereby notify It was tlie argument of Porfifollowing ground: freeciom of thought!
the above mentioned subscribers that DAVID CAPLAN.
in its ces, that took place in the neighFreedom of rio Diaz to prevent you froin obAll funds for the defense should The publication is not regular strieken off our lists if they do not sigafter three weeks their names will be threatening attempt tegen het witte aining your Tibertjes; it is also Lorhood of. Brownsville last ly issued at stated intervals as nify their WILLINGNESS to support Don forget that David Caplan wiiich all natious shall open the suinmer, 1915. Justice is asked he addressed to.
the argument of the Carranza doors of Freedom, quality and is to appear for trial on Monday for in that paragraph that never Noel, Fin. Sec. required by the law, and, fur the paper.
party used to prevent you from thermore, it is not a newspaper Fraternity.
All money for REGENERA April 3rd at the Court House, can be construed as inciting to 621 American Bank Bldg, obtaining your cconomic liberty, Therefore, freedom of thought or other periodical publication CION should precisly be sent to Broadway and Temple Sts. Eve Los Angeles, Cal.
inorder and arson.
which is the foundation of all within the meaning of the law.
is a guaranty whicli with more liberties, As to the invitation made to Your appearance at the hear. Enrique Flores Magon, Box ry Rebel should be there.
meal than for anytliing else, we This means the privilege of the carrancista soldiers to shoot ing may be in person or by repre 1236, Los Angeles, Caif. should defend, not only because earning your living by working at their chiefs and officers, it sentative. In any event, your it las cost torrents of generous REGENERACION GROUP.
FORBIDDEN for yourself and being independ should be kept in mind that Mexanswer must be in writing. It 1rlooil to all the civilized peoples ent, and this can only be obtain ico is in a state of war, withiin should be submitted on or before tlle world over, but because it is OFFICIAL STATEMENT.
KNOWLEDGE ed, understand, by expropriation which each one of the different Tuesday, April 4, 1916. and will tie hest weapon on whicli hunanofland, liouscs, machinery, means factions in the struggle, try to be given the same consideration In compliance with section for its furilier ity inay depe In the United States in this en development and its progress.
of transportation and merclian predominate on the others, and as though you appeared in per 467 49 of the Postal Laws and dise becoming common property such predominancemas in every son or by representative. Regulations, as amended by Act lightened year of our Lord, 1916, Well; such valuable freedom is The Government is in dead now threatened witli death in the without distinction of men or Revolution can not be accomRespectfully, of August 24, 1912, Regenera Margaret Sanger, of New York, earnest in its determination to stands accused of disseminating w0111011, race or color, He who plished but by the force of arms, Kelley.
United States and sliall die iſ all cion publishes here details of its crush RIGENERACION.
Not satscientific knowledge regarding the tells you to the contrary, spit in strives for the arinihilation of Third Assistant Posmaster statement, filed April 1st. in duwlio love progress do not stand his face and even kill liini, because the other faction or factions opisfied with throwing its editors limitation of offspring. This know: General, plicate, with the Postmaster of up all together as a man to stop it is necessary, it is absolutely posed to its ideals. The advoin jail, it has now laid its cold Los Angeles, and sworn to before ledge, which any wealthy woman tlie transgression, to initiate a revolu cators for the freedom of the hard on the paper and means to necessary Treosti, a notary public. The may buy from her physician, in The prosecution tat lias been Los Angeles, Cal. March 25th, withheld from the poor that they statement shows tionary campaign of houseclean slaves during the Secession War strangle it by revoking its second initiated in the city of Los An.
that Enrique 1916.
would liave found it very just class mail privileges.
Flores Magon is the editor, pub. may by prolific breeding furnish geles, California, against the eil.
The methods used are pitifully Third Assistant We, the disinherited, must rid that the soldiers of the partisa us clumsy and raw, and would really General, Postmiaster lisher, managing editor and busi plentiful and cheap labor supply.
itors of RIGINIRACION, Ricardo ourselves of those who are in our of slavery bad recommended to ness inanager; that it is not The denial by the State of a and Onirique Flores Masou and be puzzling were we not well Washington, William Owen, does not leave way, il we can, by hook or croock, shoot at their chiefs and officers owned by a corporation, and that woman right over her own body Sir: In reply to yonr official doubt at all about this being au the sanie as we get rid of the tiger, and go to the libertarian ranks. aquainted with the ways of Autthere are no bondholders, mort constitutes slavery, and teaching as we amibilate tlie rattle snake, It is not said in those paragraphs: hority, This pernicious and inquiry inarked NO. 141476, gages or holders of any securities, slaves was ever a crime.
attempt to strike a severe blow to free and dated March 14t1, 1916, little knowledge is a dange freeroul of thouglit and to suta as we cruisl the tarantula. Those Jolie Doc, kill Joliu Sinitha. barefaced unslaught wlio tell you tliat they are not pre There is a revolutionary movethought and expression should state that my weekly newspaper ous thing to the master who legal precedent to start riglit als be enough to make the most dull REGENERACION, printed in this Hurrah For Militarism! the slave gets it: Let the womu terwards a country wide general pared for this or other conquests ment in Mexico in which and indifferent convulse with in city, has been and is being deprebel. Our readers may see history wlich benefit you, are the ones inyolved several organizations of campaign of repression against dignation.
osited at the local Post office wlio llave interest in delaying different tendencies, being one of Just now the Panama Canal is repeating itself by looking backo all the radical pross in particular, When we consider that what with due regularity every week, furnishing a good instance of ward a hundred years: your emancipation, so that in the them tle Mexican Liberal Party but in general against all tliose meager and scant rights we pos as required by the law, since what Uncle Same is up against.
mean tine they can live at your wliose ideals expounded Any person that teaches any new papers that in one way or sess haye cost our ancestors riv October 2ud, 1915. That the First we strengthened our navy person of color, slave or free, to another uniglit lurt or get in dan.
through Regeneracion. and Then it read or write, or causes such per ger the interests which safety is Now, carrancista soldiers, to what is pretended by the author ers of blood and untold sacrifice, said paper came under my Editor to defend the canal.
based on a climinution of luinan act as men convinced that there ities to construe as an incitation and when we think that a sud ship and Management after the was decided that the canal must sons to be so taught, is subject to of its former be fortified, so the government is is nothing in common between to murder and arson is nothing tic hypocrite, in plain 20th centu Editor, Mr, Anselmo Figue mounting what General Edwards, fense; and every person of color fine of thirty dollars for each of freedom and on a restriction of llje poor and tie rich, unless it be else but a figure of speech, a litthe welfare and justice that all the hatred that they mutually erary way to express the idea rv. tides rough shod upon what roa, and after due notification to military governor of the Canal who shall keep a school to tesel 111e11 and women of lionest aspirproſess for each other. a batred that the carrascista soldiers rally few liberties we retain, we can the local Post office, and its con Zone, pronounces the must effec reading or writing is subject tos ations have a right to enjoy.
The editors of NJOHIN IKACION we must not try to lessen, but to the banner of the Mexican Li net but cry very loud that it is sent about my taking the Editor tive land defense guns in the fine of thirty dollars, or to be in time ship and management of the said world. But now it is explained prisoned ten days, and whipped.
are being prosecuted because in which precisely must be deepened, beral Party to fight against the We serve notice on the Dem paper, and that, therefore this is a that tlie themselves thirtynine lashes. City Ording tric said journal were pripted ar exasperate it, increase it if it is armies of the factions that do ticles containing the following possible, enliven it, poke it so noi uphold the ideals of the Mex ocratic Dictator of the White newspaper. or other periodical are defenseless against a land at ance, Savannah, Ga. 1818 that it slali not be extinguished, ican Liberal Party.
House that we are not to be si publication within the meating tack from tlie rçar. An arıny The reason for this law is that paragraplıs; lenced; that we prefer a thousand of the law, and that it complies landing elsewhere along the coast teaching slaves to read and write!
for the existence of that hatred So you see, brother carrancisThe so called incitation to times to be chained to a dungeon with every requisite provided by might take them, and turn them tends to dissatisfaction in their between the two social classes, tas, the problem which is going murder and arson is but a pretext than to be a pack of cringing the same laws.
against our own navy. So the minds, and to produce insurrection tliat of the exploited and that of to be solved by thic rebels wlio eto get done with Regeneracion anrl drawling whelps fearful of Furtheremore state that while experts demand an arıny of 25, 000 and rebellion. American Slave the exploiters is a guarantee of tain their arms, wlien Carranza and the propaganda that it is denouncing a barbarous, sav. it is true that this newspaper was men to be stationed at Panama, Code, 321.
becomes President, is the pro tion for those who today are struggle and hope of emancipacarrying on in behalf of the age and hellish system of human not regularly issued during the to defend the guns.
blein that you will liave to deciate working class. It is enough to slavery. rom The Blast. of Fel We remind the White last months of Mr. Anselmo If tlie fouod in tlie last rung of the socanal must have a read the complete articles from House academician that we re Figueroa Editorship and man stroig navy to protect it, says 12, 1916. San Francisco, Cal.
because it affects you in the cial ladder.
Long live Land and Liberty! which were picked up isolated fuse, and will never submit to agement, due to the long sickness the New York World, and if the Your duty is to help and for paragraphs by the prosecution, being a living lie and a walking suffered by that gentleman, a strong navy must have big canal this purpose do not surrencome your RICARDO FLORES MAGON.
to be convinced that it is the An apology in the face of an inhu sickness that finally led to luis fortifications to protect the navy Economle Freedom and its Relation to leter arms when the troops are orderea The prosecutor is the lost Of. archist ideal the one persecuted. man atid brutal system of white deatlı, will state too that such in protecting the canal, and if World Wide Struggle.
fice, whiva complains that copies If you are interested in knowing and black slavery which has re irregularty inet with the approy the big fortitications must have of Ricardo Floreali comAntonio de bu Wlat you should do at sich a of REGENERACION containing those articles in their full length duced millions of men, women al of the local portal authorities, a sizable army to protect the forWhither Are We Drifting 011 are are experise.
guns Sanne mat1t1er.
LAND AND LIBERTY, Mexton Battle Selected from the and Wm. Owen. 104 copy. In orican over 25 copies, Tc. per copy.