CapitalismCommunismDemocracySocialismSovietWorking Class

6 to consume them.
Therefore, taking industry presently stalk through the care pot per week.
to THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, February 15, 1919 ain and if possible increase its productivity, and also aged, infirm and sick would receive these distributive Millions of the workers have been conscripted, and to establish economic equality by the adoption of some notes from the Communal Note Department. although regarded by their masters as future indussimple method, whereby each Communal member can The adult workers would obtain them from these trial workers, they are still organised as part of the freely interpret his or her needs?
departments upon presentation of a voucher received capitalist military machine. As members of the workTurung again to Capitalist Society we find the from their units of industry.
ing class, they function in its political machinery, not statest Uluculty of the capitalist is to dispose of his These notes do not function as money. Under Com as workers in industry, but as soldiers of the army.
Piouucts. This ito. culty of finding markets is due to munism, goods are not produced for sale, but for con Therefore, the methods to be adopted by the workilie enormous ratio between the surplus exchange sumption, therefore the communial distributive notes ers of Britain in their struggle for emancipation is value and of the products produced by the producing do not represent exchange values but distributive that adopted by the revolutionary proletariat of workers, and the exchange value paid to them as values.
wages. In other words, not only are the producing The Communal Industrieg The Formation of Workers and Soldiers Councils workers unable to purchase but a small amount of the By industry is meant the entire work of the Com These Councils have two objectives. The first is to products of their labour, but the whole of capitalist mune essential to its existence.
construct the machinery for the control of industry; society, with its millions of parasites, State officials, Each unit of industry, factory, mine, workshop, the second is to function as the masters of society.
armies, navies, and non producing wage workers, can agricultural district, fisheries, etc. would be managed The Workers Councils have their embryos in the net absorb the product. Thereupon stagnation of trade in the communal interests by a workers committee Shop Steward Movement and the Industrial Unionists and unemployment results until the glutted markets appointed by the workers within that unit.
are relieved of the surplus.
Each division of industry appoints a Council elected They can be formed as follows:Should anyone still be doubtful of the capabilities by its workers for the following purposes. The workers in each industrial unit of workshop, of man to produce under modern conditions, let him Ist To apportion the orders received from the mine, agricultural district, etc. form a Workers Comreflect upon the fact that for at least three years of Central Supply Departments amongst the units of that mittee. From these committees and Socialist organithe European War three fourths of the populations industry according to their capacity for production. zations and committees of unemployed workers of a of capitalist Europe, Great Britain, and America were and To requisition the the necessary labour for each locality, say a Parliamentary constituency, is formed engaged either as in unit munitions of war or as combatants Labour Department, who in turn requisition the Dis are elected to a District Council and Industrial ExLet him reflect enormous trict Councils and in turn the Communes.
masses of wealth produced by labour and literally 3rd To safeguard the workers lives and health. The soldiers form their Councils similarly within thrown away in that mad struggle between the contest 4th To manage the Industrial Colleges founded their units. Wherever situated they consult with the ing ruling classes, and he will doubt no longer that for education and research work, and invention in Workers Councils, and the methods and details for within the Co operative Commonwealth wealth can their industry.
taking over the control of society are discussed and be made to flow like water!
The Proletarian Dictatorship adopted.
into consideration the producWe turn from the discussion of the principles and ranks of the armies, the workers preceive that the Throughout the whole of industry, throughout the during the translation in the orde as it is to day, and also seeing that methods of the Soviet Republic to an equally import war has shaken the pillars of Capitalist Society to its italism and the establishment of Communism a definite ant subject, viz. the ways and means of getting it.
The present position of the working class is as fol from the transference of State controlled industries foundations. Faced with the economic chaos resulting standard of subsistence based on capitalist values and lows: a definite number of working hours must be estabPolitically they are ruled by the mechanism of law producing munitions of war, to the capricorking class lished, we are justified in stating that the following producing goods for the market, the order established by Capitalist Society for that already perceives in the near distance the and conditions could at once be adopted and would provide for the immediate needs of the whole population purpose.
Economically, owning neither land nor capital they The capitalist oligarchy seek (1) working day of six hours. e. 36 hours Economically, owning neither land nor capital, they to reorganize their (2) subsistence grant to all adults, represented market anda. cept the wages and conditions imposed centralize the control of industry, they have to of developed the means production that it threatens to With the exception of certain Labour Members And in addition a sliding scale of subsistence grants of Parliament, who take their seats and impotently materials, as at present, or later on, through the overwhelm them: either through the lack of raw the parents of children up to five, years respectively, and a subsistence grant to both with the exception of their Trade Union fights immense mass of products they will throw on the sexes over fifteen and under 21 years of age. the employing class (fought singly, and either beaten markets.
The equalised standard of subsistence is reckoned in detail or getting concessions granted which have hat are their chief proposals to their workers?
for these reasons: not in any way interrupted capitalist progression. and allotments, thus chaining up the worker to a piti Ist It is to gratify their wishes in realising the use oralince of the fight, not merely against the capitalist, but against cheap labor for the capitalist farmer, whilst within the the products of industry. Thus the mind so its likes and dislikes, is not compelled to adapt itself the downfall of the ruling classes of Russia by beggarly pittances of State relief to the unemand the to some uncongenial environment of more perilous than at any time during the war. 06 píoyed worker.
These are the measures they propose at a time in class for the producers of their during two or three years, its plea of nathe transitional to Truly the capitalist class is bankrupt in intelligence the product, based on the cost of production in labour problemas created by the war could not wait and the and ideas. Their further control of society is inimical a of the raw material to the fin period when these problems had become acute has to its fullest welfare. As a ruling class they are obsoished product. Eliminating from this cost the expenses compelled the oligarchy to act even against the advice dition produced by the means of production.
lete. They must step aside and accept the new conof transport and administration, the cost of producof some of its most faithful adherents.
The working class alone can solve the economic of machinery, tools, etc. and factory and sub ing their nominces under the label of Coalition, they problem. In their ranks are the skill, technique, and sistence grant to workers of per week of 36 hours calmly inform the working class that these protectors ability for organization which shall cause the labour.
of the rights and liberties of democracy await their machinery of production to work smoothly for the 2nd The whole of the surplus products of the franchise every member of society. Prevented by Communal Industries would be available to support Their objective is evident. By hook or crook the their position as an exploited class from competing in those workers who will function as factors in distrithe mad bution and the public services, the aged, infirm and In doing so it is compelled to show openly at last that lust for struggle for individual gain, they have not the oligarchy is determined to control political power.
wealth and power is so marked a trait sick, and the maintenance and education of the rising Capitalist Society is governed and controlled by. of the capitalist is safe within their Society of capitalism the generation dictatorship With the It must also be remembered that large numbers of through a capitalist Dictatorship in the interests of necessity for exploiting new markets and answnlands duction or distribution under capitalism, yet are fed, non producing workers, who do not function in pro capital and not by the democratic votes of the people exists no longer. Thus the long series of wars and the and sheltered will, within Communism, be absorbed into industrial life.
in order to establish a Soviet Republic, it is mankind enters into a new. and glorious era.
The essential for the working class to posses the political class accuses the Communists of all the factors into consideration, production of the communal industries would be control over society that will enable it to abolish the fomenting industrial discontent and class warfare. It mode of production. In other words the is true, the Communists everywhere endeavour to increased fourfold as compared with Capitalism, and Sass must become the ruling class, and show their fellow workers their true position the proposed subsistence grant of per week would have a corresponding distributive value reckoned in a period of time the transitional period, ciety. What the capitalists really desire is that they capitalist terms of at least an income of 700 per sufficient to establish firmly social and economic as a class, should dominate society, whilst their pasProletarian Dictatorhumbly receive the crumbs that fall from their tables.
annum to every adult member of the community. ship over the whole of society and bend of Parliament Distribution of Currency Notes The subsistence grants would be in distributive is impossible, for the working class have no Parlia mination. Meanwhile their press brazenly affirms that notes of decimal values or of the present monetary mentary organization and the oligarchy will use every of all societies, capitalism alone is the best and the system. As already pointed out their use would enable cialised to delay its formation; nor can Industrial So one The Communists disdain to conceal their aims.
possible cach communal member to acquire any desired pro domination, Parliament acts and reacts solely to the They openly declare that only the abolition of farie place a cost of of the production on their products. The cost will of the oligarchy, who directed its of production value would also enable the Central function within the Co operative Commonwealth.
it has been shown that Parliament will not working class.
Workers and Soldiers of Britain: form your counDepartments to arrange the necessary credits for the Accordingly, to bring about a Proletarian Dictator cils!
importation of goods of foreign origin and the ex ship, the working class must form its own political Let your watchwords be: portation of certain surplus products of the Co opera machine on the same basis upon which it will form the Social and economic equality! The land and the tive Commonwealth.
The wives and mothers of families (who would also of industry.
Co operative Commonwealth, viz. the administration instruments of production for the people! Soviet Republic for Britain!
receive the subsistence grants of their children. the There is another factor in the present situation. All power to the Workers and Soldiers Councils. Το in With by the ence for another repair which is of 11 clothed vet Taking the in so