BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyMarxSocialismSocialist PartySyndicalismWorking Class

August 23, 1919 Pare Tan THE COMMUNIST ist system. This spreading of knowledge aims to destroy that power first and then must be the first consideration of the 60 begin the building process.
cialist, as the class struggle must be a Karl, Marx, at the close of his book, conscious struggle and the majority of The Poverty of Philosophy, states the the workers must be convinced of the socialist attitude on the outcome of the correetness of our position. With the politieal state in the following words: understanding of the class character of An oppressed class is the vital condition the capitalist state comes the knowledge of every society based upon the antagonism of classes. The emancipation of the oppressed that the class struggle is and always has class therefore implies the creation of a new society. In order for the oppressed class to be been a political struggle and the necesemancipated it is necessary that the productive sity for the working class to organize it powers already acquired and the existing social relations should no longer be able to exist side self into a political party for the conquest by side. Of all the instruments of production of power, the greatest productive power is the revolutionRry class itself.
The syndicalist and the socialist have The organization of the revolutionary elements as a class presupposes the this in common: That they both strive existence of all the productive forces which can for the reduction of the state to zero be engendered within the bosom of the old society.
and the building of a new society with The essential condition of the emancipation in the shell of the old. The fundament of the working class is the abolition of all classs, as the condition of the emancipation of the third al difference between the two is that the estate of the bourgeois order was the abolition syndicalist naively strives to build the of all estates of all orders. The working class will substitute in the new society while the capitalist class con course of its development for the old order of trols the coercive power, and the socialist civil society an association which will exclude classes and their antagonism, and there will no longer be political power, properly speaking, since political power is simply the official form of the antagonism in civil society. In the meantime the antagonism between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie is a struggle between class and class, a struggle which, carried to its highest expression, is a complete revolution. Would it, moreover, be a matter of astonishment if a society, based upon the antagon ism of classes, should lead ultimately to a brutal conflict, to a hand to hand struggle in its final denoument. Do not say that the social movement excludes the political movement. There has never been a political movement which was not at the same time social. It is only in an order of things in which there will be no longer classes or class antag.
onism that social evolution will cease to be po litical revolutions.
The revolutionary socialist movement, the movement based upon the principles of the Third International is a Marxian movement, and as the vanguard, the most advanced section of the proletariat will sweep on to final victory and the destruction of the last class society the world will ever see.
THE FAMOUS 25 per SPECIAL PROPAGANDA EDITION four page paper containing only propaganda articles and editorials appearing in the regular edition of The Communist will be furnished to Locals for free distribution at the following prices: In lots of 5, 000 or more 00 per 1, 000 In lots of 1, 000 25 per 1, 000 in lots of 500 500 The above prices do not include express charges.
Quantities less than 500 will be furnished at the rate of 75 cents per 100, postage prepaid.
Send orders to LITERATURE DEPARTMENT, COMMUNIST PARTY, 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Hl.
NOTE The second issue of this propaganda paper will contain the matter which appears on pages I, and 12 of this issue of The Communist, and is ready for skipment immediately upon receipt of your order. In sending your order, please state if you desire the same quantity each week, or if the order is for one issue only.
Quiet, my children, and do not squeal At the ranting and raving of James Neal For he and Germer of mighty nameAre saving the party from traitors and shame.
Kraft, the old war horse, just loves to expel All insurgent states; they belong down in hell.
Then we have Goebel, that patriot real, Who is proud to have worked for the New Appeal.
And then comes the statesman, a fellow called Shippy; Why, isn he funny; he thinks himself witty.
Dan Hogan and Holt both come from the South; They don know a thing, but, MY, what a mouth!
You ve all heard of Stedman now please do not smile They say he a lawyer and believes in fåir trial.
From the East comes a man whom you all should proclaim As the greatest. He Hillquit, of five cent milk fame.
And last, but not least, comes Berger, who bellows Hurrah for the Party, it saved for the Yellows.
SOCIALISM DEBATED Dennis Batt vs. Nimmo. sixty four page pamphlet containing a debate which appeared in the Detroit Saturday Night, Feb. 15 to May 3, 1919. All phases of socialism are discussed. We have only a few hundred of these on hand. While they last the prices are: Single copy, 10 cents In lots of ten or more, per copy, cents Send orders to LITERATURE DEPARTMENT, COMMUNIST PARTY, 1219 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Ill.
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING OF LOCAL UNION COUNTY, COMMUNIST PARTY On Thursday, August the 21st, at p. there will be a general membership meeting of Local Union County, Communist Party, at Latven Hall, 69 South Park street, Elizabeth, This meeting has been called by the ways and Means Committee of the Local, for the purpose of electing and instructing a delegate to the National Convention of the Communist Party (September Other important matters concerning the welfare of the Local will be brought up for action.
The members of the affiliated branches should make it their business to attend this meeting. The members living in Plainfield should make arrangements to attend in a body.
Fraternally. BISTRAJIENE, County Secretary, GABRIEL, State Secretary 1 Subscribe Now!
OFFICIAL In this issue we are publishing the joint call issued by the National Organization Committee and the National Left Wing Council for the formation of the Communist Party. We are aware that many readers have hesitated about sending in their subscriptions to the Communist, due to the uncertainty which has existed. Now that the differences existing between the two groups have been adjusted, there need be no hesitation.
The Communist will be the official paper of the new organization, and if you wish to help establish the new party, send in your subscription NOWY.
The South Slavic Socialist Federation, through its Executive Committee, has decided to send a fraternal delegate to the Commenist Convention, to be held in Chicago on Monday, September By this action the Federation severs all connection with the Socialist Party and urges all South Slavie branches to send delegates to the above convention.
GEORGE SELAKOVICE, Translator Secretary.
SUBSCRIPTION BLANK THE COMMUNIST, 1221 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
Application for Membership COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA I, the undersigned, recognizing the necessity for the organization of a Communist Party in conformity with the call issued for a convention to be held in the city of Chicago, Monday, September 1st, 1919, cereby make application for membership in said party.
Enclosed find Nasze for which please send THE COMMUNIST to the address given below for. months.
Subscription: 00 per year; six months, 00.
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Previous affiliation. Give name of organization and period of membership)
Admitted. 1919, Local er Branch.
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