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Then we mad a start to get at the aridentarios. There we got more quick regponse, because there the condition was something infernal. Not only and they get wages that averaged anywheros from ten to thirty cents a day for ten to fourteen hour work, but the grub that they give them is something awa, and generally the treatinent that prevalla there is terrible.
Chile This gives you more or less a general characteristic of the country. The construction of roads is done by loons. There is a tremendous scandal in the country because of the amount of money that has to be paid to Tall Street and the roads are the worst that you can imagine in spite of the terrifie amount of money paid for them. The development of the country was vezy rapid, partieularly in relation to its former development. After the war the United Frust Company, the tobacco plotations, ete. wont forward very rapidly and that was a 190 the time when they contracted the biggest Loans Money coming in Inbucketfuels. During this time the conservative regime tried to use the workers against the bourgeoiste and they made labor logislation that was not so bad. of course they did not live up to it. And whenever the workers boome disturbed, they tried to play between the bourgeoisie and the world ng class in order to win them away from the 11beral bourgeoisie. During the prosperity period there was plenty of oployment (The Conservative Party 1s based on the landlords the commercial bour gooiste and the real estate omors. Of course among the rol estate ormers and bourgeoiale there are plenty of 11berals, and in the last 15 Yors these bourgeoloto in the cities have acquired plenty of land with the opening of the country there was plenty of new land, which these bourgeoisie grabbed orr 30 that now the social composition of these two partiois Ls rather funny and and their poliey is reflected in this nes social composition. It has its effeet, of course, in the different policies pursued by these parties, but the conservative party comes traditionally from the landlords and stiile has its main support in the countryside. They are defeated in almost every city. The Liberals have the majority in every city. The strength of the Catholle Church. During the elections they just march out these aridentarios surrounded guards, into the towns. They don imow how to read or write, and they just 1ve them a 11ttlo 31 lp of paper and on the paper there is written the name of the candidates. This is given to the pensant who goes in and puts it in Vory orton be dows not loow who he 18 voting for Last election we played 11ttle trick on them. We did not want that they should recognize the voters there by the color of the lip 80 We made the color of the slip the same as the 11berals, and you would have to look at the names in order to imow for when the fellow was voting. Of course this was in agreement with the spidentarios that were with us. But in some regions they wanted outstandingly Communist color. They said they didn give a dan that the landlorda thing The prosperity hit the country during the postwar regime of the Conservatives and everybody having plenty of employment there was a tendeney of raising wages and even mis atelke movomont developed because there W8 plenty of production, partage of Labor, etc. Its during this time that they had some of the biggest atries. However, the Party that we had at that time pretty sure that this situation was ripe for revolution. Because the Aridentarlos, and so proletarians, they also wanted more wages, but it was due to the fact that the workers felt that the bonsos could not get along with out their lobor, and so a big strike movement developed. It was mismanaged because the Party 18 not know anythingabout strike tactics. They teled to make out of the situation a revolution, but the workers dia not want revolution The Conservatives retained in power during the whole prosperity period.
There were various putsches engineered and supported by the bourgeoisie which, however, were erunhed by the Conservatives. The Conservative tained SID themselves until the crisis began to hit the country http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru Докоены DORT