Regeneración Pnglish Section Section States cannot understand? What full fed from their gluttonous hold their ground. From his 01RATES. 130 HOW Can Freedom Mcar Compulsior?
14 Such Is Life PRY as one of a firing squad to exo Selice indlære in tuis pre. ump slumber and launching to the four ympus, reared on the rocks of cute a hero or benefactor, ho Edited by WM. OWEN tion that great Republics such as winds this formidable phrase: Chapultepec a Jupiter of vaudefires without hesitation, though Argentina feel themselves in We all have the right to be free ville is putting a price on r11 he knows the bullet will pierce satural alliance with the United and happy. And the people, heads: is signing wird his army!
SUBSCRIPTION Send money payable to the noblest heart that ever beat Singlc copy. cta, No, 219 States simply because they bap which no longer waits for the hands sentences worthy of a cr: 11 INRIQUI VIORES MAGON.
in human breast.
Onc dollar a year. months, 500, Saturday Jan. 1, 1916 ¡P. Bux 1230. Los Angeles, Cal. pen to be situated in the same word of God, engraved on tablets, nibal, while his otislionored his good soldier is, a blind.
Western hemisphere? There is to descend on Sinai, is listening bristtle like the lt of. Wif: heartless, soul ess, murderowa sense in it. Geographically to us. Beneath their coarse gar tacked by rabias. repris elle the full product of his work. It ing the task is easy that Gore machine. He is nut a man. He slionlil be obyious enough that ernment is always slow, waste. Argentina ix far nearer to Evº ments the hearts of the loyal are old age this perverse detarsicing is not even a brüte, for brutes Into the black pigsties to life with tlıe despairof a drown.
only kill in self defense: All wier getting soinethitig for no ful, stupid and corrupt; that rope than it is to the United aflame.
thing is abolished rolibery will politicians are not the best and States Ethnically ber affiliations where they who inanufacture ing man. Having taken the lives that is human in him, all that is be dead, but that obvious propo most efficient but the worst and are with the Latins and not wlth happiness for those above them of thousands, he hiurself is struga divine in him, all that constitutes the Anglo Saxons. Economic huddle and rot, a rey of hope is gling hand to hand with death to sition is one that Organized La lcast competent of men; that the the man, has been sworn away bor does not understand. Its best of all existing Governments ally her trade relations are with entering. The peon is thinking save his own, when he took the enlistment onth.
England which At the end of the year it is clt lenders have too many political is, as Jefferson said, the Governhas invested as he treads the furrow. In the No matter; we Revolutionists His mind, conscience, eye, hilo toihary to take stoc. and surely ambitions to wish to understand ment that governs least, while several billion dollars in develop bowles of the earth the miner is march onward. The abyss does very soul, are in the keeping of the showing made during the last what repeating that phrase to liis not stop us, when the water is his officer.
it. They do not teach the over the best of all possible Governing the country. And Every falling over the precipice it is twelve months is iniserable. Dur.
throw of the wage systein but its inents is that which goverus not applies to Argentina applies all brothers of the chain.
No meu can fall lower than 108 that time the workers, who round. Pan Americanism is not where they are barkening to the most beautiful.
perpetuation, to be attained by at all.
If we die we shall die like suns, soldier. it is a depth beneath a natural growth, but an artiſi cager panting of those who are were wont to boast so loudly of cornering the job for the benefit This is unquestionably the cial paper scheme, got up by a marching to rebellion.
which we cannot go.
their strength, have been either of the elite of Labor. thou diffusing light.
Their conflict not only of the future slaughtered by millions in a war great aim is the maintenance of ſew politicians who have been sand nervous hands are fondling RICARDO PLORE MAGON they did not start, or have been, at the Closed Shop. a doctrine the world is weary of politicians with which to dazzle the public, patient breasts are counting as but of the inmediate future, for hunting for some gaudy bubble the rifle secretly; a thousand imIlạndits! That is what tho From mer pamphlet Land and Liberdefenders of law and ordor bést, mere onlookers, powerless to und tactic that openly disavows and of the misery in which they affect resulty. Put to the test Freedont and leads straight to have involved it. Not for mucli WM. C, OWEN, centuries the days whicla muist 14. Sold at this Office. Price 1068.
call us. Why? Because while their vaunted power has turneri elapse before they can listen to tyranny of tlie basest type.
longer will it put up with bilile are teaching our brothers out to be nothing.
the manly shout Rebellioni Fortunately Life is the one lion and a quarter dollar ConLAND. in misery that all should be Militaristi, which is the deadly king who cannot be dethroned, gresses, with the taxes they imWe ArG Fear takes wings and is harborMoving From Musions for the benefit of all, wo ere enemy of industrialism and, ed by the vile alone. Fear is a and Life will tutor us. The dis and the fool legislation The equal right of all men ta the use pose therefore, of the workers, has content that now racks society in with which they load the nation. Toward Life.
heavy pack which the brave, a of land is as clear as their equal right alko inviting them to take swept everything before it, but shanied to play tlie parts of beasts to breathe the vir. it is a right from every civilized country will not The curtain is about to rise on a possession of cliat all.
its greatest and most endurinbe and cannot be appeased until tremendous dramia, The Revolt We Revolutionists are not pursuof burden, must unload. Packs claimed by the fact of their existence.
made tho land! Did conquests have been in the eco society las put itself at one with against Government, and the ing a chimera; we are pursuing make us bend the back, and the For ve carnot suppose that some men have a right to be this world and nomic and political doma is, the demands of Life. That dis Anarchist movement, if it under reality.
valiant wish to stand erect. If others no right.
tho frock coated and beloved The peoples nowadays wherein precedents have been conteut is not the work of agita stands itself, should be prepar. are not taking up arms to impose a load we must suport, let it be The recognition of individual tro.
gentlemen who call it thoirs Establislied and inachinery set up tors, who usually appeal only to ing to come into its own.
the burden of the world and of prietorship of land is the denial of the on others their special Gods or make it? No; the land is which it will takı years of er.
natural rights of other individualsw It Is a universe of responsibilities, a niost limited circle; to the fantheir religions. The Gods are wrong which must show itself in the natural commodity, for the ergetic and highly intelligent atics of some pettils fanatical WM. OWEN, Submission! It is the cry of rotting in the lolly books. The inequitable division of wealth. For us struggle to overtlırow. Everi. ison. It springs from the in.
Rebellion! It is the labor cannot pro luce without the use the vile.
use of every living creature.
religions are facing away in the where the State 11:28 clothed il. xtincts of countless millions who shout of mnen. Lucifer, the reb of land, the denial of the equal right to Who made the housow, tho Khadow of indifference. The self, with powers previously ur feel that, thanks to scient and el, is worthier than the submis. use of land is navessarily the deniKoran, the Vedas, the Bible, no fabrics and all that goes lo dreamed of, and the powers to invention, there is enougli and al of the right of labor to its own prosive hireling, Gabriel.
longar dazzle. Between their render liſo comfortabla! WA seized it will not relinquisli in Forturate are the hearts in which duce. If one man can command the to spare for all; feel that we yellowing leaves the Gods are it the gentleman to see liv.
u hurry, have reached the point in human The Saturday Evening Post passing mournfully, as the sun protest takes root. Insubordinat land upon which others must lahor, he ing in rich palaces and loged. Agitation is a ed that com development at which want and of December 18, editorializing on lies in the twilight of a winter tion and rebellion! They are labur as the price of his permission to in luxurious htels: No; all glowly tor fruitage, but it finalis the fear of want should be ene the case of Assistant Postmaster das. We are moving toward Life, flowers we have cultivated all too labor. The fundamental law of nalittle.
ture, that her enjoyment by man shall arrives. In my opivion we are tirely out of date; feel that they Burkitt, dismissed for criticising Yesterday heaven was the peoThe timorous pale with fear thug violated. The one receives with.
be consequent upon his exertior, is that came from the bands of only now begining to reap the art artificially excluded from President Wilson second mare ple objective point; today is the the harvest of three quarters of a the feast and mean to break riage, expresses its astonisiiment earth, the poor, who liuddlo in conservative These are no more Crue and are out producing; the others produce century of Socialist propagancia their way into it.
that so significant an event at saders, lance in hand, Alali scandalized when they hear our without receiving. The one is unjust huts; rot in prison, witbor in devoted, with a prsistency ari brothels, and die in hospitale, Land monopoly, which ex tracted little newspaper comment, cimeter rest in the museum shown words; but tomorrow the timorous ly enriched; the orthers are robbed. TQ we have dorotion worthy of better cause, clades the inasses frolll their nat As it well says: You could mine, The hordes of the God of and the conservative will applaust this fundamenta! wrong the unjust distribution of on the gallow s, overywhere, to glorification of ile State. ural heritage, will liav to go. It not imagine a minor employ of a Israel are becoming albeists, them. The timorous and the wealth which is separating modern soin the noon of life.
gainst that reversion to Toryisin is an obvious monstre sits, and railroad being discharged Lucer The dust of dogmasis disappear: conservative wlio today adore clety into the very rich and the por.
Bandits! e who want and Bourbonism dressed up to the strong arun of Government cause lie was fiearil to say the ing before the treath of the years Christ were who pesterday con. It is the continuous iucrease of rert. suit the moderu ta:ste and maske, il alone uplolds it.
president of the road shou!
as they go by denges and crucified him as a the price that labor is compelled to for the use of land, which stripeat these things are not the by huge batteries of of pseud. Money monopoly, which cou: nat ge iparfied. and it goes on Today the peoples are not in rebelThey wla tofax ape room that many of the wealth they justly bandits, science a few thinkers, men of ſers on the possessors of gold a to explains that while the railroad rebellion because they wish to ing statues to nen of kenius per: earn, to pile it up in the hands of the R, NAGON, the Ilerbert Spencer type, hari inonopoly of the credit and ex company concerns itself only with the one Goil rather than an. cuted them resterday, loaded few, who do nothing to oarn it.
Why should they who suffer from striven valiantly, a id in due tine changes of the nation, will have the man ability at his desk the veter. The great social upheav. them with chains of threw them their work will bring its harvesi, to go. It is the direi creation government is deeply interested als to wäich religions gave birth to the bonefire. They who tor this injustice hesitate for one moment But Labor, the eternal victim of Government, which called it in what he does away from his have become petrified in the story tured Galilee, and forged him to jilders that they should to be prepare of the State. stil. cannot hest into existence and opholds it desit, fup on that the fate of the of the past. The Freuch Revolu retract, glorify him today; they mitted to rwap where they havo rwi their voices; still looks for suste despite its patent absurilities, next election thay vlenend. Our tion won the right to think, but who burtied Giordano Bruno alive, gown?
nance to its mortal enculy; still Special privileges of all kinds readers will remember our injun it did not win the right to live, today ad unire him; the hands that diopes that politicia 119 will lead it will have to ko, for it is impossi: diits cuininauts on this cas. and to the genauest of that latter tugged at the rope which hanged. Pron Liberty and the Great Literipto Paradise; still scoffs at frec ble to confer them onvojne except right the intelligent of a 11 count: Job Brown, were the ones that tariane. doin and puts its trust in regn at the expense of others, and those ries and all races today adilrees latef, in the Bivil War, broke the lation and restriction. Ile who others are always the weakest chains of slavery. they who con Presislett Wilson wedding themselves.
believes in regulat:011 obviously who are least able to protect. was notable for its freeduin from We have a right to live, the demned. excoinmunicated and de: GOOD SOLDIER. We beg to all subdesires a regulating apparatus, thenselves. Special privileges military pomp. Not iiniform thinkers tell us, and this human graded Hidalgo, tadhy penerato scribers of Land and Young man, the loweat aim in and the stronger and more effi are always and everywhere the was to be scen, Howeyer, we sloctrive has found its way to the lim; the tremulous lands that Liberty, to whom we cient that regulating apparatus direct creations of Government, should not build too much pu heart of the serf, as dew to the liſted the lemlock to the lips of your life is to be a good soldier.
can be made the better he wil and the stronger the Govern that. The Preparedness and thirsty soil. To live mean to be Socrates, today are penning tear. The gi od soldier never tries to are sending Regeneralike it, 111 religion he should be ment the more they abound, ción instead, to notify P:n American programis nail uy free and liappy. All of us, there: full defences of that Titan of distinguish right from wrong.
He never thinks; never reasons; a Roman Catholic; in secular afWe are not near the close of a to the gross of Militarist. fore, have the right to liberty througiit.
us if there is any mig fairs the cupire on the Caesats period of social re asljustment and happiness.
Every man, says Carlos Malato, he only obeys. If he is ordered take in their addresses or that of Wilhelm of Gerousy but at the very entrance, and the Social inequality died, in thco is at once a Reactionist and a to fire on his e low citizens, on we use to mail them our should be liis niodel.
rapidity of our advance will deBarfym said the American poo: fy, when the rebellion of free Revolutionist, as compared with his friends, on his neighbors, on Against all this the Anarchis pend on the clearness with which ple were born to be huinbugged, thouglit killed metaphysics.
It sonic other man.
his relatives, he obeys without weekly, as well as of hesitation. If he is ordered to moyenneut was supposed to be at we see the road we have to travi but perhaps he was thinking only is necessary that it should die in to the Reactionist the Confire down a crowded any irregularity there To that goal the energies servatives of today we are Reys when the poor are clamoring for street protest, but that must also has el. It cannot possibly be other of the reforniers. For example. act, might be.
been exploded by the stern hand wise. If Freedoin is the goal we the crushing of the Trusts, What of all free 1344 Are marching olutionists, but to the Revolu. bread, he obeys, and sees the Notify the Editor of of time. It would le almost im worse than waste our time on a hue and cry was raised four Ilence it is that we Revolution tionists of tomorrow our acts will gray hairs of age stained with Regeneración thus: possible. imagine, to find and measures of compulsion whorver years ago when Standard Oil, the iets are suot pursuing a chimera, have been thees of Conservatives, gray hairs of age stained with informed person of ordinary in fathers them. If justice is the father and arch type of them all, We are not struggling for abu Humanity ideas as to progress from the breasts of women, Enrique Flores Magon, telligence whio do:s not know touchstone we cannot desire that was finally brought to book and stractions but for material facts. vary all the time, and it is absurd fooling neither remorse Box 1236, Los An.
tunt in Germany the State is special favor skall be shown to legally dissolved, The market we want the earth for all; we to preterd that they are immusympathy. If he is ordered off geles, Cal, everything; that there the philo. any. We do not stand for any value of its stock immediately be want bread for all. What though tabie, like the fossils of plants oply of State Socialism203 one man, or type of man, but for gan to rise, and today it is worth blood may run, so long as the vic. and animals.
reaclied its zenith mul saturated all men. We do not stand for two and a half times what it was tory beneats all and not a special But if those full of the fear of the entire political and economic any one class, even thcugh it be at the date of dissolution social caste!
God, and the conservative, pale structure. Yet Germany has 110) what calls itself the workingBecause of th is the multitude with fear and are scandalized by inore stalwart lilolders than class, but for the abolislıment of Is listening to us. Because of our doctrines, those doctrines many of our would be Anarchist classes. We do not seek to aid a Why should Mexicate, who this our voice reaches the mag. Greathe courage into the serf.
certain section of the workers in are well acquainted with this ses, shaking and wakening The faces that misery and grief Mexico Battle for Economia Freo Organized Labor in the United their endeavor to corner the jobs long history of legislative fiascor thein. Because of this we are had marred are now transfigured; dom and its Relation to Labor States, as elsewhere, has nu ide at the master has to give; we seek es, feel the slightest confidence able to racze wirole people in down the sun buried cheeks the of fredoom, and, therefore, is not to give all men the oportunity in Wilson plans for their better revolt, tears to longer tua; countenances World Wide Struggle, Selected revolutionary but seactionary to of working for themselves and ment, via the Carrauza and Pan We are the people; but not the grow humanized; nay, better, last degree. It would turit over being free from mastera. Americau route? For at least sad and mournful people of the they become devine. for they are from Writings of everything to the State tomorrow These are definite ainis, to be fifty years every party in the Pharoals; 110t the abject and ser animated with rebellion sacred If it could get satisfactory kuat attained by definite methods. If taited States las had in its vil people of the Caesarsi not the fire. What sculptor eror yet por RICARDO FLORES MAGON, antees respecting wagen anci Monopoly is the one enemy, as platforin wine planks calling for people who were wont to clap trayed an ugly hero? what pain.
háurs of work, as the Englisti muintain, Monopoly, 10 matter the restoration of the United hands when orfirio Diaz was ter ever placed on his canvas the ANTONIO DE ARAUJO unions attempted ricentis to by whoin it may be enjoyed, States inerchant marine, and to, passing by.
We are people in figure of a deformed?
them from Premier Lsquith. For must be attacked uud over day that mercrant marine is revolt against the fok; we are the There is a mysterious light whicli ADD Wm. OWEN.
such a miserable in ss of potage thrown. If Government is the dendur thun it ever was. Why people of Sparta, the people who iuwraps heroes and lends thein it would gladly sell out the great great upholder of Monopoly, as should country that cannot were with Mutser in the procla brilliancy. Hidalgo. Juarez, No.
PUBLISHED BY heritage on wliicu Laber should also maintain, we should seek to maintain its own am in the mation of equality, with Camile relos, aragosa, sparkle like sung.
have entered long ago; the her. weaken Government gastead of competiti of the open geug be Desmoulins in the tearing down The Greeks placed their herces MEXICAN LIBERAL PARTY itage of personal liberty wiiiel, strengthening it; we should ex considera el capable of governitig of the Bastille, with Hidalgo in the demi gods.
won, by the aboli ion of specir plain untiringly that an institur people who speak another the burning of Granaditas, with O, Box 1236 We are moving toward Life. It privilege, would give all inesi tion based on compulsion is nec tongue neid skeris: ideals nat. Juarez ln his upholding of re. ia this wbich is breathing cour LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, A, equality of opportunity and auto essarily the enemy of freedom; ural to the tropics but such as form, age into the serf, awakening the matically secure to cvery worker we should never weary of shows the inhabitants of onr coldere We are the people, waking the giant and causing the gallant to PRICE 10 CENTS, To Subscribers of Land and Liberty 1101 Land and Liberty hero among.