BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpartacistStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

League Draws Balance Rally To Sheet of Six Years Support Party and In Fusion Convention of Revolutionaries Party Maps Canada Big Drive To Greets New Old Guard To Back Threatens Left Wing In With Split Trade Unions were Workers Party Facts The National Convention of Temporary National Hend the Spartacus Youth League is quarters of the Workers Party now in session at Stuyvesant Casino, New York City. Discus of the United States: 112 East sions have revealed unanimous 19th Street, Phone ALsentiment for the constitution of gonquin 9068 the Spartacus League as the National Secretary: J.
youth movement of the Workers Muste.
Party of the United States, polltically subordinate to and organNew The first mass meeting held by Official Organs: The Bringing the Third National Convention to an end, the delegates izationally Independent of the the Workers Party drew twelve Muitant (weekly) 144 Second of branches of the Communist League of America from coast to coast, adult revolutionary party. hundred workers as, winding up a Avenue, Phone Gram. The Workers Party of the United States has been formed!
and a mcked visitors gallery of members of the New York branch, sang Muste, National Secre week of conventions, the Party ercy 9524; The New Interne Amidst scenes of wildest enthusiasm, the unity convention of the with a solemnity arising out of deep conviction the classic chorus: tary of the addressed the made its first public appearance at convention Tuesday on behalf of tional (monthly. Box 110, American Workers Party and the Communist League of America com The International Soviet shall be the human race.
Germania Hall Sunday night.
pleted its historic taske Sunday afternoon in Stuyvesant Casino, New the National Committee. MAX Addressing the largest group of Station D, These adYork City. Out of its labors and deliberations has arisdn the only Comrade Max Shacht man announced the adjournment of the Third Sbachtman, a pioneer leader of workers brought together by a po. dresses hold until further notice.
revolutionary party in the country.
and last national convention of the There penetrated everyone the Young Workers League litical program recent years out The full text of the declara On the ratification by unanim. us vote of the fusion agreement, present a profound realization that a period had ended and a new one which first established the Com side the reformist and Stalinis tion of principles and the con comrades James Cannon of the and Muste of the begun. The Convention hnd unanimously voted to disband the munist youth movement in Am ranks. representative lenders re stitution of the Workers Party by merging it with the American Workers Party in the Workers Party announced for the two organizations that henceforth they owed alleerica, addressed the convention flected in their appearance and ad of the United States appear on of the United States.
on behalf of the outgoing NAgiance to the Workers Party of the and to no other organization.
dresses a cross section of the propages two and three of this is The entire audience was on its feet and the strains of the International Six years of successful activity is a propagandist group came to an tional Committee of the LA letarian foundations of the Worksue. They will be available in shook the rafters. The historic work was completed!
end. The balance sheet was written Next week Issue will contain a ers Party.
pamphlet format low cost The Ideas of Marx and Lenin, the spirit of proletarian International full report of the convention. Insurgent leader of the coal minwithin a few days.
Minneapolis and Toledo, exemplifying the new militancy of the tiem, the theory of the permanent ers for two decades, founder of the American working class, were the stars that presided over its birth.
revolution, had been kept alive and West Virginia Mine Workers Union, Under the most favorable auspices vital in the by the League.
leader of the famed Logan County the new party launches into its Cadres had been built, armed with march of twenty thousand armed tremendons undertaking: the aver.
miners across three counties in throw of capitalist rule in America, the intellectual weapons that alone, when combined with organized pro1921, which was stopped only by and the creation of a workers state. Muste will be the national letarian masses, can bring capitalthe Federal troops, Brant Scott 1em to an end and introduce the blaxed away at the labor lieutensecretary of the new party.
communist order of society. The ants of the capitalist class and deCannon will be editor of the official groundwork had been laid for the Weekly, the New Militant, with clared that only the Workers Party country sole revolutionary proleS could smash the John Lewises and Harry Howe as associate editor.
tarian party the Workers Party of build the fortresses of the working The theoretical organ, the New International, will be under the addthe United States, a current in the The Commission on Unemploy. The Workers Party of Canada, class.
International movement sweeping ment of the Workers Party Conven formed about a year ago by the Trade Unionists Speak Boston, Mass. At the very mo Formation of a progressive move torship of Max Shachtman and toward the foundation of a new. tion, with Anthony Ramuglia, pres Canadian section of the InternaVincent Dunne, one of the ment when American workers feel ment in the trade unions and the an ex member. Eleven comthe Fourth International.
The Third Convention reported League presiding, took up a num. Vigorous and healthy youngster, ac leaders of them allinna pool des del mes lish the new revolutionary Workers of a program of netion in the trade national executive, from which will ident of the National Unemployed tional Communist League, three brothers all of whom were the inspiring effects of the merger selection of concentration points in rades of the and cleven substantial gains over the second ber of problems connected with the cording to the report given by com. this year, told of the rising pro Party of the the Socialist untons, adopted by a special con e chosen the political bureau of League Convention held in October relation of the Workers Party to rade MacDonald, fraternal delegate 1931 in New York City.
years ago the Communist Lengue used in building and extending the munist Lengue convention. Comunions throughout the Minnesota development of the crisis which and adopted unanimously by the Arne Swabeck will be the national (Opposition) was a skeleton or Influence of the movenrent.
rade MacDonald, as well as comdistrict, and the role the Workers has been threatening it for several Unity Convention.
ganization with branches in only a All genuine left wing and pro These, and other important orA deelslon was taken to recognize rade Spector, another Canadian Party must play to bring together years Hard on the heels of the halling gressive elements throughout the ganizational Agreeme few major cities. The report of the National Unemployed League as delegate, is a veteran in the radical the shattered left wing in the Amthe national secretary, Arne Swa the largest and most effective or labor movement. Both were founerican Federation of Labor as an by the Gitlow group of the as country who will agree to work on reached in the opening session. the party of revolutionary unity. the basis of the trade union polley which moved with Bolshevik efbeck revealed that the membership ganization in that vast and rela dation members of the Communist essential step in preparing the comes the announcement that the outlined in the Declaration of ciency and dispatch. Sleepless del existed 21 branches in the major the Workers Party in full support the 4th and 6th World Congresses The Toledo auto workers strike meeting beelde hare this week by the Principles will be approached and esates, without rest from the allindustrial centers from the Atlantic of the L, working vigorously of last summer was represented by national executive of the the invited to collaborate in the task of night sessions of their respectiva of the Comintern.
to the Pacific. These branches were for its extension.
organizations, shook off their wearIn an interview with the Mulitant, Ted Selander And Sam Pollack. Fisht wingers.(Old Guard. of establishing a progressive move fered the militant majority now ment.
iness to speed the foundations for represented by forty three deleThe Workers Party will establish the new party.
gates. Pour delegates from four various unemployed organizations the membership of the workers employed Lengue, they smashed in control the alternatives of Real and inclusive unity of the comrade MacDonald reported that Leaders of the Lucas County Un.
The speeches were short and to mid western cities were unable to was fudged Impossible of achieve Party of Canada is now 250. The the injunction against picketing, swinging back to pure reformism at the national center of the party trade union department in charge the point. We are not repudiating our Aculties. Six fraternal delegates pocnuse of the entire lidt mere retorno delle caprele cream, contreal, Choronto, itten in a series of bloody battles platform, or a split In the party. Ota secretary, and take measure came from the Workers Party of ist elements (especially of the Hamilton, Winnipeg and Vancon against the National Guard, and so Canada.
in organizations more or less con ver. Toronto, the capital of Cana: aroused the labor movement that agenda of the present meeting of eligible to join a trade wulon and wards the future. Muste sala the leaders was the question organize into trade union fractions in opening the sension. large proportion of the dele trolled by them from the top. The da, is also the center of the new faced by threats of a general strike, of a united front with the the bosses surrendered.
An ovation gatos had been greeted Vincent a the since National Unemployed League looke party and the seat of its national cooperate with other organizations Dunne, one of the leaders of the the Communist Party many years genuine unity of the unemployed has about 90 members.
its inception, others had been in forward to and will work for the executive. The branch in Toronto The need to include in the ranks C. delegation led by Hetha The trade union department will of the revolutionary working class way, Ford and other stalinist bu to constitute as soon as possible a strike of the Minneapolis truckbefore they joined the league st within a single national organiza Most of the members of the new movement the decisive sections sucrats appeared to be for a broad committee composed of pro drivers, and chairman of the open others had come from various section, but Federations of scattered party have come out of the Commuof the twelve million Negro masses chance to sit down around a table minent progressive and left wing ing session.
trade unionists, which will sponsor was brought to the fore by three with those whom they yesterday tions and tendencies of the labor organizations bureaucratically consist Party of Canada and the CL. lending Negro delegates. They called the working class worst publicly the establishment of a pro that lies before us, and the heavy In view of the immediate work delegaten was overwhelmingls pro have been proposed by the Socialist size, in the scope of Its activities were Ernest Rice McKinney, memcoemes The Pilitant ma stresalve trade union committee on responsibility we have assumed? national scale.
letarian, many being deeply rooted Party is not only unacceptable as and in its influence among the ber of the National Committee of Jority, toying with the idea of a For this purpose, namely, the organizing of the workin the trade union movement. unity, but also unacceptable as a clase conscious workers throughout the Workers Party. national vice united front based on a non agres the trade union department willing class on a militant basis, for the of the prendent Until this object is the provinces.
Second of the achievements reunited front.
Unemployed slon pace and a program of passive contact and confer with existing overthrow of capitalist corded at the convention was the achieved, therefore, the Workers The Militant, comrade Mac Don League, and spokesman of the Nety and nose, did not dare to progressive groups to bring them Duchen, we may dispenserwietna into the proposed national move speechmaking.
maintenance of the militant as a Party will ald in the building of aid stated, performed an indispensgro workers of Pittsburgh; James celve the Stalinist delegation beweekly paper. In six yea the the able service in rallying and edu Watson, head of the International cause of the objections of the olament.
Fusion Endorsed Militant had gained the respect of The special concentration points Workers Party tactics and prin cating the initial cadres of the new Labor Defense in Philadelphia un. Guard.
With this as the keynote, the Old Guard Delivers Ultimatum The this recent break with Stalinism: were chosen for work in the next session moved swiftly. In a short the entire revolutionary movement ciples in its unemployed work fol party in its earlier days.
The Old Guard prefers its noise few months. For the Workers Party space of time, and despite the ut.
of the world for its honesty, its low closely the tactics applied in Workers Party today, however, has and Simon Williamson, delegate and passivity in close relations as a whole the two points of con most liberty allowed in discussion clean methods and above all for the past by the American Workers two papers of its own, the Vau from Kansas City.
the clarity and correctness of its Party and the Communist League guard, published monthly, and the Unemployed Leaders Speak with the top bureaucracy of the centration chosen were the section of all matters not previously settled policies.
The transformation of the unem of and feels that it may of the textile Industry located in by the separate conventions, the The New International is the their correctness and effectiveness. paper of the Ukrainian workers. ployed from potential scabs into the pot be able to do this if the CP: New Jersey and eastern Pennsyl convention heard and approved the third stone in this mosaic of ac There is to be no mechanical con The circulation of the Vanguard is (4 united front is consummated. vania, and the automobile Industry appointments of committees, electcomplishments. Although still very trol of unemployed organizations on about 1, 200, that of the Ukrainian in the district centering Arounded the important organization, Detrolt, Toledo and Cleveland. Two trade union and unemployment young, It has already made a name the part of the Workers Party. paper 500 coples. The Ukrainian etical review in the revolutionary that the unemployed must be or number of pamphlets, among them inneapolis Bosses Plot ved out for special attention by the organizational agreement reached for itself as the outstanding theorother points of concentration sing committees, and passed upon the labor movement.
ganized on a non partisan basis and several by Trotsky.
those Gelds are the Minneapolis of the and the Communist The Minneapolis strike, symbol will fight to keep them on such a The New International has alIzing the truth that sound theory basis whether the Party Ands itselt ready made a remarkably favorable St. Paul center comprising Duluth. League.
Superior, Fargo, etc. and the coal merged with sound practice can in the lendership or in a minority. Impression. Not on the Canadian At the second session, Sam Poluring victory to the working class, Unemployed organizations are to authorities, however, who have mining Industry in Illinois, Pen Minneapolis, Minn Seventy trade, neapolis Tribune. The police claim naylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. movement in Ohio and Illinols, and lack, active the unemployed stood out among the achievements we mass pressure and militant ac. banned the magazine along with unions have united in a defense a confession from Scott to the The coal district is especially im one of the leaders in the Toledo of the League.
tivities of all types as opposed to other revolutionary literature.
committee to give organized labor murder of Lyman. The crudity of portant because good contacts are The League convention was no class collaboration policies. Mem The organized workers of Canamilitant answer to a frame up cam police attempts to frame members already available on a considerable was warmly recelved by the dele solld monolith artificially held to bers of the Workers Party in the da are divided among of gether by a bureaucratic whip. Leagues are to work ceaselessly to craft uniona, Canadian national paign launched by the Citizens Al of Local 674 is illustrated by the scale.
gates ilance through its class instrument, manner in which the latest arrest but a genuine Communist gather raise the political level of the un unions (French speaking popula For the founding of the progres The second session passed upon The same detective, sive movement in the trade unions, the constitution of the new party Ing. It had been preceded by three employed, explaining the social and Elon in Quebec. and the Stalinist Bloody Johannes. The frame up Joe Burns, who swore out the war the Workers Party will begin imthe municipal police headed by was made.
as proposed by the Joint negotiating campaign, directed primarily rant for Holstein, tricked the lat. mediately a campaign of eduention, committee, with a few amendments cussion in branch meetings and ment and focusing attention on the of has approximately 100, 000 Against the leaders of General est victim into a drinking jag. discussion and publicity. The con from the floor. It also sanctioned Internal bulletins. Minorities were problem of unemployment itself: members, the national unions 40, Drivers Local 574, has as its object threw him into Jall, and wormed a vention authorized the Party to the party building report brought accorded every democratic right exposing the role of the state by 000, the Catholic unions about 25, the terrorization of the whole local confession out of him designed to provided in the constitution and its day by day activities: pointing 000, and the Stalinist untons 15, 000.
take Irmediately the steps neces in by Max Shachtman, the trade of the trade union movement.
implicate union men. But the Scott sary, such as assignment of organat the convention. The debates and unemployed and employed workers: ists is among the lumber workers, Several weeks ago an attempt to arrest, which itself exposes the ixers, setting up of trade unior and the report on work in the dela discussions at tho conference, often breaking down racial antagonisms the dressmakers in Toronto (about trame Harry Husaman, organizer Holstein arrest as a frame up, re tractions, etc. which will build the of the unemployed, presented by party and be its sharp but always comradely, were preparing the unemployed against 2, 000. the miners in Alberta, and of the Machinists Union, and to deveals itself also to be a frame up.
contributior Anthony Ramuglia, national prealport him, was smashed. Now, how Scott 16 mentally deficient to the founding of the long needed dent of the National Unemployed The convention was absorbed the ranks of the unemployed its Inasmuch as they dominate the ever, the Citizens Alliance is trying youth, who was kept in special progressive movement in the trade Leagues.
with two major questions. The most advanced and militant work trades they have organised, it 10 a bolder step. They are at the class under a doctor care while antone Resolutions were passed in supdiscusstons centered on the report ers for membership in the Workere very doubtful that the Stalletata ora Local 674 responsibility for the He is a dupe of the police. but un. This Issue Is Last of Happy Holstein, whom the hangport of Tom Mooney, and on behalt by comrade James Cannon on Party.
the International question, primari. The co operation of unemployed ada as they recently did in several death during the May drivers strike fortunately for them, while he ed of The Militant men of the Citizens Alliance in ly the recent Plenum of the Inter and employed on the picket lines, notable Instances in the national Communist League which he was a delegate and the symbolized by the Toledo and Min. in Canada and its chlef leader, Tim deputy sheriff to anti Injunction battles, etc. already. The Stalinist party is still illegal played at belng a strike breaking agree to everything that be says is This is the last issue of the Minneapolis are trying to frame on resolution actually in direct contradiction to the weekly organ of the Communist also endorsed the proposal of the Ho called French question. The neapolle strikes and a hundred Buck, has just been released after Happy Holstein, Chippewa Indian all previous testimony. He another report was by comrade Max others, will be intensified. Declston having been three years in jail on and truck driver who was a leading swers questions to the satisfaction League of America, kept alive in provisional Committee for NonShacman on the question of fu was reached at a joint conference charge of criminal conspiracy agure in the strike Committee of of the police but also to the Natis the haze of contusion brought upon Partisan Labor Defense for sion with the American Workers of unemployed and trade union against the Canadian government. 100 both in May and July, 18 now faction of everyone else who ques. Working class by Stalinism, the tense organization. The text of the Party. International and Ameri workers to establish Industrial Re. The Staliniat party has been vir out on ball after being arrested for tlons hlm.
clear flame of Marxist and Leninist reports and resolutions will be can, two sides of our struggle, these lations Committees wherever pos tually out lawed under Section 58 the murder of Lyman. In addition, In spite of the Scott contes ideas.
found elsewhere in this issue.
questions were indissolubly con alble. These committees are to of the Dominton Criminal Code, a a stool pigeon has been found who sion. the case against Happy Hol With the founding of the Workers Here ended the main business of nected.
serve as a permanent link between Canadian version of the Criminal is trying to involve unnamed lead stein has not been dismissed.
Comrade Cannon reported on the the employed and the unemployed Syndicalism laws. At the time Party of the United States, the the convention. Fraternal greetings ers of 574.
Happy Holstein was arrested and Militant gives way to the New events in the revolutionary move to preserve civil rights, to promote government proceeded against the The latest and third victim in held for two weeks without charges Militant, the oficial organ of the Maurice Spector and Jack Mac ment since the triumph of Hitle: the general economic interests of the Bolshevik Leninists had the hands of the police is a 10 year and released on Saturday, Novem country only revolutionary party Donald, representing the workers the declaration for the Fourth in the workers and to insure united not yet organized a political party old boy, Philip Scott, who was ber 17, through habeus corpus pro All readers of the Militant will con Party of Canada.
ternational, the Pact of Four, the resistance to the onslaughte of the Unlers Section 88 to repealed at picked up through a very clever ceedings. The police department tinue to receive the new paper. The meeting closed with tho (Continued on Page 4) boss and politicians. Continudd on Page 4) police trap. according to the Min. Continued on Page 3) Workers, read the New Mutant! singing of the International.
Frame Up of 574 Leaders the