Private PropertySovietURSS Constitution

EDITORIALS THE CLASS STRUGGLE 434 435 extensive rapid transit system and other means of transportation; also, in the interests of production itself, by supplying the country adequately with electric power, gas, etc. and finally through the systematic unification of the agricultural with the industrial establishments.
Small Farm Management.
The private property of the small farmer shall remain untouched.
The land hitherto under his cultivation may be disposed of by him as he sees fit.
The forests and hunting preserves shall be managed centrally through the co operatively organized forest workers and officials who shall also form councils.
The right of exploitation of forests hitherto owned by peasant communities shall be retained by these communities within the limits of their local needs. They shall be centrally managed like all the other forests.
The water courses shall be uniformly managed according to river systems.
During the busy seasons, in agricultural work requiring completion within definite periods (sowing, harvesting. gangs of agricultural workers shall be formed, their local distribution to be determined by the central organization.
In order to make up the quota of agricultural workers in the busy seasons at all times, it is necessary that also the industrial workers shall be trained from their earliest youth in the elements of agriculture.
On the other hand it is necessary that the resident agricultural workers should be trained in the elements of agricultural and industrial mechanics, in the interest of the technical development of agriculture itself as well as to enable those who cannot be employed in agriculture to transfer to industry without friction.
Instruction, study materials, and means of subsistence at the general as well as technical and agricultural schools shall be free.
For agricultural reclamation work on a large scale (clearing of waste lands, irrigation, drainage, road building, animal and plant experimentation, etc. the State shall place means and labor power at the disposal of the Estate Councils.
The small farmer shall manage his economic and administrative affairs himself in accordance with the Soviet Constitution. This self management is to take the place of the system of bureaucratic tutelage under the capitalistic state.
The farm hands working on the small farms, as well as the female domestic workers shall organize into local Small Farm Councils.
The membership of the Small Farm Councils shall include the resident village craftsmen and small merchants who do not employ outside labor.
The local Small Farm Councils in turn join with the Estate Councils of the large estates within the township to form Village Councils together with any industrial workers that may be resident in the village.
The Small Farm Councils shall manage the economic affairs of the group of small farmers in common. The Village Councils shall manage the economic affairs and the administration of the village in common.
The Small Farm Councils shall care for the common purchasing of fertilizers, feed, seeds, breeding cattle, agricultural implements, machinery, and the various necessities of life.
In conjunction with the local Estate Councils and Workers Councils, they shall manage the delivery of their excess agricultural products to the local assembling and distributing centers.
The socialistically organized industries shall supply the small farmers with industrial necessities of life. They shall encourage the formation of co operatives out of the small enterprises through the extension of a finely woven net of electrical power systems, by supplying machinery and buildings to be used co oeratively, by encouraging the growth of existing, agricultural co operatives, by the extension of general and technical education, by supplying specialists gratis to manage technical undertakings, etc.
The transition to large scale co operative agricultural production shall be the combination of the small farms of the township into a common enterprise, the District Co operative, to be worked in common by all the members of the township. Township Co operative may be formed by the free decision of the small farm inhabitants of the township.
Estates not being worked on a large scale but parcelled out in small rent farms shall be confiscated, like the large enterprises, without compensation. As much of this land as was formerly worked on a small scale shall be given over to the local Agricultural Workers and Small Farmers Councils, which shall regulate their manner of exploitation and management with a view to the interests of the former managers, the small farmers.
Government lands, in as far as they have not been divided into small rent farms, shall be made into model and experimental farms under the immediate direction of the provincial or state central organizations. In connection with these lands, agricultural schools and colleges shall be established.
The State shall attempt to equalize the cultural differences between city and country by making all the elements of city culture available to the rural population, through the development of an