BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEngelsLeninMarxSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Socialist Appeal FOR MILITARY TRAINING FOR ORGANIZATION OF AN INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY UNDER TRADE UNION CONTROL Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party VOL. No. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1941 267 FIVE (5) CENTS CONGRESS PLANNING ANTI STRIKE LAWS Labor Defends Minn. Educator What Will The Trade Unions Do For FDR Talks Lay The Workers In Uniform? Basis For Ban GRACE CARLSON Worker Reports Chaos LEVITON STRIKE REPORTS ON in New Training Camp HOLDS FIRM IN FIRST MEETINGS 19th WEEK AN EDITORIAL MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. Gov ernor Stassen attempt to oust Who is going to represent the interests of the workers Both the AFL and CIO protest against the composition All Legislators Need To Do Is To Enact Minnesota Commissioner of Grace Carlson drafted into the armed forces?
of the draft boards; but abandon the workers and unionists Education, Dr. John Rockwell, So far the trade union leaders, both AFL and CIO, have has turned into a battle in which Speaks In Your Into Law AFL Metal Trades Proposal; as soon as they enter the gates of the training camps.
the trade unions, the teachers of made a detour around this question, the key question of this The unions do demand the restoration of jobs to the But Such Laws Cannot Be Enforced this state, the American Federa Vicinity new military epoch in America and the world.
draftees when and if they return ftom army service. The tion of Teachers, and the Neg.
The union movement recognizes its responsibility to orunions make special provisions to keep their drafted members roes, are solidly arrayed against in good standing and to prevent their insurance from lapsing.
By FELIX MORROW ganize, not only all workers in private industry, but also all Stassen and the reactionaries.
TOLEDO, Ohio: Friday, Jan.
All good and necessary measures. But the AFL and CIO leadThe legislative mill of the 77th Congress has begun to turn, The next session of the public categories of government workers. Whether WPA workers, 10, p. at the Indiana Aveand it is already clear that it will grind out an even more vicious hearing into the suspension of nue on The Negro ers shun as a plague the here and now question of the workpostal employees or clerks in the government bureaus, the Dr. Rockwell from his post will and National Defense. Austrade unions have correctly insisted that government workers ing and living conditions of the worker soldier INSIDE the product than did its predecessor.
take place January 13, and there pices: The Toledo Discussion Shortly after Roosevelt had delivered his Message, Hoffman need and shall have union organization to bargain collecarmed forces.
will be plenty of fireworks. Group, an organization of of Michigan introduced a House bill to repeal the National Labor tively with the government in exactly the same way as with a After the last war, the labor movement paid a bitter price Governor Stassen and his four colored and white workers.
Relations Act, and Senator Holman of Oregon re introduced the for its indifference to the conditions of the workers in the man majority on the state board private boss.
CLEVELAND, Ohio: SunSmith Committee amendments. These amendments were adoptarmy. The orgy of strike breaking, mob violence against ed by the House last session but died in the Senate Labor Comof education, at the first sessions day. Jan. 12 p. at the AlIn this traditional policy of the labor movement tlrere is of the hearing on Dec. 26 27, re lerton Hotel, 13th and Chester. an implicit recognition that the government is a boss, and union and working class political party meetings, and re mittee. They will not die so easily this time.
vealed their strategy. Dr. Rock On The Right to Life.
must be dealt with as such.
pressive acts against organized labor, found no little support These anti labor moves are but the first. It is certain, in fact, well was to be ousted by being YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio: among returning soldiers. Organized labor had done nothing The most compelling fact of our time, however, is that labeled a red.
that before this session of Congress is over, it will have adopted Wednesday, Jan. 15, p. at for the soldiers during the war, and the soldiers, therefore, felt new anti labor legislation, par Union of Marine and ShipbuildTo connect Dr. Rockwell the Central Auditorium, 225 the largest number of government employes are those to be with reds the Stassenites ticularly anti strike legislation. ing Workers, CIO, is also meetW. Boardman St. On Can no ties of loyalty employed in the armed forces.
organized labor when the war was over.
put on the That is the main item on the ing. also acts, and also rushes witness stand a Unions Survive the War?
The veterans organizations formed at the close of the war clerk from the secretary of BUFFALO, New York: Yet it is precisely at this point, that the trade union lead were used by the bosses against the workers.
program of the ultra reaction into print. The board (1) bars state office who introduced a Thursday, Jan. 16. p. at ers fall down. They draw a line between the rights of the Who will represent the interests of the workers in the ary bi partisan bloc which Communists from national or copy of the official 1940 elec 569 Clinton. On The Negroes workers in civil governmental employment and those in gov armed forces? If the unions won t, fascist reaction will ordominates both houses. Roose local office in the union and (2)
tion ballot showing Grace Carl and the War. Auspices: Joint ernmental military service.
velt will make no move to stop provides for expulsion from the ganize the embittered soldiers and use them to destroy the son listed as the Senator meeting of Buffalo branch, them; on the contrary, he has union of any member proven ial candidate of the Trotskyist Yet, to thus abandon this decisive sphere of the military and a group of Neglabor movement. Organized labor answer to this life and given them sufficient encourage guilty of. using the privilege Anti War Party (Socialist roes.
departments to the exclusive jurisdiction of the ruling class. death question may well determine whether the American ment in his fireside speech and of membership for propagating Workers Party. Dr. Carlson ROCHESTER, Fri. is to surrender the entire fate of labor into the impartial working class is to face decades of slavery or a new age of his Messago. They will merely be or furthering the cause of comhad been a member of the staff day, Jan. 17. p. at the hands of the irreconcilable enemies of labor.
emancipation from exploitation.
enacting into law Roosevelt dec munism. Any worker handing a of the state department of edu Labor Lyceum, 580 St. Paul laration that the war arms drive shopmate a copy of the Daily cation until she resigned last St. On The Right to Life. will proceed without interrup Worker or the Socialist Appeal September to take up full time BOSTON, Mass. Two lection by strikes or lockouts and can be driven out of the union or work for the party.
tures. Sunday, Jan. 19, p.
his threat to use the sovereignty the industry, under this broad Dr. Rockwell readily admitted at the Workers Center, 158 of government against trouble provision. This CIO executive he and his wife were friends of Broadway. On South Amerimakers.
board may not be abreast of Grace Carlson, that they were ca. Monday, Jan. 20, p. The. AFL leadership has just Frey yet, but it is trying hard!
familiar with her political beliefs at the Aurora Club, 42 Mavergiven the reactionary bloc in In this vile game, however, and had known her for ten years. ick Sq. East Boston. On The Congress a perfect formula un Frey has a major advantage over It was in the Stassenites at Right to Life.
der which to enact anti strike the CIO union. The metal trades tempt to establish political links The following letter from a ness and a surprising number legislation. All Congress has to unions of the AFL are craft or between Grace Carlson and the do is to enact into law the De ganizations. In the shipyards, for correspondent employed on con. have lost their lives in auto acBy GRACE CARLSON Rockwells that the inquisition of it. never draw the color BROOKLYN, Jan. fense Plan adopted last Sunday example, they cover but a part struction work at one of the new cidents, rushing to and from The strike of 1, 600 workert by the AFL Metal Trades De of the men engaged in the inCHICAGO, January The Win military training camps cites con work in an exhausted condition against the Isadore Leviton plani partment.
Was it true that, in 1935, Dr. department of education, un section of the Party, however parts of the country. line. am proud that the state Rockwell had opened his home to But what is the compensation entered its nineteenth week wit There must be no stoppage of thing tangible to offer the shipder my administration, has em Since the departure of the wind a party where funds were raised JACKSONVILLE, Florida, Jan. of the soldiers? They have been national Brotherhood of Electory work: This sentence from the yard bosses and the Navy De to aid the hosiery strikers at the ployed both Negroes and In bags of the Minority into the so am working at Camp Bland brought into the camp before the cal Workers. Brooklyn Division John Frey, the metal trade with his craft organizations and, dians.
Strutwear plant? the bourd attorney asked Dr. Rockwell.
The bourd attorney then asked tone of the Chicago Branch has sonville. Many of the construction brought in during the rainy sea the militant tacties until the strik department president, sums up in return, Frey and his associates Dr. Rockwell readily agreed about a vacation trip the Rock changed.
workers must cover about 100 son when the whole camp was ers demands are won 100 percent Now one hear comrades talk that was so, and that Mrs. Grace wells had made to Mexico in 1939.
wxking his questions in such a ing about their shops, thornton on the most crowded road in the The soldiers were wading in mud bers of the IBEW are maiutallo miles per day to work and back, nothing but an immense swamp.
Despite freezing weather, men turn is the establishment of ar. usually the majority in the Carlson was among the guests.
bitration machinery. This plan shipyards, scab if a strike breaks Then the about seatest shey way as to leave the innuendo work, their contacts fan ander the country. This takes about five knee deep, to get to the tents. a 24 hour picket line, with every is equivalent to the National Walout, etc. Labor Board enacted into law! But there have been too many audience to gasp at the brazen Trotsky, who was still alive then. Lion of the Appeal at factories, etc. working nine hours per day. in has been the most active branch sebeduled to take his turn unt Wilson and Samuel Gompers in unions have refused to play this by agreement between President instances in which AFL craft anti Negro attitude it revealed: The net result of this red baitIt is even possible to give a cluding Saturdays and Sundays of the service around here.
ow in Chicago without the boss concedes defeat. Were there colored people at ing drive has been to make the speech One example of the overcrowd. Yesterday was pay day for the The strikers demand a unior 1918. description of that kind of game and have demonyour home?
trade unionists and the Negroes waving eighteen supplementary shop, a minimum wage of 10 board appears on page of this strated their solidarity with their Dr. Rockwell. deeply indignant, of Minnesota realize that red species made from the floor. au secondition will give you the 31st (Dixie) Division at the istue. fellow workers who are in CIO replied: baiting is not merely aimed at these changes in the character picture. Starke is a small town camp. Those who had their leavebandy or 16 a week and tha to Jack every employe receive an increasi By this step. by William unions. Frey therefore proposes Yes, there have been colored o erase the lines of care from the miles from Camp Blanding. This sonville for a bit of relaxation of not less than 10e an hour.
Green no strike pledge at to take all policy making powers people in my home. am proud workers and Negroes.
aces of the older Chicago com town is now jammed with 5500 The road was mobbed with the AFL convention and other cut of the hands of the AFL Strike captain is a young wom similar moves, the AFL tope locals and their rank and file ades who bave been through very and the sanitation facilities are hitch hiking soldiers. But manyan who started work as a chile have outstripped even Hillmanmembers: trying years. They are to be con breaking down, threatening the of those who managed to get to in the Leviton plant fourteer gratulated for having stuck it out. health of the inhabitants. town had to turn on their heels for the moment only, he ll catch. As explained by Mr. Frey, the to them as well as to the now. But the plight of the workmen and head back to camp. because years ago. She leads the maratp with them soon enough! ir. jointly associated metal trades of the pickets in step to the tune organizer, Dave Stevens, goes cre here is as nothing compared to they could not get any accomoda of Scab Scab Scab! as the leaving the trade unions helpless union representatives would seek dit tor to improvement of the that of the soldiers. The workers, tions at hotels and rooming house budes arrive with about so scat before the coming onslaught by to negotiate agreements by reby GEORGE STERN Chicago Branch.
gions and industries. For exthose who are skilled, have the es for love or money. Whether it hired by Leviton in attempt to Congress and the employers. was especially pleased to see financial compensation for their is due to the overcrowded con replace to 1, 600 workers, 1, 000 Two lines of strutegy mo ample, they would meet with emThe war is the supreme ex form: the more sociologists what a fino group of women com misory and long hours. Of course ditions alone, or because soldiers of whom are women. More thay tivate these moves of the AFL ployers in the shipbuilding inhave tampered with the family pression of the total bankruptcy rades we have in Chicago. Most many of them have suffered in aren wanted, do not know.
cadership: 140 police have been detalled a: dustry on the Atlantic, Gulf.
of the capitalist world. It is the une more the family has disin. By showing how far labor Great Lakes and Pacific Coast protection for the scabs.
of them are working at steno avowal that capitalism can no tegrated The sufering of the striker is willing to go in cooperating to and negotiate single agreements graphic or factory Jobs. They be the social Likewise all longer function without insane long to uuions and appear to be end strikes, they will take away bas become more intense with in these areas for all the unions.
slaughter of peoples and the com sciences have failed correctly eager to carry out the Party pro each week. Many families have from the reactionaries any pre (N. Times, Jan. 6)
plete dislocation of the planet.
to foresee the trends of imgram in their trade unions. In a gone without beat, gas and elec certs for enacting anti labor leg SPEEDS ANTI STRIKE LAW War tears away many fig portant socio cultural proces word, they think of themselves tric light. Some bave lost thei: islation. This strategy is on Far from forestalling antileaves. Few are discovered to ses. On the eve of war they and act as cowals of nien in the par with lifting a siege on strike action by Congress, these turniture. Others have been evic were forecasting peace; on the be more contemptible in their Party. think that we re getting ted. Many children are sufferin: fortress by enticing the besieg AFL and CIO moves are grist to eve of economic crash and imfrom insufticient someplace!
milk nakedness than the bourgeois ers to come inside.
the legislative mill. They serve poverishment, they were prewarmth. Illness has increase Green. Woll. Frey Co. will to create an atmosphere in which intellectuals, the professors, dicting bigger and better pros on January also represented a The meeting held in Milwaukee generally. Despite all this the in this way prove how much more the writers, the theorists of it appears that any union which perity.
strikers have remained firm, mor long step forward. Although the the capitalist order. And respectable they are than is the strikes for its demands is a Our camned confessing profes. Milwaukee Branch of the Party DETROIT, Mich. The latest along with Hillman.
ale is surprisingly good.
CHO. Ho that anti union capital saboteur or communist led.
among these the most pitiable sor speaks broadly ou social was only established a few short phenomenon to hit the auto inare the sociologists the is.
Leviton, who boasted that he ists will accept the AFL The simple fact that no union conducts a strike unless it has science in this sorrowing awowal months ago, and is consequently dustry is the already famous rently growing hoarse from war made 12, 000, 000 without a unior lesser evil.
pundits who have purported to Frey metal trades statement absolutely no other alternative, is reduce the study of society to science, safe, secure, and seois social science. Une wond: people together for this open ter Reuther, taken up by Phillip CIO, was so impressed with the this cotton fortune in fightinus obviously designed to show tveing buried under these whining sound capitalist science s whether it would be a sur meeting. The subject of the speech Murray, and passed on to the completo reform of the former unionization of his plaut, has per the superior respectability of the statements from AFL and CIS Last week the sociological fig prime to him to pick up the works was the Road to Socialisi.
President of the United States. Socialist Reutber, that the devoted sistently refused to negotiate AFL Frey had previously par leaders.
ticipated together with the CIO leaf fluttered to the ground. The of Marx and Engels and to lind The audience was composed of it has the country agog. a whole column to patting him with the union.
With the trade union leaders Two years ago the company wa shipbuilding workers union, em. thus retreating, it is to be feared is the conterence of the Amo cultural processes which have students from the trades couruce Follower plan to lend a nice from the ranks of militant labor. fouud guilty of unfair labor ptae loyers and government repre that anti strike legislation by In brief, it can be described the rican Sociological Society. Before come true with stardlicenseware the Technical Wish School: cushy job for Walter Reuther. President Roosevelt, who refus. Lices by the National Labor Relasentatives, informing the ship. Congress is a foregone conclus building Stabilization Committeesion.
this body came Dr. Pitirim Although the predictions were from the questions, it was clear Simple and clear and guaranteeded to listen to the insistent de tions Board. The Board action which at its Dec. meeting, is. It is one thing to pass such Sorokin, chairman of the Departade sixty and seventy years that they have beenne disgusted to get results or your money mands of the UAW CIO that the was affirmed by the United States sued a policy statement pledging legislation. It is something else, ment Sociology of Harvard go. Ono wonders what surprises government cancel a two million Circuit Court of Appeal, April 29.
aight await him in the writings with the Daniel Hoan. Norman back.
University. Said Dr. Sorokin. Social science has become Lenin and Trotsky. We might Thomas type of Socialism and The pan contains Jeta led ad dollar contract with the ants 10 1940. Eight wecks after the exhaustion of all other methods however, to enforce ithin the increasingly more uninspired even be permitted wondes slud to hour of a revolutionary vice on how Knudsen en getton Ford, listened to Reutlier strike began, an NLRE election rather than strikes and lockouts. what happened in 1918. The hones whicther the professor might not Socialist program.
more uncreative, and more inurn of matters to his benefit capable of foreseeing future With the good work which our fullest extent the now idto aute with a benign nod said he would pite this overwhelming victory make our policy even more cm. which preceded it weren able to craft industry by utilizing to the patted Reutber on the head and workers voting the Bew. Des. Because of the emergency we up by law. because the boards trends or of serving efficiently octubre del sole publise Appeal. and the millwaukce conrades are doing ou pluis. and the convainating an sie sortous considera for the union. Lestion declared hipbuilding stabilization become enter the past beef Butuneith the practical needs our socore it of the Militant and the distrubution of the Appout at fac auto factories. It contains both on And it is accepted you bat be would starve out tbe mitte.
The inexhaustible vitality of ciety and our culture.
The more economists have Sew Militant.
The CIO union leaders are the organized workers breaks tory gutes and in working class ing about the low wage sales to can bet he won overlook the most strikers as long as necessary and Perhaps research along these tampered with economic condi ucighborhoods, together with the aircraft Industry, lines might soften his indicttions (he continued. the worse More than one boss and lu bor heard of three labor represent make them crawl back on the Forey. Howevery far behind through, in spite of the strangta their contact work, am sure that the AFL metal trades de government and the bosses with ment of the social sciences and they have become; the more lives, and three government te that we shall see a very healthy hater is happy to see that this tives, three business representa bellies begging for their jobs.
He has even declined to submit partment is meeting and rushing the connivance of the Freys and only leave exposed the social political scientists have reReuther will get the controversy or any part of into print with its plan, the exec Hillmans. It happened in 1918. It scientists hired out to the growth in the Milwaukee Branch formed and ready to take his presentatives.
formed governments, the more in the coming months.
lit to arbitration.
place at the head of the class his cushy job.
capitalist order.
utive board of the Industrial will happen again now!
are governments in need of re.
ON THE WAR FRONTS Reuther Plan Is Swell. For Him an