FascismFifth ColumnImperialismSoviet

REPERTORIO AMERICANO 297 Epopeya a Norteamérica Epic for North America Por Pablo de Rokha (En el Rep. Amer. By Pablo de Rokha Translated by Hays El arado la Biblia te forjaron la médula de águila, de má quina de fábrica, puebto de hierro, hecho de fuego y madre selvas, y tu dictámen republicano, emergió de los hachazos santos de los leñadores, como un volcán adentro de una lágrima rubia, en la pupila azul de los puritanos; dulce y fuerte de condición, la agricultura resplandece en la fama sagrada de tus ciudades inmortales, tentaculares, grávidas, y Dios relampaguea en tus vecinos, con el alarido del individuo inmortal por el infinito, como el más cuotidiano de los paisanos democráticos, entve la buena voluntad de tus anchas leyes justas, la paloma del sol sonoro picotea la epopeya monumental de tus héroes, los que resurgen vivos, desde la muerte y el corazón de la tierra, a habitar en la inmortalidad, eternos, completamente bañados por los siglos de los siglos.
The plow and the Bible forged your marrow of eagles, of machines, of factories people of iron, made of fire and honeysickle, and your republican dictum, sprang from the hallowed ax strokes of the woodmen like a volcano within a tear, golden in the blue eyes of the pritans; grown sweet and strong, agriculture glitters in the sacred fame of your immortal. pregnant and tentacular cities, and God flashes like lightning in your people, with the outcry of the individual immortal through infinity, as the most quotidian of the democratic countries, within the good will of your broad, just laws; the sonorous sun dove pecks at the monumental epic of yours heroes who are ralised again from death and the heart of the earth to live in immortality, eternal, entirely bathed in century on century.
Adorned with simplicity, Lincoln, Jefferson, Jackson and Franklin, the stupendous peasant, enter genuine humanity upon one of the four horses of the Apocalypse, just, whole somely primitive, with the globe of the earth in each white hand.
Condecorados de sencillez, Lincoln, Jefferson, Jackson y el estupendo campesino Franklin, ingresan a la humanidad definitiva, en uno de los cuatro caballos del Apocalipsis, justicieros y primitivos de tónica, con el globo del mundo en cada mano blanca.
Country where industry roars and the cow of agriculture bellows, in which great masses already sing the victory of democratic banners beneath the cherry trees of Washington, fulfilling the huge duty of smiling upon the mutilation of their young heroes, or they give battle in the trenches, embracing the starry standard, united for the salvation of the world with the golden sword of the armies of Soviet Russia or the great armed will of En gland; you demand a peaceful life of winter hearthstones, love and a habitation in which all that explodes is the fragitant rural grenade, religious with gentle rusticity, bathed with resin like the body of a naked woman, you long for the republican peace of your universities, you love the plane and the hoe, man huge, infinite, iron tools; axes, crowbars, shovels, the sickle and the hammer, and, even though in your inmost heart the Negro is wailling, the imperialist curse of your melancholy enigma, and finance capital howls behind the back of the worers unions which are the granary of liberty and future dignity, you, your spirit, you the flank and glory of your sacred mothers pouring out a reli.
gious content, North America, vou extend your your priestly gesture over history and Roosevelt is the great prophet, the great chieftain, the great patriarch who, from the Sinai of the White House, blesses the contemporary epic, pure nation of citizens who are soldiers without knowing it because they have achieved happiness, peaceful republic you make tremendous war, energetically you rise up against fascism, crownd with rural popies and the bleating of flocks with the dew of rural pecple and the odor of cattle and prayers, riasping the sacred sword of George Washington, striking off the head of the fifth column with a blow, you hurl yourself into the world battle for the liberation of all peoples, country of Whitman, soldier of God.
BHI De izquierda a derecha: Pablo de Pokha, Winétt de Rokba y el editor del Rep. Amer. 1945. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca electronica Scriptorium de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica