AnarchismSocialismStrikeWorkers Movement

December 7, 1918 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Debs and Moyer Page of American Labor History UE following open letter of Eugeno Debs throat and made you blush scarlet with shame. Who was present and his death Imel scene? Who is a flash into American lalor history and You know as well as do what iniluences silver was it that lead him express these think?
the character of the of your life and you know it was not the or want to know the insist on your telling me. Terre llaute, Ind. November 16th, 1918. You know that compare and his ganx wanted you know Nicctly how it fell toward compare Chas. 11. Moyer, and Haywon and ultibone hung twelve yeti lois Pew in the and would loo President Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, nyo just as the same gang wants lay woxxl to be willing to stake my lil that he never expressed Denver, Colo.
kept in the penitentiary lexlay. You know that his thanks to them for anything unless it might Dear Sir: this gang, this Compers gang that you are now be for having and his profound contenipt.
In the press dispatch in this morning papers check by jowl with, never lifted a finger to help Comprar and his of bunch helped to reporting the proceedings of the Pan American you, but, on the contrary, did everything they save your life and the lives of laywood and Pet.
Labor Conference now being held at Laredo, you could in a sncnking and underhanded way to send tibone just as the same gentry helped to win tho are reported as having said that the of you to the gallows until the Socialists and tho strike in 1891. They did not rnise a saved your life and the lives of Haywood and Pet loyal men in the labor movement had stirred up acteristically cowardly and underhand way they finger in support of the trike, but in their char tibone twelve years ago, that you are now endeave the country nnd made your acquittal practically id all they could to discourage and defent it and oring to repay that organization for having saved certain and then only did they allow themselves to not until they were virtually dragged to Chicago your life and that Pettibone on his death bed ac drift with the current and reluctantly concede by the angry and threatening rank and file of knowledged his gratitude to said organization. and it strained them not a little to make the con their organization (lid they make a move and then Upon reading this statement by you which con cession that you were really entitled to a fair only in the nature of a pretense of sympathy tains other matter along the same line, at once trial, which they were compelled to make and which sent the following telegram to Laredo: You know this to be the fact as well as do.
but masked their perfidy.
And that is precisely the kind of help they Louis Morones, John Neil, your official associate and editor rendered Moyer. Ilaywood and Pettibone when Vice Chairman Pan American Labor Confer of your magazine, fiercely denounced Gompers their lives were at stake and the bones of the ence, and his crowd for their perfidy and cowardice.
three of you would long since have been consumed Laredo, Texas.
You know this, too, and you also know that at in quick lime had you depended upon them to save Be not deceived by Moyer statement. He is your official headquarters there was not a day you from the gallows.
now training with the Federation fakirs that that passed that Gompers and his pals, whom you of the of joined in the movement to save It is quite true that some of the rank and file wanted him hung twelve years ago and maligning are now currying favor with, were not roundly you from being hanged, but they were mostly Sotruth can furnish it and dare Gompers to face union labor for their cowardly and contemptible compers and the high officials for their cowardly me and deny it.
Eugene Debs. attitude in the Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone Socialists any creciit however, to whom you actu. now write to you direct to ask you if you affair at the time the Socialists stood almost alone ally owe your life, and you know that most of made this statement and if you did want to in fighting their battle and the general belief was those who lorl in the movement in your behalf, brand it for what you know it to be, as an abso that they would be hanged as murderers. esrecinlly at the beginning when you were brandlute falsehood. But before passing final judg.
And now, if this report is true, you have the sassins, did not belong to the of at all.
ed by the capitalist press As murderers and asment wish to give you full opportunity to say hardihood to stand before a body of labor dele You owe all your gratitude, according to yourself, what you have to say in your defense. If you gates and tell them that it was the of to the Gompers aciministration, which in its heart have been misrepresented shall be glad to know that saved your life and to take the message back wanted you hanged as high as Haman, and well it, but if you have been truthfully reported want to their constituents and spread the lie in the do you remember it, from your own. mouth have you known for what you are in the labor move Mexican labor movement so that it might be mis heard your honest opinion of Gompers and his ment.
led and betrayed into believing that the of official anxocintos.
Rut have stood up for you, Charlic Moyer, in Time was when had full confidence in you and is the only tried and trusted champion of the Butte and other places when you were attacked, held you in respect, but confess to have some working clase, while the is the traitorous charged with being a wenkling. fakir and a cordoubt as to your integrity after hearing reports conspiracy against labor which should be wiped porntion tool. On my last trip out there wag warnel at Putte not to attempt to defend you, concerning you and your performances as a union from the earth.
icader from apparently trustworthy sources. Still, have had very positive differences with Hay. ddressed, and told your nccusers to their faces but did it. nevertheless, in a packed meeting I would give you the benefit of every doubt and wood, as you well know, but if you made this that their charges against you could not go unit would afford me far greater satisfaction to statement to deceive the Mexican delegates, then challenged while was there.
have you clear yourself and stand forth as the would rather a thousand times be Haywood in And am not to have to confess to these men man have believed you to be than to see you, a penitentiary for the rest of my days than to be that they knew you better than did and apololike so many others with whom you are now in Moyer with a life tenure of the presidency of the prize to boa for the wrong did them and the caused bnr in defending you? This will declose affiliation, corrupted and diſhonored for the western mirers, or even the presidency of the prend entirely wron yourself.
sake of hanging on to an official job and selling United States.
In your statement to the Laredo conference a your very soul for a mess of pottage.
You are quoted in your statement as having cieliberate and damning falschood was put into the labor record and it shall not remain there if If you stood before that conference at Laredo used the following language: and made the statement above quoted you know Pettibone died, and on his death bed he gave can help it, and think can.
Awaiting your reply. am, that you uttered a deliberate untruth, an untruth thanks to the American Federation of Labor for Respectfully Yours.
so flagrant that it should have stuck in your the help it had given him.
Socialism and Reaction in Austria Continticd from page cight archistic. was not so childish as to believe that my knew that, in the atmosplicrc in which was condemn in show to the masses what could he accomplished on cleed woull alolish absolutism in Austria, or that it cil to live, in the milieu of this Executive Committee a large scale, that cach and every one must be willing wonid bring peace. have not become an anarchist. and this party, such words cannot be spoken. They In sacrifice lis life that sacritice should not be invitel.
Anarchism attributes such possibilities to individual have lost all understanding for the fact that force can Julit that one st le ready to sacritice. You obicct action. have never believed it. stand, as have only be created by action. They, in their cynicism, that lave cutmitted this deed against the principles always stood, for mass action carried out with ali would have laughed at me. It was necessary. there of the social demeraer. This also is not true. The in accord with the feeling of fore. to present an arowal of the use of force, an International has admitted partics which, before the ight of the masses masses in times of peace by parliament arowal that would force the comrades to say, This war, stmd. in their programs, for individual action. ary nieans, but when absolutism has destroyed all par man is serious. Je sacrifices his life in order to af thic Social Revolutionists of Russia. was one of liamentary means, also by force to be conducted by firm his convictions. I wanted to force them to take their opponents, and have always carried on a sharp the masses. Torlay, as ever, maintain that mass a stand, and they have taken a stand. To day 10 Ren. thicoretical fight against them. Vlass actions must be action must be. and is, decisive, and ner, no Seitz will care te say to the workers of Austria supreme been nothing but a modest individual act, not to take that forcible measures must not and cannot be used. ko nint know whether a specily leathi will release the place of mass action, not even to call forth mass That was what clesired to accomplishi, what seemed action, as some of my friends, who believe that hoped to me worth the sacrifice of my lifc, to force these living death. But when stand ince to face with my attitude.
end, have but one linne, that my nerves and my for a concerted uprising of the people in answer to people to change their my deed, have said. What wanted was to establish will acel licrc that have never over estimated senees may serve me well to the last moment.
the psychological promise for future mass action, in my cleod. cither before or after the first police hcar In taking care of all whom have loved, and whose Austria. did not hope, by my deed, to call forth a ing: do not wish that my deed be over estimated. love has been my happiness from all my frienols and revolution, but wished to force the party to con citlicr in its object, or in its effect. simply wished comrades in all parts ni the world. will remind you.
rider its attitude to a revolution. have never, once more to gite the revolutionary spirit a place in in parting, as a word of comfort, of the depth and should like to call the attention of the public prosecutor our 10cmcut.
purity of that Easter greeting: to this fact during the course of the whole war. It was an open avowal of the policy of force, but Vot all are dead that are buried. for they cannot said a word in favor of forcible uprising because it was a symbolic act, a parable as well. By it wished kill the spirit, oh, brothers!