CominternCommunismKirovLeninSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY JANUARY 26. 1935 TWO YOUNG MEN START SUBWAY UNION ROLLING IN THE UNIONS FROM THE FIRING LINE Three Convicted on Old Charge For Assisting Evicted Family Pearcy Out, Keck In. Worse, Says The Party at Work Attorney and the sherid and others By KARL LORE (By an IRT Subway Worker)
stated that they go home and be comun pension graft was started What has happened to the the union was growing so fast that good boys, they thought nothing werkers on the subways? Last would come of the Company got senred and pub.
Hard Facts for of bave to be the base of their proweek told of a new spirit among lished an emphatie statement to Three Are Found Guilty Pow Wow major point on the agenda will the men. They are organizing the effect that the pension was be the planning of a legislative Froth August 23, when we were a new union, a genuine union, in REALLY voluntary, and anyone program. The thirty hour work In Virden, III. Clarence Mayer, family in the park.
arrested, until January 14, 1935, opposition to the company union! who wanted his money twick could very important meeting of the week, abolition of company unionof the Workers Party, and two picnic of the Progressive Min nothing happened: It was suddenly Two years ago they took a 10 get it; all he had to do was to ask Executive Council of the American ism, recognition of the principle of jobless comrades have been found ers was going oil and much atten brought to trial and there the percent wage cut. They took it for it. Three thousand five hundred Federation of Labor is due to take nn jority rule in employee repreguilty on charges growing out of tion was brought to evictions by whole farce and comedy was ex lying down.
un anked for their money back are at the end of January. For an attempt last summer to exsentation are on the list. Lewis of the speakers, Laura Clerick and ploded in a four day ordeal costing But then. and this is the and got it. who were forced to the first time since the San Fran the Mine Workers wants the coal pose and stop evictions in Virden. others. For the coal miners in the tax payers of Macoupin County story. join, and those of the track depart cisco convention, the eighteen big industry treated as a public utility.
The New Militant is proud to Illinois know what eviction means some one thousand dollars to prove print the following story of the After the ent the cost of living ment who were fooled to joining chiefs of the Federation will gather The futile and ridiculong political and the sympathy of the picnic was to the authorities of Macoupin started to go up and the men began before they knew what it was all in Washington for a pow wow. And horse trading in which the Federacase.
with the evicted.
County that houses are meant for to get more and more ore. Five about should get their money back, although the pipe of peace will be tion has indulged so long, will be These Terrible Unemployed!
people to live in, and that they were determined that that should be the two ambitious and optimistic young asked.
or six months went by and one day and can with no questions being smoked for the benefit of the publiekin agair. Nothing will be done By CLARENCE MAYER at large, few of the braves will be to ruffle feathers of the poliLast summer Galen Putphin was The authorities were in a turmoil case. At the end of the four daya men got some of their friends to The New Agreement No foolish as to lenve their warticians, especially of that best demserved with an eviction motice to They had been folled! What change the jury deliberated five hours and get er, and started a union of their es could they bring against these came to a verdict of five Innocent Now comes the working agree lubs at home.
ocrat of them all, Franklin Delano vacate the home his father baderrible employees who wanted a and three guilty. The three foundwa, in opposition to the Company wat pay and hours the men feeling incomfortable and insecure.
for the new year (1935) to The buys can be blamed for Roosevelt.
bought and mortgaged, because of decide Reactionary interests are pushing illness, to the Building Loan As house to live in? Gracious! They willy will have a court decision rotherhood.
had broken the law! They had and then appeal the case.
It was so easy to get the first will have. There are 16, 500 nien After a sbort breathing well they bills to outlaw sympathetic or gensociation face the possibilities of another eral strikes and to force compulAlthough the President had said, what could tbey do about it? They good citizens. He worked in the taken the furniture in the park.
few cloxen members that they and there are about 16. 490 different Galen Sathi and family are thought this in a few days they working rules, ratings, wage scales, and even more severe strike wave sory arbitration of all disputes. None shall go hungry or shelterwould have the whole road organ working days etc. Many men work. Auto laboris sore at the elections These Inbor leaders want to prove coul mines many years. When they less in America. the relief organud to save their faces.
the that they are gentlemen and that ization did not act in time to save No tive days later they issued closed, he went to Dutroit to the id, just like that. It was not 12 hours a day, seven days a week. which are being conducted day. six Automobile Labor Bourd and which No such drastle measures are neces.
him from being evicted and his warrants for eleven of the some automobile industry. When that any that but they wtuck to Many work 10 hours a Some of are serving to legitimative company sary to keep lalor in its proper furniture was placed in the alley sorty or fifty who tried to help the closed, become luck to Virden enrich take came up there were these men have been working unionism in their industry.
The place. It is interesting to note that victed family. They served tive He is a worker who wants to work 1934. The committee from tho un days in county jail, were released He In denied the right but like all and several hundred more knew all are over 000 men working under action. Akron strongly organized industry, amounced with great hulseveral hundred men in the union, nights for years and years. There Progressives in steel are planning the great drive to organize the steel employed organization practically bond by Progressive Aliners and unemployed will fight to have the about it, and talked to others about grommt in New York seven days a rubber workers must either take Inbatoo at the last convention has leaned backwards in seeing the other laborers, and when the state essentials that belong to all.
it, aut a new feeling was begin werk on one subway alone the in action soon or see their union not yet materialized. It is feared Mayor, the supervisor, the relief ning to get into all the men.
terborongh Rapid Transit.
killed by long drawn ont court that such a campaign undertaken authorities, the minister, and many The subway workers began to The new agreement provides the fight. Even in coal, which was so at the present time would furnish other people who might have intufeel that maybe if they tried therName wage as now, but with an olidly Organizrd with minim 18 the spark to set of explosions not ence in getting a house for this cight hour dny, instead of 9, 10 or of trouble lay the cohorts of John only in blast furnace land but also 11 could get somewhere.
evicted family. After every penceThey were 12 worked at present. Those al. Lewis, labor faces an increasin antos, rubber, textile and God a NO ore abont the pension graft, ful and legitimate means was ex.
added to their other grievances, ready working eight hours, will remely diflent situation cansed by knows where else.
hausted and nothing came of it, that they started flocking into the live one half of their cut hack, the collapse of the price and pro For the same reason every ponthe unemployed decided there was By Germinal be. lle claimed to oppuse the ideas new union ly the hundreds and those who were working 12 duction control features of the coal only one way to end evictions in hours, will receive their entire 10 cole sible effort is going to be made to SPRINGFIELD, II. Jan. 19. of the of in general, and The Two Men Virien and that was to take the percent ent back, and 10 percent patch up some sort of agreement The defeat of Clande Pearcy, the ideas of John Lewis in pr.
It was about this time that the raise in addition, to repay them for Times Are Tough in the building trades controversy.
it would have publie protection and ident of the Progresive Miners Finlar, but this never panned out women who had started the union the four hours per day which they turniture into the City Park where of Minois, for the position of sec practice. Indeed, in some ins were found and promptly fired. will lose when the hour day goes has just in a report which the main effort will be to keep the The Or Research star All indications are that no compro mise has yet been reached and that attention.
retary Treasurer, was grent newsstances Pearcy proved that he was Move Furniture but it was too late. The company into effect to all Left Wing miners.
sater to deal with than Lewis, was forced not only to stop firing is still in effect.
The seven day week proves that the Great White Father rift in the National Buliding At two o clock Saturday, August Two conventions of the rogres, and on the semite cuestion be worn for joining the union, but it The men are plenty sore about ful aber lieutenants most shume Trades Council from affecting the 18, 1834, this action of moving the sive Miners of America had decreed more reactionary than the gentle has agreed to take these two men the whole thing, as they expected fully. It begins its review of the pointed out to the warring factions local units. Peacemakers have furniture to the City Park took that officer should succeed men who adorn the lofty purches of tick. In what capacity was not the return of the 10 percent cut.
place. Nothing unusual happened. himself or run for a lower office. the of roster.
The furniture was unloaded in the But Pearcy did not choose to return Jones, NRA Socialist that jurisdictional strikes which stated by the company, but if the Home Boals of the Brotherhood had year with this gloomy statement. As Labor reviews the year union continues to grow there is passed resolution instructing their wonkl hinder and tle up the federal park to the pit.
The election of Jones for no doubt whatever that they will delegates to demand the 10 percent 1934 and looks ahead to 1935, we building program are sure to add Two policemen on duty said, The man tud become infamous the post or secretary treasurer is But their old rating and pay. Since back, and an additional 10 percent see no significant gains during strength to the movement for govWhat is all this disturbance and among intelligent miners for his imion waxra memories of one is the ihis was written word comes to us on account of the rising cost of 1934 in employment, real wages the unemployed answered, We are many, topes turvy ideas of what a union board member of the Belle that they are already back at work living. More than half of the men, ernment supervision of labor oror hours of work. Such gains anizations placing the furniture of an evicted progressive labor movement shoula ville territory roclaiming to let their oy a Socialist, he has been everything the lowest pasd group, get nothing as were made since the enactment settistitetit te ATARIAT Dut thut; unless one accepts the Theme of the union is the whatever from the agreement. The oi NRA were accomplished in the Oncal Waldman. Solomon concep Transport Workers Union. and better paid men, those already on sugunerandtiahl 81933. ines urine WHAT TO ATTEND tions of wocialism. In the light against reds. support of NRA, to join but are afraid of being cut back, but the lower gronjas get fuctories increased only slightly; de militantixing the Women Auxtired, we respectfully refer you to nothing except a reduction in hours production on farm decreased any one in the station department, from wine or ten to eight.
the wherewithal to raise living (Notices for this column should ARRA. iliary, expulsions from the union, Men Stirrel Again standards was not supplied. In be sent in as long in advance MINNEAPOLIS BRANCH MOVES state. This conference brought the removal of left wing members from and they wil verify the following The men all over the road are custrial profits on the other hand, possible, and if destined for a parFORWARD Irenes of the class struggle to the union positions, the right wing Mory.
getting stirrer up again, and there increased, business de tlonlar legue must be on the The Man Detied Them forefront. It has since become a found an alle lentenant in Jones creased and the business commu tor deek by Tuesday morning. About five work 150, a man was is a steady stream of them coming nity was in a better position to More complete reports from Min regularly organized, permanent in And when the Jewish International New York City neapolis them were available last stitution. It includes progressive bankers seule was raised he gave followed by akies way into the moon once more This only the start. Worse carry on profitably at the end of Jan. 20, Sunday evening. Irving week give us a picture of a branch elements from independent unions cloquent support lwy his well time and night, they even slept on his 1934.
Plaza. Max Shachtman, Should buzzing with life. Since the strikes well as from of Imions, silence.
coorstep so as to be able to follow times are coming. While wages re The bright side is be constant him to work ihe next lay: he got main the same, the cost of living increase in the number of organ Keckism Wins Communiste Build a Tabor Party?
of last summer or Minneapolis The next conference will take place Heb. Saturday night District branch line definitely become the January 26 and will be addressed William Keck, also of Belleville, trend of this and finally got up in continues to go up and elected vice provident. The meeting of the Coinpany Broth are the men going to doIlow ixed workers. In spite of severe Housewarming Party, West 15th leading political working class Ly Comrades Muste and Cannon. was Street, third floor. See page for force in this city.
The conference is scheduled to ad xmall rol operators know they crowd and announced that he knew can they support families on 20. 04 repression by employers, an unpar.
allelled growth of loss organiza story Members, friends and symMilitant members of local 574 Junior in time so that the delegates have nothing to fear from him. was being followed and spied on 821. 50 per week?
What will happen? There can be tions and of company un onism, Apathixers invited. of records show an increase con attend the banquet organized Keck will make a very unpopular to find out if he was an organizer are making applications and becom Heb. 7, Thursday evening Bene for the Transport Workers Union, only one answer: The men will coning members of the branch. At the hynir Minneapolis brich celebrat we ve got to listen to the ople and to settle the question, he state finne to join the Transport Work for the yer or 369 locals atlilinted ft Theatre Party. Sailors of Cat.
in the occasion of the visits of same time these militants are in de to Internationals anel 1, 115 directly taro. Frances Drake, chairman.
Comrades Aluste and Cannon, we deal with colorators) that he WAS an organizer and haders Uniou until it is strong enough Few tickets still available. Out mand for other fields of the class sy schedule of meeting has been: Mass action is what caused Tom application cards with him at all to demand and get an increase intel to the Federation.
But otherwise the picture is one standing tickets must be settled for struggle and actually being drafted nid ont for these comrades and looney to remain in jail these ime if you wanted to join. for every man who is now setting to take over leading positions 10 OUT reporter wily By the end of many yir sums up RN polnilo This man still working Station less than 11 living wege. Ainan of unrelieved black. The ont at once.
other unions that schedule, the town will damned ophy.
cannot support a family, and live standing fact I, the report conmen inte notice!
Feb. 10, Sunday afternoon Try. Dunne became attached to well know that there is a branch dejaloadel the followWhat the miners will ile with We like a human being in New York tinues, private industry has falleding Plaza. Welcoming back the leadership of the St. Paul garf the workers Party in existence such a fost at the end er ing: The second month after the Chy today on less than per to put the unemployed to work. Muste from his nationwide four: week We find that mall comployment Report from Comrade Munte on is now settled with victory for Eluentional activities are not be union do not know. Behind closed The Company wonla like for the guins in manufacturing Industries. conditions throughout the country, the workers. Miles Dune was comrade. Regular weekly forums RA entsod the like he is at ng overlooked by our Minneapolis oors with the banes, governors, Feh. 16, Saturday night German men to forget about the wage ent, coul and other mining, utilities, 3rd Avenue.
draited for the Fargo, Dakota hein teld under the auspices hume. He is seldom seen congreand to accept the present rating trade, service industries, amounted la Hall, 10th St. and armament, as the basie rate in all to only 170, 000 new jobs for Red Cabaret and Dance. Revue, drivers local in which he has since of workers club organixed some wating with ranka ile miners, The men, however, will never for more than 11, 000, 000 unemployed dancing, games, supper and drinks.
in one successful strike. He built the age. The attendance of this as he has a recret contempt for (See ad in this issue. get. think I can say this for certainly the extreme estimateK.
every worker on the line and even these were offset ty Feb. 17, Sunday, 2:30 Irythe local up to a membersbip of ap forum is steadily growing. During them.
Keckiem will come more infaAKRON, Ohio, Jau. 16. Using employment losses to farm laborersing Plaza. Debate on Which Pro.
proximately Henry Schultz radies put on strike May entitled then Ivaryism, believe it or every known artifice of labor mis am to railrond workers amonnt sram for American Labor? hy new and thriving Tocar union of ander the Clock. The perform. Although it is popular 10 seadersAmerican Heleration The PIONEER PUBLISHERS ing in all to 230, 000 lost jobs. The Muste and Jay Lovestone.
ance took place right in the strike make such statements in advance of Labor bureaucracy here was able the Northern Statex lower Work nerense in 1931 of persons seeking Friday night forums at all New чичраrtетя.
clip this item and watch events for to stave off a strike vote of re. anul BOOKSHOP Indications are that this new work approaches 400, 000. UnYork branches, including: the next six months. Keck stone rubber workers this week ly emerging local union will win Fel. 1, Friday, 8:30 Branch 6, employinent in November 1934 ex is now located at Lowli turn ont to be a down right after their rank and tile leaders HEAVY SCHEDULE IN its demands without a strike.
ceeled November 1963 y 420, 000 1770 Pitkin Ave. Brooklyn. Hugo agent of the colpitors ll eat secretly voted iminediate action 96 FIFTH AVENUE, Hersons.
Oelter on Should Communists OrSince the strikes of summer careful rumor was spread that NEW YORK CITY. The coming any miner shovel. One Flight Up)
canize a Labor Party?
the progressive forces, not only in works provide a well filled program Program for Future there be no meeting for a Wages Down; Profits Up Feb. 1, Friday, 8:30 1281 49th Local 574, but in various other unfor the New York District and its The rank and file should continue strike vote, keeping many workers The workers riverage St. Brooklyn, Branch No. Dick fons in Minneapolis, St. Paul and yearly throughout the state have become branebox. Following the trade under light. They should keep their away. The Firestone company did wage has increased percent Etlinger on Roosevelt Program.
strengthened and the movement is reture by Max Shachtman on Sun len conference this Davenport, Ia. weekend and a steer away from any unity with the militant 325 buttery workers while the cost of food rose 11. pertaking on organized force.
Jan. 29, Tuesday, P. Od Our Special cent and prices of clothes and house John Lewis, work to win over whose lay off crystallized strike day night, Jan. 27, we will hold furnishings rose 15. percent. Clear Masonic Temple Auditorium, comrades Are the active spirits in the rank and file of the sentiment. It was argued by the our housewarming party the folthis movement.
Bound Volumen of the lowing weekend, Saturday evening from the misleaders, build unem bureaucrats that this indicated the the average employed worker oor of Third and Main Sts.
Sometime ago the progressive Pli ployed organizations, fight for more company would rehire all the othMILITANT standard of living was lower in Muste: What Does America Faer forces had a conference in St. Paul, pay and better conditions, and lasters and so a strike was necessary: July 1931 Dec. 1932. 50 11134 although his yearly income in 19857 Tickets obtainable at The next event on the program in participated in by militant reprePecks Confectionery, 2224 Rockingrowe from 1, 020 in 1933 to 1, 000 ham Rd. Davenport. Free unembut not laus join the Workers Refusing to admit defeat, mit the theatre party. The Sailors of Party. Therein lies the road to al tant rank and files are planning 1933 50 sentatives from local unions from Cattaro. Feb. to be followel Patio there is no other road to an outlaw stelke for which senti.
in 1984. Figures for everage 1934 150 hours worked. show weither playet tickets also at this address gain nor low since 1933, the average Kansas City, Mo.
perior and other cities in this lew days later by the welcome ati take.
home meeting to our National Secment is rising.
Order Now was 37 after the ever had been Jan. 29, Tuesday evening. Work retary, Muste at which time PIONEER PUBLISHERS established last fall it was 37 en Library Muste and Railroad Jobs Get he will report on the tour.
96 Fifth Avenue, this year.
Two big events are scheduled for Profits of industry, on the other the 11.
Fewer and Fewer early in February. The first is the hand, have gone up. The profits St. Louis RedCabaret and Dance to be Jan. 31, Thursday, P. Hiber(Special to New Militant)
given on Saturday evening. Feb. 16, vided from the cold. The water NEWARK OPEN FORUM.
creased from 605 million in 1933 nian Hall, 3619 Finney Ave.
WASHINGTON Railroad em.
at Germania Hall, and the second 14. boy has only one tin cup and this Roosevelt Program Means to 911 million in 1934.
ployment dropped to the lowest is the long heralded debate between More than 600 workers on relief Muste and James Cannon on spreads influenza. The boss Security for Whom. The Program and Purpose of the point in the year in December 1934. Murte und Jay Lovestone, to projects gathered at a mass meet fired eight of us because we didn Speaker: Hard Facts Workers Party of the The lifterstate Commerce Commals be held on Sunday afternoon, Feb. ing called by the Lehigh County haul enough dirt in our wheel. TOM TIPPETT Those are the cold, hard facts as Los Angeles, Cal.
sion reports 900, 709 railroaders embarrows. The boss fired me; FRIDAY, JAN. 25, at P.
ployed in the middle of that month sembled by their own research deFeb. 1, Friday, P. Walker to the latter event is 36e and since give the men a chance to discuss he said was agitatin. They Workers Party Hall partment. It will give the Execu Anditorium, 730 Grand Ave. compared to the previous low the limitations of space in the hall grievances and to formulate plans don allow us anything for 108, 305 in January, 1934. Since will mean a rush for tickets, rend For correcting them.
85 Sprngfield Avenue tive Council plenty to chew on The Message of the Workers Party transportation. My bus fare is Admission 100 September railroad employment has ers are asked to buy them well in This cruel set of statistics will of the Speakers: Sam Mey. We must work in mud up to 20 a week. The place where ers, Charles Curtles and Dave Harbeen below the levels of last year. advance from the Distriet Office at our knees. We got 15 minutes we work is worse than a hag walris.
The December figure represents. West 15th Street.
for lunch. No shelter is prolow.
Gillespie, ni.
a 88 drop in employment from The assembled workers passed a The PIONEER PUBLISHERS Feh. 1, Friday, 7:30 Social the previous month on class railAAANAAM resolution that the Unemployed ist Party Hall. The Workers roads and. 57 decrease compared GAMES DRINKS SUPPER announces the publication of two new pamphlets Party. Speakers: Muste and to December, 1933 League be adopted as the organizaJ. Cannon.
tion to represent them; that grievChairman: James RED CABARET DANCE THE STALINIST BUREAUCRACY AND THE ASSASSINATION Cross.
WASHINGTON. Consumers paid ance committees be elected on each project; and that project grievOF KIROV By LEON TROTSKY 11 more on their food bills (or Tovey, III.
Saturday, February 16th p. ance committees meet weekly to and ate less) in the two week period Saturday, P. School House The Workers Party ending Dec. 18, 1934, than in the discuss matters of mutual interest LENINS TESTAMENT Muste and Cannon. ChairGERMANIA HALL and to carry unadjusted grievances corresponding period of 1988, ac Long Suppressed by the Comintern, with two additional to higher sources articles by Leon Trotsky man: Mayer.
cording to Department of Labor 144 East 16th St. rear 3rd Ave.
Springfield, II.
figures on retail food prices. Prices Arnold Johnson, Secretary of the Fell. 3, Sunday, P. Carpen.
were 11 higher than a year ago, Dance Numbers, Singing and other Entertainment National Unemployed League, in a To be published February 1st ters Hall, 5th and Monroe Sts.
and about 16 higher than on Dec.
MAX SHACHTMAN, Master of Ceremonies stirring speech, warned the workEach 100 00 per hundred ORDER NOW The Workers Party. Speakers: 1992 In avance 49c At the door 76ers of the efforts being made to lower the rate on reller work and PIONEER PUBLISRERS A: Muste and Cannon. Jerry FOLLOW THE NEWS IN THE Tickets at International Workers School, West 15th St. stressed the necessity of organa Allard, chairman.
96 Fifth Avenue, New York City Feb. Sunday, 10 All day NEW MILITANT FOOTWEn tion.
Left Wing Conference. A. ofL. Blocks Rubber Strike ers 600 At League Meet