CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartySocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers Party

ACROSS THE COUNTRY NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the By D Hides New Threat Dakota by 300 Vigilantes 4, 000 Subs by May 31 Take Town Is Our Goal Here How In Effort to Break Strike Progressives Speakers Will Seek National Bare Hearst and the city of Farso sewed up Organization Labor Record Liberty of 18Jeopardized As Splits Defense With Cannon And Muste VOL. I, NO. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1935 From Muste, national secPRICE CENTS retary of the Workers Party, comes further word of the tour Latest Order and James Cannon, editor of New Deal Launches Another Gunboat the New Militant, are making to present the program of the to the workers of the country.
Reports indicate that Comrades Muste and Cannon tour is a mareh of triumph.
By MUSTE Section 7(a) Likely to be MADISON, Wis. The University Replaced by New of Wisconsin is becoming more conservative. Phil La Follette, of the Legislation new Progressive Party, is trying his hand at doing something for By ZACK ELDER the masses with reformist pro WASHINGTON. It was y no gram He has an alibi, however, means extraordinary that the Pressince the Progressives do not con Ident should buckle under to the HE campaigu for New Militant entire four mouth perlod a prize trol the legislature and so the mor newspaper publishers by ordering subs opens today. It opens on of five dollars ia books.
al may not be so obvions to the the National Labor Relations Board a new note Prives! Yes Sir, we For the branch which sends in marses as it should be are offering prizes.
to keep its hands of the Jennings Our goal is four thousand new the greatest number of subs and FARGO, Dakota. Three hunAn old Brookwood graduate, ense.
subs in four months, one thousand the biggest bundle Increases, paid though not a sympathizer, got (Jennings, a reporter on the San up a meeting here at short notice. Francisco Bee, Hearst paper, per month, two hundred and afty up, there will be a prize of ten dol dred deputized vigilantes swept lars in books (branches will be down on the headquarters of GenThey planned to have it in a house per week. If we are to make the judged on a membership basis. a eral Drivers local No. 173 on Sun was fired for his attempts to or but had to transier to a hall be mark you will have to help us out second prize of five dollars and a day, tear gassed strikers, their ganize the newspaper men of this cause over Airty wanted to come. paper into the Guild. The case with thirty five new sub every sinKle day from now until May 31.
third prize of two ftty, all in books. wives and children, and arrested If the Chicago District got estab was brought before the San Fran.
The Prizes Ah! There are 12 Comrades consider If we each including William Cruden, ished, it ought to have little trou siseo Regional Labor Board which For and every get one new sub every president of the union, and ble in forming a branch here.
separate, magnificent prizes.
took sides with the employer, 11 the individual who collects the two weeks we will reach our mark. Hughes and Schwalde, union Here our Oral ante of northwes was subsequently brought before fern cold begins. The train is due the National Labor Board and most subs every month during there each and every one of us get a officers. They were charged with nude test case. Rehberg alAt A. It crawls in about campaign there will be a prize of sub every week we will have a loting and inelting to rlot, ball are due in Minneapolis at A.
lled with the publishers but the Iwo collars in books from the Pion circulation of at least fourteen was set at 500 1, 500 for each and get there hours late. Over decision of this Board was favor.
cer Bookshop chance for you thousand by May 31. If we each unionist arrested.
30 degrees below yero and cutting able to the Guild. every month.
got a sub every day we would have The strike of the coal, Lee, and wind.
For the individual who collecta a circulation of sixty thousand!
What Teeption!
Buckling under to the opentransfer drivers has been on wince he biggest number of subs for the That just to give you an idea.
shop employers is the chie talent the middle of January. In spite MINNEAPOLIS, Mion. Those of which the President has never of the sub zero weather the Fargo us who have heard former CLA Palled to manifest throughout the drivers, using the militant pleketcomrades go into ecslasies over the tortured history of Section Tu. He ng technique developed by General Minneapolis strikes, Drivers Local cave in to the automobile employLocal.
574 and the Minneapolis militants ers when he set up the ineffable genernlly, have sometimes said to Wolman Buurd. He gave in to the tightThe was for ourselves: They may be good in iron and strel employers by handunion recognition and for the reMinneapolls, but they can be that cufring the Steel Labor Bound in instatement of two men discharged good. There must have been many, the exercise of its theoretical clecfor union activities.
too, who live had a fleeting doubt tion powers. Ile gave in to the (By Special Correspondent) NEW YORK. mass antiToday the entire town of Fargu as to whether Toledo and Minnea cotton textile employers by ensnarpolis could live up to their reputa ing the striking workers in the The 1, 500 ton destroyer Dale is shown above as it slid down the MINNEAPOLIS, Minn Vigorous, Hearst meeting will be beld in New Is In the bands of vigllante thugs, tions, whether the magnificent bet meaningless recommendations of ways of the Brooklyn navy yarıl. It the latest product of the navy who have set as their goal the hard hitting resolutions, one con York Sunday, Feb. at P. a tles of 1934 bad been flash in the the Winant Commissiou. The Pres building campaign, and the money came from New Deal fund, Wash. demning reactlonary union leaders the Central Opera House, 205 East crushing of the local labor movement, for years a negligible force pan or were being followed up in ident is thoroughly aware on which ington observers prediet that a large part of the new unitemized and going on record for a national eth Street.
a persistent and militant fashion. side the loaf of capitalism is but 4, 800, 000, 000 relief fund will also go for war preparations.
organization of militant and pro The speakers, many of them at til Miles Dunne, one of the Having now spent five days in tered.
gressive union forces, the other detacked by Hearst to his anti Red leaders of local 574, was loaned to the Fargo drivers as an organizer.
Minneapolis, maybe ll be accused NATIONAL RUN AROUND manding a genuine Workers Secur campaign, will uncover Hearst re warrant has been issued for the of putting it on thick must NEW MANEUVER ity Program, were adopted at the cord.
the praises of the movement one day meeting of the Northwest Heywood Broun will speak on arrest of Dunne, charged with inciting to riot.
bere. Nothing is clearer than that Put the President order conUnity Conference, held at the head Hearst attitude toward his own The rest of the Fargo labor both bere and in Toledo our forces ceals a new maneuver on the part quarters of Drivers Local No. 574. newspaper employes.
of the National Run Around. While are stronger tolay, have a firmer Fifty delegates, from unions num Prof. Sidney Hook, chairman of movement is werk; most of the hold in the unions, and are working the strike wave ran high, during pering 10, 000, attended the confer. the Department of Philosophy of unions have small membership, alharder than they were a year ago. 1933 1934, it was convenient to 20ce. The security program adopt. New York University, and Prof. though under the stimulus of Local We tried to have a conference of mother labor unrest by blanketing SAN FRANCISCO. The liberty cume. They not only failed to start :d was the program advocated by James Burnham, of the same de 173 organization drive, their milk partmeut, will answer the attacks drivers strike of last fall and their the trade upton members of our it under a whole series of industrial of the 18 defendants in the Sacra a united front pressure campaign: he National Unemployed Laigue.
The resolutions follow in full: on them in the Hearst papers.
present strike, several bundred wait until nearly eleven because a purpose of these boards was to be members of the communist party take out one prisoner.
branch the other night and had to relations boards. The ostensiblemento criminal syndicalism trials they started to campaign at all. Whereas, the workers of the Prof. George Counts of Colum workers have come into the unlons.
bia University will speak. have demonstrated a determina covered recently that prospective an organized campaign against la.
He dis The terrorism in Fargo is part of class iu Labor Dramaties, a con govern industrial relations in ae of members The reason is well known lotion to organize and a willingness students were Hearst reporters. bor which the reactionaries ference of Bakery Workers and an cordance with Section Ta trade when under orders from New York organization committee meeting or union recognition, collective agree they repudiated the united front party circles and in the labor move to fight desperately for the right to His exposure of Hearst tactics preparing in the Northwest. Dur.
Northern States Power employees wents, and the rest.
agreement reached January 15. ment of California: Comrades organize and against the whole caused the most prominent educa ing the past four months tremen.
The agreement, signed by the Chambers, Decker, Warnick, Mind campaign to put them on a pauper tors in the country to demand dous funds have been put behind were on, and our comrades and the Their true purpose, however, Socialist party, the Workers Party, and several other prisoners hed basis; and 574 boys were taking leading parts was to end and avert strikes by the American Civil Libertles Union, questioned the party line in the un Whereas, the masses will find no Heart anti labor activities and chapters have been formed or reCongressional investigation in each. While waiting around, we spinning out endless miles of ad of the American Legion, hundreds of had a session with a group of pro ministrative red tape, and by gull.
the Shipyard and Allied Workers ion. Documents have already be support but only new betrayals in Industrial Union, the Non Partisan come publie which reveal how the outworn craft unionism and autobis attacks on education.
gressives from the railroad unions. Ing worluers into the belief that vived. In Minneapolis special po.
Felix Morrow, secretary of the lice posts of the Legion have been The Northern States Power employLabor Defense, the International District Bureau of the tried cratic uulon leadership which bases the government would see that rs have a charter from the Inter Justice was done to them.
Labor Defetue Machinists Local to Jockey out of the union Decker, its policies in collaboration with Provisional Committee for Non formed.
Parisan Labor Defense, under Every trade unionlet in the Workers under which they are boards did their best. Woe befellery Industrial Union and the Com successful Sacramento and Sap employers and the government, whose nusplees the mass meeting Northwest should realize that the national Brotherhood of Electrical As strke breaking agencies the es, Cannery and Agricultural Work militant leader of the great and will be held, will tell of Hearst Fargo strikers are waging Algbt bullding an industrial uuton of util the wage earners who were simple muulst party. was a result of the Joaquin Valley strikes of 1983, and who are the enemies of the work agitation begun by the Non Partito discipline other leaders who enactivities in California, and the tor the labor movement of the ity workers, including the odice minded enough to walk into the san Labor Defense after some of joyed the confidence of the mass gressives can carry on the battle criminal syndicalist trial now going every possible support to Local Whereas, the militants and pro Hearst press role in the Sacramento whole, Northwest, and should give (Continged on Page Continued on Page 4)
the prisoners and the Berkeley sub of workers.
section of the bad voiced dis173.
satisfaction with the attitude of the hade bechorts to raise that canized and against false, corrupt, and reactionary leadership only if until the at the request the meeting of the lof Warnick, began its own cat they are firmly organized and unite general united front committee and paign and bailed out Warnick and Whereas, this is a wational probmorningDecker.
Magnificent Chance for Jobless Men. Alderman Stalinists Danaged to sabotage the lem and local groups cannot meet Not until December did the the need and will In fact be smashOne Day Strike Prevents Judge from Issuing Writ Who Gets 100 an Hour Raps Shovellers united front mass meeting sched begin to set up any sort of pressure ed by reactionary elements in the uled for Web. and to violate the drive to support the defendante labor movement; and. He Postpones Decision Uutil Next Week agreement In other ways. At Sat and then they did it on the usual On January 23 and 24 a blizzard fell dead from overexertion while Whereas, this Conference bas The one day strike of the New hadn received notice of the urday meeting they came out in Stalinist basis: the the LL. begun the organization of the proon New York, 171 inches shoveling snow.
desc strike of snow fell, the temperature On Jan. 25 Alderman Cashmore the open, repudiating the united the regular brood of stalinist oft gressive forces in the northwest York truckmen on Jan. 28 sets a for lack of time, were allowed to front agreement, rejecting all comdropped to e few degrees above 100 per hour) requested that the promises and took a line which shoots, a few liberals and, symbol region; therefore be It new pace for the American labor drive to their garages and no cur.
committee Investigating home relief forced a break.
ically, the HOLY (wholly. INNOther.
Resolved, that we declare for a movement it was a strike called Commissioner of Sanitation in New York (which has to date CENTS CHURCH of San Francis national organization of the hon for the sole purpose of jamming an Merchants and manufacturers By this action the leaders of the co.
Hammond. 10, 000 per year) or succeeded in removing a few doubt estly militant and progressive ele injunctlou down the judge throat. When the strike would end. Casbal They didn know dered out 11, 000 home relief men, ful cases from rellet rolls, at a Communist party bave once again Now to complete the disruption ments in the unlons and instruct On Jan. 2, Justice Humregistered for snow removal, on the cost to the city of 20, 000) look in demonstrated heir complete cal of the united front, the Stalinists the officers of this Conference to phreys, a well known labor hater. and Ryan couldn give them any lousness with respect to the fate of evenlug of the 23rd, but as only to the snow removal business.
four inches had fallen by then, they The World Telegram reported: the 18 workers now facing lone ve proceded to call their own make contacts with similar group issued an opinion, on application of Information. s concerns, such as private conference, which in view in other parts of the country and in Philco, RCA, Western Electric were sent home, after reporting at City Forced to Hire Many Thou tering in Seu Quentin and took on of the attitude they take can enlis every way to advance the move the Brooklyn Chamber of Comewired their New York agents to headquarters. for destroying a united mass move tions over which they exert direct Resolution on Workers Security shoremen from cooperating injunction restraining LongOn the 24th the snow continued became extremely self righteous.
Curther notice. Railway express with ment of defense.
to fall and traffic was badly tied How to keep Warm control. Instead of a genuine unitProgram union truckmen by refusing to charges are three times as high as up, all 23, 000 registered home re The Department of Sanitation. The Non Partisan Labor Defense, ed front in which every participatthe great problem handle scab goods. The injunction, them where it hurt most, in their trucking charges. The strikte hit llet workers were ordered ont. Comm. 10, 000 per year) issued a immediately after the Stalinists had Ips organization declared its will facing Alderman John Cashmore (It has mimeographed sheet of instructions destroyed the united front, set the ingness to cooperate loyally and is economie security, and whereas, wholesale laying out of union truck pockets.
been calculated that New York to snow removal workers. Contoond ou Parte 4)
numerous persons and groups, 1n ers.
Under pressure of the strike, Juscluding employers and the governfor sitting on the Board of Alder and look white or frostbitteu put united defense. On Monday night suggested symbol ures for a program of workers se ted a strike committee of 25 Dobrlet from the untou lawyer, and Last Thursday the rank and tile Llee Humphrey suddenly changed City aldermen receive 100 per hour If your fingers or ears get numbration of all bonest labor and symment, are proposing various meas truckmen in a secret meeting clec bis mind, consented to receive a workers, claimed they were not re vest, notify your foreman, and assemble minus the disrupters, and a walkout for Mon postponed his decision until some porting, they were shirking, they to clinic, 103 Lafayette St.
that this Conference goes on record day, the day set for the injunction time next week.
will take up unhampered the pracwere not taking proper advantage Don walk, ride in subway tical questions of the defense fight.
endorsing the following as essenThis action was taken over the The rank and Ale committee of this magnificent opportunity. trolley or For months after the arrests in tial parts of a workers secur heads of the so called union leaders. called off the strike for the mo. Liberal Paper program. It both hands are frozen put July the and developed real battle is still The New York World Telegram, colder one inside vest and keep the no publicity around the Sacramento First, the national thirty hour Michael Casal of the Truckmen, ment. But week: and the notorious Joe Ryan, whabead. The New York Board a liberaler (editor probably other in your pocket.
TU Second, an appropriation of not tried to sell out the San Francisco Trade, the Brooklyn Chamber of receives 20, 000 per year) took up. Things to wear: pair of wool DOLL AND TOY WORKERS less than ten billion dollars for strike last summer. These alleged commerce have been whipped lu the noble elvic cause in a headline:en mitten, mitteus are much bet USE FLYING SQUADRON the first skirmish; but they have public works which will benedit the union leaders were all for taking Relief Workers Shun Snow Cleanter than gloves: a pair of woolen masses, such as bousing for wage Ryan and Cashal disclaimed any rethe injunction lying down. Botigained a week in which to connive.
ing Jobs.
socks: shoes with thick soles; cap Hve hundred workers of The rank and fite know that the The reluctance of the relief work with our mutf workers, farm electrification, etc. Doll and Toy Federal Union, New ere was ascribed by some to the tour of inspection by your re York this sum to be expended immedi sponsibility for the strike, and lalu injunction is almed, not merely to localstruck Wednesday ately, and workers on all publietto communistic influences prevent the cooperation of longfact that, although they were pro porter revealed that many rellet against sweatshop conditions, wag. What is it? What is that light projects to be employed on the. Smith, one of the rank and shoremen and truckmen, but to mised soc per hour for 10 hour workers had the audacity not to es lwlow the NRA minimum of 12 ning bolt across the world? It a basis of the thirty hour week and Ale strike committee, pointed our smash completely and finally every that the only communistle influ received only 26c per hour, the reobey the Instructions, although the per werk and to extend unionism suggested symbol for the workers a minimum wage of thirty per The unlou leaders, Ilke Ryan and melning 2e being subtracted from temperature bovered around Ave in the industry.
degrees above zero.
What do you think of It? Do you week and at union rates above ences involved were the tank and On the first day of the strike To say nothing the minimum; file, who knew damn well that the Inshal, talk about an appeal, about their relief allowances, of mittens, many were not even Aying squadrons of militant work like it? Good! Or have you any Third, enactment of the Lun Injunction would result in the fir three year legal battle, but the Reports from various papers for wearing gloves; and as for thickers pulled out several hundred nn ideas for a better one? This is the deen Workers Social Insurance Ing of at least five thousand unionank and dle know that the issuJan. 24: truckmen immediately. Thomas MeClint, 60, a rellef soled shows and woolen socks, there organized workers in the stuffed time for all hidden talent to blos BUI: ince of this injunction will be the was flagrant violation of the De toy department som forth. Immortalize yourself as Fourth, Cash rellef, pending enworker of 80 Herkimer Street, Tho Monday strike was a success. Arst shot in campalgn to smash partment of Sanitation rule. The workers demand union rec the creator of the revolutionary actment of unemployment Insur. Taking a hint from the Minneapolis he unions. That is why the rank Brooklyn, died while shoveling ognition and a wage scale from a symbol of America.
ance at not less than twelve dol strike, aquads patrolled the loading and Ale let the leaders talk, while mow In Prospect Park. Cold and maximum of 50 per week for Send all suggestions, drawings, lars per week and not less than area, both rall and boat, in trucks. they cake action. That lafuncion exertion wore given as the cases. FOLLOW THE NEWS IN THE skilled cutters to a minimum of 18 etc. to the Political Committee, Na three dollars additional for each All Interstate trucking was stop must not be issued; the only way An unidentified man Qubens NEW MILITANT.
for gabenal help.
tional Oce, New York, dependent.
Ded. Those interstate truckmen who to stop It is by striking.
are on.
Truckmen Stay Injunction Whereas, the Party