Wm e Owen Editor.
English Section REGENERACION For Land and Liberty 1110) nicit known ils Local י11ירהנווד usה IS i BX 210, 4, 80; sich 114.
men Circle, Amad, Bheet Metal Workers, Rangel and Cline ok Secret Local, m, Ne Savannah Sidebar 10, Kangor 1; who his public acte that he follows the No, 203 principles of the Mexican Liberal Saturday, Nowombor 28, 1914, Party, whilo Zapata gives every class of guarantees to the members of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES.
Mexican Liberal arty who aro op.
Belare the Kaze of the studious of eration with which one treats horse fends throughout the territory and crating in the territory he controls.
Singlo copy5c.
this world the rises, like u Torind ur cow The Mexican worker lad 110 the States south of the United States The Apostles.
One dollar a year. Six months, 500. ible question inark, the revolutionary such consideration. Inasmuch its It is represented 11t1118 country by a No lesg iinportant is thic task inany the Mexican where was an abundance of workers, comunitiec ot vc, v14, Ricardo Flores nieinbers of the Mexican Liberal. 2; itro rulutoru, Doc. 11 Revolution and inasmuch as, moreover, his ac Magon, Loryne Flores Magon, LI Party havc imposed on thenisclves, Lucal. Kaukakero, blogger Work They movement in one can say it quisition bad not cost thic bacienda frado Rivera, Inselmo he igucron for many of them enter the ranks of e rovidence, 9176 uithout teall at being inistihen the waer a single cent, the country peons and Antonio de Arnujo, as secre the Carranzistas, Villistas and Hucre Alberton Records while hele verduras nost cuitional tana this old world had to work iruin sunrise to sunset tary, 119 official namic is The ortistag to propagate among the soldiers lloguen ane, 42; Workmas Oircle, tr.
las espeel. tur. the boom of this for wages that run, according to local guniang Junta of the Mexican Liberal the idents of the economic, political order to get more than onena. Se eine deste ting Tous daylson, at the bottom of ity, from eighteen to twenty fivc, thir uty, and its postal address is O and social, emancipation of the prole outreal, Cha. 42, Frlend, ruuble lull ut sub ty seven and fitty ccuits (Mexican) it Box 1230, Los Angeles, California tariat. Others traverse the country uttery. 304, San Bernariluo, cuill. 1; dentve ebullition broad uuy, and had to make his purchases at The Mexican Revolution may be said in various directions, sowing the seed Italster, mico, Texas. Local s2 Piensant view popular piration assuming a thé hacienda store, where goods ot to be the result of the labors of this of good ideas in cities, towns, villages borados ago clearly concrete form; the form of poor quality cost the highest prices. party, as has been recognized by im and on ranches and helping to Kindle Trlatiug liels Asst. Unlvy No. 12, Okla 21II Lulami economic liberty, that is to say, of the iſ the peon fell sick he had to dic like purtand persons who have undertaken the popular aspiration toward the or homa City Cokl. 93 Local. W. Kan posibility of obtury by incans ví dox, without receiving medical as elie study of the Mexican movement. ganization of a society in which there al sao, an Am, Seth Rogen labor all that is necessary for the ex sistance of any kind, and as his piti Why Is There No Stable Government shall be no rich, no authorities and 110 P: Jr Local Ft. Dodge, lowa, istence of the lunan being without Tully small wages were not enough to The propaganda of this party priests Amal Sheet Metal Workert, No. 90, Evasisville, luis being compelled tu fusse out duis keep hun properly led even on naize idcals has penetrated to the most hid. New Social System.
Isral, 1: Soclalist Party of low, Baker, intelligence and muscles and beans he was always in debt to den corners of the Mexican Republic, To the observer and the student the item Non come to be Aurwoodvillo. Iowa. 760) Bricklayers; MABOMS his master.
This debt the son inher bringing hope to the tortured heart Mexican Revolution appears as being, Coat. Workera, Lacal. 70, Hammond, Ind. 12: Int. A8N of Carranza and Villa Are Not the Revolution, alcu on liis father death, and it was of the lumble Those ideais may be at bottom, the gestation of a new so frePalu tera, Dec. Local 104. Luko Nevertheless of this movement, eighteen cents a day who owed the boys the ceny fact of his having been Gomez, Felix Diaz, are floating. a connun thing to find peons earning condensed thus. Every human being, cial system. Carranza, Villa, Vazquez em 1952Workwen Circle Bei 31 Workmen Br. 84 valecos basses, or hinge urcite is het verste of gle of classesnothing more known This debt bound them to the of private property, the natural effect by side with the corpses of Madero, Len clrcle, Br! 20, Bayonne, No 11. 818.
No. 127, Jacksonyme, fl. Work than that which floats above it, there liacienda, and there was not a peon vi which is the monopolization by a Pino Suarez and Bernardo Reyes. Iti paleters, Dec. Locul 314, Batersteld being complete, or almost complete, who was tot in debt.
few of the land, the machinery and the this formidable movement ignorance of that which it is nourishnames 940 Louls. No 10; Bro. Painters, Dec.
ing in its boson, just as in our conComplicity of the Authorities. means of transportation, is an ob mean nothing. The great battles, in. No. 104, Chicago, 10. 10; Int, Ass, If the peon, despairing of bis situa slacle to the guaranteeing to every which thousands of combatants are Bildge struct. Iron Workers. No:31. San per parlare, calui ace arouble while tion, Ich the hacienda in search of human being of the right to live, and, engaged and millions of cartridges ex pornes one Selaine. Local king vu exact note of the marvels better paid work, the master notified in the right of private property exists, pended, are not in themselves the reader, Esra. tegas to work indepercre. Conta reveal So on the striace of the Mexs and they returned him to the hacienda tion called Government, whose mis determination of the worker to have some 20, betroviseurs so: 10 South giu le veavernºoniouNG BỐ Villa disputing with Huerta for the left him half dead, or he was tied to institution called the Church, whose which he has been a humbled slave, Molder Unionit 107 Post Chapter presidential clair, just as yesterday the spokes of a cart whecl in such a ission is to sustain Capital, and Govewdespised pariah, and the struggle with mobile pressom Maderom difputing on manner that throughout ari entire day emétient bị nieans of its moral inſlu continue until the present system has been bolo rodine, tirio Diaz But, even as Madero was he had to turn as thc whcel turned, been reduced to ashes.
The Movements.
Rr. 815, Chicago, Ills. 1; Bigo Plct. Palnters not the Revolution, for it kept on its or he was put in the stocks, or he RICARDO FLORES MAGON NO: 496Seattle, Washi, 42; Workmen Circle, course under the Maderist adminis was given the water torture, which licse simple principles constitute Dr. 260. st. Paul, Minn. 1; Mrs. Bars, for Dalil. 20c; iration, so also will the Revolution consisted in letting water fall, drop what we may call the leaves of the continue if Carranza and Villa, or by drop, on the back of the victim Mexican Revolution These princion, Baltimore, Nd. 1; Int Holders Union No.
222, Royersford, Pa. 1; Local N, Socialist either of them, succeed in climbing hand. At first he laughs at the tor ples work powerfully in conjunction Party, Washington, 2; Bricklayers, 10 power, inasmuch as economic lib turc, but after a little while he cries with the tendencies maniſesting themal No. 22. Danbury, Conn. 3; Boot Shoe erty will be still its aspiration and it to them to shoot him rather than to sclves in the conflict known as the Workmen Circlo. Mr. 10. New York City, 61: can end only with the satisfaction of continue the acute pains this appar Mexican Revolution. To them is due Workmen Circle Br. 80, New York čity, 2: that aspiration.
cntly inoffensive operation produces. the fact that extensive regions are to Comrade Cline will be tried Work mena dircle: BF: 140. Paterson Land and Liberty.
Ul this was wont to be done as an be found in the power of their inhabBridgeport With admirable cominon sense tlie sible escapes.
example to the others, to prevent pos italits, who have taken possession of on December 1st. and Ran Teras, 86. 10 Janeiro, Money, sento moka lexican worker bas come to under Lords of the Scaffold and the Knife. the haciendas, that they may cultivate the lands that formerly were part of gel on the 7th. 52: Workmen Circle.
Br. 79, Cleveland brand that the fountain of all wealth Tlie hacienda owners, therefore, them on their own account. To them is the land; the land from which are were lords of the scaffold and the is due the highly significant fact that Do not forget them.
Workincn Circle, Br. 283, obtained the cereals and other gains knife; masters of life and of their judicial archives and property records Agitate!
en my Circle, Faimers Alliance, Br and vegetables necessary for the sus haciendas The peon considered the liave been reduced to ashes by the 623, Vineland, 2; Workmen Circle, Br.
tenance of inan and the useful ani. appearance in his family of a land revolutionists, and that the burning Send funds for their de 414 New York cieBro. Painters, Dec mals; the land whose forests furnish some woman as a misfortune, for he of churches and governmental offices fence to Local, Emmet, Idabo, 60c, Tror Molders Union fuel and building materials; the land kuew that she would have to be pros. is a common thing. If you were to 229, Marlon. Ind. i; Socialist Local. Des which guards within its womb metals tituted to the inaster or the master ask each of the militant revolutionists, Victor Cravello.
ſofaen, town, 12. 10; South Slavic Socłallet Org114. Deroit, Mich. 2; Lihreria De Fuerza and quarries; the laud which provides son, and that if he did not consent to no matter what the banner beneath.
Ceronciente, San Francisco Calif. 1; Work industry, directly and indirectly, with such prostitution he would be sent to which he may be fighting, why he Room 108, Labor Temple. men Circle, Br. 38, Brooklyn, To be continued. y all its raw material; the land in which the prisou or the guardhause, if he had shouldered his gun, he would the foundations of the family dwelling were not killed like a dog at some answer without hesitation: To take Los Angeles, Cal.
must be laid; the land which, in its turn of the road by the rural police the land out of the hands of the ADMINISTRACION springs and rivers, seas and lakes, known as the Acordada. Workers hacienda owners and make it the (Viene de la 3a. plana. generates life, produces energy and who did not take off their liats in the property of the poor. So grcat is BANGEL OLLNE DEFENSE COMMITTEE.
ino, soc; Camarillo, 50c, y Reyes, 15c.
light, and furnishes animal nourish master presence, or who dared to the mifluence of the Mexican Liberal Hoceipts from July 16, 1914. Duran, 100. Segovia, 80.
ment of the inost varied kinds. There protest against injustices they wit Party principles that, to win adherDiaz, por libros, 50C. Cotecta por Pizana: Fischer, Box 743. Beantuont, Texas. 2: Seln Vda de Gomez, 60c; Campoe. 26c, y fore the Mexican worker in his strug nessed, used to suffer the same pen ents, all the parties now in arms are walgamated Sueet Metal Workers, Local 833. Adeln Fidel oarea Boot Garcia gle for economic liberty seeks to alties.
make himself master of the land, restpromising to repartition the lands San Frandoco, Cali. 2; Cooles, con Dolores Heredia, de Leon, 09. GuGeneral Conditions, when ing assured that is such he will be The toilers in the mines, the fac triumph, and the President of the Local Branch 8: Toledo, o. 1: Garela, Duran, 290. Colecta por master of everything and consequent tories and workshops were no less United States himself, Woodrow Wil beteken dien. Wenn man speltano per lo scoperto de Pontelepedete What Was Not Known.
unfortunate than were their brothers son, has had to confess that there will bridgeport. Tom. 12. Brownson, Uplana, der boes Benavides, soc. zepoda, boc country districts, for the be no peace in Mexico until the land caution United Garment Workers, Local 228. Zepeda, 50c: plena Zepeda, the one that is not known, or very only to add to the tyranny of their San Francisco, Cal. 85; Joko. Mekulaugh, ferrera, el mismo, 1: Hernandez, 31. The Party Action.
Waco, Texas, 1; Smith, Edmonds, Felan, 50, belan. 60. Colecta por little known. In the press we read employers and of the authorities. Misaccounts of battles, skirmishes, am cry was universal. Citizenship was The Vexican Liberal Party action Wildeman, Tellore Local 70, Winnipeg, Mani: Orzua, 80c; Lopen, Boc; Maldonado, 250 26c.
Elizondo, erties, and the general. opinion, is that cerned. Children in de toevoegen er for mitsurown. orgen, REGENERAtion de se de correo written in Spanish and English, with Brighton, PA. Collection sent by Mariano el mismo, por libros, c: Elizondo, 11. 20 throwing Huerta, that they may put old, to add a few cents to the family nia, as its address, and the constant tibuin 50 KB 210 wro. Roletlu, Total, 119. 85.
in Mexico they are engaged in over the tiine they were six or seven years Box 1236, Los Angeles, Califor. Alvarez, Box 87, McDade, Texas, 20: Socialist Martinez, 1; Guerrero, 1, y Elizondo, Local. an opinion is fundamentally ertone land, or a few head of cattie, or a lit diffusion of revolutionary literature. Arrestara. Bes: Clevelana PARA CUBRIR EL DEFIÖITY Colecca por Riojes, el misThe Mexican worker has risen tle house, and refused to seli his mod In the field of action it numbers also lui 103. terreno e. stolen Marques Les in arms because he is tired of having est belongings to the hacienda owner, whom are those operating in the Ya Sulzer. Alaska, Jobo. Meyer, 2230 White 5c Fernandez, 258, de fondos de reserta152 Benitez, 50C; Gonzalez, 50c; Hernandez, becaine the victim of the Ley. i; Makers A89.
oppression and misery; an oppression (Law of Flight. Or, if he were lucky. qui district, State of Sonora, in the Bessemer. Ala. McJilton 1; Car XONTO DE LOB GIROS POSTALES PERDIDOS. 2; Socialist and misery which reached their cli was sent to the prison of garrison, Grandes, State of Chihuahua; in the penters Joldera Notes Rolladelphiain bere regions of Santa Rosalia and Cas COLEOTADOB HASTA EBTA FEORA.
max under the administration of Por To meet for the purpose of discussing central region of the State of Durango Winkelmanya bakere solo no de Mar: cimerin Donal, Pulz; 20.
CALIF. Palameo, 1, ARIZ, Maria Enfirio Diaz, matters of public interest was a crimes and in various portions of Michoacan, es st. Comendado Muie south a visu Slavery, GABTOB DE DOS SEXANAS.
It was during the administration of ideas by word of mouth of pen. Every Mexico, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Oaxa se waitzen dute ere, bikia. Kerohet me 2; Porfirio Diaz that the Mexican work class of infamy had to be born in rillas scattered throughout the re Make me morale e Briton, stocul 3:37. Lanka. Envolturn 92. 40. Deposito al corres precio Del 12 al 28 de Noviembre de 1914 Tiro de 11, 000 ejemplares del No. 202, 454 30.
er lost the last shreds of liberty and silence mainder of the country. This will be keer milane, Socialist Party. Local Tranvia, 30. DatampIA8, 89. Impresion well being that he had succeeded in of injustice with a heart of stone.
proved very soon, when Carranza or Washington, 1: Journeymen Tallore, lo de LR Voz del Saqui, Agua de la Oliclor, preserving in his four centuries of serThe Revolution.
Villa occupy the presidential chair and Hangers Union, Local 97o. Charleston, do, ATROBBIO, 88. Enrique, 10. Angelmo.
cal 290, Hoquiam, Wash. 1; Painters Paped 75. IR Oliver, 10. Ricardo. Libravitude The few lands that still be Against this state of things, on call on all the revolutionists to lay 2: Fred Charmebete workers, Local 130, Denver. 11. Ayuda a Comp. 11. 30a Medicilor longed to the towns and were the which here touch but lightly, the down their arms. Then it will be common patrimony of their inhabi Mexican Liberal Party rose in arms, seen that the Revolution will continue lund. ore Branch 1: Local 170, Total. 168. 44.
South tants, were monopolized in diverse in the autumn of 1906 and the sum and those who keep up the struggle, manners by the neighboring hacienda mer of 1908, it liaving been the first arms in hand, are the members of the folners, Local 128. Utica, Journey. Gastos hasta Nov owners or by the government favor party with the audacity to confront Mexican Liberal Party, resolved to. No. Edmonton, Alberta. 25: Entradas de Cuotas. Donativos ites, and the town inhabitants, thus the formidable power of Porfirio pursue this war to its end, which is no Br. 126. Cincinnati, dispossessed found themselves driven Diaz. These insurrectionary move other than the annihilation of the cap Somma. 642. 38 Shangle Weavers Union, Local 17, Giros perdidos cobrados hasta la to the alternative of perishing by hun mients were crushed, in various man italist system and the reorganization Mineral, wasb. 42. Carpenters Tolners ger or hiring out their labor, at a ners, by the old dictator army, but of society on the firm basis of true Local 1872. Flot. Mich. Bro: Painters. Deficlt nanta Nov. 24, 1914 miserable wage, to work the very they served to stir the masses pro mequality and true liberty, Tiec, Paper Hangers, Local 456. Chicago, Illa. lands their fathers and grandfathers foundly, injecting into them the spirit ENRIQUE FLORES MAGON.
had watered with their sweat and they of revolt which at last broke out irZapata and Salgado.
lo Workers Indus. Union 481 Bareka, calle.
COLECTA PARA EL VIAJE DE UN themselves had cultivated in common, resistibly in These sincere and valiant Southern 331. 60 Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workerometern COMPANERO.
CALIF. Valdez. Lnclo. 6: BeThe result of this monopolization of which shows itself ever more and revolutionists will continue in arms de 25 Petre Place de la Bro. Opera: Cal. tancar, 80. Hernandez, 30. A, Vela, the lands was the enslavement of the more full of life, giving promise that until the proletariat takes possession arna Woollen, Los Angeles trom country and city workers York City, 6; German Printere Unlon, No. 5, Roc: Correa, 50c, F. Soto, 250, as the agrarian movement of Zapata cochester, 41: Vietor Worse Than Slaves.
tyranny and injustice.
is concerned, until the poor become dence, 1. 31 int. Moldera Union 314, Presa The slave, by the very fact that he The Party Influence.
masters of the haciendas and can gain CAI 394. LA fasette, ind. 31: Local Pnjal.
had cost his master money, was treat The Mexican Liberal Party is a their living without having to hire 211, Atlantic City Workmen Clr pic. Serra, 20 Lopez, 28c. Total en ed by him with at least, the consid workingman organization which ex out to others. Salgado has shown by the Wilger Young Mantelesen Brooklyn one 3; CORT Andersou.
Party. LOCAL Washington, Ms.
Olgar Brooklyu.
2003 158 44 1372 62 114 fe 00 28. 00 1985. 28 Sumas Igualet 1631. 13 1581. 13 2; A, Maple, Lawton, Ono. 2; LatsTotal. 14 65.
Suma anterior. 689. 02.
Tn Rebelde. Kor.
Hernandez, 500. Potal, 672. 80