InvasionKropotkinSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorking Class

Red Flag Their Wall Street Pløts Brought To Light if.
ارررا lises has, Wis ing to alle ilie TA message to General Huerta, Daily Times. this grey cagle nf an Would Loose Dogs of War ation. treat.
torney ту сол1 real are tlie new acthe tn hold Text Sen.
as who as irat a if country Bless.
tlic REGENERACION (PCON, on the other hand, is presenting the United States government with RUBBIA MASSE, WAKING, is nicest serious problem, and the auIle neutrality laws, should be re Russia in developing. Our comthorities believe that it will take about leased. The king condencekled. mercial aristocracy understands the Half a million professional zaldiers ollowing Maclero nyertmiw ilie crested his myal prerogative of merey terin: 1e preople being drivell more korp him quiet.
Standard. Aincrican press has stufcd its col For Blood when about to step down from the and more into city aut factory life, uns with rumors of treatics between Armel invasion of Mexico by the Sleeped in the lips in these linxieial laxity perrucucers. Accordingly. llicre Lnited States still The owing leasing article, by Huerta and Zopita. Oroxen, Salazar. Gilsobıl Garduer special carrer deals that have saturated Mexier, witls again the strike so letcime toinarrow if Wall Street Los Angeles Keepersones ang anel every rebel chief whose name condence rom Washington should and that have corrupted all her more. um grave alarm is exprcased Lanther column we pullah Mary and the Bik Interests could have their wa Wilaya who bell a lit could reiviember. As we slated last bake interesting reading for the lear. public life, as they are rotting the ves the inel that in 1912 these rebel.
xeles Rerore af Mareli In all es huse, and tliis marks an enormous partial critic of social phenomen, and rumors; first, because the gentlemen eruiment, throughout these tromblous other members of the Mexican Liha teen times more so than in But the public does not en reparation seeund to see is an ima weekthese can be nothing more than eile destre of the United States gov Do you suppose the Vagons or more 11amerous than in 1911.
and Rinn oi the angenrian, cunomie chiar pared with filteen years ago. Txay as he result of special investigation inerensen gulvlic locations. com. was sent direct from Mexico City in question are not telling American times in Mexico, has been to act im eral Party, come within the reope, of is going some and 1913 seems to have peter of the lexican upheaval it is perful ihe a repetition off, and at least one this Einglish section will reciignize seconlly, because, owing to she coun March he writes, in part: and property, Under date of why not?
are now wearing burg alone nn less than 90, 000 workbren endeavoring to Socialist organ has expressed itseli mediately that it endorses em try size and the lack uluslequate stripes for alleged vinfation of the ers laid down their tonis. Jan. 22. as a Hilsey during the last twn and it lali in ambiguous terms. The article phatically the view we have consist communications, the people it large was decreed in the early last ning the real evidling in Mexico? brothers, the Modern geserment entrality Inves: but wlio have been protest against the slonting of their yurs. We are in liopes that while which appeared il The Workel. of on Rent Sunday, cight even Isy those who call themselves snill not le lettered, and is repro wasses for land and bread.
that this is a struggle by the Mexican what has taken place. It is the Mex crument was not strong enough to srn Pacific, the Guggenheims, and all The 1011g memories of the oprevolutionists, the declaralians oi this luced here entire.
ican remple, the individund rebel, who protect investments in Mexico. Non the pirate crew that sails this modern pressed are nuisance that should be well known publicist, writing from WM. OVEN.
has to be consulted.
ey support was withdrawn and secret world of ours, with the skull and blotted out, for eventually they ląd Mexico City niter lang travel and Giant corporations, greedy and in Apart from this, let the reader try financial nil was given those who crasshone linisteal at the mizzen, in to revolutions events notorionsly (m investigation, may carry an inscrupulous, are attempting 11 foree to think himself into the position ai were plotting against him.
search of lant.
provocative of indigestion and trmafluence we ourselves lave been 11American intervention in Mexico hy a these rebel shieis, and ask himself Mexican polities are largely shaped bled dreams. However, it is gratifyto chumans. Оле етени chersampaign that not only includes slam, what, under the given can litions, bis by the speculative and investment in HUERTA AND ZAPATA, in the Los Angeles islies hope that, at some remotely dler and treachery. Tut also the most own course would be new govern terests held ly powerful firarteiers in distal late. The Pillic, woninally situation t11c nenapoly, may understand thint a land arousent humans irom ilic American suggesting terme What, in such cir and the Piarson Co. have more to say bloodshed it is an act of humanity on their efforts in clieck the agitation true feelings of these to make peace; sending envoys and Standard Oil Co the Guggenheimo sala declared that o avoid useless that lif Rassian police are active in struggle is going on in Mexico. 111 Intervention in Mexico incans w:r comsither it the central or about what happens in Mexico City my part to try in assist the amer among the workmen, and arresent of disgraceful poem by Kiner a An army of occupation means annex to refuse even to listen to a single this fact is kept clearly in mind it is names the terms on which he will are taking places in the heyday of proſessinnal joker who has found a In the devastated districts of Mex light march on and continue the not possible to understand Mexicali San Luis Potosi. whicli plan eontem against Russian newspapers have also word ca the.
subject for his wit in the cnlumny During the past week the army and icon where labor is at a standstil, in Would you not enquire what the other with these interests during the last plates the. Acting That greasers, as die caliu thom, light vary departments have been rushing great cargos né refugees where side had to say: what terms they had twn years las lieen tie Tait family among the beggared distribution of small farms revived, and lines and for fun peasantry.
troops and ships of war to the Mexi non combatants share the fate of to offer? Of course you would, and, Henry representative of the Pierloes Zapata credit. So much cannot Himprisonmusly Taft in New York. As atof cditors of radical The desire to end the bloodshedlerinde of the varied correspondence resuppression of offensive can border.
these are matters of frequent ceived at this office hit wliich contes from local radicals and revolution tory activities is the armed invasion erything American our people, our gate and the ntiers have been doing acting through the state department without a hond the word of a mans went they may fall into a dness Tlie logical meaning of these mili gton sows dragon iccth of distrust. cunflicting rumors, that srems 10 c101 interests an Englislı company. be said for his credulity, although he accurrence is never die. For the moists of long standing is often must des of Mex. co by the United States. in the House, be prensing. It confirms me in representatives, our institutions are to which is to be added the remark and ex Secretary Knos, and Gen, vnid of honor trward lis late chief seemed to be the case recently in viction that propagandists are gen, These facts bring us face to face to them the force behind the lieel of that the first erally incapable of looking beyond with the question: What should the right which has been their hands and opted of saying that what Taft and stockiolder and direct the bemang sentiment of Zapata? By the case in Mexico. In reality the their own special line of work. Wheth working class of the Uniteil States and their land treasures, which has do you propose to do respecting the certain date all spirit of revolt goes on increasing. they are Single Taxers, Socialists, in about the matter?
Madero a Tool.
insurgents ngninst his blondy Segime burrowing below the surface, await nade 1heir public men ihieyes and restoration of the land to the neople? Francisco Madero was the crea be exterminated without merey, an American and gathering strength with every puolelle het nicht viele Streichen aber movement will have a difficul of poverty stricken peons little letter to come to terms, the papers confess taty na from these sources and for as follows: Puerta is a man of tromble is just about beginning the titleysuillare that and nothing universal position in the organized condition they are in today a nation March Salazue and Orazen refuse was finance and receivede neu ferminga italist in Mexico, rieseribes the dicta: darsinar massess existing rlsey belong to a certain group, which All wars are declared hy tlic canithemselves to certain lehey allo a. attach talist class to promote the material ical result of national conditions, Coahuila is reported as having tele inability longer to cone with the be many casile, which he slips to the This Mexican revolution is a log means to do Governor Carranza of firio Diaz, charged with weakness and can gentex Helias a large ranch and who interests of the dominant group of the peons demands for the political grapheel United States Ambassador HAYWOOD NOT WANTED.
are their priesis. They are so busy capitalists in control of thic powers recognWican Englishnien wondelcruined to end. At a speen. Then gives fuli and interest. feudalisan which gives them their la ber rightly some 22. 000 voted to exWilson in Mexico, Swift and Armour hacking away at some particular tres o government.
that, lic has 11. 000 men who was being displaced. But Madero lidi The Socialist Party does not want charta!
in Nexicn the peons are attached that they forget the very existence of The trust magnates of the United An Agrarian Problem. ministration in the not make good. Te was not strong to the land are leased with it. Haywond any longer on its National forest.
go farther and declare States, with their headquarters in Mexico is an agricultural country cial meeting of the Sonora State con things steady Huerta nnd others who profit hy he Executive Committee. If we rememthat meet my spinioning and out clear Wall Street and Broadway, own, and somni miles long. Its weişlitiest uraib gress. Huerta provisional governing details of the denosition notice bor for next to uothing will make 10 Del as against 11, 000 in favor of the bwandroid crema really want to clear control the present, administration isms are agrarian Francisco Nadern, ment was repudiated officially and a seryea mn Madero by Knok. Sent, in concessions liat will free the slaves. taining him. We took no note af tilie wascems to be acquiring pop vir opulrow Wilson, and the President against the 311 years carrelom of. Piaz. 111cmpt to bring government trans Wall St. which went Felix Diaz and would be an economic loss is to tliem merely as public testinyonly to the giwill in. same way, the incoming ity they are.
ceeasional victory they jubilate anate and house of representative king ownership. On iliat issue lie ich Inessage sent to the party temporarily formed ulicic, pullished in Tlie Las clear wliy Zapata wants peace and splits the political Socialists from wbie 11 particular organization is sclisin be to is. So is notoriously lontcl But, A11 wars are fought by the and ITI Jower in in. saclt content tnerely class for alle profit of nie capitalist casy success and was later slected It satisfarm and Tust a reflection. Haywood is exRepeated statements that Ensilio Cicles. of tn thent thosc class. The workers fill 1lie frenches to the presidency of the repiha the final rest ly his arrival in San An government has in the past three stand. Los Angeles Daily Tribune, italism on strenuously. On the othbarriors hut are As for the attitude of the 11:is find no comunion ground on which the pelled for being anxious to attack cap dilettantes cespines.
tlieir deadlondies, while the captlse very tyre, the genuine italinis fill their bank vaults with in waugural. e«lgc the nation will vetonio, Tex, accompanied by his broth. scars, Irm the calsnaw Wall this anili, fighter 100st Slavery er hand, when do you expect to lear deadly Uplasire 1ree, and whilc any auc resulprofils 1111 dividends, as thic war. yus you do not, the WORKERS HOME.
of an expulsion for unt attacking nf was.
can make a bulbul hy shaking its capThe Mexican people hare their own will call you to no accounting. Isack from Torronn, 600 miles; laving heon assisting soldiers of fortune into The dance, held March 1, behall (italism at all; for boosting it, in fact, boughs, bie may shake them 10 ster uroubles and unust settic them in their 150, 000, KK, intrigued to nullify their to the way The Wailers and generalement chanel Histolesnom ook hollars Flic Consultative Committee mil from whicle to preaçlı tlie ClarisBut the Modern family worth wisely decided not to trust themselves dictatorships and mixing into tlic of the organization, passed off most by using the party to yildap a pul: Siskinis priile tale out, witle 10 sentire and comiy ask that the United Schemed to acquire new millions espatches teclare that they will use plution pronunting foreign syndicates is about to drawn a program of inn doctrine of submission, and gatlı work, oft.
ithe trust magnates of this con Sortune piercial concessioner their first attack Probably the state ad law ilepartments has been to make and it is imped that nie aſ the ica stitions which every well informerl Part day pass town, late in result the greater part of Madero ment things ifficult for the little group of tires will be a weekly dance. mran knows to beia lic? Show us an Emilio Vazquez The mass and and talk to men iŋ every walk of Mexican industries. This vast sum standard of the rehel chief, OTOZCO attend a jiropased peace conference atriots who have been conductition, held March decided to con will begin to consider the party as a life. Many of them are ricli, and their represents the unpaid labor of the conk up arms in a great peasants wit at the real. and Tf nut. all this Ambassador Wilthings easy for the Diaz politicians tinue the discussiou, Sunday after possilsle revolutionary force.
So it as strikes me as nearest to the inyested in Mexican industries for the to vote with bullets!
give that certain Hall In a country where every marc And the Los Angeles Daily Times and military adventurers who were Tool, Marcli 9, at p. in. in Central allier friends of the Huerta Diaz specniative values would be preserved. Sivensagratuitos ly every atonda e Larth. or Ktopotkin and BakuLessons in Spanish and English ate Hare innst affair, et profits from the workers of Mex ment is personified in its leader, the autocracy, configure out good. prosi you been looking for Mothwhich is upsetting property yaliles, in bringing property in Hind least It is to protect this capital and intehels of the porch were not Oroz 1xects for intmediate peace one thing candescenzling enough to direct that evening. at pm. The attendance at and other Revolutionary works at. be indeed. in nnarely, that stands Dewastand. 1207 us in a war whose consequences no labur of Alexican slaves that interven of vlefiance against any Sovetinients of guflicting sumigrs is the border for alleged complicity in Seya but more pupils are earnestly desired. East Fifth street, of discontent immeasurably. They do ann aber es hacer united States committed to enslave the many wlic Para Question.
more and more pronounced, and we not care about the details. They cla are being massed on the Mexican bar The Red Flaggers are fighting for add the reflection that time is alt in not plague me for information as to der.
the first of this or the Armed intervention Mexico crnment the protection ni the poor. Dit out of tirat chaos is coming a proother faction, queat of that country for the profit leclares their intention to construct similater in a day. Naturally the ger, whether Zapata was a follower of American capitalists. It meins laws by means of which the problems day of reckoning has to come, sooner of the Mexican Lilveral Party. They paid lahor has created the capital in land, and living in Mexico will be or later, and the longer it is delayed the stiffer will be the price exacted are practical, far sighted men, and pested by American capitalists in Confiscation Its Aim. by the people.
STATE of California tliey recognize sucla trivialities as noticn. shall shoulder arms and go down In the south, il lie Mexicant states One Zapatista Jender, Tuerto Mo) ss.
worth a rush. What they say is that in that unhappy, country and leave of Morales and Guerrera, the irrecoc rales, appears to have made his indithings in fexico nre in a mess; their hones to bleach on the plains cileable Zapata is still carrying convidual peace with Hnerta, who is re County of Los Angeles)
that the peon is not working for his and in the munntain fastnesses south with 10. 000 he most cruel of rebelions ported as having welcomed him with The affiant Capt. Paul Smith, duly sworn, says as follows: work: that investenents are going to profits, former masters and does not mean to of the Rio Grande, to instire capitalise a intconquerable revolt confessedly rent aims to Mexico City and their That the middle of June, 1911, was confined in the San Diego volt aflame which may do inestimable and war hips on the Mexican border tom great owners who acquired them Madero ed en fonunde hos forga County Jail with one Joe Reese, alias Johnson, on a charge of barm, An astonishingly large, per is stacking and dealing the cards and In northern Mexico, Orozco, Salazar, pero en te of that kinders but the rebel smuggling preferred by the United States authorities. I, was vismust be. that, sooner or later, the peondent Wilson to play, in the interest mand the Red Flag forces that seek genially, were in the habit of scuttline Ited by Simmons, an employee of the government working for to SHARE THE SOIL.
attention to the fact that an astonish lakrs office on March again as rapidly as possible, not the United States district attorney office in Los Angeles, who Intervention will be the cntering The sebel chief, Orozco, is a pion and ammunition kindly furnished by take with them tlre guns told me if would help the government indict and prosecute Enrique representing this wealuny class now wedges we will require at least 500. 000 concentratile driver, Salazar a piece ind government. Kinderen nishesake, Magon and Ricardo Magon together with Figueroa and Rivera, members.
say that very thing, and sly it clearly. men and five years of bloodyn jo ar me name of the people educated in the Tests Morales, made a most spectac of the so called Liberal parties Junta, on charges of violating the The labor papers are not paying place is warst conquest in case it chemise rohet pas their commands are more contre este posibile fornia, that the government would see to it that was cleared of that. The Socialists, as a body, arc is begun.
not saying that. Debs or Berger are spread through the border states, not saying that it is only very is able bodied man in this country bea. Minesotand farmers forced tinti much excitement, and Gen. Ojeda bias the charges of smuggling, and would have to serve no time: e rendesente anche Emmal member of the reserve militia, and isoleret om det er en velay what the demountes ao disobedience of Simmons had left; Reese or Johnson, Hickey and myself, all got Stilice professional agitator liber United States for Service in the heariformosa e reserves around loben dietele park may stari prosecution if we made up that story to the effect that Magon s, Silerillas really know for what they materie de content or on in Mexico by sung sacks, few are without a stare someone contingudes me that Figueroa and Rivera, comprising Junta, had enlisted us in Los are fighting? it asks. Does the Mex the United States will be resented and linely modern sunt Mustered from the mine and the the whole intervention avalanche in Angeles, given us 00 each and a promise of 160 acres of land, ican Revolution exist outside of the resisted to the last ditch by the Mercie farm, they are far superior, physi, motion as in the past, however, we and sent us to Mexico to fight against the Diaz Government.
pelopments cannot sende die land. Why werke natare preting them a Salamando intelectually do the federad Helberta hat everything happens or so afterwards, Simmons again called on us at the Jail and we ann Magon. ctc. who are and were placed under arrest nearly of war and the calling in the colors town jail and the convict camp.
1w years ago, hecause they came in the reservar militia for the conquest Joni per manteles carrete change Cardinalist against which practically all Nex in indicting and prosecuting the Magons. Accordingly a few days Types of the two lie about ciudad. That can be done only by the mailed told him we were willing to aid the United States district attorney ico seems with to make the Revolution three slay fight.
The workers of the United States samkexicbanco svime in the shipuid not kait until intervention has worked at pere virigh Keen faccia afterwards we went to Los Angeles in the custody of officers and DENOUNCE INTERVENTION. were taken before the Federal Grand Jury then in session, ing? Questions of that type come Freen ordered by this government.
and determined.
to me by every mail, and they come Every Socialist Local and Branch, The state convention of the Silingis Before this body we testified to a lie to save our own largely from people who are running and cvery Trade Union in the land, side of the bull ring. lazily tossing against war. having adopted The federal slouches on the sunny coal miners has gone on record necks. It is the only thing that the government had given us about the country lecturing on every simuld immediately serve notice. com cigarette butts at his jaded ung, a strong imaginable fad that promises to resolutioty declaring a strike of all But realize that the end of Ma miners in case the United States dePullman, stopa in Mexico will he immediately, follow depo brings the inen. mit the old thic. Clares crowd; who a char The Magons were indicted on this testimony.
travel comfortable, hotels, and feed on ed. a general strike in every indusring, grafting regime into the saddle. country: war in Mexico or any other This ing their stomachs fastidious de a declaration of war wipe, and that put the federal recruit waits flaccidly placed before the United Mine Work try will be answered to see what will happen while the crs of America and favorable action ands. But, on the other side of the hy an justerection at home.
linu a raggerl figure is riding an equal If the workers are competled to Red Flas soldier, fearing and hating is expected by the natinnal organizaribed to before me ly ragged horse. He can go for days shed blood, they should shed it in the the palace plotter and trailor Inertion.
without ford. and often does. He is fense of their nwn interests and linta, is all ready to carry on the peasnot afraid 10 sisk luis life, and often erty, in preference to being poisoned ants war in eight Mexican siates.
Let us hope that the plostacles in 1922, dies. Hosvever dire his needs lie hy embalmed heef or eing shot in the way of Alexican invasion continue never sells his rifle; for he is sick At Bingham Canyon four litpereri to overhalance the capitalists demand cleath of slavery is trying all be organ, Rockefeller Co.
knows to share ofera ut his sistemele clamore your fine pretiniemand meer come guests. as investigations. They were has the poproposal to aid wall Street ery, Rockefeltet answer this mines iftas poker the kided into this has particle Armenis apier en leader to whoin lie has attached him. quest by making WAR AGAINST interred hugger migger. Moreover pirates to subdue the Alexican peons. No tary PORN County. o self temporarily in the lope of get. WAR nntil the dogs of war are «lead. the governor of Utah vetoed California.
ting some of that assistance without The World, Oakland. Cal. Los Angeles passed by the Utah legislature, which traitor to Wall Street than a traitor which he cannot carry on his fight.
provided for all mining fatalities Heing to his class. Killing Mexican peons But he is tired of the whole exploita The Law or the subject of an inquest. And their behalf of. Guggenheim, Otis or tion game; he is in deadly carnest, woman governor stated in cold blood that it Morgan would be treason to the work. 1, the undersigned, niter a thorough United States government, hereby tye Name and. o all men existing at this mo Who steals the godse from nff the would subject the corporations to 2n ing class. Don be a traitos! Let the investigation of the case against the titlun liat Ricardo Flores Magon, Enment lie is probably the least a fake. Common: noying and vexatious litigation upon capitalists themselves protect the imprisoncil members of the Junta. of rique Flores Magan, Librado Rivera Street Address 1:1 alf a dozen policemen can take care But lets the greater felon Ionse the part of the deceased stolen do nown of any of our own leading agitators who steals the common from the tives.
Industrial land and labor of the peons of Mexicoi being convinced that perjury was from the penitentiary at McNeil at any minute. This inare looted goose.
Worker. State. Solidarity.
committed by Wittcsecs for the Islaud.
El Paso serious the actual ini and would not give a stap of the fin means the arnied invasion and con Their pronunciamento nf revolution Found education which cannot be asPerjured Evidence.
MexA day cross NOTARY Signed Crfosil paanae ARCHER this condemns thc mant