CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartySovietStrikeWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST November 29th, 1919.
Page Six The Workers Struggle Calls You, Comrades!
We face distributed regularly. Books and pamphlets HE capitalist class of the United States Proclamation to the Party Mem and the party papers and magazines should is beginning to feel the upsurge of bership by the Central Exbe sold working class resolts against the continuance The work of the Shop Branch is to carry on a campaign of agitation to acof the present system of exploitation and ecutive Committee.
quaint the other workers in the shops with oppression. The first intimations that its the fundamental Communist principles and power is threatened have aroused it to acclass and its instruments of oppression.
for the organization of the industrial union, tion and it is striking out, blindly, brutally, the plan or work approved by the Central and to furnish the leadership in the the time to defend its position of privilege, its profits Executive Committee can be adapted to of action and its industry both the conditions of open propaganda and The work of creating Shop Branches is This is the meaning of the attacks, raids the reverse, if that becomes necessary. It fundamental. We must take action at once and arrests for deportation and imprisonhas already been successfully used in those to bring these organizations into exdstence.
ment which marked the celebration of the Second Anniversary of the Soviet Republic places where the action of the ruling class has made it necessary.
The details will be Leaflet Distribution.
and which stito continue. Fear has at last placed before every branch within the next Events are developing quickly in the prescome into the ends of the rulers of society, few weeks.
ent world of capitalism. New crises appear fear that they cas y no longer be able to ride The period of adjustment to new condi with startling rapidity. The Steel Strike, it easy lueurs ou the backs of the workers tions will be a difficult one. It will be hard the Miners Strike with its coercion by the ho toil and struggle and suiter under at once to adapt ourselves to the situation Government, followed each other in quick teir oppressiont. So they are striking out In order that we inay master our sthlessly. They hope to intimidate the.
sliccession. Another crisis in the threatened new problems as quickly as possible, we ask strike of the Railroad Workers is looming: workers. They hope by brutally attacking every party member that he co operate to Each of these situations presents the optitose who attend meetings, through arrests and deportations to hold back the rising and take up the task alloted to him in that precisely in these situations that the party the fullest extent with the party officials portunity for Communist agitation. It is tide of working class revolt.
earnest and serious spirit that will bring must intervene. It must be in a position The attacle of the past few weeks has success.
teen particularly leveled at the Communist to present the Communist interpretation of Party. Scores of Communist Party meet Communist Party Shop Branches events to the workers throughout the couning places were mided. Large numbers of try on a few days notice.
The shops are the centres of activity of the party members were arrested. Various To accomplish this the party administrathe Communist Party. The workers in the tion has issued a series of leaflets. While legal functionaries have declared the party shops are most easily reached with our mes these were successfully distributed, the old diat seriously testens the capitalist class sage and convinced of the soundness of our method of sending out circulars asking for 25 not always legal!
principles. Our program of action has its orders and then printing and shipping the This is a cebure to our organization. It basis in the shops. It is there that we can leaflets makes the party action drag. It dicates that even this early in the history lay the foundation upon which we can erect causes delay and the crisis may pass before of our party tire capitalist class senses the the structure of a powerful organization.
our message is in the hands of the workers.
grict that this is the enemy which threatens.
The workers in the shops come together The Central Executive Comunittee con1 is added proof that our principles and daily. They are in constant contact and siders the distribution of leaflets the most communication witli each other. It is in the rogram are those which will bring victory effective form of agitation. It urges that the workmg class.
shops. therefore, that they can be most those branches which thus far have not Although uganization is less than easily bound together for united action. participated in this work immediately orgaei tee montite sad the work of fully The shops do not only unite the workers nize themselves for this form of propaganda.
mobilizing its strecth is not yet over, it physically, but it is there that their interests Our present organization is capable oi is not gone down ander this attack. Every are one and there they will most readily distributing several million copies of eaci Poltere the contades have rallied to their act together leaflet issued when properly organized for ganization determined to continue the The party program is definite in the state this work. We must mobilize our full pow.
Siruggle at rates cost. Not only have ment that the great industrial struggles er of action in this respect. not been beter by the ruthless camare the most important factors in the party To avoid the delay and the drag ou our ign against set the membership is campaigns. The party has also declared its action which results from the old method slowing by eactions that its answer is purpose to propagandize for the establishthe Central Executive Committee urges that water effort ind sacrifice in the work of ment oi the One Big Union in industry. To each party branch place a standing order ropaganda anggaanization to build a pow. carry on this work it must be deeply rooted for the quantity of leaflets it can distribute, e la Communist Party in the shors. It must have the means for just as orders are placed for. bundles of The Central Executive Committee of the continuous and aggressive propaganda papers and other periodicals. This pian lity gave Catefut consider to the there.
will enable the National Organization to esting situation at its recent meeting. The Because of these considerations the Cen print the number of leaflets oi each issue commendations on the membership which tral Executive Committee urges immediate which the whole organization can handle follow are the result of its deliberation, action by all party units to establish Com and to ship them out as soon as they are efforts to contribute to the successful munist Party Shop Branches. The present ready, thus avoiding the delay which miiiTrisilding of the party under the new conmembers oi the party branches should be tates against the effectiveness oi our protions which Eace the organization.
come the nucleus for the organization of paganda. Leaflets will be issued at intervals shop branches. The place of employment of about two weeks.
Strer. given the Organization of each member should be ascertained.
The leaflets issued thus far speak for Tae first task before us is to so strengthen Where several members are employed in the theniselves. They are evidence that the ar organization that it will able to same shop they should be constituted a party administration can be depended upon function in spite all the repressive meacommittee to build up a Shop Branch. If to furnish leaflets that meet the tesc oi Shes that may be used against us.
We sufficient members are employed in one principle, simplicity of language, and yet are vill maintain our position in the open and place they should immediately constitute militant calls to action.
carry on our work ubere all may see as themseives a Shop Branch.
Blanks for standing orders for ieailets long as that possible We will not give Tlie advantage of Shop Branches is readily have been furnished by mail. Make this our og Broly advocate our apparent. The members of such branches question a standing order oi business at slaughter she ruling are in daily contact with each other. They your next meeting and help to mobilize our Cs. Ter. Trepare for the can discuss the problems of organization, entire organization strength for this work wher that walbe 1o Wiger be possible. pay dues, raise funds, make plans for agita of propaganda. the present regressise measures are contion work and register their decisions on irited there is nothing left for us but to party problems without exposing themselves The Party Growth atitist ourselves to the new conditions. We to any danger. The Shop Branch is prooi The party progress during the two modis will not give up the right; there is no power against the ruling class measures of suppres that the National Organization has been sich the ruling stas: possesses that can sion.
in existence has been in deed gratifying. 216 manently suppress our movement; we Each Shop Pranch should be a centre of membership iigures of approximately 50, 000 will merely adop new methods of organi. agitation. Leaflets dealing with the strug shown by the convention credentials are tin and propaganda which will place our gle of the workers, which are being issued being realized in dues payments. In additica cization beyoni the reach of the ruling by the National Organization, should be la (Continued on Page Pinc: