AnarchismBakuninBourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyFranceGermanyIndividualismPrivate PropertyProudhonSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStrikeViolenceWorking Class

WM. OWEN. Box 1236.
Matin English Section Does Dodging Issues Bring Results?
REGENERACION Mexican Notes a 平 privileges and nutthariis, irliereby the right of property. We true right in which is proper to the individual. 14 anmhilmel. She believestlint an ngtration sliould entirely supplaul coinprtitiou; holl nint rompeticion, in one form of auoiler, will always exist, milind il ly tighly ruirable it should R111 wlinthor Alir or be Wrnik, or lintho 119 he wrong of one thing 2011 Sur; tie spirit wliicli animatne Tomma Golman is the only one which will enarrigatr the warr from his slavery, the tyranit from his tyranny the spirit which is willing to dare no suffer Perlaps the mililot of this cation may lie allowed to let that for orila pins pirrcisely the position Voltairing le Cleyre describes e brim ler own, and that 11e 11 Odcupiel it int more than twenty years; iliat le conceives Ilint when thuis molim social qurution lears it will be accu lint the Arhiepriest is not agains! property tallt gainst the special privileges which take litar property from ilip u orien citrd in nwn it vir its crritor, sm. 111a under contulitions of congilyní opportunity tonipelling will inpear on what it really sinult 14 The list foren of en pelatinui, The our currenpainat monopnly, it rullion which is valuta meth.
oil of telling ile hest out of and the bors for ciery bumun life Authoritarianism the Foe.
Ricaulo Magn is a Communist, hul we are sure lie is no logniatist.
Tele 51c. from his writings, that he places llic forcioni al the individ 1971 first, and alvave all price, as di Volir la lerne 11 Let us we read in the history of the Mexiran.
Trulian Mats lipon the history of a Valular. nunnism strugglini: desperately against invasive goverila ments whichi 1:1 wishol in force him in its will: that the Mexican T11dins live grounerl themselves arcopiline in tlieir individual moris and inclinations, and in their one vital inctinci lag been in protest against all 11:oritarianism that would force (horn into onbinations to which they lid not willinely content Purthiermorr, it would be iinnossible, we Think, for any one to live among the mast active inembers of the Mexican Tiheral Tasty, the syuter has liveli srithout reconnising that llieir entire life is inspired by the philosophy lyr described. Tlicy di natural Trhols against authority and Ant 0110 wlin has had the hanilling of larta hories of Mericans will tell you that they are the raciest neonle in the world lo coax and the hardest to drive, The erlitar of this section as a lorear of cit nil piriert schemes of social relemneinn; simply because it is impossible to device a sclisme which a clever opening of the rich cannot mille all to vinces On the other 112171, society has not yet producet prin capable of riniaining satisfactorit, hogy ve benefit hy giving some sharial Arivileges at the expense of others. That, therefore, scene in him ilic chemy vital spot, was a.
tree meaning of liis polislied phrase, nothing could he worse than the conTuerla further says that only ile duct of our public jnils rod lumalic States of Sonora and Durango are at asylums; our postoffice is today a Tn talle for the inrre Aake of walking; to pass laws for which NIEVER will be again the charmingly submissive 0000000000000OOOOO the present totally beyond authority, most formidable engine for the sun the mere sake of passing (lumn; to loil at organizing anil proletariat it was, When American and other Last week wr pointed out that the pression of rebellious thought, ani produce merely a cumbersome, thoughtleks Trias 8mm surely plutocrats bought Mexicano Zapatistas had quitter. Morelos only will become for more so as it is comin that represents a waste of energy which intelligence Recently wrote of Belsel, and said we could not colo. land by the hundreds of square o to transfer their activity to neighbor ſtict grows more intense. Apart from should le Aslianied to tolernie, Yet in these United gize. liim. jovite you to look at Germany today, and miles did they asks what right o ing States. Thus they scarler deir ils own merits, therefore, we wolronin States, for at least two generations past, we have field consider to wltat impotence time serving taelies have re o the vendots had to sell it? Did o revolutionary propaganrla, and, ac; the present exposure as an attack on millions of agitation mectings, conducted thousands of çiliced a movement of which Bismarck himself once stood they ask how it was that a few Ocording to the L;Os Angeles Times. Slate institutions; as good. Ariareliint turuullious clecrion, formed gigantic lahor nrganizations, in awe. Predlom, of Lonilni, fias a long letter nn Ber were able to dispose of princi o Zapata las bern for two months llie propaniganda.
and pasund, the Inwyers and politiciang themselves do not wel death, hy a writer who evidently is well informed. palities? Of course they did head of the s in Mexico.
Apropos of all this, we have efore ell, we have always regarder the manusc or an excellent 110w how many laws, wilho111. cven checking the onward and, among other things, he says that Bebel was the o not. They took their alleged march of that plutocracy we once worshipped anil now coolest and craftiest of politiciane; that he remained titles knowing them to be ab opata as working for One Big Union article on the recent Seattle outrages, virw witlo wild alarm. We may not like to confess it, and for nearly fifty years at the head of a party, lately grown solutely rotten. They knowing of the Workers and clealle om die written by fiva Trew. Muchillas been of course our cadere ceny the charge, 111t the fact is to be immense; always managing to be on the butter side, oly made themselves partners in o ile landlores. We are certain, How published already on that aulyject, and that ve lave failit most ignominiously. Now we must while this party was rent will internal quarrşls, jealousies, o one of the most gigantic crimes o cver, that lie is not striking for short ile article is unfortunately inn long revise the chart and steer another cou11 AC. We have to. ctc. all along? To which he ads this passage: This o on record. By every principle o er lours and more pay, and that le lor lis, but the author makes certain The weather steadily grows worse.
We must make port locs away with the legend of the benevolent enthusiast, of justice they should be pun. who tells you habitually iliat that the speech of the Secretary of Slie shows does not belong to the type of points extremely clear, or formuler, and to me it really opens glimpses into a life given to o ished.
party slavery, which to anybody who is not devouted by should not be upheld by Amero the land question does not interest the Navy MUST tuve incited. llic liini, Itis only concern being with lile sailors to their attack on the Social1. 61 119, look back at the course pliisiteit. irst, and ambition must have been an ordeal, Bebel never felt any ican bayonets.
most prema siguilly, we have tried the muckraking route, pangs over this, it seems.
ist and headquarters, inas.
Wien lie wanted a litlle 0000000000000 Last night was the hottest in los much as he said: This country liae We have, lind great belief in words and roposed a touch. frendom, he took it, 28 witness his sketch of future society With the world for his audience, ing confidence in detectives. We liave cursed the rich in his book on Wanan, But all others must bc dumb Victoriano Tuerta has Bandly in Angeles record, and today thig olja no place for the rail flag, nor for any with cyery variety of phirage and converteul journalism into tools to work for the strict party program, or he would formed his Congress that upon tak the shade, though the climate Icon thic action of the Mayor of liostoni. Il when his threw the Socialist paraders caching saplnky, and in what has it resulted? On the tempts wit lain dan reach to anat a less audio inariaon. com: LAW Of the Presidency of the Roes it is proportionately as hot in illic in jail and found a law to cover the one hand in the choiceal collection on record of one idea option of Socialism: be put his foot on all independent public he did sich and such things country farther Souil, we can under action afterward. Mat declaration.
referiners in ou ile other hand, in a population sither thought all gulhursts of revolutionary feeling Plus, ben We liadinderstood that he got stand ine hull in lighting According to the Seattle lines, was received with wild applause, the audi11010118 of ille yllinw type, and obscene trinly of the Drew fical policy of risking nothing abstention from anything illegal pleasaniness, wliich resulted once jumping on chairs, waying Caminetti hranil, might have taught some needed Icsson that might lead to revolutionary action was erected into in Ilie slaughter of Francisco Malankerelicts and yelling until they you agn. Today they are merely the offal on whicli system which Social Democracy is practising in all coun dero and many others.
were lioarse.
ile morbid fecil, 11t short, ilie role of the myckrafter tries, conilining it with the meanest slander of Anarchists, Iltierta stated further, in his semi With the deepest regret wc liva Trew properly remarks that 18 Rocial regenerator, if it ever existest, is today played from Proudhon and Bakunin onward to the present day.
annual message, that the presidential 11ave to chronicle the death, af the statute under which Quinlan aud clection would be held, as scheduled. maintain persistently that the Social Democratic next 1110nth, and added smoothly that, ter a long and painful illiiexs, many other agitators have been sent of Senora Concepcion de to jail sliould renler Secretary Dail.
Thirty years ago, under the impeling of the Interna. Party of Germany, considered as a revolutionary force lic would spare no nains to guarantee Rivera, wife of Librado Rivera, iels criminally responsible for ilic tional Workingmen Association, from which sprang that presumably devoted to the overthrow of slavery, is one that such election should be absolute 0110 of the members of the maintain ly fair, rioting that followe, and slie gives With the Carranvistas 311extensive organization of labor which at one time threat persistently that the German workingman has become, 10ncing definitely that Mexican Liberal Party now il extracts from Scattic papers 10 prova they will eurd to linvo San Tirancisco at its mercy, there was under the tutelage of that political party, one of the neither take part in nor recognize it; prisoned in the McNeil Islandi that the very crowel wliicli cheered DIORL radical and effective ngintion on tiis Pacific Coast.
penitentiary. Mrs. Rivera pass tanest serfs on record, the speaker liysterically trooped alouk did not write as crucily of with Zapata anil other well known Trelay it is forgoit011. About that time the Knigiits of Behel as has the Freedom correspondent, for had not inaders mocking it to scorn; ed away. at 9:30 Sept. 12, in automobiles to see the fun which will aged 35, leaving a girl and boy, followeit.
thie Hram, were 500. 000 strong. Today they are only a meni my facts at hand, bit if Bebel was as that correspondent thousands of men aged respectively 15 and 11. She Of course it was a case of one set nry. Creat honey were based on the American federa paints him, his career was infamous. To profess revolu country in arms and the masses alwas for a long time liousekeepof miserably paid and brutally comtion of Lahor, which promised to avoid tlic old centrala fion while working to prevent it is the basest treachery. ways utlerty indifferent to the ballot, er for Regeneración staff, mandeered wage slaves attacking their On the delicatc mieszation mistakes and forn a highly individualized fighting probably the most painfuil transitional period in the his aion of wlicher he llimself will, 1xc aud was universally belovect.
follow slaves; of course as long 29 Donly. Today it is the strongliold of conservatism. With iory of the race what cruelty attributed to a Nero or a a candidate the Provisional Presistent Nearly two months ago she was this continues plutocracy privileges all lose movements myself was actively identified, aut sent to San Gabriel, it being are safe; of course unflinchingly radiCaligula is equal to that?
111y experience, both as a propagandist and a newspaper preservedl a discreet silence, whiclı hoped that the change would cal agitation alone can remedy this lcwin, should have taklit me anmething, particularly as to inst he tantalizinq to Washington. benefit her; but, although there plorable condition, Tor this tva the official rings and politic, which invariably developedi.
An old soldier has been telling me of luis campaigns, The last card ni Felix Diaz was tenporary improvement, rew pleads, and for this reason we Yenca have ground into my soul onc ustiakcable convic anel summing up his experiences with the remark that from Biarritzi in the South of France.
slie grew gradually weaker, criticize that clement in the 1, tinn; vir. at, with very rare exceptions, Tabor officials when men have once parte up their minds fell cannot where he was said to be takino comm.
We had hoped that it miglit wliich wislies to restrict the propaand Tabor politicians cannot see one inch beyond their stop them. To which replice that he had expressed in acl with his uncle, Torfirio. Biarritz have been possible for Rivera ganda io itnprove conditions in the own immediate interests, and that llic bureaucratic ma a nutstiell my own Revolutionary, pliilosophy. Which is a long way off.
to be present at the funeral, and shop, Furthermore, ITucrta placidlv. 117shinery is so lytaugel as to reduce the ranks and file 10 Americans, Mexicans or any others have made up their President Wilson was so gonil We wish to all that in our judyTeluless1109s. The overilirow of plutocracy is obviously minds that life under the present slavery to money is formert the Powers, and naturally thic as to give instructions that lie nient, it is 118 cless to waste word, on ns blik a job as meu cau ndertaks. Like all lig jobs it not worth living; when they have become firmly con United States in particular, that the should be released on parole for proving that the government its sailcan be puit through only ny men who go strnight to tlicit vinced that they have as good a right to use this carth courtesy by whicli 11eir warships are the purpose of attending. U11 ors in this instance were the first to mork, as las any other set of men; when they understand that at present permitted to remain in fortunately we found it impos appeal to force. All government is an all the waterials for lappy life. are here and clecide to Moxican ports, for the protection of sible to raise thie, to 113, consid appeal to force; and, for our part, we get them or die in the attempt when they get to that their ritizens will not be extended erable sum necded for travel consiilor the smooth methods of the Co to any labor mass meeting, composed of whatever point the fight will bave been virtually won. The problem alter the minder of next month. TTe ling expenses.
law FAR more clearly to (le people Irments you please; with Compers, Dchs, Taywood or is how to get them to that point. Tlie wish the burning, adicted that hic. had now an army of Interment was at San Galirici, liberties than is the apparently bruint nny other of the recognized priests a9 prcaclier. Always all devouring wish, begotten hy intellectual convicti011. 100, 000. mc14 and that thanks to the Sept. 17.
sword. The sword awakens the fightyou will hear the sanir okst story, repeated, to my peru must be caller into existence before the hand will strike: pourrosity. of forcign bookers thinde ing instinct of the moss, and thereby song knowledge, Sor die last Juriy years. Always you And, inasmuch as that all cievouring wish is not part of of Tiraner having lopend krim to the seals its awit doon. The law, on the will be told that the worker is in slavery to the capitalist; the politician make up; inasmuch as it does not inspire the of 30, 000, 000 16 had been alle BY NOTED AUTHORITY.
other hand, warks as religion las alNotice of the excellent lecture on ways workcel preying on the finer the trawn; that the economic revolution is inminent. When at which the officials collect the dies; inasmuch, indeed, munitions of war. Tuerta knew whiat Mexico, delivered at Planchard Hall. instincts of the mass and winning ly you are very young and green you go away couvineed, as electing labor representatives and pampering lahor of he was about when lle seized this Sept. by Prof. Ricardo Urile, speciojis suoliistry its moral support but later you learn a thing or two. You find, for example, ficials with salæries las mcrcly brought conscrvative te Presidency. TIe understood that to was crowded out last week. No man of infamously immoral coclc.
chat the union walking delegate is not there to make war nelinu and lying cowardice in its train, we inust turn to capture the Government of a country can speak with greater authority. on fraieri expressly for the uplokling of on the lated capitalist but to humor and wheedie him, other tactics. The Mexican Liberal Party put in years of is to get crcdit from the usurers of all conditions in that country than cau injustice.
that the unioniste may gol jolos. You find that the spell liarxi, thankless, dangerous and flinchingly radical props the world.
Prof. Uribe, for he was born and buder 18 119tally political diplomat, and that in the aganda lirfore a blow was struck. All the worlal 110w Legal Tangle.
brought up there, and for years liela VOLTAIRINE DE CLEYRE Councils hic holls while on tour the question is not low knows that, someliow o other, the Mexican masses have Thic neutrality laws 11pcar, to our highly important positions, both for the. Herald or Revoll, Tinnon.
capitalismi can he best altackol lyeit wlint candidates and become afire with discontent.
lav minds. cer thiuma. ITunerta is Inrge companies and for the govern lias slone an excellent piece of coluenplatforms will give least offence to a score of conflicting 100 recognized 1tlie United States. cit.
Since then le lias been ilte tional work in getting out a special interests and bring out the biggest vote, Bencath all the Cioro waris alat ini telah mengeld stondlily in view. The one revolutionar partowanent of meteor, mot has set best and it would soon as is in the eyes on proces pe cele white fesses itsell Margely indebted for the or my part, try to study forçcs, and believe tlie 11ccomplains of it most bitterly best known teacher of Spanislu iu pos Voltairine dc Cleyre number. com dommt is the job.
fun to tap the actual forces, or even to set about tapping sliould be non existent.
Yot our are regarded by the best judges a most satisractory skotel of the 12them in the only way in which they can be tapped. The Prof. enple wrile, une that more agitation of fundamental real force, as it seems to me, is not in organized labor, bankers are allowed to lend him all most reliable and scholarly.
issues. as we of the Mexican Liberal Party conduct it and except for the politicians, to whom it is a nicely rounded to money they care to, although it is Tribe is not a revolutionist, but is connection therewith a special inpearl 118 tlis Socialists and Anarchists used to conduct it ycars to body of disciplined sheep, handy at elections. The force goes into tlie nurchase of arms, anri (liat the struggle in Mexico was 110t tairine cuts, at twelve cents cach, liair 1910. is an unpractical. Coul licaveus! What is there of is not in the well drilled conservatism of the shops, he himself publicly declares that it political but economic, laving as its of the proceeds to 89 109 the American which live audied? Ilave such critics any conception the bitter discontent of the masses, and it must be ap tankers were conniving at the im and by those who cultivate it. The late to the Terald or Revoll, whichi, cream that it can be overthrown by men afraid of lifting of equal opportunity: which all can understand, since the portation of arnis into Mexico, ut lecture was given in bolli Spanish and like all revolutionary papers; is lia. was listened to with ing a hard struggle.
sa muell as a little finger in genuine nttack? Do they instinctive complaint is that the masses are not given a too much sleep worrying over the markeul attention.
immagine that Wall Street or the great landed interests aquare deal; secondly, by holding up. persistently a triie danger of being prosecuted. On the No liner selection for the opening rare two pece about these imion business agents, who and noble picture of a future in which, with monopoly other land, there are numerous Mexarticle could liave been made than hand out ille cigars and try to curry favor? Does Big abolished, there will be nore than enough for all. If you cans who are most anxious to get THUS SLAVEHOLDERS TALK the specclı in defence of Puma GoldMr. James Osborne is the autiior man, delivered by Business feel that political power is slipping from it think that sort of program, Utopian, reply that the re back to sheir mother country. wheili of a pamphlet entitled the Way to Cleyrdt in 1893.
Voltairinic when the unions or the Socialist Party get nu occasional sults reached in Mexico within three short years have cr. to light against the military. dicta Power; published by the Dominion propagandists. whether considered as It is a model for man into office? ne truth is it gladly, throws these sons taught you nothing, and that you had better look up the torship established by Tuerta, of Executive of the Socialist Party of an appeal to the loftiest thought or as to Cerhery, for Labor politicians are the cheapest on the career of that Nap whom listory has agreed to which they disapprove most strong. Canada, which has been sent to us for an exposure of slams and an example market, 11 this new Abolition movement the slave call The Great, nwners and Tegrees are on hilariously good terms with whose periodical addresses to his army were studded with intervention they regard as ocar at to do so, because it reiterates, with breadth and sirengil, and Ue pity is An eminently practical gentleman, 1v, or to he ready for the American notice. We think it worth our while of unflinching logic. It luas boli the tabor concession hunters, but let a new Garrison appeals to the highest sentiments, but who was, also care hand. They may will be pardoned, the official sanction of the party, that that agitation work of that character prise, shouting from the licousetops that Monopoly must ful to remind his troops that the looling would be fine.
he slain, instantly and at any cost, and see what they furthermore, he insisted that the secret of success was to wander about Mexico without hav passed through the economic stages the imprisonment of a we think. for considering it impructeuil the Mexican Revolutionists have sot is all so rare. It is lier protest against will on to him. The Makons and their supporters have to attack and attack quickly. His solliers adored him being a gun handy. but if they try to needed to entitle them to Tiberty, saying in the coirmou people precisewoman for hoon meni of that type, and they are in prison. Likewise, cause le had the sense to share their wardships.
plutncracy in Mexico is fnce to face with a proletariat pack one across the line Uncle Sam That was tle plea raised originally ly what Cardinal Manning hact writWM. OWEN.
does his best to nab them. This fate by Delos in the International Social ten in the classic pages of the iortseems to have befallen a party de ist Review, and today the Socialists nightly Review, viz. tliat hunger lias scribed by the papers, witli many sen. habitually insist that a large portion rients which over ridle all human laws.
sational trimmings, as composed of of the world wide army of Labor is with admirable skill Voltairine sle. s. We are sorry to find our not fit for Freedom. Thus have slave veloped her subicct by showing that most loyal comrade, Rangel, bollers spoken since slavery began.
the arch rebel, Christ, was imprisoner Ilie following translation from the Spanish of Ricardo Misery has been the result of this monopoly of our named among thcir number. Few The agitator who declares that the solely because the common people flores Magon, appeared in this English section, eb. 24, natural wealth by a few foreign companies and a handful men have suffered more for the rev Mexicans are not ripe for liberty will heard bin gladly, and that Manning 1912. We reproduce it, because it seems as timely today of Mexican bourgeois, and that misery las been the leaven olutionary cause than lie has during feel also that the slum disinterited could write with safety what only the aly when it was written, and because, amid the pulling and of the formidable movement now shaking our native coun the last seven years, arc not. as yet, cutitled to struggle well to clo would read, while Kimia ruling of this great struggle, we are apt to forget that try and engaging the attention of the bourgeoisie and gov Pron such facts our leaders can for it. On that toboggan lie will slide Goldmanı hecaine dangerous when Ilic (riginal calises still persist, erinents of all the world.
form, at least, some faint conception to wiversal genial of the right to New York Jewish Ghetto was the We Mexicans have understood that so long as we are of the desperate odds against which Iiberty; and indeed that is precisely audience. That is always the test, beThe resolute attitude of the people of Mexico in face not really inasters of the land that is to say, so long as the revolutionists must struggle, They the point to which logic is driving cause, as Voltairine showed so clearly, of threatened interventia ly the United States has caused the land is not tlie property of each and every one of the can get also some idea of the enor the Socialists.
1, while the authorities do not fear thic 111e government of this country in deny emphatically that huinan beings who form the population of what calls itself mous power of Government, on both Mr. Osborne is an old, offender: people as they are at presenta mere it bry any intention of invnding Mexican territory. We the Mexican Republic ignorance, hunger and tyranny will sides of the border; and it is obvious More than year ago he publishect, milling mass they do fcar grcally klo 11614 kuow 19 wliat extent this declaration may be sin he our eternal executioners. We have, therefore, to lay that the revolutionary cause would from Oakland, Cal. a painphlet en wliat ihe people may become moder cere. The one thing certain is that the American consuls hands on the land; we have to make it our own, even if be entirely helpless wlien handicapped titlerl The Truth About Socialisin. the influence of intelligent agitation.
resislent at merous Mexican points liave given their by so doing we have to challenge the wrath of those who so heavily, were it 110t that there are We reviewed it in our issue of Ang. Intelligence in itself is not power, government ant account of the profound discontent and exploit and tyrannize over us. Therein lies the danger powerful influences in its favor. 17, 1912, and showed that it was mere but it leads to power, and is the oile great indignatiou provoked among the people of Mexico of intervention, We are locked in this íron dilemma; There must be or it could not have ly an attempt to catch votes for the and only road by which power can be hy learning that the United States was preparing an army cither we must reconcile ourselves to being forever pro survived so long. The main influence Socialist Party by the contention that reached. To create that intelligence, of a hundred thousand nice to invade the Mexican Re letarians, to being forever serís, to being forever slaves, is, of course, the bitter discontent of the Socialist Party platform is tout a therefore, is the agitator. first and public and establish a protectorate under the Stars and and to continuing to labor for hire, through fear of for the masses, their traditional hatred of latter day version of the Declaration sacred (uty. It is also tlint which Stripes.
eign intervention, or we must resolutely lay hands pow militarism and centralized authority, of Independence, and should receive gives him. or tier, the post of greatest Well; for llic moment the United Slates will not in erful, virile and sublimely disrespectful on that which and their determination to get back the support 8f all good Americans. responsibility and langer in our cruel 1ervene, But does that face dispel the danger of foreign hitherto has been considered sacred under the laws narių the land, possession of which will en. The words quotedl are from our own social wat.
interventionner Mexican affairs. The Mexican Revolution, factured by the bourgeoisie the right of private property, able them to support themselves. review, for which we received thic Dogma Should Not Chain Us.
by its economic character must have, as its necessary This we must do, even if we bring the whole universe Huerta may have got together 100, 000 thanks of more than one Socialist. 111 connection with this we tole result, foraign, intervention, 16: the revolution were solely upon us. We cannot make a half revolution. All or men and he inay have armed then, For the rest, the present pampulalet that our friend the editor of the the result pillie political amritions of the various groups nothing. Land and Liberty or death!
with the aid of the foreign Money splea to organize on the plane nf Icrald of Revoll has been called Who are contending among themselves for supremacy, the Sooner or later intervention will become a fact, either Power. What he cannot guarantee is power. Pray, whence comes all oco sharply to account for his endeavor United States and bilier powers would wait tranquilly the because of our valor in Snatching from the lands of the their loyalty. The troops turned 10mic power? Jirom possession of toy react Benjamin Tucker 0111 ui coming of peace, fccling assured that their subjects would bourgeoisie the property it withholds, or from the in against Porfirio Diaz; they turned the land. which is nature great store the ranks of Anarchism, and we are conţinte 10 axploit the natural wealth of Mexico and the possibility of paying off the debt that presses on the against Madero; they are with lluerta and tool house.
glad to sce that he has had the fairInhor of the Mexican proletariat. But this, revolution can nation. Some day the foreign bankers will no longer be for the monient, and for what there ness to open his columns to a full not end with the elevation to power of any one of the content to wait, and they will force their governinents is in it; the main object, we tlıink, in SLAVE AGAINST SLAVE. discussion of the question. We have leaders of the revolutionary bands, just as it did nint end to collect from us, at the cannon moutlı, what Diaz and many instances being to get posses We trave had frequent occasion to expressed ourselves already on the with the clevation of Francisco Madero to the presi. the Cientificos, what Maderò and his family, have pocket sion of arms. Many liighly success criticise the Appeal to Reason, he subject, and need only repeat here rency of the Republic. This revolution will end when ed. Diaz escaped with the millions he had stolen: Shall ful guerilla leader had to thank the cause fake stories and misinforinntion that Anarchism means exactly what caclinud. every one of the inhabitants of Mexico has been we perniit Madero to plant lis money in foreign banks, Madero government for giving him on a subiect so serious as the Mexi its name expresses, Without Rule, made sure of bread, clothing, shelter, cducation and lib that he may dissipate it at his ease in the watering places his start, by furnishing him and his can revolution call for severe rebuke. and does not chain liumanity to the erty, ns llie result of ile refusal to recognize private and grand hotels of Igurope?
followers withi weapons bought with With all the more pleasure do we ap wheel of any economic doginu. Inproperty, Fior the moment the United States hastens to say that national funds and ammunition fresli plaud the good work it is doing, deed, it is negative, declaring simply Well when; the great natural sources of wealth are in it will not interfere in our affairs; but the European pow froin the national arsenals.
through the pens of Jotun Kennetli that no economic arrangeinent can le the possession of powerful foreign companies; magnificent ers, whose subjects are being despoiled of the wealth they Sugar coating the Pill, Turner and other correspondents, in satisſactory which places one man in cataies, forests that are very rich, five mines, ojt deposits have been able to amass byexploiting the Mexican prole. It seems to us that there was hu its army exposures; an agitation on the power and at the mercy of a1that yield abundently, in addition to great factories and tariat, will bring, such pressure to bear on the American mor in Huerta allusion to the tense. which all can unite. At the same time otlier man. If Conmutism, for exfountries, railways, etc. etc. are all in the foreignar government that finally intervention will become a fact. ness of the present position as being we have to insist that the army and ample, should result is that, Commun.
One can say that all Mexico is being exploited if it is not effected by the United States aloue, because with the government of the United the navy are themselves typical of ison would stand condemned hy A11hy foreigners, who, in the immense inajority of cases, that nation has not the resources sufficient to carry to States, although, luckily, not with that governmental institutions as a whole archism. Tu this connection our com.
inade use of franelises obtained under the dictatorship of completion a work of such a nature, it will be by the people. If he had expressed himself since whatever government under rade Aldred will do well, we think, to Porfirio Diaz, and often employed violence, to obtain con: combined action of all the powers. But then the Social bluntly he would have said: know takes becomes immediately l10ney study carefully the Collowing passage trol of the natural wealth of Mexico. By virtue thereof Revolution will break out in Europe; the European pro you would like to intervene and drive comber with corruption and ruler bv from the very speech le publishes.
we Mexicans have been reduced to the condition of slaves letariat will rise in its indignation against its govern me out of this; but also know that a soul clestroving hierarchy. There Therein Voltairine de Cleyre said: 10 llie foreign exploliers; we lanve been left with no other ments; the earth will he one flame, and will travel its your intervention will be inost pop ore 11o exceptions: there cannot be Miss Goleman is a Communist; fortune than our bare arms withi wliichi 10 earn the mis orbit proud of the fact that for the first time it is trodden ular with the masses in the United Txamination would show 011 civil am an Individualist. She wishes to crable wages out executiones pay us exchange for hy, imen where formerly there crept, century after century, States and may lead to the devil of a service at Washington, fully lestroy the right of property; wisli the gwent ol our brows, oli liealin, our future, a humanity submissive and vile.
That seeing to us about the as open to attack as is the army: 10 ansert it. nake my war iipon ik ANOTHER WHOPPER.
Last week we accused the New Times, published at Minneapolis and calling itself the official organ of three separate Socialist bodies, of having ultered two whopping lies resnecting the Mexican Revolution, This weck we accise it oi uttering a whopping lie about itself, for it de.
clares loudly that it is not a State Socialist organ. When any one speaks the word Sfinte Socialisin,. it cries indignantly, demand an cx planation and then cxplain the real status of the tern. Let no one take the word Socialism in vain State Socialism is the doctrine that the State should run industries and own opportunities at present in the hands of private capitalists. All the talking in the world cannot make out of it anything more or anytlting less.
The New Tinies advocates that, and it is a State Socialist paper. Berger advocates that. openly. Debs advocates that. Jesuitically, drawing all sorts of fine distinctions. The Socialists advocate that throughout the world; but, confronted with the notorious corruption and inefficiency of officialdom, they are trying to make the public believe that their State Socialism is in a class all by itself.
In June 29, 1912, we printed a little item which we consider worthy of reproduction. It ran as follows. Jean Jaures, recognized leader of French Socialists, lias been interviewed on the subject of hard times and rising prices. He says: Tle liig!
cost of living has made life intolerable. The State must step in and save the citizen Then these saine men grow friously angry when you call thein State Socialists!
The agitator carl have no more imperative duty than that of nailing these inscrupulnus lies and exposing these slippery sophistries. We know there are some pretty straight thinking men in Minneapolis and we sugRest that they go for the New Times and its hombastic challenges.
Why This Fight Is Irrepressible.
The first volume of our Land and Liberty series is now ready for distribution. It contains 64 pages of reading matter, set solid; three cuts; illustrated cover and some other matter. We believe it is a good and need.
ed work, and we urge all our readers to help in pushing it. We know there are many who would like to be more active in the struggle but do not know exactly how to set about it.
Surely this offers them an opportunity, for we put into their hands, at ten cents, a volume they need not be ashamed of distributing among their friends. We are not after money. If we were we should not be offering 50 much at Bo Small a price. To agents who will make its sale a specialty, and to organizations of others order.
ing in lots of not less than fifty, we will even cut the price in half, though by so doing we shall be out of pocket, Send orders to Box 1236, Los Angeles, Cal. powet.