なかなかれたワーク REGENERACION TRITID BY WILLIAM OWEN English Section Regeneracion.
Stanley Dies in Glorious Victory The Army of Slavery Stands Discontent again at Bay.
Rebels Lose One, Federals Sixty Eight ಬ೦ Folioping this call. comes Why Mez) could read Regeneracion. orang bisa Away with Shams 19 to to Forging the Chains Even Did England Dare. a Debs will not Fail.
To read the American papers and cialist, revolutionary and radical magasines one would conceive that thought, and write you this letter subtleed every Saturday at 19 the trouble was political; that with because you personally can do much Ama Bha, Lor Angeles, Cal a better president, or a cabinet lesg to clear away the gross misapprehen.
Telephone: Hom. 1860.
corrupt, the nation would fall once slons under which the public is: laborGMDaription ratos: more into the sleep of confident coning. That you will feel it your duty POT ADID 00 tent. Whereas, in reality, tbe revoluto do so we have not the slightest 10 six months When a revolutionars situation de The International Socialist Review. tlon 18 against the rule of the abdoubt.
or turto months 60 for April opens with a fire protest velops in any country, writes Kro sentee landlord and the foreign reply would be regarded as a valu agalriat President Taft mobilization potkin, before the spirit of revolt has BUNDLE ORDMRS. monoy leech, of whom Diaz and his able favor, for it would assit us great order, and in bold capitals calls on all reached the point at which the masser lackeys have been but pliant tools. It 169 coples 00 ly in the educatlonal propaganda we local organizations of the Socialist demonstrate tumultuously in the is the economic revolution of a sim100 coples 19. 80 And the papers called that a defeat At p. the enemy sounded a are trying so hard and honestly to Party and all labor unions and other streets, It is by action that the minorf1600 coples 90. 00 ple people seeking simple ends by that exultant charge of Stanley and his charge, but without efect; lor he was make, the simplest of all means.
bodles of progressive citizens to hold ty must awaken that sense of indeelghty men from Mexicali south upon repulsed and forced to flee in complete yours for the emancipation of the public meetings and demonstrations of pendence and those gusts of boldness ditor and Proprietor, Adelmo disorder.
human race, four hundred federals! Look at the fig.
protest against the latest executive without which no revolution can be Figuerol. Inasmuch as the flying enemy was First, and above all, RICARDO FLORES MAGON.
the comes If the American public successful.
ures above figures now verified from scattered over a wide area, General Untored u second class matter land question a question that the several sources. Look at them, read Stanley forces were not able to sursptomber 12, 1910, at the post of Mexican peasant, like bis French and ican Workers Rebel, by the Indefati. of the score of Spanish weeklles that the story and judge for yourselves, round him, and it was decided to hold.
Ice at Los Angeleu, Califorola, under Russian brothers, understands far come to our table, it would realize that ia. Act ot Narch 8, 1879.
more clearly than does our city pro several wagon loads of provisions, Stan the baggage wagons. These were com On Saturday morning, April 8, with the position, with a view to protecting short but strong article by George there is plenty of action in Mexico, No. 33.
letariat; for it stares him dally in the ley band, consisting of twenty men on ma Under the genial heading, Rats de Brewer, dealing with the sending of that It is boldness Incarnate, and that Saturday, April 18, 1011.
ed to retreat to Mexicali, The sert sinking ship, the Los Angeles the troops to the Mexican border, and the masses. long since got into the face.
To the land and its cultivation horseback and sixty five on foot, sallied troops under my immediate command Times exults as follows: The food entitled Murder as Patriotism.
he and his forefathers have been habit of coming down into the streets.
bred; without the land existence is forth from Mexicall to the direction were instructed to Aght as they fell supply of the insurrectos is rapidly Even in Mexico City, Diaz: home and impossible. When the tax gatherer, Mayol, had made their way through the ammunition wagons and the ambulance minus sign, and the source of supply of the federals, who, under. Colonel back, so as to protect the baggage and reaching the point where it will be a stronghold Unless the new Diaz cabinet Bucthe absentee landlord and the forFortunately Regeneracion has an mountain passes and were Dow en on the road to Mexicali. At that mo has been cut off. Now do you under ceeds in crushing the Mexican revolu English section from which the Eneign creditor levy lo kind on what Mexico fighting abollsb camped on Lee Little ranch. ment the federals endeavored to make stand the part Uncle Sam is playing tion within sixty days, says the Na glish speaking public can get the acthe peasant a labor has produced the slavury, as the Volted States fought About a mile east of the ranch ada final attack, throwing out a llne ot. under Wall Street orders?
tional Socialist Press dispatch from tual news of the greatest movement fty years ago.
But withio the last wrong is patent; by no such hocusvance scouts of the rebel column ran sharpshooters, but our comrades fol The soldiers themselves scot deris. Washington to the Chicago Daily So America has known since the CITI Atty years the world bas learned that moments the case electro mi pronteret ve into about one hundred federals and lowed their example. and dashing ively at the maneuver fake, aš the cialist of April 4, the Taft adminis. War.
economic dependenco on those who tarid can the thelt be bid; there is were heavily fred on, according to the ahead, compelled the enemy to make a Appeal to Reason shows, on the ua tration will force a bloody war upon This priceless news it can get, with monopolizo the Deans of production lámine where the pot should have report made to the Junta by General headlong retreat.
thority of Alexander Irvine, who re the American people. It reports that Turner invaluable book, Barbarous and distribution gives birth to bla. been full, and the peon knows why Pryce, who was elected to take the Though about twenty thousand cart cently visited the border. He quotes army recruiting offices throughout the Mexico, thrown in, for 00 a year.
be goes hungry.
very far more brutal and agonizing place of Stanley after the latter death. ridges were fred, the only men wound the spokesman for a group of soldiers country are meeting with unexpectedly Apart from humanitarian Questions than any that prevailed on our own The scouts fell back to the main force, ed were Stanley, who was killed, and as saying: Nine out of ten men down poor success, despite extensive adver. you do your own intellect, and your Southern plantations. Therefore, by Always the simplest people have and then General Stanley and the Timoteo, who reecived a iesh wound here, officers and all. know why we tising and special inducements offered own emotions, an Injustice by falling logical necessity. in revoltins rought most desperately for the land twenty mounted men, among them Col. And this is the ight in which the are on the edge of Mexico. We know by the governinent.
to subscribe. The most interesting agninst slavery Mexico Mods herself the Irleb, the Russlan and the onel Adrian Lopez, second in command, Times sald that the whole rebel force that we are here to protect the interdrama of the century is well worth compelled to Include what is gener French peasantry, to confine onsell charged down the road straight into was cut to pieces!
ests of those who own mines and rail: the price.
ally, but crroncously, known in the The Industrial Worker of Spokane, the fire of the federals. In the heavy to familiar illustrations. Naturally, An eye witness, from a high tower in roads.
wago Hystem compelled revolt organ of the points out that The anti military propaganda, for the peasant robbed of his land is fusillade that met them several horses Calexico, writing in the Examiner, says Agalast tho avscnteo landlord and Juke the miner whose claim has pe forced to fall back for the time.
SO were shot, so that the cavalry was that the insurgents never finched once distinct a feature of the European la the big: Interests did not condemn the foreign money lecch. We say erin the face of the federal fire.
Mexican revolution at first, thinking tered out; he must move on, somebor movement, has been slack enough roneously because to many thouThe infantry then spread in skirhow, somowhere, the good God alone As to the pumber of federals killed, in the United States, but the tide is they saw in it an easy road to Mexican pands ot Americans the 80 called mishing line in the barley fields Mayol himself gives twelve dead and turning, control; but that they changed front While raising a mighty cloud of dust knows whither. Expatriation or the The Waterloo of the Na.
waxo system does not oller The fourteen wounded. Cocopah Indians poleons of finance is not far distant.
in view of the army of American uneq. respecting Japan alleged designs on hell of plantation slavery has been on either side of the road.
Accordingly they are flock the only choice for millions of Mexwakos teft flank advanced gradually by Ilt who were forced by the federals to bury ployed that drifted across the border. the United States and Mexico, as an exing across the border to aid Moxicoicans within the last ten years.
tle rushes and eventually forced back the dead, declare up and down that to join the rebels.
cuse for the mobilization of the troops, in her strehisle, which is the strugthe right flank of the enemy, occupying be counted sixty eight. As to the the moneyed press incidentally distheir position. Federal fire was turned rebels, each wound received by the two 10 of the world.
closes the following eloquent facts: From the Los Angeles Examiner of One, John Blackman, of Los Angeles, Can such a quartel be settled by on the right ilank in the parley field, men, Stanleyl and Timoteo, cost the As Charles Edward Russell asks, April 13 we clip the following: The and his associates have acquired what Il you think Mexico will not fight giving Madero, or any other and it was here that Stanley received federals 10, 000 rounds of ammunition.
most pertinently in The Coming constant addition of recruits to the they call title to a trifle of 500, 000 thly matter out you know nothing tormer, offlce? Can asplrations root hls mortal wound, the bullet ploughing The very fact that they dared not Nation. Did England ever dream forces of the insurrectos in Mexicall acres in Lower. California. This modof the Spanish breed. Of all men the ed la the primal instincta of millions through the base of the brain. Fright Collow up the rebels, whom they imag: of massing troops zon the Can is going on in spite of the efforts of the est homestead having a coast line of Spaclard follows most rutblessly the be stifled by the instalment of a new fully wounded as he was, he wanted to ined to number 200 instead of 85, and adian border when we were abol. United States soldiers. They are com 450 miles and containing one of the finlogic of his convictions, pursuing it set of officials, or by promise of elec remain and ight, but Lopez tenderly they have not yet had the courage to ishing chattel slavery by force of ing from San Diego, many of them est harbors in the world, Magdalenawith a tenacity neither death portion regulations which the unlettered carried him 10 bls arms and placed him) attack Mexicali, proves what a very arms? Yet England had millions In mounted and well equipped. About they sold, through Los Angeles brok.
torturo shakes, This national thor peasant cannot understand and there in a protected position in a wagon. bad shock the federal forces received. vested in this country; but England sixty are said to have reached here last ers, to a Japanese syndicate for a trife oughness made the Spanish Inquisl fore, with shrewd common sense, re Lopez returned to occupy his former The rebels are daily galning new re was just, or sensible, enough to ig night from San Diego, where they have of 10, 000, 000. The deal fell through cruits, tlon momory over which we shud gards as worthless? Only a fool position in the field.
The first day after the battle more the ravings of her Hearsts, her been gathered for some time, hoping to because, it is said, Morgan covets the dor oven today, but it aiso made the would dream so senselessly, yet this of the end of the engagement Adrian they received Afty.
Otis and their financłal kin, Those join the rebel forces on the coast side property which has vast areas of highly Spanlards the most fearlessly sell delusion the American press is strug Lopez, ln bis report, says: who venture into foreign countries, of the mountains. Many ranch hands, mineralized ground and more than sacriiclag of Christian martyrs. To gling to folst upon the public. Even she said, hoping to get something most of them Americans, have quit 1, 000, 000 acres of rich agricultural land.
day a lilo worth living on this plapet so usually well informed period(is the countless spontaneous uprisings, for nothing, as they gamble for big their work about Calexico and have dis To uphold such deals, as these the Is the idea that has fired the Spuolsh ical as Current Literature twadto every State and Territory, from stakes must themselves bear the losses appeared, latér to show up, with rifles American worker is invited to make blood, and the determination to real dles about Dlaz and anti Dlaz facNorth to South and East to West. when the game goes against them. on their shoulders, in Mexicall, It is aimself food for powder.
izo It Is fully as remorseless.
tions, and lays stress on the opinAs the Junta of the Mexican Lib oeed not tell a student of history that Think it over.
to be remembered that the Examiner lons current in Paris, where the cral Party, through its president, Ri this stamps our movement as a genis an unwilling witness. practical scheme, 878 Oscar to Samuel ulpe economic revolution, Amoricans have not understood the press, It says, has had the advan cardo Magon, appealed Wilde, is either one already in exAmerican organized meaning of the upheavals that led to tage of lotigate contact with men Gompers and These are the points on which, as STANLEY The Coming Nation has an admiraistence, or a scheme that could be and followed Ferrer execution; they bigb in the councils of the maker labor, so it has appealed to other lead. it seems to us, the American and Euro carried out under the existing conditavo not reflocted that the troops ot thodern Mexico. But what, oneers of the great army of discontent.
ble cartoon representing Uncle Sam at pean public needs most enlighten tions, the telephone, taking orders from Wall But it is exactly the existing tboy conquered twelve years ago Street. But the same number conconditions that one objects to, and woro composed of men themselves in cately scented courtier lounging in to Eugene Debs, certainly one of revolutionary and radical press small rebelllon axalost a hateful task. In the Oeil de Boeuf, know about the the most representative American So but very influential by reason of its Stanley is dead, little wild cat Stan tains one ever more striking, wherein any scheme that could accept those the delinquent Russian taxpayer is conditions is wrong and foolish.
the Aght for their own homes and French peasant wauts and inten cialists. As to the character of bls earnestness to convey that enlighten ley, as one writer called him, the only llbartley It will bo different. Even tions prior to the Revolution? Just answer we have no anxlety, his openlyment.
This appears to us essentially one of the rebel force who fell mortally shown bound to a tree, facing a firing It is astonishing how long a rotaow thogo unable as yet to procure about as much as Diaz courtiers, or avowed sympathles in the past being the paramount duty of the hour, wounded. He is dead, but by his glo squad. Of Mexico also a similar story Aruns uro ingius themselves, the high inanciers lounging in their suficient guarantee. We expect to pub.
There is another point on which rious charge of April he has blazoned could have been told a thousand times, ten condition of affairs will hang together provided you do not handle gardlesy of consequences, against the delicately upholstered clubs, know 11sb it shortly. Meanwhile the letter feel myself compelled to write. In cer. his name on the scroll of imomrtal he and Mexico lies at our very doors. too roughly. Carlyle French Dlas morconarleo.
today. Where the heart is not in sent him runs as follows: roes.
tain quarters the impresison apparentRevolution. terested the windows of the mind Offices of the Junta of the Mexican Lib. lly prevails that Socialists will natur Stanley was no soldier of fortune. The government of the United are closed.
IBgues that must afect the whole eral Party, 6194 4th St. Los An ally side with Madero and Anarchists. He was no mere adventurer. He fought states is making itself a catch pole of Suppose that during the civil war world profoundly are raised in this confederates with the Mexican Liberal Party. In because he hated all tyranny, because a Latin dictator and de facto impera when a body of geles, Cal. April 6, 1911.
struggle, and, with few excoptions, On the other band there are mill. Mr. Eugene Debs.
deed, myselt was called on recently he was a champion of the oppressed. tor, simply because a few of our Amer caught they would all be lined up the American dallles and magazines Tons of men and women in the United Dear Sir and Comrade: While rec by a Socialist comunittee and asked to Like Lafayette he went to another ican moneysharksprofit thereby. and shot; sappose the victors would are olther slloat or wllfully mislead States and Europe who understand ognizing to the full the sympathy you inform it whether personally was a country than his own to light for the That is the way in which the Sacial march out on the battlefeld and mur 10g. or tho dalllos little else was the Mexican peon thought, for they have always shown, and are still show. Socialist or Anarchist; the intimation cause of liberty, for where the people Democratic Herald of Milwaukee, to der every wounded man would the oxpocted, for this is the Ogbt of the bave been advocating for years with ing, toward the cause for which my being that if was the latter aupport were in arms against tyranny, there which Congressman Berger 18 a regular United States be called a civilized na.
contributor, sizes up the Mexican situ tion? What do you think of Dlaz!
Man vs. tho dollar, and the dallleg their tongues the fundamental prin countrymen are struggling in Mexico, would be withdrawn. Could anything were bis heart and his cause.
He was not a stranger to the prole ation, He has ordered his soldiers to do are morely the mouthplcco of their ciples he is sealing with his blood. think it incumbent on me to write be more absurd or deplorable? We are We are tarian cause in this country. In SpoOwnor, tho money power. But of tho How many earnest souls within the calling your attention to certain spe not concerned with Istms.
these very things. How much of this most kape he was for thirty days in jail on The Progressive Woman, magazines better things were hoped. last thirty years have preached the cially urgent features of the present practical people, engaged in a month horrible butchery the United States sternly practical task the recovery of bread and water during the free speech 15 published at Girard, Kanşas, de win stand le a question. Uncle Sam For years they have been muck doctrine of Jetterson, of Tolstoy and situation.
raking, uncovening with feverish of Henry George that the land was votes half its April: Issue to Mexico, finds himself a friend of the monI need not remind you of the gravity their natural inheritance by the disin: ight.
hand tho cesgpools of high Avance. for the use of all men, and that be added by the extraordinary display of herited.
Stanley, Guerrero, Alanis, Jiminez, quoting at considerable length from ster in Mexico City who gives such Fuertes and many other brave men Barbarous Mexico, and republishing orders and we imagfne he is a little For years thoy have been educacias who monopolized it thereby made arms in which the United States gov. In that task, as it seems to us, we have died, but from their ashes ever from Tongues of Toil, by William bit ashamed of it.
the American and Mexican public into blmselt a murderer? Will these men ernment recently indulged, nor of the should have the united support of rises the glorious phoenix of liberty, Francis Barnard, the poem, Margarita ought to be. Calexico Daily ChronIL he isn be tho conviction that monoy will stick and women stultify themselves, and atrocious character of the slavery ALL who understand that slavery rests to make hundreds of soldiers where Martinez.
at aathing; that there to no law, bu give their very souls the lle, by re against which we are in revolt. These on, and is possible only by reason of The gir) for whom this icle.
there was but one before.
mua or divine, that it will not tram maining blient when their theories the Socialist press has been ventilat the slave economic dependence og poem is named was the heroine of the ETHEL TURNER.
ple under foot in pursuit of the al. are crystallizing into Rio Blanco strike, where the Diaz Weing, week lo and week out, with ad the enslaver.
tr mighty dollar. This lesson the Mox think not.
mirable courage and pertinacity.
When write support. mean it.
Ican publlc has been taking specialenraged by insult and long starvation, But in the opposite balance is the We are not beggars, but we PLEASE COMMUNICATE WITH ly to heart, reading it by the light of enormous weight that the capitalist gaged in a desperate struggle against tho bomy, the rubber and the to What of the millions who, as periodical opens its columns YOUR BROTHER, MR. JOHN LADEpress brings to bear, misleading the heavy odds. While we need and wel bacco plantations, in Yucatan, Te. Trade Unionists, everlastingly de public so grossly that it has no concep come all the sympathy we can get, it No more contemptible lie ever diswith a protest against the mobilization WIG, 916 ALICE ST. OAKLAND, HE WISHES TO JOIN YOU huantepoc and tho Valle Nacional. clare that labor produces everything tion of the actual issues at stake or goes without saying that sympathy graced the columns of the press than of American troops on the Mexican CAL.
At length these chickens have come and alone is aoble and holy? will of the magoltude of the struggle we alone will not wit 10 for what that which has been published more homo to roost; out of tho eggs the all these millions stultify themselves? are making. We feel is the common of the dis than once in the last few days saying For the last two weeks the People magazines themselves so industrious. Will they offer themselves as food for Without exception the great dallies inherited. cannot express to you in that Berthold has mistreated women ly lata hns como a brood that scares powder to the money power when for this country exert themselves to the writing how strongly we of the Mexis and children in Alamo. Of all the men Paper officially stated as being now thom. Beloro tho inevitabio out they understand that the issue is be uttermost to convince thefr readers can Liberal Party feel that we are in the world he would be the last to do under the control of the Los Angeles como of their own propaganda they tween labor and those who prey on that this is a political quarrel, to be ilghting for the common cause.
this thing, for a bigger hearted man John Murray as editormseems to have section of the Socialist Party, with stand aghast.
labor? We think not, and we have settled by the installation of a reform. We have no personal quarrel with never lived than Simon Berthold. Even By John Kenneth Turner forgotten that an economic revolution in uch confidence in labor liability president and cabinet. But that is pre Madero. We have simply stated, with the woman, Mrs. Rafa, over very Roading the American papers and to recognize its own interest when cisely what it is not; for it is the eco ali the emphasis. and clearness we whose safety the papers have raised is being fought out almost within ear shot of its office. Yet within those two that interest hits It squarely between comic fight of an entire nation, bent could command, what seems to us the this fuss, writes and says that everyimagazines you would Suppose that weeks Socialists have bled and died, the eyes.
the dologg of Madero, Blanco, and on recovering the land sold from un palpable truth that we should be wast one in Alamo has been well treated and Sallnas constituto tho revolution.
great principle of international soli.
Mexican Scarce a 1100 finds Its way into Finally, what of that great army. and thus achieving its economic ine satisfied with the dethronement of one Mrs. Nellie Myers, who was in Alamo darity which recognizes no distinction prlat to warn tho publlc that from of zealots who, as Sociallsts and An; dependence. It is a fight against the dictator and the installment of an and is now in San Is not that an all important there is no truth nego, says that)
of either race oricolor in the struggle boundary to boundary, with not marchists, have tbandered agalost cap money power the economic fight of a other.
report that for industrial emancipation.
truth, to be driven home to the under Americans are mistreated or that there plaglo stato or territory excepted, the itallsm for generations; declaring disinherited people.
catire nation is spontaneously in that its doom has rung, that it has Without exception the great dallies standing of the world, at all and every is any suffering in Alamo.
This Famous Book Retails 1:50 great mass of correspondence, re.
arms; that overy plantation is a bat. dus its grave, that it has been tried strive to convey the impression that cost, regardless of personal consider the reason this lle was made up by tle fold; that every slave is la per. In the balance and found wantirig? the fighting is confined to the troops ations? Should we not have been gull the press was because Otis Hearst and questing articles on the Mexican RevoFor a Short Time sonal revolt against his master; that, Will all these fall us in this crisis? engaged along the Northern border of ty of a most cowardly neglect of duty their fik are frantic for an excuse for lution, has been received from the East to quote Loula XVI ministerg. It We trow not. We know that they Mexico, under the leadership of Ma nad we talled to voice it, fearing the the United States to intervene, and and Europe, Such articles are being ONE DOLLAR 10 REGENRAGION Readers 18 not an outbreak dut a revolution. have but to understand the case to dero, Blanco, Bertholdt and others, criticism to which it might subject us? they don care to what lengths they go furnished as fast as possible, and will be noticed in succeeding issues as they Address, Regeneracion, 5197 4th Street Do you think such auppresalon accl. take their oaly righteous, their only Nothiog could be more erroneous. The It would be hypocritical to deny that) to obtain this end.
Los Angeles, Calif.
logical, their only possible stand. characteristic feature of our struggle you exercise great influence on So :tt naturally asks, did Carlyle dell This week we reproduce the letter sent ment; and it is the peculiar duty of the Soldier of Liberty re. WAS a are en.
Berthold at Alamo they set fire to the company store.
Barbarous Mexico Explaining the der its very feet without its consent ing blood. and treasure it we rested cared. For since Berthold too frente come Just across the border, true to that The Cause of the Revolution