BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyReform PartySocialismSocialist PartyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

August 30, 1919.
THE COMMUNIST Page Three The Labor Party is Born ON WITH THE WAR. The agitation that has been carried on in a number of states by certain officials of the Labor Party could force them to supporters to its standard, but no intelcreek near Podunk, the representatives will be able to rally a large number of of the American Federation of Labor cul support their bill to compel bakers to minated on Aug. 18th in a conference of put smaller holes in the doughnuts. If be deceived thereby.
ligent member of the working class will executive committeemen representing the the Democratic party wanted to send It may have an nine states now having organized Labor some hungry politician, who had failed is incapable of independent political acappeal to the middle class, but that class Parties, held in the city of Chicago. At study the decoration on public buildings revolutionary workers alienates the supof election, on a roving trip to Europe to tion, so the moment the criticism of the this meeting the committee decided to hold the first convention in Chicago some proposition until the democrats consentthe Labor Party outfit could hold up the port of the unconscious organized work.
time in November, for the purpose of determining the policy of the party.
ed to support a bill prohibiting the pre the Labor Party will cease to exist.
ers who have pledged their support to it, The leaders of the party in Illinois are datory rich from purchasing diamond collars for their poodle dogs. Thus it can party of revolutionary socialism, the par.
Meanwhile the Communist Party, the men who were formerly affiliated with the old reformist socialist party. No doubt balance of power be readilly seen that the policy of the ty of the Third Internationale, will resome members of the so called socialist tory for labor. The Labor candidates organization against every other political ould be a great vic lentlessly carry on its propaganda and organization will accuse them of be could them be re elected upon their re party of capitalism, whether alleged latraying the party, but a perusal of the statements issued by prominent laborites cords and get some mode balance of bor or avowedly capitalist, and expose power.
convinces us that they stand just where them alike as tools of reaction and serWhile this would not in any way asthey did while in the socialist party, as vants of capitalism.
sist in securing the emancipation of the it never was anything but a laborite and We welcome the fakirs of the Labor working class, at least it would be great Party and will meet them in the fray.
petty reform organization. Now that for the labor skates and relieve them of Although they may try to stem the tide such men as Duncan McDonald and John the necessity of exerting themselves exH. Walker, both prominent in the United of world revolt and perpetuate this syscept a few weeks before election.
Mine Workers of America and co worktem, the revolutionary workers of the We shall await their platform and con world, over the dead body of an labor ers with Adolph Germer, present secret. stitution and then apply the searchlight parties, will plant the flaming flag of the ary of the socialist party, have thrown of Communist criticism to their combined Communist Internationale upon the rimtheir support to the labor party they will idiosyncrasies. No doubt the Labor Party parts of capitalism.
undoubtedly be able to line up all the former trade union fakers who supported the old party. That will leave the socialist party nothing but its appeal to middle class elements, as the new labor party will be a much more efficient instrument In these days of trouble and strife in forces in America is brought into beingfor the purpose of deluding the workers the labor movement, when controversy a line up, let us hope, that will be fit and into believing the road to emancipation is and counter controversy fills the columns ready to assist the workers to accomplish paved with labor laws. It is quite probof the socialist papers and demands al their historic mission in society, let us able that the politicians now prominent most the entire time of our deliberative sound an alarm lest amid the glamor of in the defunct socialist party will also assemblies, let us not forget the duty party and sectarian strife we forget line up with the laborites.
we owe the unenlightened of our class. some vital principles. The socialist owes Matters of policy and tactics must be a duty to the unenlightened member of The program of this aggregation does and will be thrashed out, to the end that the working class the fulfillment of not as yet include participation in presi.
dential elections, but rather to endeavor the sheep may be divided from the which takes precedence over any other goats. and that labor march to eman activity.
to secure the balance of power in the cipation shall be impeded neither by congress that will be chosen in 1920. To Let us preach the class war with infalse friends in the labor movement nor creasing vigor!
strive for the balance of power is quite in keeping with the petty bourgeois psyby the failure to reckon and remove obLet us never forget that our message is stacles on the outside. And it is well chology of these fakirs. Briefly stated to the discontented proletarians of the balance of power means a sufficient that, in particular, American socialism whatever color or language, creed or sex number of labor representatives in the should undergo a thorough housecleanIn case they should not be discontent.
houses of congress to defeat legislation ing. The historic land of enterprise, iniproposed by either of the two parties untiative and mechanical cunning and in ed (miracles in this day and age) it is less they accede to the demands of labor; genuity, it was to be expected that Amerour duty in our own interests and theirs then the party that agrees to support the ica contribution to the family of social. to create a healthy discontent by the reist and labor movements should be both cital of the mere facts of these decadent demands of the Labor Party will receive the support of the Labor Party when it many in number and bizarre in character. days of capitalism.
And so the expedients with which the Let us bend to the task of reaching an has some piece of legislation to put over.
Ameriean worker would either palliate. ever greater circle of workers with the sublime program and one that should the evils of capitalism or overthrow it are revolutionary message.
appeal strongly to the slaves. known around the world.
From the soap bax in personal talks, noteworthy feature of the convenIt would be a waste of time at this and by the printed word let the work tion was the fraternal delegate from the late day to enlarge on the condition gain impetus. committee of forty eight, which is a which gave birth to the Greenback To accomplish our ends the revolutioncombination of sentimentalists and freaks movement, the Populist craze, or the ary party must have a greater grip onwho met two days before for the purgreater support from the pose of discussing the advisability of Bryan frenzy of a Jeneration ago, when and a American working class than it ever has launching a new national party which they discovered that labor was being had in the past. So the party must be would be opposed to both profiteers and Crucified upon a Cross of Gold!
That imported monstrosity which made worthy of the support of the work.
bolshevists. Probably the forty eighters crs, the misleaders must be discredited, will be able to reach an amicable under thrived so well west of the Atlantic ocean the pitfalls of reform mongering must be standing with the labor party, so their the American Federation of Labor pport can also be relied upon. With the together with the Gompers tradition avoided, so that when the decisive hour strikes and the White Terror raises its which accompanies it needs only passlabor skates afiliated with the numerous state federations of labor, the remnants ing mention. The American Federation hand in the land the mass of the work, ers will see in the revolutionary battalions of the old socialist party and the commit of Labor, with its allies in the now diswill instinctively tee of forty eight the support of the pro. credited Socialist Party of America. bone of its bone and flesh of its flesh, it support bo hibitionists should also be secured and have faithfully done their share to conthe contest for balance of power begun. fuse and betray the working class of guided by the new power which is even now forming, to the end that America to their enemics.
movement may merAfter the election they could control the But a new cpoch greets us, a breaking the American sure itself up to the full standard of balance of power and if the Republican up the old and alignment of the new. Continued on Pero. party wanted an appropriation of ten And just before the now line up of million dollars to build a dam over a and