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8 SOCIALIST APPEAL September 18, 1937 TYLER ALTMAN BLOC BUILT ON HOSTILITY FORGOTTEN ZAM TYLER WORDS INDICT of just representation means to preparo a party split.
TO LENINISM THEIR OWN PRACTICES IN PARTY Party democracy today means the extension of the clements of party democracy to the Trot The manner in which the revolutionary than that of the Repeated experiences of the comrades. To make such a criti skyites and pacifists as well as Trotskyites were separated from Stalinists. Tyler wprincipled working class have proven that cism a ground for charges makes to all other comrades. The sothe Socialist Party will soon be factionalism has already carried party democracy is not just some all criticism impossible, for the cialist Party has no second class come an affair of academic in him. the formulations of phrase for the mouths of minori champion of an unpopular cause citizens.
terest, says Gus Tyler unsign the Russian Mensheviks, although, ties in a party nor the product will always be accused of vil Party democracy, in spirit as ed editorial in the Call of Sep none too informed, Tyler is pro of devotion to broadmindedness. lainy and lying and the majority well as fact, can only be pretember 11. With this cynical re bably unaware that this is pre. The absence of democracy and will sit in judgment upon him. leading party comrades foster a tempts to dismiss the country gres characterize the Bolsheviks lead to the creation of a Comin right of comrades of like mind spirit of comradeliness, maintain wide indignation at the bureau of today.
tern, a British Labor Party, an to organize to advance their a policy of integration to all As we have already said, Old Guard Socialist Party, and views in the party. Such groups tendencies to provoke a split in eratic expulsions, and to lift the party groups, and stamp out all controversy to a political level. Tyler new line is part of an in the final analysis to such or individuals have the right to the party by the expulsion of the expulsion of the Trotskyites demoralized re evaluations of viet trials. Party democracy is meetings, so long as such are this group or that group which was outlined by Tyler at the those unable to analyze the de a PRINCIPLE!
conducted for party members one comrade or another decides in unassimilable. The task of the National Executive Committee feats of our epoch by Marxist Party democracy can not be only.
meeting. His bloc with Jack Alt principles. Next week we shall maintained unless persons or leadership is to map a policy and man was consummated by their publish an analysis by Leon groups in the minority are percarry through a line; if there be Minority Rights common argument against the Trotsky, Stalinism and Bolshe mitted to speak their mind, even any who are unassimilable, pracTrotskyites. That argument was vism, concerning the historical if it be foolishly, or tactlessly, Effective tice will show. From Socialist given to the capitalist press by and organizational roots of the within the party. Administrative can only be maintained while gram for Left Wing Unity. party democracy Clarity, March 1, 1937 Prothe in the succinct state Fourth International. Written as action in the form of grievances significant minority groups in ment that the Trotskyites were an answer to some European and charges can not be brought the party are given representa communists and therefore had Tylers, it is a definitive reply to against the comrades for political tion on leading and minor com: APPEAL FRIENDS no place in a socialist movement. the American breed.
characterization of their party mittees. To deprive any impor.
SEND IN SUBS When Leon Trotsky defends the acts perpetrated by the Bol What a pleasant and delightsheviku of his day, said Jack RIDING THE RODS.
ful surprise it was to find, upon Altman.
The BY CARLO Opening a package of paper, the very system which led to the Socialist Appeal. No words can degeneration of Russia today.
describe my feeling or the rise Trotsky may be a much better of my spirits when beheld the representative of communism emblazoned heavy black type than Stalin, but we are socialacross the top page. Here was ists.
something placed back in my hand after it had been torn away Something New from me by ruthless hands. It This line is rather novel for was like finding a long lost child which had been given up as dead.
Altman, who has never been known to criticize the Stalinists As a member of the State Executive Committee of the Socialin public. It has, however, the ist Party of Indiana, want to advantage for the Thomas Altcommend the Appeal Assn.
man Tyler faction, at this mothe step taken in reviving the ment, of assuring the labor bureaucrats of the American Labor Socialist Appeal. We revolutionaries of the SEC of Indiana welParty that they have nothing to fear from these come it with open arms and will La Guardia Socialists.
do all in our power to place it in At the meeting, Tyler the hands of our state memberflatly declared: Trotskyism, in ship, despite the edict issued recommon with Leninism, means cently by Burt, Thomas and Co.
under the title of the NEC.
bureaucratiam and terror when So writes Herbert Kimmel, in power.
This warmed over part of whose letter we reprint precept of the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries is becombecause he says more succinctly what scores of other comrades ing stylish again as a pretext for struggle against the princiare saying. And not only party members: ples of Bolshevism. Enclosed is one dollar for Dutch Courage subscription. wish to state that am highly pleased with your Between the meeting first number hope that in sucand his editorial, however, some ceeding issues, there will be a of bis Dutch courage oozed out full Marxian discussion of naof Tyler. In the editorial there tional and world events, writes is no reference to Leninism. Now Robert Lee, Yonkers, is: Trotskyism and Stalinism, arch enemies in program, are Brockway Aids Stalin nevertheless children born of one womb. What was that womb, Frame Up according to Tyler? He is afraid to articulate his thought publicly. Continued from page 7)
for he still wants to pose as a tempt to use the investigation of dical. But in of him the Nin murder as a pretext meaning is clear. The source of settle scores with Nin policies.
the evil to him is the Leninist To wage a struggle against optradition.
portunism and centrism we have no need to hide behind a com1 his courage evaporated on mission. created for a totally this score, Tyler summoned up different purpose. We leave such new nerve on another. Until now methods to the Tartuffes of idealhe has been complaining that, istic morality. We, gross mate though he is ready to grant the rialists, prefer to call a nettle revolutionary character of the but a nettle and the faults of Trotskyites, they refuse to grant fools but folly. We deal blows him similar status. In the edito our adversaries openly and in torial, however, he says: The our own names.
Trotsky program is less counterCoyoacan Sept. 5, 1937.
on SPECIAL THOMAS LA GUARDIA BANKERS to CARLO Hear the Truth About The Sell Out of the Socialist Party to La Guardia Greet the Newly Elected National Executive Committee of the Young Peoples Socialist League SPEAKERS JAMES CANNON MAX SHACHTMAN Chairman ERNEST ERBER NATHAN GOULD National Chairman, YPSL McKINNEY National Organizer, YPSL Friday Evening, September 17, 8:15 IRVING PLAZA loving Place and 15 th Street