CapitalismCommunismFascismNazismSocialismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking Class

WORKERS OF THE THE MILITANT. WORLD, UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 32 (WHOLE NO. 236 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1934 PRICE CENTS Fight Cripples Report Silver 89, 000 Represented as Drivers Ranks Hold Firm Strike of New Shirts Arming Ilinois Jobless Organize York Painters in San Diego As Bosses Committee of 166 Begins to Crack Confidence is Returning Says 574 Backed Artful Dodger Roosevelt By Worker In Mass Meet Against Treacherous ofl. Policy Barking one of the greatest for urged to support the candidates of ward steps in the organization of all working class parties pledged the unemployed in this country to the overthrow of the profit sys.
What amazes the trude onionist The danger of the rapid growth representatives of 80, 000 jobless tem, of average honesty and intelligence of the fascist movement in America workers gathered in Staunton, 11. Holding out a hand of solidarity and tills him with disgust, In the can be adduced from the startling linols, and established the Illinols to the employed workers and the exse with which the corrupt Zaustestimony recently given to a Con Workers Alliance.
organized labor movement here and ner machine is ruuning roughshod grensional committee investigating 100 delegates from 138 groups in internationally, the declaration of over what every printer thought the activities of the Silver Shirts forty seven counties in Illinois principles vows its support of all were the natural and legal rights in the San Diego region of Cali climaxed eight months intense or labor and farmer organizations in of members inside thelr own union. fornia. direct link was estab ganizational activity in this con the common luuttle against oppress herism have proudly boasted that of Berlin and purchases of arms doubt will be one of the great step For years the supporters of Zaus: lished between the Nazi government vention. This new movement nosion and exploitation.
the union men in the Brotherhood by their Americin emulators for ping stones towards national Militant Executive Board An executive board among whom are a class apart from the rest of the purpose of training an Ameri mass movement that will give the the painters, that they possess skill. can Storm Troop section.
nemployed a powerful weapon in are men and women who have courage and brains, and that under The disclosure revealing a con. the battle against starvation raconght not only in the interests of the unemployed but whose names no circumstances would they perOne of the dignitles of the pres bery. Far be it from me!
have been distinguished in the mit themselves to be victimized and section between the German govtions of government relief enslaved by any group of self appointed to Dr. George Gysseling Resolutions were adopted by the struggles of the linois coal miners deney is the art of talking much Confidence is Returning Franklin Roosevelt once again showed him excellence. Confidence is return Now comes the demagogy par Minneapolis, August While Bur alas and alack another boast The latter. Berlin vice consul in first convention of the Illinois was elected at the convention. Ed and saying little has become a myth and degenereore the committee, claiming diplo failure of the Roosevelt administratively chairman and secretary of profession in his speech at Green er for whom the great heart of face of insuperable ostacles as TAN Angeles, refused to appear be. Workers Alliance condemnning the organ and Otto Sturm, both of self to be a master of the dodginging. Tes, confidence to the farm the ranks of 57 holds solid in the Staunton, were designated respee ated into a tragedy. Wide Open Racketeering Racketeering Aourishes most wakes mysterious check for or to supply a permanent solution members of the excutive board are withose who expected an expres by the to destroy his crops strike reached its end deep cracks cause for his name being involved wer standard of subsistence relief the Illinois Workers Alliance. Other Bay, Wisconsin on Augsut.
freely at the present time in the coming from the office of the con for our troubles. The convention Katherine De Rorre, Simon Trojar, son of policy will be sadly disap only to find himsele ruined when the bossen front are becoming be un American in principle, but as payment mon. It is supposed to sul, which it is believed was used took a clear stand towards the pol. Panl Rasmussen, Jerry Johnson pointed in Rosevelt address the drought swept over the agrimore noticeable every day.
for the purchase or ley of organised waste as embodied Archie Crabtree. Ralph Cox, Glen Those who know his role will cultural areas. That would be con The beginning of a mrtial vicseems to be really American in urine and ammu aition by the sun in that ingenious child of the brain Bullock, Tendricksou. Inroll once recognize the skillful on me of Adence in capitalist insanity.
tory for the fighting drivers were practice. The union constitution, Diego Silver Shirts.
trust the which was a majority of these men and women promising to promote the common workers who have achieved under trucking employers began to oper Kennedy and Jim Shipley. The playing for popular support by Confidence is returning tu the insight here when scores of small the Executive Board and the local Link Between Nazis and Silver tacked for its program of dis come from the batte scarred me weal and boasting the taps of milk the National Reuvery Administra ate vehicles after having consented leaders have the power to stamp guised subsidies to large banks. communities of Minols.
Shirts out this pestilence, but it does not, corporations, lonn and and honey that have been opened tion rights for which they have to abide by the Hans Dunnigan mortgage because it has become a racket it. further link was seen between companies, for its large scale de The first meeting of the newly during his administration fought this necessfully for gener mediation proposal which has been electei executive board met soom Roosevelt returned from Bell. It is probably impossible to the latter organization and the struction of food and crops.
hisation. The steel and the auto accepted by the union. comprehensive program of im after the convention and adopted a good will trip to Hawait aboard workers, deceivel, betrayed, a com exaggerate the corruption of the German National Socialists in the On the other hand, the higstenunion leaders and officials. They arailelism exis. ing between the mediate demands was accepted by program of action to put their contattleship to find the nation he had many union rammes down their most impose enormous sums of taxes and two organization and in the pro the delegates among which are cashention decisions into effect finme hoped to reduce to tranquillity throats with the help of Washing closely allied with the Citizens A1 ingurance lately. Six field organizers were stirred up to turmoil. Strikes ev. ton, have had a rebirth to conti liance and Instigators of the infaand coolly pocket the money as they the American movement of the work for all at union wages and suppointed to spread the message stywhere representation of members and build the organization in those Troops on the streets, Martin law their own strength. The thousands to deal with 574 which they claim territories where it hits not as yet declared in lumeapolis. NRA 1 of other workingmen, who have is led by Commituists. Yetthe when more than 160, 000 were col. Aping the German movement, the on all relief boards.
lected from painters inside of four elley organization has carried on For Abolition of capitalism penetrated. Mass demonstrations bitration authorities taking the been cheated ont of the rights they pinch of the strike which is eating months. Now the District Council. vehement com aign against all Ponting out the trents towards and strikes on relief projects were leadership of the strikebreukers, were about to win for the first away at their profes is making it reports that it is broke again, and Communists, Sowialists and Jews. Fascism and war, the resolution projected by the committee where Rosses openly defying the sham of time in a generation by the consent felt even among the rocketwhat is more, has made a loan of They have demanded the dismissal concluded with a call for the abolver it was meerary to bring to section in Jolson heading the niving arbitration set ups or the trants. Two of the time associated 25, 000 and is negotiating for an of the Jewish advisers of Pres ition of the capitalist system and hear the might of organization to red taiters. Business stagnating SRA, will no doubt find a way to with the 160 have broken its dis.
workers re win the commands of the Jobless. and unemployment on the inerense. show their returning contidence.
other lorn of the same amount. Audent Roosevelt, Morgenthau an the establishment of cipline, signing the Haas Dunnigan of this is expected to be pald out Baruch. In addidon they have car. public. In a true non partisan spir The Il inol Workers Alliance has Very Disereet Omissions Credit Where It Is Due pract. Twenty others are reported from the forthcoming work tax, rel on it campaign against parlia it all members of the were a great future. Alore power to it! All this passed over Roosevelt But Roosevelt is right. Cont to have wanted to follow their exwhich is to be 10 cents a day for mentary govern:nent, calling for like watter of a duck back. Adence is returning every working member.
an outright dictatorship.
The Zusner machine makes The Investigation further reDetroit Automobile Workers Revolt de person would surmise that carers who, in overwhelming doing so by the citizen Allance there were no newspapers in the bers, are comparing the black fuk Meanwhile martial law contin loans, then doubles and multiples vealed that lexi les having swastitrip made of today with the many years gone ues here. The freedom of the three Its debts without creating any im kas prominently displayed about by the president. That is the im by to the thir and sincere bank strike lenders imprisoned by the provement for the painters. The their homes, the Silver Shirts have pression he would like to convey. ers and financiers and business military and the return of the painters have informed the officials set up Storm Troop groups on the Roosevelt silence on these matters men, big and little, who now, for strike headquarters to the union in the past of their inability to pay German molel. It was for these Revolt is rising in accelerated upon it as their patriotic duty to is deliberate. It would be ind is the first time, til government co were a direct result of the call for dues and taxes. But the union con Storm Troul that the arms and tempo throughont the automobile accept the settlement, since it was creet for him to express hts open operating with them in new ata general protest strike of 574. The stitution, by laws and brother in ammunition was purchased with centers and in the newly formed the directement of President satisfaction with the crushing of tempts to put the golden rule into ever of indignation at thelr arrest Inws and outlaws have held him this check coming from the office Federal Unions in the United A1 Roosvelt that they should do so the Frisco him to exjxe his why shouldn confidence return strike spread like wildfire through general strike.
up. walked on him, sat upon him. of the Consul General.
would the temples of inance. And and the sentiment for a general tomobile Workers Union of the Am. it was accepted on the assurance be unwise for Aattened him out, squeezed and ter. The testimony before the commit erican Federation of Labor. Press of the resistent that was the hand by an outright endorsement to them. Profils have been re out the Minneapolis labor moverorized him until he does not know tee revolved about these disclos reports have it that 7, 000 workers westway out of a situation which of NRA strikebreaking. It would stored. Huge subaldies have poured ment. The conservative labor leadwell prove serious not be bad politics for him to condone into the coffers the plunderbunders of the Central Labor Union These laws compel him to pay per ular drill was carried on in strict ation in Detroit have broken with only to the automobile industry but the willful lassitude of Labor Board The tanks have been saved from went scureying Olson, plending capita tax, work tax, kickbacks and military style, in many cases hav the of and that hundreds to the country 18 whole, and administrators in permitting flag collapse. Credit should be given with him to free the Dunnes and when dead probably also an inhering army Otlicers leading the of men General Motors might retard the entire recovery rant violations of Section Ta. Nowhere credit is clue.
Brown and return the Sutorious Itance tax groups. Rifles and ammunition of Truck and the Fisher Body locals program. Is it any wonder that use pouring salt on open wounds, The New Deal, concludes Roose. Garage to 574 because of the imThe Brilliant Strike regulation army and navy in Pontiac have indicated their the gathering storms of indignation Roosevelt reckons.
velt, seeks to cement our society, pleasant situation which might This brilliant strike (Daily stock was being used by the group readiness to support the move. The at this treachery have finally But let there be no misunder rich and poor, manual and brain have been created for them it this Worker, August 6) is now in its collusion with olice and Soldiers new organization resulting from burst?
standing, the resident did say workers (read: parasites) into a was not done.
second week. Nothing has been ac Marine corporal who had been this split is called the Associated There is no doubt that the ac something positive. He reassured voluntary brotherhood of freemen. The role of these leaders has complished so far. The lenders are sent into the storm Troop Group Automobile Workers of Americation of the Detroit workers in the the capitalist class that he was. This rhetoric of a class col been most timld and cowardly tounwilling to embarrass the bosses by the intelligence service of the Danger of Craft Unionism Hudson plant is the expression of no monkey business. The govern laboationist uto in comes only a wards martial law and the raide with picketing and the rank and army to investigate the disappear. The recent conference held in De a forward movement of the rank ment intends no Injury to honest year and a half too late comes on union headquarters. Every move file has become completely demorarance of these ridles, revealed that troit on June 23 could do nothing and feeds such it is a step that business. In this molern world when the workers are learning that of theirs in recent days has been have already signed up with nearls others had been obtained for the of the Automobile workers in the mobile industry which will have ought not to consist of robbing been a liellot laves and masters strikbreaking acts. They attempt 200 independent bosses in a fake storm Troops by governmentals of motives of Green and Collins, immense repercussions throughout Peter to may Paul. In other words. ot vomit gus, bu:lets and bayonets. to explain the raid on 574 headhour day. In actuality their scale cist organization. The corporal of Automobile Workers and ion recognition is long overdue endure hunger and privation but which is not the enslaving hew Governor Olson is continuing his Hereement on se fuel to their servere dicials in sympathy with the fas, chairman of the National Councti etiketirer labor novement for the Bankers and basses! am your of exploiters and exploited. The quarters as an act to help the of freemen strikers. Just how is not stated.
working hoursThe collected in that of San Diego County as well as the tionarles resisted the formation of the raccumulate grievances and to separate you from any part of deal but socialism, remains to be double faced maneuvers. On the an international union and kept sufferings of the men on the con your bloated profits would be robe achieved.
one hand, forced by the pressure mediately, because the strike is a direct connections with the sliver the automobile workers in the unverore will on them sooner or of the truck drivers and the work source of income for the leaders Shirts ing men of Minneapolis, he festes The membership, on their part, do He also gave testimony to the efcertainty of Feileral Unions and later to challenge the power of the body in order refusing military the Automobile trust in a struggle that (Continueil on Page 4) fect that elaborate plans had been of That the suspicion of the will teach lessons in militaney to to all concerns not agreeing to the made by the Storm Troops to break workers in Detroit was not un the workers everywhere.
Federal Mediators plan and on the up the May Day demonstration founded is shown in an article in That the capitalist class recog The steamer Sengate has been chartered by the New York Local other he keeps locked up in the General Strike in hareke demonstrations materializing use which states that the rea of last spring. The failure of any the American Federationist for ulzes this eventuality is seen in an of the Communist langue of America and the International Workers militant pickets and picket captains editorial comment in the School for a monlight sall up the sente Hudson River to Bear Bonn who are the only ones who can realprobably prevented a serious clash son for not organizing the auto Herald Tribune. This revolt, it Knit Goods Trade from oceuring.
ly keep seab trucks from moving.
men into an independent union Issays, is capable of leading on to tain and back.
The aim and tactie of the silver because the unions are new; their radicalism, extremism, even the These men are held on no other There are three decks to the boat. Those who wish to rest after a charge than peaceful pleketing, the is made sufficiently clear. officers Three thousand more knit goods Their goal is fascist state inance require training and guld class struggle as the reported dis weeks toil and enjoy the cool breezes of the lentiful Indson will right for which is supposed to be from satisfaction of the Hudson workers workers walked out yesterday to which all labor organizations, po their Ananciat situation is not with the of Lis role in the have the upper deck. The same goex for those who And their pleasure guaranteed in the laws of the coun Join the twelve thousand who antial as well as trade union will strong enough. In such a Paelfie Strike may indicate. in conversation and discussion. The middle deck is equipped for dane try and protected by the friend of swered the strike call of their unbe wiped out. The only answer that program the danger of craft unionlabor Olson.
ions on Thursday. Of the eighteen can be given to these embryo fasism, Ineffective against the mighty Conservative Leadership ing. The music is furnished by the Rainbow Ramblers Jaxx Band. In Now that the damage has been thousand workers who ratified the cist organizations is an answer in General Motors and obsolete in the workers is premature or not cannot melude among others a noted violinist, Nr. Ellis and a singer from the already delivered to the strike, OlWhether the move of the Hudson addition we have arranged for a program of entertainment which will done and the blow of martial law strike proposal a couple of weeks kind. They must be physically mass production industries, looms very well be judged from here. Hippodrome Opera Co. Mr. Farber. On the lower deck of the boat you cessful efforts to retrieve his repu.
ago, fitteen thousand have respond wiped out today, while they are big.
ed while the remainder are expect still weak and insignificant. Secondly, although not mentioned greatest danger to this new union will find refreshments of the most delectable variety, prepared by skilled tation as a pro labor man in the ed out within the next few days. campaign for the extermination of The Knit Goods Workers Union the fascist movement is something in statements by Arthur Greer, however, it from the reactionary Cood workers, eyes of the strikers. This accounts and Locals 165 and 2085, under that the working class will have to leader of the insurgents, there is leadership that has seized control Tickets for this excursion are available at the City headquarters of whom he claimed set a deliberate for hb devanciation of the police whose folnt leadership the strike is undertake sooner or later. The with the sell out agreement engin Greer, is an outspoken conservative the League. 14 Second Ave. The price is 00. The boat will leave trap for the pickets on Bloody Instead of the former 37 hour casily will the task be accomeered by Roosevelt and agreed to and class collaborationist. He says Pier 11, East River foor of Wall Street at P.
Prudny. This statement was made schedule, recognition of the union, plished, and the more quickly comic rear, anthroughout the reports. meting with the management help us financially at the same time. Do not forget the date: Saturday, the empoyers applied for an inDo not miss this event. You will spend an enjoyable evening and at the Federal Court hearing where a guaranteed minimum wage, and pleted.
abolition of the speed up.
representatives of automobile we have up to this time shown August 18.
junction against martial law. The various factories ap them various grievances, thus far The walkout has caused complete How the workers feel about the workers bosses. It was disclosed by Olson at the hearing, wanted the troops paralysis of knit soods manufac NRA has been indicated by the rearing in the July issue of the presented which are not only bene.
reports foin to the employees but the MOONLIGHT EXCURSION to be placed under the New Jersey. The Metropolitan country. The bosses, however, reg. which are completely devold of any management as well. We are bulld control of Sherife Wall of Hennepin Knitted Goods Ass has shut down istered their pleasures in quite an aghting spirit. there are coming up a mutnal confidence that is County, The Sheriff certainly could all of their 200 plants in the Met other manner. hy the amount of plaints that the president agree desired. It is clear that he has Saturday, August 18th, 1934 not do a better job against the ropolitan area profit they sweat from their wagement not working out. They placed himself at the head of the drivers than Olson with his softBen Golden, representative of the slaves.
state although in the tone of sales. new union in order to crush its spoken phrases.
Labor Board here, and erstwhile While the Times editorially men making a monthly report to militancy and steer it into harmless Answering the call of the union ally of the employers, has called cautions the workers against strika corporation that they have not channels.
Dancing and testifying to the support it is As yet there have been no signs receiving from the laboring popeto a meeting at which he will at a decline in business activity, the who everywhere refuse evento of a Left wing. Without the inEntertainment Intion here. 10, 000 workers marged tempt to mediate the differences. Sreat steel mills which are constameet with the workers representa: surgent movement is bound to go Refreshments day night where they listened to on the knoll of the Parade on Monpat on the demand for a thirty five ity generally, announce huge divi Board of the NRA has done nothing extinction; with it the auto workaddresses by union leaders who exfor the auto workers.
hour week plained their attitude towards Govdende for its stock holders.
ers can place an entirely new comIn New Jersey, where the courts The Steel Corporation an. Patriotic Duty.
plexion on the labor movement. SEAGATE cruor Olson, martial law and the recently tried to illegalize picket nounced its highest profit in three This settlement, says William The question for the left wing.
propose settlement offered by Leaving Pier 11, East River, foot Wall St. at P.
ing. several strikers were arrested years. While last year their profits Collins in the same issue of the in this instance, is not dual union white distributing leaflets. Ten amounted to a measly 881, 554 Federationist, speaking of the be ism but how to remain with the Ticket 00 This settlement, which offers no wage increases and would discrimstrikers were arrested in New York for the quarter ending June 30th, trayal in March. was by no means masses of dissatisfied workers so Auspices: International Workers School, 144 Second Avenue, on the trumped up charge of dis their profits for the same quarter satisfactory to the unions. Never as to lead them on the road of milInate against ontstanding pickets, orderly conduct.
this year amounted to 21, 082, 000. theless union representatives looked itaney and struggle. Coritinued on Page 4)
permit Shirts by absolute tbe bosses.